#jn trio
mairyplace · 2 years
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journeys trio>>>
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musashi · 1 year
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“I got the key!”
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vaugarde · 2 years
i hope meowth makes friends with the main gang’s sprigatito in the gen 9 anime like he did with litten in gen 7
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junmail · 1 year
c my love! 15 and 16 for svt
noa my love !!
15. What’s a concept you would like to see them try?
i would to see them do something like shinee’s married to the music 😍
16. A subunit you would like?
jeonghan, junhui + seokmin but that might be very biased lmao or junhui + seungkwan <3
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Well when it comes to the fusion. You need a few details:
How did Kieran fuse with the trio?
We need some background info as to what happened.
How is the fusion designed? (Reskinning, sticking random parts, a hybrid or looks-to-be-a-fusion-but-could-be-its-own-character?)
Is this form curated so its less monster-ish or a series of random mutations that it looks hideous?
What are its power sets and power combos?
How strong is it?
Does it retain Kieran's memories or is it a savage beast?
He used machinery found in area zero alongside Terapagos’ energy.
the Au “begins” after Kieran’s champion fight with Florian/juliana
think of those body horror chimeras (mishmash of body parts like the bear from annihilation , Nina tucker fusion from fullmetal alchemist, or Kevin’s fusion form from ben10.)
absolutely not
it gains pecharunt’s toxic chain, ogerpon’s ability Embody Aspect and part of it’s type, and terapagos’s ability to terastalize (but it’s only activated when the Pokémon is jn control of it’s mind)
At full power, he could possibly be close with mewtwo in terms of sheer power. But in base, he’s possibly more close to say, the legendary birds or beasts.
at first he seems like a savage beast due to all four of them (ogerpon and pecharunt, especially) sharing the same body and thus are unable to gain full control. After a battle against Florian/juliana and carmine (and some well needed therapy), they all decide that Kieran should get (mostly) full control of the body.
also his battle theme would be a distorted amalgamation of all four of their respective themes but barely visible audio of the cries of pecha, oger, and tera barely visible in the background and a womanly wail representing Kieran.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
In wild packs seb being the one of the few who can unite the packs for various reasons one being all the alpha like love and respect him. He's sometimes referred to as the wanderer.
At various points he's dated Lewis, jenson, toto mark and kimi. He was heartbroken but overall happy that jenson and nico got together. He likes Lewis but realizes that a part of Lewis sees (maybe max toto or George) as his mate. He ends up pregnant and both mark and kimi become so protective of him so they become a trio
Oh plss Seb just wandering from pack to pack, snuggling snd fucking where he lands. He dates jenson for a while, stays with the pack a while after but he can't stay when Jenson and Nico start dating. Not becayse he can't see them together, just because he doesn't understand his place anymore.
Then he is with lewis f9r a bit after but notices how in denial lewis is of his true feelings. He leaves again, eventually wandering between kimi's and Mark's pack for a bit snd when Seb ends up pregnant, they don't know which alpha is the dad and jn the end the packs just merge lol.
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ballonleaparadise · 2 years
The Problem with the Presentation of Female Characters in Pokemon (as of 2022).
After Chloe's latest JN episode, I've been thinking about the presentation of 'pokegirls'. Don't get me wrong, I generally love the pokemon games and anime. I don't want this to come across like a rant about the franchise. The pokemon anime and games have given us some amazing female characters including Cynthia, Iris and Bea. However, I feel like the presentation of 'pokegirls' has been problematic in recent years.
Chloe's Character
The aspect which makes Pokemon Journeys different to other series is the dual lead of Ash and Goh. Goh is the perfect counterpart to Ash, being intelligent and highly knowledgeable about pokemon. Chloe is another major character in Journeys, who plays the third fiddle for Ash and Goh.
Chloe has had some good development throughout Journeys. She has gone from someone who has little interest in pokemon, to someone who cares a lot for her partner, Eevee. Despite this, she has little significance to the main plot of the anime. Thus, I can't help questioning what her role is as a major character.
Chloe's arc has not been what I expected. She has her own separate story- which is fair enough, but it feels meaningless. There's long periods of episodes where Chloe does not appear. On top of this, her eevee arc ends in the same way that it started- with Chloe deciding how Eevee will evolve. Although Chloe is a likeable character, I think she had so much more potential in terms of development.
Until Journeys, pokemon has usually had a female travelling companion for Ash- for gender balance. Chloe does join Ash and Goh on various adventures. These include Serena's episode and the Diamond and Pearl special. Despite this, she never officially joins Ash and Goh on their travels. She usually attends school, while Ash and Goh are carrying out research tasks. The episodic structure of the anime exasperates this, with each episode having it's own self-contained story.
Of course, a female travelling companion for Ash is not mandatory. However, Chloe's lack of involvement as a major character does not make sense. Also, the dual lead of Ash and Goh, with Chloe doing very little advertises Journeys as a boy's only show. I mean this more in terms of kids who watch the anime. As an adult fan, I'm just here for the nostalgia. If I was a young girl who liked pokemon though, I think I would feel dissapointed. Being a global franchise, Pokemon needs to have a broad appeal.
If Chloe formed a trio lead with Ash and Goh, or at least had some more involvement, I think she would feel like less of a tag on. Alternatively, the old formula of Ash being a single protagonist was much more effective in that it enabled his companions (i.e Brock and Misty) to have equal screentime.
Marnie in Swsh
The Pokemon Sword and Shield games caused a lot of controversy. I enjoyed the games personally, and have been a Leon fan ever since ✨️ One issue that did stand out to me was Marnie's hollow characterisation. Marnie is a strange rival. Nearly everything about her is perfect- her design, her attitude and her pokemon. Despite this, her character has little development in comparison to Hop and Bede.
I did theorise a while ago why this might be: Marnie does not have the inferiority complex that Hop has or a sad past like Bede. She has the whole of Spikemouth on her side throughout the game. Because of this, her character arguably does not need to develop. My question is, why did the writers make her like that? If there was more to her character, like a secret weakness, Marnie could have had as much screentime as Hop and Bede.
Pokemon Contests
Finally, I wanted to touch on Pokemon contests. Several major female characters have ended up with the same storyline of competing in Pokemon contests. To emphasise, this does not include all of of Ash's female counterparts. However, if you count May, Dawn, Serena and maybe Chloe, there's a pattern.
I understand that contests are popular in the pokemon world. Are there no other opportunities for girls though? For example, we've seen Misty as a Gym Leader, Iris becoming a Champion, and Lillie going through her own unique arc. There's clearly so many more options than being a pokemon coordinator. It makes little sense why the anime keeps recycling the same storylines. It almost spreads the message that all girls have the same interests, which a kid's show should really avoid.
To conclude, I feel like the presentation of female characters has been a problem for Pokemon in recent years. As much as I love the franchise, I hope to see an improvement on this issue in upcoming games and anipoke series.
((End notes: One point I was going to mention that I cut out was Sonia's bad driving in the anime. There is a common comedy trope of women being bad drivers. The reason I didn't include this was 1. Because Sonia's driving is used as a character quirk regardless of her gender, and I like that; and 2. Because this trope originates in Western and British tv culture, and I don't know whether it is a trope in Japanese tv culture as well. Thank you for reading!))
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sparklinpixiedust · 10 months
Episodes 1&2
1. Dickie.
Although making it the brother/manager who Ben subtly treats like shizz seems a little bit obvious , it's possible he was atleast involved in the murder in some way, even if he didn't directly kill him. Plus as his manager he could've had access to those hankies.
2. Clifford and Mom
See I'm a little confused her because on one hand it was Clifford's first time being a producer so they wanted the show to go well so they wouldn't have done anything.
Buuut the mother also says it'll make great headlines if the star of their show came back from the dead. Could they have planned to kill ben just enough to make sure he comes back to life so it'll bring enough media to the show?
3. The camera guy? Idk. He wasn't really un the first 2 episodes but he was jn the trailer. I don't think he had anything to do with the murder, probably just here to help Mabel figure out her life.
4. Howard.
So I've seen the reasons, winnie, the note in s1 and all that. It's possible it could be him, but idk I feel like I need more of a reaosn to believe he'd mess up a play.
5. Jonathan
So Ben was kinda mean to him , with the whole " I'll make sure you never step foot on the stage " thing so in a typical murder mystery , it's less likely to be Jonathan since it would be a little obvious. There's some beef there though , wonder what that was about.
6. So as far as i believe, I don't think it was any of the actors who mightve done it. Lorreta , Kim(?), Ty etc. Because if Ben dies, the show could get canceled, which ruins their chance to perform and hopefully get more jobs and fame later on. Would they risk that? Likely no.
7. The stage manager.
She has that " I don't take shizz from no one vibe" . Likely not her but she definitely knows something useful that she had initially thought was nothing but the trio eventually use it as evidence.
8. It's possible we haven't been introduced to the killer yet.
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(I’m getting better at copics! Treating them like brushes a bit more than markers helps!) Me before BW!: Haha, I’m so lucky to be a TRio fan (even if most TR fans bash Jessie), I never have to worry about my favourites leaving the show before it ends, they’re staples like Ash and Pikachu! Imagine being a fan of a single saga character… sure, I loved and will miss Harley, Paul, and Dawn, but I can keep watching for TR like I always do! Me during BW!: perhaps as punishment, I get attached to the morally grey rival character who’s only in 17 episodes, with two of my favourite creepy Ghost types that feed off life force/spiritual energy, a royal theme, a superiority complex to mask hidden insecurities (when defeated by Alder, he blames the loss on some mistake he’s made or some deficiency/lacking in himself, rather than a difference in experience…), and whose entire reason for his journey is proving his strength to his beloved childhood hero, who disappoints him by forgetting their promise (for all the fuss Trip makes about being called a kid and how he tries to prove how grown-up he is, he sincerely believed that Alder was defending his title and waiting for Trip to defeat him—it was encouragement he likely gave many trainers, but Trip believed it), who was disappointed by Alder forgetting his name and having flaws like an ordinary person and not the idealized figure in his head…
He was such a sweet and expressive but very shy little kid (even when he stopped rejecting Ash’s friendship, after receiving the answers he wanted from Alder, he was hesitant to take his hand…), now he’s withdrawn, cold, not a genuine smile in sight (usually such a dramatic change in personality indicates trauma hi, Lillie, whose mother failed to question her daughter’s fear of touching Pokemon and was called out by her son—even repressed traumatic memories affect daily life), but he could just be trying his best to fit the image of what an adult is like and his constantly shutting everyone else out has him a bit socially stunted. Still very, very timid.
He also grew cynical just three years later (“a little too grown-up” as Iwane put it), with an ends-justifies-the-means approach to conflict (a morally grey Pokemon character who is NOT a villain, also, a child character at that! He’s very unique that way and full of potential to go take either path, fortunately, Ash showed him it wasn’t naive to try and aim for a peaceful resolution… the path he was on, as Burgh said, would have led to “great losses on both sides.”) And then, most pokeani fans bashed BW! and even most BW! fans bashed Trip & Iris. :D;;; He was easily ignored among the more comedic, colourful, and bright rivals, being both too mean and too lowkey to be popular… and then, staff wrote him out too quickly in the preliminaries and later treated him as an old shame, giving him no voiced return, excluding him from promotional material (either substituting with Kenyan/Stephan or doubling up Kalos rivals instead of including any Unova ones…)
Never caught a break with my favourites outside of super popular Lillie (Koharu later gained a fair following, as did Iris in PM19/JN, and Liko is very promising!!!).
The original, longer, ramblier version of this post (the above is based on the shorter, for instagram version):
Me during BW!: TRio’s schemes are interesting, but they’re rarely given focus as individuals outside of villainy… I LOVE Iris, though, and Wishfulshipping! I can easily watch for the BW! trio and all these rivals!
Hey, wait, the smug rival character I and nearly everyone else initially wrote off as Paul Lite’s actually pretty interesting, he was such a sweet and expressive but very shy little kid, now he’s aloof and cold, not a smile in sight (usually such a dramatic change in personality indicates trauma hi, Lillie, whose mother failed to notice that and was called out by Gladion), cynical and pragmatic, he used violent force against Pokemon to save people (yet he’s NOT a villain, a morally grey rival character, and he’s such a versatile character, especially as he’s still a young rookie trainer, coming into his own!! He can go either way!!! I mostly loved villains, so this is really unique, even more so for Pokemon)… so much potential!
He’s still learning! Aside from his idol Alder and his studies before his journey, he even mimics Ash’s battling style once, he also learns strength in battles and violent force isn’t everything after the Venipede episode, he’s a photographer and takes pictures to record even bad memories to try and use negative feelings to push him forward…
It’s cute how he tries SO hard to convince people’s he’s an adult and hates being called a kid… Iris uses it to rope him into battling Ash twice and he still falls for it!! It’s so funny. But his idea of what being an adult is is very cruel and he thinks peaceful resolutions to conflict is naivete (between that and looking down on Ash’s rural background, I wonder how he was raised, will we find out? Spoilers: we won’t)
… oh, all that arrogance is a front, he thinks a loss has to be due to something inherently lacking in him or something he’s done wrong rather than a difference in skill… it’s a superiority complex! He acts like he’s better than everyone because he actually has low self-esteem! Even though he’s a child prodigy… he must’ve been under a lot of pressure.
Oh, his entire reason for fighting is to prove his strength to Alder. Alder is his goal. Even when he was disappointed by seeing Alder’s flaws and the change in his priorities and the fact that Alder can never remember his name or that cherished childhood promise (which Trip was too naive, ironically, to realize was something Alder likely tells lots of kids, he thought he was special and Alder was waiting for him to defeat him!), he still wants only to battle him, be acknowledged by him, and loves and admires him! (I once again think he must not have a very good relationship with his family, if he’s doing all of this because he wants Alder’s acknowledgment more than anyone else’s…)
He’s so much nicer after Alder reassured him and guided him to focus on returning his Pokemon’s loyalty and trust.
He isn’t abusive to them like Paul was with Chimchar, and they all love and are protective of him, despite how aloof he was… he’s starting to be friendlier. He isn’t insulting Ash anymore or rejecting his friendship and he’s even interacting with Serperior more!
Moreover, he’s a cocky little upperclass brat with a royal/noble theme, from his design (pageboy haircut, princely!) to his team (after Serperior, the Regal Pokemon), he also has two of the creepiest Ghost types (I LOVE Ghost types!!!) that feed off of life force / spiritual energy (typically human), how creepy and cool, what a unique character—
Oh. He’s only in like 17 episodes. Most fans hate Best Wishes! and never watched it, or never got to season 2 to see his battle against Alder or his motivations and hidden insecurity… he’s quickly written out, losing in the first round of the league… he’s overshadowed by all of the other more colourful, comedic, and loud rivals… even staff are treating him as an old shame at this point and replace him with either friendly rival Stephan from the same series as Ash’s main Unova rival or just double up on Kalos rivals and put Sawyer and Alain instead of including any Unova rivals…
(Oh, and most BW! fans bash[ed] Trip. And Iris. Just my luck! Lillie’s my only popular favourite, sob.)
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maracujapassion · 11 months
Je ne sais pas trop quel est le projet. Pourquoi j'écris aujourd'hui. Tellement de choses se sont produites dans la vie.
Agression, rechute mais j'ai de solides pros qui m'entourent, maladies, toujours présente pour les patients. La vie, ce tourbillon qui vient éprouver le calme apparent.
NG .. est toujours NG : tantôt calme la tête dans ses livres, tantôt un volcan d'émotions ambulant. J'essaye de lui donner des clés pour apprendre à s'apaiser surtout quand elle est frustrée. Ce n'est pas gagné et parfois je me demande ce que j'ai fait de travers. On se réajuste, on accueille les émotions, je lis beaucoup et je tente d'appliquer pour que ça aille. Arf. Pourtant, aussi éreintant que cela puisse être, j'aime la voir grandir et devenir une fille. J'aime quand elle me raconte ses histoires rocambolesques. J'aime quand elle reste dans sa bulle avec ses livres. J'aime quand elle nous fait un show dans la salon. J'aime quand elle arrive à laisser sa sœur faire de même sans l'interrompre. J'aime l'autonomie qu'elle acquiert mais j'apprécie quand elle a tout de même besoin de moi par moment. J'aime la voir élaborer des plans pour atteindre ce qu'elle souhaite et j'aime l'encourager quand selon elle, il n'y a pas d'espoir.
Bebe coccinelle devrait se rebaptiser en catcheuse pro : ce n'est pas du tout Ng. C'est normal, me direz-vous! Plutôt introvertie, il faut vraiment être proche d'elle pour espérer voir un demi sourire sur son visage. Elle est plutôt dans le style "action réaction". Grimpeuse pro, prise de risque à 400%, têtue, regarde dans le blanc des yeux pour faire ses expérimentations autrement bêtises ahahah ! Et puis sans comprendre vraiment, on a droit à de gros câlins et sa sœur aussi. C'est une boule d'amour qui s'impose. Elle est d'une patience impressionnante pour faire des choses qui peuvent être agaçante. Téméraire et déterminée mais aussi maligne. J'aime cette petite personne qui a su prendre sa place rapidement dans ce trio.
Les 2 forment un duo très comique. Entre chamaillerie et câlins, les mots doux, les blagues, les parties de cache cache. La construction d'une fusée avec 7382928392 km de scotch et des cartons. A quoi acheter des cadeaux si c'est pour qu'elles passent du temps dans des cartons ?
L'Homme ? L'Homme est toujours là après un gros passage à vide. C'était prévisible vu ce qu'on a vécu. Un passage aux enfers. Mais l'Homme reste l'Homme. On avance. On s'épaule. Dans les moments compliqués, on serre les dents ensemble même si ce n'est pas évident. Je le redécouvre et lui aussi. Il n'est pas parfait mais il est toujours celui qui me convient. On doit vieillir ensemble. C'est ça le plan.
Je poursuis ma thérapie avec une psy, une nutritionniste, mon médecin pour ma santé qui jn est pas au beau fixe.
Voilà. Un peu de moi dans un néant de post.
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helmarok · 2 years
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ok theres like a lot of shit in my canon but im just gonna go like a bit post journeys.
the trio since SM have wanted to live in alola and settle down there, but the reason they stayed in the organization was for stability (and many times in the jn time period including jn095, jessie fears losing said stability). at that point they are just about done- jessie and james who got married there discuss quitting and having a kid, though meowth the one with a brain tells them it's a bad idea when their only source of income would be a food truck which is pretty unreliable to live off of. the day they were told by giovanni to go to kanto again they were offered a huge promotion, so they all decided to continue on and save money for settling down.
journeys itself is full of a lot of stuff like meowth ends up adopting a son named scrimblo and growlie evolves to an arcanine. most of their time in kanto is spent doing nothing if not james and meowth fixing other rocket's things as part of their job (their promotion was to field engineers). after about 2 years living in a basement they quit after they find out jessies having a kid so....... giovanni lets them off easy cuz like thats his sister and he somehow manages to get their criminal records wiped. they pack up and move to alola afterwards. ash, misty, and brock also go as brock got a job in the melemele island pokemon center cuz the joy there retired and she settled down with the jenny lol. the three of them didnt even mean to come with but they of course ended up on the same flight as the trio cuz they are destined to bump into eachother no matter what
theres like a lot of stuff in between all that but they all go to the treehouse and have lunch. then james takes note of how small the interior is, and how there's no bedroom for when their kid gets old enough to have one. ash being mr helpful protagonist volunteers to build another room, and then james ms autism goes nuts and plans it out in like 10 minutes. ash goes and gets kukui and his family the next day and he's like "LOOK WHO'S HERE TO HELP" and james cries cuz her hero... wants to help... eventually they also get to work on a new cafe called "mama ki's malasada cafe" for a more reliable business that isn't screwed over by the weather
its all just found family building a house and having fun at the beach and having big dinners really... have some smaller listed hcs too
their daughter's name is jaime
later theyre in a polyam with harley, who surprised them by buying the property for the cafe
they have 2 more girls one with harley and another of james (jackie n jordan) and then adopted two others (marley and kalina) so you can imagine amount of house this can tree
the treehouse also becomes a pokemon center for wild pokemon. jessie earned her GED not long after journeys and later was given a professional license for being a pokemon nurse from brock after she worked as his assistant in her spare time. injured wild pokemon will often stop by the treehouse if not carried in by mama ki, and the trio but especially jessie will help nurse it back to health
brock gets married to a singer my oc my man LOUDREAD
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misty and ash are in a qpr and honestly just do whatever. they dont... actually have important jobs... misty gave the gym to daisy, ash is a pokemon master whatever that means so hes just chilling. they DO however work at mama ki's part time. you probably wouldnt expect the protagonist to work at their enemies' little cafe but they do... ash was banned from the food truck though cuz hes crashed 3 of brock's cars
meowth is very old, i mean he was already fairly old even in OS but now hes like. EXTRA old. its sorta sad, though hes still kickin. hes got a cane to keep on two feet and hes got glasses cuz he started to go blind. hes also starting to go deaf, and getting sick more often than not. this obviously raises concerns, but he dismisses them.
speaking of meowth he is gay married to pikachu theyre like old white men wearing hawaiian shirts and watching the sunset
i have many more hcs, if theres a specific thing anyone wants to know ill be glad to answer any asks 🥳
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mairyplace · 1 year
we were literally seconds away from greatness. they were in the same place. THE SETUP WAS THERE.
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musashi · 1 year
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vaugarde · 2 days
something i dont get is when people go “oh they misled us about ash going to paldea because team rocket went there in the shorts!!!” like idk that always rang to me as gen 9 promotion to tide people over while they were finishing up gen 8
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dojae-huh · 6 months
hi:)! i’m a new nctzen,i found out about nct maybe 3 months ago? so i don’t really know much about anything haha. Anyways,since i found this blog,i have to say my perspective of jaedo has changed; mostly bc i used to be a dotae/taedo enthusiast,but some of the things i saw recently have made me question that. So i wanted to ask if there’s any timeline that you might’ve done in the past that could make me see things a little better,or,if you don’t mind,could you tell me more about the confession period? I’m really intrigued by that. Also if it’s not too much,I wanted to ask about the johndo fall out,do we know when it happened? From the recent content it seems as if they’re closer than ever,and I also think part of that is bc when Ty inevitably goes to military service it’s going to be quite hard on dy🥺,so he’s going to be relying on jn A LOT I feel like. Anyways sorry for the super long ask,have a great day!
Hi, welcome to the fandom.
I suggest you form your own opinion about the boys by watching official content (YT shows on NCT channels and appearences on programmes like Weekly Idol) rather then listening to the fans on twitter. I've noticed that even me, who is a very stubborn person, get my perception of idols changed due to influence of others (the annoyance from the stans is transferred by association on their bias). I have to do "reality check" and correct my view of an idol from time to time, get rid of the accumulated slime of prejudice.
I do have a post with a timeline of sorts, however, I won't be able to find it now. I'm certain JaeDo got together in Spring of 2018, probably in May. I strongly suspect Jaehyun confessed during the last days of 2016 and was initially rejected. I think it because Doyoung was in denial about his orientation and was spooked. He took half a year or so to think about the ordeal, then another half a year to weight in all the options, and a few months to become certain about his final decision and find the right moment for his own confession.
Jaehyun once said he is the type to tell his feelings straight out, to confess. He probably chose the end of 2016 because: a) Doyoung became a fixed part of 127, the future together in one unit was guaranteed, b) Jaehyun turned 20 (Korean age), he became an adult, so could demand to be treated as a grown up, seriously, and not as a child (you will see fans talking about Jae being the original nest baby, the first maknae, he was Do's cute dongsaeng), c) some Doyoung's actions/words could have made Jae be positive Do is also into boys.
The confession period has its own tag. The list of tags is in the header.
I don't follow any Johnny or JohnDo accs, so I don't notice the changes as quickly as with JaeDo. It is mostly other fans who alert me about changes with other neos and I start paying close attention to see for myself if their suspicions are true. Doyoung had a fall out with both Ten and Johnny around NCT2020. We don't know the reason. I can't tell if it was a one big fight or things worsened over time. Johnny and Doyoung promoted in different teams, so didn't interact much. The tension became apparent during 2021 and 2022 lives and programmes. The way they interacted and reacted to each other changed, the comfortable easiness to their rapport dissapeared. Johnny succeded in making Doyoung forgive him by the end of 2022. Currently they are back to how they were in the past, they even do lives together.
Most neos fought at one point or another. Even TaeDo. Doyoung even consulted a manager what he should do about him not getting along with Tae, and got a reply "deal with it, you will work together anyway".
I don't think JohnDo has anything to do with Tae. Doyoung doesn't rely on Johnny emotionally the way you suggest. He is "the oldest brother" in the unit. JohnTaeDo never formed a close-knit trio of their own. It was always JohnTae/TaeDo/JohnDo. If anyone, I expect Do to rely on Haechan as support more in the upcoming years when he will be the leader of the unit.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
“megazardx2: You know how one of TRio’s selling points is the genuine bonds they form with the ‘mons they caught? JN had this GREAT idea of introducing a gacha machine for them to use instead, which they pulled random ‘mons out to use.“
...huh.  You mean like a gumball machine kinda deal?  That’s...really weird.  What an odd choice.
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