#juju talk
gojoest · 2 months
when you keep ignoring satoru’s attempts to confess to you (he’s your childhood friend), thinking it’s just another scheme of his to pull your leg and get on your nerves as he’s always done one way or another throughout the years, he goes and asks your parents if he can be your boyfriend
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bubblepopsims · 11 days
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~Bunny Bear Madalyn Marie ft. bunny boop
i couldn't pass up on not putting my bun in these accessories by @1-800-cuupid CC set💘Bunny Bop || VENUS💘
and fits perfectly with my naughty innocent Maddi
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cartoonsforlife · 5 months
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I wonder what kind of movie will they watch? ~ 😏🤭
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AAAAAAAHH Alastor my beloved!! 😭💖💕💕 He's surely deceive our dear princess of Hell again! looking forward to seeing more his scenes!!! 🤩
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This picture will surely serve me as a meme in the future: 🤣
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OH NO!! I'm not sure I'm ready to see this scene. I'm afraid of what's going to happen!
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Anyway, I have a feeling this show will be amazing!! Looking forward to January! 😍
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aniju-aura · 6 months
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You know how meerkats like to climb on things so they can be higher up and see things? That's basically what's going on here. Neid's so climbable! Sphinx bois found themselves a new sentry and best part is he has so many eyes for seeing all the things!
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I dont like holding other people's hands but im okay with holding on to peep's last two fingers. Neid has the perfect finger that is specifically meant for holding
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loveyourownsmiilee · 1 year
I literally cannot stop thinking about how there was a lack of bts while they were filming episodes 6.12-6.15 and the reasoning behind it. They almost always post Oliver on set. It was so quiet and we have no idea what’s happening in those episodes. Which is why that poker picture was such a shock to us all. They’re hiding something important in those episodes and something tells me it has to do with Buck and Eddie.
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black-jujuu · 16 days
My wig for the my cult of the lamb cosplay is coming in Sunday , I can’t wait lol
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hansolsticio · 4 days
oiie, solie diva!!! venho fazer a humilde pergunta de quem do svt você acha que é o mais namorável e quem seria o menos, tipo aquele cara que seu pai infarta se passar na porta da sala? 🎀 eu tenho como sonho de princesa namorar o wonwoo tipo o que custa ele mi namorar ! 😣☝🏻 ahhh e quem você escolheria como namorado dos sonhos (pergunta difícil i know hihihihi
juju gatinha do tumblr, você acabou de me lançar numa espiral de quinze minutos, porque não sei te responder quem é red flag no seventeen... (será que eles tem uma red flag?)
vamos a minha grande análise (eu amei sua pergunta):
→ mais namoráveis do svt (sim, no plural):
1. seungcheol: resposta previsível. Esse homem é pra casar e todo mundo sabe. Primeiramente que ele já tem aquela coisa do espírito de liderança (então é um homem com iniciativa e muito bem resolvido ‼️), perfeito pras girlies independentes que estão cansadas de resolver tudo o tempo todo (porque ele vai cuidar de você como ninguém, pode desligar seu cérebro que ele resolve tudooooo). Dia 1 do relacionamento e ele já estará te tratando como esposa sim (cof cof e ele é muito pai de menina coded cof cof). E encerro com duas palavras: provider mindset.
2. joshua: sejamos sinceras. Romântico pra caralho, comunicativo, compreensivo. Ele grita princess treatment em todos os detalhes (assim como o cheol). Vejo ele como alguém que escuta muito o que você tem pra falar, se dedica mesmo pra entender seus sentimentos e necessidades. Além de ter um papo muito bom e ser super carinhoso.
3. seokmin: este é um homem de família!!! Caio na porrada com qualquer um pra defender o fato de que ele faz qualquer coisa pra ver a mulher dele feliz (pelo amor de deus, é o seokmin). Ele é um amor, muito diligente, super devoto da mulher dele 🙌🏽. E, SEJAMOS SINCERAS DE NOVO, um dia que você não chorar de rir com esse homem é um dia terrível na vida dele.
- menções honrosas: minghao e wonwoo (mas eu considero o seventeen inteiro muito namorável).
→ menos namorável do svt:
nessa aqui você me pegou... e eu tenho uma "resposta", mas ainda não é uma resposta de fato:
- mingyu: o gyu é namorável? sim, pra caralho (ele inclusive merecia estar no top3 da lista anterior). Mas o gyu passa a vibe de ser namorável o tempo todo? é aí que fica o perigo. Como um dos fundadores da canalha line da indústria, o mingyu (quando observado à distância!!!!) tem energia de putão. Só conhecendo pra descobrir que esse homem é completamente inofensivo e não vai colocar um chifre gigantesco no meio da sua testa. Antes mesmo de namorar com ele parece muito que você está entrando numa grande roubada e é o que sua família pensa na primeira impressão que eles tem do gyu. Então, ele não é propriamente uma red flag, mas uma yellow flag (porque você automaticamente fica em estado de alerta quando vê pela primeira vez).
→ quem eu escolheria como namorado:
- resposta 1: vou desativar.
- resposta 2: eu sei que o seokmin é meu bias (desculpa amor, eu te amo ainda... perdoa vida 🥺), mas a filha mais velha dentro de mim (que, diga-se de passagem, não aguenta mais ter que ser independente e dar conta de tudo sozinha) quer muito um cheol pra cuidar dela ♡.
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conceptofjoy · 4 months
bc trickster mode is actual bullshit and i can say whatever i want because it holds no stake in anything whatsoever-
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id like to imagine it actually worked on dirk for a second but he psyched himself out of it like a bad trip. jujus have a whole thing about compelling someone to do something and its not like trickster mode DIDNT work on him, he had the shitty hangover just like everyone else. he just had a shitty trip lol
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dappio · 29 days
Yooo omg did I talk on here about the fact that the author of my first children's book i was working on out of college got arrested last month for having a sexual relationship with a 16 YEAR OLD student and he got cause cause the girl tried to commit suicide when he was fired from the school so he had to tell them and THEN i only found about it a month ltr cause his own wife emailed me telling me he was "going to be unavailable for while" and I am nosy so I googled his name to find his LinkedIn and imagine my shock at being met with multiple articles on his arrest
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hazelestelle · 24 days
Uhhh, I know a couple of answers to those salty questions, so how about this one, for one of your many fandoms:
Unpopular character you love? ☺️
Hahaha very true, you have the privilege of witnessing my saltiness firsthand ;)
Hmmm let's see. I actually don't pay much attention to fandom negativity/just block those people, so I generally don't really know which characters are unpopular...
I'm gonna say Tallis. She's from a Dragon Age DLC, and I had so much fun with it and think she's a great character, but apparently people disagree?
Also (if you're reading this, stop now @spacerhapsody :P) in the German Digimon group I started out in, Daisuke was universally hated, he's still one of my sister's least favourite characters ever, and I never got that and still don't get it.
So there you go, thanks for asking! <3
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
💈 barber!mickey & (not so) shaggy!ian💈
here's the 29th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: rock band by @themilkoviches
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly! [ read scene one in its entirety ON AO3 ]
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“Hair looks good,” Mickey says, attempting to act like a normal fucking person.
Ian pockets his phone, tugging his t-shirt down over the top of his jeans—vintage, some rock band Mickey also likes—and runs his hand through it.
Mickey’s fingers twitch with the sense memory of submerging shampoo suds in those same silky strands.
“Thanks,” Ian smiles. “Got it cut by this guy—he’s kind of a big deal around here. Maybe you’ve seen his write up in the paper?”
Mickey bites his lip. “Sounds like a douchebag. Bet he’s even got it hangin’ on the wall.”
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cartoonsforlife · 11 months
Help! I melt! 🥴 look at him, holy shit HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!! 🤩 I missed you my Beloved Lord!😭💝🎩
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The video is on Instagram and Twitter, check it out!
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loveyourownsmiilee · 1 year
This is your friendly reminder that we have officially entered the Buddie is going canon era and we will be thriving.
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
Is Jujutsu Kaisen feminism for 15yo boys?
The short answer is yes, so you can skip the rest of this ridiculously long post.
If you haven’t read the manga up until chapter 204 you’ll see spoilers here, also you probably won’t know what/who I’m talking about at times.
I have adhd, this is rambly af, this post is actually for me to organise my thoughts and not a hot take I want to convince others to buy into. but anyone is welcome to read if they have the patience.
They/them pronouns for Akutami because if the cursed cat isn’t explicitly assigning a gender to themself, hell if I will. 
They/them pronouns for Kenny. 
Now let’s watch this post age like dairy. I so hope it won’t, Gege please don’t disappoint me.
Let’s go. 
There are a few things that make me obsessed with juju. 
1. The fact that its plot and story structure are my wet dream - all these factions and individuals who are doing their own thing. All of these plots intertwining and coming together.
2. My sweet child Yuuji. *coughs* I mean, juju’s focus on characters. I’m very normal about Yuuji, I fucking swear. 
3. The art, it’s simply beautiful but I also have thoughts.
4. The bs power system, I live for that stuff.
5. It’s aggressively progressive. 
So lets focus on point 5.
Is juju as politically left as I am? Fuck no, not even close. There are things I wish it was braver on, like for instance the queerness. Fuck, braver on its leftism and feminism too. Is it very current and openly and aggressively progressive? Very much so.
If we look at the biggest antagonists of juju we get:
1. Toxic masculinity personified. A hyper-individualist. A 1000yo manosphere youtuber. A guy who thinks that strength should dictate hierarchy. A man who thinks he can hurt whomever he wants for his own pleasure and amusement because everyone is beneath him. A man who doesn’t care for anyone else but himself. A mass murderer and nihilist. 
2. A 1000yo person of unknown gender who presents most often as a man. An eugenicist. Someone entitled to women’s bodies and their reproductive rights. Someone who thinks their own children are only as valuable as they fulfil their ambitions. Someone who thinks they can hurt anyone because their goals are superior, because people are instrumental to them. And also a fucking classist piece of shit. (honestly idk why half of the fandom reacted surprised to the hyper capitalist moment in the recent chapters, as if in their first scene in the entire manga they didn’t say: this is a nuisance but at least it’s the poors that are being burnt to death before my eyes. - Gege didn’t need to add this line there, it’s not relevant to the conversation that is happening then but the line is there anyway.)
3. Two awfully sexist clans which have huge superiority complexes and are built on bloodlines and traditions and breeding for power. 
4. A bunch of mostly faceless old people who pull the strings from the shadows and do everything in the name of the status quo, constantly using tradition as an excuse. Who are afraid of the new, of the changes in society of new technologies. They won’t even accept them when they create powerful sorcerers. 
5. A male presenting personification of human hate and fear of one another. Who again, feels entitled to the bodies of others and doesn’t respect the bodily autonomy of others. Who’s a destructive and cruel nihilist. 
6. A young man who got radicalised into fascism because he was faced with the horrors of the status quo, of toxic tradition and backwater thinking and drew the wrong conclusions as to how to fix it.
On the other side we get kids and tired and/or silly millennials. And isn’t that just like real life, where the inaction and misdeeds of the previous generations blows up in the faces of today’s teens.
1. Teenagers. Teenagers who either don’t have family connections and come from lower classes. Or outcasts from their rich and powerful families. Children betrayed by traditions and the status quo. Children used or targeted by old people, ostracised, disrespected and violated. Children who have to suffer and die because the old people are only concentrating on maintaining the status quo. 
2. Gojou, this ex edgy teen who saw his bf (I won’t police how you read that) get redpilled and radicalised into fascism. It was all fun and games, stanning the joker and tyler durden until Getou decided to seriously go full on fasc with it and Gojou was like: man for real? I thought we were memeing here. So then Gojou turned into one of those “this is how I got off the far right pipeline” videos. Gojou is actually this rich privileged boy but he’s trying, he really is taking his best shot at progressivism. (sealed)
3. A feminist who’s calling out and fighting worthless old farts who feel entitled to women’s bodies. And who wants to change the world to make life better for everyone. 
4. A socially conscious man disillusioned with capitalism who takes a lot of responsibility for other people. (deceased)
5. A victim of eugenics who tries to be a good older brother to his brothers, also victims of eugenics. (the only one here who’s actually over 30)
6. Some other, less important, decent people in their twenties.
There are few people over 30 in juju that deserve any respect.
1. Headmaster Yaga, single dad. Does felting as a hobby. (deceased)
2. Yoshino Nagi, good single mum. (deceased)
3. Iori Utahime, a woman trying her best to do right by the teens despite having to work with Gojou.
4. Higuruma Hiromi, an idealist, mentally broken by the realities of the criminal justice system. Hobby: 5 min therapy sessions. 
Juju isn’t in any way shy about the fact that we should not respect elders when they fucking destroy everything. It’s established very early on that regressive traditionalists suck. That passive adults suck. That the status quo sux. That it should be the duty of adults to protect the children and not to make the world worse for everyone. That educating the youth and instilling different values in them is what can save us all, if we’re not beyond saving. That we need social change. We even get teen Noritoshi’s story, a cautionary tale about respectability, about trying to satisfy the requirements of the system to protect your own and how that is doomed to fail. And my leftist soul resonates with all that. 
So in this clear leftist propaganda there is also feminism.
And Gege does their best feminism when they aren’t trying, especially when they aren’t trying to verbalise it. My suspicion is that with this much internalised leftism Gege has internalised a lot of feminism but at a  conscious level the fact that Gege was most likely socialised male takes its toll. 
What I mean by that is that Nobara’s girlboss rant at Momo is weak. But I will give it a pass because Nobara is 16 and nothing about her screams discourse junkie so you know, it fits her character. Because even at it its least inspired the feminism in juju deserves a passing grade. Gege is trying.
There’s also the sad truth of shounen that women just aren’t meant to be prioritised in it, that it’s not the genre expectation. The fact that Maki gets so much focus and page time, that she has her own fucking arc, it’s already a lot for shounen. The fact that she’s built and now also permanently disfigured and the dudebros and weebs still worship the ground she walks on is a fucking achievement in itself. Proof that if you write a female character well you can take away her standard beauty and not tank her popularity. It’d be still much harder to make her not typically pretty from the start and achieve this but culture changes one step at a time. I wish we were there but we aren’t so I’m going to appreciate what I can get.
Maki is both verbalised and implicit feminism. Verbalised because she fucking slaughters a whole fucking clan of misogynists. It’s not subtle. Implicit because of her appearance and personality. She’s written like a male character but not meaning that she’s masculine or that she could be replaced in the narrative by a man. No, she has a narrative arc of her own, she’s written with agency and with no regard for making her personality be pleasing or oriented towards others. And her story is specifically a story of a woman in the world of jujutsu. 
Generally, in most cases, if you try to apply the feminist lens to a shounen manga you’ll just make yourself sad. You can do it for some shounen characters or plotlines and get something nice but you need to be very careful not to try to generalise that onto the whole work. My enjoyment of a lot of titles is dependant on my very conscious choice to rein in my feminism and leftism. 
With juju, though, with juju you’re safe. You can do it. You can go for it. It’s not going to be the most radical and mind-blowing experience ever but it’s possible.
Because the female characters aren’t where the most of the feminism is. They can’t be, it’s a shounen and they don’t get enough pagetime. The verbalised feminism is very clear in how the villains are framed, how much misogyny you can find among the evil characters. The implicit feminism, the better one, is very strong in the young male characters. 
Unlike in a lot of hyper violent media targeted at boys, in juju you never have these lines about what a man should be. Or what it means to be a man, especially a true man. What is most important is that nothing like that is ever said to a teenage boy. On the side we’re meant to root for we get a lot of different men and none of them are labelled as “true”. They are there for readers to identify with, to model behaviour after. And because no teen in the manga has his masculinity questioned then no reader will have to question his. Juju won’t contribute to such insecurity for anyone, an insecurity that can turn violent irl. 
Girls in juju are people.
What’s more, all the teen guys in juju have extremely normal relationships with the girls around them. They just interact with them without any exaggerated awkwardness or this “girls are strange, we can’t bond with them unless we want to date them”. Among the teens, the new generation, the hope for the future, there’s no separation built between men and women. Not through words and not through actions.  
The nonsexual, organic friendship, built on idiot to idiot communication, Yuuji and Nobara have, gives me life. And it happens despite Yuuji not understanding Nobara at first. Because it doesn’t matter that she’s different from him, they don’t dwell on it, they don’t try to make the differences into a big thing, into a rift. There’s no big arc of them working out their differences because these differences aren’t artificially blown up to underline some core differences between men and women. They can fail to understand each other totally but they can still be friends, they can still vibe with one another, care for one another. Femininity and masculinity don’t need to be some issues to deal with while forming a friendship between a guy and a girl. 
It’s fascinating how Yuuji fighting together with Megumi isn’t half as exciting and organic as when he fights together with Nobara. Their strengths and powers compliment each other so well. I’m actually angry that Gege didn’t let them fight Mahito together longer. Even if they would’ve done to Nobara the same thing they did. Why not let them be epic together again? (I’m also super angry at what they did to Nobara, she better come back, fucking hell)
And it’s a pattern too. Despite Yuuji being very much socialised as a guy in a very patriarchal and sexist society, so much so that he has a type at 15 and hangs bikini posters on his walls, he hasn't turned girls into aliens in his mind. They are still just people in his head. When Yuuji interacts with a real woman the male socialisation isn’t deeply rooted enough to hinder him. It’s never an issue.
Toudou tries to do this very masculine bonding thing with Yuuji and Yuuji is super confused by it. Because Yuuji’s relationships aren’t built on the concept of masculinity. And I mean Yuuji bonds with Toudou eventually because it’s Yuuji but we are shown the struggle when with Nobara or Megumi or Junpei it just happens. Also Yuuji is the only one who bonds with Toudou but that’s because Yuuji is compassion. 
Toudou is generally disliked and his dumb male posturing contributes to that. Also in the Japanese context it’s very clear that Toudou is an unserious person and that’s how he’s meant to be perceived. If you have any doubt about that, the juju fanbook is there for you where Gege is very clear about that. Basically the idol thing is there to paint Toudou as immature. The whole conversation Megumi has with Toudou is a very clear lesson for teen boys. Be like Megumi and girls will like you, if you are a Toudou you’re a joke. You can be built and powerful and clever and still be a joke and girls won’t like you.
I like Toudou a lot btw, I actually think it’s funny that an 18yo boy thinks he reached some deeper truth about people because he knows what a fetish or kink is and he’s tactless enough to ask openly about it. It’s fucking hilarious but also some teen boys just be like that unironically. But I also like him because of how his character is framed and how he functions in the story. Because Toudou gives another important lesson to teen boys. A lesson about rejection. In the story he makes up in his head we see him confessing his feelings to Takada and she turns him down. And he just takes it. This is such an important message. In Japan stalking is a huge problem, stalkers murdering their victims is a problem. Men who feel entitled to women in such a violent way. And here we have a guy who gets rejected and takes the L with grace. And all he wants is for his best friend to console him. 
I’m very normal about Yuuji.
So the balls on Gege to name their typically shounen protag “calm compassion”, or maybe “endless humanity”, “endless compassion”, “quiet humanity”, all of the above? More?
Gojou says that to be a sorcerer one needs to be crazy. And he says that Yuuji has a few screws loose from the start. The thing is that yes, Yuuji is odd but not in the way the rest of the sorcerers are. So far in the manga Yuuji has never entered the state of mind that to my understanding Gojou is thinking about when he talks about being crazy. What I think Gojou means is this state of unhinged glee during the fight. And the ability to compartmentalise the fights and the kills. 
So far in his fights Yuuji has been neutral, proud of himself when he was doing well, hyper focused, frustrated, desperate, depressed and filled with all-consuming rage. Never filled with unhinged glee. And he hasn’t compartmentalised any fight, any failure or any kill, not one, they all seep into a huge ball of guilt inside him. And it’s his kills and Sukuna’s together. Yuuji’s compassion is actively destroying him from the inside. Yuuji can’t disconnect from his humanity and that’s a basic job requirement for a sorcerer. 
Yuuji constantly shows how much emotional intelligence he has. When he defuses the situation with Junpei at the school. When Megumi finds out about Tsumiki going under the bridge. When he’s with Chousou. When he puts his depression on hold to help Megumi during the culling game. He shows understanding, emotional support, physical contact and prioritises the emotions of others over his own. 
Compassion, empathy, responsiveness towards others, willingness to adjust and accommodate aren’t stereotypically masculine traits. No, they are culturally feminine in many places around the world, including Japan. 
Yuuji is also passive and reactive despite being stronger than normal people, and that too is culturally more feminine than masculine. Yuuji doesn’t really have much of the shounen protag drive. It can be lit in him in the form of resilience or determination or rage but it’s not self-sustaining, reactive not proactive
And speaking of Japan and East Asia, what Yuuji is displaying can’t be written off as collectivism either. Because these reactions are personal, they aren’t towards the society at large. They aren’t giri aka a specifically culturally Japanese sense of duty, or any other of several similar concepts. There is no sense of duty or obligation in what Yuuji does, not on a group level. Yuuji says that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if people got hurt because he didn’t try to get rid of Sukuna. For him it’s not because it’s the moral thing to do, or the right thing to do but because he’s concerned about the suffering of those people on this very empathetic level. As Nanami says: he genuinely gets upset on behalf of others. 
That might be why Yuuji isn’t really that popular as a character. Maybe that’s why people prefer Megumi who’s more typically masculine, stoic, distant, intellectual but also proactive and not reactive in his violence and values.
A lot of people consider Yuuji weak. They complain about how much he loses and how in most of his fights he gets carried by other characters, how they are actually the winning factor and not him. 
I actually like that a lot. I think it makes the story interesting, it makes Yuuji interesting that he’s at his best when he’s not alone, that he’s actually doing best when he’s support. That his strength is in how he compliments others. I honestly don’t want him to change into a more typical shounen protagonist. Thematically the way his fights go suits him perfectly because humans are a social species, we thrive on cooperation. And if Yuuji is boundless humanity he shouldn’t stand alone. 
I’m very normal about Yuuji so it turned into a post about him. I swear this wasn’t the plan. The plan was to write about leftist propaganda. The other guys in juju are actually really cool too. Like Megumi, him constantly trying to figure out his values and reconcile what’s happening around him with them is great. Yuuta with his need to belong and justify himself is amazing. Chousou the family oriented sap (please survive baby). Hakari who said fuck you to the conservatives even though he wasn’t so well positioned as Gojou and it resulted in him getting ostracised. I’m not going to shout out everyone or go deeper into these characters but I really like how there isn’t one type of masculinity in juju. 
I don’t know how much these are conscious choices by Gege, or how much it’s just their internalised leftism seeping through. But it’s nice. It feels good to read. And I hope that because the messaging isn’t always as didactic as with the Zen’in or the Kamo clans, that it’ll go down well and actually be this tiny crumb of feminism in the minds of 15yo boys who read it. And with how hype juju is atm, I hope that overt leftism will strengthen in the pop cultural mainstream directed at boys. And with it feminism.  
Could juju be better?
Of course, there’s no perfect work of art. No author is perfect and perfectly enlightened. No work is ever going to 100% match with anyone’s politics, sensibilities or expectations. etc etc. But I really think juju already does a lot. The fact that it’s open to a feminist reading is a lot. And I appreciate it for it.
I really wish juju was better on the queer stuff but I’m wary of assigning blame here. Idk if it’s Gege who misunderstands stuff and is uninformed and crude. Or is it because they write a shounen series for Shounen Jump a corporation which is averse to risk. 
I really wish Kirara had a canon gender and identity. I wish Gege made an official call on Kenny’s gender as they did with Tengen. I wish Gege also clearly stated that Kenny is Yuuji’s mum because the fandom cishets are really twisting themselves into pretzels trying to come up with theories that the mum is actually some woman controlled by Kenny and not Kenny. I wish Gege made NobaMaki canon instead of drawing fanart of the ship and pretending it’s not what it looks like. And even though ItaFushi leaves me mostly cold I wish Megumi’s answer proved to be what all the itafushis headcanon it to be, even if it was to prove to be one sided. I wish I wish I wish.
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