#kadaj advent children
ariseur · 23 days
hey!!! ive been reading your sephiroth fanfics recently and it has been such an intricate work of art i genuinely feel the emotion and love put into it, your writing is just perfect in terms of how you write his character! i was wondering if i could request a seph x reader maybe during or post advent children and is really angsty with some fluff regarding his return??? it's vague (sorry😭) but i know if you did take up on it youd do fantastic!! 💖🫶🏻
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liberabo volucres 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
sephiroth (ffvii) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
omg you are literally so sweet!!!! thank you so much for this request, although i don’t think i did it justice 😭 i wasnt quite sure how to go about this considering after advent children, the remnants of seph faded into the lifestream (i think?) so it’s more angsty with lots of mentions of kadaj, but i hope you like it either way!! i’m glad you enjoy my sephiroth fics and don’t hesitate to send more asks!! love this one 💕
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of kadaj and remnants of seph, written in a yearning type of way where you still have a hole in your heart left from sephiroth, don’t ask where you came from at the beginning!! just enjoy it 😭, intended lowercase, mentions of kissing kadaj’s forehead, lmk if i missed anything!!
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1327 words, 7173 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
“cloud,” your voice only a faint whisper as you called out to the blond, “what did you do?” he lifted his head, his skin glossier with the droplets of rain falling on his face. his eyes widened at the sight of you, chest still rising and lowering rapidly as he recovered from his battle with sephiroth. how foreign that name felt on your tongue, now.
you got up from your hiding spot beyond the debris, knees aching from how long you were crouched as your feet slammed against the flat surface of the floor. you watched as your kadaj’s catlike slits for pupils— pupils that constantly reminded you that he was still apart of sephiroth, despite his role as being only a remnant of your lover— flickered towards you with whatever energy he had left. the corner of kadaj’s lips quirked upwards ever the slightest as you rushed over him, cloud moving out of your way as he stood up.
cloud’s words, albeit firm, lay dormant in your brain, “he was going to kill me—kill us all.” and even with his sharp tone, you didn’t pay him any mind. the only thing you could focus on was kadaj’s eyes trained on yours, scoffing as he rasped out, “such— a drama.. queen.” you softly shushed him, watching as his eyes became emptier by the minute. your throat stung as a choked sob threatened to escape its enclosure behind your uvula. kadaj lifted his hand only for you to grasp it, moist leather clutched in your palm as you placed it back to his chest. he intertwined your fingers, a wince leaving his lips as you held his head up.
it took everything not to look away from him. his hair, his eyes, even the way he smelled, reminded you of sephiroth. sometimes, you wish it had been different. you wish you would’ve been there when it had happened, and even now, your memory’s fuzzy of the events. all you remember was the day sephiroth left you, and you haven’t stop thinking about him since. you wished he had come to you, and apart of you was angry. maybe you were angry that he left you with no word, or maybe angry that instead of opening up to you, he decides to burn a village down in his spiral, or maybe you weren’t angry at all.
you paused, taking another look at kadaj’s furrowed eyebrows and his lidded eyes. you wonder if this is how sephiroth felt upon his notice of who he really was— what he really was. he was only in his twenties when it happened, you couldn’t have imagined how he felt. you remembered; his friends, gone and turned against shinra, and with all the pressure on him about the cover-up, you thought that maybe it wasn’t entirely his fault. you realized now, that you can’t get what you want from this world without taking it yourself. saying please didn’t scratch the itch in the back of your throat the way that anger did, and you assumed sephiroth felt the same.
clasping kadaj’s hand, he let out a weak sigh. you let your hand, although shaky and so weak that you can’t make a fist, card a piece of his hair out his face; your heart ached at your hands in his silver hair, mind racing back to when you’d brush sephiroth’s hair for him. a true honor, you’d always call it.
the way kadaj’s eyes widened and his ears perked up made you pause, like he was listening for something. even with cloud’s tense presence behind you, you refused to let go of the part of sephiroth, your part of sephiroth. the only part you had of him left. you couldn’t be angry at cloud. he was only doing what he thought was best— and in the end, maybe it was for the best, you thought. you couldn’t even be angry at yourself, your mind only clouded with grief as your sniffles and teary sighs filled the air.
the sound of kadaj’s arm moving, leather rubbing against itself, interrupted your soft cries as he lifted his hand up to the sky. a soft whisper of, “mother—?” left his lips.
your hand snaked up and you rubbed your thumb against his cheek, watching as he turned his head towards you slowly. a teary sound left your lips, you weren’t even sure if it was a sob or a laugh. but you leaned down, pressing one last kiss to his forehead as his eyelashes fluttered, just the way sephiroth’s did when you’d lay with him in the morning where golden rays would seep through the curtains and shine onto your beloved.
all good things must come to an end, you realized, as you watched the only physical evidence that sephiroth had coexisted with you fade into the lifestream, his arm fading into reduced crystallized mako. you closed your eyes, shoulders heaving as you tried stifling your thick cries; after all, cloud was still behind you. you held onto kadaj’s hand until it was no more, his body being lifted up and vanishing although you couldn’t bear to watch it. and you didn’t open your eyes, not for a long while, in hopes that maybe you’d be back in the comfort of your home as you heard heavy footsteps trail behind you to the kitchen, sephiroth’s content face across from yours at the dinner table. and you didn’t open your eyes until you heard a low hum, beyond the loud sounds of the rain hitting the concrete, beyond your own shaking breaths. this couldn’t have been cloud, you thought. your head lifted up and squinted so as to not get any rain in your eyes.
and there he was— or more so a faded version of him. even in the rain, you couldn’t help but gawk at him in awe, his hair flowing so gracefully even in the humidity of the rain. even if you were dreaming, you’d wish you would never wake in hopes of spending one last minute with the one you held dearest to your heart. one last moment with sephiroth and you’d feel like you’d finally be complete.
his eyes, still sleek and catlike how you always remembered, almost look amused. he held a smile at you, his head cocking at the sight. you didn’t want to think of the possibility that this was just a hallucination of your grief. this was more than that. sephiroth was more than that.
he gave you a nod, a nod of which you didn’t understand. ever so esoteric, you thought. the way he always was after nibelheim. you sat back on your haunches, your knees still against the wet, cold floor— taking one last look at sephiroth before he turned around. his head tipped back, fingers twitching as he let himself face the sky, until he finally let himself go and faded away as well.
your lip trembled, a teary laugh releasing itself from your throat until cloud put a soft, awkward hand on your shoulder. head turning to face him, your eyes met his. you realized now that cloud did what was best, and you couldn’t possibly blame him for that.
he cleared his throat, almost cautiously as if you’d snap at him for interrupting the silence, “we have to go. i’m sure tifa’s waiting for us.”
you sniffled, wiping your eyes from both the rain and the tears that littered your cheeks. looking back down at your lap, once where kadaj laid, you were met with emptiness. closing your eyes once more, you inhaled and let the air fill your lungs. the first deep breath of air that you’ve taken in what feels like years, one that felt fresher— almost bittersweet. and when you turned back to cloud, you gave him a firm nod.
the urge to be changed is not metamorphosis, you realized. you can’t be changed without making a change of your own.
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frisky-p · 6 months
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Kadaj 🙃🙃 ac needs more fanart actually..!! 🙏
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scrubbby · 2 years
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I couldn't celebrate young Sephiroth/Sephiroth with short hair without drawing Kadaj with long hair again.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic Prompts: Final Fantasy Tuesday
in which Dissidia goes Poorly for Remake Sephiroth, and Original Timeline Aerith sends her minions from the Lifestream
Cloud was losing ground, and he knew it. Even with his mako enhancements, his limbs were beginning to tremble with exertion, and every clash of his blade against Masamune rattled his bones. He tasted blood against his teeth and prayed Sephiroth didn't see it.
No such luck.
Sephiroth tilted his head to the side, regarding him with a detached curiosity.
"You seem tired, Cloud," he murmured, "Are you really sure you need to fight so hard?"
He was almost nonchalant, floating there. Was he even taking this seriously?
Cloud didn't waste his breath on a retort. He stumbled into a fighting stance and bared his bloodied teeth at his enemy.
Sephiroth looked almost...disappointed.
"Why do you continue to reject me, Cloud?" Sephiroth asked in his infuriatingly placid manner, "I have moved the heavens, rewritten time itself, given you so much-"
He slashed down with Masamune. It caught on the Buster sword- slid down its length and sliced deeply into Cloud's bicep. He bit down on a scream and tasted blood again.
"Yet at every turn you slap my hand away!"
Sephiroth whirled, striking out with a vicious kick to Cloud's ribs.
Cloud flew backwards, hitting the ground hard enough to drive the breath from his lungs as he rolled.
*I won't die here,* he chanted to himself, *I won't die here. I won't die here.*
Cloud gasped for air, dizzy and fighting to keep Sephiroth's presence from overwhelming his mind. He rolled to his side and froze.
Sephiroth stood over him, sword pointed lazily at his throat. Cloud didn't have time to get to his feet, or reach for materia. He was out of chances.
"You...won't destroy the Planet..." Cloud hissed between his teeth. "Killing me won't change that."
Sephiroth smiled then, thin and horrible. He knelt slowly and brushed a hand over Cloud's bloodied cheek.
"Kill you? Don't be ridiculous, Cloud. I need you, just as you need me. We are connected, you and I, by fate."
His fingers tightened on Cloud's jaw.
"Eventually you will understand. When you stop fighting me, we will end Shinra together. I speak for the Planet, Cloud. I am the last Ancient, and I will see the miserable humans who have so squandered her resources punished."
Cloud would have spat in his face if he'd had the breath to do so. Before he could muster the strength to pull away, a young voice cut through the air.
"Hey! Old man!"
Both Sephiroth and Cloud glanced in the direction of the voice.
Three young men -- kids, really -- stood at the top of the ridge, watching them.
They were almost identical to Sephiroth, from their silver hair to the glimmer of their cat-like eyes. Two were less muscular, almost scrawny. But each carried himself like he'd seen his share of brawls -- despite looking like they were perhaps sixteen at the oldest.
Sephiroth stood and considered the interlopers. Cloud wondered if the SOLDIER could sense the kids the way he could. Were they more experiments?
The youngest of the Sephiroth lookalikes sauntered to the front of the pack and leveled a two-pronged katana at them.
"Got a message from the Planet for ya," he drawled.
A wicked glint lit his eyes.
"Mother Nature wants you whacked."
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xianta · 2 months
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give them more love pls
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wowa-bublord · 2 months
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i haven't seen advent children at all but i love that sephiroths goth son looks exactly like his ex
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crylin · 9 months
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one big funny family ~♡
+ bonus ~♡
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holly-fixation · 3 months
The best part about seeing Advent Children in theaters is that everyone knew exactly when it happened.
When Kadaj lost his fight to Cloud, dangling off the edge of a building with the last Jenova cells in his hand, not a single person stood up, sat down, adjusted a jacket, adjusted the seat, whispered, grabbed popcorn, took a drink, used a straw, moved. It was DEAD. SILENT.
We ALL knew what was about to happen. Kadaj jumped. Cicadas blasted the speakers. Sephiroth appeared on screen. And we all paid it the respect it deserved.
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kharits · 9 months
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Yazoo: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Loz: They do.
Kadaj: …Why did you say that with such certainty?
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genesis-rhapsodass · 15 days
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Just a found family on their way to a gentler life (hopefully)
So there's this really good fanfic by @eaymtb of Cloud being sent back in time together with child remnants that's got me SO hooked, I've been wanting to draw something for it for ages so here's some art of the boys on their way to Wutai
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Final Fantasy: Advent Children
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic (or rather Pic) Prompts: Moogle Monday
Cloud was beginning to regret taking in the three Remnants. They were a bad influence on Denzel and Marlene.
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Cloud, offscreen: "Denzel! Kadaj! What do you think you're doing?!"
Kadaj: "Is that some kind of trick question?"
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cloudyeucharis · 2 months
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AU but the remnants are Sephiroth's children
(Don't ask how. I don't even know right now)
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wowa-bublord · 2 months
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some kadaj and genesis sketches inspired by @magnuficentwo and @birdblacksocialclub 's tags on this post hehehe
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holly-fixation · 5 months
The easiest way I can explain the Remnants to anyone that does not know every God forsaken detail about FF7:
Accurate Explanation: Imagine asking three of your closest friends to completely recreate you from your personality to your physical appearance. Each one is going to focus on different traits you have, but none of these three creations will be completely accurate.
The one thing all three of the yous have in common is your one life goal. Most of us don't have a God complex so it's more difficult to grasp that understanding.
Inaccurate Explanation: Sephiroth's last 3 brain cells.
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