#kalijah shippers
tophsazulas · 2 years
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Kalijah moodboard
@salvatorestjohn @misschanadlerbong
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scienter · 1 year
Thanks for your response ( Anon from previous " Stefan" ask).Always a pleasure reading your insights.S3 was ,indeed, a great Stefan season especially the first 11 episodes.Early s3 Klefan and 1920s & present day Ripper Stefan were truly the best,right!? I personally loved how they wrote Stefan in s6 as well because a. he felt refreshing to watch after 2 whole seasons (s4,s5) b. I like to pretend that canon ended in s6 ( s6 was like a renassaince of TVD) although 8A Stefan was a great improvement.Before I digress and continue to rant,I have to ask 1. Your ideal TVD ending with no shipper bias. 2. Which relationship(s), according to you, was the best, if not "the best" (even though JP & Co. seemed to have zero knowledge how to write relationships) /deserved true endgame/should have been explored in the show ? 3. Do you think that awful triangle should have met its final demise in s3 or did you like how it got dragged until the end even when it was way past its expiration date?Thanks again!
Question 1: Ideal TVD Ending with no shipper bias?
Okay, the only way I can discuss this w/o a shipper bias is to not discuss ships at all so I won’t.  I’ll just discuss what I’d want for the main characters.
Stefan goes to medical school & becomes a doctor. In season 1 or 2, Stefan stated that he wanted to go into medicine, but couldn’t pursue it because of his blood addiction.  That was no longer an issue at the end of the series. So, I would have LOVED to see Stefan self-actualize and become a doctor. That’s the ending I wanted for Stefan.
Damon builds a life outside of Elena. I'm not implying that Damon & Elena should have broken up. I mean that Damon finds some passion, hobby, ambition, or interest beyond Elena’s love interest. I think that's my great frustration with Damon's narrative and why I enjoy Bamon so much.
Caroline has a long & successful broadcast journalism career like she always wanted.
Bonnie gets the hell out of Mystic Falls and travels the world. She might bring Damon or Caroline or Elena along as company, but Bonnie is focused on living life to the fullest and puts her happiness first.
Elena went to med school & became a doctor. Good for her. I wouldn’t change that. I just wish the other characters got to self-actualize too.
Question 2: Which relationships were the best / deserved true endgame / should have been explored in the show?
Katherine & Elijah. This one never got fully explored because of The Originals, but I would have loved to see more of Katherine & Elijah. I think that Katherine really did have feelings for Elijah, and their romance would have been a great way to explore Katherine and Elijah’s more vulnerable sides. I’ve written about their relationship before, which you can read here.
Besides Kalijah, there aren't any other potential romantic relationships I wish could have been explored on the show because TVD had so many of them. TVD didn't suffer a lack of romance. In fact, one could argue that the show had too many romances (see: Calaric).
Question 3: Do you think that awful triangle should have met its final demise in s3?
Hell yes. I was sick of the love triangle by season 4 because it felt stale. The love triangle didn’t offer anything new to the characters or the plot at that point. If the writers never intended for Stefan & Elena to stay together after early season 4 then they shouldn’t have put them back together at the end of season 3. It just felt like the writers were yanking everyone's chains with that decision.
And I’m not implying that Elena should have picked Damon in the season 3 finale. She shouldn’t have. Because Damon and Elena didn’t have the romantic history to justify such a decision. Instead, Elena shouldn’t have chosen anyone at the end of season 3. She should have been single at the start of season 4 because the back-and-forth between the brothers was boring and overdone after 3 seasons.
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Yeah I like to just imagine TO never happened - I mean THIS!!!!! ⬆️ ⬆️ 1000000% I know very few Kalijah shippers that even watched the spin off. But those that did pretend the same. Feelz like we got a lot of later TVD watchers here too. Cuz theres asks about why the writing didn’t make sense. And also Klaus not being mean when he would gladly screw over his entire family, and did many times. And the writing was barely good in maybe the first three seasons, maybe lol It’s giving everyone is new around here vibes. And I have to agree w/ Nonnie. Spin off Elijah wouldn’t even get a second look from our queen. She’s out his league.
Yup, yup, yup.
Oh how I long for the days of smug Elijah relishing in the Scooby gang’s fear of him…
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umaficwriter · 3 years
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—"I know who she is. I know what she's done. What kind of man would I be if I didn’t try to find my Katerina beneath this Katherine façade?"
—"I have lost so much of my life to Klaus... so have you. It's our turn. Elijah..."
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finnicks · 3 years
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i'm a survivor
the vampire diaries | katherine pierce | part three pg, 300. Elijah and Katerina play a game of chase.
When Katerina deduces the coast is clear, she picks up the skirts of her dress and lifts her other foot, boot pressing down against soft earth. The moment she presses weight against it, arms wrap warmly and solidly around her waist.
Tugged to his chest, she laughs loudly. His hands flatten against her belly as he holds her tightly to him, picking her feet off the ground.
"Got you," he whispers against her ear. Katerina hates the way she shivers against him, hoping that he’ll believe it to be the slight chill in the air.
[ a katherine pierce drabble and ficlet collection | read at ff.net ]
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frogs-are-bitchs · 3 years
Elijah's hallucinations, but its Katherine instead
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mangaien · 3 years
i just so you know if anyone ever want to do some kalijah with me know i am 100% for it. look it doesn’t need to be romantic i just fuck i love their dynamic as a whole and i just ahhh. 
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New chapter of "Where You Left Your Heart"
Summary: What if Caroline was Hope's biological mother instead of Hayley? Hope wants her family back together and she starts causing trouble all over The Boarding School. What will happen when the Original family finally reunites and old threats rise again?
This chapter has Posie and Hizzie 😏😏😏😏😏
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Most Klaroline shippers actively worked against the show to make their ship happen and send Klaus back to Mystic Falls. Most hated the baby plot and wanted the show cancelled and tried to rig quizzes, couple awards and ratings. They felt slighted and they screamed the loudest while other shippers seemed calmer. If somehow in the midst of all that Julie thinks she owes them an endgame when they showed little to no support of her show then I don’t know what to say. 
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Can u please compare h*lijah to kalijah like u did with st*roline vs klaroline
That’s going to be a little difficult for me. Mostly because I do my best to avoid any scenes between them like the plague. I cannot there analyze H*lijah’s relationship in depth and compare it to Kalijah’s because I mostly try to pretend like said relationship doesn’t exist. Also, I don’t care. At least with St*roline I’m invested in Stefan and Caroline as individual characters. I’m indifferent to Elijah, at best and I cannot stand Hayley.
To be honest, there’s really no comparison. H*lijah is the story of how backstabbing Hayley, backstabbed her way onto Klaus’ livingroom table and then his bed and then Elijah fell inexplicably in love with her, despite her lack of personality and charisma, his brother’s one night stand and mother to his niece. From then on it’s just a bunch of  f o r c e d, overacted, scenes; that is supposed to convince us that Hayley and Elijah are deeply in love and soul mates.
To my own admittance, Kalijah was underdeveloped, but at least they had history, depth. Furthermore, Nina and Daniel can actually act whereas Phoebe’s acting is incredibly poor which is actually half the problem with H*lijah, as well as the fact that Phoebe and Daniel have no chemistry (which is odd because they seem quite close to each other).
Kalijah’s dynamic would’ve been interesting their such opposites but Daniel actually expressed emotion when he spoke about Katherine and to her. With Phoebe, he either looks constipated or mildly inconvenienced.
That’s the best I can do…
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philtatosbuck · 3 years
Let me just say that this is only my opinion, and that all of these things personally give ME bad vibes. I have friends who are kcers who I love deeply. However, in general, here are a list of twenty red flags in kc shippers that make me stay away from them in particular;
1. They hate Damon for being a r*pist and then have Caroline be best friends with Katherine, who canonically r*ped Stefan, her actual best friend. I actually don't care who hates Damon or whatnot, nor do I give a fuck about Stefan. it just grates on my nerves that they'll condemn one r*pist and prop up the other. 2. They call Hayley moon moon and refer to her as a slut, whore, homewrecker or any of the above for having a baby with klaus. 3. They say the plot for klaus impregnating someone is stupid, then use the same one for fics with Caroline being pregnant after the episode where they have sex. 4. They only acknowledge Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah as Mikaelson siblings. that's... more of a personal tick for me but it's whatever. 5. Elena is the big bad demon who tries to kill Caroline and/or Klaus. bonus points if bonnie is too. 6. Hate fics for Elena for "making caroline be klaus bait/trying to kill the originals" in which Bonnie and Stefan are let off the hook completely for their part in literally everything. canonically ignoring that Stefan, Damon and Bonnie were 100% the ones who most times made plans to kill originals that involved using Caroline as bait, and that Elena was actually Very concerned about Caroline more than anyone wants to give her credit for. 7. The ones who hate Daniel gillies because he likes Leah Pipes / Cami / doesn't care about klaroline. 8. The ones who body shame DRR and PT. 9. The ones who say Hayley is a 'walking incubator' and the originals is misogynistic, only to turn around and have Caroline like... be the most misogynistic ass character?? 10. The ones who say Caroline is more important to Klaus than Rebekah or Hope. 11. The ones who kill Hayley off to make Caroline a mother to Hope. 12. The ones who demonize Tyler and act like his hate for Klaus is invalid as if Klaus did not enslave him. 13. The ones who write fics in which Caroline shows up and just starts being the absolute worst towards Cami? in that same vein... The ones who write fics in which Cami is completely out of character to justify this.
14. The ones who have Kol and Caroline as best friends. This one in particular isn't that bad but it's super weird because Kol has interacted with Caroline even less than Elijah but no way will he not find her annoying. 15. Stelena-Klaroline hybrids who also love kalijah or kennett. i have to add that last part because i actually do not mind stelenas separately but the ones who love klaroline and kalijah/kennett tend to be so weird and just make shit up 16. The ones who when faced with the fact that jomo was rooting for kennett at first, say 'but klaroline makes way more sense' despite the fact the same episode where klaroline started is the episode klaus had Tyler bite/try to kill Caroline? bitch. 17. The ones who have Elijah be in love with Caroline out of absolutely fucking nowhere in fics to create tension between Klaus and Elijah 18. The ones who make Rebekah and Caroline besties despite their clashing personalities and the fact they can barely stand each other and Caroline has repeatedly slut-shamed Rebekah. 19. ANYONE like that person who wrote that 'Hayley Marshall; homewrecker' fic. They are an entire red flag on their own 20. The ones who have Caroline in new orleans and then kill marcel off or the ones who make marcel caroline's son. electric chair for y'all.
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gxrlcinema · 3 years
Interested in your Kalijah thoughts
Katherine x Elijah: I Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
1492 Katherine inspiring Elijah to believe in love. Also, the way Elijah says “Katerina”.
2. What are your favorite things about this ship?
The way it is so in character for them. The way that loving Katherine is so hopelessly Elijah, because he does not give up on something that once was good, no matter how many times it hurts him. And manipulating him is so hopelessly Katherine, because she knows he’s useful and she knows he won’t give up on her. Remember when Katherine was dying and Damon made her think Elijah had come to see her and then rejected her? The real fear and pain on her face? Even if she’s not in love with Elijah, there is something appealing about his devotion (somewhat because Katherine is equally devoted to herself, and somewhat because she is desperately lonely after years of running). They’re kind of doomed to repeat this cycle of torment, Elijah being unable to let go and Katherine being unable to let him in. It’s one of the more complex relationships on TVD.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I mean, I’m pretty sure the idea that Katherine does not return romantic sentiment for Elijah would be unpopular among Kalijah shippers. I don’t think they’re destined to be together (in a happy way), I think they’re kind of destined to continuously hurt each other. Katherine and Elijah are a commentary on the tragedy of vampirism, how staying frozen in time means repeating the same mistakes over and over again endlessly. I don’t know if that’s unpopular or not.
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umaficwriter · 3 years
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“It’s like I was drowning and you saved me” 
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cerisia76 · 4 years
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No one can say that Katherine never loved Elijah. In her last minutes it's him that she wanted to see not Stefan. Always was and always will be a Kalijah shipper
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finnicks · 3 years
( fic ) traveler
traveler the vampire diaries | katherine/elijah | pg, 479. Katherine says goodbye to Elijah and lets him go. 
The first mistake Katherine makes is waste time.
The second is not getting to him soon enough.
[ season 5 au. ]
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