Talk to me!!!
Just joking. Welcome to ask me something! Or chat randomly. I need to share the same taste (about Butch Cassidy and KidButch).
Chinese or English welcome👌. (though my language are poor).
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m1211nasu · 2 years
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
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starrrrrrrrrrrrrs · 4 years
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the end of 2019, try to test p1, the anniversary of Butch and Sundance’s death p2, Thanksgiving day p3, Christmas
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pyrogirlsunite · 5 years
tagged by @skrymsel 🌙
top 10 songs in rotation:
1. the smiths - there is a light that never goes out
2. massive attack - risingson
3. dave gahan - insoluble
4. ben howard - in dreams
5. electronic - tighten up
6. nine inch nails - all time low
7. george michael - too funky
8. ministry - i wanted to tell her
9. recoil - shunt
10. vast - the gates of rock n’ roll
i tag @goldstagbeetle @callifornians @kidbutch @llttlerose @cloudbusting-85 xx
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Life and Death in the Andes: On the Trail of Bandits, Heroes, and Revolutionaries 閱覽
2020.6.11 “That must be the most deeply sadness, mixing between the words. “    最前面有貼沃斯堡五人組的照片 只提及了布屈、日舞和小班,小班甚至不是本名而是他的綽號,不知道為什麼就是不提站著的哈維和威廉,有些尷尬 最後一句是五人都在八年內死於非命,??? 其他四個人的確是,但小班是在1912年死亡的喔?八年?    沃斯堡照片超小一張不如橫著放還大一些    因為很厚所以很難翻,不過比起我手上的原文書這本我比較敢動,所以稍微摺了一下讓他比較好拍照(但現在想讀的時候又開始難翻了)    我的錯,好像大家都把Matt Warner翻成麥特.華納,我逕自翻譯成麥特.華爾納,歹勢,但也不想改了    我覺得他以這樣的形式當作開場白是個非常優秀的寫作方式,可以真實地帶出章節人物的情感,我很喜歡    麥特實際上有沒有說過這句我不是很有印象... ...真的沒有把麥特的自傳讀很熟,但他說過類似的話,哪怕回歸正常人的生活,仍然會因為害怕過往的追緝而夜不能寢。    卡西迪在1907年寫的信我唯一看過的就是很輕浮的寫給康科迪亞朋友們的信,但裡面也沒這句啊? 翻了一下Bibliography來源是我沒有聽過的書籍,我暫且先持保留態度,因為我沒在其他地方看過布屈在信上寫過這句甚至是那封信的內容    戈德曼那句我更不熟,不過不愧是研究強盜團八年的編劇... ...單單一句就如此富有情感... ...我非常認同... ...(氣喘)    日舞鬍子是黑色的喔(愣)    布屈黃棕色的頭髮對啦... ...但好不浪漫喔(嫌棄什麼    「有人說他(布屈)的眼神可以在你身上燒穿一個洞。」 雷射眼? 誰說的啊,不過對啦這可能就是我直到現在都不敢看他正臉一眼的原因,好騷喔大正妹(氣喘)      「他和日舞的最後一段時光。」 不知道為什麼聽起來很KidButch,小心臟蹦蹦跳    卡西迪真的很聰明 但也難逃一死啦,說來悲哀    這一段敘述就跟我平常看到的較為簡短的敘述不同了,這邊細節比較多,除了是來自當事人的說法外也是Meadows撰寫的,我覺得相對可信很多。 之前最常看到的那個說法我就不知道來自哪裡了,可能又是Chapman,這邊提到兩個人態度都採用威嚇的方式,但較為簡短的則是布屈使用溫柔的語氣請求他們把錢和驢子留下來,就會放過他們一馬,似乎完全不一樣呢哈。 倒是對兩個人的形容都一樣,一個較高較魁梧一個較矮也比較瘦。    我很好奇民團在原文是哪個單字,是指像湯姆霍恩那種人嗎?還是就是指平克頓?    果然是Charles Kelly寫的,一眼就能認出來。 「只要有錢就很大方」那我是尋思他沒錢就成小氣鬼了    怎麼會說日舞怕羞啊日舞那個能叫怕羞嗎?他就是一副不想跩人的樣子我覺得,我也不會說同樣安靜的哈維也是怕羞啊,差多了吧。    不會吧還是這兩個人真的都怕羞 那就滿可愛的好想看布屈調侃日舞和哈維(。    傳到哪裡,斷句好詭異    單人房    還沒有窗戶喔    布屈也會有輕率的計畫? 或許南美緊迫的逃亡真的把他逼到無路可走了。      竟然不是翻譯成羅伯特.勒羅伊,而是勞勃.萊羅伊嗎,真不習慣    還是不曉得為什麼露菈會有露露這個名字,小名或綽號吧我猜,勞勃瑞福也這麼稱呼他    他從來沒用過羅伯特當作自己的名字,他只用過勒羅伊。 如果有的話那麼Charles Kelly也不會在當時撰寫傳記時將布屈的名字寫成喬治.勒羅伊.帕克了。    卡西迪幼年時鍛鍊槍法的傳聞我就沒聽過了,這倒是第一次看到,真新鮮。 卡西迪真的好厲害喔正妹不愧是正妹    不過布屈真的很努力鍛鍊並提升自己... ...好想向自己的本命學習這番精神    沒有提一起搶劫特柳賴德的同夥分別是麥特和麥卡蒂,又沒戲份了    媽的卡西迪真的有錢鬼(又仇富    有人說布屈是因為在理髮店看了地理雜誌才知道阿根廷ㄉ,這就不曉得ㄌ    害我嚇了一跳,原來採用Ethel而非誤用的Etta,普萊斯則是普雷斯,普雷斯比較接近英文發音... ...(不想改了    我也想在南美組的家過夜(氣喘    畢竟是強盜神經緊張也是理所當然的,憋屈了這麼久可憐的兩個人    啊!我最一開始提出的那一句在這裡提到了!   「在此同時,布屈則轉往玻利維亞,而日舞很快回來和他會合。」 不知道欸又好KidButch喔這一段(油腐腦    Lowe這個假名可能是從Roy來的嘍?    嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯有中文翻譯就是不一樣嗯嗯嗯!!!!!!!!!!彷彿都能感覺到卡西迪說出這些話時的語氣嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯!!!!!!!    如果要說1899年艾爾茲入獄時,布屈那一份對於想回歸正常人的心情代表著他的疲倦,那麼1908年就是對未來的勘景絕望了吧。    ... ...嗯!!!!終於可以看到專業翻譯人員的信件翻譯了!    卡西迪真的很輕挑欸他能寫出這種信我實在懷疑他的絕望程度,但也可能是發現能夠再次成為正常人的目標所以特別開心吧?但也像Meadows說的他可能只是裝給他的朋友們看的。    說了這種話卻又終生未婚的怪人。    我也好想感受那一種布屈似乎就真的站在這裡的感覺,如果有朝一日真的碰上了的話我或許會哭出來吧。    拆了他媽的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    好親切的感覺,哈維的翻譯和自己翻的一模一樣    一直很想嘆氣,如果用兩人假死論的話那代表布屈的一切看似錯誤的規畫都是故意的,但畢竟我是支持死亡論,布屈的規畫竟然出現了錯誤,那可是聰明絕頂的卡西迪喔?這也代表卡西迪真的累了吧。    沒了!用一個很玄的結果當作章節的末尾。    只有一些引用的論述我看過原文,這樣比對下來翻譯其實沒有錯誤,幸好,最近才有出版翻譯小說翻譯得很爛的例子,有點小慶幸。除此之外把布屈說的話語翻譯得彷彿他本人就是這麼說話的也很厲害,不愧是專業的——!    然後內容的話我其實滿推薦的,引用的論述都很可靠,像是引用最多的Buck和Meadows,以及兩夫妻再次編排的Charles Kelly的傳記,和麥特在自傳的描述,並不像我前幾天看的那一本巴塔哥尼亞高原上如此不可靠,不過或許也是年代差異?畢竟這一本很新,作者也親自踏過南美的土地。 如果想稍微窺探布屈與日舞在接近死亡前的生活,又不想看原文消磨性子的話,其實可以買買看這一本,順便看一下其他南美歷史人物的故事也行,至少我覺得不虧反而很驚艷。    但畢竟不是專門講布屈和日舞,哪怕這一小章節已經到很專業、沒有錯誤的地步了,但想看更詳細的資訊仍然得找原文書來看,而且南美的段落很零散又要費一番功夫找。 早期的傳記幾乎把南美省略,要到1990s後才會有人開始研究並提及南美的事情,像是Digging Up Butch and Sundance(不過這被歸類為旅行文學,就和這一本一樣)、My Uncle和Donna Ernst所寫的日舞傳記,Buck和Meadows則是會在期刊論文才多數提到布屈和日舞在南美的生活。 就,滿克難的,真想看的話,但其實也算輕鬆了啦像是The End of the Road這一本沒有正式出版的書籍我就在煩惱到底該怎麼獲得比較好。    總之!當作消遣或是認真看都非常有趣,很推薦!
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friend-o-dorothy · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!!
Aw this is sweet!
1. Reading
2. When someone is genuinely happy to see me.
3. Seeing kids run around laughing
4. My cats
5. When one of my clients reaches a big goal
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Yooooooooooooo Cassidy.
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
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butch cassidy and the sundance kid (1969) // m*a*s*h “lil” (1978) // it’s always sunny in philadelphia “the high school reunion part 1” (2011) 
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joeal-kaysani · 3 years
*walks up to a gay couple* so which one of you chose smith for your outlaw alias and which one of you chose jones
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
my ideal ship dynamic is “old gay criminal partners with years or decades of history together, one of whom is charming and talkative and charismatic while the other is the ‘muscle’ who doesn’t say much and is assumed to be dumb even though that’s usually not the case, who are completely codependent and almost always end tragically with at least one of them dying” and you’d think that would be so hyper-specific that it could only apply to one ship but alas:
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
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It was George Roy Hill’s idea to have Butch and Sundance tenderly bandaging each other’s wounds.
― Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) dir. George Roy Hill
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
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listen while you can
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
ask meme - uh, those dudes from the bisexual polyamorous cowboy movie you keep writing essays about
fhjakfhaskjdfhsaf 💕💕💕
(black sails spoilers below, so skip the paragraph about butch’s notp if you haven’t seen it)
Butch Cassidy:
Sexuality Headcanon: This might be a little controversial, but I tend to headcanon Butch as a gay biromantic (though I totally get seeing him as bisexual.) Even though he’s more of the womanizer of the two from what we see in the movie, it always feels sort of performative? Very much in line with how I feel a charismatic gay man would behave in the late 1800s if he were trying to convince everyone around him he wasn’t gay, considering how he easily drops it without a word of complaint in Bolivia. While he obviously loves and cares about Etta, I’m not sure sexual attraction plays nearly as big a role in their relationship as hers with Sundance did, and I think it’s just incredibly convenient for both of them to have a healthy emotional relationship with each other in a way they might both struggle to have with Sundance. I also don’t think he’s averse to sex with women (especially Etta, and especially in the context of their triad), but that if he existed in a later time period where it wouldn’t be a death sentence to be openly gay, he would probably identify that way.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male, perhaps one who would be more in touch with his feminine side if, again, he lived in a time and place where it was safe to explore that.
A ship I have with said character: Butch/Sundance and Butch/Sundance/Etta
A BROTP I have with said character: Butch/Etta
A NOTP I have with said character: Butch/Etta without Sundance in the picture. What’s funny is I actually think the Butch/Etta relationship would be the healthier one if Sundance died (and that’s the only way I could imagine this happening, because Sundance is obviously not leaving Butch by choice or he would have never gone to Bolivia when it would have been safer to split up) rather than the other way around, which is not unrelated to their emotional connection being stronger than their physical one. I just don’t think it would be romantic in nature so much as two people who very much love each other living together platonically and mourning their shared husband, à la Flint and Miranda from Black Sails. 
A random headcanon: I’m actually having trouble thinking of one for Butch but they DID make it to Australia and you can tear that from my cold dead hands.
General Opinion over said character: Baby boy. Baby. Has just three brain cells and he uses them to respect women, be gay and do crime. Absolute icon.
The Sundance Kid:
Sexuality Headcanon: [NSYNC voice] baby bi bi bi
Gender Headcanon: Cis male.
A ship I have with said character: Sundance/Butch and Sundance/Butch/Etta
A BROTP I have with said character: Sundance will only speak to two human beings voluntarily and he’s sleeping with both of them, so there’s not a lot of room for BROTPs with him.
A NOTP I have with said character: Sundance/Etta without Butch wouldn’t be as hard to swallow as Butch/Etta without Sundance, so I don’t really consider them a NOTP, but I’m also just not hugely interested in their story without Butch, either.
A random headcanon: To quote my favorite Butch Cassidy fic ever, Turn of the Century, “Sundance liked to sit and drink and say things so rarely and so deadpan most folks didn’t realize he was the second funniest guy in Wyoming.” 
Also, he really wasn’t cheating in the opening card game and was dead serious about killing Logan if Butch lost that knife fight.
Also also, as a side note, I have a half-finished fic from Sundance’s POV where they get caught in a snowstorm and Sundance is internally roasting Butch for being from Utah, where it doesn’t get nearly as cold as Atlantic City. Then I Googled Utah’s average temps vs. Atlantic City’s and found out it’s actually much colder in Utah, but the mistake felt so fitting for Sundance’s character that I left it in.
General Opinion over said character: How can you not stan the bi-est man to ever live? Love him. Absolutely exhausted at all times and ready to murder someone at the drop of a hat and I can 100% relate.
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joeal-kaysani · 5 years
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butch cassidy and the sundance kid + text posts part ii (insp.)
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joeal-kaysani · 4 years
butch: are you the little spoon or the big spoon?
sundance: i'm a knife
etta, without looking up: he's the little spoon
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