#kobeni best girl actually
chilled-ice-cubes · 2 years
thinking about kobeni
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like yeah she’s the comic relief butt monkey but there’s something about her being the only one of the devil hunter squad (arai, himeno, aki, kobeni) to escape death and resign from the bureau that feels important. she’s younger than the other three and unlike them she’s working at the bureau not out of her own will but because it’s better than being prostituted out by her family. she’s exploited by her family to send money back home so her brother can go through college and basically treated as an indentured labourer. she chauffeurs them around in the car she bought!
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kobeni is probably the closest parallel denji has in the manga. she’s a “dog” too and her master is her family. like denji she accepts being exploited in exchange for money and fulfillment of the most basic needs.
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kobeni is a denji who’s resigned to the system. she joins the bureau because her family makes her, she joins family burger (the abusive business she works at as a temp employee is literally called family burger! fujimoto stop this) because her family is still forcing her to work and send them money and when denji tells her of his realisation that he’ll always be someone’s dog, she counters by telling him that this is what normal life is like.
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and like. for a moment denji believes her. everything he’s gone through should make him wholeheartedly believe kobeni’s world view. but then after he sees the broadcast he realises that in spite of all the pain and suffering, being chainsaw man has still made his life better. a “normal life” isn’t one free from bad things, it’s one where you can aspire beyond the bare minimum, where you’re not treated like an animal and have to focus solely on surviving.
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sappy-detective · 2 years
"everyone asks who's CSM, but no one asks how is CSM"
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
kobeni is best character because i too understand the pathetic nature of being put on a spotlight and just... failing
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rekino2114 · 19 days
How the chainsaw man girls handle jealousy
A/n:I usually don't write for the csm 2 girls but let me know if you want me to and I'll add them to the masterlist (mainly cause I really like fami)
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Thanks to you, makima, now could finally feel true emotions. You made her feel the happiness of being truly loved, the sadness of being without you, anger when a devil had the gall to hurt you, and the worry of when you came injured from a mission and so on..
She felt another one of those emotions when she saw you talking to another girl at the public safety headquarters, a particularly flirty one who apparently didn't know you were dating her boss.
Ah this must be jealousy.
She wasn't that bothered by it. She knows she can trust that you'll never leave her. However, the moment she starts touching you even after you clearly rejected her and is making you feel uncomfortable, that girl is dead.
She might have better morals after meeting you but she's not above killing who she deems as human scum.
But if things don't reach that stage, the girl might just be assigned a particularly difficult mission as her next
"Sorry, but I have a girlfriend,"
"Who cares? It's not like she's gonna know anyway"
"Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to talk to y/n"
"Ah! M-miss makima!"
"Oh sure babe"
"B-babe? You mean she's your girlfriend"
"Exactly, and now that you know I suggest not looking forward to your next mission"
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The moment she sees you talking to another girl, she gets mad, she assumes you're cheating on her cause she doesn't have that much of an understanding of relationships.
In her eyes, you don't need anyone else when she's clearly the best option.
She's also really angry towards the girl. How dare she try to steal what's hers? Even though she wasn't flirting with you
"Hey! Y/n! What are you doing talking to this human"
"Oh power, don't worry she was just asking me directions"
"Like I believe that! You better go away this very moment I'll kill you!"
"Power be nice"
"Only if you stop talking to this bitch"
"*sigh* I'm so sorry"
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How she reacts depends on how drunk she is.
She gets really clingy when she is drunk, so she'll hug you from behind and lazily try to pull you away from the girl you were talking to while mumbling some incoherent words and that's usually your sign to take her home.
She's really not that jealous when sober, even when a girl flirts, she doesn't get mad, she understands her,after all if she didn't flirt with you she wouldn't have gotten with her amazing partner.
"Hey, you having fun without me over here?
"Oh sorry hime,I was just about to tell her I have a girlfriend"
"Oh you do? Sorry I had no idea"
"It's fine. I get it they're so stunning anyone would try to get with them"
"Did you just use the fact that a girl was flirting with me as a way to flirt with me?
"Guess so, I guess complimenting you is just second nature to me"
Kobeni higashiyama
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This poor nervous wreck of a girl.
Whenever she sees you talking to another girl, she kinda gets anxious and starts comparing herself to that girl. Imagine how it is when a girl actually flirts with you
She starts overthinking and sweating,thoughts that you're gonna leave her for the other girl and how she's a bad girlfriend her fill her head.
She'd rather self combust than try to confront the girl with you around so she'll just continue wallowing in self-pity until you finish.
She needs a lot of hugs and reassurances later to calm down
"Hey, are you OK, kobeni? You were sweating and shaking"
"O-oh n-o i'm ok, what about t-that girl you were talking to?"
"I told her I had a girlfriend and she left, don't worry,more importantly, let's continue out date"
"Of course you're my girlfriend right? I'd much rather hang out with you than some random girl"
"Uhm t-thank you"
Asa mitaka
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She is also kind of anxious and worried just way less than kobeni.
She feels kind of like a bad and boring girlfriend often, and that feeling skyrockets when a girl flits with you.
She trusts you, but seeing you so close to that girl while she blatantly flirts with you just makes her feel kinda angry at her, and yoru definitely tries to take advantage of that.
"Come on don't you wanna get rid of her anyway"
"Not in that way yoru!"
"Just turn her into a weapon, that way I get a new one to fight chainsaw man, and you get to take care of that bitch"
"I'm not gonna do that"
"Geez you really are a bad girlfriend then"
"D-did I say that out loud?"
"Yeah but don't worry at least it was the truth"
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You and yoru begged asa to let her take control of her body for just an entire date. After a lot of hesitancy, she accepted but made yoru promise not to kill anyone........ You should probably think twice before trusting the war devil
The moment she saw another girl even look at you with a flirty gaze, immediately she turned her into a weapon without any hesitation.
You weren't that shocked, dating yoru does come with a very high chance of her trying to murder people she even thinks are trying to steal you, you were kinda mad at her for what she promised asa though.
"*sighs* why did you do that?"
"You're mine she was trying to take you from me. I could feel it"
"And how are you gonna explain it to asa?"
"Well it's not my problem"
Then she feel unconscious the scars from her face disappeared and asa woke up looked at the weapon in her hand and then at you
"I'm so sorry asa I swear I can explain"
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She was just coming back to your table with your fast food orders (she got way too much food for herself). When she saw you talking to a girl, she didn't recognize
She didn't think much about it maybe you were just talking to a friend. So she ignored the kinda weird feeling in her chest by doing her favorite thing (tied with spending time with you) eating.
The girl, meanwhile, was very freaked out that a random girl was staring at her with a cold glare and ringed eyes so she left allowing you to go back to your girlfriend.
"Hey fami, sorry if It took me long"
"It's fine, who was that girl you were with?
"I don't know she just came up to me and started flirting"
"I see"
"Why? Are you jealous"
"No I am not"
"Alright whatever you say, you did eat faster than usual though and that's saying something"
"*sighs* Humans are truly weird creatures"
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best girl is back is chainsaw man
Im assuming you mean either Quanxi, Kobeni, or Power, but you should know that the actual best girl is Cosmo
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possiblylando · 7 months
Chainsaw Man Chapter 148 not so early analysis
Bit later than usual cause college and I wanted to look into something from part 1.
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Fumiko has been continuing the trend of being absolutely useless in every situation shes ever been put in to the point I feel confident in saying she CANT fight. This clearly isn't a kobeni situation where she can fight if necessary because she hasn't even really been trying to fight or protect anyone. It's the point I've actually started to believe the theory that Fumiko is actually Aldo in disguise.
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For a refresher Aldo was one of the american assassin brothers who got picked off at the beginning of the arc by Power and Yoshida respectively. However Aldo survived the entire arc and has been awol ever since. He's also surprisingly durable since he survived both of these attacks with minimal injury.
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He may or may not have been hit by halloween, Given his facial expression I it seems like he's faking it especially since Halloween was used on the doll devil and so should logically only effect her dolls which Aldo is not.
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I went back through these chapters expecting to find a smoking gun that could prove this to be true. Specifically I was looking for a scene where he or one of the brothers was holding an ID card which could be matched against the way Fumiko holds it, But I did not find that.
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This is the best I found but it's also standard practice so it isn't good evidence. Back to the chapter itself, It's clear now Quanxi is just going through the motions
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She's clearly been lacking when it comes to combat and athletics in these previous few chapters in comparison to her original appearance. She's been sort of stumbling through these chapters with the help of her regeneration. Which is a bit strange until you keep in mind; Quanxi is more than likely SUPER depressed. The last time we saw her before this was when she fought Denji and the previous time before that was when everyone she cared about got murdered by Makima. It's probable that she blames herself for it because she took the job to kill Denji and thus got her and the girls into the situation that killed them in the first place.
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Fuck you looking at bitch do something
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The transition between these two pages is so good I had to do a double take because my immediate though was that Quanxi was the one who got her arm cut off. But then obviously it's Asa's. You can feel the inspiration from good movie transitions here.
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This whole scene is very cool and also very interesting because Asa is able to block Yoshida's sword with her barehand. She got such an amp from the chainsaw fire attacks that she can do this. It also means she has basically the same base stats as yoru. Which is to be expected but I think is interesting.
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It seems like this page was drawn before the rest of the one in this sequence because Yoshida is busting through a wall here despite the fact Room 606 was just destroyed; Thus there should be no wall to bust through to escape onto the street. Interestingly the other personality is absent in this scene entirely. We never see Yoru and Asa in the same panel which is an interesting choice. Its probably a creative choice to only have one of them around in major action scenes. Feels like a good time to mention a theory I saw on twitter. I've been trying to find it but I've had no luck. If I can find it it'll probably be apart of next week's post. To summarize the theory; Asa and Yoru are the same entity. Not two separate beings in one body. Asa the human we met at the beginning of part 2 has been dead since the justice (fire) contract user killed her. The Asa we see now is a split personality reconstructed using the intact memories in the body's brain at the time she became a fiend. If true it means Asa is an alternate persona created by Yoru in order to cause more conflict within herself (constant internal warfare) and as a coping mechanism due to the chainsaw devil massacre in hell. Its an interesting theory I want to put on the board incase something happens with it especially since Yoru is growing in strength rapidly. Probably how Black Pochita was schooling them during it.
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 11 months
Kyoko kirigiri, aoi asahina with a boyfriend s/o who's like kobeni from chainsaw man
Kyoko kirigiri and aoi asahina with a Kobeni like Boyfriend
Kyoko kirigiri
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•This probably isn't surprising but outta the two on the list she's the best at managing you
•Thanks to her calm demeanor she's able to keep you from panicking to much
•Unfortunately it doesn't stop you from being shy and nervous most of the time but it does help
•Now when she finds out how talented and strong you actually are she's incredibly shocked
•You could give many other ultimates with physical talents a run for their money or outright beat them
•She didn't understand why you were the wY you were until she met your abusive family
•And she was quick to get you away from that situation and had you move in with her
•She also started gathering information and evidence to use against you parents for a court case
•No one messes with her boyfriend and gets away with it
Aoi asahina
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•This girl is the King of positive reinforcement
•She's always encouraging you and trying to keep you from being so jumpy and nervous all the time
•She's also incredibly affectionate towards you
•She can't help it she's a very physical person and you're just adorable sge just needs to cuddle you
•She was surprised but super excited when she found out how amazing you were when it came to combat and physical activity
•She thinks you'd make an amazing sparring partner for Sakura
•And even more than that it she totally going to be doing all kinds of sports with you now
•Not only is her boyfriend adorable but he's super active like her?
•Oh it's a match made in heaven to her.
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makibeni · 10 months
Ch. 64- Use Your Heart
She stirred the drink with her straw, some cloyingly sweet concoction so packed with ice there was hardly anything left in the actual glass. It wasn't her usual pick, she preferred something simple or something stiff, but seeing as this was neither her choice of venue nor time she'd conceded the beverage as well. She'd needed the excuse to occupy her mind with something, her thoughts recently had been stagnant on issues she still hadn't fully grasped, and maybe ones she didn't really have the inclination to. Try as she might emotions were fickle things, and she couldn't keep the pink haired devil from her thoughts, nor how she'd made her feel...
"Himeno? Um a-are you l... listening?"
A bubble burst as the meek voice from across the table finally reached her and snapped her from her stupor. She donned a flustered smile in reply.
"Yeah! Of course... but just for posterity, what were you talking about?"
The girl sighed, too determined or simply too committed to withdraw her line of inquiry on account of Himeno's momentary inattentiveness.
"It's... about Makima..."
She spun the glass in front of her awkwardly, summoning up the will to speak.
"S-she's um... well I'm not really sure..."
It was times like this she found herself slipping back into her old self, overwhelmed and hoping her interlocutor could somehow transcribe her intent from her floundered gestures.
"Relationship troubles?"
She flinched, a misunderstanding but a thought that always made her tense up whenever she had to dissipate it from her thoughts.
"N-NO! N-nothing like that... I don't... think..."
Himeno took note of the girl's panic. In spite of her prior interest, her observations of their relationship didn't extend far beyond making sure Kobeni was safe.
"Hey! I was joking! Don't take it too seriously, alright? Now, what's up with her?"
Her words were often enough drenched in sarcasm and irony that she could pass off sincerity as it's inverse when pressed.
"R-right... sorry..."
The girl did her best to recompose herself. She knew what to say, vaguely, enough to communicate her feelings, she'd just have preferred to not have to speak if at all possible.
"S-so... she's um... hiding something? No not... she's not ready to talk about it... and she might never be... and I-I said that was okay and I meant it... b-but now..."
The thought had been there of course, she'd spoken her beliefs and was willing to stand by them, but how much of a promise could she truly make over something she didn't understand?
"Now you're worried it might be something really bad and you're not sure you can stay with her?"
The girl gesticulated her hands in opposition to the statement so fast she nearly knocked over her glass.
"NO! N-not at all! It's just... if it's something serious I wanna help her out... I don't want her going through whatever it is on her own"
"She's helped me with so much... I feel like I'm actually able to live my life now! A-and I wanna give that to her too... or something like that..."
With a sip of her drink Himeno readied another remark of dubious sincerity.
"So you want my help to spy on her and find out all her secrets?"
Kobeni looked at her for a moment, unclear if she was considering the offer or simply baffled by the suggestion.
"Um... n-no... a-actually I was wondering if you had any advice on how to... comfort her? I-I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to do in this situation..."
She sighed, bobbing the now half melted ice in her glass with her straw, staring a bit too longingly at the ripples they left behind.
"S-sorry I kinda assumed you'd have better advice..."
"Tc- Hey!"
Himeno's light-hearted indignation masked the hint of actual discontent in her voice.
"A-ah! I didn't mean it like that! It's just that well... you've dated people before... I think, a-and I haven't so... I assumed you'd know this kinda stuff..."
She curled into herself a little, slouching her back and shoulders into that typical crumpled pile she seemed most comfortable adopting.
"You really love her, huh?"
For the first time Himeno spoke with a clear sincerity in her voice, carrying the weight of come contemplation with her.
The affirmation, however small, was enough to perk her up a little. She wasn't her old self anymore, even if it was easy to forget how far she'd come in the presence of bright lights, loud noises, and social expectations.
"...then you're farther along than I ever was..."
A mumbled half-whisper that Kobeni still caught, though even with it in her hands she found herself unsure of what to do with it.
"Use that."
She felt Himeno prod her chest with an outstretched finger, prompting an embarrassed flush of red.
"Your heart!"
Kobeni replied with a queer eye and a raised brow while Himeno simply grinned confidently, ready to reveal her hand.
"You're overthinking this, if you think she needs a supportive partner then just support her, whatever it is she's dealing with she'll tell you when she's ready, and whatever it is it'll be a lot easier to deal with when she's got someone like you to come home to."
The sentiment seemed nice but... simple, what was a day of care and affection compared to the lifetime she'd been given with her shackles finally broken? How was it fair that the most she could offer was a kiss and a kind word?
"Y-you think so?"
"I know it'd make my problems a lot easier to deal with."
She brushed it off with a slanted glance at the table and a cocky smirk before noting the girl still needed some convincing.
"Look, I get it, you want some big sweeping gesture to pay her back for everything she's done for you, but that's not how relationships work, give her what she needs not what's gonna make you even"
She fell a pit in her stomach as the idea that this had all been some self serving aggrandizement couched in selfless martyrdom. She didn't think she was doing this for her own benefit, although at the end of the day that wasn't what mattered. Maybe Himeno was right, maybe what Makima needed was just someone at her side to keep her upright. She felt the gentle press on her shoulder as the hunter extended a reassuring pat.
"You're gonna be just fine kid, trust me..."
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morsking · 2 years
it's easy for people to forget anime and manga are mediums and demure moeblob girls sexually available to a male audience aren't an obligatory phenomenon no matter how ubiquitous they are and eventually you were gonna run into an author who was actually intending to portray a rather humorous but no less sober portrayal of a woman with self-esteem issues and anxiety with all the unsightliness of those characteristics for its readers and viewers to genuinely engage with emotionally.
kobeni is a disaster of a person and makes haphazard decisions based on fear because her place in this world, in the lives of others, is tenuous at best. her daily life involves her being denied her own desires, constantly afraid of people judging her worthless enough to toss her away. kobeni's life is uncertain, cruel, and sad. ask yourself: what kind of person would that experience make? what is the story trying to say about kobeni in relation to its larger self? what is chainsaw man really about, and what has it been trying to communicate since it's very beginning? what do you want to actually experience a medium for? are you truly interested in what it wants to say, or are you looking for a gratification you don't realize has no logical reason to be given to you all the time?
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
Thanks to a certain barf kiss, I can't sleep. So let's speculate instead.
This episode, Kobeni reminded me that she has a devil contract—but a secret one. As of chapter 112 (which has some top-class dramatic irony, btw), we don't know what devil she has a contract with.
Whatever it is, it's something she's doesn't use any of the times she's outmatched—not against the bomb girl, not against the Darkness Demon, not even [spoilers] at Family Burger or the date afterwards. She also doesn't use it in the Eternity Devil art or her other fight that will probably show up this season, though they was a bit less perilous than (say) Kobeni's Car vs. Power's Driving.
My point is that it's either too pathetic for her to bother with in even relatively ordinary fights, or has a cost so great she's not willing to pay it even when her life is on the line. Considering both the fact that Himeno identifies timidity as Kobeni's greatest weakness and the fact that nobody would make a contract not worth using, I'm guessing the latter.
Anyways, I decided to look up some speculation. Here are guesses I saw and my thoughts on them.
She was being metaphorically literal, and has a contract with the Secret Devil. Love the idea, no clue what that would look like.
Something that requires human sacrifice to activate. It's why she carries a knife as her primary weapon, to sacrifice people. I like this answer, but it's not really an answer about who she contracted with.
A luck-related devil, with Kobeni's contract being that she has enough good luck to survive the danger she ends up in, in exchange for bad luck anywhere it won't kill her. This fits surprisingly well, and feels like a contract Kobeni would make.
Various forms of [agile animal] Devil, giving Kobeni her agility. Monkey Devil was most common, since one of her opponents says she moves like a monkey in one panel; the Mongoose Devil was also popular. I feel like Kobeni's agility is down to skill/talent and not a devil contract, so this one feels BS.
On a related note: Knife Devil, because knife skills. Again, I don't think that's magic.
The Black Cat Devil. Luck, agile animal, and Kobeni is one of nine sisters. Best animal-related contract I've seen suggested, but A. it's unusually specific for a devil (have any other devils had adjective-noun names?) and B. I'm not convinced that any of that is actually devil-based. Maybe the luck.
The Death Devil, because Kobeni avoids death so easily. Lame; a theory which obviously only exists because the Death Devil has been mentioned as an important devil.
The Hunger Devil, because she says her hobby is eating delicious food and she works at a diner at one point. Interesting if true, probably wrong, falls into the same category as Death.
The seventh most important being in Chainsaw Man canon, Kobeni's car. (I did actually see this one, though sadly the speculator explained that it was a joke.)
One I never saw but expected: A certain spoiler devil who would probably ask her contract be kept secret from the other Devil Hunters present. Now, Kobeni's behavior once that devil properly enters the story absolutely clashes with this theory, but I'm surprised I didn't see anyone theorize it.
Anyways, if you've heard other interesting speculation, let me know. I'd love to hear it.
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tyrantt00 · 5 months
Miranda replaces makima in a chainsaw man swap au. While I think they're very similar, crows and molds/fungal material replace the chains metaphors for the control devil. Also, her manipulation still takes a somewhat sexual tone because that's important to the role of the control devil, but the motherly/family aspect of it is amped up to ten. The manner of it being an inappropriate familial abuse situation is much more apparent.
Leon is the best replacement for denji. His father being wrapped up in the world of crime, his whole family being dead leaving him alone, and the fact that he let's his attraction to someone get in the way of his critical thinking leaving him easily manipulated is very close to denji. Now, I don't think he is as Oblivious to his want for emotional intimacy instead of sexual as denji is, and I think his goals would be more focused on the protection of those he holds dear, but it would still be a large portion of his goals to want to be with any women who would give him the time of day. Actually, the biggest difference between denji and leon is that leon is a misogynist and denji isn't 😭
X is a replacement for kishibe in the au, which I've already gone over. The difference though is that he is contracted to the stalker devil and uses its power to monitor people for miranda. Much more involved in monitoring Leon's life then kishibe was with denji. Otherwise everything I've already said stays true.
Chris replaces Aki. Now, in this au he's not related to Claire and loses a younger brother along with his family. Just because I need Claire open to maximize the amount of characters I can swap, I don't want her dead that flippantly. Jill replaces himeno though but... just because I can't think of where else to shove her unfortunately, I don't think she's anything like himeno don't worry I just needed someone who has a close relationship to Chris to be himeno.
Power is actually just power. Difference is she takes over the body of Manuela instead of a random unnamed girl. Because yknow, blood. Otherwise no difference tbh I couldn't think of how to change power.
Rebecca is kobeni. She's much more under control of her emotions then kobeni is, but her small stature and seemingly pure personality still lead to the same disconnect between her skills and demeanor that kobeni has.
Nemesis is the parasite fiend.. or devil? Idk whether to make him a fiend or a devil. Anyways he takes the place of beam. Much less stupid but still largely instinctual.
Ada could easily replace reze BUT I think she should be Asa.. their names are one letter apart and I want her to have a bigger role in the story. Also Asa's back and forth with denji is more reminiscent to the back and forth between Ada and leon.
And last but certainly not least, the most obvious swap is Nayuta and eveline. Literally right there lol, they act so similar and have such similar roles.
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starwart1 · 2 years
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Reminder: Kobeni is best girl.
(Actually the manga readers know her car is best girl.)
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sappy-detective · 2 years
kobeni is my girlfriend #real
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imsocialshit · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Chapter 111 Thoughts
"I find Yuko finally dying at the hands of chainsaw man kinda poetic as she spent her literal soul and human existence to become like him only to die at his hands." - My Best Friend Blob
And I've gotta admit, even though it really seems like it probably wasn't Denji (how would he have found Yuko, he hadn't expressed any interest in hunting her) that doesn't really matter when Yuko *thought* it was the actual Chainsawman.
I'm also really curious about why the freckled girl Denji saved/scared was shown near the end of the chapter. Every other character had some kind of significance (with Asa and Denji being main characters and Yuko being the focus of the recent chapters.) but shes just like there
I don't have many theories about csm part 2 yet but I'm hoping to finally learn what devil Kobeni has a contract with. My current assumption is that it's some kind of luck based devil. My much less realistic hope is Power return.
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magesup · 3 years
finally came across a csm tiktok and ran here 😤
oh my god.....thank you for sharing this with me OTLL csm has actually been popping off on tiktok lately??? i dont use it very often but when i checked the tag, this kobeni ddr game tiktok and a makima cosplay tiktok got like 500k+ likes each i was so happy to see it becoming popular on there as well :,))) maybe thats why theres a recent surge in popularity for chainsaw man...🤔?? i do think tiktok is the most popular platform right now after all OTL
what a wonderful denji tiktok, so so true. SO TRUE!!! i hate to go off on a tangent here but im gonna go off on a tangent ✋ (sorry if i already said this before i genuinely forget which thoughts i have already shared and which ones i havent OTL) the way that denji learns that sexual intimacy is empty without emotional intimacy...THATS SUCH AN IMPORTANT LESSON!!! especially since its published in a manga targeted towards teenagers. because the cold truth is that teenagers are horny. but they should also know you can only truly gain satisfaction from sexy things if there is emotional value behind it as well. sex =/= happiness
which is why i dont appreciate how denji is labeled/reduced to a pervert sometimes by the community ;__; his character is SO SO much more complex than that. after the bomb girl arc, he never once mentions anything sexual. he has so much respect for the girls bodies, and even at his horniest he always made sure there was consent like when he touched powers boobs and himeno giving him a kiss. reze was literally naked on the beach and denji took off his shirt and used it to cover her. denji literally saw quanxi naked and didnt say anything. HE SAID NOTHING!!! his journey with dealing with sexual stuff is part of his developmental growth! hes so much more mature by the end.
in conclusion, denji has one of the best character arcs ive ever seen and im so proud of him, thank you
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soultronica · 3 years
Managed to be less online last week but as a result I ended up binging Chainsaw Man lol. I liked it!
Power best girl
Makima is one of the coolest characters I've seen recently. She starts out as a manipulative bitch with completely opaque loyalties and goals, which was already amazing, and manages to become ever more than that every step that the story progresses
I really like the general aesthetic, though that's coming from someone who doesn't ever read anything close to horror so idk it could be basic
Big fan of the demon character designs especially, and Denji's demon form especially especially
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The fight sequences as well are really good, I prefer those fast-paced fights with the violence turned up to 10 for impact rather than the drawn-out ultra-scenarised ones
Genuinely funny
Good characters and relationships overall, from a pretty original take on the shonen main trio, to more tender human crushes, to horny teenagers discovering platonic friendship
Gonna be that person, but coming from other shonen including OP, it's... refreshing to have such a varied female cast in literally every level of importance and on every grade of the protag/antag spectrum? Instead of semi-idealised one-trope girls that mostly stay in the background. Like Makima's not just a girlboss she's actually an asshole, Power is not just feral she's genuinely gross and a bully, Himeno is the most human of the bunch and is still super questionable, Bomb is both a waifu and an insanely powerful antag, so is Quangxi, Kobeni is unlikeably pathetic, etc. Love it tbh
Not that it's a girl power manga obviously lol the uncomfortable horniness of shonen/seinen manga is turned up to 100 but that’s the genre. The depiction of certain characters and certain scenes aside, when you've got a portrayal of what the author insists is platonic friendship in the horniest possible way you're kind of left thinking ok which is it lol
Speaking of, has Jump gotten a lot more adult recently or is this an outlier?? On the one hand you've got One Piece still doing nosebleeds, and then you get to this and the main character having sex is a main plot point and you've got full-colour lesbian orgies. The gore also seems more intense than say Bleach where the limbs/blood fly but not in a particularly gruesome way. Idk coming into this knowing it was in Jump had me raising eyebrows a couple times, might've been better assuming it was seinen from the get-go
Story-wise I like the fast pacing with barely any arc set-up to speak of, using humorous transitions as plot devices, what I read could've been twice as long but I like that it wasn't. It's nice finding a manga that goes from 0 to worldwide-level arc and long-term plot wrap-up in under 100 chaps!
Also like that so many characters were disposable, including the likeable ones, and that they regularly die. Raises the stakes, especially when you've got unkillable main characters which is normally a weird choice
This said things got a lot less comprehensible once hell comes in, and the conclusion that completely sets aside one of the big bads feels more like a dropped plot point than a plot twist and a red herring. Enjoyed it less at the end that I did at the 3/4 point
Really static paneling in the early parts possibly as a result of the deadpan humour but that's the only technical criticism I have
Tl;dr Short, original, fun, with good characters, it's an easy rec
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