#lain 25
clockworkslick · 10 months
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happy 25th birthday lain
(animated glitch version below the cut)
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rayalisnesa · 5 months
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guys are you all insane about the hermit event like me.
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eraserheadadult · 1 year
genuinely funny when you have a profound life changing emotional reaction to a tv show and you look it up on tumblr.gov and the tag is 100% composed of people joking about how the protagonist smokes weed
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rdlain · 1 year
present day lol.....present TIME teeheeheehee
dissociation: the anime was spot on, there has to be thousands of DID fakers kinning her right?
is asking haruhi suzumiya vs lain the anime equivalent of batman vs superman discourse?
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TLP/WA 0822-5714-3726, Pusat Distributor Autoklaf Filtrasi Probolinggo
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kurniawangunadi · 7 months
33 Tahun dan mengapa belum menikah di usia ini?
Ini tentu bukan bercerita tentangku, tapi tentang pengamatan. Sebagai penulis, beberapa kali melakukan proses interview, ngobrol, bertukar pikiran, dan sebagainya. Dulu, pandangan seperti ini tidak banyak kutemukan karena dulu usiaku masih 24 tahun saat memulai karir. Sekarang, tahun ini telah beranjak 33 tahun, sebentar lagi anak pertama masuk SD. Dan beberapa kali juga, melalui istri, ditanya apa ada temanku yang bisa dikenalkan ke teman-temannya istri. Yang tahun ini, menjelang kepala tiga. Dari proses-proses yang risetku selama menulis dan apa yang terjadi, datanya tidak sesederhana itu. Kita berada di lingkungan yang baik, tidak serta merta membuat kita langsung ketemu pasangan hidup yang sesuai dengan apa yang kita butuhkan. Dipadu padankan dengan obrolan bersama psikiater beberapa waktu terakhir. Ada beberapa pendapat subjektif yang bisa kuhadirkan dari seluruh kumpulan riset itu, nanti kalau kamu ada lainnya, boleh ditambahkan : 1. Kehidupan yang semakin materialistik, ukuran terhadap materi dan kesiapan materi menjadi parameter yang sangat menentukan dalam pernikahan. Dan ukuran ini membesar, seperti kepemilikan rumah, kendaraan, atau gaji dalam nominal tertentu, serta tuntutan hidup materialistik (apa-apa diukur dengan uang) ini berpengaruh pada pola pikir dan kesiapan orang untuk menikah. Memang, mempersiapkan finansial untuk menikah itu penting, tapi ketika semua keputusan berpusat pada uang - mendominasi pikiran. Itulah awal mula dari kondisi tersebut. Apakah kamu setakut itu pada masalah rezeki? Kondisi yang sangat mungkin berbeda dengan waktu orang tua kita dulu. 2. Kondisi mental dan emosional yang belum pulih. Percaya atau enggak, orang lain bisa merasakan apakah kita ini cukup stabil atau se-eror itu. Apalagi jika keeroran kita tervalidasi melalui asesmen. Kita perlu untuk mengakui dan menyadari kalau memang kita perlu meluangkan waktu untuk mengobati diri sendiri. Kalau pun butuh waktu beberapa tahun, ya itu bagian dari konsekuensi. Karena masuk ke dalam pernikahan memang memerlukan kondisi mental emosional yang cukup kuat. "Badai"nya sesuatu, dinamikanya sangat beragam, dan tantangan yang akan dihadapi sangat berbeda dengan saat kita masih single. Kita akan berkompromi dengan banyak sekali orang. Apalagi jika nanti kita memiliki anak. Mereka perlu orang tua yang sehat jiwa dan pikirannya. Agar jangan sampai, kalau saat kita memiliki trauma, ternyata tanpa sengaja menjadi penghambat bagi anak-anak kita. 3. Romantisasi keadaan. Belum menikah di usia tersebut sebenarnya itu bukan masalah, tidak ada panduan bahwa menikah itu harus usia 25-30. Tidak ada dosanya juga belum menikah di umur 30 lebih. Tapi, membiarkan diri meromantisasi keadaan sehingga dari sana kita merasa mendapatkan dukungan, validasi, pembenaran pendapat, dan apapun yang sebenarnya digunakan untuk menutupi kekhawatiran diri karena belum menikah. Alih-alih berusaha untuk membangun persepsi diri yang benar, pandangan hidup yang lebih luas, dengan demikian kita bisa memiliki value kita sendiri yang kuat, yang tidak goyah saat kita sendirian dikamar yang sepi, atau saat di tengah kumpulan keluarga.
4. Tidak siap dengan masalah. Kalau kata buku yang kubaca, menikah itu seperti memilih masalah yang akan kita jalani seumur hidup, jadi pilihlah masalah yang kamu mau menjalaninya. Tontonan berupa film, drama, dan romanitasi yang berseliweran di media sosial secara tak sengaja membangun kesadaran kita bahwa menikah itu pasti akan sebahagia itu. Ini juga berkaitan pada poin satu tadi salah satunya. Tidak siap dengan beragam masalah, harus beradaptasi dengan beragam kondisi, kompromi dengan pasangan, belum lagi hal-hal lainnya. Tidak setiap pernikahan itu selalu dimulai dengan sudah memiliki rumah, kadang harus ngontrak. Tidak dimulai dengan langsung ada mobil, harus kerja bertahun-tahun dulu. Belum lagi nanti kalau harus memilih sekolah anak yang disesuaikan sama budget keluarga. Belum lagi, bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat. Singgungan yang banyak itu akan menciptakan dinamika, salah satu dinamikanya adalah masalah-masalah tersebut. Belum lagi dinamika soal tinggal di mana, siapa yang akan ngejar karir duluan, dan berbagai pembagian peran dan tugas dalam keluarga. Apakah kamu siap menghadapi dan berkompromi dengan beragam masalah itu? Sesuatu yang memang sudah sepaket dengan pilihanmu untuk berkeluarga.
Apakah kamu bisa membayangkan? Empat dulu, ada banyak temuan lainnya dari hasil diskusiku selama ini. Pendapat di atas sangat subjektif, benar-salahnya tidak mutlak. Tapi semoga bisa menjadi pelajaran penting. Pelajaran yang membuat kita bisa memiliki perspektif yang lebih luas dalam mengamati sesuatu. Ada tambahan? (c)kurniawangunadi
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nalza73 · 11 months
Aku bekerja di sebuah syarikat swasta di petaling jaya. Umur 26 tahun. Sudah 3 tahun berumahtaga, hidup kami mewah..soal wang tidak menjadi perkiraan, tapi masih belum dikurniakan cahaya mata. Aku dan suami telah puas beriktiar cara tradisional sebelum kami membuat pemeriksaan doktor. Akhirnya suamiku disahkan tidak subur walaupun zakarnya berfungsi dengan normal(cukup besar- 6 ¼ inci, dan keras serta banyak air maninya bila terpancut) namun benihnya tak subur. Perkara ini kami rahsiakan dari keluarga atas permintaan suamiku.
Suamiku mengalami tekanan bila ibu bapanya mula menanyakan bila mereka akan menimang cucu hasil perkahwinan satu-satunya anak mereka itu. Aku juga teringinkan anak..tapi apakan daya. Suamiku tidak mahu mengambil anak angkat kerana kekurangan dirinya akan diketahui.
Pada suatu malam, suamiku membuat cadangan yang mengejutkan aku, dia mencadangkan aku tidur dengan lelaki lain untuk hamil. Aku membangkang cadangan itu sekeras-kerasnya. Ekoran itu aku dan suamiku sering berbalah, walaupun mengenai perkara yang kecil. Akhirnya setelah empat bulan hidup dalam tension dan perkelahian, aku mengalah, dan bersetuju dengan cadangannya. Persetujuan aku menggembirakan suamiku. Dia memberitahu aku yang dia akan uruskan semuanya.Aku menjangka bahawa dia akan membawa pulang lelaki yang dipilihnya dan aku akan disuruh bersetubuh dengan lelaki tersebut.
Hampir dua bulan berlalu, tiada sebarang kejadian yang berlaku dan suamiku tidak langsung menyebut tentang perkara itu. Aku menyangka bahawa dia akhirnya tidak sanggup untuk melakukannya. Aku pun merasa lega. Tapi sangkaan aku meleset.
Pada hujung minggu itu dia mengajak aku dinner di Holliday Villa. Sungguh romantik dia malam tu. Waktu menikmati desert, suamiku suruh aku tunggu sebentar sebab dia nak keluar. Hampir setengah jam dia pergi. Aku tanya kemana dia pergi. Dia bagi tahu aku yang dia pergi buat arrangement untuk aku meniduri dengan kawan sepejabat dia (tak perlu aku sebutkan namanya di sini). Tersedak aku dibuatnya. Dia sudah tempah dua bilik sebelah menyebelah ‘with connecting door’.
Selesai makan kami ke bilik yang ditempahnya.Aku rasa seperti mimpi antara percaya dengan tidak. Masuk saja ke bilik dia terus buka pintu yang menghubungkan bilik sebelah. Tapi daun pintu bilik sebelah masih belum dibuka.
Suamiku memberitahu aku bahawa dia telah merancang perkara ini sejak dua bulan yang lalu lepas aku memberikan persetujuan. Dia buat pertaruhan yang dia tahu dia akan kalah. Yang kalah dalam pertaruhan akan sponsor yang menang meniduri gadis pelacur high class yang cantik molek. Petang tadi dia buat tempahan “special package” di health club kat situ. Dia telah beri arahan pada wanita yang akan melayan kawannya nanti. wanita itu disuruh pujuk kawan nya untuk mencuba style baru. Kawannya tu akan diikat dan di tutup matanya sementara wanita itu memberikan kenikmatan padanya sehingga kawannya benar-benar terangsang. Ketika itulah wanita itu akan bertukar tempat dengan aku. supaya kawan suamiku memancutkan air maninya dalam tubuhku. Selepas itu barulah wanita itu akan meleraikan ikatannya dan kawannya pula boleh berbuat apa sahaja yang yang dia hendak ke atas pelacur tu.
Suamiku kata sekarang kami hanya menunggu wanita itu membuka pintu dari sebelah sana. Sementara itu dia suruh aku bersiap-siap. Aku disuruh menanggalkan pakaian dan memakai bathrobe sahaja. Aku rasa macam bermimpi. Tapi aku kuat kan hati dan bertekad untuk melalui malam ini demi memenuhi kehendak suamiku. Sambil menunggu tu, suamiku menyelak bathrobe dan mula menjilat kelentit ku. Aku menjadi terangsang. kemaluan ku menjadi basah.
Tidak lama lepas tu kami dengar bunyi musik bercampur suara gelak ketawa dan usik-mengusik dari bilik sebelah. Lebih kurang 25 minit kemudian pintu bilik sebelah dibuka. Pintu bilik sebelah tu dibuka oleh wanita melayu (aku tersentak.. kali pertama aku melihat seorang pelacur, masih muda aku rasa baru 20 tahun, cantik dan dalam keadaan telanjang)
Itulah pelacur yang ditempah oleh suamiku untuk melaksanakan rancangannya pada malam itu.wanita itu mengisyaratkan supaya aku dan suamiku diam dan mengajak kami ke bilik sebelah. susuk tubuh pelacur itu hampir sama dengan aku. suamiku membuat pilihan yang sebegini supaya mudah aku bertukar tempat dengan wanita itu.
bila masuk ke bilik sebelah aku dapati seorang lelaki terkangkang diikat kaki dan tangannya ke penjuru katil. matanya ditutup dengan kain hitam. mataku melirik ke zakarnya yang keras.. tapi saisnya tak lah besar sangat dalam 5 inci. (besar lagi zakar suamiku yang lebih 6 inci lebih panjangnya). Buah zakar dia memang besar..tentu banyak air mani fikirku. Bunyi musik dalam bilik itu cukup kuat untuk menyembunyikan bunyi pergerakan kami bertiga. lelaki itu tidak sedar tentang kehadiran kami.
Wanita tadi terus mendapatkan zakar lelaki itu dan menghisapnya. melihat kepada tindakbalas lelaki itu aku yakin bahawa tak lama lagi akan terpancutlah air dia. Wanita itu berkata pada lelaki itu yang dia nak masukan zakar (dia panggil ‘kote’) lelaki tu dalam cipap dia. Pada masa itulah suamiku menanggalkan bathrobe aku dan menolak aku ke arah katil. Aku di pimpin oleh wanita itu dan suamiku untuk naik ke atas katil dan mengambil kedudukan betul-betul atas zakarnya. Aku pun pegang zakarnya yang berdenyut-denyut itu dan dengan perlahan menekan lubang kemaluanku aku ke bawah sehingga zakarnya terbenam masuk sepenuhnya.
Dia mengerang sedap. sepanjang kami berada dalam bilik itu, hanya wanita itu yang bersuara. dia bertanyakan samada lelaki itu suka dengan apa yang dia lakukan (sebenarnya aku yang buat). Aku menggerakkan bontot aku agar zakarnya dia keluar masuk.
Kemudian aku perasan suara wanita tadi dah lain bunyi nya… bila aku toleh aku lihat dia sedang disetubuhi oleh suamiku dari belakang. Hairan… aku sedikit pun tidak merasa cemburu, sebaliknya aku rasa terangsang bila melihat zakar suamiku keluar-masuk dari kemaluan pelacur tu. Aku terus mempercepatkan pergerakan aku sehingga tidak lama kemudian lelaki tersebut terpancut. Aku dapat mersakan kepanasan air mani dia dalam badan aku. Menyedari bahawa lelaki itu telah terpancut, suamiku dan pelacur tadi memberhentikan aksi mereka. Aku terus bangun… suamiku terus memimpin aku kebilik sebelah dan wanita itu itu menutup pintu biliknya.
Entah apa yang berlaku seterusnya di bilik sebelah. Tapi di bilik kami…adengan nya tidak berakhir disitu malah baru nak mula. Aku dipeluk dan dikucup oleh suamiku dengan rakus. Dia beritahu aku yang dia sangat terangsang bila melihat aku bersetubuh dengan kawannya tadi. Aku terus di baringkan dan dia masukan zakarnya yang keras itu ke dalam lubang kemaluan aku yang penuh dengan air aku dan air mani kawannya.
Sudah lama aku tidak dijamah oleh suamiku dengan begitu bernafsu,… sejak dia mendapat tahu bahawa dia mandul. tapi malam itu kami bersetubuh macam mula-mula kahwin dulu. Aku klimak 2 kali sebelum suamiku memancutkan air mani dia. Lepas tu kami terbaring berpelukan dan bercakap dengan nada berbisik. Aku beritahu dia yang aku juga terangsang melihat dia bersetubuh dengan pelacur tadi… kalau boleh aku nak tengok dia bersetubuh dengan wanita lain dan join sekali. Suamiku tanya samada aku bergurau ke betul..kalau betul dia boleh call health centre kat bawah tu untuk hantar seorang lagi girl..nak tak? Aku angguk menyatakan persetujuan.
25 minit kemudian loceng pintu berbunyi. Suamiku buka pintu dan menjemput seorang wanita masuk. Wanita itu terkejut melihat aku kat situ. Suamiku jelaskan pada dia hajat kami. Dia kata tak kisah asal dibayar ekstra RM150.00 untuk servisnya. Suamiku bersetuju. Aku berkenalan ala kadar dengan wanita itu. Nama dia aida, masih study kat kolej swasta. kerja ni saja buat part time cari duit lebih. Suamiku mencelah dia kata.. takkan nak sembang gitu aje. dia minta aida mula tanggalkan pakaian macam strip tease.
Aku dan suamiku menonton dari atas katil. aku berada dalam pelukan dia. Selepas semua pakaian aida tertanggal, dia berdiri depan katil kami. Satu kakinya diangkat ke atas katil dan direnggangkan sehingga menampakkan kemaluannya yang licin dicukur. Tanpa sebarang rasa malu dia merenggangkan bibir kemaluannya dan mula menggentil kelentitnya sambil memandang tepat pada kami.
Dengan berbisik di telingaku, suamiku bertanya apa yang ingin aku lakukan. Aku kata aku nak tengok aida hisap zakar dia. Diapun minta aida jilat dan hisap zakar dia. Sekali lagi aku dikejutkan..aida naik ke katil dan membelakangkan kami, kemudian menonggeng untuk mengisap zakar suamiku. Jadi bontot serta kemaluan dia yang tersepit dicelah pahanya berada hanya beberapa inci dari muka kami. Suamiku terus meraba-raba bontotnya kemudian dia dia jolokkan jarinya masuk kedalam lubang kemaluan aida. Sejurus lepas itu dia mula menjilat lubang kemaluan aida yang dah basah tu..
Aku sungguh terangsang. aku mula menggosok kelentitku sambil memerhatikan mereka berdua. Bila mana suamiku melihat aku bermain sendirian, dia pun berhenti dan mengatur semula kedudukan. Oleh kerana katil itu tidak cukup besar utk tiga orang, kami berpindah ke lantai. Aida berada dalam keadaan merangkak. suamiku menyetubuhi aida dari belakang. Aku pula duduk dengan merenggangkan kaki didepan aida. Ini memudahkan kemaluanku di jilat oleh aida. hhuuuhh jilatan dari seorang wanita lebih jauh nikmatnya dari jilatan yang pernah aku alami dari suamiku. Aku menujah kemaluanku kemuka aida..kesian dia depan belakang kena tujah. Tak lama lepas tu aku klimaks. Walaupun aku klimaks aku minta supaya aida meneruskan jilatannya. Habis air aku dijilatnya.
Aku lihat muka suamiku dah merah, matanya pejam rapat…aku kenal benar..tak lama lagitu nak terpancut. aku cepat-cepat bagitahu dia yang aku nak dia pancutkan air mani dia kat aku. Suamiku terus keluarkan zakar dia dari tubuh aida.Kesian aku tengok muka aida..muka orang hajat tak sampai…(aida masa tu aku rasa terangsang sangat dah).
Suamiku pun datang kat aku.. aku hisap zakarnya yang basah dengan lendir dari kemaluan aida. Lepas tu aku minta dia masukkan zakarnya kelubang kemaluan aku dan dayung perlahan-lahan. Kakiku kupeluk tubuh suamiku.
Terasa nikmat yang lama dinafikan pada ku… nikmat zakar yang besar..keras ..panas terrendam dalam kemaluan ku. Kami berpelukan dan berkucupan lidah selama 10 minit sebelum suamiku terpancut..dan bila mendengar suara suamiku yang dalam dan menggigil itu aku turut klimaks bersama dengannya. Lepas tu baru aku perasan aida turut klimaks bersendirian (dia musterbate sendirian).
Sebaik saja nafas aida kembali normal..suamiku suruh dia bersihkan kemaluan kami berdua. Aida menurut…. habis air mani dan mazi kami suami isteri yang berada pada kemaluanku dan zakar suamiku dijilat oleh aida. Lepas itu barulah suamiku membenarkan aida membersihkan diri dan mengenakan kembali pakaiannya. Suamiku membayar servicenya sebanyak RM 350.00. aida menerima wang itu dengan gembira sebab itu lebih dari sepatutnya. Sebelum dia keluar dia meninggalkan phone numbernya. kalau kami perlukan dia untuk memanaskan hubungan kami suami isteri..call dia anytime..dia akan datang.
Pada malam itu kami tidur di hotel, esok pagi kami bersetubuh lagi. sebelum balik ke rumah.
Sejak peristiwa itu selera seks kami berubah. Kami lebih gemar melakukan sex bila ada orang ketiga bersama. mujurlah suamiku dapat menguruskan orang ketiga ni. Walaupun ada orang ketiga..yang pasti suamiku hannya akan mengeluarkan air mani nya dalam tubuh aku. Orang ketiga hanya kami gunakan untuk fore play sahaja.
Kini sudah 8 bulan peristiwa itu berlalu..perut ku kini telah sarat (hasil satu-satunya persetubuhan aku dengan kawannya pada malam tersebut). Suamiku adalah orang yang paling gembira menantikan kehadiran anak yang bakal dilahirkan. Selain itu dia juga sangat terangsang setiap kali masuk bersama menemani aku ke bilik pemeriksaan bila aku menjalani check up. Kami sengaja memilih klinik swasta yang mempunyai doktor lelaki yang kacak. Selepas pemeriksaan kami mesti bergegas balik dan bersetubuh dengan ghairah tapi itu lain kali lah aku cerita buat masa ni sekian dulu.
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mylancap1 · 6 months
Selesai semua review untuk episode Cinta Bersegi dengan penampilan 3 girls yang sangat berlibido tinggi, cuma tak sama background & sexual taste masing-masing. Ada yang tanya aku umur dorang. Lupa aku nak bagitau, semua girls tu dalam age yang sangat ranum. Kemuncak sexual bergelora.
Untuk tahun 2023, umur dorang:
BAKHTIAR - 27 y/o
AMIN - 23 y/o
SHAKIRA - 26 y/o
TASNEEM - 27 y/o
FAZRINA - 25 y/o
Dekat sini boleh dah nampak pattern sexual dorang macam mana. Fazrina & Bakhtiar je yang cliche. Lelaki senior sikit, girl junior. Ayra dan Tasneem nampaknya sangat suka layan dick muda. Tasneem especially dapat dick yang sangat-sangat fresh. Fresh bukan kata tak pernah make love sebelum sebab darkside Amin pun banyak. Fresh dalam erti kata berurat, boleh layan berapa round sampai girl puas. Macam tu maskudnya. Sebab tu married 5 bulan dah terus lekat.
Tapi dalam semua tu, ada lagi 1 figura yang selalu aku lenjan. Kalau ada dah fapping Shakira, Tasneem, Fazrina bergilir-gilir sampai lunyai, dick aku akan terbangun dengan mencanak 100% bila aku habiskan dengan woman ni. Selalunya aura MILF susah nak dibendung. Boleh jadi penegang dick yang dah lembik dengan sekelip mata.
Dalam senarai 5 orang kat atas, ada sorang MILF:
DATIN SHIDA - Awal 40 an, mommy kepada Amin & wife kepada VIP.
Umur 40 dia dah dapat son yang married, means dia kahwin sangat awal. Libido yang membuak-buak masa remaja terpaksa dihabiskan dengan marriage. Tapi bila dah masuk sweet 40, semua stabil. Nafsu yang lama terpendam kembali bernyawa. Datin Shida perlukan sexual journey yang paling maximum pada umur macam ni. Betul la research sebut woman umur 40 nafsu dia menggila lebih dari zaman remaja.
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Mommy Shida boleh jadi berada di top 1 berbanding woman lain kalau mood untuk MILF datang, seriously. Dengan muka yang flawless, body dia tak boleh la nak harapkan macam anak dara. Tapi fair enough, montok, gebu, besar dan sangat bernafsu tinggi. Skin dia memang licin dan putih. Nampak juga aura keibuan dia diselindung di sebalik perasaan notty & wild yang membuak-buak.
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Cara dia berjalan, posture masa dia duduk menampakkan dia elite class, sesuai la dengan pangkat dia. Membayangkan macam mana kalau dia dominate partner dekat ranjang. Datin Shida akan kenakan lingerie paling premium dengan bold colors sampaikan sapa-sapa guys pun boleh mencanak naik bila tengok segunung boobs Datin diselimuti bra & panties yang mahal. Dengan sexy perfume, takkan ada sesiapa tak terangsang bila tercium. Damn.
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Dengan hijab yang sengaja dipakai untuk ikut trend, sebenarnya itu lebih menaikkan nafsu aku to be honest. Dia gayakan dekat living room yang 1st class membuatkan aku teringin nak fuck dia dekat sofa luxury yang dia duduk. Mulakan dengan mish position sampai dia dah rasa khayal, lepas tu rangsang dia untuk doggy, then angkat dia untuk dia ride sepuas hati. Bila dia dah hampir nak cum, angkat untuk standing position. Lenjan sepuas hati sampai Datin Shida kejang. Ahhhhh fuck.
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Ahhhh mommy... ahh datin. Please belanja more. Boobs MILF tu memang medium paling utama untuk sapa-sapa attack. Shape yang masih solid, tak saggy menunjukkan cara dia jaga body power. Besar sial tetek Datin Shida. Cara layan Datin Shida tips dia jangan gelojoh. Slowly but surely. Long foreplay sangat membantu. Sampai la dia akan minta dan merengek untuk undress semua sexy outfit yang dia pakai.
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Fucking shit. Are you ready to fuck me, mommy? Please... ahhhh
Face 7/10
Muka yang sederhana. Tak terlalu notty, tak terlalu nerdy. Di pertengahan. Maybe banyak diselindungi oleh jiwa keibuan dia. Mommy Shida akan berjiwa sangat lembut di luar dan sangat wild bila di ranjang. Masa tu muka dia akan berubah sangat sexy.
Boobs 8.5/10
Bagi aku, boobs Datin Shida dah kategori sangat perfect. Besar & solid gila. Membulat kalau ada candid baju dia kena tiup angin. Ahhhh, tapi susah gila nak jumpa moment dia belanja kaw kaw. Itu la penyebab markah penuh tak boleh bagi. Kalau tak, confirm full marks.
Butt 7/10
Sama macam boobs. Butt dia sangat padu. Pernah la sekali dua dia belanja butt masa tengah workout di gym. Tapi jarang dia tunjukkan aset tu. Datin memang jenis reserved dekat public. Masa dengan bff or partner baru la jiwa sexy dia automatic datang. Masa tu semua yang tengok butt dia akan terpegun.
Body Cutting 7/10
Above par bagi aku. Boddy cutting MILF tak boleh samakan dengan anak dara. Tapi aku dah rasa body Datin Shida menyerlah. Dia bukan body jenis skinny yang tak rasa apa-apa boleh tengah fuck. Tapi jenis yang kita boleh rasa kemontokan tu. Memang best untuk licking & sucking 1 body.
Sexual Attractiveness 7.5/10
Macam aku cakap Datin tak akan show off benda ni dekat public. Tapi dia jenis suka deep talk. Dia boleh pillow talk pasal sexual journey dia dengan bff masa travel. Masa tu preferences & sexual taste dia nampak sangat high. Masa tu la attractive gila. Dan benda tu dia akan apply masa make love dengan partner. Datin Shida boleh express, ajar & guide orang lain. Tu kelebihan dia.
Elite & social life. So banyak circle dia geng datin. Dorang akan bercerita tentang nafsu masing-masing bila jumpa. Macam mana perfomance partner. Apa lagi yang perlu explore. Moment macam ni memang mengghairahkan sesiapa saja yang terlibat. Kalau dorang rasa daring, dekat situ la vibrator akan berfungsi dan lessy scene akan wujud. Part ni aku akan story pada chapter lain.
Ahhhhh your boobies so nice mommy. Wanna suck them so bad.
So yeahhh,
Siapa yang Datin Shida akan minat untuk share experiences, bagi guide & praktikkan ilmu sexual dia secara hands on?
Dengan menantu dia, Tasneem? Atau dengan kakak menantu dia, Shakira? Atau lebih jauh sikit dekat Fazrina?
Atau lebih wild, direct kepada boys. Bakhtiar... atau damnnnn hot, dengan her own son, Amin?
181 notes · View notes
andromedanisa · 1 month
tidak tergesa-gesa
لو تأملت في حالك لوجدت أن الله أعطاك الكثير دون أن تطلبه
فثق أن الله لم يمنع عنك حاجة رغبتها إلا و لك في المنع خيرا تجهله
"Sekiranya kau renungi perihal keadaanmu, pastilah kau dapati bahwa Allaah menganugerahkanmu banyak hal tanpa kau pinta. Karena itu, percayalah bahwa ketika Dia menghalangi tak memberi hal yang begitu engkau harapkan dan sukai tak lain karena pada hal demikian itu ada kebaikan yang engkau tak ketahui."
Kesabaran dalam berdoa adalah bahwa doa itu punya batas sesuai dengan kadar bobotnya.
Allaah pasti akan mengabulkan setiap doa yang telah dipanjatkan kepadaNya. Allaah pasti akan memberi jawaban doa seseorang selama ia bersabar dan tak tergesa-gesa.
Dari Abu Hurairah -raḍiyallāhu 'anhu- secara marfū', (Nabi bersabda), "Doa salah seorang dari kalian akan dikabulkan selama ia tidak tergesa-gesa, (yaitu) orang tersebut berkata, "Aku telah berdoa kepada Tuhanku, tetapi Dia tidak mengabulkannya untukku." Dalam riwayat Muslim (disebutkan), "Doa seorang hamba senantiasa akan dikabulkan selama ia tidak berdoa untuk dosa atau memutuskan hubungan keluarga, asalkan ia tidak tergesa-gesa." Ditanyakan, "Wahai Rasulullah, apa yang dimaksud dengan tergesa-gesa?" Beliau bersabda, "Seseorang berkata: Sungguh aku telah berdoa dan sungguh aku telah berdoa, namun aku belum melihat dikabulkannya doaku," maka ia pun merasa rugi (putus asa) ketika itu sehingga meninggalkan doa."  Hadis sahih - Muttafaq 'alaih
apa kunci dikabulkannya doa Nabi Zakariyyah alaihi salam? tentu kesabarannya. 70 tahun lamanya baru Allaah kabulkan doa Nabi Zakariyyah. selama 70 tahun Nabi Zakariyyah alaihissalam mengulang-ulang doanya setiap hari kepada Allaah tanpa tergesa-gesa.
berapa lama Nabi Yaqub alaihissalam berdoa agar Allaah pertemukan dengan Nabi Yusuf alaihissalam? Berpuluh-puluh tahun lamanya sampai ada yang mengatakan 40 tahun barulah Allaah mengabulkannya.
berapa lama Nabi Ayyub alaihissalam berdoa kepada Allaah agar mengembalikan semuanya? Tepat 20 tahun lamanya Nabi Ayyub alaihissalam berdoa yang mana Allaah abadikan dalam surah Al-Anbiya ayat 83
“Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku telah ditimpa penyakit dan Engkau adalah Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang di antara semua penyayang."
Tidak sulit bagi Allaah untuk mengabulkan doa-doa para Nabi. Allaah lebih tahu segalanya. yang tersirat dari keteladan mereka adalah kesabaran tanpa batas. iya, sabar. nikmati setiap prosesnya.
akan ada batas waktunya dimana doa itu akan terkabul. yang perlu kamu yakini adalah bahwa setiap jawaban doa adalah iya pasti dikabulkan.
ada seorang perempuan bercerita kepada temanku, beliau menikah diusia 25 tahun. Allaah kabulkan doanya dengan kehadiran buah hati diusia beliau yang tidak muda lagi 45 tahun. 20 tahun lamanya beliau berdoa, dan selama itu Allaah baru mengabulkan doanya. padahal banyak manusia disekitarnya meragukan bahwa beliau ini akan hamil dan memiliki buah hati.
tentang doa teringat dengan perkataan Ibnu Qoyyim rahimahullaah, "Doa itu ibarat panah yang dilesatkan ke langit. tapi untuk mencapai langit ia butuh waktu."
"Berdoalah kepada Allaah dalam keadaan yakin bahwa doa tersebut akan dikabulkan, dan ketahuilah bahwa Allaah tidak akan mengabulkan doa dari hati yang lalai (yang tidak yakin bahwa doanya akan dikabulkan)." (HR. Tirmidzi 3479)
dan Ramadhan adalah momentum terbaik untuk melepaskan dan memulangkan semua kekhawatiran dengan doa-doa yang sungguh-sungguh mengharap Rahmat dan ampunan Allaah semata..
18 Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah
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universitypenguin · 3 months
Chapter 25
Summary: Doubts about Nguyen arise in the stalker case and the murder case. Princess and Lloyd review the evidence and decide where to focus their efforts as they race against the clock to rescue Laine Cruz.
Word Count: 6,182
Warning: This story contains content that is intended for those who are at least eighteen years old, such as strong language, sex, sexual content, and references to murder, kidnapping and criminal elements. 
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Chapter XXV
Jake Jensen was in nerd heaven and you loved that for him. 
He sat at a desk in the middle of the D.C. Metro Police station bullpen. A female detective from cyber crimes was leaning over his shoulder. She was slender with a pixie cut and delicate facial features that reminded you of Audrey Hepburn. Jake’s fingers flew over the keyboard of your work laptop as he explained how your system had been hacked. 
You hung back, settling into the guest chair across from Detective Diskant’s desk, fifteen feet away from the computer nerd fest. Diskant hadn’t shown up yet. He’d called after your allergist appointment to ask if Jake could bring in your work laptop and go over it with cybercrimes. You looked around the semi-deserted bullpen. A few uniforms stood around, talking near the front desk. There were a couple offices around the central area that appeared occupied, but it seemed most of the detectives were out and about. This gave you mixed feelings. It might be good to have the police force on the street, present in the communities they served, but where was their back up? Was everyone else at a conference or a training in-service or was the station always this empty?
Trying not to stare at Jake and the lady cop, you searched your purse for a nail file. It had been ages since you’d gotten a manicure and long past time for a good re-shaping. As you filed, you tried to be subtle about glancing over at the computer nerds. The lady cop laid a hand on Jake’s shoulder and smiled. 
You couldn’t catch the words but you knew body language. That head tilt and the sly glance that darted away once eye contact was made was straight out of Flirting 101. Despite the clear signals the lady cop was throwing down, they still went over Jake’s head. 
“Princess, can you come over here?” Jake asked. 
You winced at the expression that flashed across the lady cop’s face as she withdrew her hand from Jake’s personal space. 
“What’s up?” you asked, moving to stand behind Jake’s chair but keeping a respectful distance between you. 
“Look at this,” Jake said, pointing to the screen. 
You examined the string of numbers he indicated. “What am I looking at, again?” 
“It’s an IP address from Bishop & Howard.” 
“This is where the attack originated. Also, it came through our server.”
“So we know who was behind the attack?” 
Jake sighed. “Not exactly. We know where it came from. The naming convention of the IP address doesn’t exactly match the company’s standard, but some departments do use unique identifiers.” 
“Don’t you guys keep an inventory list of all the active IP addresses?”
“I already ran it through the list. No match.”
“But it came from our server?”
The lady cop cleared her throat. “Is there any reason a particular department would have a computer with a unique IP address?”
“Usually they’re marking computers that are designed for sensitive information, but most of them aren’t connected to the internet.” 
“We should ask what departments use unlisted computers,” she said. 
“I doubt they’d just hand that information over,” Jake replied. 
“But this narrows down the suspect list to employees of Bishop & Howard,” the female detective said. 
“How else can we match this IP address?” you asked.
“I’ve set up one of the specialized computers for an investigation before. The format of the IP address includes a project code, security level, and identifying number for the system. If I do some digging, I might be able to figure out who’s computer this is.”
Reading between the lines, you knew ‘digging’ meant ‘hacking’ but didn’t call him on it in front of the cyber crimes detective.
“I didn’t realize those specialized computers were connected to our servers.”
Jake rubbed a hand over his face. “They’re not supposed to be. But clearly whoever’s stalking you is tech savvier than we thought. It’s like someone deliberately used the untraceable system to cover their tracks."
Detective Diskant finally entered the room, carrying a laptop under his arm. He stopped at the desk where Jake sat and placed it down.
“You need to see this,” he said, pressing play on a video file. 
At first it seemed like footage of an airport, but when the angle shifted you recognized the platform at Washington Union Station. A train pulled up and passengers disembarked. Diskant pressed pause when the video reached a certain frame. 
“Recognize anyone?” 
“Nguyen,” Jake said. 
You scanned the crowd, looking for the familiar face. It wasn’t until Jake pointed him out that you recognized Shun Nguye. He was in the center of the screen, blending into the blur of travelers. 
“We need to reconsider the prime suspect in your stalking case,” Diskant said.
“Look at the time stamp,” Jake said. 
“August 16th, at 11 A.M,” you read.
“Unless Nguyen has developed the ability to be in two places at once, he couldn’t have attacked Princess in Lloyd’s backyard and been in the train station.” 
You closed your eyes feeling weak. “That explains the photos,” you murmured.
“What photos?” Diskant asked.
“The pictures left on my car. It was right after the birthday dinner with my family. I remembered them yesterday. The timing didn’t make sense. Nguyen couldn’t have taken them, not by himself.” 
“Right. Based on this, we can rule him out, but it’s suspicious that he’d return to Virginia.”
“We’re back where we started, with no idea who my stalker is,” you said.
Diskant inclined his head, acknowledging your statement. “No, we don’t.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lloyd spent the afternoon in a coffee shop transcribing his interview with Tate Corbin. Despite his aversion to such establishments, they offered reliable internet which was a service he desperately needed. Still, the saccharine sayings painted on the walls, boldly advocating the joys of chemical dependence in Brush Script font, were hard to stomach. He didn’t find the artistic photos of coffee plants hanging beside his table any more palatable than the quotes. 
The pictures grated on his nerves; at least the drug dens he’d frequented hadn’t been plastered with photographs idolizing the coca plant. In truth, these images were captured with the same propagandistic intent as the works of other renowned visual manipulators like Dmitri Baltermants. However, the Soviet photojournalist had composed his photos with nuance and emotion - qualities sorely lacking in these uninspired shots.
Lloyd glanced at his watch and saw that it was still too early to call you. He sipped the last of his mint tea, watching the crowd queuing for their 2:30 fix. 
“I can’t get anything done after noon unless I’ve had three shots of espresso,” a woman in line declared.
He waited for her companion’s response, anticipating that three shots of espresso per day ought to warrant some kind of self-reflection, but the woman’s associate nodded understandingly. Really? That was it? Why did no one offer her the intervention she clearly needed?
Behind the counter baristas poured beverages into plastic and styrofoam cups and passed them to waiting addicts. Cocaine was an indefensible habit, but at least its packaging wasn’t a significant driver of microplastic pollution. Those damn cups had to rank among the worst inventions society had ever dreamt up. They were somewhere near the top, probably right in between Jake Paul’s career and neonicotinoids. 
At 2:45 his patience had worn thin. Lloyd grabbed his keys and headed for the door. Driving back to D.C. wasn’t part of his agenda, but he was on the cusp of an outburst that would earn him an invitation to never come back, so the forty minute drive to Zach’s office was worthwhile. 
He set up in the spare office you’d taken over and laid out his notes when the door swung open, and you stalked in, looking upset. 
You shrieked and jumped a foot in the air. Lloyd blinked, ears ringing from the assault on his eardrums. You were pressed against the wall clutching your heart with one hand and cradling your purse to your abdomen like it was a shield. He sat very still.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You groaned, closing your eyes and sinking down the wall, crumpling. “I’m fine.”
“Yeah? Well, you don’t sound fine. Or look it.” 
Lloyd stood up, moving around the desk and approaching you. He took the purse from your hands and dropped it on the spare chair, then dragged you into his arms. You melted into the embrace, tucking your head in the crook of his shoulder. He smoothed a hand down your back and listened as you breathed deeply.
“Bad allergist appointment?” he asked. 
“Not really. It turns out that I have an aspirin allergy, which we already knew. How was your interview?”
“It ended up killing more leads than it generated. What’s wrong?”
“I had a meeting with Detective Diskant after my appointment. Nguyen isn’t my stalker.” You filled him in. “So, Jake’s running down the information from the hack but we’re back at square one.”
Lloyd reached behind you and closed the blinds to the office window, then took your hands and guided you to the office chair behind the desk. He sat down and drew you onto his lap, positioning your legs to rest over the arm of the chair.
“I wrote up some timelines for the Harmony case,” you said, looping your arms around his shoulders.
He glanced over at the murder board you’d arranged on the office wall. Part of him wanted to dive into your meeting with Diskant but looking at your face, he knew that wasn’t a topic you were ready to pursue. Not right now, at least. 
“I see that. Did you learn anything at the bible camp?” 
“Li Wei had a secret boyfriend during the spring of 1999.”
Lloyd groaned. “Not another secret relationship. What is it with women and hiding their love lives from investigators?”
“Don’t ask me. Anyway, that revelation was the highlight of the trip, but it got me thinking about the timelines of the case.”
“Timelines, plural?” 
“Yeah. I’ve been playing around with the theory that the cases weren’t actually connected since the beginning. I know it might seem unlikely for two prolific killers to be operating in the same area at the same time, but the differences in victimology are so stark it has to be considered.”
“And the timelines changed your mind.”
“If there was evidence of two killers, it seems like we’d have found something pointing in that direction by now.”
“But you’re not letting the theory go?” Lloyd asked.
“Not yet, but I’d rather focus on the evidence. I started by reviewing the events from 1999,” you said, pointing to the wall. “Li Wei’s boyfriend is the first event. Then, on June 14th, she and her daughter, Zoe, disappear. Two weeks later, the first of Harmony’s missing women, Stacey Moore, was abducted.”
“You think there’s a connection?”
“The timing makes me wonder if that killing was a trigger for the perpetrator. Another possibility is that he viewed Li Wei and Zoe as a… test run, of sorts.” 
“That speaks to his behavior. He’s controlled, premeditated, and careful. If he captured Zoe first that would have given him leverage over Li Wei.”
“Exactly. And if we look at our suspect list, something else that comes up on the 1999 timeline is the connection between Shun Nguyen and the other parties.”
Lloyd straightened, adjusting you on his lap. “There’s something linking Nguyen and Li Wei? What is it?” 
“Nothing. I looked high and low, but there’s no connection. I can’t even establish that he was ever in Fredericksburg. His only connection to Li Wei is through Julia, who he didn’t meet until late 2000.”
“When was his residency interview at the hospital?”
“June 18, 1999. After the interview on Friday, he spent the night at a hotel, drove back to D.C. in the morning and took a train home to New York.” 
“Which we already knew,” Lloyd grumbled. 
“I know, I’m just trying to organize things so they make sense. And you know what really doesn’t make any sense?”
“The idea of Nguyen commuting between New York City and a small town outside of D.C. to kill random strangers almost a full year before he knew he’d be living there,” Lloyd said.
“We don’t have much in terms of physical evidence, so we’ve been using behavioral profiling to try and understand the killer’s actions. Know what’s more accurate than behavioral profiling? Geographical profiling. Scientists use it all the time.”
“I’m not arguing with you. The case against Nguyen always hinged on his connection to Julia and his knowledge and access to chemicals.”
“There’s a distinct pattern in these early crimes and it points to someone local. Abducting nine people and never leaving behind a trace requires planning and preparation. Nguyen couldn’t have spared the time for all that in 1999.” 
“Which brings us to 2000, when he moved to Harmony.”
“He moved in July. A week later, Kayla Ballesta went missing, which sounds damning until you account for the car accident Nguyen had been in two months earlier.”
Lloyd grunted. “Yeah, but who could fake an injury better than a doctor?”
“Radiology doesn’t lie. He wasn’t in any shape to abduct Kayla that July.”  
“Do we have his radiology reports?” 
“No, but Peter Shaw had them. According to his article in the Rolling Stone, he had two different orthopedic surgeons review the images. They both confirmed the severity of Nguyen’s fracture.” 
“It’s compelling, but you know what else is compelling?” Lloyd asked.
“After Nguyen was arrested the disappearances stopped. That’s too much of a coincidence to ignore.” 
“You know what else is too much to ignore? An open book pelvic fracture.” 
You chuckled at the wrinkle of disgust that passed over Lloyd’s face and stroked his jaw with the back of your fingers. “I went through all the evidence from 2001, which didn’t take long because there’s almost no evidence to speak of.” 
“There was more evidence at Julia’s crime scene than any of the others,” Lloyd said.
“She went missing either on April 17th or 18th and her body was found encased in concrete beside Cub Run Trail a few days later. Police identified the remains about a week after finding them and Nguyen was arrested in August.”
“Going back to the behavioral evidence, we can establish a few things for sure. Starting with the obvious, the serial killer is knowledgeable and capable at using chemicals. He has access to them somehow and might have a secondary location where he can treat the bodies.”
“Which we know from the remains found at the trail,” you said.
“Right. Julia’s bones were brittle and crumbled when touched, which is a property of exposure to a strong base. If they’d been soaked in acid the bones would’ve been rubbery and flexible. Nguyen’s chemical training and access to materials through the hospital led the police to focus on him.”
“But he was never tried for any of the other murders and everything that made him a suspect was circumstantial.”
“Ninety percent of the case against Nguyen amounts to fact that the disappearances stopped after he was out of the picture,” Lloyd reminded you.
“It’s also interesting that Li Wei, Zoe, and Julia’s remains were all treated the same, even though there’s three years between their cases.” 
“All the bodies found beside the trail were disposed of by the exact same method. It’s too specific for a copy cat - unless the original perpetrator told someone precisely where they left the first two victims.”
“Wouldn’t they have had to describe the chemicals and methodology, too?” you asked.
“For the results to be this uniform? Absolutely.” 
“What about victimology? That’s always been a huge question for me. All the killer’s known victims are female but aside from that, things start to get murky.”
You gestured to the photos on the wall, where the six portraits of the missing women were grouped. “They match a specific type. They were average build, natives of eastern coastal Virginia, with advanced degrees and professional jobs. Li Wei doesn’t match the pattern, and neither does Julia.” 
“But the real outlier is Zoe,” Lloyd pointed out.
“Agreed. Which is why we’re paying Annabeth Green a duke’s ransom to run a paternity test on her remains and identify her father.” 
“You set me up for that one, Princess.”
“I have to spread the blame around. Do you know what she charges for that kind of a test?”
Lloyd snorted. “Do you?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Her secretary just emailed me the invoice.”
“What’s the goal of the paternity test?”
“To identify a new suspect. After going through all the evidence, our suspect list is pretty barren. Nguyen was too far away to have killed the victims from 1999 and there’s no connection between him and Li Wei Chapman. He wasn’t able to kill the first victim from 2000 because of his injury. And when it comes down to it, I don’t think he killed Julia, either.”
Lloyd ran his tongue around his teeth.“I agree. He didn’t have the opportunity. That was established by the Virginia Supreme Court beyond any reasonable doubt. Did you find anything on Leo McKenzie?”
You shook your head. “Nothing new. The Fairfax Sheriff’s Department hasn’t sent me a copy of their file on him, either.”
“They’re not known for their inter-agency cooperation.”
“Well, it probably doesn’t matter if I have their file or not, because Zach got a copy of McKenzie’s discharge papers from the Army. His back injury is serious enough to exclude him from suspicion. That leaves Tate Corbin. How’d your interview with him go?” 
“Not great. He has an alibi for two of the abductions thanks to a biennial fishing trip with his merchant marine buddies.”
Lloyd gave you the details of Corbin’s alibi and you scribbled down the information, making a note to contact the witnesses tomorrow morning.
“Also, get this. There was only one other person who bothered checking out Corbin as a suspect. You’ll never guess who it was.” 
“Detective Roth?”
“Peter Shaw.” 
You chuckled. “Ouch.” 
Lloyd gathered you closer, his eyes falling half closed as he nuzzled your neck. “Yeah.”
“He didn’t give an alibi for Julia’s murder, though.” 
“I knew he wasn’t the one before he produced the alibi,” Lloyd said. 
“His reactions were off. This killer has flown under the radar for too long. His public mask is impeccable.”
“And Corbin…?”
“Corbin is weird. There’s no mask. He wasn’t interested in talking about the missing victims. Then, when I finally got him talking, he wasn’t curious.” 
“Why would the real killer be curious? He knows more about them than we do.”
“He’d want to know what we had. The question of evidence would’ve been brought up, but Corbin couldn’t have cared less. The real killer would’ve been excited by the conversation, but he’d have masked the reaction. Corbin was ambivalent. And the last reason is the same as the first,” Lloyd said. “He’s too weird to be the killer. He’s loud, opinionated, and obnoxious. He doesn’t fly under the radar at all.”
You giggled. “Eliminated from suspicion because of his personality…” 
Lloyd rolled his eyes. “We’re looking for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Corbin is a peacock.”
“Well, we’ve shaved the suspect list down to zero. Nguyen’s off the list for lack of opportunity. McKenzie isn’t physically capable of abducting anything bigger than a puppy. The most promising suspect, Tate Corbin, is off the list for being sane, and he has an alibi for multiple abductions.”
“We’re out of suspects.”
“Which sucks, because there’s a missing woman who needs us to figure this out.” 
“Well, at least we know we’re looking for a strong base. Corbin completely sealed his innocence in my mind when he brought up an acidic mine as the potential disposal site.” 
You sat up in Lloyd’s lap, nearly elbowing him in the stomach. “What acid? Where?” 
Lloyd grumbled and caught your legs. He wrapped an arm around your knees, holding you captive. “Copper Ridge Quarry. It’s south of Harmony and it’s been abandoned for decades. The government has spent billions containing the toxic sludge.”
“Copper Ridge Quarry. That sounds familiar.”
“It’s a super-fund site. Every year the exposed ore reacts with rain and ground water and produces new runoff. Until someone figures out how to stop the reactions, the acid will keep getting more concentrated every year.” 
“Gross. Hang on, let me check something.”
Lloyd eased his grip and let you reach your laptop. He waited as you typed, flipping through pages of the database you’d organized months ago. 
“Here. Copper Ridge Quarry is in the database.”
“They already checked it out?”
“Mmmhh… According to the file summary, NASA sent a robot into one of the acid pools in the 80s and it was never seen again.”
“Did it return any data?” Lloyd asked.
“No. It looks like the investigation into Copper Ridge wasn’t very thorough. The first time they checked it out was in October of 2000. The local police’s resources were stretched thin. Between processing evidence from the abduction sites, organizing massive searches, and running down other leads, Copper Ridge didn’t get much attention.” 
“What about later?” Lloyd asked. 
“They tried again in 2001 when Stephanie Young disappeared, but there were conflicts with the search warrants. Some of the land around Copper Ridge is privately owned and required a compelling reason to search private property, which they didn’t have. In the end, they searched all the public land they had consent to access, but that’s it.” 
“An acidic mine site is an intriguing lead, but we don’t have any evidence the killer uses acid.” 
“Is that really a logical jump?” you questioned.
“Scientists use strong bases in labs to remove flesh from skeletons. If you expose the bones for longer, about five to six hours with some heat, they crumble.”
“That’s not possible with acid?”
“It would work,” Lloyd admitted. “It might even do a better job of completely dissolving them, but it’s more dangerous. The acids strong enough aren’t safe to handle. Sodium hydroxide on the other hand, comes as a salt. It’s much easier to obtain and if you got it on your skin it might cause a rash, but that’s it. You have to dissolve it in water before it’s dangerous.”
“But Copper Ridge would eliminate the need for him to obtain chemicals. Assuming he had a way in, it mitigates the risk of being caught by purchasing records or his professional access.” 
“If he had a traditional education, he’d lean towards a base,” Lloyd said.
“If he’s smart enough to use a base, why not use an acid? It’s all chemistry at the end of the day.” 
“Following the same logic, why not dispose of Julia’s body the same way as Li Wei and Zoe’s? The crimes were three years apart. He’d have had time to perfect his methods,” Lloyd said.
“That’s been my biggest gripe with all the victims being connected. But this afternoon, I remembered something Marco said when I explained the case. He commented that it was ‘like he put the sisters together,’ with how he disposed of Julia. It meant more to me before we learned Li Wei was actually Julia’s cousin. But now, what if he had the same motive both times?”
“We haven’t considered his motives.”
“I have. If you lay out the whole timeline, Li Wei and Zoe were his first victims and they’re both anomalies in victimology. Li Wei wasn’t born in the U.S., but she did grow up here. She dropped out of college freshman year and didn’t finish a bachelor’s degree, let alone a masters. She worked at her parent’s bible camp, which was a far cry from a professional job, like the other victims. And she doesn’t fit the physical victim type, either. She was too tall.”
“And Julia’s the same. Too tall and too thin, no degrees, no job. Plus, she really was foreign.”
“Right. Li Wei could have passed for a Virginia native, but there was no way he mistook Julia for an American. Where’s the motive, though?” Lloyd asked.
“If they don’t fit victimology there must be a motive. That’s why I really wanted the paternity test on Zoe. Usually, with a child victim, the perpetrator is one of the parents. We can rule out her mother, which leaves the father.”
“What about Julia?”
“She was digging into Li Wei’s death. If the killer found out, wouldn’t he have been compelled to interfere?”
“Yes, but why not dispose of her like he did all the other victims? If your theory about Copper Ridge is correct, he had the perfect disposal method. I can imagine him failing on his first attempt to dissolve a body with a strong base, but going back to the failed method three years later? That’s stupid.”
“Or it’s incredibly smart. Anyone who found all three victims, encased in two different concrete slabs, beside a popular jogging trail, albeit, in a remote area of said trail, would’ve connected the dots. Then they would’ve connected the victims. Julia arrived in the U.S. in 1997. It’s plausible to imagine a connection. We only know there wasn’t one because of Aliyah.”
“The killer was making sure the cases would be connected.” 
“But when no one found the second slab, Nguyen was arrested and the rumor mill started up, claiming he was connected to the six missing women,” you said. 
“The killer was handed the perfect scapegoat on a platter. So, he stopped killing and as far as public opinion went, no more disappearances meant they’d collared the right guy.” 
“I know it’s a lot of theory, but looking at the whole sequence from 1999 to 2002, how the killing started with Li Wei and Zoe, then stopped after Julia, it’s almost like a full circle.”
“He didn’t stop, though. If he had, Zach and I wouldn’t be spending our Monday night on a search party for Laine Cruz,” Lloyd said. 
“What if this is a copycat?” You sighed at your own question and shook your head. “The problem with all this theory is that we don’t have any evidence to back it up. Paradoxically, we have more evidence than anyone else who worked the case ever did.” 
“We’re here because Roth searched an old crime scene and got lucky,” Lloyd said.
“There’s solid evidence suggesting the killer is knowledgeable in chemistry. He’s proven capable with them, and we have physical evidence that two of his victims were disposed of with a strong base. We also know his access to these chemicals wasn’t a fluke because he used them twice - once in 1999 and again in 2002.” 
“And the concrete slab itself is evidence,” Lloyd said. “He knows how to mix, form, and set a concrete slab by himself. It’s not as specific as his advanced chemical knowledge, but it’s still a proven ability.”
“He’s prepared and careful, so disposing of the bodies wouldn’t have been the first time he worked with concrete. That makes sense,” you said. 
“He’s also shown to be quite knowledgeable of the local area. Abducting six women without leaving any witnesses isn’t easy. Also, he’s familiar enough with Cub Run Trail to dispose of bodies there twice. It was a remote section of the trail, sure, but that points to him knowing the area.”
“And getting them up there? He’s got to be physically fit.”
“Unlike Leo McKenzie. We have evidence that Julia’s teeth were destroyed with a gunshot, and the .22 shell casings found in Nguyen’s yard after she went missing. It’s not difficult to get a gun in the D.C. area, but let’s add it to the list.” 
“Also, the last fact, but maybe the most important: he had the opportunity to commit all nine murders.”
Lloyd grunted. “How do we know so much about him, but still don’t have a suspect?”
“He’s careful and prepared. Speaking of that, what about the woman that went missing on Friday night? Have they found any evidence at the scene of her abduction?” 
“Laine Cruz. The search isn’t going well. They found her car abandoned in town with a dead battery. It could have been sabotage or the perpetrator saw an opportunity and took advantage. Her purse was in the car, but not her cell phone. There’s been no activity on her bank cards and her phone is turned off.” 
“What are they doing to find her?” 
“The usual - tracking dogs, a search grid. It seems futile,” Lloyd said. 
“Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result?” you asked. 
“According to Einstein.”
“Search grids and dogs didn’t find any of the other missing women, did they?”
“No,” Lloyd conceded.
“We were brought in to investigate the new evidence and figure out if it was connected to the missing victims.”
“Are you saying they should call off the search?”
“No, but searching is their job - not ours. I think we should focus on following the evidence and investigating what we have.” 
“You’re saying Zach and I shouldn’t join the search,” Lloyd said.
“Copper Ridge Quarry is a fresh lead. I think that’s where our time would be best spent.” 
“Alright. We’ll do it. Are you okay with staying late at the office? I don’t know how long this’ll take.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a mountain of paperwork to catch up on.” 
Lloyd studied your expression and noted that you still looked upset. He slid a finger under your chin, turning your face up to his. 
“Hey. It’s okay. Jake will find a new lead.”
“What if my stalker isn’t someone we would suspect?” you asked. “What if it’s totally random?”
“Don’t think about that. Let Jake and Landon worry about the stalker. Let me worry about him.”
Your eyes scanned his, filled with concern. There was nothing he could say, Lloyd realized. He changed tactics and lowered his gaze to your chest.
“How do your nipples feel? Still sore?”
“I…” you squirmed. 
He ran a hand over the curve of your breast, feeling the gentle curve through the thin silk of your blouse. There were three layers of cloth between his fingertips and your flesh but he still felt the hardening of your nipple. You hissed and he paused.
“They’re not sore,” you said, reassuring him. “Just… tender.”
His lips curved. “What’s your current opinion on nipple clamps?”
“It’s an eighty-twenty split.”
“For or against?”
“For,” you admitted, lashes fluttering as you fought back shyness. 
Lloyd squeezed you tight and explored your throat with soft, teasing kisses. You relaxed instantly, muscles loosening as your head fell back to give him more room. His free hand went to the fastenings on the front of your blouse, flicking open each tiny pearl button.
You caught his hand. “There’s a window on the door.”
“I closed the blinds,” Lloyd said. 
You let go and when he arched a brow, you nodded. He carefully undid each tiny button, flashing you an amused look.
“Did you plan on making it hard for me to undress you, or this coincidence?” 
“Actually, I just thought the buttons were pretty.”
“They are. However, this is prettier,” Lloyd said, pushing open the silk and sliding off the thin straps of your camisole. He purred at the sight of your cream colored bra. “Front-clasp. I forgive you for the buttons.”
He flicked open your bra and you shivered at the sensation of cool air on delicate skin. Lloyd shifted you again, turning your body so your back was positioned to the door of the office. It wasn’t necessary, but you appreciated his awareness.
“Mmmhhh… still a little swollen,” he murmured, caressing his thumb over a puckered nipple. “They’re warm.”
You trembled when his hand moved up to curl around the back of your neck. He kissed your sternum and his mustache brushed your skin in a teasing dance. His facial hair wasn’t bristly, but it wasn’t soft, either. His hand slid from your throat to your collarbone and slowly cupped the weight of your left breast. Your eyes closed in pleasure.
His cheek pressed to your sternum and you felt his hot breath against your tight nipple. The slow, gentle stroking of his thumb over your breast was restrained and controlled. You shuddered. Part of you wanted to beg for more. The other part knew the office door might have the blinds lowered, but it was still unlocked. Lloyd’s tender stroking was making your head go fuzzy. You arched your back in offering, but he didn’t react. 
“Please,” you whined.
Lloyd made a rough sound and dropped his head, kissing a slow path across your chest, down your sternum to suckle the inner curve of your breast. Your fingers threaded into the cool strands of his hair as you pulled him toward where you needed him the most. As his mouth fastened around your nipple, you felt his lips curve into a smirk, but couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
He’d finished lapping at the first straining nipple and moved onto the second when the door to your office swung open. You were so caught up in the moment that the noise barely registered. It wasn’t until the sound of a masculine voice cut through your mental haze that you gasped.
“What the fuck, Lloyd?! Hang a damn sock on the door next time!”
Zach’s shout brought your head around. The man had turned his back and clamped a hand over his eyes. Lloyd slowly released your nipple and raised his head.
“Have you heard of knocking?” he asked.
“I didn’t know you were in here!” Zach protested.
For some reason, you weren’t scrambling to fasten your bra in a panicked rush. Instead of embarrassment you felt dizzy with lust as Lloyd re-fastened your bra and returned the straps of your camisole to their original position. His eyes caught yours and he smiled, eyes glinting with something like pride. Whether it was at his own work or your lack of reaction to the embarrassment of being caught, you weren’t sure. He started from the bottom as he re-buttoned the tiny pearl fastenings of your shirt.
“Can I turn around?” Zach asked. 
You grined at Lloyd, who’d only fastened two buttons of your blouse.
“Sure,” you said.
Zach turned half way, peeking from the corner of his eye. He nearly wrenched his neck out of place when he spun away again, unleashing a string of curses that would’ve made a sailor blush. 
“Do you two mind? I don’t like walking into the middle of a porno in my own office!”
Lloyd snickered. “Please. Grow up, Zach. There were racier scenes than this on T.V. when you were a kid.”
“I’m going to wait in the truck!”
You giggled as Zach raced out of the office like something was chasing him and smirked at Lloyd when he finished doing up your blouse. “I take it you don’t share details about your sex life with Zach anymore?”
“If did, he’d probably knock my teeth out.” He wrapped his arms loosely around your waist. “Speaking of things that would send me to the dentist, why are you so calm about me forgetting to lock the door?” 
You linked your hands behind his neck and shrugged. “I don’t know. I thought getting caught in a compromising position would be embarrassing but it wasn’t. I mean, Zach didn’t see any parts of me he hadn't seen before. We weren’t hiding the fact that we’re sleeping together, so he didn’t learn anything new.”
“Funny. You were a virgin three months ago and Zach’s the shrinking violet,” Lloyd snickered. He bent down and kissed you thoroughly. “I won’t be back until late. You’re sure you don’t want one of the guys to give you a ride home?”
“No. I’ll wait for you.”
Lloyd reached for his jacket and paused. “Princess, if you have time tonight, can you do me a favor?”
“Go back through the footage of Nguyen’s interviews. There was a moment in there, something he said that I didn’t quite catch. It was like he had a slip of the tongue and then backpedaled to cover it up.”
“You just described his whole communication style,” you said.
“Yeah, that’s why I was driving myself nuts in Qatar, listening to the tapes over and over, trying to figure out what it was.”
“Okay. Do you remember which day it was on?”
“It was on the first day of interviews. I didn’t notice the slip until I listened to the audio of the interview on the flight out of Singapore. Maybe it’s nothing, because I haven’t been able to find it again, but at the time I was absolutely sure he’d said something important.”
“Maybe another set of ears will help.”
“Thanks, Princess. Don’t expect me until late, okay?”
“Good luck tonight.” 
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Next - Chapter XXVI
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yunusaziz · 10 months
Nih aku kasih tau...
Salah satu problematika terbesar hidup kita tuh terlalu ambil pusing sama perkataan orang. Tidak semua perkataan orang tuh harus dilakukan. Jangankan dilakukan, didengarpun ada juga yang enggak perlu. With special notes ya hihi.
Kenapa? Dalam hidup tuh akan selalu ada orang yang memainkan peran dalam menanyakan, mengomentari setiap apapun keputusan, sikap, dan tindakan yang kita ambil. Bukan hanya yang buruk, yang baik pun tetap aja pasti ada yang ngomen.
Contoh, ada orang yang menanyakan "Udah usia 25 kok belum nikah. Kapan nikah?", karena ditanya gitu akhirnya dia ketrigger lalu menikah. Setelah menikah, ada yang tanya "Kapan punya anak?". Setelah punya anak ditanya lagi, "Kok cuman satu. Kapan punya anak lagi?" begitu seterusnya. Udah tua pun akan ditanyain, "Kapan punya mantu?" begitu terua sampai Rayanza jadi Presiden Konoha 😇
Ya intinya begitu, selalu akan ada orang-orang yang memainkan peran dalam menanyakan segala sesuatu yang kita jalani. Ada kalanya baik, perlu kita dengar dan kita indahkan, karena barangkali hal itu bisa jadi pelecut semangat, tapi tidak sedikit yang justru menjadi panyakit.
Kuncinya satu, tidak semua perkataan otang harus didengar, apalagi dilakukan. Cukup dengarkan apa yang perlu didengar. Mungkin kamu pernah dengar, kenapa Allah berikan setiap manusia dua telinga satu mulut, hikmahnya agar kita lebih banyak mendengar daripada berbicara, bukan?
Kalau menurutku belum selesai sampai disitu, Allah memang ciptakan kita dua telinga agar kita lebih banyak mendengar dari pada berbicara, tapi Allah juga ciptakan kita dua tangan, untuk menutup telinga dari hal-hal yang emang nggak perlu didengar. Maka gunakan dua tanganmu itu untuk menutupnya.
Imam Syafi'i pernah bilang :
"Menghindarkan telinga dari mendengar hal-hal yang tidak baik merupakan suatu keharusan, sebagaimana seseorang mensucikan tutur katanya dari ungkapan buruk."
Pada intinya sebenernya semua kembali pada diri kita. Karena kita tidak punya kendali atas ucapan orang lain ke kita, maka kendalikan apa yang bisa dikendalikan, apa itu? Respon, dan sikap kita ketika menghadapi itu. Itulah pentingnya kita kenali diri kita, tahu batasan kita; apa yang baik dan buruk buat diri kita.
Kapan mau nikah? Haha
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 years
Ah, midsummer: when we’re getting deeper and deeper into the “ohhh, this is a classic horror novel” stage of Dracula Daily. With my historian hat on, I have just one observation to make about our June 25 entry.
The only thing I found was a great heap of gold in one corner—gold of all kinds, Roman, and British, and Austrian, and Hungarian, and Greek and Turkish money, covered with a film of dust, as though it had lain long in the ground. 
Huh, you may be saying to yourselves, that seems like a random assortment of coins. Why Roman and then British and then all the others? Why these coinages, specifically?
Empires. They’re all empires. The British Empire saw itself very specifically as the successor to Rome in the scope of its power and learning (but also with the culture of Greece, because they were, they were convinced, cool like that.) So we have Rome, master of the ancient world as imagined by Victorians. We have Britain, master of the modern world ditto, and it must be said they had a point. Austria and Hungary were, at the time of Jonathan’s writing, a single empire, and had been since 1867, but this was a temporary state of affairs linking two powerful monarchies of East-Central Europe. Greece we’ve covered. And then there is “Turkish money,” the currency of the Ottoman Empire, masters of enormous swathes of Central Asia and Southeastern Europe from the 15th century onward.
And all of this money? All of this power? The “chains and ornaments,” still more obvious signifiers of power? All of this is much more relevant to how the Count lives than furniture. And it tells us not only about his past, but, by implication, about his future ambitions. Dun dun dunnnnnn.
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TLP/WA 0822-5714-3726, Grosir Autoklaf Sikat Gigi Pasuruan
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TLP/WA 0822–5714–3726, Jual Autoclave Aquarium Bandung Barat
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 9, 28 février 1903, Paris. Toilette de visite, robe pour fillette de 14 ans et toilette de bébé de 3 à 4 ans. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1.) — Toilette de visite pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en drap satin beige clair. Le haut de la jupe est entièrement à plis chevauchés assez fins. Donc cette forme ne sied qu'aux personnes élancées. Au-dessous des plis s'effeuillent huit volants bas à peine badinés. Le corsage-blouse est voilé de volants au-dessous d'un très grand empiècement plissé en V. Les volants du corsage et des manches peuvent être en liberty beige agin de moins alourdir. La manche s'évase au-dessous du coude en plusieurs petits volants de drap qui reposent sur un bouffant composé de volants de taffetas et d'un haut poignet.
Chapeau de chenille mélangée, à fond mou, cerclé d'un volant plissé en satin tabac.
(1.) — Visiting ensemble for young women or girls, in light beige satin sheet. The top of the skirt is entirely with fairly fine overlapped pleats. So this shape only suits slender people. Below the folds, eight barely-played low ruffles appear. The bodice-blouse is veiled with ruffles below a very large pleated V-shaped yoke. The ruffles on the bodice and sleeves can be in beige liberty to make it less heavy. The sleeve flares out below the elbow into several small ruffles of cloth which rest on a bouffant made of taffeta ruffles and a high cuff.
Chenille blend hat, with a soft bottom, surrounded by a pleated ruffle in tobacco satin.
Matériaux: 7 mètres de drap, 1m,50 de liberty. Pour l'été, cette robe en voile de laine serait jolie.
(2.) — Robe pour fillette de 14 ans, en zibeline mélangée bleu gendarme. La jupe est à plis chevauchés assez larges qui s'évasent du bas. Le boléro carré, orné de pattes de velours bleu et de jolis boutons fantaisie, ouvre sur un dessous en soie blanche. Il s'orne d'un grand col d'irlande sur transparent blanc. Un revers de guipure en cornet enserre le bas de la manche peu bouffante. Col montant et ceinture de velours bleu.
Toque de velours bleu empanachée de plumes blanches.
(2.) — Dress for a 14-year-old girl, in gendarme blue mixed sable. The skirt has fairly wide overlapping pleats which flare out from the bottom. The square bolero, decorated with blue velvet tabs and pretty fancy buttons, opens onto a white silk underside. It is decorated with a large Irish collar on transparent white. A cone-shaped guipure lapel surrounds the bottom of the slightly puffy sleeve. Stand-up collar and blue velvet belt.
Blue velvet hat plumed with white feathers.
Matériaux: 4m50 de drap, 2m,50 liberty blanc.
(3.) — Toilette de bébé de 3 à 4 ans. Robe de velours anglais rouge, à volants pèlerine, forme américaine avec ceinture placée bas.
Paletot de drap blanc orné de piqûres et de gros boutons de nacre. Poche posée de chaque côté sur un losange orné de piqûres. Double col arrondi, sous un petit col rabattu. Manche chemisette à poignet piqué.
Capote de mousseline de soie blanche.
(3.) — Ensemble for a child from 3 to 4 years old. Red English velvet dress, with pelerine ruffles, American shape with low-placed belt.
White cloth overcoat decorated with stitching and large mother-of-pearl buttons. Pocket placed on each side on a diamond decorated with stitching. Double rounded collar, under a small turn-down collar. Shirt sleeve with stitched cuff.
White silk chiffon hood.
Matériaux: 2m,25 de velours pour la robe, 1m,25 de drap blanc pour le paletot.
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