#like midwives and nurses etc
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 29 days
Another yandere set 2 ask, from yours truly! This is another one inspired by the yandere set 1 asks regarding fatherhood…
How would each of the yanderes’ react/behave during their darling’s labor and post-labor?
I wanna know who’s panicking, composed, excited, etc.
Sorry I got baby fever right now…
Yandere men and their darling in labor and post-labor
Assuming the reader this time is AFAB, or is in an A/B/O situation! By the way, i'm so sorry if i'm moving so slow with the requests! I've been busy lately so i'm trying my best to write.
"Why don't you just close the requests?" True, but some people use the ask box to talk and chat to me without compromising their anonymity. So, I hope you can be patient! I don't really like rejecting asks, so I probably will answer all of them. I know, I can reject them or not answer. I'm working on it lol. Especially that there's a lot of asks like these, which includes all the yandere OCs in a set... It's a bit exhausting. I kind of regret it, but hey, we're here already lol.
I added a section of... You'll know if you read HAHA
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Liam will definitely panic. He's sweaty, he's smiling, he's about to blow off his top from the way the nurses were so nonchalant with your labor (It's normal). Can't they see you're about to die (You're contracting)?! Oh god, you can't voice out your pain without you talking (The midwives are not dumb enough to not read body language)! He will swear up and down that no more babies. NO MORE! It's already painful enough seeing you get swarmed by other people, let alone touch you.
Post labor Liam will be calm, fussy, and overprotective. Well, more overprotective than usual. He has a 70/30 chance of fainting, and will praise the gods if you delivered safely.
But, if you died... He will let out a gut wrenching cry by the foot of your bed. The baby won't even be noticed by him as he clenches his chest, sobbing and heaving his heart out. It will take more than days to calm him down, and have the heart to take care of your child. He will love the child, since he knows the child is innocent. But a big, gaping you-shaped hole in his heart is carved painfully in place.
Uno will be the quiet panic-type. He sure is calm... On the inside. He's about to scream and rip the heads off of everyone who's touching you even a smidge wrong. NO MALE HANDS! NEVER! He's never been like this, ever. Even in your wedding, pregnancy, he never panicked. So why now? He's biting his cheeks to the point it bled, and you swore every single nurse and midwife in the delivery ward were yelled at by Uno.
Post-delivery Uno will calm down and act like nothing happened. "See? I know you can do it, nerd." Yeah sure. As if you can't see the blood stained teeth from him biting his cheeks. For the first time, he'll cherish a person other than you. He's so soft that it's new to you too.
If you died, Uno will turn the whole hospital up and down. He'll ruin everything, blame the midwives and nurses for not taking care of you enough, the hospital for lacking the resources to make a safe delivery.... And unfortunately, your child for killing you off. I'm gonna be honest, Uno will be the type to blame the child for your death. So, be healthy, darling!
Rose would be composed. He knew you were gonna be fine. Of course, nervousness will still be there, but he had enough trust in this hospital that he hopes you and your baby will be fine. That, and all of those breeding roleplays was his fault so he had to be composed since he brought it upon himself.
Post-delivery Rose would be relieved. He's right. And the cute little bugger is so small. He fits just by 3/4's of his arm. Wait, why is the baby so small? Are they really this small? But you were eating quite a lot... He's also a big guy, so the genes..? Is it from you? Or just recessive? He will have many questions. All those pregnancy asmr roleplays didn't really help.
If you died, Rose would feel like the whole world collapsed on his feet. What do you mean you died? He swears you would be okay. That you will be alive and well. He suddenly feels an immense guilt eating him up. Should he have panicked more? Should he have ensured the personnel that you're going to be alright? He sinks to his knees, weeping. He will swear on your body to take care of the baby well.
Aeron is definitely skeptical. Sure, this world has magic, but it doesn't have the technological advancement of the modern world. It's also a world where he can't be with you in the delivery room. So all he could do is pace around the hall as he hears your cries of pain. He'll also cry with you if the delivery was too long for both of your likings.
Post-delivery Aeron will burst through the door and will go to you first. "Are you fine? Do you feel lethargic? Do you feel weak?!" The nurses have to pull him off of you so you can have the baby latch on you. He'll pout, but grips his arm as he watches you and the baby with a fond smile.
If you died... Aeron will regret everything. He knew he should have found a way back to the modern world. Maybe you could have delivered safely. He shouldn't have had a baby with you. A demon king's child will be too much on a mage's body, with all of those mana mixing. The whole hospital will be engulfed in demonic power as he suffocated everyone except his kid. He'll disappear with the child, forever retreating to the Demon realm to raise the kid alone.
Amor would be excited. He never thought he'll finally get a kid of his own after years and his past life. His parents spoiled him a lot, his guardian angels (gods) spoil him too. And this kid? A product of you and him?! Gods above! That's like, such a blessing! He'll be persistent in asking the nurses and midwives if the kid is there, if you're alright... OH god are you okay? All of these other people touching you... He feels the bile rising up to his mouth. But he knew these people are just doing their job, and then--
Post delivery Amor would be all over you. He'll kiss your face, your lips, your forehead, immediately buy you food you cannot have, and spoil you rotten as you recover. And his kid? Oh his kid is so cute! Look at them. So pretty and small... Is that his nose? Oh they got your eyes! His hair color and your hair texture... Oh they're the perfect mix!
This is one of the rare times were you are guaranteed on not dying... In the backstage, Amor shook the gods on putting so many blessings on your body to make sure your delivery will be safe and easy. That the child will be healthy. So, no deaths at all.
Acheron will be overly cautious one. He will have you deliver in your home, in his lab, where he transformed it to a delivery ward. He trained in birthing too, so he's as good as professional midwives too. He will be there for you, ensuring that the pregnancy will end well. Because honestly, technically speaking, this child is from this body of his and yours. Not your original body. So he's a bit conflicted.
Post-delivery Acheron is smug. He knew he could handle the delivery well. The baby is healthy, and he's planning on how to make the kid a parasite too. Which can earn your ire or approval, depending on what you want. But now, he's content, and actually loved this little kid, despite knowing the biological composition of the kid.
If you "died", Acheron will be filled with regret too. He wasn't skilled enough. He should've listened and admitted you to a hospital. He'll have to extract the parasite from your body and dump the body, and then find another body for you to inhabit. He'll have to nurse your parasite form to healthy levels first before letting you wriggle into a body. He will be a bit cold to the child though, but a bit more time with him will calm him down.
Callisto will only have the best midwives. He'll be overbearing, making sure you WILL be alright. He will, for the first time, be religious and pass by the church to pray that your delivery will be safe. He will force himself in the delivery room. No matter what anyone says. He's the nervous type, biting his nail and barking orders if something even went wrong just a bit.
Post-delivery Callisto will be proud. He's not the type to freak out, he'll just feel the calm washing over him as he showers you with kisses, saying "you did so well", "thank you so much", "Take your time recovering", etc. The baby, he's more or less concerned since he knew the baby will be fine.
If you died though, he'll storm out of the palace, then to the church, and blasphemize the whole place. If he's the chosen one, then why did you die? Why did the love of his life slip past him? After hours of desecrating the church, he will be hell bent on revenge, making the church the enemy. His kid will be not loved, unfortunately. He will neglect them, only providing the bare minimum. Don't get him wrong, the kid will be the heir, but they have to prove himself.
Alpheus would be the type to be suddenly so overwhelmed with worry. Since he's never been one to feel, the sudden feeling of panic, dread, and worry settled in his stomach. He would probably lay down on the hospital floor, clutching his belly as he rocks back and forth. The nurses and midwives would have to fuss over him before you to the point that you're getting annoyed. He will have to be separated from you, or else he'll probably goes to shock when he hears your pained cries.
When you're done, he goes to your side, crawls beside you, and becomes a clingy mess. He'll apologize, kiss and nuzzle you. He can't believe he subjected you to such a painful ordeal. One child. Just one is enough. He can't have you (and himself) be in this situation again. But the baby is worth it.
When you die, Alpheus will for the first time, cry from grief. It's his first time experiencing something like this, that it overwhelms him. He CANNOT father your child. Unless some divine intervention happens and he'll be fine again. The child will go to his parents, and they'll hope that he'll recover, for the baby's sake and yours up in heaven.
Viper's not a worrywart. Since you can't exactly go to the civilization to deliver your eggs safely in time, he would have to let you birth on what's akin to a nest. He'll be there with you, his hands all over your body as he whispers encouraging words to your ears. use his tail as a pillow, who cares. As long as you're comfortable and safe, everything will be fine.
Post-delivery will have Viper give one of his rare smiles. He massages you gently, telling you that you did great, feeding you food, and then fixing the clutch of eggs you birthed. He will have you asleep in no time to rest your weary body as he fusses over the eggs and making sure none of them are wrong.
If you actually died during the birthing process, there will be only two outcomes. If you came to him willingly and you weren't forced to love him, he would take care of the eggs diligently, not wanting to waste your life. If you didn't, let's just say a little cannibalism goes a long way with eggs. Viperfish caviar, anyone?
Orion will panic throughout your pregnancy. He really thought that he's gonna be the laidback type, knowing you'll be fine and whatnot. But noooo. Now he's here, pacing back and forth in the delivery room as he watches your face wince and cry from the pain. Oh, he almost can't take it anymore. He's begging you to get an epidural. He's really doing it. If you refused, he would shut up and look at you like a puppy kicked. But who cares about him rn? You're giving birth!
Post-delivery Orion will have him faint lol. He'll already wake up when you are cleaned up with the baby also cleaned up. He'll zoom past the nurses and midwives then go to you, where you held the baby up to your breasts to feed. He'll feel a much more overwhelming love in his heart, and he cries his heart out. If it's a clutch of eggs, he'll be starry eyed as he watched the eggs float in an egg incubator, eyes filled with adoration and gratefulness to you.
If you died, he'll be more or less in denial. No way, right? No way you just died like that after giving birth to your precious child/children. You just left them like that? You're so heartless. But deep down, he knew it wasn't your fault. And he goes home that day, eyes hollow, but filled with grief and love for your baby/ies.
Soma would be pissy. Nobody should talk to him, or he'll blow his top off to them. You were giving birth! Can nobody understand that?! This is a crucial time that it needs his 101%, no, infinity percentage of his attention if that makes sense. He'll also break the rules and be inside the delivery room, letting you hold his hand and even break it. May it be from the pain or from you wanting to exact revenge. Who cares? He'll let you break it if it meant your comfort.
post-delivery Soma would be a lot calmer, and he'll immediately order the people to make you more comfortable, and treat you to make your recovery as fast as possible. Your kid will be given the best amenities, and made sure to have the best upbringing. Hell, he'll have the kid enrolled already and they only got birthed lol.
If you died, he'll be in a stormy mix of emotions. First, grief, second, denial, third, anger, and fourth, relief. Soma knew that what he did to you was wrong and not normal. He doesn't regret it at all. But now that you died when he himself did this to you... As he carries your baby in his arms, he somehow felt relief that you're gone from his clutches, and probably off to somewhere safer than by his side. He will take care of the baby, and he will slowly turn to normal.
Technically speaking, Liviticus can just spawn a kid. With the right genetic mix, etc. So it's up to you if you want to go with the nuances of pregnancy. He will be calm. Like, calm calm. It's almost unnerving how he smiles and leads you to an almost fantasy like ward (a forest) laid you down on the delivery bed (a comfortable circle mattress by the foot of a gigantic tree trunk) with helpers in tow (fantastical beasts), and guides you to a safe delivery. You weren't in pain, just a dull ache in your system as you push your child.
Post-delivery Liviticus will have him shower you with the most dazzling display of flowers and sprites dancing around you. The whole forest, and somehow the whole world feeling festive as they made this day a celebration, getting a divine message that the God's child is born. Everyone is ecstatic as they gave thanks to you, and worship you, and give blessings to you.
Again, unlikely to die. Considering your mortal body is dead, and now you're a goddess/god, you cannot die no matter what.
Yuta was a nervous soon to be father, but he's more or less calm. He's following procedures to a tee, almost robot like. But in reality, he's on autopilot. He already panicked enough internally that he's robotic in your delivery day. You're already worried enough, why would he burden you with his whims and wiles too? He can't afford you getting your mind off of the baby at all. So, he's acting all calm and collected as he held your hand, wishing for everything to be over.
Post-birth Yuta will have him finally break down. At first, all of the personnel around him and you will be shocked as he slumps down to his knees. He doesn't even know why too. Until the tears fell, one by one and he's sobbing from relief. He'll thank you a thousand times, prostrate in front of you, and be spoiling you once you're good to eat. He's truly grateful.
If you die, Yuta will also fall to his knees and sob, but this time from grief as he lost his trusty partner, his true love. Why did he kill all of those people for? Just for you to die? He misses you a lot. He wants to hold you, kiss you again... But all for naught. Mysteriously, the people who helped you give birth died in random patterns. He'll also include others to put the suspicion off of him. But who cares right now? As he cradles your baby and watches the whole midwifery section burn and ensure that no mother dies from giving birth, he sighs, and wishes you were there with him.
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peachymilkandcream · 6 months
Hcs of how he treats her just after she gives birth to their first born?
How Levi Treats Evelyn After Birth
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(A/N: We all know I'm here for Levi being a dad, soft but still dom Levi has my heart it's all about symmetry my friend [yes I just saw the fnaf movie and this line is so iconic] Also reminder I take fluff/angst/smut headcanon and oneshot requests so send em my way <3)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
In my mind Attack On Titan is very 1920s/30s era as far as customs and technology. Therefore it's improper for Levi to be in the room, especially since he's worked himself up to a higher class. So he was not there for the actual moment of birth, however when he is allowed to go in he's running.
Depending on how Evelyn is doing his reaction will be very different, as we've seen attitude is everything to him and sets the tone of how he behaves.
If it was a hard birth then he is the essence of soft and loving, getting bitchy with midwives as to why his beloved was in pain and why weren't they doing anything to help. Eventually getting fed up and doing everything himself since he believes he's the only one who can do it right.
If it was relatively easy he'll still be sympathetic but not as much, he despises showing weakness and wants her to know that since she's no longer pregnant she can't get away with everything, there are still rules. His tone will be warm enough, but very matter-of-factly and not super sweet.
He's judging how she feels about the child always, if he feels she's not living up to her role as a mother and loving it enough he threatens to take it away. He can't allow her mental issues to affect his perfect child and how they mature.
A sweet, loving mother is rewarded, his affection will start to slip out and he'll be less and less observing their behaviour, trusting she'll raise the baby as he sees fit, he is the man of the house after all. Mothers who neglect or dislike the child because of the father have theirs taken away and are given another swiftly to see if her attitude changes.
As we've seen Levi doesn't believe in coddling, if the midwife didn't tell him he couldn't have sex with her until she healed he would have. And even then he was upset about it, but wouldn't want his seed to go to waste. One child isn't enough for him, his breeding kink takes over and his desire to thoroughly show that he is in control of his wife will make him visit her as soon as she's cleared health wise.
While Levi is a traditional man, he is considered untraditional for the times to let his wife breastfeed, he believes that his and Evelyn's genes are perfect and therefore anyone else would taint it. Plus he wants to have the perfect family image, so the perfect mother is part of that. Although that he monitors too just because he likes to see her naked breasts.
Even while the baby is still nursing Evelyn will start getting round with pregnancy, being coached by Levi on how to manage her two (and in the future more) children while also prioritizing her husband. She really does have the life doesn't she?
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ms-revived-frogs · 9 months
I have never heard of modern maternal feminism. Could you explain? Thank you for your time 💐
Of course!
It would probably be more accurate to call it a modern take on historical maternal feminism, which was a branch of feminism that focused moreso on women's social and societal freedoms. The rundown of maternal feminism is that woman's distinctive role as mothers and caregivers gave them unique standing in society and merited them unique roles in directing society and politics. Essentially, since women have key roles in the home, they should have key roles in the public.
Maternal feminists of the 20th century advocated for more elevated women's freedoms, such as going beyond educating their children, but seeking higher education for themselves as well. They also advocated for women's suffrage, arguing that because women are capable of making most of the domestic decisions, they could equally do so to preserve and nurture the nation. Maternal feminism doesn't stop at women who have biological children either, but women globally who perform caregiving for children; in present times, think of daycare workers, nannies / babysitters, elementary / high school teachers, nurses, midwives, etc. These fields are largely dominated by women, and these women deserve unique credit for taking on the monumentally important task in protecting and educating the next generation.
However, the maternal feminist branch does have some limitations and faults. It mostly focused on women's social freedoms but not so much legal rights (outside of suffrage). It also mostly focused on utilising the sex role already placed on women (as mothers, caregivers, etc) but did seek for this to be praised as contribution rather than "just a woman's role". This is why I like to say that I believe in a more modern idea of maternal feminism, recognizing that women's maternal role is everywhere even outside of being biological mothers, as well as the fact that women don't necessarily have to be maternal at all. However women do often find themselves in fields that are designed to protect, educate, and preserve; while this could be a product of societal gender roles, it's also indicative of women's nature to sustain life in various ways. Women are the mothers of nations and of the world entirely; we deserve to be acknowledged and compensated for this.
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z0ruas · 11 months
There is probably no industrialized country with a lower percentage of women doctors than the US today: England has 24 percent; Russia has 75 percent; the US has only seven percent. And while midwifery— female midwifery — is still a thriving occupation in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, etc., it has been virtually outlawed here since the early twentieth century. By the turn of the century, medicine here was closed to all but a tiny minority of necessarily tough and well-heeled women.
Barbara Ehrenreich, Deirdre English | Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers
This book was published was in 1973. Updated 40 years later:
"One-third (37.1%) of the active physician workforce in the United States was female. Percentages of females in the 48 top specialties ranged from a high of 65.0% in pediatrics to a low of 5.9% in orthopedic surgery."
Going from 7% to 37% is a significant gain. But it comes after a millennium of context which is in the book, from the ruthless slaughtering of witch healers to the methodical exclusion of women from higher education (all while learning from their resources with no credit). Trips me to think about what our presence would be like in health today had there not been such targeted femicide
Some good news though, the AAMC found: "Similar to faculty composition, most active physicians were White (56.2%) and male (64.1%). However, among the youngest cohort of active physicians (34 years of age and younger), women outnumbered men in most racial and ethnic groups."
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
a whole of two people said yes to oc posts so here you go
i made a flow chart :]
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ignore that tumblr SHOT my image quality shhhh its mostly legible
isnt she cute? info below :] these r cats btw. just btw
hehe ok hiiiiii
leaders are. leaders theyre not special really. they do all the big major decisions and hold ceremonies
deputies are the second in command and the primary communication between the leader and the rest of the group
seers are nuns, basically. they talk to God and Dead People and have advanced medical knowledge
medics are. well theyre doctors? like regular doctors with only a mild sense of spirituality
medical apprentices are just that. theyre in training to be a full medic
midwives are just what they are irl. they keep close with queens and medics to monitor pregnancies and kits
keepers are medical helpers. think of them as nurses. they get supplies and are generally trained in all medical fields (including midwifery) and can easily fill any position. also help with kits and apprentices as they figure out how life works; sorta like teachers
stewards are sort of like social workers. they deal with emotion-relationship focused conflict and take care of younger cats especially
elders are old
queens are cats with kits in the nursery. pregnant or not. can include permanent queens, and temporary bodies for warmth in the winter
kits are 0-6 months old. from 3-6 months they begin to transition to helping with camp chores.
- 0-3 months theyre like babies, taken care of and not expected to do much
- 3-6 months theyre in preschool/kindergarten. they do little things
- 6-12 months theyre expected to learn the territory and basics of hunting, fighting and medicine
- 12+ months theyre choosing their speciality and training in depth in it. this can last for 6 months, or three years. depends on position and mentor. by this point, theyre treated like adults. college.
organizers are the managers!! the deputy will tell them what needs to be done (hunting, patrols etc) and they delegate tasks around the camp
hunters are the biggest group- they do ALL of the hunting. their job is to keep the group fed
sentries are the second largest group- they keep borders stable and keep outsiders outside
constructors are the third largest group- they do all the building and camp keep up. den roof fell in? which constructor is nearby?
messengers are the speedy ones. they run messages to other groups, and bring information (+gossip) back each day
examples of these roles (all of them, levels included) coming soon i just need to draw em !!
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edmundodiazz · 10 months
psychiatrist vs psychologist vs therapist
A question for Americans (and others if someone else wants to chime in).
So recently I became very curious about the distinction of these professions in the US (and around the world, as well, but the media I've been consuming has been, for the most part, American).
I keep hearing these words used interchangeably, and I began to wonder if maybe it wasn't always necessarily as much as lack of knowledge as, perhaps, differences in culture and education.
(Tbh I wasn't aware of all the nuances myself, so to explain the differences in a most comprehensive way I've searched for online acrticles that could explain it better, so the definitions below are translated (and sometimes also edited) paragraphs of online articles and not my own words.)
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor. To become a psychiatrist, you must gain a medical degree (after six years of study at the university) and then undergo an additional five years of internship in the field of psychiatry (similarily to any other medical doctor such as surgeon, endocrinologist, gynecologist etc.)
The specialization lasts about five years and includes theoretical classes and an internship in a designated medical facility. Only after finishing those additional five years of study can a medical graduate obtain the right to practice as a psychiatrist.
A psychiatrist is, therefore, primarily a physician who can work in medical facilities - treating patients with mental disorders and diseases. He also has, unlike a psychologist, the ability to prescribe medication to patients for the disorders they suffer from, as well as order a blood test or some other additional medical examinations.
A psychologist, on the other hand, is a person with a master's degree in psychology (the education lasts for five years). A psychologist, however, doesn't deal only with diseases and mental disorders but can also provide psychological support in difficult moments of life, career counseling and similar areas.
Not every psychologist works at their own office or provides consultations. There are psychologists who recruit employees or conduct training. There are psychologists who deal with psychometrics (development of psychological tests), scientific work, consumer research, etc.
Unfortunately, the profession of a psychologist in Poland has not yet been properly regulated or controlled (as is the case with doctors). Therefore, there are abuses by people who have completed postgraduate studies or courses in psychology in the title and call themselves psychologists despite the lack of five-year master's studies.
There is also somone called a clinical psychologist who has attained the master's degree in psychology and then completed an additional four-year specialization in psychology. They have more practical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Clinical psychology is a discipline applied to healthcare. A clinical psychologist is a master of psychology with competencies in the field of specialization in the clinical psychology of adults, children and adolescents.
A psychotherapist is a person who has completed higher education and, in addition, a minimum of four years of psychotherapy training. Psychotherapists are most often psychologists, but they can also be doctors, midwives, nurses, sociologists or educators. To some extent, their competences overlap with those of a clinical psychologist. There are several leading schools of psychotherapy, which means that the training of a psychotherapist may emphasize various elements of the functioning of the psyche. Training in psychotherapy is long and very expensive.
(It should be noted that a psychiatrist, like a psychologist, is not licensed to conduct psychotherapy, unless they have completed postgraduate training in psychotherapy. A psychiatrist deals primarily with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental illness.)
A therapist is an oft confused and overused word. Many may call themselves a therapist because they have completed one-year postgraduate studies in, for example, behavioral therapy for children with autism. Still others have master's degrees in pedagogical therapy with children with dyslexia. For others, completing a weekend-long therapy course is enough to call themselves a therapist. There are also occupational therapists working, for example, with children with disabilities. A therapist does not have to be a psychotherapist or even a psychologist.
Again, I wasn't aware of everything that has been said here, though I think it is safe to say that most people in my country (or at least the people I've come into contact with) do distinguish the major diferrences between a psychiatrist and a psychologist.
I wrote this post because, like I said before, I was often confused by the their perception in (mostly, I'd imagine) American media (tv shows, movies, books, online videos and articles, blogs and fanfics.) I'm curious, does the education look similiar in other countries? How easy/hard is it to study in those fields?
(I know I could search for the answers on the Internet but I guess I'd like to try a more social approach of asking actual people first).
(Sources for the articles can be found here, here, and here.)
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doctly-software · 9 months
Healthcare Industry and It's Sectors
The healthcare industry is also called the medical industry and health economy. It is an accumulation and combination of sectors within the economic system that gives goods and services to treat patients with corrective, preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative care. It contains the generation and commercialization of goods and services leasing themselves to handling and accommodating health. The present healthcare industry contains three important branches which are services, products, and finance and may be splits into various sectors and groups and depends on the in-cooperated teams of trained specialist and paraprofessionals to join health required of a person and populations. For Online Appointment
The healthcare industry is one of the world &biggest &  and fastest-increasing industries. Absorbing across 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the most advanced nations, healthcare can set up an gigantic part of a country &economy. U.S. healthcare spending to produced 2.7% in 2021, approaching &$4.3 trillion or $12,914 per person. As a part of nation & gross domestic product, health consuming & accounted for 18.3 %. The per capita expenditure on health and therapeutic in OECD countries has regularly grown from a couple of hundred in the 1970s to an average of US$4'000 per year in present purchasing power parities.
For the motive of finance and management, the healthcare industry generally splits into various areas. As a main framework of explaining the sector, the United Nations International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) classify the healthcare industry normally involving of
Medical and dental exercising activities.
Hospital activities.
Other human health activities
This third class required activities of, or under the managing of, nurse midwives, physiotherapists, scientific or diagnostic laboratories, pathology clinics, residential health facilities, or other allied health professions, e.g. in the sector of &optometry, hydrotherapy, medical massage, yoga therapy, music therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropody, homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc
The healthcare equipment and services bunch contains of companies and entities that gives medical equipment, medical supplies, and healthcare services, such as hospitals, home healthcare providers, and nursing homes. The eventual recorded industry group contains the companies that generates biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and miscellaneous scientific services.
Other proposal to explaining the scope of the healthcare industry tend to acquire a broader definition, also contains other main actions linked to health like, education and training of health professionals, control and management of health services delivery, supply of traditional and congratulatory & medicine, and management of health insurance.
Industries in the Healthcare Sector
The healthcare sector carry a varied position of industries, with activities extensive   from research to manufacturing to facilities management. 
Drugs producers can another be broken down into biotechnology firms, huge pharmaceutical firms, and creators of generic drugs. The biotech industry contains of companies that participate in research and development to make new drugs, devices, and treatment techniques.
Several of these companies are small and absence of dependable sources of revenue. Their market value may depend on totally on the expectation that a drug or treatment will earn regulatory acceptance,  and FDA decisions or rulings in patent cases can lead to sharp, double-digit swings in share prices. Examples of (larger) biotech firms include Novo Nordisk (NVO), Regeneron ( REGN), Alexion ( ALXN), Vertex ( VRTX), Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD), and Celgene Corp. (CELG).
Crucial   pharmaceutical firms also participate in research and development but keep to concentrate more on manufacturing and marketing an actual portfolio of drugs than the typical biotech firm. These companies keep  to have more reliable streams of revenue and a more diversified "pipeline" of drugs in the research and development stages, creating  them less dependent on make-or-break drug trials and their shares less unstable. Example of crucial pharmaceutical firms contains Johnson and Johnson, Roche, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Novartis AG. GlaxoSmithKline, and Astrazeneca.
Several pharmaceutical firms determined in generic drugs, which are similar to name-brand drugs but no longer enjoy patent protection.  As a result, there is often competition to manufacture similar drugs, leading to lower prices and thinner profit margins. An example of a generic drugs firm is Novartis' Sandoz Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 
Medical equipments creators array from firms that manufacture standard, confidential products- scalpels, forceps, bandages, and gloves—to those that attend cutting-edge research and produce expensive, hi-tech equipment, like as MRI machines and surgical robots. Johnson & Johnson MedTech is an example of a medical equipment makers.
Handle healthcare companies that gives health insurance policies. The " Large Five " firms that control the handle Medicaid industry are UnitedHealth Group Inc., Anthem Inc., Aetna Inc., Molina., and Centene.
Healthcare facilities firms runs  hospitals, clinics, labs, psychiatric facilities, and nursing homes. Examples contains  Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings, which runs facililites that execute blood tests and other analyses, and HCA Healthcare Inc., which controls hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the U.S. and U.K. 
The healthcare industry is constituted of companies that provides clinical services, produce drugs and medical equipments, and give healthcare-related support services such as medical insurances.
1. Healthcare Distributer
Hospitals and another medical centers: They controls diagnosis and treatments of diseases, teaching, research and training. Hospitals are furnished with medical equipments and facilities of all types involving operating theaters where medical professionals operate important surgical process.
Nursing homes and rehabilitative  centers: They provides both short and long-term care services. Short-term may involve rehabilitative care after go through a surgery, sickness or  injury. This may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy. Long-term care is provided to the sick, elderly and disabled.
Ambulatory service providers: These are doctors and other health professionals who give outpatients medical services and non-hospital-based care. For outpatients-based care, a patients visiting a hospital or an outpatients clinic acquires diagnosis, treated, and deliver on the same day.
       2.  Healthcare Investor
These are the government agencies and private companies that gives healthcare insurance policies and fund healthcare services. They are charged with pooling of medical funds gathered through employer contributions and involves insurance policies, and supervise payment for services provided. Healthcare Investors outlines how peoples approach health care, the types of healthcare to be sheltered, and the designation of the healthcare services.
3. Life Sciences
This portion involves; Pharmaceutical firms which develops drugs and other chemical products required for the provision of healthcare; producers who develops high-tech medical equipment; and biotechnology firm that runs research and development to  build new drugs, equipments and treatment techniques. Others who also drop in this portion are all those who gives other various scientific services for the examination, treatment and monitoring the patients.
1. Administrative (Back office)
The an executive department is assigned with the planning, coordination and supervision of the ever-day operations of the healthcare facilities, confirming they operate both effectively and profitably. 
The department is answerable for Budgeting and financial management; acceptance and discharge, Public reactions, Medical billing, Institution hospital policies and methods, Provisions for staff and patients health-associated education and Recruitment of staff and management of their advantages.
2. Information Management
This department of the head of the healthcare industry. It genius collection and investigation of healthcare data to be utilized in creating healthcare decisions. The department is answerable for controlling health data to enhance care to delivery, assisting patient data everywhere, everytime while confirming it's movable and easy to utilize, keeping privacy and security of patients data, Confirming there is accountability and due attentive in the sector and Supervising the application and framework landscape for healthcare institutions.
3. Clinical Services
Clinical services are the pulse of the healthcare industry and given inclusive clinical and non-clinical services for the diagnosis and treatment of the patients. They give drastic and ongoing care, peregrine services as well as operate training and medical research.
Clinical services can involves any of the following departments like Engineering, Biomedical, Cardiology, Dermatology, Pediatric care, Disease research center, and Oral surgery, Diabetes center, Diagnostic Radiology, Cancer and Palliative care, Intrated Imaging Center, Reproductive Health and Birthing Center and Endocrinology.
4. Affiliated Health
Affiliated health experts enlarge the whole medical and nursing teams, and give direct patients care and other support services that change health and quality of life of the patients. These services may diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive in nature.
These services involves Occupational therapy, speech/language therapy, psychological/Mental therapy, Physical Fitness training, Dietary and Nutritional services and Health management systems.
5. Support Services
These are the people, process and support architecture that enlarge the realm of medical care, confirming healthcare experts can gives patients care and services effectively and efficiently. Few of the support services involves procurements and supply, purifier and food service workers and biomedical technology.
Procurement and Supply: They order, receive, stock and supervisions of distribution of drugs and medical equipments over all hospitals department, whenever and whereever they required.
Purifiers and food service workers: They are charged with housekeeping to handle a safe, clean envirnoment, as well as cleaning and sanitizing medical equipments. They also make already food and drinks for medical staffs and patients.
Bio medical technology: They help the healthcare professionals through works, building, mend and conservation of medical equipments.
Environmental health: Environment health assign with the defence from the natural and buil-environment threat that may affect human health and disease. This is reached through the provision of basic human facilities such as clean water, and air, appropriate sanitation.
Basic Healthcare: These are the important healthcare services such as investigation, immunizations and screening to avoid specific disease.
Medically essentials: These healthcare services are profited to advice avoid, diagnosis and treatment of a disease, injury or illness through proof-based clinical standards of care. They are given by healthcare professionals besides in hospitals, medical clinic's and patient's home also.
Protectative care and wellness services: This protect routine preventative care and healthier lifestyle that help and encourage better health like physical fitness, occupational therapy, etc.
Health improvement: These are the services that accelerate the healing procedure, decrease pain and and enhance the normal health. They involves chiropractic care, acupuncture, arthroscopic surgery, cosmetic surgery, and result-oriented therapy.
SUCCESSFUL COST CONTROL: Healthcare institutions are predicted to give quality care and also confirm this is done a acceptable and profitable manner. For this reason, a successful healthcare is one that creates utilization of innovative and cost efficient ways to rein and control costs. Hospitals suffer from the high costs in obtaining medical equipments, keeping the wages bill and the every-day operations. Although, solutions that can encourage the quality of care while carrying the cost must be analyzed.
COMBINATION OF HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY: Technology can be utilized in data caputring, monitoring and examine in the real time, thereby giving actionable insights that yields clinical advantages and decrease misdiagnosis. Moreover, artifical intelligence (AI) can advice streamline financial procedure and speed up the administrative duties so that concentrate can   be placed on personalized care. Combining health and technology will also create medical information reachable and obtainable to practitioner and other stakeholders everytime, at every place.
DECREASING EMPTY BEDS: Hospitals and other medical amnities should confirm there is excellent utilize of obtainable resources such ass bed availity. They should design and execute the strategies that can change the hospitals bed tenancy and boost reasource utilizations. They can attempt to expand the services they provides, to decrease the discharge waiting times, and to minimize the time to required to clean and make ready beds after patients are discharged.
ACQUIRING TO GOVERNMENT FUNDING: The healthcare industry is one of the some indutries that are immediately supported by the goovernment or by a government agency in pooling of medical funds to pay for important healthcare services for its citizens.
ECONOMIES OF SCOPE: Several institutions in the healthcare industry can launched a framework that encourage and facilitates sending and joint utilization of resorces of optimize service delivery and support in decreasing operational costs.
PROFICIENT WORKFORCE: Hospitals requires to make strategies that can advice source and keep high-level talent. They can also launched education and training models that can facilitate staff to cover the skills gap and encourage occupational mobility for low-skilled workers.
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aadikr · 10 months
Nursing Assignment Help- Perfect Assignments by Experts
Nowadays, the field of nursing is attracting many young people towards it. Initially, the domain was considered as a female-oriented field, but with time, many male professionals also chose to opt for this course in the hope of a bright and stable future.
While pursuing their degree in nursing, students are given various writing works, including assignments, essays, term papers, etc. These scholarly writing works are used to track the progress of students and find out the areas where they need further improvement.
But sometimes, these projects become hectic for students. They face problems like lack of information and knowledge, time limitations, lack of required skills, etc. To conquer these issues, students opt for nursing assignment help.
Nowadays, there are various online and offline assignment help providers. EssayCorp is one such medical science assignment help provider where students can go for the most affordable science assignment help at the most affordable rates.
About Nursing
The development of modern nursing is associated with Florence Nightingale, an English Statician and Nurse who gained fame and prominence by the title “Lady With the Lamp.” But nowadays, this domain is not limited to ladies as many male nurses can also be seen working in hospitals and health centres worldwide.
The primary role of any nurse is to take care of his/her patients. They need to ensure that the patients take their medicines on time and are given proper food, nutrition, rest, and a healthy environment to recover from their illnesses quickly and effectively.
However, on some technical basis, we can categorize the nursing professionals into the following groups:
Emergency Room Nurse: Emergency nurses are the most professional, experienced, and highly trained. They are taught to make quick decisions on a logical basis as they assist those patients that are admitted in critical situations.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nurse: The ICU nurses are not just experts in medicine and human biology but are also trained with the machines used in hospital ICU wards. They are the technical backbone of an ICU ward in a hospital.
Registered Nurse (RE): An RE has earned a professional nursing degree and is eligible to work with a hospital to assist doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals therein. They are further trained to work in ICUs, Operation Wards, Emergency Wards, etc.
Missionary Nurse: Missionary nurses are those professionals who work with an organization or for a government’s humanitarian mission. They are generally REs with many years of experience working in the hospital and caregiving sectors.
Besides the nurses mentioned above, there are other nursing professionals like Nursing Educators, Nursing Midwives, Oncology Nurses, Nurse Anesthetists, and many more. All these professions offer a financially secure and highly beneficial future.
Nursing Assignments
During their years of schooling, nursing students are given many assignments to test their understanding and knowledge about the subject. These assignments help students develop valuable skills like research and information gathering, representation skills, writing ca[abilities, knowledge gathering, analytical thinking, logical mindset, and so on.
Besides that, these assignments are used by colleges and universities to evaluate how much their students have understood and comprehended the subject and in which areas they need to work harder. These assignments are given almost 50%-60% weightage in the final results of any nursing course, either degree or diploma.
Therefore, it would be a stupid act if someone decided to neglect these nursing assignments.
Nursing Assignment Help
While working on their nursing assignments, students often feel perplexed and confused. They face a lot of challenges like lack of time management skills, lack of research capabilities, limited knowledge, and resource-crunch to gather information, limited knowledge of the art of writing and representation, writing errors like grammatical and spelling mistakes, etc.
To craft a perfect nursing assignment, students need to overcome all these challenges for which they choose to go for the nursing assignment help. Nowadays, there are many platforms that provide medical science assignment help.
These platforms provide plagiarism-free content in exchange for some monetary benefits for medical science assignments. There, students can save their precious time from writing lengthy projects and invest it in other activities like their physical health or their hobbies.
EssayCorp: Best Nursing Assignment Help
EssayCorp, an online nursing assignment help provider, is your one-stop solution for all academic writing projects. Here, you will get 5000+ expert writers with 10+ years of experience in the field of medical science assignment help. Other benefits of choosing EssayCorp’s nursing assignment help review are:
100% non-plagiarized content.
Delivery before the due date.
0% writing errors.
24x7 assistance.
Referencing styles like IEEE, APA, Vancouver, Harvard, etc.
100% money-back guarantee, and many more.
So, connect with our experts through email or WhatsApp without wasting another second and get the nursing assignment that will yield you an A+ in your finals.
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How to Get Access to Home Nursing Jobs in Sydney?
A job with a flexible setting- sound impossible, right? Especially, when you are in the nursing industry, you may never imagine having that kind of job. Just like any other industry, the medical and nursing industry has evolved drastically. And, it has brought more opportunities for nurses and midwives who were used to the hospital settings and traditional working environment. Today nurses have the scope to work in different facilities like public and private hospitals, home care clients, etc to enhance their work experience and use their expertise and knowledge to serve patients while having the scope to manage their schedules. If you are looking for flexible job opportunities where you can work in different facilities, consider the following tips. 
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Register with a Nursing Agency
A nursing agency will give you the scope to work according to your schedule. You just have to contact an agency and register yourself with it to get access to an ocean of nursing job opportunities in New South Wales. It will be easy to manage your schedule and find jobs with flexible work arrangements.
Check Opportunities in Various facilities
A nursing agency has experience working with different facilities. These agencies are associated with public and private hospitals nursing homes, private clinics and homecare clients. So, they can help you to get jobs in the facility you prefer. Also, you can work in more than one facility if you like.
Discuss Your Requirements and Preferences
It may be hard to get jobs based on your preferences and requirements. But, it is not anymore when you are working as a registered nurse. These agencies will provide you with hospital jobs and home nursing jobs in Sydney after understanding your work preference and your needs at the best agency rates.
If you are thinking about enhancing your field of experience by working in different facilities or getting access to home nursing jobs easily, contact a nursing agency and register yourself. Visit their website to learn more and get the registration form.
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mymathews · 2 years
Best Nursing Colleges in Bangalore
Nursing is an evergreen career with plenty of job opportunities in India and abroad. Still, surprisingly there is a gap between demand and supply even in multi-super speciality hospitals. 
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The typical nursing courses in India are Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM), GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery), Post Basic B.Sc Nursing,  BSc Nursing, and MSc Nursing.
1)Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM):
Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM) is a two-year nursing diploma course with six months internship. ANM is the only option for students who wish to enter into a nursing career after completing Plus two or equivalent in a non-science stream. The curriculum covers community health nursing, mental health, child health nursing, midwifery, human body & hygiene and health center management. The course focuses on training students on the basics of health care like operating medical equipment, setting up operation theater, timely medication to patients, maintaining health records etc. When the course is completed, students should be able to provide first aid and primary medical care to the patient. The candidate can look out for career opportunities in private and government hospitals, clinics, community health centers, dispensaries, and nursing homes.
General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM):
General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) is a three- and half year diploma course (including six months internship) that focuses on producing confident nurses and midwives. The candidate must have passed Plus Two in the science stream. The topics covered in the curriculum are general health care, nursing and midwifery. The students are educated and clinically trained in care-taking and nursing the patients. The graduates can work in hospitals, clinics, community health care, government or private health as nurses after attaining their license from a state or national nursing council.
3) B.Sc Nursing:
B.Sc Nursing is a four-year degree program that aims to produce professionally trained caretakers, nurses and midwives for the healthcare industry. The student learns practical aspects of nursing, including first aid, setting up and using medical equipment, administering medicines, maintaining medical records, coordinating the proper functioning of the health care facility, assisting the doctors during medical procedures, and offering research options.
Post Basic B.Sc Nursing:
PB B.Sc Nursing is a two-year nursing program to sharpen the skills of registered nurses/midwives. The program aims to improve the nursing skills of GNM holders. The students gain advanced and intensive training in nursing through classroom teaching, clinical training and educational visits. They acquire skills to handle primary, secondary and tertiary care for patients.
5) M.Sc Nursing:
M.Sc Nursing is a two-year postgraduate nursing program that focuses on upgrading the skills of registered nurses/ midwives in a specialized area. Some of the specializations include community health nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, mental health nursing, and OBG nursing. Students are taught in the classroom and given practical, real-life exposure at the clinics. The course brings out specialized nurses who can work as Community Health Nurses, Medical-Surgical Nurses, Mental Health Nurses, OBG Nurses, Pediatric Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nursing supervisors, Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Instructors, Occupational Health Nurses, Lecturers, and Researchers.
The students interested in pursuing their nursing program in Bangalore can look out for the list of some of the best nursing colleges in Bangalore. The best nursing colleges in Bangalore are Hillside College of Nursing Bangalore, RR Group Of Institutions, Bangalore, St. John’s Medical College Bangalore, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMCRI), Indian Academy Group Of Institutions - [IAGI], Bangalore, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Bangalore, AECS Maruti College Of Nursing, Bangalore.
The interested candidates can contact My Mathews Eduportal (www.mymathews.com) for all their education-related needs. The team already has identified the best nursing colleges in Bangalore; if you are interested in the top nursing colleges in Karnataka, contact us. Our student counselors will guide you in selecting the best nursing course from the best nursing colleges in Bangalore or the top nursing colleges of Karnataka. They help you book your seat at the college and help you arrange the loan and transportation.
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daniels09stuff · 2 years
Telehealth Billing – What You Should Know Exactly?
Tele-health billing has been the talk of the trend on national media during the past few months of the increase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the new coronavirus hit the people in the USA, 76% of the US hospitals were offering telehealth medicine to patients from distant locations.
Telehealth refers to telemedicine encompasses patient and physician’s communication through tele tools such as phone calls, emails, and text messages. On the other way around, telemedicine even caters remote clinical services through using technologies for remote patient monitoring and live video conferencing as well.
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Though telemedicine is in practice, there are certain guidelines imposed by the CMS pertained to telehealth, along with some variations in reimbursement of claims as well, from payer to payer. To avoid the risk of the increase in the COVID-19 due to the current condition, extension has been provided to Medicare enrolees to get in touch with physicians on emergency and no other option cases only.
What procedure does telehealth billing follow according to new rules imposed by CMS?
For initiating reimbursement of telehealth services, an interactive audio and video telecommunications system that enables communication between the service provider and the beneficiary should be in real-time.
There is a change in the category of services due to the pandemic outbreak, which needs to be followed properly before claims submission/reimbursements. It may not completely change to the existing telehealth billing rules, yet there are notable changes as well.
Earlier to COVID-19, telehealth was considered as a benefit of coverage only if the originating site was outside the country of a Metropolitan Statistical Area, but now there is more liberalness to many medical practices, health centres, individual practitioners, etc.
Prior to COVID-19, all doctors, nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, certified and registered nurse anesthetists, etc. were eligible to receive telehealth reimbursements, but now telehealth billing is all about distant site, where the provider who delivers the service is located.
Some of frequently used telehealth billing codes for your knowledge
New patient visits: 99201–99205
Consultations: 99241–99245
Codes for behavioural change interventions: 99406– 99408
Established patient visits: 99212–99215
Changes in telehealth coding due to COVID-19:
In case you are an individual telehealth service provider, then according to CMS, these are the codes you should follow for evaluation and management visits, to Medicare:
99421: If the patient is an established one and opting for online digital evaluation and management service for up to 7days, and the consultation lasts for 5–10 minutes during the 7days, then the provided code should be used.
99422: In the same pattern, if the patient’s consultation lasts for 11–20 minutes, then apply this code.
99423: In case the duration of tele-consultation exceeds 21 or more minutes, then this code has to be considered.
If you are a commercial player, then you might be required to use Modifier 95 on a need basis for tele-health billing with Medicare. However, providers will make use of the same POS code like how they use it for in-person services, as long as the rules remain imposed and the COVID-19 outbreak continues.
Changes in telehealth billing and coding are common anytime no matter whatever the situation we are. But keeping those changes in tele-health coding updated regularly is highly critical for medical practices, due to the increase in the number of patients who opt for telemedicine during this pandemic.
Therefore, to control such complex situations and streamline to telehealth billing process, thinking of outsourcing will be a great choice. 24/7 Medical Billing Services offer a wide range of medical billing and coding services at high quality. The company is especially good at staying in line to the changing rules and trends in medical billing and coding, to provide a great service to medical practices.
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pro-birth · 2 years
What’s the difference between a midwife and a doula?
A midwife is a care provider who gives perinatal medical care; this includes things like checking for vitals, nutritional counseling, offering some medications, etc. Depending on her background and training, she can either limit her scope to just perinatal care stuff, or she could be a nurse midwife (CNM) who offers general well woman care (so from adolescence through menopause). Depending on her training, she could either work at home births, birth center births, or hospital births; some may be able to do all three at different points in their professional career.
A doula is a birth support person who offers practical and emotional help before, during, and after the birth. They help their client inform themselves on their birthing options, help them form a birth plan and back up plans, go over their fears and concerns about birth, postpartum, and infant care, and some also offer to do light household work or double their certification in lactation support. At the birth itself, they help the mom and other family support focus on working through the birth while they keep the birth space relaxing and safe. They can be as hands on or hands off as the mother wishes. Some may focus on a niche specialty, such as bereavement for pregnancy loss or only do postpartum support (such as helping at night with feeds and changes). Doulas can be used for home births, birth center births, and hospital births -- even medicated or surgical ones! The point
People often confuse the two as similar or the same, but they are different types of birth professionals! The main difference really is that midwives are medical professionals and doulas are more like birth coaches. I hope that helps.
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rudjedet · 3 years
Wow which European country do you live in that you get a newborn help person? How does that work? Asking from the USA where people only care about unborn fetuses.
The Netherlands. It's called kraamhulp (maternity help but more gender neutral) and while it's not entirely free of charge, you always get an X percentage of an X number of hours from your insurance, depending on your insurance package. If we roughly divide Dutch insurance policies into four (basic, +, ++ and +++), I had the second to highest insurance (++) and I received 8 days of help with iirc 125e paid out of pocket. But everything was a haze because newborn, so I don't quite remember the exact costs.
The way it works is, those eight days start from the moment baby's born. This means that if you stay the night at the hospital because you had a hospital birth, like I did, you only get seven days because the first day of care will have been taken on by the midwives/nurses at the hospital. If you have to stay four days, upon arrival home there's three days left, etc.
Within those 8 days there are different levels of intensity (no. of hours divided over those days) of care. This depends on a lot of things, including your own preference and whether or not you are a first time parent. Because I was a first time mum with a traumatic pregnancy and a known disability, I had the second most intensive package.
Officially, the help's duties are to teach you how to care for baby, and also the birth giver's overall health. She checked my stitches, my temp and blood pressure every day. Then they also clean your bathroom and toilet daily because if hygiene concerns, and she does baby- and cleaning-related laundry daily as well. She also takes care of maternity visitors, but that didn't apply in our case because of covid.
Our help was pretty gung-ho though so she basically tidied our entire house in that week as well, which was great because oh boy does it get messy when you're very very pregnant. She did say not to expect that from any subsequent help, as it wasn't the norm, haha (although certain of these care providers have separate packages that might include cooking or general household work, though you'll pay more out of pocket for those).
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kimabutch · 3 years
Hey if you want to ramble about the extremely fucked history of wet nursing, I’d be interested to hear it?
Oh wow ok, so I’m a little concerned about getting things wrong since it’s been several years since I’ve researched this in detail — so please take whatever I say here with a grain of salt, more to encourage further research than as law. 
With that said! Wet-nursing (which is the act of breastfeeding and often caring for another person’s infant) is, imo, value-neutral — obviously there are some health benefits for birthing parents to breastfeed their own children, but there are plenty of situations in which wet-nursing is required or preferable. And also obviously, it’s something that’s happened across all cultures, historically and presently, to a greater or lesser extent. 
However, I mostly studied 17th-18th century French and English wet-nursing where wet-nursing was, for a while, extremely commonplace among the upper classes (actually in France, wet-nursing was more widespread to even the lower-middle class and continued as an industry well into to the 19th century.) 
And this is where the fucked up parts are, so I’m gonna put them under the cut. CW for serious sexism, racism, and classism.
So, the people employed as wet-nurses were almost always low-class, and in the colonies, they were often enslaved Indigenous and/or Black women. Both lower-class (often rural) people and people of colour were regarded as 'closer’ to nature (more animalistic, more in tune with how parents are ‘naturally’ supposed to act, more fertile), which made them better at breastfeeding.
There were also strong beliefs about what kinds of breasts were best for breast-feeding, and these were often associated with Black women (actually, the racism surrounding breast shape is a whole Thing, and also one I know a lot less about.) 
Particularly in colonial America, this ties in to the “Mammy” stereotype — which comes from enslaved Black women who acted as wet-nurses and who were “idealized” as submissive, motherly, de-sexualized, etc. (again, I studied wet-nursing mostly in a European context, so this isn’t something I know as much about.)
In France and Britain themselves, wet-nurses were either brought in from the country to live with the families or (more commonly, especially in bigger cities like London) infants were sent to live with the wet-nurses: there was this idealized pastoral image of ‘simple’ rural life, with country air that was better for children. 
Many rich fathers were glad for the lack of screaming child around, and also for the chance to churn out children more quickly — since you’re less likely to get pregnant while lactating. 
It shouldn’t be too surprising that wet-nurses weren’t particularly well-treated, paid, or regarded, despite their apparent necessity. I mean, even in cases when they were literally vital, for example, in foundling hospitals, for infants whose parents were dead, they were often mistreated — I can’t find my source for this, but I remember reading a harrowing account of a foundling hospital in which wet-nurses were given experimental treatments for syphilis to pass onto the infants in their care, but the treatment included fucking mercury, leading to mass death. 
Also, wet-nurses who had children of their own sometimes had to wean them earlier to give more milk to others’ children, which...... is not good (I think this may have been more of a problem in France than England, as France again had more of a wet-nursing industry.)
Anyways! When anti-wet-nursing pushback came, it came hard, and, unsurprisingly, that pushback was full of the same sexism, racism, and classism that had spurred wet-nursing in the first place!
Now, poor country folks weren’t good and wholesome, they were neglecting or even drugging their charges, they were stealing from their employers, etc. (I suspect, though don’t know, many of these same accusations were levelled at Black and/or Indigenous wet-nurses)
Now, mothers were considered selfish if they didn’t breastfeed, unloving and unfit and trying to take men’s place; during the Enlightenment breastfeeding became this symbol of women’s "natural” drive to stay at home and care for kids (and men were even counselled to supervise their wives while breastfeeding, because apparently they couldn’t manage it themselves.) 
There was also this whole medicalization of breast-feeding that went along with the field of midwifery becoming male-dominated, medicalized, and forcibly & deliberately pushing out women midwives — not that it’s a bad thing that birthing parents got better medical care before, during, and after birth, but it came with the belief that neither a birthing mother nor any other woman could fully understand childbirth. 
That’s a lot of rambling, but I hope that whets your appetite! I’ve included a few books that I referenced when I was researching this — again, this was many years ago when I was an undergrad with access mostly to my uni’s library. I have no doubt there are better, more current & accurate sources for this same time period, and definitely encourage you to look for them. 
Fildes, Valerie. Wet Nursing: A History from Antiquity to the Present. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988.
Schiebinger, Londa. Nature’s Body: Gender in the Making of Modern Science. Boston: Beacon, 1993.
Sussman, George D. Selling Mothers’ Milk: the Wet-Nursing Business in France, 1715-1914. Urbana: University of Illinois, 1982.
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angelsaxis · 2 years
im reading Birth in Four Cultures by Brigitte Jordan, an ethnography about the cultures and practices surrounding birth in the US, Holland, Sweden, and Yucatan. the ethnography itself was conducted in the 1970s-80s (specific time period I'm forgetting) but it's fascinating to see how little has changed regarding birthing parent/medical professional relations when it comes to giving birth. combine this with the constant evidence of medical racism and the general lack of autonomy both mother and child seem to have during delivery, it's like the US hasn't progressed that much since the literaly 70s and 80s.
lots of Black women nowadays (and other women) are moving into more natural birth processes, like with doulas/midwives, water births, little hospital/med industry presence or interference, etc. I know sometimes people like to fearmonger about the amount of violence that a doctor or nurse is likely to enact against a person having a baby, but I'm seeing women of basically all backgrounds giving stories about how nurses ignored their concerns, how doctors ignored what they wanted in terms of position and medication use, and how nurses frequently make off hand comments about a newborn's health status. One woman's video I watched on IG told about a nurse, upon seeing this new mother cradling her child with Down Syndrom, said "Not everyone can have a perfect baby". as if that helps anything.
Birth is a medicalized event in the US. the author of this ethnography points out that I believe in both Holland and Sweden, a labor isn't performed in a hospital unless it's a high-risk one. Otherwise, they're in birthing centers or at home, and there's a midwife or relevant medical professional who goes to them. in the US, however, all labors are standardly held in hospitals, regardless of risk. this means both high risk and non high risk women are put in the same stressful environment. there are OBGYNs who are C-section happy, who are stretched too thin because they need to pay equal attention to both normal and abmormal births, etc etc etc
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