#literally teary eyed rn
iovesia · 1 year
I just had to come on here and say how much i love your account. I deadass went thru everything on your keanu masterlist— GIRL U HAVE A TALENT!! ❤️‍🔥 The way you write constantine is so on point, I'm loving the crybaby!reader AU!! 🥵
thank you so much, nonnie 🫂🫧♡ i'm so glad you're liking my work, it means the world to me !
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gcldcnhour · 25 days
🐝 🐝 you're bee-utiful! pass this along to five writers to bring the sunshine in && give friendship a bloom!
dee, i'm so emo !!! love you and am so so so so thankful for you!!!
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zzznap · 2 years
It's so heartbreaking for me to see a tree be cut down like the lives it's lived the people that's passed under it how many animals that build their lives on it how many kids climbed it how many years it's stood steady beyond human lives
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poeciles · 10 months
love the ppl trying to be supportive of hypothetical partners on my post however . i feel the need to dm every one of them that i’m a published ornithologist in a long term relationship and that this was a joke post about how i legitimately do talk about birds for hours on end
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tvdfan23 · 1 year
Watch "One Direction - Where We Are (Unreleased) Audio HQ" on YouTube
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kazemi-archive · 2 years
I follow you because your works inspired me to write <3
Hi 💜 this. Is. So. I stared at this for forever lowkey tearing up…. This makes me so happy I cannot even begin to express. I just—I’m speechless and in awe
You made my whole morning—truly 💜💜
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woozi · 2 years
you are so cool and talented and kind and i always smile when i see you interact with my posts <3 the world needs more people like you out there
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confess something you’ve thought about me on anon
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munch-mumbles · 1 year
trans people working retail should be allowed to tell one customer a day to ***
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ryukatters · 7 months
9:18 PM — s. geto ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
content: fluff, friends to lovers, sort of self-ship coded, reader dates (shitty) men
pairing: suguru geto x gn! reader
a/n: got suguru on da brain rn. my first work for him! hello geto nation how we doin?? also i had to fight my autocorrect bc it kept changing geto to ghetto 😔
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“Surely, you must lack respect for yourself.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me," your best friend scoffs. 
It's not uncommon for you to end up at Suguru's doorstep, teary-eyed and sputtering after another failed attempt at romance. But he's hardly ever this mean. 
"What's so great about these guys? Tell me."
He sighs out your name in exasperation. He never uses that tone on you, ever. "You're literally miles out of their league. And they can't even afford to pay for both of your meals. How many times have you had to pick up the check for you and your date?”
You open your mouth to retort but wisely keep it shut. Suguru merely raises an eyebrow. 
"Exactly. How can someone be ugly and broke? Then still have the audacity to reject you? Pick a struggle."
"Well excuse me, mister 'I don't need dating apps because everyone just comes to me.' Not everyone is as fortunate as you are when it comes to romantic prospects." 
You're starting to question why you even came here in the first place. Indignation fills you as you slump down on Geto's couch, utterly defeated. 
He sits down next to you, placing a gentle hand on your knee with an even gentler look in his eyes. Your best friend's always been so kind, so thoughtful. That, paired with the fact that he's pretty easy on the eyes makes it easy to understand why he has suitors flocking from left and right. 
"Hey," he calls out, giving your knee a light squeeze. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
"'s fine."
"No, it's not. It was insensitive of me.”
You know what else isn't fine? Geto wants to ask. The fact that you don't know what kind of guy you deserve. He wills himself to keep quiet, for both of your sakes. 
"Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. That you have some karmic lessons you need to learn and all that. You say that all the time."
"I don't know. Maybe...maybe love just isn't in the cards for me, Suguru. I mean, what else could all of this mean?" 
You sniffle, and Suguru can feel his heart break into a million little pieces. He wants nothing more than to scoop up the shards and present them to you, in hopes that you can somehow press them back together to make it whole again. The same way you always come running back to him, the same way you trust him to mend your own heart time after time with gentle praise and reassurance. 
"Maybe every heartbreak is just bringing you closer to 'the one,’" he offers, the hand that was previously on your knee now rubbing comforting circles on your back.
"Do you honestly believe in that shit, Suguru?" He doesn't blame you for being so cynical. He would be too, he thinks. 
"I do," he professes without missing a single beat. 
"How?" Not why, but how? How could he possibly understand? How would he know if fate's thrown his so-called one and only his way?
"Because I've felt it," he hums. 
“You… have?” You’re not sure why you feel so disappointed all of a sudden. Why should you care if your best friend’s in love with someone?
“Why do you feel the need to look so far for love?” He counters.
“Why don’t you try looking at what’s right in front of you for a change?”
That’s about as far as Suguru’s willing to lay it out for you— he hopes you can read in between the lines. Call it insurance— a way for him to spare his own feelings in case you decide he’s unworthy of your affection and toss him to the side of the road.
“Suguru, I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say…”
Yes, you do. Suguru wants to say. Just think a little harder. 
There’s a pregnant pause.
When he realizes that you’re unwilling to take another step forward, he figures he needs to just take the leap. Fuck the insurance. He needs to do as he says and prove to you that the trail of heartbreak behind you is all going to be worth it. Because you have him. Suguru can only hope that his love will be more than enough to heal you from a lifetime's worth of pain. 
“Give me a chance,” he whispers, his hands enveloping yours as he brings them up to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss to your knuckles. “Please. I’ll show you how you deserve to be treated, how you deserve to be loved.”
You gasp, unsure how to receive such a confession— especially one from Suguru, nonetheless. The two of you stay frozen for what seems like an eternity. You— afraid, inexperienced with being on the receiving end of anything remotely romantic. Suguru— tense, confession lying heavy in the room. It weighs down his soul with each passing moment he’s not yours. 
“Please,” he pleads, feeling the way your hands tremble in his. Or was it the other way around?
Fear begins to gnaw at Suguru’s insides, thoughts of losing you plaguing his mind as he wills himself to stay calm. He wants nothing more than to shrink into himself— until he hears you speak, tone light and teasing.
“Promise you won’t make me pay for our dinner on our first date?”
Suguru allows himself to let out a genuine chuckle, leaning forward to kiss your forehead.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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screeching-bunny · 9 months
Helloooo my fave yandere!character writer! I hope your having a wonderful day! Can i request yandere!jock with male!reader and he finds the reader crying bc someone was bullying them or said smth mean or smth like that? Ik he would be pissed but i was thinking something along the lines of this:
*Reader explains what happens*
*Yandere!Jock absolutely pissed and turns to go beat the shit out of them*
Then the reader would grab is arm to stop him and say smthing like: “wait!…please…..please just….stay with me….please?” Like EEEEEEE I LOVE YANDERE!JOCK SMMMM AND IMA PASS OUT IF YOU DO THIS! OKAY THANKS BYE
(Also plz ignore if your requests are closed rn)
Yandere! Jock x Male Reader
Asks 2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Reader is specifically going to be Male in this post!!!
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Asks 1
Yandere! Jock liked looking at you whether it be intention or not his eyes were almost always on you. He loved looking at every expression you made throughout your day to day life and practically memorized every fine detail on your face. So it was no surprise that he was instantly alerted when he saw a hint of sadness appear on your face when you came in for your afternoon class. Like a little leach he started attaching himself towards you with a concerned look on his face to find out what had happened to his little darling but alas his attempts reamied futile as you refused to give him an answer that he accepted.
“I’m just tired and just didn’t get that much sleep last night.”
Tired his ass. Yandere! Jock knew for a fact that you fell asleep early last night while watching an animal documentary. How does he know this? Well, he was stalking I mean watching over you last night. Anyways the sentence “The giant horse cock weighs over eight pounds” was still fresh in his mind but that's not the point! The point is something or someone made you upset! This is honestly so absolutely unacceptable!! When class finishes he ends up cornering you to try and figure out what has happened to you. Soon you start to give in and tell him the exact reason as to why with tears bawling out of your eyes.
When he finds out the reason he is beyond pissed. A bunch of npc bullies had the audacity to go and bully you! There is nothing he wants to do then skin those losers alive for making you cry like this. How fucking dare they. Yandere! Jock immediately decides that at that moment, he would go on a manhunt. He genuinely believes that it’d be a good riddance, no way in hell is someone going to miss them. As he tries to get up, he is immediately stopped by you as you grab ahold of his arm.
“Please stay, I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Holy shit! That sentence damn near put him in a coma. He just can’t believe how adorable you are. With that, he decides right away to bring you to his home in order to comfort you. The rest of the day is spent with just the two of you guys together while watching Netflix and ordering out to eat. All of his plans that he had before were canceled in favor of being by your side. He does his best to make you happy and laugh as much as possible. That smiling face of yours suits you better than a teary eyed expression. Although he can’t do it now, he vows to absolutely destroy the lives of your bullies. The mental and physical wellbeing of yourself matter more than anything in the world to him. Anything that causes harm to you he quickly deals with even if it means people. All that he wants is that you’ll be safe in his arms and by his side whenever he wakes up.
He makes it a point to prove the words of you tormentors were false and does his best to undo their claims. He’d be so appalled by the whole situation and just can’t wrap around his head at how someone could be mean to you. Like just look at you! You’re literally perfect what the hell were they smoking when they decided to verbally assault you. Yandere! Jock would be so overbearing and clingy towards you. Wherever you went he was close behind you. You’re going grocery shopping? Cool he’s right by your side. You gotta go to class? He’s right by you. Even if he doesn’t have the class he’s still coming. Showering? Move over and make room, he wants to shower as well. Is totally the type to throw a fit when you say no which causes you to relent and let him follow you.
In a few weeks after this incident there were missing people reports all over town of local college students. The same ones who coincidentally were vicious towards you. Everytime Yandere! Jock walks past these posters, he has a hidden smug look on his face. Justifies it by saying that he’s doing it in the name of love and that those people were the spawns of Satan. Besides, they're not even dead yet. They’re just trapped in a cabin in some random woods that only he has access to. Content with himself he spends his days by your side and pledging to himself that he’d never let anyone bother you ever again.
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starfxkr · 3 months
HIII your one of my fav writer rn and I checked the emoji list and didn't see it so can I be 🍓 please!!
Also how would the boys react to a girl where if she keeps getting woken up from her naps she will start crying because I do that 😔
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every time y'all say I'm your fav know I'm giggling and blushing!!
as a fellow sleepy girl I relate to this bc I once cried in a Wendy's parking lot because my roommate woke me up :3
jj would def tease you, every time you go to the living room pouting and teary eyed like "aww the princess is mad because I keep wakin her up huh?" and he gives a half hearted apology each time he puts you back to bed but that last time when you burst into tears he realizes he fucked up and this time he lays with you while you sleep. he probably cuts a movie or something on or listens to music to keep himself occupied but this motherfucker falls asleep too because surprise surprise he needed a nap 🙄
rafe is almost as irritated as you because he put you to sleep because you were getting crabby and everyone seems dead set on keeping you awake. for once he's more mad at everyone else than he is at you because you quite literally cannot help it now you crying and pissed off, eventually he just brings you in his lap and lets you sleep there until the house is settled enough to put you back in his bed.
john b wants nothing more than for you to go to sleep because he's stressed, so when you come out crying he's like "ohhhh please don't do this to me right now." and tries to convince you to just close your eyes because you'll be back out in notice but that don't work LOL so he's forced to sit there and rub your back til you sleep.
pope is deeply uncomfortable because he hasn't seen someone cry from being sleepy since he was a kid. but he pushes that aside and tries his best to comfort you, wrapping you up in his arms and doing his best to "bore your to sleep" by rambling about something you have no interest in. it works.
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
This a big bitch. Btw not proofread so some parts may be grammatically incorrect.
Yan x fem reader who is just kinda at her limit. She is always so giving and soft with him, she loves him and loves treating him like the good boy he is. She never wants to hurt his feelings, but recently she has just kinda been pent up from everything else in life and slightly takes it out on him.. not that he would really mind anyway. She just kinda wants him to fuck the stress out of her sometimes yk? I imagine they are doing the tango or whatever and as she’s fondling him she just starts getting a little… prickly. “You say you will always protect me but I worry you won’t be able to if you can’t even hold yourself together around me.” He whimpers while looking at her feeling the intensity of her hand around his heavy leaking cock. She then continues: “I mean you don’t even have enough strength to fuck me right. I have to do all the work. You say you love to worship me but I’m the one always giving you the attention.” He now groans. “I’ve been thinking that maybe I should find another man, a man that can actually serve me- one that has the strength to protect me and worship me.” He is a dirty slut so he just whimpers and groans a little teary-eyed.
She realizes he’s not getting the fucking message and just thinks she joking (which she is but she wants to see how far she can push him ofc) so she proceeds to say: “Maybe I’ll even find a woman. (His eyes immediately switch to her) Women could please me.I mean she has all the same parts I do, she could actually hit my G spots unlike you.” That’s what hits him. She always told him she was straight so it was funny to her that the mention of a women would get him to actually seem shocked and slightly terrified.
Oh no not the mention of another man fucking her because he knows that would never happen, but a women? He doesn’t even think about the facts he can only think about a women pleasing his women. “ Mommy stop it your being mean.” “Maybe buy a strap on that will actually fill me up unlike your cock.” He is seeing red by now because he actually realizes what she just said. Is he not pleasing her? Is she getting bored? Is he being lazy?
(He worships her all day long I mean he is literally a slave for her- she says get her water with rose shaped ice cubes he will make it happen he just loves submitting to her and she loves it) He can’t take it anymore. He flips her over and looks at her. “I said don’t say that Mommy! You can’t fuck anyone else I’m the only one!” He takes her pants off. “I can please you I promise you don’t need some dirty whore some dirty filthy man!”
He takes her panties off and can only think of making her scream his name at this point. “ You’re mine! Don’t ever think about anyone else Mommy. Mine!” He is going as deep and as hard as he can. Looking at her to see if she’s responding. “My cock is big enough see! It fills you all the way up!” Her eyes are literally rolling to the back of her head because nothing turns her on more than her submissive little slave getting a little courage now and then.
Of course since he’s a little slut he can’t last too long so he begins whimpering and whining from pure pleasure. “Mommy mommy please mommy only me I’m good I swear don’t leave me mommy.”
After that he is basically a hiccuping whimpering mess. He is blissed out in pleasure and a little bit of doubt because was she telling the truth? She’s never been mean like that before. She can tell she got him questioning his existence rn so she pulls him into the crevice of her neck and he begins to sob. “Oh baby you know you’re the only person I could ever love- ever give myself too. I just wanted to see what you could do.” While kissing his head. He eventually stopped crying and nodded into as they fell asleep.
I just thought about this on a car ride the other day because I was feeling a bit bitchy and stressed. Anyway….
Xoxo, 🍪
note; cookie this is so fucking hot what the hell, honestly I'll take whatever you're having because this is literally perfect. this was a whole meal on its own.
sub who actually got scared for once, he doesn't even realise you're goading him he's just so scared that you'd actually think of leaving him.
even when he's fucking you as hard as he can he can't help but beg you to keep him. maybe if he tries harder then you won't think like this anymore. collar him, brand him, anything! just don't leave him for someone else.
he promises he can be better, he'll research how to make you feel good, he'll try and take control sometimes. just tell him what you want and he can do it for you!
even after you two are done for the night the thought festers in his head, he thinks about it all through the night and into the morning. he's basically at your feet the entire day after, just waiting for you to even hint at wanting something.
even weeks from now he'll go out and buy stuff for you. relaxing bath salts, food, sweet date ideas, candles and pillows and blankets and plushies! anything you want! you want books, you want puzzles? how about something that ties into your hobby?
he just wants to solidify his place in your life. see, he can be better. he can be the best! if only you'll continue to love him and only him.
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xstarkillerx · 4 months
brian oconner would totally be the type to rely on the pull out method. ROMAN L I T E R A L L Y SAID WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PULL OUT METHOD WHEN THEY ANNOUNCED MIA WAS PREGNANT IN FIVE (i think it was five? the scene where he rubbed her tummy and gave that FUCKING GRIN AKFJSKSKQ)
just imagining he’s got reader on him riding him like no tomorrow, tit in his mouth and other getting felt up. and that pussy is just squeezing him so good and checking all his boxes so much quicker tonight, he’s loosing his shit. tapping at her hip like ‘you gotta get off baby, ‘m gonna fuckin cum’ and she’s just all whiny and shaking her head, eyes all teary and doe eyed at the mere thought. literally B E G G I N G him to cum in her, thighs locking up all pouty. and how can he say no? especially when he isn’t exactly apposed to fucking a baby into you (he totally has dreams of it, he did not hesitate for a s e c o n d with mia). and it’s the best orgasms of your LIVES.
I have no fucking words, I'm horny for Brian rn and I knew there had to be something in my inbox and this was it, Jesus Christ I'm on my KNEES.
I have my thoughts on Brian and kids that I'll post some other time (because oh boy is that gonna be a POST, and maybe not in the way you might think), but Christ I've just gotta revel in this for a second. He's so fucking weak when it comes to pussy, his issue is always getting caught up with women, and he's absolutely the type to rely on the pull out method, but I just fucking know he loves stuffing a pussy full of cum I just know I just KNOW I JUST KNOW OK. And he's a dirty motherfucker he'll eat it out of you after while you're both still coming down from the high, dragging his tongue across your skin to catch the trails of it dripping out of you, sucking and moaning into your pussy like he's starving for it and god knows you're barely keeping it together with the way you're still sensitive. Grab his fucking hair and watch him, he loves attention, knows he's pretty, knows the image of him eating a cunt is priceless, and so is the look you give him when he gets another orgasm out of you.
This was wonderful thank you
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skullsandcorals · 5 months
1. Holy shit I am so happy I found another person who gets how smart Percy is, and gets that every instance of Percy looking/getting called stupid is due to his dyslexia or people not telling him anything.
2. Which book/chapter is this from? I need to bookmark it ASAP and start shouting it from the metaphorical tumblr hills.
3. We really don't talk about how good a mom Sally is? Like yeah she's badass and gentle but like. She respects Percy. When the school system failed Percy, she's the one who still not only believed that he was smart but still acted like it and probably taught him too. Queen mom Sally Jackson right there.
1.) YEAHH EXACTLY. Or his ADHD 😭 It drives me NUTS whenever Percy is treated as the dumb + comedic guy. Like I get what they're saying and why they're saying it, but sometimes his character gets reduced to JUST that and it hurts my soul. I get that he's funny as a narrator and as a character and sometimes he can be a little "clueless" but it just feels like some people like to think of that as either all he is or a huge part of who he is. I believe I've also seen Leo get this treatment despite literally being insanely smart at such a young age so. that's...fun. They can be funny and smart too 😞
2.) It's from the 10th Anniversary edition of The Lightning Thief! It's Rick's cover letter for the first readers of the manuscript & a note from the narrator. I don't have a copy of that edition myself, but I've seen some pictures of it on Rick's blog and someone posted one of the pages on Reddit (where I got it from).
Here's the full page from Reddit (source) & the picture from Rick's blog where the page is visible (source):
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3.) YEEEAHHHH I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! What I would do to get adopted by her rn. The way she talks to him makes me kinda teary-eyed because she's just so...you can just tell how much she loves Percy and that she would do anything to make sure he grew up resilient and kind in a world that's always out to get him. She believes in him so much that it just makes me lose my mind a little. It's just so sweet and I can't help but feel so moved by it.
I'm not sure if you've read Chalice of the Gods, but there's this scene where (spoilers, kinda) Sally talks to Percy after the whole thing with Hebe and honestly this scene makes me want to sob and cry and weep
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“You are a lot of things, Percy. But helpless isn't one of them.”
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stylesloveclub · 10 months
I can so imagine sunshine overhearing Harry’s friends telling him she’s too sensitive or she’s not fun enough for him etc etc and running off and crying and she distances herself so they argue but then we get some delicious grumprry comfort oops am I evil
STOP THIS IS THE MOST DEVASTATING CONCEPT EVER I LOVE IT:( his friends being like ... she's so boring dude she literally brought a book with her . like she's not even drinking tonight she's such a dud why did u bring her???? and y/n was just about to come in w some snacks for harry and all his friends bc she wanted to be nice but after hearing that she just :( gets so so sad bc SHE KNOWS SHES BORING but it hurts to hear it from harry's friends and she's worried harry feels the same way and she's crying and harry comes in after all his friends have left like ?? where'd u run off to sunshine? :( and she's teary eyed on his bed like :( m'sorry for being so BORING :( like . we can go out to a party tonight if u want like we don't have to stay home :( even tho she'd been excited to read and snuggle in his bed :( and he's like SUNSHINE . I'M EXCITED TO SPEND TIME W U NO MATTER WHAT WE'RE DOING AND CUDDLING W U SOUNDS SO MUCH BETTER THAN A STINKY PARTY :( lots of kisses and comfortrry:( best concept EVER anon this is so totally getting a blurb im kissing ur brain wrinkles rn
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callmearcturus · 11 months
okay forget the quality of the movies and plots, i need an answer here
no Dead Reckoning yet bc ppl need more time to see it
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