#lmao for real thank you though
emry-stars-art · 2 months
why do you draw kevin so yummy? 🤨
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finemealprompt · 30 days
DP x DC Prompt #38
The observants are in a bit of a pickle, at the moment. The young Danny Fenton is refusing to be the Ghost King, saying he is too busy and doesn't want the responsibility that comes with it. Clockwork insists they don't need a king, but what does he know?
Who else could be their king? The other halfa, Vlad Masters? No, no, he'd be almost as bad as Pariah Dark. The clone? No, she's not nearly stable enough. Ruling the realms would be the definitive end of her.
That's when they remembered. There was this guy who reeked of death in Gotham. He had started a legacy, he helps lead one of the strongest team of heroes in the world, surely he'd be a great fit! He's not exactly a ghost, but beggars can't be choosers!
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askspookyfox · 7 months
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Wow, my artist, my guy, thanks for a whole lotta nothing for 3 years. It's a'ight. It's fine. Cool cool cool cool. Don't worry my sinners, I do still exist! Imma try to make plans to make a dramatic return and have an explaination for everything, but the timing just isn't quite right. Those of you who still watch this blog, I 'presh you. ✌️ Until then, I hope y'all been taking good care of October in my absence (and by 'good care', I mean annoy the heck outta her, heh).
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Mod Mutt: Heeeeeyyy.... So... 'Bout droppin that ball that I mentioned in my last post... Three years, huh? My bad, y'all. 😅
As it was stated in that post, I had some serious financial priorities that I needed a second job that demanded a lot of my free time (thanks student loans, always a blast whenever you sap up a third of my paycheck every month 👍👍👍). As of 2023, even though some things are new in my life, I’m still technically in the same situation as I was back in 2020. It’s really hard to have the energy and motivation to do art in general and when I do, I usually couldn’t do more than a sketch before I tuck it away and don’t finish. I’m knee deep in a burn-out, stuck in a cycle of working two jobs and taking care of adulting shit on my weekends. 
Honestly, I’m tired of living this way. 
I feel like a shell of who I used to be, giving my life to work. I miss the creativity that comes with art and telling stories. I adore watching my best friend do their October’s blog, year after year, and every year, I get the inspiration from them but lack the time to jump back into it. Such as this year, it’s just too late as we only have a week left in the month. 
However, if you’ll have me, as a New Year’s resolution for next year, I want to refocus back to art and sharing Spook’s stories and help Night push October’s storyline along with Spook’s help. If this means having to work on Spook posts once a week every week leading up to October 2024, then so be it! I can’t guarantee anything, I can’t make promises as life do still take priority, but I do have a lot of sketches and answers to your questions sitting in my computer, waiting to be completed, so who knows what you’ll see! For right now, please accept my apologies for literally disappearing on everyone in 2020. I want to do better and I want to bring Spook and all of his scary toothy sassiness back to you. Thank you to those who’s still around, I hope that you’ll come back in 2024.
Until then, stay spooky!
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sergle · 8 months
Oh happy birthday I hope it's a good day <3
Thank you!!! god I fuckin hope so!
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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yurusanta: the ✨gift✨ that keeps on ✨giving✨
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psymachine · 1 month
bro i keep looking at your art over and over again its so good
thanks for saying this bro 😳
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vampirepunks · 3 months
Sam Porter Bridges' MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 2)
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MBTI: ISTP (Ti-Se-Ni-Fe)
Enneagram: 9w8
Instinctual Variant: sp/sx
Tritype: 963
(part one: mbti deep dive)
(Higgs analysis)
As an ISTP, Sam is not naturally at home in enneagram 9, which makes his character all the more interesting. ISTPs are more commonly associated with enneagram 5, 6, and sometimes 8. While ISTP 9 is hardly a rare sight, this enneagram type does modify ISTP traits due to conflicting cognition and instincts in a few areas. Namely, in the social and emotional spheres. ISTP is innately emotionally withdrawn, preferring to remain detached where possible, while 9 seeks connection. Appropriate, no?
Enneagram 9 Overview Basic Fear: Of loss and separation Basic Desire: To maintain their inner stability and peace of mind Fixation: Indolence Trap: Seeking harmony Passion: Sloth
The first fundamental thing to understand about type 9, is that this personality's position at the "crown" of the enneagram is appropriately symbolic, as 9 wants to be connected to everything. In many ways... 9 is a bridge. (*sad trumpet noise as no one laughs*)
Fear of loss and separation makes perfect sense after Sam's loss of Lucy and his daughter, but of course he was old enough when that happened for his personality to have already developed plenty (21 IIRC) so that incident merely cemented his 9 fix further. Gotta dig deeper to uncover the original source of his issues. (In enneagram theory, it's always psychological or sociological, usually both.) Bridget was largely absent in raising Sam, taking on a detached, avoidant-disorganized parenting style, rarely touching him or spending time with him from the sounds of it, while his closest relationship was with Amelie, who by her divine nature is inherently detached even if she doesn't want to be, separate from the rest of the world. Being closest to a person who doesn't exist in the land of the living is bound to take a toll on a child's psyche, as Lucy reasoned, in a... roundabout way, while assessing his aphenphosmphobia. But let's go back even further. The very start, let's say? Sam was taken from his mother's womb, shoved in a BB pod, connected to and detached from her at the same time, existing between the world of the living and the world of the dead, disconnected from all of it. And so he remained, as a repatriate, an inhabitant of the in-between, forevermore. Lost his life, lost his connection to the natural cycle of life and death, lost his father. He's known nothing but loss and separation since he began. And here's the thing: BB memories stick around, they're just repressed. That leaves a mark.
Enneagram 9 is a universalist who wants to be part of something--everything, ideally--seeking harmony with oneself and one's environment, while stubbornly, paradoxically, asserting independence from it. Thus, 9 is too adaptable. They are resigned, generous, habit-bound, soft-spoken, open-minded, and inclusive. Enneagram 9 goes along to get along. Just like 7, type 9 craves attention, but instead of demanding it, they work to earn it. Again, I have beef with Naranjo but he had some really good type summaries.
"The sense of worth as well as the sense of existence of type 9 is satisfied, not through applause, but rather, through vicarious participation, a living through others: lost identity becomes an identity by symbiosis with family, nation, party, club, team, and so on."
Self-Preservation 9
When sloth invades the self-preservation instinct, the result is... perplexing, antithetical to the instinct's very drive. The sp9 is a personality that doesn't know what they need, so they take the path of least resistance wherever possible and struggle to commit. sp9 is inclined to pursue their most basic survival, but they lack the inner spiritual awareness to know where to begin. This is a passion to sate hunger, to satisfy an intangible, all-consuming yearning, finding comfort in the simple things to stave off deeper reflecting in order to figure out what that longing is for. sp9s crave nurture and safety because, "there is no memory of maternal love in the [sp9's] vocabulary." One cannot identify a need for that which they've never known.
sp9 is repressed, stubborn, reactive, emotionally insecure, voracious without the inertia to act upon desire, conflict-averse, shy, prone to procrastination, impulsive, self-sacrificial, and rebellious. However, Conversely, this 9 is also genuine, kind, easy to please, and highly understanding. sp9 is a paradox, both distant and attached. Higgs sums this part of Sam up very well in observing (novel quote) that Sam "found meaning in survival by connecting people to people without connecting to them himself."
sp9 sees danger in emotion, fears losing control, fears what might be discovered inside oneself by feeling too deeply, and thus sp9 masks intensity with passiveness and self-stifling habits. sp9 needs to know their true inner self but is held back by strong anxiety that they won't be able to cope with who they really are, so they live in fear of being, achieving, and experiencing "too much." Thus, sp9 lives via an awkward sway between indulgence and asceticism, neglecting their own needs in a way similar to the behavior of enneagram 2. Sam is both touch-starved and touch-phobic, longs for connection and fears intimacy, seeks keen understanding and avoids the deeper truth, acts to serve others and resents his role as savior, resists the status quo and does what he's told regardless. He manages to convince himself that walking across the literal entire country to rebuild America and rescue Amelie is, somehow, the easy way out, easier than saying no, easier than taking responsibility for his own beliefs. Hating Higgs is easier than admitting he wants to know him, hating Bridget is easier than admitting the hurt she caused him, hating Bridges is easier than acknowledging his grief. When confronted with inner truth and deep feeling, sp9 runs away and covers it all up with distractions, passive spite, and self-denial. This personality is always on the defense, because going the offense would require taking ownership of their feelings.
sp9 buries everything negative deep, deep down inside of themselves, never to be touched, never to be spoken of, never to escape the void it creates within. Instead of dealing with his grief after losing his wife and daughter, Sam threw himself fully into his work as a porter, lost himself in the simplicity of routine, and self-isolated in the extreme to avoid ever having to talk about it. He made himself into a haunted house with the doors locked tight and the windows boarded up. Not dead, not alive, just existing in the world while living separate of it, making himself invisible by hiding between the lines.
sp9 experiences the world like the flow of a river, going with it as a passive observer rather than an active participant. The voice inside screams, "I want," howls, "I need," and sp9 ignores it, taking what they're given, afraid to show it affects them. Sam is a bridge, static and unmoving as the world flows around and beneath him. In that, there is an illusion of harmony through inaction. Just like sx7, sp9 is not of this world, but he wants to be. So, sp9 Sam simply endures until he can endure no more. A significant difference between sx7 and sp9 is that until confronting themselves, the latter will never choose themselves above another, never accept that their dreams are important, never embrace their desires. sp9 makes choices on impulse and compulsion, because "choosing supposes the need to take a position, to place oneself, and this would mean being aware of an “I” that desires."
Sexual 9 (secondary)
Sexual 9's yearning becomes that of a need for another to define themselves by, someone else to facilitate identity, asking a partner to tell them who they are. At the same time, it is a total loss of the self through symbiotic merging with the other; there is no "me," only "us." The other becomes a compass to direct their heart and mind. This instinct lends both patience and lust to the sp9 personality, a tolerance for others and an intolerance for the self, a burning desire cloaked in that same self-effacing asceticism.
sx9s are more prone to acting out and lashing out, resisting authority from all others besides a trusted partner. sx9 finds peace in the nurture of being possessed by someone else, allowing themselves to fall back completely into blind faith in said individual. sx9 cannot tolerate being alone.
Lucy: "[Sam] needs someone he can be close to, be intimate with[...] Someone to whom he can reveal the whole of himself, someone who'll devote themselves to him."
The sp/sx 9 is a peacemaker, compensating for their lack of inner harmony by creating harmony outside themselves, building up others' relationships to vicariously sate their desire for their own, addressing their hatred of conflict by settling others' conflicts for them. sp/sx 9s are also defensive of their own personal space; in general, they don't like to be touched, which of course goes triple for aphenphosmphobic Sam. The sp/sx 9's conflict is that of stubborn resistance to change and authority versus docile agreement and altruism. This is a personality that says "ugh, fine" when asked for something. The accommodating, empathetic spirit of this subtype exists in contrast to their drive for freedom and independence, which is especially true of the ISTP sp/sx 9. This is someone who will agree to weekend plans they don't want to attend and then go out of their way to achieve a good enough excuse not to go. That is, if their sense of duty and noble self-sacrifice doesn't force them to go anyway. sp/sx 9 experiences profound shame, denying that deep emotion is safe and permissible, often due to past experiences of being made to feel ashamed by authority figures; in Sam's case, this appears to have been a teacher that impressed upon him a sense of guilt for being a repatriate, but more on that when discussing his emotional center in enneagram 3.
8 wing
The 9w1 is among the most passive personalities of the entire enneagram, but by contrast, the strong aggressive pull of enneagram 8 draws the 9w8 away from this, creating a solid backbone and a significant stubbornness.
Most people think of enneagram 9 as "very zen," describing them as chill, easygoing, and aloof, which in the 9w8, is an illusion brought on by their self-repressive tendencies. 9 is rooted in the behavioral triad, based in a foundation of anger. Type 1 idealizes and directs their rage, type 8 embraces and expresses their rage, and type 9 denies and rejects their rage. This repression causes 9's anger to build, and build, and build, until it inevitably explodes outwards. <- That's a video of all of Sam's dialogue during the fistfight with Higgs. Note that none of his grievances have anything to do with Higgs; it all relates to Bridges, to Amelie and Bridget, to his childhood, to society at large. In that moment, Higgs is just a target for the decades of buried rage and resentment Sam has been holding onto all along. All that hatred overflows and spills out the moment he's pushed past his limit and given a willing target. And Higgs just... takes it. Sam gets the outlet he needed... at the cost of Higgs' poor sweet face. In the book, Sam broke his nose and beat him to the point that he could no longer see by the time Sam pulled him out of the tar. So yeah, notably not "zen," especially in light of the 8 wing's influence.
Enneagram 8's primary concern is preventing being controlled or influenced by others. They're total anarchists of their own autonomy (hiii I'm so/sx 8) and thus, 9's intense difficulty with saying "no" struggles under the anti-social traits borrowed from type 8 and the self-reliant nature of the ISTP. In most circumstances, the frustration this creates is expressed through moodiness, passive-aggression, stubbornness, and quiet discontent. When the 9w8 can no longer contain their anger, it boils over with devastating force. See above video.
On the bright side, the pull of 8 gives the sp/sx 9 a beautiful depth of passion and a heightened potential to embrace their own intensity, making them fierce protectors, devoted parents, dynamic lovers, and loyal friends. 8 traits lend the 9 personality an unshakeable courage in the face of adversity. When it comes down to it, Sam doesn't falter or hesitate, he charges ahead and stands tall, willing to fight for what he cares about. See: Sam shielding Lou with his own body when Higgs shot at her (angel, pls don't, that was uncool), feeling "righteous" when he fought the BT in Port Knot City, his steady resolve in the final act of the game, and the way he knelt between Die-Hardman and Cliff with his hand held up to the barrel of the gun when reliving his BB memories. Sam is powerful.
Secondary 6 fix, and why Sam is not a core 6
Now, PDB almost unanimously agrees that Sam is enneagram 6, and I'll die on the hill of saying they're dead wrong. Sam is the very embodiment of the kind of trauma that creates a type 9 and he exemplifies some of the best traits of what a 9 is capable of. (Also, I'm married to an sp/sx 9, I'm good and familiar, but I digress, I won't rely on anecdotal evidence. I can back this one up.)
Every enneagram type has a path of decay and a path of growth. Under stress, a given personality deteriorates along their decay path, and in times of happiness and self-reflection, they improve towards their growth path. Enneagram 9 decays towards 6 and grows towards 3.
Type 6 is the heart of the fear triad and is therefore the most fearful of all types, anxious and paranoid in many ways, living in terms of securing their own survival, especially the sp6. 6 is flighty and scattered, seeking assurances and security from outside themselves. They find comfort in routines and contingency plans, which they share with type 9. However, the way 6 handles this fear is direct and honest; they acknowledge it to themselves and move away from whatever threat they're facing, protecting themselves by whatever means necessary. Type 9, on the other hand, abstracts from fear and responds to it with stone-faced rage due to their basis in the anger triad. If Sam were a 6, he wouldn't have had a problem saying "no" to Bridges, he would have been out of there as soon as they started experimenting on him without medical consent and boxing him in, especially given that he's an ISTP. ISTP 6 has few issues walking away from a situation they don't want to be in. Type 9, however, often lacks the fortitude of self-affirmation to do so.
Sam shows many 6-adjacent behaviors throughout the game, in his displays of fear, doubt, skepticism, and general aversion, due to the fact that he's in a state of stress, actively deteriorating towards 6 and has a secondary 6 fix in his tritype.
6 is defined by uncertainty, which is a natural pairing for ISTP's primary Ti. The passion of 6 is fear, and their fixation is cowardice. They are security-oriented and risk-avoidant, seeking external guidance and support, approaching the world in a critical lens, questioning everything and searching for evidence and insight before forming conclusions and taking action. Sam displays positive 6 traits through responsibility, strategic thinking, and loyalty.
A distinguishing feature of type 6 is their nature as team players. Like sp7, type 6 finds safety within a "tribe," endearing themselves to a group to satisfy their survivalist instincts and secure protection for themselves. They do so from a basis of logic, determining what a given person or group needs, contrasting it with their own needs, and finding a role to fulfill accordingly. This is where they're most comfortable: being invaluable in they space they occupy. They're similar to type 9 in this affinity for group belonging, but they often lack the people-pleasing tendencies of type 9 in favor of a more pragmatic view about their place in the world. Type 6 prefers to know what's expected of them, whereas type 9 quickly gets lost in uncertainty and accordingly exhausts themself through doubts about whether they fit in others' lives.
Type 6 is mentally insecure and type 9 is emotionally, physically insecure; 9's anxiety drives them towards bodily comforts. 6 couldn't force themselves to stop caring if they tried, nor deny their attachments, but 9 finds it easier to abstract from attachments and achieve a state of being comfortably numb to their emotions. 6 can't do this. Herein, we see Sam. Sam found peace with the idea of the world ending, and at the same time, personal meaning in doing his best to save it, embracing the value of fighting for a little more time, "so we can say we had a good run, that we lived." Type 6 wouldn't be so easily satisfied with such a notion, and would call it surrendering or giving up, but type 9 knows there's harmony in acceptance of the way things are as long as you try.
Tertiary 3 fix
Sam's dominant center is behavioral, in 9, his secondary center is mental, in 6, and his tertiary center is emotional, in 3. With this 963 tritype that matches 9's paths of growth and stress, Sam is what we call "true to type."
The passion of 3 is deceit and their fixation is vanity. This is not a literal deceit, but a symbolic one; type 3 deceives themselves about their worth and deceives others by presenting the world with the best picture of themselves that they can imagine. Type 3 fears that they have no intrinsic value within themselves, that they are worthless apart from their material achievements. They long to feel worthwhile, accepted, and desirable. This fixation with external recognition is similar to neighboring emotional 2.
"The characteristic mood of enneatype 3 is one of neutrality or feeling control—where only “correct feelings” are acknowledged and expressed."
This shares 9's tendencies towards self-censorship and repression. As an emotional/heart center type, 3 is based in shame. Shame in perceived deficiency, shame in one's own neediness, shame in all things that aren't measurable accomplishments.
Type 3 is ambitious, hardworking, rigid, capable, and efficient. They can do whatever they set their minds to, and if they can't, they'll destroy themselves trying anyways. 3 has a sarcastic edge, high expectations of themselves and others, and a need to develop and live up to an idealized self-image of what they could be, rather than embracing what they are. Enneagram 3 pursues attention through service, proving themselves worthy to others and basking in the praise it earns. Through this behavior, 3 compensates for imagined inner worthlessness.
Sam carries a heavy burden of guilt and self-imposed shame. He remains conflicted about being a repatriate and considers himself someone who "owes" the world everything he has to give. At the same time, his ISTP nature and sp/sx 9 fix creates a resentment for his role as presumed savior. In the novelization, when George Baton thanks him for his work, there's that pang of guilt, as he deems himself unworthy of the compliment because he's taken on the journey out of self-preservation, out of a desire to be free, "in this for himself." It doesn't matter if he actually helped, in his mind, doing the right thing isn't enough; he has to do the right thing for the right reasons. Another example is shown in the first time he moves through BT territory with Lou, and finds himself afraid, rationalizing that he hasn't earned the right to feel fear. Here's his inner monologue:
"You’re so conceited. How could someone who can’t die possibly know the fear that BTs bring? That’s what was driven into Sam when he still worked for Bridges."
His former instructor drilled a sense of responsibility into him as a repatriate, creating the idea that he wasn't allowed to experience fear or doubt because he had this rare gift. This shame is made worse by the fact that he resents that very "gift," seeing it as a curse, as he's "immortal in a cruel sense." Sam hates being a repatriate. Another excerpt:
"He would keep walking until all of humanity had disappeared from the Earth. Eventually, his body would wear down, and once he had delivered the last piece of cargo to the last human being, maybe then he would finally be able to rest in peace. It was all just a step toward the death he longed for."
And another:
"It hadn’t even been for something altruistic like saving mankind. The only reason he had taken part in this ridiculous plan was because he wanted to save Amelie and Lou. And underpinning all that was nothing but a selfish desire of wanting to prove his own self-worth as a repatriate. He just wanted to know why he had been born this way. In that sense, he was also a parasite, just one on America and this expedition."
Get the picture? In many ways, Sam is Christ in the garden of Gethsemane, pleading, "father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me." Sam never wanted to be anyone's savior, has no desire to be a grand hero, finding small comfort in the one-on-one moments where he helps someone because he decided to, but instead, he's had the world betting on him since Bridget first chose him as a sacrificial lamb, when she decided he was special, and stole him from his family. "Why me?" he asks. Mother Mary, did you know your womb was also a grave? Sam was robbed of his chance at a normal life, handed down impossibly high expectations, and thereby developed a complex that he had to live up to all that and more. Where Higgs open-heartedly made the choice to "offer [his] soul to this world," Sam never had a different option. In the above video of his fight with Higgs, one of the lines Sam says is, "He ain't human." Because that's how people have treated him; with the entitlement shown to the detached divine. Just like Will Graham in Hannibal, Sam also says, "Wind him up, watch him go." Higgs constructed his own performance, while Sam's mask was forced upon him, so what could he do but dance as expected? What was there, but to march forth unto sacrifice, all while hating himself for hating it?
Such is the burden of a messiah.
The ISTP personality is significantly softened by the instincts and needs of Enneagram 9, as 9 traits uplift the potential of the inferior Fe function. 9s are more approachable, friendly, emotionally intelligent, and empathetic than most other ISTPs. ISTP sp/sx 9s are skilled negotiators, opinionated individualists, and good listeners (oh boy, do people ever love to talk at Sam). Sam's soft side is well-guarded but significant, as he's sentimental, passionate, loyal, and sensitive. Sam is a man that wants, nay, needs a soft place to land at the end of the day, a partner who understands and protects him (somebody who doesn't let him run away when his instincts tell him to), the freedom to be himself and pursue adventure according to his whims, a group of close friends who give him both support and space, and a sense of belonging in the world as a worthy individual who has value simply in being himself, appreciated for who he is rather than solely what he can provide.
Now that I've written this, I have ceased to be normal about Sam Porter. Thank you.
Tag list: @goldenbridgessss @pylonium
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jrueships · 6 months
i think you are very smart :)
getting this ask was very sweet and wholesome until i went to dinner with friends & was amazed at the extreme ninja skills of our waiter who kept refilling my water when i wasn't looking because it would always be higher even when i thought it would be lower after drinking some... and when dinner ended i realized that my water's ice cubes have diminished both in stature & quantity.... and then i realized my water had ice cubes and ice cubes have water and when an ice cube's solid water form melts, it turns back into normal water; therefore, replenishing my water over time without human intervention
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dawntheduckrb · 6 months
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I'll stop posting wips eventually but it's been five days since I've said anything and I don't want anyone to think I'm dead/dying/stuck in a ditch and withering away, so here's 10% of the reason I disappeared (the duck is stuck in rendering hell) (and my little baby laptop is screaming at me every time I open up this file)
I might still be mostly lurking for a little bit so please be patient with me in the meantime 🙏🙏
#seriously though I'm sorry for just up and disappearing like that#wanna talk to people and interact with them so bad lately but I just can't bring myself to do it#so the best i can manage is blabbing in the tags like always#i don't know wtf is going on but over the past few days I've just felt like i don't deserve to talk to anyone#tried to reblog posts from mutuals several times but something in my head keeps saying;#'yeah they don't actually care for your input at all and you're being a bother for even trying etc etc'#and i know deep down that's probably not true (i hope) but i can't reason it away you know#and i know the best solution to this is to just talk to someone#let it be known that i *did* make an attempt to#i tried texting someone (and succeeded) but i couldn't keep doing it and I'm back at square one (and now feel worse lmao)#i'm not really putting this here for anybody to see it as much as i am for myself#but i know that (hypothetically) this could be seen by a real human so it still kinda feels like I'm reaching out in a way which feels nice#makes me feel less like I'm shriveling up in my own self imposed solitude#so uh hello person who might be reading the tags (there's six of you guys here now which is crazy cause i post nothing but junk here lol)#((but thanks anyway for following and even more thanks for reading this if you did))#i'll make my way around all the posts i missed soon enough don't worry#i'm sorry i'm really not meaning to ignore anybody#i have drafted quite a few posts from moots that i couldn't finish leaving comments on but i have seen them#everyone here is super cool and talented as always <3 whether that be through art or writing or just finding neat posts to share#this wall of text is long enough and i'm very eeby so thank you again for reading this#tldr; not dead and i'll be okay eventually :)#not rb#hey look i didn't post a picture of my dog this time (a crime)#i'll make sure to share one the next time i get a good one
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broke-on-books · 2 months
Happy poetry month! In the spirit of the month, what's your favourite poem? I'm not an avid poetry reader but mine is We Only Want the Earth.
Ooooh I'll have to check that one out, I don't think I've read it!
Hmmm as for favorite poem, there's a few I throw out as my top poem with frequency, but here I've got to say The Bridge by C. Dale Young. I just adore its positivity and the way it isn't afraid to be in love with the small details of life. That's just a feeling I relate with so much in my life and the whole poem is SUCH a vibe. Think I called it my idea of the world's greatest love poem in an essay once (which is def A Claim which idk if I'd fully back up now but the vibes are there) because it isn't just a poem about being in love with someone, it's loving everything they do and everything around you and loving just the world as a whole and how you see it everyday. Its such a vibe fr
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Just- THIS !!!! ^^^^^^
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sunlightfeeling · 11 months
Alex do u have Tubi kamen rider ryuki is all up for free on it. just sayin. https://tubitv.com/series/300007925/kamen-rider-ryuki :3c
Yooooo! I’m pretty sure I do since I have a Roku TV. That’s so cool that it’s on there!!
This is such a good PSA though…if I watch Kamen Rider, I’m dragging you all w me 😈🥰
(…kidding but I have fierce agendas…)
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Tell us more about Pharos and Satin?
ohh i would love to, thank you for asking!!
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Pharos the Hedgehog is the leader of Team Anomaly, which is a taskforce dedicated to hunting down individuals (like him) that aren't naturally occurring. As the only documented case of a Mobian ever surviving partial roboticization (Bunnie has cybernetics à la post-genesis wave), his body is mostly comprised of nanomachines, which requires him to consume metal instead of regular food. This is also why the scar on his top quill is more like a metal plate!
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Although born on Christmas Island like most hedgehogs, Pharos and his family soon moved to Cocoa Island, which is where he spent most of his early years growing up. On Cocoa Island is where he discovered a mysterious entity known as Lemures, and the two of them eventually became good friends. After being caught by humans who were surveying the area, he was in the middle of being roboticized when Lemures somehow freed him from the machine (Pharos was not able to witness it), leaving only his left arm being turned into machine. After escaping from the human lab, he was found by Satin the Silkmoth, who took him in and introduced him to the Anomaly Project as its future leader.
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Satin is the Anomaly Project's founder and a sort of father/mentor figure to the other members, since many of them were displaced when they were young. A subject to experimentation of some kind that nobody knows anything about, he is completely blind to physical surroundings. The only thing he can see when his eyes are open is the aura of other people, which can fluctuate in appearance based on individual's and their emotions. As a silkmoth, he is able to generate balls of silk that can entrap enemies, and he uses his pool stick (that also functions as his walking stick) to manipulate them in battle. Pharos used to refer to him as an uncle of sorts when he was younger, but is highly reluctant to do so in the present. Satin thinks this is very funny. He also has rizz?? go moth dad go
there are other OCs in this sort of pseudo-story i have going on that ill draw eventually, like Lemures and other Anomaly Project members!! these are all i have for now though lol
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mirror-ralsei · 10 months
NOTES: trash zone deltarune references
was this on purpose or
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and if the above are true, then does that mean this relates to chapter 3's TV-themed dark world?
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and could the astronaut food cooler have anything to do with a future chapter?
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before we go, it might be prudent to point out the TV sprite, too...
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ETA: @potabo pointed out the Trashy phone call happens here also!
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(screenshot credit: 1 2 3)
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bonus thing i cherish in this shot is that it's the one time it's immediately noticeable that her hair length is uneven....let's go Cutting One's Own Hair (With Or Without A Mirror) look havers irl (b/c of cutting one's own hair with or without a mirror, maybe) & even when it's recreated on purpose like so
#haven't yet rewatched fury road as i've been anticipating doing for weeks now. we're on the verge of it though i can sense it#thank god ms charlize (juking diacritics) decided on Furiosa Will Have Short Hair#the No Diegetic Makeup. the constant (smudged with dirt or grease or blood perhaps) looks#only additional thing that we're demanding from anything. armpit hair please. for furiosa at least#meanwhile siiigh i guess like three days (? i will go through the number of Nights in my head. one. two.) closer to two days#isn't long enough to grow that much leg hair siiigh fine. more difficult to match up leg hair shots chronology too but if only....#reminds me how a while ago i was like half watching smthing & after a fair number of scenes was like oh hang on that's charlize furiosa....#b/c i basically know her From This. i'd seen smthing else she was in years before w/o remembering much details of Anything#(also had technically seen tom hardy in smthing more recently at the time Also w/o recognizing as much. also thanks at least in part to#not especially enjoying the movie) & i'm not great with faces; that most roles are gonna have Longer Hair / Makeup happening#and a lack of constant dirt grease blood etc even like okay this would be quite difficult#so i Didn't recognize the actor for a hot minute until the reason i Did was just this instance of [subtle quiet shift Acting Moment]#where she got this particular Silent Restrained Intensity going and i was like oh hang on. Could Be Her lmao. it was#anyways even capturing this screencap it was like Aughhh that she Walks. Stops. Walks. the Soundtrack doing what it's doing here....#and if there's Anything in this film to illustrate [max: main character] [furiosa: protagonist] boy is it this scene. wah#the end of this shot as capable like starts looking away like ah yeah emotion moment. well i'll give you this privacy#just like the fast & furious crossroads chat about cam fr lol like i'll respectfully turn so i'm not looking right at you for this Real Shi#responding to your reeling deepest devastation by moving forward still as far as you can? a quarter mile at a time of you#fury road
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perilegs · 14 days
it's funny that now that i don't really have much about my body to be dysphoric about my brain makes up psychological dysphoria and it's so dumb
#''oohh only people who are attracted to men but are slightly scared of what they deem real men (not you) will be attracted to you''#''or those people AND chasers AND ppl who just see you as a curiosity to test out''#like how do i even unpack the bs my brain is throwing at me#yeah maybe some part of me believes that but the logical part of me knows it's not true#i think what's causing this is that i'm still kinda new at being stealth while passing#like yeah ive been going as leevi for the entire duration of uni and living as a man but passing regularly started happening to me after#i started t#now i only get misgendered the same amount as cis men with shoulder length hair#so like. it's happened once after starting t lmao#i think what's causing this (the psychological warfare from my brain) is the combination of stress#and me actually becoming friends with a co worker i'm not out to#listen ive been trying to hint at being trans but he was born a guy and lives as a guy so hes not very tuned out on this stuff#though his partner is nb and ive met them and they think i'm cis too which i think is hilarious bc i feel like#i'm v easy to clock for trans ppl#though idk im fagging it up quite a bit so it makes me pass extra well so#anyways#im a bit conflicted about the situation#im not going to outright tell him i think but i'm not going to hide it if it comes up#which i know i dont have to do but i want to#we'll probably go swimming together this summer so if that doesnt make him realize it hes a lost case and i dont#need to worry about it lmaoo#also i bought shorts that arent sport shorts and they looked normal on me so im literally unstoppable#but yea thank u for listening to me i just needed to ramble#leevi talks
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well, guess I can add 'fainting at a concert' to my life experiences lmao
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