foralternateuniverses · 4 months
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@loopyarts gave me permission to post these lil Acechiji he has gifted me so I can show them off uwu
i mean just LOOK at the
They're absolutely adorable and I'm winning at life
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punopn · 4 months
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crepes-suzette-373 · 8 months
@loopyarts replied to your post “Read ← that way, but since the scene is short it...”:
Love this, your art really great and I honestly love to see this be canon. Yess, I love to see the brothers fight together on the same side, I wonder how Sanji would combo with Ichiji or Yonji. Also we get black bug four combo If they came back and did a truce and work together as brothers. :D also Reiju can join up in the combo making a 5 combo sibling ultimate attack. I pity the Emery that get attacked smack on them. 
Aaaah, don't give me ideas!!! I'll end up just filling up my tumblr with Vinsmokes for eternity XD
I didn't mention it in the picture, but I was also thinking what a combo attack with the full set of siblings (or at least just the Quadruplets) would be like. With just 3 it's already called Black Bug, I wonder what they would call it when there's more colours added, LOL. Especially since Sanji's colour is technically also black (unless it doesn't count anymore).
Also, now I just had to LOL:
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I have no ideas for Reiju, sorry :(
Unlike the boys, she uses poison so I don't know how to combine it with Sanji's kick.
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artystaroc · 9 months
It really nice to see your drawing of Teruteru and I love seeing how your artstyle has changed and developed over time. Also how have you been life been well?
Thank you! I've been well. Just been trying to figure out school and such. And I'm slowly chipping away at projects I'd like to share with y'all (very slowly..) I hope you've been well too
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loopyart · 4 months
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Angel and his two favorite boys 🕷️🎲🐽✨
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thecryptidwizard · 1 year
Loopyarts| I’m team werewolves I coming for characters soon he he >:3 @thecryptidwizard I need to set some things and I ready to go. I will say early days of this event be laggy as hell.
AND IMMA GET YOU BACK 🗣️🗣️🗣️ also yeah the website is running super slow, but i kinda get it cause there's like THOUSANDS of people there all at once JDHDJNKSK
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dannymans66 · 19 days
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Vinsmoke shipping week day 4
Niji/Uta->red string of fate
(Requested by @loopyarts ;D)
More posts here --> Days 1 and 2 ; Day 3
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loopyarts · 3 months
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(Read left to right :3c)
A one page manga inspired comic based in my strange little cursed Vs bros Au.
Here’s a link https://www.tumblr.com/loopyarts/742616149713354752/my-version-of-what-if-somehow-sanji-got-cursed-or?source=share to the original post for more context on this little Au of mine.
He he even as de-aged little guy with kinda amnesia. Ichiji inner most likely very buried deep within his heart big brother instincts are still kicking in despite well him not using them very much as a wee lad.
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drawbauchery · 10 months
This was fun colour, I hope you like it. :) This is my first time colouring someone else’s art, it reminds me of when I would colour in a colouring book when I was younger. It also it was fun to play around with lighting as well. ( also If like to check out my art account is Loopyarts. Only if you want to) ^V^’ /
Also big fan of bus au comics they’re so funny and fun, they give me a good laugh when I ever see a new one posted and I’m also happy to see another people who likes Teruteru. :D
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......WELL as it turns out i'm already a fan of your art and never made the connection that it was you this whole time??! ghghdfdskn your stuff is so goddamn CUTE! i LOVE the way you draw our little cook. he is very round and squishy, able to fit into a palm,,,,
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peachyonepiece · 7 months
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appears looking at you with autism creature eyes. hello @sangerie your vs bros fankids (one of which i had a hand in making bc. glances at the reblogs/notes in @loopyarts post. i have confessed there fskakfafsga) are really really neat .u.
SPEAKING of loopyarts ty for allowing me to take inspo for nijis kids raid suit fit!! i really liked the softer yellow and the thicker lightning bolts on his pants you gave him so tysm for letting me yoink it <3
uh uhh individual pieces and also design/character rants under the cut bc. i wanna.
RAID SUIT RAMBLING TIME bc i spent the most time on those. also you might be asking 'why is only their hair rendered in those pieces?' well the answer is because i am Lazy. moving on . (/HJHJ i AM lazy but also rendering it further would mess up the colors and i didn't wanna do that lmao. carrying on..)
Ichiji's daughter i am so SO proud of her fit. i did not look up a reference or even inspo ideas at all, that all came from the ole noggin baybeee. anyways she is obviously based off a magical girl(s) fit bc she wants and DESERVES to be. also since Reiju doesn't have any kids of her own (based wine aunt) i also decided to let Little Red have some of her motifs instead of just purely Ichiji's!! primarily the 66 on her pants but also all the pink on her instead of just red :) and obviously she has her dads number and while she DOES have a (white? bc like daddy shes a special little princess /aff) cape i didn't include it here bc it looked reallly bad lmao. but she does have one tucked into the bow probably!! there she is, Sparkling Red Neo!!! (get it.. sparkling instead of sparking... bc magical girl.... im funny i think.) onto Little Ocean Boy
OKAY LET ME TALK ABOUT THE MOST MINISCULE YET MOST IMPORTANT DETAIL TO ME AND ME ALONE FIRST. that being the symbol on the brats belt. it was actually inspired/based off of this post which really stuck with me with me after reading it which i later realized was bc the "that something has been completely reversed" REMINDED ME OF THIS POST OF YOURS. i don't think im especially good at theory crafting but. idk i think there could be Something about how after judge came and turned germa into mercenaries their symbol turned from what once symbolized 'purity' into the skull of war mongers and then BACK to purity after 0124 get germa on the right path... poetry or smthn. ANYWAYS yah shoe shiners got a pretty basic fit bc like i said in the og ask, hes a sora warrior of the sea fan, once he saw the raidsuits irl methinks he'd want to stay pretty close to the og design. HOWEVER he refuses to drop the hat (much to Niji's dismay) and i came up with a reason besides 'its one piece and therefore there's GOTTA be a kid with a weird hat that they're attached to': and that is the fact that it hides his eyebrows. Little Red has the curly brows, all of Yonji's cabbage patch does too, and the brats the only one without. even if literally no one else notices or cares, he wants to hide the fact that he doesn't have em because it Separates him. and he doesn't want that. at all. he really, Really wants to be a part of this family (oh no i made it. angsty). ANYWAYS UHH YAYYY HE HAS A TWO ON HIS HAT (that he sewed on himself which is why i made sure you can see the stitch-lines) BC NIJIS HIS DAD WAHOO YIPPEE :D:D:D Dengeki Blue Neo: little shoe shiner edition!!
UHH second image is just a refined piece of that first doodle i sent you. with lineart and a better color pallet and all. actually looking at it again now i realize i forgot little brats freckles and i am now punching the air bc its too late to fix. just act like they're there. please :,,,) edit: nvm its the next morning i fixed that kjahsdah
i don't even have much to say about the last two because i Think i am Rightgksfjgasjkfa but for the third i think the brats a bad influence on Little Red especially. ALSO FOR THE FOURTH NO I DIDNT FORGET ICHIJIS TATTOO. I AM JUST LAZY. (and I also forgot his tattoo :]) ANOTHER edit: i also. fixed this :]
CHRIST i am incapable of contacting you on Tumblr via any way that includes anything less than 250 words i am so sorry sangerie.. i hope you like these tho cause i really do tbh :3 (PS you have to take literally NONE of what I said here [mostly about shoe shiner] as like.. canon about them?? these are YOUR ocs obvi so please, change Little Red's raidsuit design if you find it unappealing!! make shoe shiner have a backstory of your own!!! i hope that isnt weird or rude to say, i just thought it was important too bc i threw sm at you so strongly ^^' okay thats all tysm for reading this it means to world to me byebye <3)
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foralternateuniverses · 4 months
More countryside au
Here the last bunch
again, a kiss for @loopyarts ' brilliant mind (and his wonderfully cozy art, which you'll find down below).
When Ichiji was born along with his brothers, he seems fine and healthy, it wasn’t until he got older, around 3 years old, that he had a coughing fit and collapsed in the middle of the school playground and was rushed to the hospital where his father found that the golden child, his favourite son, had inherited his mother sickly and weaker health. Despite this Ichiji always works harder than most and he's very mature for his age despite not talking much, the reason he works so hard is due to wanting to prove he's not weak and can look after himself and not be pittyed.
Ichiji isn't necessarily a full blow shy kid, he's mostly a quiet bold introvert lad (Ichiji is only shy when it comes to romance and even then he does his damnest to hide that fact) despite being sickly, he doesn’t like to be treated like he’s made of glass, causing him to be rather moody and stand-offish towards anyone that does.
So even when he is told to stay in bed for the day, he sneaks out and goes exploring on his own for a good bit. To where he encounters the rowdy Ace in the fields brushing his mother’s horse and they become rivals, Ace challenges Ichiji to a race to see who the fastest.
Sometimes Ace wins and sometimes Ichiji does but they never seem to truly one up each other, however, since Ichiji didn’t tell Ace he was sickly that lead to the event of his having a coughing fit and fainting. Ace was a shaken by the whole event causing him to be more careful around Ichiji and making sure he’s okay. This upsets Ichiji greatly causing them to have a fight and not speak to each other for a good while. Ichiji feels awful but he's used to it, he always preferred to be alone anyway, despite saying that, he cried because he knew damn well it was all his fault.
Ace does or says something and still, Ichiji is the one who starts their "fights" at least half the times, especially with how he's being treated because of his illness, which he hides from Ace until well, the incident happens.
Ace was a little shaken by the whole event causing him to be more careful around Ichiji and making sure he’s okay. This upset Ichiji greatly causing them to having a fight and not speak to each other for a good while. Ichiji feels awful but he was used to it, he always preferred to be alone anyway, despite saying that he cried because he knew damn well it was all his fault.
He almost cries when goes to talk to Ace about their fight, Ace is the first to apologise (he talked with Makino about this, and she helped him see what exactly might have caused it, and well, Ace is one year older so he has to be the mature one) but then Ichiji would tries to rebut him saying it’s his fault that the fight started in the first place and that he should be the one apologising for even happening. He starts to have a breakdown with angry tears and stomping his feet about while Ace tries to calm him down telling him to take deep breaths and count to ten as a way to help Ichiji relax a little bit. Also he’s worried that Ichiji might go into another coughing fit again if he doesn’t calm down.
After the incident, Ace started investigating a bit about the illness (he probably asks the doctors around and looks it up in books), to be better prepared and care for Ichiji as he should (as the older one, you know). He kept doing that after Ichiji left (because they made a promise as children to meet again as adults and Ace wanted to be completely prepared for that even trough there was the chance he might not see Ichiji again), not obsessively ofc, and good thing he did because Ichiji is back in his life and more obstinate than ever (he wants to do hard manual labor now apparently? No one wants to let him, which is probably why he wants to do that in the first place, Ace steps in to guide him and let him do the thing, together, Law is tired and concedes, Ace knows what he's doing and is keeping an eye on Ichiji, and Ichiji seems to listen to him so he won't be overworking himself to an early grave).
Ace is surprised by short skinny little Ichiji growing to be an absolute hotty and muscular man with dyed red hair and a tattoo. Not that he’s complaining through he he. >:3c
Ace is kind of: not even close to what I was expecting but I think I like this more Insert the meme of the dude cleaning his sweat
Ace knows Ichiji better than others and what he knows is that you can’t tell Ichiji what to do and that he is as stupid as a mule, if he says he's going to do something he will and that’s that. Yup, that his Ichiji, even though he matured quite a lot, he's still the same headstrong, adventurous, bold and hotheaded kid that he knew years ago and that would rather work himself to early grave than admit he needs help and be seen as fragile or weak.
Indeed Ace keeps an eye on his stubborn redhead and is happy that Ichiji trusts and listens to him, at first he gave him the same standoffish attitude that he did when they first met as kids. But that quickly melts away within hours and Ace helps, yet again, to make sure he doesn’t overwork himself.
When Ace finds Ichiji carrying heavy stuff around, now as adults, his first instinct when seeing the red and sweaty face is to step in and help, but he knows that Ichiji would react negatively to this, so he just approaches, as casual as ever, and asks "are you sure you should be doing that?"
Ichiji stops and turns to him, already frowning "what? You have something to say about it?"
Ace shrugs "Nah, don't want a repeat of that little argument, I don't know if I could handle you crying yourself till you black out because you weren't the first to apologise again"
Ichiji turns even redder "that wouldn't happen, that won't happen, first of, I wouldn't cry, secondly, I would beat you to apologising, and third, I will punch you"
Ace can't help but laugh.
On one evening, Ace thought it'd be fun to teach Ichiji how to ride a horse, it took a few months for Ichiji to get the hang of it but as soon he was confident enough Ace thought it'd be a nice idea to take the horses on a ride together. X3c boys be racing those horses in the field together laughing and in pure joy. Note, note Ace be reminiscing about how in this very field was when they meet as kids and they first race together. Also, Ace takes a hands on approach to teaching Ichiji everything, especially riding horses (poor Ichiji is going to explode from embarrassment).
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Ichiji's brothers and older sister are very overprotective of him as a child, especially Niji (he is a mother hen to his core, that's why he's also Ace's biggest obstacle in dating Ichiji) who is glued to him and sometimes Sanji because he worries about Ichiji randomly fainting.
Niji is kinda traumatised due to being the first one to see Ichiji collapse on the background because they were playing together and Niji was freaking out because, at first, Ichiji wasn’t breathing and his temperature went up like crazy. Poor little Niji watched as Ichiji was carried away before he was escorted back to his other brothers who seem just as confused and worried.
Even through Niji is technically the younger brother to Ichiji, he sometimes plays big brother to him, especially when he's being a prideful stubborn ass. Niji also does this to the other brothers as well, especially Sanji who seems to be always criticised by their father for being weak and "why couldn’t he be more like Ichiji" who despite being sickly was strong.
Once Niji gets there Ace is gonna have a HARD time (thankfully Zosan were there before Niji and Zoro gets to tell him about the nightmare that is getting Niji's approval to date his siblings). When Niji gets there he's like a Victorian mama bear protecting her wide eyed innocent daughter from the bad boy playboy. But Ace has been and keeps taking care of Ichiji and Ichiji keeps listening to him, so he'll concede to him easier than he did Zoro. Though Ace does have a much easier time probably due to him already taking care of Ichiji and because Ichiji listens to him. Bust also, Niji knew him from his childhood, so he backs off way earlier then he did for Zoro with Sanji, because Zoro was complete stranger to him. Also he thinks Sanji has bad taste in men ha ha.
They all think Sanji has bad taste in men.
Sanji might later argue that Ichiji's taste isn't so far off of his own, but the others think that Ace is a better option than Zoro (even Zeff and Reiju).
Cue for moody eggplant planting mushrooms in his emo corner. (Sorry Sanji but Ace is definitely the better man ha ha. XD Ichiji scored big time that’s for sure. Poor Sanji getting bullied by all his siblings and his uncle for his choice in men.).
They all definitely had a phase XD ( at the first given opportunity, I mean, the moment Judge died Ichiji ran to dye his hair and get a tattoo). The minute that man died is when all his kids dyed their hair and his eldest got tattoos and they ended up having their emo/rebel teen phase as young adults.
At least Zeff let his newly adopted five eggplants have their moment to get it out of their system. The kids with Zeff: is this???? Parental love?????
They were, understandably, very unstable after the whole "being raised by Judge" deal, so there were a lot of fights and a lot of learning on both sides. Thankfully, Zeff is a good man and loves those kids to bits and in turn they adore him.
But back to the main boys.
When Ichiji first met Ace's mum, he was rather shy around her and was bit uncomfortable due to the fact that he didn’t know his own mother very well due her dying when he was about five years old.
Ace's mother would make cute little remarks about the two of them and how they reminded her of how she and Ace's dad used to be as youngsters. She even jokes about how compatible they were (almost as if they were made for each other) which they boys get all flustered and say "no we're not", we just best friends that all, she laughs and explains that she was only teasing them (she loves joking around about them ending up together when they grow up and being childhood sweethearts, she's an even bigger romantic than Sanji).
She also helped Ace and Ichiji make their friendship bracelets together and teach them how to do it right.
She died before Judge did, so the kids were unable to go to the funeral, it has been eating at Ichiji's heart since but he's not sure how to bring the topic with Ace now as adults, till her anniversary comes and Ace invites him and Ichiji gets to cry at her grave. Later, when they're together, they'll be back to visit her and they'll be like "you were right" as they're holding hands and leaving new flowers. Also.
Baby Ace pushing baby Ichiji on a swing on an a tree, one that the kids made together in the woods to play on. In the future Ichiji cheekily pushes Ace on the old swing for fun, who he has convinced to get on the old swing despite the other pointing out that it’s old and they're are full grown adults that might break it due to their weight. The swing definitely breaks and sends Ace to the floor, they're laughing their asses off.
Everyone cringes at Ace's attempts at flirting (the worst are pick-up lines) but they work (that gets even worse when they actually get together).
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idiotsonlyevent · 2 months
get to know me better ✨
i got tagged by @loopyarts !!! im not great at tagging others, so if you'd like to do this consider yourself tagged 🫶
last song: kirakira no hai (twinkling ash) by regal lily
currently watching: dungeon meshi!!
three ships: hmmmm.... ichilaw, souyo, labru
favorite color: dark blue, something like this >
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currently consuming: nothing
first ship: hmmm not sure tbh? the oldest ship i can remember getting like. Actually Invested In is kagehina, so let's say that!
birthplace: us
current location: couch
relationship status: maidenless
last movie: one piece film red
currently working on: hoo boy..... i have a laios amv thats about 30-50% done that should be out by the end of the month..... and then a LOT of fic wips and ufos (too many to list) that are at various stages of completion 😔
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crepes-suzette-373 · 8 months
@loopyarts replied to your post “This is a thought that has been making my brain...”:
They all Namisexual, she just that powerful. Also the flowers the boys are holding doe it any meaning or it just for fun? Also what are flowers they holding called? I know Sanji a rose and Ichiji is a lilly I think but I don’t what Niji and Yonji flowers are called.  Unless the Sanji brothers have better personalities in this timeline, it no contest who Nami would choose between them. Also if Sanji still was on Luffy crew, he and Nami would know each other and spent months, years together on Luffy crew. Honestly would Nami take advantage of her little harem of simp in their all kinda like Sanji in a timeline yes, yes she would.  
@loopyarts LOL, in my head I imagine it's SaNami forever, but I'm biased.
​It's an AU where Germa is not an insane kingdom and there's no mad scientist weirdness, so Sanji just lives with his family and they all are princes the whole time. Dunno how they would end up meeting Nami TBH. Maybe Germa travels around the world for research like Noland. Still science-y and the whole snail ships and everything, but not evil.
Man, I think this is just generally an "everything is fine" AU, no World Government, no evil conspiracy, no drama. Luffy and crew (minus Sanji) are just adventuring for fun. Maybe treasure hunting in a general sense, but no One Piece.
Personality-wise... Well, they're nice(ish). Don't get any worse than Sanji's usual tantrums. Sanji is slightly less rough than canon too. Think something like his first appearance back in Baratie when he's waiter-ing for Fullbody. Or, in chapter 1 of Shokugeki no Sanji spinoff LOL. Still cooks, still kicks, otherwise acts sort of polite, but would say very insulting things.
Niji is still a loud nuisance, picky eater, a snob, similar to canon but not cruel. Something like this (that's a modern AU, but you get the idea). Squabbles about eating with Sanji all the time because all he wants are snacks/desserts.
Ichiji is stereotypically super princely in public eye, but kind of thug-ish when nobody's looking. He just talks in formal language the whole time. I guess he has that "mafia with a clean front/disguise" vibes.
Yonji is exactly like Sanji but big, buff, and (slightly) dumb(er). Sanji's very unhelpful food tester because he eats everything.
Yonji's flower is Black-Eyed Susan, Niji's are (kind of oversized) forget-me-nots. No meaning, I just want them all to have different flowers.
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(and then Reiju would find them and kick them all)
Ah man, I also do want to do an AU where Sanji's family is good but he still somehow ends up with the Straw Hat crew. Maybe next time.
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artystaroc · 1 year
Loopyarts| Hi arty, glad to see your doing well and good luck with your schooling. 😸
Thank you <3 It's been a very trying time but I'm chuggin'
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loopyart · 4 months
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The boys ✨🕸️🎲
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thecryptidwizard · 11 months
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Second Batch of Artfight attacks!! :] In order these characters belong to;
6.) @ackee
7.) @taco-world
8.) @dood1e-bug
9.) hazmat
10.) Tamagouji
11.) @loopyarts
12.) @biggs-regretti
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