#lu Twilight
theegh0st · 2 days
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lieee34 · 3 days
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Tiny chain !
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estelian-01 · 16 hours
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Happy Birthday Wander @wanderlustmagician!!!! Here’s a fanart of your fic “Heretic!”
This scene has so many FEELS!
Here’s a quote from the fic:
“See you later, she says,” he half murmurs, half sobs. He slides down to his knees, stares at the mirror, and still she pretends that she hadn’t grieved for the lost time also. “Wasn’t true, just anotha trick…”
He sniffles, hugging himself as he mumbles through the centuries old heartbreak. “I really was just’ a dumb bumpkin to ya, huh Midna… easy ta fool.” The tears well up again and she hurts to a beat she hasn’t truly felt since she shattered the mirror.
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gutiuniverse · 2 days
Baby Twilight: Hey dad? Time: Yes, Twi? Twilight: How long can someone breathe in a washing machine while it's running? Time, chuckling: Now, why would you want to know that, Twilight? Twilight: Time: Time: WHERE'S WILD-
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sweeteastart · 1 day
... Twilight 1 C?
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You're all good, OP !
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You gave me the perfect opportunity to draw silly wolf Twi'. Even in wolf form, it fits him like a glove.
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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skyward-floored · 11 hours
(Incredibles au)
“They’re back!”
At Wind’s shout, Wild shot up and bolted outside to the car pulling into their driveway, slightly using his speed even though he wasn’t supposed to. Four didn’t even have time to tell him to wait before his older brother was hanging off Twilight’s arm and shaking him.
Four felt a flash of annoyance as Wind ran ahead of him as well, but he stuffed it down and ran out to join them, and arrived just in time to hear the tail end of Wind and Wild’s begging.
“Where is it Twi? I want to see your photo! Warriors said they always look bad, I want to see! Let me see it!” they hounded simultaneously, but Twilight only brushed Wild’s hand off his arm with a morose look.
“I didn’t get it.”
Wild stopped in his tracks, and Four and Wind looked at each other, then back at Twilight.
“You... you didn’t get it? Why? How?” Wild said incredulously. “It’s a learner’s permit! They’re like, impossible not to get!”
“How did that happen?” Four asked in confusion.
“Apparently I can’t see well enough to drive,” Twilight mumbled, putting his hands in his pockets. “They said I have to get glasses if I want one.”
Twilight nodded glumly, and his brothers looked at him in disbelief.
“There’s no way you need glasses, your vision is great!” Four said with no small indignation on his brother’s behalf, and Twilight just sighed.
“Apparently it’s not good enough to pass the vision test for driving,” he said as Time also got out of the car. “I have to get them, or no learner’s permit.”
“But that’s not fair!” Wind cried, and Time put a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s to keep the roads safe, Wind. You wouldn’t want someone who could barely see driving a car next to you, would you?” their father asked, and Wind relented a little.
“...okay, I guess not. But Twi can see fine! He’s never had trouble with looking at stuff!”
“I just barely didn’t pass,” Twilight grumbled. “I swear that lady had it out for me, I think she made the pictures blurrier on purpose.”
“Well we’ll see when we take you in for a proper eye appointment,” Time sighed, and Twilight nodded, still looking disappointed. Their father went inside, and Four watched as Twilight followed him, shoulders slumped and ears drooping.
“Poor Twi,” Wild said, shaking his head in disbelief. Four had to agree.
What a way to find out you needed glasses. And how could Twilight need glasses anyway? His vision was fine!
...then again, now that Four was thinking about it, sometimes Twilight did have some trouble seeing farther away stuff...
Well. It was still unfair.
“Well maybe he won’t actually need them,” Wind piped up. “He said the lady there didn’t like him, right? Maybe she was exaggerating, and when he goes to the eye doctor there won’t be anything wrong!”
“Maybe,” Four said doubtfully.
“Well... I’m gonna go see if Mom has cake ingredients,” Wild said as he began to walk back in the house. “Cake makes everything better.”
“Better make it carrot cake,” Wind said as he followed him. “It’ll help with Twi’s eyes.”
Four raised an eyebrow. “Wind, that’s not a real thing.”
“Well it might be, you never know!”
A week later, the three of them were once again waiting at the window when Twilight got out of the car, and Wild ran to greet him, Wind and Four trailing behind. This time though, Twilight didn’t even look at any of them, brushing past Wild and turning into a wolf the moment he was safely inside.
“Uh oh,” Four said, and they all looked at their father as he got out of the car.
Time wordlessly held up a glasses case.
“Oh no, poor Twi,” Wind moaned, and Wild looked back at the house. “The carrot cake didn’t work!”
“Wind you didn’t seriously think that was going to help, did you?” Four asked as he raised an eyebrow, and Wind shrugged.
“Well I was hoping for Twilight’s sake.”
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” Wild said, but his father snagged his shirt before he could run off, shaking his head.
“Not right now, Wild, he’s not in the best mood. You can talk to him later,” Time said. “Give him some space for now.”
Wild nodded, and Time released his shirt, Four hearing him let out a sigh. Then he walked into the house, probably to tell their mother about the glasses. Legend scooted past him as he walked in, and joined his brothers on the lawn, scratching at his hat.
“I’m guessing by the grumpy wolf in our living room that Twilight didn’t have a good time at the eye doctor?” he asked.
“He got glasses,” Wind reported solemnly, and Legend blinked.
“...That’s all? Sheesh, you’d think he was going blind or something the way he looked at me and ‘rule. Why’s he so upset? They’re just glasses.”
“Are you kidding? Do you remember back when that one guy in Twi’s class got glasses? Everybody teased him, you wouldn’t want to be called four-eyes all the time, would you?” Wild said, then looked at Four. “No offense.”
Four shrugged, unbothered by the phrase (it wasn’t like he had glasses), and Legend raised an eyebrow. “But I thought he just has them for driving, he won’t even need them at school.”
“Unless his eyesight gets worse,” Four pointed out, and Wind elbowed him. “Ow, just sayin’.”
Four rubbed his side as they all began to trail back inside, and Wild scratched his head thoughtfully. “What I don’t get is that I thought wolves had good eyesight,” he said, looking confused. “How does Twilight need glasses if that’s true?”
Four perked up. “Well, they have good all-around vision, but their distance vision isn’t as good as Hylians. They can see movement pretty far away, but not clear details, plus the colors are a bit more muted then what we see,” he rattled off, and his brothers all stared at him. Four coughed. “...I got a wolf book from the library the other week.”
“Well anyway, I bet he’ll get used to the glasses,” Legend shrugged as he kicked his shoes off and walked away. “I’m just not looking forward to him being all mopey in the meantime though.”
A few of them nodded in agreement, and Four peeked into the living room. Twilight was flopped on the floor with his head sitting on his paws, and when he noticed Four looking, he got up and plodded away, tail drooping.
His brothers all watched him pad away, then looked at each other.
“...You’d better make another cake, Wild.”
Nobody saw much of Twilight the rest of the day, though Four tried to search him out a few times. He obviously wasn’t in the mood to be consoled, and Four went to bed that night wondering if he could do anything to help him.
He couldn’t take away Twilight’s glasses, but there had to be something he could do.
But what?
When Four woke up the next morning he hadn’t had any brilliant ideas, but went he into the bathroom, he found Twilight staring at himself in the mirror, a pair of glasses on his face.
Four froze, then hesitantly walked forward, studying his brother. Twilight flicked an ear at the sound of his footsteps, but didn’t say anything. Just kept looking at himself.
“Morning Twi,” Four ventured, leaning on the counter.
“Mornin’,” Twilight replied distantly, still staring at his reflection.
Four studied him for a second in silence, a bit struck at the unfamiliar figure in the mirror. It was still Twilight, but the glasses changed his appearance a fair amount. Having the frames on his face made Twilight look a little odd already, but he also looked... older, somehow, like he was an adult or something.
...Four wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
“You’re trying on your glasses, huh?” Four asked after a minute, and Twilight nodded.
“Yeah. The doctor said I should wear them around so I’m used to them before I try and get my learner’s again or anything.”
“Well they look fine to me,” Four said, and Twilight gave him a half-smile.
“Thanks Smithy,” he said as Wild walked in, their other brother pausing as he grabbed his toothbrush.
“Whoa, weird. They make you look older,” Wild said, tilting his head and staring. “Like... kinda like Dad? But with glasses.”
“Dad with glasses. Thanks Wild,” Twilight snorted, but he didn’t look too bothered. Maybe he’s feeling better about them?
“Well what did you want me to say? That you look like a nerd?” Wild asked, and Twilight gave him a flat look.
“No, actually. Thanks.”
“Well he does kinda look like a nerd,” Legend said as he wandered in, drawn by the sound of their conversation. “A nice nerd. The kind that knows how to do calculus but still cries at baby birds— ack!”
While Legend was speaking, Twilight had reached over and grabbed him.
Four ducked out of the way while Legend tried to escape, and Wild laughed as Twilight noogied his brother, somehow managing to make Legend’s bedhead even messier.
“Alright alright stoppit! I take it back, you don’t look like a nerd!” Legend squawked, and Twilight released him, dusting his hands off. Legend grumpily smoothed his hair down, then smirked a little. “...they do make you look like some old dusty professor though.”
Twilight grabbed at him again, but Legend ducked and turned invisible, laughter and rapid footsteps quickly retreating from the room. Twilight huffed, and as he looked back at Wild and Four, Wild quickly muffled his laughter.
“Ah whatever, go ahead and laugh,” Twilight said with an eye roll. “I know they make me look dorky.”
Four frowned at the hint of bitterness in his voice. Okay, so maybe he isn’t feeling better about them after all. “I don’t think they make you look dorky,” he defended, and Wild nodded, starting in on brushing his teeth.
“I fink they make youwook fmart,” he said with a mouthful of toothpaste. “Wike a fwibrarian or somefwin.”
“Like a Librarian. Right. Just the look I want,” Twilight sighed, and he looked at himself in the mirror again.
Wild finished brushing and spat, and Four caught Twilight’s sleeve, making sure he was looking.
“Don’t listen to Legend, he’s just being dumb,” Four said. “And Wild. I think the glasses look nice, they don’t make you look bad.”
“Hey, I never said they looked bad,” Wild defended, and Twilight snorted.
“You kinda implied it.”
“Okay well maybe I did, but I wasn’t trying to.” Twilight still looked unimpressed. “Okay okay, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you; if anyone at school gives you trouble, I’ll beat them up,” Wild said with a grin as he pounded his fist into his palm.
“No, nope, no fights at school,” Twilight said, but there was a faint smile on his face. “I appreciate the thought, though. Thanks Wild. And you too, Four.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” Wild said with some finger guns, though the effect was a bit ruined by the toothpaste on his chin. Then he zipped off, and Twilight and Four were left alone again.
Twilight glanced at the mirror and his smile fell a bit, and Four frowned. “Hey Twi?”
“Yeah?” his older brother asked, and Four nudged him.
“I think you look nice. For real. The glasses make you look... mature. Smart,” Four said. “And I’d split now and tell you with four people except Red would probably cry and I don’t want to look like I’ve been crying.”
Twilight chuckled, and gave his hair a bit of a ruffle. “No worries. Thanks Four.”
Four smiled. “You’re welcome.”
The two of them finished in the bathroom then, Four still keeping an eye on Twilight. He still didn’t seem too happy about the glasses, giving his reflection an uneasy look as they left the bathroom, but at least he seemed more cheery overall as they went downstairs. That was a win in Four’s book.
And if anyone at school did give Twilight any flack about the glasses... well.
Maybe Wild’s idea wasn’t such a bad one.
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yandereunsolved · 1 day
Yandere Link(s) text posts | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 | aged up Links
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breannasfluff · 14 hours
Eldritch Memory - The End
To open his eyes is to relive a memory. Water draining away and a lid opening. Staring up at the glowing lights overhead, hazy as he tries to focus. The faint tug of divinity is like a string, stretching away to someone.
He is in the shrine. He knows nothing. He knows everything. He remembers….
He remembers…
Finally, he climbs out of the basin. At least he’s got clothes this time. As opposed to…yet the memory slips away. His slate is on the pedestal, and he picks it up. It’s muscle memory to tap at the screen and summon different clothes.
Then he pauses because…how did he know to do that? 
Time is repeating, circling, twisting in a loop. The air calls to him, caresses him. Home, it whispers. Part of us.
Shaking his head, he puts the slate on his belt clip and leaves the room. There’s no voice to guide him, but the sense remains. Get out. 
Down an overgrown hall, up some crumbling stairs. A halo of light beckons him on and then—he is outside. He doesn’t linger, just heads for the edge of the overlook.
Hyrule is laid out before him, oh so familiar. He knows this land. Yet he doesn’t know himself. 
He stands there for…well, long enough that the sun’s shifted before he turns to make his way down. There’s a multitude of things to explore, starting with the apple trees.
At some point, muscle memory has him taking the slate from his hip and tapping a glowing marker on the map. Then he dissolves into blue light.
Hateno, his mind supplies when he reappears. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give him anything else. Yet the familiarity here is stronger. Even better, the thread of divinity is so close it pulses, nearly visible. He follows it across the bridge and to a house.
The divinity is linked to a girl with blond hair, pulling weeds near the house. Both hands wrap around the stubborn plant and tug. It comes out and she falls back with an oomph. Then she looks up and sees him.
Link. Of course. That’s his name. How could he forget? And this is—is…
“Link? Is something wrong?”
Is it? “Who are you?”
There’s a sharpness to her gaze as she pulls herself up. Brushing her hands on her skirt, she walks over. “Link, what happened? You feel…different.” She reaches out and lays a hand on his arm.
There’s a spark—a connection—and a missing chunk slots into place. “Zelda.”
And not just Zelda, but the Calamity. The shrine. Waking up and fighting and saving the land. Living in Hateno and traveling. Being strange, yet being accepted by the land and its people.
And more recently—
Read the rest here!
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mibkid · 2 days
Clothes Question about Twilight's clothes to anyone who knows. You know the bluegray embroidered fabric he has around his middle.
Is there a specific name for that clothing item?
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gryphonlover · 3 days
From the Shadows
Words: 6,511 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: The Hero of Twilight is sixteen, plucked up into this new quest mid-way through his own adventure, and suspicious as all hell. Or rather, his shadow is. Or perhaps a better way to say it would be that it's what's living in his shadow that's suspicious. Now, if only anyone would believe Four whenever he tries to point that out.
Thoughts: This is a personal favorite of mine. The author did a very good job of showing what it feels like to be reasonably paranoid about something while also keeping it humorous. I love the way that Twilight is depicted in this, and I do have to feel bad for him because he's being terrorized by Four, but it is hilarious.
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ijustreblogcoolshit · 13 hours
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Apparently people liked this little headcanon so I drew it !!
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Poor Twi, at least his dad figure's here to offer comfort
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crazylittlejester · 2 days
Twilight had a mom. Sorta. He couldn't remember his real mom. He had no idea what happened to her. Rusl found him in the forest and raised him like he was an Ordonian, and no one bothered him about his Hyljan ears. 'Specially not Uli. She tucked his curly hair behind his ears and sang songs to him when he was sick and made the best pumpkin soup for him.
Warriors couldn't make pumpkin soup to save his life, but his voice was sweet as he sang quietly to him, and his fingers were soothing as they threaded through Twilight's hair. They felt cool against Twilight's sweaty forehead. Warriors's lap, no matter how skinny Warriors was, still felt comforting under Twilight's head.
Outside, the rain fell loudly and steadily. Twilight had no idea where the portal dropped off the others, and when he fussed too much about it, Warriors only soothed him and told him that he was sure the others would find them when the rain stopped. He was good at that. Made everyone feel like everything was okay, no matter how bad or scary things could be.
The fever made it hard to think and harder to hold his tongue. Twilight wanted to apologize to Warriors for being sick. He wanted to thank Warriors for making him feel better when the fever made him feel so awful. He wanted to tell him that he made Twilight feel safe.
He wanted to tell Warriors how much he reminded Twilight of Uli, gentle and warm and soothing, and how this fit him much better than the knight persona he tried so hard to portray. Twilight didn't have Warriors's clever tongue, though, and he didn't want Warriors to stop. Warriors was so edgy about the weirdest things.
"How are you feeling, Twi?" Warriors asked, still petting Twilight's hair.
In response, Twilight tilted his head into Warriors's touch. "Good," he murmured. Warriors hummed and rested the back off his hand against Twilight's forehead before running his fingers through Twilight's thick hair again.
Twilight had a mom, so he could say confidently that Warriors was a great mom.
"Really good," Twilight said sleepily, shifting closer to Warriors. He fell asleep before Warriors answered.
- mom warriors anon. Good luck! You're almost done!
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I’m taking a break from my paper because I have like 4 pages left and I’m frustrated with it and THIS. THIS!!!!! (imagine i am grabbin ur shoulders like this:)
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1. This is so fuckin- ITS SO????? IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. You absolutely cooked here
3. Warriors is so mother its not even funny anymore and god do I love him for it
4. You’ve inspired an idea in me that might have a devastating outcome, who knows
5. *incoherent screaming* I love them so much these two are so near and dear to my heart and you are a wonderful writer thank you for this I think you’ve cured me
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anime-obsessed · 10 hours
@wanderlustmagician HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDERRRRR<333
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(Fyi: you are awesome and I'm glad we're friends <333 )
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Struck By Lightning? Not Me!
Thunderstorms and metal do not mix, unless you want something or someone to be struck by lightning, as a group of unfortunate heroes found out one day.
Of course, it was Wild’s fault. Wild and his stupid Hyrule.
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kommandantpinks-art · 3 months
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@akchimp75 I took a while but I actually did it-
Anyways, this is heavily inspired by mlpoutofcontext's post aaa! 😭 (and by that I mean it's just me drawing over screenshots and stuff)
Look at me though LU fandom, I'm drawing the Linked Universe boys 👀
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raycatzdraws · 6 months
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Wolfie and Four friendship appreciation doodles! They're shared secrets besties! I hope Four's distrust of the shadow crystal doesn't drive anything between them. Wild found his way into this compilation with a force. It seems I can't draw Wolfie and not include him too!
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu four#lu twilight#lu wolfie#lu wild#lu legend#lu hyrule#fairy hyrule#I drew most of these on my weekends at camp#hence the swearing probably lol can't swear in front of the campers#man I did not leave that mountain for the whole summer and I wouldn't have it any other way#I was there 6+ weeks straight#some of the other counselors who also stayed and I would occasionally make the hour drive into town#a bunch of us went to see the Barbie movie together and like 2/3 through the film the fire alarm went off and we were evacuated ajhsgfsdf#we all held hands to not be separated in case there was an actual emergency and some guy was like 'look at the preschoolers'#AND AAAAA I won't be separated from my counselor buddies!!!! RAAAHH this is what we would have gotten the kids to do#so I guess we're just too good at our jobs lol#that one LU post with the lads lined up with their bows? It's AWESOME#but I taught a bunch of kids archery this summer and none of the lads have the right posture lol#I'm walking up and down that line readjusting all of them ahsgdsdf#Imagine Wars going to Wind though like 'remember to pull back to your smile! :D '#and Wind just deadeye staring him down like you serious rn?#caught and removed a scorpion from the lake cabin biffy this summer - that was very exciting#calmed the campers down and put them to bed and then rolled up my sleeves and asked the program staff who was staying with us#for emotional support#her only experience with scorpions was from animal crossing so she was like 'get ready to run' and I'm- I think we'll be okay#anyways it's her perched on one of the toilets with a spray bottle of bleach and me with an empty tupperware from dinner#I caught it under the tupperware but IT MOVED THE TUPPERWARE#we drowned it in bleach and it like finally died but it took a while and then we flung it into the woods BYE BUGGY
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