#lubyanskaya square
vannkira · 2 years
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Lubyanskaya square - Moscow architecture before the USSR and now.
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sovietpostcards · 4 years
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KGB headquarters on Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow (1991)
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rughydrangea · 5 years
I’m not sure if this is the place for this, but I want to preserve the memory while it’s still fresh, so I’m writing it here.
Yesterday I went to Возвращение имен, the returning of the names. I had read on Twitter that this event in honor of the victims of the Stalinist Terror was happening all day long on Lubyanskaya square in central Moscow (where the Lubyanka building stands, which was the prison in which many victims of the Terror died), not far from where I’m living. I really wanted to go, especially as a person who has read a lot about the Terror, which claimed millions of lives, including a lot of intellectuals and artists I love. It also felt like a moral imperative for me, a person who loves Soviet art, Soviet history, Soviet culture. My love has to be critical or I fear it will become ugly and exploitative, and I never want that to happen. So I went.
I thought I would be there for fifteen minutes, check out what was going on, and then head home. I had a bulky shopping bag and was wearing normal socks, rather than thermal (I have a fairly minor medical condition that consists of poor circulation in my extremities--basically, my hands and feet get very cold very quickly). But when I got there (after passing through the police checkpoint that had been set up at the entrance--nothing serious, but still), I was greeted by volunteers who handed me a sheet of paper with one name on it and a candle. So, like the obedient girl I am, I got into line. And proceeded to wait in line for two hours to get up to the microphones they had set up so that each person in line could read out the name, age, profession, and death-date of the person on their sheet of paper. Most people added some remarks connecting the current political situation in the country (especially in Moscow, which has had a lot of protests and arrests this year) to the past. About one in every three or four people added their own relatives who had been victims of the Terror. The line, as a result, moved slowly. The organizers of the event had set up heating stands and were handing out heat pads and tea, but there was no real way to avoid the fact that by the end it was 9 o’clock at night in late October in Moscow, and it was incredibly cold. My fingers were burning. I eventually stopped feeling my feet. And everyone around me was in a similar situation, trying to jump a little while waiting, straining our hands towards the heating stands whenever they were nearby. But everyone waited, as for two hours we inched slowly towards the microphones, and the list of names never stopped. It was overwhelming, how they never stopped. And the event had been going on since 10 AM! On one of the info stands on the square, it said that in 1937-8, 30,000 people were shot in Moscow alone. I know this world is filled with horrific statistics, and it can be easier to just not think about it, but surrounded by so many people to whom this was a truly personal issue, whose families were still in pain, this felt urgent. I think the organizers of the event were brilliant to set it up like this, so that the whole point is the names, the identities, so that even if just for a moment, the victims are broken out of the statistic and returned to us as individuals. 
I did not add any political comments after I read out my name (Ivan Ivanovich Kutuzov, 52 years old, chairman of the awards commission of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, shot 16 August 1937), because it didn’t feel like my place. I did however, like most people before me, add “Вечная память,” “eternal memory,” part of the Orthodox prayer for the dead. And then I set my candle on the memorial stone and hobbled off (it was a while before my feet unfroze, but they’re back to normal now). It was, overall, a really moving experience, and I was so heartened by how many people were there, and by their passion and determination.
(If anybody has made it to the end of this and is curious about the Terror, may I recommend that you read Yevgenia Ginzburg’s memoir, which has been translated as Journey into the Whirlwind. It gives a very detailed account of that period.)
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The Lubyanskaya Square in Winter - Konstantin Yuon, 1905
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figuresnfilms · 4 years
Nerd News: Funko Shop is Coming to Moscow
For a long time, the world has been waiting for Funko retail locations to open in places outside of the USA, and possibly even with Funko shop exclusives thereby being made available outside the USA for once. That first shop is coming as a shop (/ department) inside the Hamleys flagship store in Moscow, near Lubyanskaya Square, Russia – the biggest toy shop in Europe.
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I have been to the Funko…
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myhouseinhistory · 4 years
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『忠於黨,忠於祖國』(Верность #партии - Верность Родине) 一個世紀之前,在西元1917年的12月20日,隨著列寧(Vladimir Ilyich #Lenin,1870-1924)發動『十月革命』成功,武裝推翻了舊有帝俄政權之後,為了確保能合法營造出一個「得透過國家機器無條件動用非常手段同一切反革命分子作最嚴厲鬥爭」(白話文:政府殺人不須找理由)的環境與機構邏輯下,列寧授權身旁親信,綽號『鐵腕』的捷爾任斯基(Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky,1877-1926)組織了西洋近代史上第一個官方秘密警察情報中心,也就是『契卡』(#ВЧК / #Cheka)。 . 從少時志向成為神父,歷經投身革命被捕入獄,最後籌組特工單位,在捷爾任斯基的領導下,全名為『全俄肅清反革命及怠工非常委員會』(Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем / The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage)的俄國最高秘密情報站,初期的任務目標其實相當明確,就是在俄國政府的管轄範圍內,以國家親自介入並監督的方式,消滅並制止反革命與怠工行為,並將其中的異議積極分子交由司法機關處理,同時也可在預防沙皇帝制復辟下,進行果斷的前期偵查和預審。但明眼人一看都知道,當時的共產黨高層,包括列寧和捷爾任斯基等,心底根本不是如此這番盤算,而且說穿了,『契卡』實際上就是列寧用來進行階級鬥爭、清算政敵的工具,更在徹底運用國家機器的全盤佈線下,我們甚至可以證明,『全俄肅清反革命及怠工非常委員會』存在的目的,毫無疑問就是俄國的『東廠』…場景也從西元1420年的明王國燕京搬到西元1917年的莫斯科,監視、偵察、緝捕、剷除,在不同的時空當中,操作同樣孰悉的手段,亦成為血洗俄國反對派人士的致命武器! . 根據後來已獲得解密的檔案顯示,『契卡』成立後短短六年間,隨著警察與特務網的密集分布,告密者的優渥獎賞利誘,加上俄國重啟死刑審判下,全國上下,最少就有十餘萬以上列寧口中的反革命頑劣者在未經審訊之下慘遭槍決的命運!這還是最保守的估算呢!讓人膽戰心驚的是,不僅僅是政敵,很多平民老百姓,只因曾是受教育過的知識分子,是擁有私人財產的實業家,或者是傳達福音的牧師與神職人員,就通通被依「政治不正確」的理由遭到處決!『契卡』的崛起,濫殺無辜、絕不錯放,後來更被視為是西元二十世紀初期,人類文明史上最為駭人的紅色恐怖! . 雖然說,此等殘暴行為也引來了當時歐陸各國,乃至於是美洲地區相同支持馬克思主義或社會主義派人士的撻伐,但捷爾任斯基始終不為所動,不只對外宣稱『全俄肅清反革命及怠工非常委員會』所代表的正是自我的恐怖主義外,還大言不慚地向媒體說道:『紅色恐怖,包括了實施恐怖政治、逮捕和消滅階級敵人,消滅他們的階級聯盟,消滅他們在革命前所的扮演的角色!』 . 西元1922年,共產黨在俄國內戰中獲勝,蘇聯指導的「黨國一家」的體制確立,『全俄肅清反革命及怠工非常委員會』被���入內務人民委員部之下,組織也改名為『國家政治保衛局』,捷爾任斯基當然出任最高機構領導人一職。到了西元1934年7月,雅戈達(Genrikh Yagoda)接掌新編制的『國家安全總局』,更展開新一波的大整肅行動(Great Purge),無情處決了眾多昔日參與革命運動的社會主義先進。 . 西元1954年3月13日,『國家安全總局』在史達林逝世後進行了大幅度的裁員與改組,並簡化員額與專注目標下改建為『蘇聯國家安全委員會』(Комитет Государственной Безопасности / #КГБ),由謝羅夫(Ivan Serov)出掌首任主席,負責國家保安、外交偵防、情報蒐集、反動思想控管等業務,並直屬於最高領導核心。 . 而地址位於盧比揚卡廣場(#Lubyanskaya Square)的『蘇聯國家安全委員會』,欸,俄文有點遙遠,雖然英文語意為Committee for State Security,但或許大家看不太懂,那不然阿德請Google大大翻寫成拉丁語好了, . Komitet、Gosudarstvennoy、Bezopasnosti,沒錯,就是赫赫有名,冷戰時期令人聞風喪膽,號稱全球行政辦事效率最傑出的特務機構,#KGB。 . 至於在鐵幕式微,蘇聯政權瓦解後,此一情報組織也轉型為『俄羅斯聯邦安全局』(Federal Security Service, #FSB),像台灣調查局或美國中情局一般,協防境內的情資安全工作。或許今天組織已不再如同往日的風聲鶴唳,但在總統可直接管轄指導,外務幹員遍及全球各地,更可隨時與軍方特種部隊結合之下,FSB依舊維持著其特殊的神秘感。 . 最後,好友們知道嗎?西元1998年7月到1999年8月間,擔任過FSB局長職務的情報官,如今他可是俄羅斯,乃至於全球的風雲人物喔…呵呵。#russia #history #onthisday #time #spy #life #photo #story https://www.instagram.com/p/B6QQdkSnQMK/?igshid=c36xp8mvh7pz
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inguzanve · 5 years
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1, 2) снеговики в Ашане. Снешко белић у тржном центру ☃️Snowmen in Auchan. 3) Ольга Ингуз как отражение в игрушке. Ја сам као одраз у куглице. Me as a reflection. 4) Театральный проезд (улица/street) 5, 6, 7) Центральный детский магазин. Централна продавница за децу. Central Children Store. 8) Лубянская площадь (трг). Lubyanskaya sqare 9) Манежная площадь (трг). Manezhnaya square. #christmasspirit #olgainguz #snowman #auchan #reflection #whataview #russianwinter #christmasisallaround #christmasmoscow #новогоднеенастроение #ольгаингуз #театральныйпроезд #детскиймир #новагодина #манежнаяплощадь #лубянка #манежка #снеговик (у месту Центральный Детский Магазин на Лубянке) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGfyDrA6-r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t7tx6quj00h5
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petrobiskaver-blog · 5 years
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The Forgotten Ukraine War
A dozen protesters were detained in Moscow shortly after about 50 of them gathered on Lubyanskaya Square, where the FSB Headquarters is located, rallying against the war with Ukraine the arbitrariness of Russian security agencies. One of the detainees, Dmytro Ivanov, told other detainees that after he was thrown into a paddy wagon, he was threatened with a taser and told he would be badly beaten, OVD-Info reports. They [police officers] swore a lot, saying “We’re gonna f*** you up now,” the young man says. Source: https://www.unian.info
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drasifshahid-blog · 7 years
In this photo taken on Monday, July 24, 2017, a car passes the building of the Federal Security Service (FSB, Soviet KGB successor) in Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow, Russia.  The head of Russia’s top domestic security agency is rejecting allegations of interference in the US election.Alexander Bortnikov, the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the main KGB successor agency, said Thursday that he discussed claims of Russian meddling in the US presidential vote with John Brennan when he led the CIA.Bortnikov reaffirmed that “Russia has never interfered and won’t interfere in sovereign nations’ affairs.”The statement carried by Russian news agencies Thursday was the latest in a stream of denials issued by Russian officials in response to the meddling accusations.Bortnikov said that despite Russia-US tensions he and his agency have maintained contacts with US counterparts on Syria and the fight against terrorism. He said Russia and the US share information about potential terror threats.
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arthisour-blog · 7 years
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The state museum of Mayakovsky has opened in 1937. Now it occupies five floors of the ancient building on Lubyanskaya Square. The basis of the fund is made by archive and personal belongings to the poet either personal funds’ materials of his contemporaries. Museum fund has at about 50 thousand units of storage, including letters, manuscripts, documents, pictorial and graphic works, also rare books and photos.
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The entrance to the Museum is performed in the post-modern style. There is taboo truss lying as a border at the memorial building as a symbol of interrupted time in the flow of current life.
This new Museum creates a model of age and world of Mayakovsky, transforms the poetical metaphor into poetical compositions, realizes intellect and fantasy of the author, transforms a visitor from an obedient super into a co-author and participant.
The State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky Moskva, Russia was originally published on HiSoUR Art Collection
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sovietpostcards · 5 years
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Moscow. View of Dzerzhinsky square (current/historical name Lubyanskaya) and Children’s World mall on the left. Circa 1967. (via)
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drasifshahid-blog · 7 years
Russia’s top domestic security agency denies meddling in 2016 US election
In this photo taken on Monday, July 24, 2017, a car passes the building of the Federal Security Service (FSB, Soviet KGB successor) in Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow, Russia. 
The head of Russia’s top domestic security agency is rejecting allegations of interference in the US election. Alexander Bortnikov, the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the main KGB successor agency, said Thursday that he discussed claims of Russian meddling in the US presidential vote with John Brennan when he led the CIA. Bortnikov reaffirmed that “Russia has never interfered and won’t interfere in sovereign nations’ affairs.” The statement carried by Russian news agencies Thursday was the latest in a stream of denials issued by Russian officials in response to the meddling accusations. Bortnikov said that despite Russia-US tensions he and his agency have maintained contacts with US counterparts on Syria and the fight against terrorism. He said Russia and the US share information about potential terror threats.
from Muslim Global http://ift.tt/2y3EeUJ via IFTTT
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