#markus heitz
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I know I probably don't have too many fantasy fans following me but I just want to plug this book series (there's more than one series that ties in but let's stick to the core series for now). Originally published in German, the English translations are amazing and this is one of the few fantasy authors I've found that knows what he's doing when it comes to writing a (brutal as fuck) battle scene without it getting boring and technical. I have nearly reread my copies into oblivion, I love these books so much, and if you're looking for a new fantasy series to sink your teeth into, please do yourself a favor and try the Dwarves by Markus Heitz.
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afaimsblog · 5 months
VIECC 2023
Zum zweiten Mal nach der Covid-Pause war die Vienna Comic Con unter ihren neuen Veranstaltern zurück, und wie schon letztes Jahr war die Organisation auch dieses Mal wieder eine mittlere Katastrophe. Zwar ist für nächstes Jahr bereits eine weitere VIECC angekündigt, doch es stellt sich die Frage ob jemand, der offenbar einfach nicht geeignet ist etwas zu tun, das in diesem Fall nicht einfach lassen sollte.
Offenbar weil sie größere Hallen zur Verfügung haben wollten, sind die Veranstalter dieses Jahr in die Hallen A und B übersiedelt und haben die gute alte Halle D links liegen gelassen. Das Congress Center war zwar als Teilraum der Veranstaltung angekündigt, doch was immer dort vorgegangen ist, der normale Besucher hat es nie erfahren. Dafür durfte er an dem bis dahin kältesten Wochenende dieses Herbst, bei nicht mehr als fünf Grad Celcius stundenlang im Freien stehen, da normale Besucher, also alle, die keine VIP- oder Style-Tickets gekauft hatten, erst eine halbe Stunde vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ins Foyer gelassen wurden, obwohl dort mehr als genug Platz gewesen wäre. Ankündigung dieser neuen brillianten Idee gab es auf der Homepage nicht, also haben sich die Zuseher am Samstag vor der Messe in der Kälte gestapelt. Offenbar hat das Abschaffen der Badges dazu geführt, dass man nicht in der Lage war die Tickets entsprechend zu kontrollieren und Angst hatte Leute zu früh auf den Floor zu lassen, die dort eigentlich noch gar nicht sein dürften. Was aber ein Versagen der Veranstalter ist und keine Entschuldigung. Gelernt hat daraus auch keiner, da es am Sonntag das gleiche Lied noch einmal gespielt hat. Nicht einmal Cosplayer ohne Style Ticket oder die nicht wusste, dass sie frühen Zugang haben, durften aus Regen und Kälte hinaus ins Foyer. Ganz großes Minus.
Ähnlich unorganisiert ging es beim Anstellen im Foyer dann weiter und danach beim Anstellen für die Panels bei der Main-Stage (überraschenderweise wollten viele Leute Jonathan Frakes' Panel sehen, wer hätte das gedacht?!) und für Autogramme. Nicht die Veranstalter sondern die Besucher selbst mussten den organisatorischen Part übernehmen. Zumindest zu den angekündigten Stempeln auf die Hand kam es nicht (offenbar ist jemanden aufgefallen, dass das bei kalten Temperaturen keine brauchbare Idee ist), dafür gab es sogar für Gäste seltsame Krankenhaus-Armbänder. Umweltschutz ist ja nur eine Ausrede, das wissen wir, aber zumindest die geladenen Autoren und Comic-Künstler hätten schon mehr als ein Krankenhaus-Armband bekommen sollen, wenn sie schon extra nach Wien anreisen, finde ich. Man merkt eben nur wieder wieviel diese Leute den Veranstaltern wert sind, die verständlicherweise Probleme hatten Schauspieler für dieses Jahr aufzutreiben, aber sich entweder nicht die Mühe gemacht haben oder es nicht geschafft haben auch nur einen einzigen Comic-Autor einzuladen. Zeichner waren zwar da und brav beschäftigt, aber wie immer wäre es gut vorher zu wissen wer sogar für eine Unterschrift auf einer seiner eigenen Comics Geld verlangt (aber auch das war ja schon letztes Jahr zuviel verlangt).
Und für eine Veranstaltung, die sich Comic-Con nennt, gab es von denen selbst sogar noch weniger als jemals zuvor. Schon letztes Jahr ist mir störend aufgefallen, dass man nur schwer Comics dort kaufen kann, aber nicht einmal die Comicläden haben dieses Jahr Comics an ihren Ständen angeboten. Es gab einen Vintage-Stand, einen altbekannten neue und alte Comics Verkaufstand, einen ähnlich kleinen Stand mit englischen Comics und Pictopia - und das war's. Mangas ist es auch nicht viel besser ergangen, aber wer wollte, konnte sich beim Thalia Stand den neuen "Asterix" kaufen. Und ja, ich weiß, dass es nicht die Schuld der Organistatoren ist wer sich einen Stand nimmt und und wer nicht oder gar wer was anbietet, aber es ist schon fragwürdig wie sinnig es ist eine Veranstaltung ComicCon zu nennen, wo man vor allem nur Comics im Eigenverlag und von Nicht-Professionellen Künstlern kaufen kann.
Dafür liefert PAN ja seit letzten Jahr ab. Nach Bernhard Hennen war dieses Jahr Markus Heitz geladen, aber die wahren Stars waren Ben Aaronovitch und der Witcher-Erfinder Himself (noch so eine Schlange mit schlechter Lösung, weil keiner vorher gesehen hat, dass eine Stunde Autogramm-Zeit pro Tag zu wenig sein könnte wie es scheint). Heitz und Aaronovitch haben Panels und Lesungen angeboten, was ein Highlight war, wenn auch eine frühere Ankündigung der Programme der kleineren Stages geholfen hätte sich durchzuorganisieren, aber dazu waren ja schon die alten Veranstalter nicht in der Lage. Was die drei hochdotierten Autoren aber gemacht haben, wenn sie nicht auf den Bühnen waren oder ihre eine Autogrammstunde pro Tag gehalten haben weiß niemand. Es ist etwas seltsam Gäste einzuladen, die dann so gut wie nie anwesend sind. Das war auch im Fall der Entertainment Gäste der Fall, die dieses Jahr weniger und kürzere Autogramm-Stunden hatten als jemals zuvor und wie immer in der letzten Stunde schon unwillig wurden und kein Interesse mehr an ihren Fans hatten (was man ihnen an sich nicht verübeln kann, aber zugleich ist das jedes Jahr ein Problem für diejenigen, die was von der Con haben wollen und aber auch gerne ein Autogramm gegen Ende der Veranstaltung absahnen wollen würden).
Auf den Bühnen waren aber alle großartig. David Anders' Panel war beinahe ein Musical, woraufhin sich Jonathan Frakes offenbar herausgefordert gefühlt hat. Zu Schade, dass man die Gunst der Stunde nicht genutzt hat und die beiden gemeinsam mit John Ross Bowie ein Extra-Konzert-Panel hat einschieben lassen, das hätten allen sehr viel Spaß gemacht, doch die VIECC ist leider eben nicht die FedCon. Hunter Doohan wurde vom Moderator gekonnt die Nervosität genommen, während andere Gäste es schafften die verschreckten Besucher für Fragen aus ihren Schneckenhäusern zu locken. Schade nur, dass manche Panels besonders am zweiten Tag so kurz geraten waren - wie gesagt ein wenig mehr Koordination hinter den Kulissen wäre angebracht. Zumindest hatte dieses Mal keiner ein Panel während die Aufräumarbeiten schon begonnen hatten, aber vielleicht habe ich das nur nicht miterlebt.
Insgesamt also eine Veranstaltung mit Hochs und Tiefs und leider eine, wo die Tiefs die Hochs bald übertreffen werden, wenn sich die Dinge so weiter entwicklen wie in den letzten beiden Jahren.
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brownietown05 · 2 days
Does anyone know the books "The Dwarves" by Markus Heitz???
I who is your favorite charakter?
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gentlemanjester · 30 days
The Dwarves - Ruined Potential
So, recently, I stopped reading The Dwarves series of novels by Markus Heitz. I say I "stopped reading," rather than "finished," because I just... couldn't go on. It's a tragic book series and not in an intentional way. The world is fascinating, the creatures which were introduced in the third book (The Revenge of The Dwarves) are awesome, and it's a book series about my favourite fantasy race. It had so much potential. But it's just... disappointing.
I'll start with the pacing. From the first book, I noticed said pacing was a bit weird. For example, near the start of the book, all of Girdlegard's most powerful Magi are gathered to try and replenish the barrier protecting the land from the evils outside. Then the big bad villain reveals himself, and proceeds to kill all of the other Magi. See, we've been introduced to Nudin the Knowledge-Lusty, and heard Nod'onn referenced by villainous characters before. Up until this point, I knew they were the same person, but figured it'd take a while to be revealed. No, in the space of about a page and a half, right at the start of the book, he's revealed himself and killed his buddies.
So we go back to the main character, Tungdil, who's found out that the humans he was raised with are all dead and wiped out. Now, this is in-universe a few days after the villain's revealed himself, but in the book it's only about half a chapter. He tries to ambush Tungil and his buddies, and then we learn that one of the Magi, Andokai, is not actually dead and survived being impaled on a staff, and she makes her triumphant return... which was honestly really disappointing, considering almost no reading time had passed. There are several moments much later on which would've been more impactful for her return, to be honest.
The second book did it a little bit better, particularly with the subplot around Andokai basically putting a guy in a coma to convince his magic-using wife to be her apprentice. And that pacing wasn't that bad, with Narmora plotting to kill Andokai, then actually following through with it. But speaking of the second book, this is where the main character starts to become a bit of a dick in my opinion.
So at the end of the first book, Tungdil's fallen in love with Balyndis and they're happy together. Second book, it turns out that Balyndis's clan doesn't approve of the pairing (since Tungdil's descended from the evil Dwarves), so they decide to break it off. About a month later in-universe, and just a chapter or two, Tungdil falls in love with another lass, then ends up marrying her. Now, this new wife was actually a spy for the evil Dwarves, but apparently she genuinely fell in love with Tungdil, which is kinda weird because she was raised to literally despise Dwarves and want to kill them.
Anyways, she dies, and at the end of the book, Tungdil and Balyndis are together and happy again. Between the second and third books, they have a kid together, that kid promptly drowns in a river and Tungdil feels guilty, so he becomes an alcoholic. I remember starting this book, I was thikning "okay, this could be a really interesting character arc, show him slowly getting back on his feet- oh, just three paragraphs and he's already given up drinking and no longer suicidal, well, there goes that story arc."
Partway through this book, Tungdil then proceeds to make out with a foreign Dwarf, then breaks up with his wife VIA A LETTER. I was so confused at this point because he's meant to be the good guy of the story, the valiant hero who's kind, courageous, considerate, all that stuff. But no, he's basically a terrible husband at this point. And sure, you could argue that it's leftover guilt from his son's death, but his son is barely brought up, like it's only mentioned maybe 3 times and his name is only mentioned twice after the initial story learning about how he died.
The third book is also very guilty of rubber-banding story points, I think is a good way to say it. For example, at the end of book 2, Furgas's wife and children are killed, and so he vows hatred and vengeance on everyone before disappearing. For the first half of book 3, Rodario (a travelling actor, cuckolder, and best friend of Furgas) is searching for him, even being threatened by mysterious people to lay off the hunt. He finds Furgas, who's apparently changed his tune in the last five years and feels super guilty about building machines and monsters which are causing havoc everywhere (he's a mechanical genius, think artificer from DnD). They get out and when they assault one of the villain's bases, Furgas gets drowned in molten iron.
Except he comes back for the climax and was actually evil the whole time.
Another rubber-banding switch is the Alfar (they're like evil elves). The last surviving Alfar had a kid together, and in the chapters from the father's perspective, he laments that his son isn't obeying him or agreeing with his outlooks. So that got me thinking "okay, an Alfar who isn't evil, that could be really interes- oh, his father just killed him and stabbed him several times and he has been confirmed as dead, that's ni- oh wait, he's back and speaking philosophically, is he gonna help in the fina- nope, he's gone away again." Now I'm sure this one ties into Heitz's Alfar series, but if it's anything like The Dwarves, I'm probably gonna give that one a miss.
And my final big gripe with this series. Throughout all three books, we've been constantly told "magic and Dwarves don't mix, Dwarves can't use magic, etcetera, etcetera." In the final climax, the magus who was brought back to life from a statue has used the evil magic, and so he gets rejected by the artefact which requires a pure soul. Then, he looks at the Dwarf called Goda who was introduced early in this book, then says "yeah, you can use magic."
To clarify, this is the first time this had ever even been hinted at. There was nothing in the rest of the book at all. There was no hints of her using magic to start a campfire, there was no "I swear I felt an arrow wound in my shoulder, but the skin's untouched!", there was no "What do you mean you can't see the glowing magic letters that nobody else but magi can see, I can see them clearly!" This was completely out of the blue, completely unexpected, and seems to have broken one of the rules set early on in the series, and which was repeated several times throughout.
I'm disappointed that I'm stopping reading at this point. There's about to be a Dwarf civil war and a giant dragon is on the loose, there's so much promise, but... it's just not worth the drawbacks. I don't know if it's just quirks of the author, or if something mixed up in the translation from German, but the books just got less enjoyable the more I read them.
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quinnsanestuff · 3 months
Die Albae online what i wouldnt give to play you i wish you had gotten to actually exist
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redwolfruari · 4 months
Currently reading “The Dwarves” by Markus Heitz. I was shortly before quitting but now I’m one third in and the story is finally picking up. The writing style is very simplistic and the world and characters are a bit shallow but now it’s starting to become an easy and enjoyable read.
I really like the dwarf twins <3
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Die dunklen Lande
(english: The Dark Lands)
Author: Markus Heitz
Genre: Fantasy
Published: 2019
Language: German
Rating: 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 (5/5)
During the Thirty Years’ War, in the year 1629, young adventurer Aenlin Kane travels to the German city Hamburg with the persian mystic Tahmina at her side to come into her father Solomon Kane’s inheritance. However, first she has to carry out an important mission, before she will be shown any of the heirlooms: Aenlin and Tahmina are to accompany a group of mercenaries and help them escort some protestants safely from Bamberg, away from gruesome witch trials, to Hamburg. None of the group are aware just how much the world’s fate rests on their shoulders, as they set out on their initial quest and are soon dragged into a fight against dark powers.
Content Warnings:
racism, pedophilia/child abuse, death of a child, war, death, violence, torture, (attempted) rape, misogyny, swearing
Opinion & Thoughts:
This is the second book I’ve read so far from Markus Heitz and I can say it’s one of my general favourites. I love his writing style and I believe he has a great way of writing dark content that’s still great to read and captivating. The characters feel like real people and their individual goals, struggles and hopes let me connect to them, fear for them and be happy for them when something finally worked out in their favour.
Concerning the well written characters I have to mention how much I loved our two female protagonists. Not only did I like Aenlin’s and Tahmina’s characterizations and how natural their interactions seemed, I was oftentimes wondering whether or not they were only travel partners or maybe more (although Tahmina is stated as Aenlin’s “Freundin”, this word can mean both “platonic female friend” or “girlfriend” in German, which left their relationship slightly ambiguous at the beginning). Throughout the book many (both subtle and obvious) hints are placed to show the reader they’re actually girlfriends. Their relationship and love for each other seemed so genuine during the story, especially when one of both was in danger and the other desperately tried to save her partner. This made the short kiss at the end of their struggles so much more rewarding.
Although I liked many of the characters, of course there are also those I couldn’t stand. Some of them made it quite easy, for example one of the mercenaries, Statius, with his cruelty in fights, blatant sexism and disregard for consent, or one of the main antagonists, der Venezianer (the Venetian) - a very young barmaid, Osanna, around 14 years old, who had travelled around with him and his own group of mercenaries for a bit in their quest to unleash ancient evil upon the world was killed later in the story, which revealed she had been pregnant with his child at that time. On the other hand there were others who started as somewhat dislikeable but grew on you while reading.
All in all I liked how fantasy was merged with history in this book and can recommend it to everyone who fancies a thrilling and dark fantasy novel.
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10 Buchtitel beginnend mit "J" | Top Ten Thursday №34
Buchtitel beginnend mit "J" sind an diesem Donnerstag gefragt. #TopTenThursday
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morganlefaye79 · 2 years
Comfort Tag
thanks for the tag @a-shakespearean-in-paris it was fun!
Comfort movie: Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain
Comfort food: Gyoza and Sushi
Comfort clothing: sweatpants, sportbra, loose sweater or shirt when I'm home. Sneakers, loose jeans, hoodie when I go outside.
Comfort song: Eluveitie - Inis Mona The song where my husband and I kissed the first time.
Comfort book: Kinder des Judas - Markus Heitz and Anubis - Wolfgang Hohlbein (you can actually give me any books by Wolfgang Hohlbein and I will love it to bits)
Comfort game: I need to go here with Dragon Age, although I enjoy Cyberpunk very much at the moment.
Tags: @knuttydraws | @raflesia65 | @retrowondergirl | @thedastrash | @charlatron | @kittynomsdeplume | @kemvee | @jentrevellan | @isk4649 | @charmcity-jess | @a11sha11fade | @noire-pandora | @cleverblackcat | @arcandoria | @wanderingaldecaldo | @sammysilverdyne | @breezypunk | @tetratronic |
No pressure here! If you don't want to do it, just ignore it! :)
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defectivegembrain · 11 months
The Dwarves by Markus Heitz: There was this table that was literally magical because this is a fantasy novel I can do that, and Nudin destroyed it when he betrayed the other magi
Me, a nerd with a special interest: Omg this is EXACTLY like the time in Community when they almost sued the school and they decided to burn the study table. I do not accept constructive criticism.
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anemia-rp · 1 year
Tagged by: @aggwaseon Thank you!
Tagging: @kittencrewtkc @officerconners @thesquad-rp @h0-seok @royalxnightmare
★  ⸻   WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER?: A random photo of one of my stuffies. Pet and child in one. xD
★  ⸻   CURRENTLY READING?: Blutportale by Markus Heitz (it's not translated to English) and every now and then the Alice in Borderland manga
★  ⸻   LAST MOVIE?: Probably one of the Diary of a Whimpy Kid movies. They're funny. xD
★  ⸻   LAST SHOW?: -
★  ⸻   WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: White/grey sweatshirt, grey sweatpants. Comfy lounge-clothes.
★  ⸻   HOW TALL ARE YOU? 160cm
★  ⸻   GLASSES / CONTACTS?: Glasses
★  ⸻   LAST THING YOU ATE?: Gratinated fish with chips
★  ⸻   FAVORITE COLOR(S)?: Black, red
★  ⸻   CURRENT OBSESSION?: Teru probably. xD
★  ⸻   FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER?: I've been emotional a lot over Thomas, Newt and Minho from Maze Runner so guess they're my faves.
★  ⸻   LAST PLACE YOU VISITED?: A restaurant where there's served only fish (yummy!)
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azrithart · 1 year
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Sinthoras and Caphalor from Markus Heitz’s Legends of the Alfar 🗡✨
Do not use or repost. Not for AI.
Reblogs are cool though! Thanks :D
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Got tagged by dear @koscheyyy for those 10 question thing, am not gonna tag anyone because i am too much of a coward but if you want to, feel free to be tagged.
Relationship status: single and since i realized i am aroace violently swinging between envy for people who Can Experience Romantic Relationships and being stubbornly proud of not wanting a relationship.
Favourite colour: Orange >:3
Favourite food: Lasagna. Also Wirsingrouladen/Savoy Cabbage Rolls. God i fucking love Wirsingrouladen.
Song stuck in your head: The Creeps by Creature Feature. Also 2 Bed, 2 Bath (and a Ghost) by Bug Hunter cause that is currently playing.
Last thing you googled: “Wirsingrouladen englisch” also “gently holds meme”
Dream trip: i wanna go back to the alps for hiking. i miss that.
Last book you read: Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims, am currently on a casual re-read >:3
Last book you enjoyed: .... Thirteen Storeys. Also All Systems Red.
Last book you hated: hate is a v strong word but i am ALSO currently reading Dwarves by Markus Heitz and it isn’t BAD but it also is. painfully cishet. I am still intrigued enough to continue. So I don’t really hate it. I just don’t enjoy it as much as the other books i read recently.
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I don’t really enjoy cooking/baking but i have gotten quite happy with my chicken wraps. I am slowly figuring this out.
Most niche dislike: i am sure there are some but i don’t know what counts as a niche dislike and what doesn’t : ‘)
Opinion on the circus: haven’t ever been to a circus and don’t have any strong opinions about them because i jsut ashdjkasd don’t think about them a lot.
Do you have a sense of direction: hobbies of mine include walking in random directions and seeing where i will end up and then see if i can find my way back home, i’d say that counts, yes.
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allpromarlo · 2 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
bold of you to assume i even have one person
thanks for the tag @rad-topgunn <3
Relationship Status: married to the game
Favorite Color: between purple & yellow, depends on my mood
Favorite Food: i'm bosnian so čevape
Song Stuck in Your Head: wannabe by the spice girls
Last Thing You Googled: jesus shuttlesworth (the dude ray allen played in the spike lee movie)
Time: 07:46
Dream Trip: somewhere up in the north, like scandinavia
Last Book You Read: idk its english title but the german title is die klinge des schicksals by markus heitz
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: the long war by terry pratchett and some other guy
Last Book You Hated Reading: some german romance novel bs that had paragraph sentences and an author who didn't know how to use commas correctly
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: pancakes it is
Most Niche Dislike: idk if it's niche but i really fuckin hate it when somebody in my house doesn't put something back into the fridge. like my brother in islam is it that hard
Opinion on the Circus: went once when i was a kid. not impressed tbh
Do You Have a Sense of Direction: sheeeit no i don't
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multiipl · 2 years
Temporary Muse List
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AS YOU been knew, (or not) I have been scrambling with my muse list and active muses. A while ago, I have archived my BNHA muses, but I have since picked up quite a handful of new muses. Bear with me, it is A LOT!
⟼ Below is a temporary list of ALL characters I write, though not all might make the final list! Characters marked with a ⭐ are mains and WILL 100% be on the final list!
Du Yaoye
Hibiscus ⭐
Specter ⭐
Lanming [OC]
Lin Beifong
Lu Shi
Ming Hua
Toph Beifong
Ty Lee ⭐
Akutagawa Gin
Aldous Huxley [OC]
Alexander Hamilton [OC]
Arma Geddon [OC]
Bello [OC]
Derek Landy [OC]
Edogawa Ranpo
Friedrich Nietzsche [OC]
Hayashi Fumiko [OC]
Heinrich Heine [OC]
Higuchi Ichiyo 
Izumi Kyoka
Jane Austen [OC]
Ozaki Kouyou
Lucy Maud Montgomery ⭐
Markus Heitz [OC]
Nakahara Chuuya ⭐
Nakarai Tousui
Suehiro Tetcho 
Pepa Madrigal
Eugene Fitzherbert
Annette Fantine Dominic ⭐
Byleth Eisner (M) ⭐
Dedue Molinaro
Dorothea Arnault
Hilda Valentine Goneril ⭐
Holst Goneril
Ignatz Victor
Lysithea von Ordelia ⭐
Mercedes von Martritz
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Winry Rockbell
Lieserl Albert Einstein
Rita Wossweisse
Seele Vollerei
Katarina (Battle Academia)
Leona (Battle Academia)
Thresh (Spirit Blossom)
Wei Wuxian
Song Zhen [OC]
Ann (P5)
Kanji (P4)
Rise (P4)
Yukiko (P4)
Nathaniel [OC]
9S [Nier: Automata]
Aerith [FF7R]
Devola [Nier: Replicant]
Kainé [Nier: Replicant]
Kairi [Kingdom Hearts 2]
Leslie Kyle [FF7R]
Madam M [FFR7
Popola [Nier: Replicant]
Safalin ⭐
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Lucy Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom)
Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
Reze (Chainsaw Man)
Uchida Idō [OC]
Zakusa (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
*Archived Muses are no longer actively written. They are not open for memes/sentence starters or new plots. Consider them a “secret menu” sort of that you can only access if you’ve written with them before.
Ayumi [OC]
Best Jeanist
Boris [OC]
Hisao [OC]
Hitoshi  [AU]
McSpeed [OC]
Megumi [OC]
Ningyo Ko [OC]
Petra Vito [OC]
Pop Step
Recovery Girl
Shuzenji Ren [OC]
Uraraka Ochako [AU]
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astayumi · 2 years
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Es geht weiter mit Markus Heitz ❤️ Woher kommt der Vampire - eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit #markusheitz #vampire #vampir #lesen #leseliste #lesenmachtglücklich #lesenentspannt #bücherwurm #bücher (hier: Herzberg, Brandenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHhiQzDkfj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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