#maxon calix schreave
riddles-n-games · 10 months
Time for strange thoughts part 2! As a fan of both The Inheritance Games and The Selection, it’s safe to say I’ve been on both ends of the shipping spectrum. I ship Avery and Jameson in The Inheritance Games but long before I read this series, I read The Selection and fell in love with America and Maxon’s love story. After finishing both, I’ve come to the realization of how one might view the love interests from these two fandoms and it just makes me laugh because through the lens of The Selection, Jameson would be viewed as Aspen (but I actually sincerely disliked that guy, he was such an unnecessary character in the love story [literally the love triangle was non-existent, he was just there as a booty call for America when she was being indecisive which was literally every other sentence]) while Maxon would be Grayson through the view of The Inheritance Games. But quite honestly, when you look at the two fandoms, those who ship Asperica are basically mythical creatures because it feels like everyone was just vying for America to make up her stupid mind about Maxon and to make Maxerica happen, yet, in the case of the Inheritance Games, Averyjameson and Averygrayson fans seem to be on a more even playing field but I guess that’s what happens when there’s nothing more Hawthorne than winning! 
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earlgreyandanime · 11 months
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Does she not know the truth? Why doesn't Eadlyn know the truth?
America Singer Schreave! Maxon Calix Schreave! Why have you told your daughter a sugar-coated version of your story?!
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longsightmyth · 1 year
America makes a big presentation on 'we should abolish castes' and like. Girl I am WITH you but I hate to say that the king going 'and what's your plan for that' was not an unreasonable question. American literally says "Oh I don't know."
Anyway she goes to read GI's journal aloud and the king stops the filming, has all the cameras pointed at the ground, and says he wants her gone and orders Amberly to return the journal.
“You can’t send her home. That’s my choice, and I say she stays,” Maxon responded calmly.
“Maxon Calix Schreave, I am the king of Illéa, and I say—”
“Could you stop being the king for five minutes and just be my father?” Maxon yelled. “This is my choice. You got to make yours, and I want to make mine. No one else is leaving without my say so!”
Literally bro you are the worst. That's what you've got? "No you can't send her home she's MY TOY"
It's not like the king is ordering her killed or anything jesus
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illeas-library · 3 years
Maxon better crack some pretty horrible jokes in the movies or I will
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hearttoheartzz · 4 years
Happy birthday Maxon! 🥺🥺 I literally always think about you and cry a little. I miss you so much.
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booksasheaders · 7 years
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Please, like if you save or credit @dornandear on twitter if you use.
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princess-may-singer · 7 years
How Far I'll Go: Moana/The Selection Crossover
[Maxon] I’ve been staring at America, my dear, Long as I can remember, never really knowing why, I wish, I could be the perfect leader, But I come back to my dear, no matter how hard I try.
[Maxon] Every turn I take, every girl I track Every plan I make, every hall leads back To the girl who can’t, seem to stand, To be with me.
[Maxon] See the line where her smile meets her eyes? It calls me And no one knows, how much she glows If she were to be my queen and stay behind me One day I’ll know, and when she glows there’s just no way I’m telling her no
[Maxon] I know everybody in this palace, seems so happy, in this palace Everything is by design I know, everybody in this palace has a role, in this palace So maybe I can roll with mine
[Maxon] I can lead with pride, I can make us strong I’ll just choose a girl who can play along, But the voice inside sings a different song, What is wrong with me?
[Maxon] See her smile as it looked lights up the room? It’s blinding And no one knows, how much she’ll glow And it seems like we were just meant to be, so come find me And let me know What’s beyond her smile, can I make her smile?
[Maxon] See the line where her smile meets her eyes? It calls me And no one knows, how much she glows If she were to be my queen and stay behind me One day I’ll know And I won’t say no
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thecruelprincexxx · 3 years
Me and @jason-the-saving-grace27 have established that Maxon Calix Schreave is a great hugger. He will and does stay up and cuddle with America..and forehead kisses. Yes, this couple is absolutely smitten. I would like to see someone attempt to change my mind.
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hushedhands · 7 years
Basically every single scene that Maxon’s in in The Thing with Feathers, I think about this from the Postscript, and I’m just so proud of him, look at how brave he is! Look at how much he’s grown! 
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tortured-murtagh · 3 years
I just finished reading The Elite (book #2, The Selection) and all I can think about is Red Queen. A bunch of girls fighting for the prince, the main girl being from the lowest class. How America's nickname is Mer, and Maxons full name is Maxon Calix Schreave. Mer and Maxon Calix... Mare, Maven and Cal. Also, Gisa and May both being the adorable little sister. Am I the only one finding all the similarities?
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bookseraph · 5 years
King: "Maxon Calix Schreave, I am the King of Illeá, and I say-"
Maxon: "Could you stop being the king for five minutes and just be my father?"
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riddles-n-games · 10 months
The fact that there are so little soulmate AUs in The Selection fandom when America and Maxon are literally the definition of soulmates is a crime because they are soulmates even without the soulmate AU! And yes, I know I can solve this predicament by writing my own fanfics (don’t worry, I already have SO MANY in mind) but it doesn’t change the fact that we’re missing out. Like, how many more ways can we write the tension between America and Maxon but with the cute interactions as they fall in love and try to figure out who their soulmate is? Guys, we need to get going; scope the net, find the prompts, find inspo, and get cracking! We NEED this. You may have not needed it before but now I’m telling you that you DO need it. Thank you, that is all from this week’s news of The Report. Gavril Fadaye, signing off.
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theroyalwords · 7 years
Heeey! First, i love everything you wrote about The selection. Second, can you please back to write? Just one chapter, pleaseee. I'll be infinitely grateful❤ Ps: sorry for my english, i'm brazillian
You are too sweet! I’m sorry I didn’t get this posted sooner!
Food Fight
"Maxon, you need to eat something."
I stood in the doorway of his office, watching my husband pour over the paperwork that covered his desk. Work towards abolishing the castes was a lot harder than anyone thought.
"I will, just give me a minute."
"You said that last night and never showed up. You barely ate anything at lunch today, too. You've got to take a break, Maxon."
"We have a deadline, Mer. I'm not going to shy away-"
I walked over to his desk, pausing by his chair before I grabbed his hand. He looked up, his eyes tired behind a pair of reading glasses I didn't even know he needed until after we married. "I know you do, and I'm going to help you tonight. But you need to eat some dinner, tuck your children in bed, and then we'll handle this, okay? They've been asking about you all day."
He took off his glasses with his free hand and laid them on the desk before rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I hate it when you are right."
"Happens pretty often, huh?"
Maxon chuckled. "What's for dinner?"
"Your favorite. Steak and potatoes." Maxon's eyes brightened at my answer. "And I didn't even suggest it. You can thank the head chef for that."
"That's probably because I gave them all a raise."
"Or it could be because they actually like you, and they all know how stressed out you are. Nicole even made chocolate cake."
Maxon stood and stretched. "Chocolate cake?" He pulled me into his arms. I leaned forward, placing a soft, easy kiss against his lips.
"Sounds tempting. Almost as tempting as my wife." He brushed his nose against mine.
"You noticed, huh?"
"I always notice. Right now, I just have the opportunity to do something about it." His fingers drummed lightly on my waist as he planted a kiss on each cheek. Maxon's stomach let out a large growl, which I snorted at.
"As delightful as that sounds, if you want to spend your break with me, we can do it in the dining room, with our kids, with a plate of food in front of you."
"But then I couldn't do this." Maxon's hands drifted down, pulling me flush against him. His lips traveled down my neck, making my heart flutter wildly.
"Maxon, this isn't going to work. You need to eat!"
Maxon pressed his lips just under my jawline, right below my ear. They brushed my ear, his breath warm and soft against my skin. "Who says I wouldn't be eating?"
Two series of high pitched giggles and screams came from the hall, our toddlers just on the other side of the door.
"Always right on time, those two," Maxon noted slyly.
"Later," I promised as I took his hand in mine. Maxon groaned good naturedly before leading us both to the door. The nanny opened it just as we approached, an exasperated look on her face.
"I'm sorry, your majesty."
"No need to apologize, Margaret." He sunk to his knees on the carpet, crawling towards the door. "Where are my two monsters?"
Eadlyn giggled from the other side. Ahren jumped out, growling as he leapt towards Maxon. He caught Ahren, gently pinning him to the floor and tickling him. My son's laughter filled the room. Eadlyn darted out and tangled herself with her brother and father.
"Two tickle monsters after me!?" Maxon was on his back now, letting the pair have at him. They both tried to tickle him, their fingers clumsily moving over their father. "Help!"
"No, momma!" Eadlyn squealed.
"Play!" Ahren added. He leapt from his father, coming to pull on my hand. "Peas?"
"After dinner," I amended as I picked him up. "If you and your sister eat all of your dinner, maybe we will have time to play with Daddy some more. Can you be good and eat?"
Ahren nodded his head excitedly. Maxon rose from the floor, Eadlyn wrapped against him. She was telling him about her doll, which he listened to as intently as he would any dignitary or council member.
Together, we all walked into the small dining room, which we used for our everyday meals. The food was already laid out on the table, the smell absolutely divine. We settled into our seats, Maxon with Eadlyn and mine with Ahren. Even with the nanny's help, feeding the twins was a job in itself. Lately, all they wanted to eat was chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. After eating a few bites of my own meal, the battle began.
"No!" Ahren protested as I tried to get him to eat some broccoli.
"It will make you grow big and strong, just like Daddy!"
I threw a piece into my mouth, quickly chewing and swallowing. "So good! Don't you want to try some?"
Ahren eyed the vegetable, still looking unsure. "No."
"Here buddy, try this." Maxon reached over and grabbed a stalk and swiped it through the macaroni and cheese, covering it in the golden sauce. "It's yummy!"
"Yep, tastes like cheese!"
Ahren took it from his father and slowly took a tentative nibble. His eyes brightened slightly. "Good job!" Maxon praised. "Eadlyn, do you want me to get you one?"
"No! I do."
Maxon handed her a piece of broccoli, which she promptly dunked into her mac and cheese. "Thank you," I whispered. The past couple of nights without him was a handful. They always seemed to eat better around him. He gave me a wink before directing his attention back to the kids. He ate while he fed them, the room full of giggles and happy smiles. Once they'd finished most of their plates, I cut two slices of cake. Each was big enough that Maxon and me could share with the twins.
"I can help you get them into bed tonight," he offered while giving Ahren a small bite.
"You don't have to do that, Maxon. I know the reports need to be finished tonight. You need some sleep, too."
"More!" Eadlyn demanded of me. I gave her a look, to which she looked down at her plate.
"What do we say, young lady?"
"Very good!" I acknowledged as I gave her a bite of mine. I quickly took a bite as she chewed. It was no strawberry tart, but Nicole's chocolate cake was right up there with it. I turned back to Maxon. "You get to work, and once I get them into bed, I'll come down. We can team up and tackle this together."
Maxon set his plate on Ahren's highchair. "I'm sorry things have been so crazy lately. I just…I want to get this right, America."
I leaned over to him, brushing my fingers along his cheek before pressing a soft kiss there. "I know you do."
Just as Ahren yelled it, a toddler sized fistful of cake smacked Maxon in the face. Ahren had his little hands in what remained of the slice, eating it just as much as throwing it. I quickly set my plate down, covering my mouth to keep from laughing.
"Something funny, your majesty?" Maxon offered before reaching for a napkin. I shook my head, a few giggles escaping from in between my fingers. I turned back to Ahren, to access the damage. Something gooey, soft, and hauntingly chocolatey hit the side of my head. I turned in the direction of my husband, who sat grinning, a fork poised with another bite of cake.
"Maxon. Calix. Schreave. What do you think you are doing?"
"Having a little fun?" He deposited a sizeable piece of cake on each of the twin's trays. "Isn't the saying all work and no play make a very dull boy? Are we dull, Ahren?"
"I didn't think so."
"Maxon, don't you dare-"
"Get mommy!"
Thankfully, I missed most of the throws from my children, but Maxon's forkful crashed right into my hair. I grabbed what remained of my piece, shoving it into his face. We made a mess of the remainder of the cake, all of us covered in the desert. Eadlyn and Ahren had the biggest smiles on their faces, both eating or throwing what they could get their hands on.
Maxon took hold of me, his hands caressing my cheeks. There was chocolate icing smeared over his brow, the left cheek completely covered in cake. "I love you."
"Don't you dare think I'm going to forget this. I'll have my revenge," I swore teasingly. "And I love you, too."
"I think it's safe to say that we all need a bath," Maxon observed as he stood. He licked around his lips, clearing some of the cake and icing there. "And that I'm going to need to give the cleaning staff yet another raise for this mess."
"No!" Ahren cried happily. Eadlyn joined him, softly singing "no" over and over again.
"No to the bath or the raise?" Maxon questioned.
"It is their favorite word," I noted.
"Out of the few they know, that is true. Ahren, my son," Maxon began as he picked him up. Eadlyn reached out for me, and I took her into my arms. "Let me tell you about the proper way to make a budget cut."
"Yep, cut."
I shook my head as I laughed lightly at their antics. Eadlyn listened intently to her father's words as we climbed the stairs to give them both a bath. He'd turn to Eadlyn as he spoke, giving them equal attention. It would be a long night, but moments like this, where there was just the joy of my husband and children, were worth it.
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illeaslockedbluebox · 7 years
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Happy Birthday Maxon Calix Schreave (August 23rd)
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theheirofillea · 7 years
happy birthday to probably my first #mcm king maxon calix schreave i hope you have a fab day bro!!
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hearttoheartzz · 5 years
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america and maxon because it wouldn't be a great birthday for him without her. 
I'm so late but happy birthday to my king, maxon calix schreave 
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