#middle east auditing
wireconsultants123 · 7 months
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wireuae-123 · 7 months
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wireconsultantsuae · 8 months
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camilad · 10 months
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pathologylab · 1 year
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justiceamberheard · 3 months
''Who Trolled Amber'' podcast
The highlights of each episode from the podcast. You can listen to it on Spotify, Youtube etc. EPISODE 1.
The outcome of the trial definitely damaged #METOO movement;
There were 80k of anti Amber Heard tweets, more than anti JD tweets even though AH was the one who accused him of abuse;
There's no way it was all organic, they either bought bots or those were real people pretending to be JD's supporters;
According to Jennifer Robinson, one of AH lawyers from the UK trial, Amber'd never wanted to relieve what had happened to her during the relationship;
Jennifer thought it'd be easier to win the US than in the UK;
The information about bots were thrown out way before the trial hence Ron Shnell couldn't talk about in the courtroom; EPISODE 2.
According to Ron Shnell there was a bot campaign against AH but he wasn't 100% sure because the judge struck out that research;
Kathryn Arnold shared that AH wasn't allowed to be a part of Aquaman 2 promotion tour and was banned from posting anything Aquaman related;
KA also said that AH couldn't audition, no one would hire her and that the agents were told not to touch her[AH]; EPISODE 3
The podcast creators asked experts(Kai-Cheng Yang) to check the date that was given by Ron Shnell;
According to the data: many accounts with no followers had tweets with more than 5k retweets/likes; hundreds of identical tweets were posted in one day; many accounts liked 400k tweets; 10k of identical comments were left under AH youtube videos; many accounts change their tune(from right wing Chile politics) and out of nowhere started to post pro JD tweets; half oh the data/accounts/tweets were generated by inauthentic accounts and then the real accounts started to engage with those tweets etc. it all started in November 2020 when JD lost the UK case and was fired from Fantastic Beasts; EPISODE 4
Cameron Herrin case was mentioned, more specifically the sudden interest and pro CH posts on TikTok asking to reduce his sentence and that he is innocent. Most of the accounts that were spreading those posts were from Middle East; EPISODE 5
Some Arabic twitter accounts suddenly started to tweet Pro JD tweets in English during and after the US trial;
The friendship betweet Johnny Depp and prince Mohammed was mentioned(him financing JD directorial movie Modi); EPISODE 6
Adam Waldman worked for Lavrov as a consultant for years(2010-2017);
During the deposition Adam Waldman refused to answer more than 70 questions;
Alexi Mostrous tried contacting ''the internet journalists'' aka TUG and ThatBrianFella but they didn't answer; he also pointed out that the audios that were posted by ThatBrianFella were clearly edited(we know);
Mostrous also tried to call Adam Waldman but he didn't pick up the phone and 25 minutes later posted a tweet:
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“He[Adam Waldman] attacked witnesses, he attacked us (legal team)..unlike anything I have ever seen from a lawyer” said Jennifer Robinson. ''Amber Heard wrote an Op-ed for Washington Post which is a very respected publication and Johnny Depp's name isn't in it. It told to survivors if this can be done to a woman whose actually well-known and well-established person in the industry, it's gonna be even worse for you.'' All-in-All, it's clear as day that Waldman was behind the bot campaign against Amber. We've known that but it's good that a popular podcast researched about it and shed a light on it. Plus it's always great to see JD fans being nervous and panicky.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
WaPo - Pentagon opens sweeping review of clandestine psychological operations
Complaints about the U.S. military’s influence operations using Facebook and Twitter have raised concern in the White House and federal agencies.[...]
The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules.
Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, last weekinstructed the military commands that engage in psychological operations online to provide a full accounting of their activities by next month after the White House and somefederal agencies expressed mounting concerns over the Defense Department’s attempted manipulation of audiences overseas, according to several defense and administration officials familiar with the matter.
The takedowns in recent years by Twitter and Facebook of more than 150 bogus personas and media sites created in the United States was disclosed last month by internet researchers Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory. While the researchers did not attribute the sham accounts to the U.S. military, two officials familiar with the matter said that U.S. Central Command is among those whose activities are facing scrutiny. Like others interviewed for this report, they spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military operations.
The researchers did not specify when the takedowns occurred, but those familiar with the matter said they were within the past two or three years. Some were recent, they said, and involved posts from the summer that advanced anti-Russia narratives citing the Kremlin’s “imperialist” war in Ukraine and warning of the conflict’s direct impact on Central Asian countries.[...]
Centcom, headquartered in Tampa, has purview over military operations across 21 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Central and South Asia. A spokesman declined to comment. [...]
Spokespersons for Facebook and Twitter declined to comment.
According to the researchers’ report, the accounts taken down included a made-up Persian-language media site that shared content reposted from the U.S.-funded Voice of America Farsi and Radio Free Europe. Another, it said, was linked to a Twitter handle that in the past had claimed to operate on behalf of Centcom.
One fake account posted an inflammatory tweet claiming that relatives of deceased Afghan refugees had reported bodies being returned from Iran with missing organs, according to the report. The tweet linked to a video that was part of an article posted on a U.S.-military affiliated website.
Centcom has not commented on whether these accounts were created by its personnel or contractors. If the organ-harvesting tweet is shown to be Centcom’s, one defense official said, it would “absolutely be a violation of doctrine and training practices.”
Independent of the report, The Washington Post has learned that in 2020 Facebook disabled fictitious personas created by Centcom to counter disinformation spread by China suggesting the coronavirus responsible for covid-19 was created at a U.S. Army lab in Fort Detrick, Md., according to officials familiar with the matter. The pseudo profiles — active in Facebook groups that conversed in Arabic, Farsi and Urdu, the officials said — were used to amplify truthful [sic] information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the virus’s origination in China.
The U.S. government’s use of ersatz social media accounts, though authorized by law and policy, has stirred controversy inside the Biden administration, with the White House pressing the Pentagon to clarify and justify its policies. The White House, agencies such as the State Department and even some officials within the Defense Department have been concerned that the policies are too broad, allowing leeway for tactics that even if used to spread truthful information, risk eroding U.S. credibility, several U.S. officials said.
“Our adversaries are absolutely operating in the information domain,” said a second senior defense official. “There are some who think we shouldn’t do anything clandestine in that space. Ceding an entire domain to an adversary would be unwise. But we need stronger policy guardrails.” [Editor's Note: Lolling & Lmaoing]
A spokeswoman for the National Security Council, which is part of the White House, declined to comment.
Kahl disclosed his review at a virtual meeting convened by the National Security Council on Tuesday, saying he wants to know what types of operations have been carried out, who they’re targeting, what tools are being used and why military commanders have chosen those tactics, and how effective they have been, several officials said.
The message was essentially, “You have to justify to me why you’re doing these types of things,” the first defense official said.
Pentagon policy and doctrine discourage the military from peddling falsehoods, but there are no specific rules mandating the use of truthful information for psychological operations. For instance, the military sometimes employs fiction and satire for persuasion purposes, but generally the messages are supposed to stick to facts, officials said.
In 2020, officers at Facebook and Twitter contacted the Pentagon to raise concerns about the phony accounts they were having to remove, suspicious they were associated with the military. That summer, David Agranovich, Facebook’s director for global threat disruption, spoke to Christopher C. Miller, then assistant director for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict, which oversees influence operations policy, warning him that if Facebook could sniff them out, so could U.S. adversaries, several people familiar with the conversation said.
“His point‚” one person said, “was ‘Guys, you got caught. That’s a problem.’ ”[...]
With the rise of Russia and China as strategic competitors, military commanders have wanted to fight back, including online. And Congress supported that. Frustrated with perceived legal obstacles to the Defense Department’s ability to conduct clandestine activities in cyberspace, Congress in late 2019 passed a law affirming that the military could conduct operations in the “information environment” to defend the United States and to push back against foreign disinformation aimed at undermining its interests. The measure, known as Section 1631, allows the military to carry out clandestine psychological operations without crossing what the CIA has claimed as its covert authority, alleviating some of the friction that had hindered such operations previously.
“Combatant commanders got really excited,” recalled the first defense official. “They were very eager to utilize these new authorities. The defense contractors were equally eager to land lucrative classified contracts to enable clandestine influence operations.”[...]
Last year, with a new administration in place, Facebook’s Agranovich tried again. This time he took his complaint to President Biden’s deputy national security adviser for cyber, Anne Neuberger. Agranovich, who had worked at the NSC under Trump, told Neuberger that Facebook was taking down fake accounts because they violated the company’s terms of service, according to people familiar with the exchange.
The accounts were easily detected by Facebook, which since Russia’s campaign to interfere in the 2016 presidential election has enhanced its ability to identify mock personas and sites. In some cases, the company had removed profiles, which appeared to be associated with the military, that promoted information deemed by fact-checkers to be false, said a person familiar with the matter.
Agranovich also spoke to officials at the Pentagon. His message was: “We know what DOD is doing. It violates our policies. We will enforce our policies” and so ��DOD should knock it off,” said a U.S. official briefed on the matter.
In response to White House concerns, Kahl ordered a review of Military Information Support Operations, or MISO, the Pentagon’s moniker for psychological operations. A draft concluded that policies, training and oversight all needed tightening, and that coordination with other agencies, such as the State Department and the CIA, needed strengthening, according to officials.
The review also found that while there were cases in which fictitious information was pushed by the military, they were the result of inadequate oversight [sic] of contractors and personnel training — not systemic problems [sic], officials said.
Pentagon leadership did little with the review, two officials said, before Graphika and Stanford published their report on Aug. 24, which elicited a flurry of news coverage and questions for the military.
The State Department and CIA have been perturbed by the military’s use of clandestine tactics. Officers at State have admonished the Defense Department, “Hey don’t amplify our policies using fake personas, because we don’t want to be seen as creating false grass roots efforts,” [sic] the first defense official said.
One diplomat put it this way: “Generally speaking, we shouldn’t be employing the same kind of tactics that our adversaries are using because the bottom line is we have the moral high ground [sic]. [...] We promote [our set of] values around the world and when we use tactics like those, it just undermines our argument about who we are.”
Psychological operations to promote U.S. narratives overseas are nothing new in the military, but the popularity of western social media across the globe has led to an expansion of tactics, including the use of artificial personas and images — sometimes called “deep fakes.” The logic is that views expressed by what appears to be, say, an Afghan woman or an Iranian student might be more persuasive [!] than if they were openly pushed by the U.S. government. [...]
A key issue for senior policymakers now is determining whether the military’s execution of clandestine influence operations is delivering results. “Is the juice worth the squeeze? Does our approach really have the potential for the return on investment we hoped or is it just causing more challenges?” one person familiar with the debate said.[...]
Clandestine influence operations have a role in support of military operations, but it should be a narrow one with “intrusive oversight” by military and civilian leadership, said Michael Lumpkin, a former senior Pentagon official handling information operations policy and a former head of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center. “Otherwise, we risk making more enemies than friends.”
19 Sep 22
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cherrylng · 19 days
Muse Disc Guide - The Resistance [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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The Resistance
IN MUSIC Having established themselves as a stadium-class national band in the UK, their fourth world tour took them to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. They conquered five continents. Having gone as far as they could musically with their last album, it was interesting to see what direction Muse would take next, but this time they decided to venture into new territory by self-producing without using an outside producer.
So far, each album has evolved to become more dense, more exaggerated, more massive, more dynamic, more varied…… at times it leaves the listener shaken, wondering, "Can they pull it off this far!?" How far will they go without a third party to stop them? This album, which we greeted with such expectations and a touch of anxiety, was surprisingly clear-cut with its finish.
After a barrage of songs that mastered electronic elements in a modern way, such as electro-glam (1/ Uprising), 80s-style synth drums and piano with a gorgeous chorus (2/ Resistance) and R&B-style electropop (3/ Undisclosed Desires) that reminded me of Depeche Mode, the following song (4/ United States Of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)) turned into a magnificent and grandiose rock opera. The Arabic music-like interlude with piano and strings in the middle of the song is full of power! This was a result of making use of their experiences in the Middle East. The final section leads into Chopin's Nocturne No. 2, a development that might not have been possible if an outside producer had been present. Similarly, the last three pieces are three-part rock symphonies by Matthew. His classical taste is on full display.
The relatively unprocessed infusion of all three tastes from the trio balances the overall ups and downs of this album, which is generally dominated by mid-tempo songs, except for (6/ Unnatural Selection) and (7/ MK Ultra), where the heavy, intense guitars explode into a gallop. The album became a worldwide smash hit, to the surprise of the band themselves, who said, "We did whatever we wanted." —Sumi Imai
2009 Hit Albums
Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga were the stars of the 2009 scene. Michael was scheduled to perform 50 shows of 'This Is It' at London's O2 Arena from July 13th, 2009, but died suddenly on June 25th. While the world was in a state of surprise and sadness, the documentary film of the same name, featuring rehearsal footage, became an unprecedented blockbuster hit. Meanwhile, the momentum of 'The Fame', released by Gaga in 2008, continued unabated, and the eight-track 'The Monster', released in 2009 as a coupling (A/ The Fame Monster) to the reissue of 'The Fame', was also a big hit, including 'Bad Romance' and 'Telephone' with Beyoncé. Beyoncé and other female artists were also in high spirits, with Grammy winners Taylor Swift (B/ Fearless) and KE$HA constantly making noise on the stage. It was also in 2009 that Susan Boyle, a plain middle-aged Scottish woman, attracted attention on the popular audition programme ‘Britain's Got Talent’ and made her long-sought album debut with ‘I Dreamed a Dream’.
Among rock bands, U2 (C/ No Line On The Horizon), Pearl Jam, Green Day, and Jets released new albums one after the other. Among young artists, Animal Collective's (D/ Merryweather Post Pavilion), The Horrors, and Grizzly Bear attracted attention with their new releases. Among solo artists, the young UK singer-songwriter Paolo Nutini's (E/ Sunny Side Up) and Canadian Michael Bublé's (F/ Crazy Love) were big hits. The latter in particular appealed to a wide audience and was a huge success, topping the album charts in the US, UK, and other countries.
Inseparable from this album is George Orwell's 1984. (2/ Resistance) is about forbidden love under surveillance and information control, and (4/ United States Of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)) about perpetual war to maintain the power of the rulers (the title is taken from American political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives). Both clearly follow the world of '1984', but in fact the lyrics can also be seen as a reference to the ‘crisis of the moment’ in the sense that they illuminate the geopolitics of post-9/11, with today's controlled society in which individuals and their information can be monitored from every angle, from CCTVs to satellites on the ground and eventually the internet network. The lyrics can also be seen as a reference to the ‘current crisis’. (1/ Uprising) and (7/ MK Ultra), which deal with mind control, also encompass a similar worldview, but at the same time Matthew tries to present a critical perspective on the crisis and hope by confronting the unshakable will and love that lies beyond it, in a situation where the ‘individual’ is being lost. This is the deeper meaning behind the song titles ‘Uprising’ and ‘Resistance’.
"Love" is also the warp of the lyrical universe, with occasional moments of overt expression. In an interview with Q magazine, Matthew says, ‘It's a personal song about me and my girlfriend’ (3/ Undisclosed Desires), which is a typical example of this. The song is Muse's version of a ‘hymn to love’, a sublime love song.
When I heard the news that Muse were to perform with U2's The Edge on stage at Glastonbury in 2010, it occurred to me that ‘The lyrics of both bands share a common language of “protest” and “love”’. Matthew's world will continue to grow in scale within the time axis of ‘now’. —Abe Kaoru
YEAR 2009 January - US Airways Flight 1549 made an emergency landing in the Hudson River in New York, but the captain's quick thinking brought all passengers and crew back safely. It was dubbed the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’. February - Japanese films 'Departures/Okuribito' and 'La maison en petits cubes/Tsumiki no Ie' won double awards at the 81st Academy Awards. March - Samurai Japan [aka Japan's national baseball team] won the World Baseball Classic. April - H1N1 influenza outbreak in Latin America, followed by a worldwide pandemic. May - Twitter, the internet chat service, becomes a worldwide phenomenon. Muse also announced the title of a new song in the works on Twitter. - The jury system (saiban-in in Japan) came into force. June - The H1N1 influenza alert level is raised to the highest, Phase 6. - Michael Jackson's death sent shockwaves around the world. He was 50 years old. July - Longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century. In Japan, it could be seen in the Tokara Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture and elsewhere. August - The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won an overwhelming victory in the 45th general election for the House of Representatives. September - Muse's 5th album 'The Resistance' was released. It reached No.1 in 20 countries, including the UK. - To celebrate 10 years since the release of their first album, the band played a two-day open-air show at ‘The Den’ in their home town of Teignmouth. It was the first time in 12 years that the band had performed in their hometown, and the triumphant return of the national stars was a major event for the whole town. - After performances in Germany and France, the band travels to the USA to take part in U2's 360°Tour. October - European tour begins. - US President Barack Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize. - Rio de Janeiro is chosen to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. November - Chris joins the testicular cancer charity ‘Movember’. December - Muse travels to the USA for performances in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
Translator's Notes: We're... actually not done here yet. We still have their live DVDs to cover.
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picapicamagpie · 1 year
Sing Birds: Concept Art Edition
Warning: I go a bit insane over birds sorry not sorry. This is more of a deep dive into the design of Sing birds and what the “canon” is on them.
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Much like how there appears to be two different dog body styles (Suki, and then every other dog breed), there are two types of bird bodies in Sing. You have the ones that are just shaped like real birds, like this ostrich and the flamingoes. And you have the ones that have a human-like posture that most of the Sing animals have, like the cranes. I know the Sing wiki calls them herons, and they could be, but they are lacking the same markings as herons. Also their entire audition was Eastern Asian themed and the crane is a very important animal in East Asian culture. Here’s a stick figure showing just how human-like the body of these cranes are:
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Sing makes it very clear that its birds have feather fingers and their wings work as arms and hands. The concept art isn’t accurate to the final design. In the films, birds have a whole single feather for each finger, rather than hands that look like they’re covered in multiple feathers. Many Sing birds are shown holding things with them, manipulating objects with them, and Hobbs can bloody drive a car with his. Again the cranes are a great example and have very distinct hands while retaining their feathered wings. Real birds have their hand and finger bones fused and could never use them to hold anything. But Sing birds have evolved some way to keep their hands and wings at the same time. I have a couple of theoretical explanations on this but it gets too biological and I’m already wasting my time on this massive post no one will read.
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I can’t attach photos because I hit the limit, but the ducklings in the Sing 2 audition also demonstrate that in this universe, birds’ beaks are more flexible. Real birds have rigid beaks that are not like lips at all (though they are incredibly sensitive), but in Sing birds, beaks are basically just their lips. This is common in most animated birds, not just Sing. I won’t get into the biology of how birds are able to produce speech without lips because I’ve rambled enough but in Sing we can see that beaks are more flexible and essentially just lips and have the same range of movement. They must not be as hard as real beaks and must be softer in order to move this way. Bonus note: the middle flamingo here has feathers that swoop down like hair. I used this same idea for my bird oc.
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Something very interesting is that Sing birds canonically have teeth. Real birds don’t have teeth. But somewhere in the evolution of Sing animals, their birds kept them.
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Something interesting in this concept art is that their “knee” bends the way a human’s would. Again birds generally have a “knee” that bends the opposite way (I could go on for ages about this but basically it’s not a knee but an ankle; birds are digitigrade, just like all felines and canines, and are considered to walk on their toes. Their real knee is usually just under their feathers, and it moves like ours). I imagine the Sing creators, like most non-bird-insane people, assume that this is a knee and bird legs are the same as human legs. You can see this in the cranes again and how the legs look basically human. I’m guilty of this too; my bird oc has humanoid legs. Because hey, if a digitigrade wolf like Porsha can have human legs then a digitigrade bird can too. Fun fact: Old World monkeys like proboscis monkeys (Klaus) are also classified as digitigrade.
Extra Concept Art
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Concept art for the puffins in Sing 1. Not much to say except that these aren’t puffins. They look a bit more like masked lovebirds? Wonder why they changed the species.
And to round it off: Couples from Les Calmars! A nice interspecies mix here!
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Flamingo and crocodile couple 💖 interesting they planned for flamingoes as early as Sing 1. And she’s SO CUTE WTF
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A rooster and a hyena? 😂 Love this one. There was also an ostrich with a hippo but I hit the photo limit.
Despite so few birds appearing in the films, Sing has taken a really varied approach to them. Some look basically just like real birds (the roosters, the flamingoes), and some have the more mammal-like body type of the rest of the animals (the cranes, the penguins). The closest thing I can get the “canon” rules for Sing bird designs:
🪶 Can have a body that is either the same as a real bird’s, or can have a body that is more mammalian and like the rest of the Sing animals. Each individual species can have either body type
🪶 Still has teeth
🪶 Has a wing hand, where the feathers work as fingers and thumbs, while still retaining the whole wing (they all still have wings and don’t have just feathered arms)
🪶 Can have legs that function the same as a real bird’s or can have legs that are basically just human, like the rest of the Sing animals
🪶 Their beaks are able to move like lips
🪶 The jury’s out on whether or not they can fly. I headcanon that they can, but we’ve yet to see it. I’ll do a whole new post for my specific headcanons though because this one is long enough
The only “in universe” explanation I can come to is that the animals in Sing have evolved different biology to our own ones. Whatever started them on the route to becoming more intelligent/sapient also changed their bodies slightly. All are bipedal now, even animals originally lacking proper feet like a walrus (I’m looking at you, Mason) and have the same rough body shape. They’ve lost a lot of their natural animal behaviour, for example none of the tailed animals use their tails for expression. Porsha, Jimmy, Suki etc; all their tails just kind of hang lifelessly. With the exception of that one audition sheep, they don’t make any animal noises. I can think of only a few exceptions, such as Buster and the wolves using their ears for expression, Ash scattering quills, etc. Out of the “big 3” anthro animal city media - Sing, Zootopia, Beastars - the Sing animals are the most human and homogenous, with the least variation between species’ behaviour and have the least natural animal traits shown. The Sing koalas don’t have their extra thumb. Sing walruses stand on two feet rather than… whatever the heck it is that walruses do. Clay only had one wife and not a harem pride of lionesses. What I’m trying to say is real animals ≠ Sing animals. I can only hope Sing koalas aren’t riddled with chlamydia like most real koalas are 😂
If anyone wants to see a deep dive on other species just let me know! I’m not as knowledgeable on other animals as I am about birds but I’ll give it a good shot! Also Tumblr app formatting is godawful I’m so sorry I can’t shorten this post or remove the weird gaps even though it’s too late now
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wymanthewalrus · 5 months
Yknow you really can blame the British for originating most, if not all, of the modern conflicts in the Middle East, and the US for taking their side with the fallout.
The British were responsible for Israel existing, it was a British oil company refusing an audit by Mossadegh’s government that led to the 1953 Iranian coup, British drawing of borders after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire fucked the Kurds and multiple other groups, the list just goes on and on.
And the coup against Iran in particular is key to the current state of the Middle East, divided by proxy wars between the Saudis and Iran.
It’s the same as the Vietnam war - a US ally (france) fucked over local people and the US then decided to go all out supporting their ally’s garbage. Then when that wasn’t enough, we made buddy buddy with the worst possible regional power because that was easier than admitting wrongdoing.
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luck be a (leading) lady | part 1.
Summary: Y/N has always been a background character. That’s just life for some folks isn’t it? But what if she’s determined to not just be another member in the ensemble? What if someone helps her step into the spotlight in her own special way? 
Warnings for the Series: a teeny bit of angst but mainly fluff
Pairing: ricky bowen x black!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: I am not even sorry for starting a third series. I just finished season three of hsmtms and I’m obsessed. Also spoiler now, EJ and Gina are staying as an endgame couple. I’m gonna try to plant those seeds early if I can. 
(Series Masterlist)
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Junior year. You were wondering if something amazing would happen to you this year. As you slammed shut the door of your car, you were starting to think that it was going to be another boring year for you. Only you could go to the famous East High and still have the most mundane school experience ever. You sighed as you made your way to your locker. Four people that you never talked to aside from asking to borrow a pencil were standing right in front of it. Your eyes darted back and forth. Right, you were sure that you heard something about Nini and Ricky and a breakup? Or just a break? It didn’t really matter at the time. You thought the Camp Shallow Lake gossip was just that. But then EJ and Nini did seem really close ever since the show started. You didn’t really care in all honesty. 
“Um, excuse me.” 
Four sets of eyes turned towards you. You blinked in mild surprise at their annoyed faces. Hesitantly, your pointer finger motioned to the metal cubby between them. 
“That’s my locker.” 
All of sudden, the faces changed from annoyed to embarrassed. You tried your hardest to quickly get in and out. The moment Nini mentioned meeting someone else at camp, you darted out of there. Last thing you needed was her calling you into the lovers’ quarrel as a witness. Although, you weren’t even sure Nini knew who you were. She always forgot to give you an opening night card. You knew plenty about Nini, Ricky, Kourtney, and Big Red. The five of you had gone to the same elementary school, then middle school, and now high school. 
Not many people in Salt Lake could say they’ve grown up together in such an intense way as the five of you. Except it wasn’t the five of you. It was the four of them and you just existed. Sure you were introverted verging on social anxiety according to your therapist. And, yeah, you didn’t have a single friend since the one girl who befriended you had moved away right before freshman year. But still, you think the four of them might have acknowledged you at some point. 
You didn’t have much more time to think about that as the principal started giving a bunch of announcements, including a new drama teacher. That was a shame. You actually kind of liked the old drama teacher. They had always put you in the least egregiously ugly costume of the ensemble. You even got a thank you card last year because you were one of the few students that signed up for every production whether a musical or a play. Oh well. This new teacher, Ms. Jenn, seemed interesting enough. And High School Musical. That was awesome. Did you have a shot at playing Gabriella? Absolutely not. Were you going to try out for the lead anyway? Of course. That was a tradition of yours. 
You might have been painfully shy— detrimentally shy— but you loved theatre. Maybe if you could play the main character just once then you could break out of your shell. Break out of your shell as the real you and not Dancer #3 or Milkmaid #1 or Starfish #4. If your friend was here then she would say that you totally had a shot. Even though she had always been a sports gal, she forever supported you in anything the arts. 
Auditions were in two days and you needed to think of the perfect audition song. What screamed Gabriella? Should you go in something that would remind Ms. Jenn of the show? Not exactly the red dress Vanessa Hudgens wore at the end of the show but something similar. A cute skater dress. 
You had chosen a cute pink number from your closet. Attaching your audition number of lucky nine to your dress, you finished stretching backstage with everyone else. You smiled as you heard everyone practicing. Maybe your audition song was going to be what took you over the edge and made you just a bit better than everyone else. That quick burst of confidence was short-lived as you heard EJ give out something between a laugh and a scoff. 
“You know, I’m actually kind of bummed we don’t have any competition here. It would make getting the leads just a touch sweeter. Nini, this is going to be perfect. Leading man and lady. You ready to blow them all away, Gabriella?” 
Your shoulders slumped a bit. Maybe you didn’t have this in the bag. Well, at least you’d be leading the ensemble again. You hyped yourself for the dance auditions that were first. Carlos really stepped up to the plate to make some amazing choreography. Maybe the only person executing it better than you was whoever had audition number one. You had never seen her before. She must have been a new kid. Definitely a shoe-in for one of the leads as far as you were concerned. Your smile grew a little bit when Ms. Jenn gave you a wink before saying everyone should prepare for the line reads. 
Her acknowledgment one hundred percent meant that you were just put in the running for Gabriella or maybe even Sharpay, right? If you were being honest, she didn’t even bat an eye at you asking for Gabriella. That had to be a good sign. It just had to. You felt confident as you started singing your audition song, a classic “Colors of the Wind”. All you had to do was sing it perfectly and read a few lines and you were done.  
“Sorry! Sorry, I’m late!”
Everyone’s heads turned to see a very haphazard Ricky running into the room. You looked on in mild concern as he went into this very long-winded and out of breath story about why he was late. Something involving a dvd stuck somewhere. You only caught half of it and you were positive that Ms. Jenn hadn’t been paying attention to any of it. You bit your tongue as attention turned from you to Ricky. 
“Lucky for you we haven’t gotten to the Chad scenes yet.”
“Oh, no, I’m here for Troy.” 
“We’ve already read for Troy.”
“That’s kind of the only stuff I know. I’ll wait till everyone else is done.” 
Carlos gave the other boy a look. “Troy would have been on time.” 
Your eyebrows scrunched up a bit. “Wasn’t he late in the movie?” 
“Number nine, not helping.” 
You opened your mouth only to close it again. There was no doubt in your mind that when you finished your audition you were getting the ensemble. Between the new girl, Sebastian wanting to be Sharpay and Ms. Jenn loving the progressiveness of it all, and two boys fighting over Nini as she sang, you weren’t getting Gabriella or Sharpay… or Taylor. Or even Kelsi. You sighed as you went to grab your backpack from backstage and wait with everyone else for the cast list. Normally you were used to callbacks and at least a day or two but Ms. Jenn had a… unique style to her. 
The energy backstage was too tense for you. You popped in your earbuds and moved to wait in the hall where the list was going to be posted anyway. Leaning against a locker, you texted your parents that you'd pick-up something for dinner and they could go ahead and just enjoy their anniversary dinner without any concern. You weren’t prepared for the argument between Nini and Ricky. Of course, you couldn’t help but turn your music down and listen in. Nini looked pissed at whatever Ricky had just said. 
“You broke my heart Ricky. And then I had the best time at camp. Without you. You don’t get to just come back here and mess everything up.”
“The cast list!” Kourtney ran past, grabbing Nini as she did. 
You waited for the crowd to clear to find your name right where you thought it would be. Ensemble, principal dancer. You didn’t even get the understudies for any leads. The only thing that left your mouth was a scoff. The start to junior kinda sucked.
(part 2)
@venomsvl​ @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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wireconsultants123 · 7 months
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wireuae-123 · 7 months
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wireconsultantsuae · 8 months
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
There has been a lot of speculation over the years surrounding the type of nuclear capabilities and arsenal Israel possesses, but one expert says it is clear that Israel has been using a type of uranium radiation weapon. The evidence is simple yet powerful: enriched uranium is being found in environmental samples in the Middle East, and especially in Gaza, where its presence is rising – and it is not something that occurs naturally.
This is according to the research of Christopher Busby, a top nuclear physicist in Europe and longtime researcher of the biochemical damage caused by the long-range dispersal of depleted uranium weapons. Busby, who was a member of the UK Ministry of Defense’s Depleted Uranium Oversight Board, publishes his findings through the consultancy Green Audit.
His newest research paper, "Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon", makes for very compelling reading. It explains how different measurements using a variety of techniques have found enriched uranium in samples taken from air, soil, bomb craters and other sources in Gaza.
This is supported by the results of a study published in the scientific journal Nature in 2021, which showed that the levels of uranium enrichment in samples from Gaza have been rising significantly since 2008.
Uranium, Green Audit's research paper notes, is anthropogenic and doesn’t exist in nature, which means the only possible explanation for its presence is weapons – which they believe to be those used by Israel in the case of Gaza and similar findings in Lebanon.
The report notes: “It is proposed that the only logical answer is that a Uranium-based weapon exists that produces U-235 by neutron activation and has been deployed. Such a weapon must be some kind of neutron bomb.”
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skz-jae-lynn · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
pronouns: she/her (but chill with she/they too)
birth name: jae-lynn reyes-wang
legal name: jae-lynn king
korean name: ji-ae (지애)
stage name: jae-lynn / jae
nickname: jae, lynnie, jade, jae-jae, jae-lynn hyung, the american girl doll, the queen (rap persona)
birthday: may 1st, 1999
zodiac: taurus(sun) scorpio (moon) pisces (rising), year of the rabbit
birthplace: east elmhurst, queens, NYC
nationality: american
ethnicity: korean and russian (dad's side), filipino (mom's side)
languages: (fluent) english, korean, spanish, filipino, (learning) japanese & chinese
height: 5'2" / 157.48 cm
group position: main dancer, lead vocalist (vocalracha), songwriter, sub-rapper and visual
instruments: piano, guitar (electric and acoustic), bass guitar, orchestral bass, and learning drums
skzoo character: jade the purple raccoon 🦝
──────── ❝ skills ❞ ────────
rapping: ●●●○○
dancing: ●●●●●
singing: ●●●●○
producing: ●●●○○
song writing: ●●●○○
acting: ●●●●○
──────── ❝ traits ❞ ────────
positive: honest, hard-working (driven), “street smart”, confident when she wants to be, trustworthy, creative, supportive
negative: loner / introvert, blunt (doesn’t ‘beat around the bush’), impulsive, no filter, can be very lazy, idealistic, stubborn
personality type: INFP-T
face claim: Beatrice Kristi Ilejay Laus (beabadoobee) [I will also be using a variety of pics from an assortment of ig users]
body claim: hannah kim (hannahkae27 (IG))
voice claim: jini, devita, sabrina carpenter
dancing style: Bailey Sok, Jade Chynoweth, Briar Nolet, Autumn Miller
──────── ❝ family ❞ ────────
father - james wang (1979) [deceased]
mother - elessia reyes-torres (1982)
(c. ‘19) step father - richard torres (1980)
older brother - aleksandr "aleks" reyes-wang (1995)
older adopted sister - faith reyes-wang (1998)
little brother - ezra reyes-wang (2002)
baby half-sister - andrea “andie” reyes-torres (2020)
─────── ❝ fun facts ❞ ───────
Born in East Elmhurst, Queens, NY to Elessia and James King in 1999.
Since 2019, her mom has been remarried. 
As of 2021, Jae has 4 siblings: Aleks, Faith, Ezra, and Andrea.
Her dad died when she was 9 years old (as stated in Jae’s vlive, he was a cop and got killed on the job)
She began to dance at age 2 (ballet and jazz) and as she got older she took on more styles of dance - her favorites being contemporary and hip-hop.
Her and her older sister (Faith) were in the same dance classes for most of their lives. 
She attended PS 329Q East Elmhurst Community School (K-5) and Louis Armstrong Middle School (6th grade)
She moved to Korea at age 12 after getting scouted at her school’s dance competition and completing several at-home auditions.
She lived with her grandmother in Gwangjin-gu when she starting training  at JYP Entertainment. 
She completed middle school at Shingu Middle School and then transferred to Cheongdam High School to finish out her schooling. 
She struggled greatly with her Korean when she first moved into the country.
Her hobbies are: playing video games, watching horror movies, listening to/ playing music, doing makeup, and skateboarding. 
She has a Minecraft server (that she runs with her younger brother) where she plays with Stay almost every weekend
She is obsessed with drag race shows (especially Dragula)
She also watches a lot of youtube, mostly Trixie Mattel and Katya, spooky content youtubers (Loey Lane!!!), and gamers :P
She learned how to play the piano from her grandfather and she taught herself how to play the guitar and bass guitar. 
She loves snow and enjoys the colder seasons more than the warmer ones. 
When she first started training under JYP, her main focus was dance, but she naturally became a rapper.
As time went on, she transformed into a vocalist to fit into Stray Kids.
She was a trainee at JYP Entertainment for 6 years before debut with skz.
She was supposed to debut with Twice in 2015. 
Since 2018 she has been in a groupchat  called 'ghoulfriends’ that includes idols: Son Chaeyoung (Twice), Rosé Park (BlackPink), Jeon Somi (soloist), Kim Yeri (Red Velvet), Jeon Jiwoo (Kard), Momo Hiari (Twice), Shin Ryunjin (Itzy), and Alexa Schneiderman (soloist)
She was a co-host of Dive Studios’ show 'How Did I Get Here’ with Jae Park and AleXa (late 2020 - June 2021).
She is now a co-host to an all new series under Dive Studios, 'That's Like, Really Crazy', where the co-host that works alongside her changes per-week (the show mostly focuses on foreign members of kpop groups / the idol world, and covers korean/world media news in the form of each week being a new trending topic).
Her rapper persona used to be 'The Queen’, but now she only references the name in present-day work. Now she just goes by Jae-Lynn (/Lynnie) or Jae-Lynn King.
Her role models are Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Prince and Billie Joe Armstrong. 
She has two dogs, a golden retriever named Looney and a bulldog named Beaver, that live back in nyc.
She also has one black cat named Brownie.
Currently she has two guinea pigs, Blini and Dulce, and a cat named Naysu.
Her mom co-owns a salon with Jae’s aunt. 
She loves spicy food, and has a strong tolerance for it.
She hates aegyo, and refuses to do it. 
She has a lot of stuffed animals that she sleeps with, her favorite being a bear her and Bang Chan made at build-a-bear one year (named Roger).
She is a Hufflepuff (Harry Potter house)
Her favorite color is purple.
She has said that if she weren’t in Stray Kids she wouldn’t know what she’d be doing. 
She often releases covers or original songs for Stay. 
Calls her vlives, ’Jae-Lynn’s weekly date with Stay’ (usually happens every Friday), where she likes to react to new music that had come out during the week and give feedback, and sometimes she practices guitar or dances. 
Her, Han and IN shared a dorm room, which she called the 'J³ room’. 
In 2020, her and fellow idol, AleXa, moved in with each other into a new apartment, however later in the year, they decided to live separate.
As of 2021, Jae-Lynn now lives alone in an apartment (in the same building as the other skz members).
She has been on 5 survival shows:  Sixteen, Unpretty Rapstar 3, Stray Kids, Good Girl, and Kingdom.
She is very close with NCT’s Mark Lee - they have been best friends since they met in 2nd grade. 
She has her driver’s license, and drives her grandmother’s old car. 
She has 7+ tattoos (& counting) and she also has her nose pierced.
She has said that she doesn’t like to define her sexuality, but if she were to put a label on herself she’d be bisexual. 
She collects crystals and incense sticks (has burned sage in the old skz dorm before bc “the vibes are all off”)
She is deathly allergic to strawberries, and is mildly allergic to nutmeg and grass. 
Jae-Lynn has several solo mixtape/ep/album releases, and a wide discography (she has around 115 KOMCA credits).
Her motto: “Until you’re ready to look foolish, you’ll never have the possibility of being great” - Cher
Jae-Lynn’s Type: Jae has said that she thinks all people are beautiful as long as they bring beauty to the world through their actions.
[post originally from my other page @ignooy-nim. I decided to make a full page for jae-lynn just for shits and giggles, and because I was slowly losing my mind with the amount of drafts I had accumulated on that account LMAO, hope y'all enjoy this, and remember that none of this is supposed to be super serious, and that at the end of the day I AM ot8. this is just meant to be a creative writing project for me on a group I really love, so lets just have fun and create some madness together! - mars]
© ignooy-nim / skz-jae-lynn 2023 - all posts tagged with the ’skz-jae-lynn’ tag on this tumblr account are my genuine work unless stated otherwise. I only post this au on this tumblr account from here on out, so if you see anything pertaining to my work elsewhere, please be kind and reach out to me to let me know. thanks 💞
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