#midnight scrum
violet-moonstone · 4 months
i love how sometimes the animation in race to the edge is relatively low quality and then sometimes we get stuff like this
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like look at the detail! the different tones on hiccups hand? the texture on his leather bracers and on the rocks?? this is so good!
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jackshiccup · 8 months
hiccup being passed around like a fucking hackeysack from bounty hunter to bounty hunter in midnight scrum was INSANE? getting knocked unconscious three separate times with 1) a hit to the head 2) a tranquilizer and 3) a punch to the stomach, being roughly dragged around by metal chains wrapped around his neck, almost falling off a cliff and then losing his metal leg i’m sorry but what in the fresh hell this episode should just be dubbed hiccup and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
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dragonwritersblog · 10 months
A friendly reminder that Stoick was willing to kill a man to find Hiccup when he got kidnapped and was about to do it again when said man blamed Hiccup for getting taken until Toothless stopped him. He might be flawed, but Stoick loves and will do anything for his son.
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evilwriter37 · 28 days
Rated: teen
Warnings: none
Relationships: Hiccup & Toothless, Hiccup & the Dragon Riders
Word Count: 1,696
Summary: Hiccup's friends are worried about him after the whole fiasco with Viggo's bounty.
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evilartist37 · 6 months
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Day 20: Dehumanization
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A chain around the neck seems pretty dehumanizing to me, don’t you think?
I was originally going to render this but I actually like the flat coloring a lot, so here. Calling it finished.
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hiccupbutpurple · 5 months
One thing I love is listening to httyd eps while imaging different AUs and cause I’m bored, can’t go to my room rn (and found half of this sitting in my drafts from last month lol), I’ve decided to pass the time sharing one.
It’s from the latter part of Midnight Scrum (going from when Hiccup gets taken) and it’s a royalty AU (which I’ve seen a lot of floating around here recently too)
It’s the standard ‘Kidnapped Bride’ plot line, with King Viggo wanting Prince Hiccup. He puts the bounty on Hiccup to bring him in.
- Amos and Berthel are still bounty hunters but they are a bit more threatening and less silly, most of their sillier lines I ignore and imagine them said in a more threatening way. They still retain their gay energy though.
- Savage was originally one of Viggo’s servants and when Hiccup was first held captive, he was there to guard Hiccup’s cell. He was slightly kinder to Hiccup in that situation but then when Hiccup escapes, he gets blamed and exiled. That makes his whole motivation to get Hiccup to Viggo being to get back into Viggo’s good graces. Hiccup doesn’t trust him either way cause even if he was kinder then other guards, he still wasn’t kind. He does hold hope that he can reason with him originally though (because Hiccup knows he knows what Viggo is like) but Savage is very blinded by his goals.
- Throk is a well known assassin but gets hired by Mala a lot (and their relationship, I picture it platonically but romantically also works, grows over time until he becomes her personal assassin. At this time though he could be hired by anyone). The Defenders of the Wing are also another kingdom but there isn’t a war against Dragons and they hold no real allegiance to Berk and aren’t actual enemies to Viggo either. They are a neutral party but Mala does prefer Hiccup (but she’s not forthcoming about it) and thinks Viggo is cruel, so decided to help him by hiring her favourite assassin.
- Krogan is also an assassin/bounty Hunter (He and Throk have competed a lot in the past). He has no ties to Drago and was more Viggo’s personal assassin (and lover) before they had a fight. He decided to get Hiccup to see Viggo again and remind him of his skills in a threatening way. It’s a mixed message of ‘remember how much you need me’, a ‘here’s you new lover, I’m stronger then him (thus being more on you’re level, and I could kill him easily if I wanted)’ and a ‘dont forget how dangerous I can be to you and your goals’ type thing.
Some lines I’ve decided to alter slightly:
Berthel: What's that? Dragons? -> Berthel: What's that? / Amos: His friends. (Since they already knew of the dragons)
Hiccup: Viggo will never respect you. He's playing you for a fool. -> Hiccup: You know Viggo will never respect you. Please. He's always played you for a fool.
Savage: I don't know what they're gonna do to Hiccup. It's his own fault he got grabbed, not mine. -> Savage: I don't know where they’re gonna take Hiccup. It's his own fault Viggo sees him as a whore, not mine.
Hiccup has a rough material built into his chest plate capable of creating sparks when striked against and uses that and a stone to light a stick on fire rather then the dragon blade. (Kinda a little hint of magic because I said so)
Ryker: Oh, I'd love to drop you, but Viggo wants to kill you himself. -> Oh, I'd love to drop you, but Viggo wants you for himself.
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ashleybenlove · 4 months
Thinking about Stoick and Toothless realizing Hiccup is missing in Midnight Scrum.
Like, Toothless probably was sent back to the Haddock house when Hiccup and Astrid excused themselves to the Great Hall to have that talk.
Toothless, probably woke up several hours later, looked at Hiccup's bed, realized he wasn't there, and alerted Stoick.
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noctusfury · 1 year
Contradictory Anniversary? (RTTE)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to a new article! Today’s topic is on this perplexing issue surrounding Berk’s anniversary.
Now I’m sure many of you were as perplexed by the seemingly obvious error in the HTTYD lore. I mean, we’ve all seen the first film, and it’s only said “300 years”. But Stoick and Gobber CLEARLY SAY “400 years”.
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(Race to the Edge, Season 4, Episode 3 “Midnight Scrum”)
So, which is it? Is it an error or is this actually truth disguised as misinformation? We’ll find out, right after this! *Cues 5 minutes of commercials*
Just kidding! We’re finding out NOW. Duh. XD
Anyway, so the film AND the show (not to mention the short films) clearly states by both Stoick, Hiccup, and other characters that it’s been 300 years.
However, there’s a VERY important detail in the film that the Wiki probably missed. What was it?
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The Wiki says, as stated in the first snip above, that it’s been 300 years since Vikings first arrived on Berk. But in the film, Hiccup adds an important detail that the Wiki didn’t have.
Hiccup: “300 years, and I’m the first Viking who has never killed a dragon!”
While this may be something unrelated at first, it seems to imply that Vikings have been fighting dragons for 300 years, not living on Berk for 300 years. (That being said, he could be talking about Vikings archipelago-wide, not just on Berk.) Which means that Berkians could’ve been living here for 400 years, but have been fighting dragons for 300 years.
However, just as I say this, Astrid says an interesting quote to Hiccup after they find the Red Death:
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Astrid: “Hiccup we’ve just discovered the Dragons’ Nest! The thing we’ve been after since Vikings first sailed here! And you wanna keep it a secret?!”
So which is it, Noctus? Is it 300 years or 400 years?
Well, what the Wiki said about Vikings having arrived on Berk 300 years prior could’ve been assumed from Astrid’s quote here. Which, when you think about it, is a logical one to make.
That being said though, it’s never stated whether she, like Hiccup, was talking about the Berkian Vikings, or about Vikings in general throughout the archipelago. We also can’t be sure what “here” means, whether it implies Berk or the Archipelago.
So... how can we be sure, then?
Well, I have found that when all else fails, turn to math! ^_^
So in the film, Hiccup states in his narration at the very beginning of the film that the settlement of Berk has been here “for seven generations.”
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If you look at the portraits of Berk’s line of chieftains, there’s about 7 generations of them (sans Hamish the Second’s and Stoick’s Father’s portraits for unknown reasons, which I’ll get to in another article), and Hiccup’s portrait with Stoick makes it the 8th, meaning that Hiccup and the others are the 8th generation.
A generation is factually accepted to be around 40 years. And since Hiccup’s generation has been around for 20 or less, I’ll add that into consideration. 
40 x 7 = 280 + 20 = 300
So seven generations would give us about 280 years, which makes sense. When we add the 8th generations 15-20 years, it gives us 295-300 years, exactly. So it all checks out.
So, at face value, it has been 300 years since the Berkian Vikings have lived on the Isle of Berk.
Since RTTE, having been produced by Netflix and not Cartoon Network like the Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk seasons have been, it was inevitable that there’d be several errors in the lore (don’t even get me STARTED on the many plot holes and plot teasers they’ve never followed through with).
But what if the Berkians weren’t celebrating the 400-Year Anniversary of Berk as a village, but as an island? Then things would make a little more sense.
After all, what if Berk had been an island that was claimed by their ancestors well before they themselves actually settled there? Granted, it’s a pretty big stretch, until you consider the BOOKS! 
That’s right, the BOOKS.
The story of Hiccup the Third and Toothless isn’t an old one. In fact, the plot of HTTYD 1 is greatly inspired and influenced by Hiccup the First and Wodensfang’s story in the books. In it (Book 9 specifically), Wodensfang talks of Hiccup the First’s saga, where not long after his birth, the Vikings of the Mainland (later to be known as the Vikings of Berk) were driven out of their fertile lands by the Uglithugs, a Viking horde who’ll control the Mainland up to current times (aside from the period where Grimbeard the Ghastly reclaimed it from UG’s ancestor for a time until after his death). From the Mainland, they sailed to Berk and made their colony there. During this time, they were also in a bloody war with the dragons, where the King of the Dragons, Merciless (also known as the Green Death [Red Death in the film]), once he hears that a Viking named Hiccup will kill him, seeks to kill everyone on the island to prevent the prophecy from coming true. He sends Wodensfang, who, at the time, was the most dangerous dragon in Merciless’s army, to complete this task. Unfortunately, a storm hits and leaves him entangled in the tree, and grows weak from his wounds. Fortunately, Hiccup the First, a child at the time, came to his aid and healed him, and they became fast friends. Wodensfang would end up helping Hiccup steal the Dragon Jewel from Merciless, forcing the latter to capitulate before Hiccup, who has the Jewel now, forcing him to disband his forces, and be exiled from the Archipelago.
Anyway, I’m digressing, hehe.
Long-story short, the Berkians are forced from their original lands and they sail to Berk and settle there. This could’ve very well been what happened in the HTTYD film lore: the Berkians claimed Berk as a territory belonging to the Kingdom 400 years prior as an outpost for both exploration and wartime purposes, but then 100 years later, a fierce war against another Viking faction broke out, ending in their defeat, and forcing the Vikings of the Mainland (or wherever) to sail to Berk, later becoming the Vikings of Berk. And it isn’t long after they settled that they had to deal with the dragons, many of which had made their nests on the island long before. Then came the dragon raids from Dragon Island, which wouldn’t end until Hiccup the Third defeated the Red Death 300 years later.
So that’s my hypothesis explaining the 400-Year Anniversary despite the 300 years of settlement. Because the Berkians had the island for 400 years, but didn’t settle it until a hundred years later.
What do you think? Plausible? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter! Do you think this could be the case, or is this another thing RTTE goofed up in lore-wise?
Thank you for reading, my fellow Furians! See you in the next article! ^_^
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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thedragon-and-hisboy · 4 months
Forever disappointed that we don't get to see Hiccup get snatched from Berk in Midnight Scrum
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hiccuphitdabong · 1 year
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Lyrics from Lew’s Lullaby by Ritt Momney
Ik u like him in pain as much as I do @evilwriter37 so here have him :)
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whumble-beeee · 7 months
Favorite whump trope of all time? You can only pick one, because I'm evil 😈
-- @whumperofworlds
How dare you make me choose /j
Probably my favorite is when whumpee is just so out of it in some way that they are forced to rely on whumper. Especially if its some immediately dire situation, like whumpee is about to fall off a cliff and whumper grabs them by the wrist at the last second and pulls them back up. Then whumpee looks up hopefully for a second before their face just falls and they're like "ughhh" but they still let whumper help them up.
Bonus points if whumpee is in the situation because of whumper.
Bonus bonus points if whumpers taking them out of one bad situation straight into another, possibly worse one.
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
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jackshiccup · 7 months
lowkey in need of a hurt/comfort fic of the dragon riders gang post midnight scrum, all of them seeing hiccup with broken bones and cuts and bruises in places that shouldn’t be there
astrid getting frustrated and a little angry with him after hiccup keeps insisting that it’s not as awful as it looks and no hiccup, it really is but softening immediately when tending to his wounds
fishlegs just being absolutely horrified about the whole thing that he can’t even talk or offer his usual words of comfort bc what do you mean krogan dragged you around in chains so he just holds the twins’ hands to ground himself
snotlout berating hiccup and telling him that he’s an absolute moron for letting it get this bad but deep inside feeling a crippling amount of guilt for not being able to find and protect him sooner and proceeds to assist astrid
ruffnut and tuffnut terrified to their souls bc (though not the first time) they’re reminded that hiccup’s not as invincible as they make him out to be, the rare instance where their worry overshadows their usual ability to ease tension with lighthearted jokes so they’re just both uncharacteristically silent
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betterdcyz · 2 years
@timeagxnt​ requested for Ianto:  😈💭 Ianto ( put  😈  💭  in  my  ask  and  my  muse  will  admit  one  dirty  thought  they’ve  had  about  yours. / accepting !! )  
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             “——his hands,  roaming,  wandering,  gliding over skin and grabbing my hips.”  He mutters as if suddenly in his own world,  free thinking before the welshman snapped back into reality,  his cheeks red hot.  “...That’s all I’m going to say on this matter.”
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
Rated: teen
Warnings: non-consensual touching
Relationships: Viggo/Hiccup
Word Count: 885
Summary: AU in which Hiccup is brought to Viggo at the end of Midnight Scrum. Viggo is concerned by Hiccup’s injuries.
A/N: @bluefrogbubbles Thank you so much for the idea! @honeyed-latte I wanted to include yours as well, but the scene just didn’t go that way. Sorry!
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evilartist37 · 6 months
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Guess what
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