#mobile xray
swasli · 2 days
 Discover if Mobile X-ray service in chennai are worth the cost by exploring their convenience, efficiency, and value in providing accessible healthcare diagnostics.
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gotyouanyway · 7 months
lol the other day i told my pt i always use my knee brace at work (3x 4 hour shifts a week, sometimes less) bc if i don’t then i’ll be in significant pain and she told me off for it bc i’m “relying on it” too much and it’ll make my muscles weaker and make things worse in the long run. and when i said “i understand that so i don’t use it all the time. but you told me to use it when i’m in pain or standing/walking a lot.” she said “i only meant to use it right after our last appointment because you were in a lot of pain. only use it when you’re in extreme pain” and i said “but if i don’t use it Then i’m in extreme pain. idk what you want me to do” and she literally said “okay” in her “defuse the aggro patient” voice and moved on. like truly these people do not give a fuck about your day to day quality of life they only care about your long term statistics
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humandisastersquad · 1 year
boy i have had A Day lol.
#went to help with a mobile ICU chest xray#and for some fucking reason this hospital makes unconscious intubated pts erect for chest xrays#instead of just doing them supine like every other hospital#which is dangerous for the patient and staff#anyway had to help put the x-ray board behind the pt who kept slipping sideways and whose ET tube kept disconnecting#(yknow. the tube helping him BREATHE)#and on the third time it flung spit into my eyes#which. gross. and also holy fuck how is this allowed this is so dangerous for the patient#anyway got back to the radiology department and casually mentioned it#and bc i got exposed to bodily fluids i had to go to ED to have an eye wash#but it took fuckign. half an hour for that to happen which is useless bc it needed to be irrigated ASAP#bc apparently they dont have eye wash stations in this hospital for some fuckign reason#so i had to sit awkwardly next to a sink and hold a saline drip above my eyes for like half an hour then an eye test#then fill in a tonne of paperwork for like an incident report and blood test and everything#then get a blood test as a baseline and i have to get another in 6wks and 3mnth time#to check for exposure to hep B/C and HIV#and my poor left arm had literally Only Just finished healing from my last blood draw#so the doc had to get the ultrasound out and everything bc the 1st vein rolled#and even tho he got it the second time i still bled everywhere#then had to keep waiting in ED until he could track down the infectious control nurse#and i had to fill out MORE paperwork#then they had to track down some post-exposure HIV drugs for me to take just in case#bc they need to ask the next of kin of the pt permission to get bloods to check for any infectious diseases etc#and they didnt even have any of said drugs in stock and had to taxi them up from a town ~1hr away#so i'll get them tomorrow#and then finally. after like 4 fuckign hours. i got discharged#oh and through most of this i didnt have my phone or my book on me so i was Bored Shitless™ waiting#bc obviously i was very low priority compared to most other ED patients#christ on a fucking cracker that was an Ordeal#holy personal post batman
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bossmaxfitness · 9 months
Information Presentation Of Radpid Diagnostics Ltd
Radpid Diagnostics provides care home x-ray and community ultrasound solutions.Our staff are passionate, hardworking, and committed to ensuring we deliver the highest level of patient care possible.
Princes Road,Dartford,Kent,DA2 6HH
01322 914330
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robertjeo · 1 year
Mobile Xray service in chennai
Mobile X-Ray Services in Chennai provide a fast, reliable, and cost-effective way to get X-rays done. The mobile X-ray services are usually provided at the patient's home or any other location as requested. The mobile X-ray services are equipped with state-of-the-art digital X-ray machines and highly experienced technicians to ensure accurate diagnosis. The mobile X-ray services are available for a variety of medical conditions, including chest, abdomen, spine, and extremity X-rays. The services are also available to provide follow-up X-rays to monitor the progress of the treatment. Mobile X-ray services in Chennai provide an efficient, convenient, and cost-effective way to get X-rays done.
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hospital-project · 2 years
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lickthatbattery · 2 years
sorry for whining truly i am but every time i have gotten out of bed since getting in it last night, i've started crying from the amount pain it puts me in. i couldn't even get halfway to sleep at any point because this shit hurts so bad. i don't know what to do
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
Bestie @schrodinger-swriter has convinced me to dip my toes back into the fluff alphabet and bust out my rendition of the list! Definitely recommend looking at their stuff too, they've been busting out bangers all week
To spice things up since this is the same list I used for my creepypasta fluff alphabet, theres 27 prompts! Added symbol for a brand new prompt! ♡
More under the cut!
Doing this alongside the tropes list!
ETA: your request may be posted a few days after you send it, I've been attempting to limit myself to prevent burnout + I'm on mobile but I promise I do see it!
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Not doing Valentino, I think that's the only character I wont do no if ands or buts so dont bother
To keep things simple and clean on my end, please keep it one character per ask! Max number of letters per post is 3! Still stuck on mobile unfortunately <\3
Attraction- What they look for in a partner! Physically and/or emotionally!
Bond- How they spend their time with you?
Cuddling- What's cuddling with them like?
Dates- What are their go to dates?
Emotion- How much emotion do they show? Are they reserved or are they an open book?
Family- Do they want children? How many?
Gift Giving- How often do they give gifts? What is it, usually? Do they like receiving gifts?
Harsh- How often do you two get into conflicts and arguments? Who tries to patch things up first?
Injury- What are they like when you get injured, and vise versa?
Jealousy- How well do they handle it, if they get jealous?
Kiss- What is their favorite place to kiss you and be kissed?
Love language- How do they show they care, and how do they want to be cared for?
Marriage- Is that something they want in the relationship?
No!- What is a deal breaker for them?
Oddity- What are some noticable behaviors and quirks of theirs?
Pet names- What do they call you and what do they want to be called?
Question- A common question in the relationship!
Risk- How far are they willing to go for you?
Shh- How secretive are they?
Tunes- Music that you two listen to together and/or associate with the relationship!
Upset- One of you is upset! How will the other cheer them up?
Valentine's- How are they like on the holiday?
Warrior- How do they feel about you fighting alongside them/fighting their battles
Xray- How well can they read you?
Yearn- How do they cope with separation?
Zzz- What's it like sharing a bed with them?
Bonus vv
♡- How do they feel about public displays of affection? Do they show you off or keep you to themselves?
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lifeanditsquirks · 3 months
So I went to the doctor today. I had been in the ER previously because my hand was hurting. I get pains all over my body sometimes, and my hands are no exception.
But recently, they were hurting a little extra. So I went to the emergency room to get it checked out and make sure nothing was broken. I got diagnosed with carpal tunnel, referred to my previous orthopedic surgeon (previous surgeries can be a story for another day), and put in a restrictive splint.
I saw my surgeon, and he did ask for a few xrays but saw nothing out of the ordinary. He came in and pulled my hand and fingers around and saw I was still super hypermobile like I was when I was younger. He ordered more xrays. He looked over them, came back, played with my hand a bit more and asked me a few questions.
Finally, he says, "This isn't carpal tunnel." He taps his finger on the desk and reaches over for a blood work request sheet. "I am thinking this may be EDS. But I need to run some blood work and get an MRI done." He gets up from his chair, and before he walks out, he says, "I will get you fitted for a splint. It should help with the pain."
He's a very eccentric guy. I love him so much. He's an amazing hand doctor, and like I said previously, I have prior experience with him from past surgeries. I trust his opinion more than most doctors.
I first suspected I had EDS a year ago when I first learned about it while looking up some symptoms. I related to almost all of them. My PCP wouldn't diagnose me with anything. She didn't refer me to any specialists for my pain. Just told me I had to lose weight. Despite the fact that yeah, some of my weight comes from my binging disorder, I don't exercise because of how much pain I'm in all the time (which I have had since I was young. I'm talking 9-10 years old when it started).
But the point is that a doctor actually recognized something wrong and didn't blame it on my weight. This is such a nice moment of visibility. If I do have EDS then I can get disability for it and then get a mobility aid covered by insurance.
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swasli · 4 days
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"Experience the convenience of our Mobile X-ray services, bringing advanced imaging directly to you with AG Mobile X-ray. Quality care, anywhere.
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a-little-revolution · 2 months
Hi - I'm a relatively new follower, but I love the variety in what you put out.
I work in healthcare and regularly give talks on very basic disability concepts (why eugenics is wrong, how to get AAC access in hospitals, shut the hell up about parents' rights, don't use slurs in educational talks, etc.).
Is there anything you'd recommend specifically for doctors, nurses, and other care providers in terms of a) not creating problems, and b) actually providing quality healthcare for little people? Assume the target audience knows nothing.
Hello! Welcome!! Thank you so much, I try ^^
I gave a talk a while ago on trans inclusive healthcare, and included a lot of disability related things since there's plenty of intersection. As I'm sure you know, the medical system still has a long way to go when it comes to treating disabled folk (and frankly anyone who isn't a thin, white, cishet male).
With dwarfism specifically, the learning curve is astronomical - here's my thoughts: (And note, I am someone who's had roughly fourteen surgeries, countless scans, and endless doctors visits - so I think I can call myself an expert lol)
The first thing is just establishing basic knowledge on dwarfism - how it presents in a person, how it affects mobility and range of motion, what the terminology is etc. Knowing the related conditions is vital as well - my Achondroplasia for instance comes with sleep apnea, respiratory conditions, arthritis, club foot, loose knees, etc. I'm often the expert on my own condition, but I shouldn't have to be relied on as a teacher in traumatic situations.
Make waiting rooms, doctor's offices, surgical rooms, etc. accessible to those bellow 5 feet! Most of the time I cannot get up on an exam table as they are too high and I am not provided a stool without making a special request. The same goes for xray tables, gurneys, etc. I cannot express the frustration of coming into every medical room and not being able to sit or lay down without assistance.
Respect and autonomy are big things that get missed - assumptions that my life isn't worth living, that my pain isn't real, that I don't participate in daily activities, that I don't have sex or want children etc. are just some of the misconceptions I come across with medical professionals and their assistants. Last year during and x-ray was the first time a medical professional ASKED before touching me.
For now this is what I can think of, I thank you for your patience as I do have CPTSD from my medical trauma. I've talked more on being a patient with dwarfism here! Hope this helps!
-Elliot (they/them)
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thedisablednaturalist · 8 months
If you have mysterious chronic pain and have the means, here's a list of doctors you should see other than your primary and a rheumatologist:
Neurologist and/or sleep specialist
Pain management doctor (also sometimes called pain and spine doctor)
Therapist that specializes in helping physically disabled people (having chronic illness sucks and you need someone to talk to)
Psychiatrist (most people with chronic illness also need psychiatric meds)
Physical therapy or rehabilitation center that specifically has procedures for chronic illnesses. My chiropractor acts as this for me but I'd only recommend that as a last resort. If you have something like fibromyalgia or ehler dahlos syndrome you need to be very careful with how you stretch and how much exercise you do. My chiropractor has special exercise equipment that is very gentle and has a lot of padding to reduce pain.
ENT (Ears, nose, throat doctor)
A primary care doctor will at most only perform blood tests. Many illnesses do not show up on these blood tests. You want to get checked for rheumatoid arthritis, lyme disease, and lupus. Even if your doctor tells you it's because your vitamin d level or iron is too low, I would still recommend further testing.
They'll most likely refer you to a rheumatologist regardless, but unless you actually have arthritis I wouldn't rely on them too much. Mine charged too much for a 10 minute appointment where all she did was give me meds and would not discuss any other treatment or management options. She also laughed at me when I asked about a mobility device. It might just be I had a bad experience but it seems like those doctors are just given chronic illness patients cause no one else wants them.
You need to get your spine looked at. An MRI is essential. At the very least get an xray of your neck and spine. A neurologist or pain + spine doctor will most likely order one.
Neurologists will check your nerves and brain function. They'll check if your nerves are overly sensitive or unresponsive. You'll get stabbed and shocked a lot.
Pain and spine doctors are the ones who will give you pain medicine. It will not be immediate. They will need to examine you (MRI) and try other medications and treatments first. This is because insurance is not going to pay for stronger drugs until you've exhausted other options. You'll most likely start with something like duloxotine, gabapentin, prescription NSAIDs, and/or muscle relaxers. Once my results came in from the MRI I was given steroid shots in my spine. They will give them in different spots first to see which spot is most effective, so don't worry if it only works one time and not the others. I cannot stress the importance of having this type of doctor on your care team. Being able to have the power to manage my pain has helped so much. This is also the doctor that signed my form for my handicapped parking permit.
Sleep studies are expensive, but sleep is extremely important for your quality of life. So many people have sleep apnea and don't know it. CPAP machines today are really quiet and comfortable. This will be essential for tackling chronic fatigue.
An ENT doctor is only if you end up having sleep apnea or have any issues with your sinuses. I had to go and get my nose fixed because even with my cpap I still wasn't getting enough air.
You need to have some way of moving your body. Only do this after you are already on a treatment plan. It's hard to do things like exercise when you are still dealing with pain and fatigue. Doctors will want you to do physical therapy first but that's not a good idea because you won't stick with it due to pain. You need to deal with the underlying problems before working on stuff like exercise and nutrition. Able bodied young people who don't exercise and don't eat well are not in constant pain, so you shouldn't be either. If they tell you to lose weight drop the doctor, that's a cop out response.
I haven't reached the step to get a nutritionist, but changing what foods you eat and when can really help with pain management. You also may find that something you eat is exacerbating your symptoms.
With my insurance plan I can pretty much call up a doctor and make an appointment without a referral. I know some plans need referrals, so either call your insurance for one or get your primary care doctor to give you one. Idk how this works for medicare but I think you can just make an appointment with anyone who takes medicare.
I have not been able to obtain a script for a mobility device from any of my doctors. If you have a type of doctor you'd recommend for that please chime in. I've heard occupational therapists are the way to go though but still need to look into that myself.
Also do not feel bad if you cannot afford these. It is not your fault. Healthcare especially in the USA fucking sucks. This is mostly only useful for people who are in the investigative stage who have insurance. I'm not saying "oh just do yoga". Your pain is not your fault, and it can take a long time to figure out a plan that's right for you. I didn't know what doctors I was supposed to see when I started out, and was just given to a rheumatologist since there isn't a fibromyalgia doctor. I only had blood tests at that point. Hopefully this helps people save time and make sure they can fully investigate the cause of their pain (or at least how to manage it better)
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matchakuracat · 1 month
got the results back from the xrays on my hands and feet and they came back "completely normal" :(
i thought i could finally stop having to fight for doctors to listen to me, that i could finally have some physical proof instead of just my word.
idk where to go from here. im just so tired and my pain and mobility is worse than ever.
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offender42085 · 11 months
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Post 988
Before and After....
Because the inmate attempted to bring drugs into the jail using a cigar tube hidden in a body cavity, the Sheriff decided to invest in a full body scan machine...
Shad Allan Martin, Ohio SID C954588, born 1977, incarceration intake in 2016 at age 39, released
Introducing Contraband into a Correctional Facility
In August 2018, a Mineral Wells, Ohio man who expressed deep remorse when he pleaded guilty to smuggling drugs into the Washington County Jail in 2017 successfully applied for judicial release after serving half of a 36-month sentence.
Shad Martin, 39, made a brief appearance in Washington County Common Pleas Court. Judge Mark Kerenyi granted his request for judicial release after Washington County Prosecutor Kevin Rings said he had no objections.
Martin will spend three years under community control.
Martin was a drug user who had been clean for several years and was a founder of the Latrobe Street Mission in Parkersburg, West Virginia; which is an evening safe place for homeless men that included emergency assistance and addiction counseling. At his sentencing in April 2017, he told Kerenyi he had relapsed in late 2013 after being clean for four years.
He was arrested on charges of possession of drugs and trafficking in December 2014. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve out his sentence on weekends in the Washington County Jail, but in May 2016 he was found in possession of drugs hidden in a body cavity when he checked in. 
The Jail Administrator, Greg Nohe, at the time said that when Martin came in for his commitment they took him in for an interview. The interview prompted by confidential sources notifying the jail that inmates had been bringing in drugs.
Martin denied bringing in any drugs to the facility, and that's when Nohe says they proceeded to x-ray him. "We were able to set up a mobile xray machine, which detected that Martin had some sort of obstruction in his bowels. When reapproached Martin indicated that he did have an item stuck in his rectum. He identified the item as a cigar tube," says Nohe.
The cigar tube was filled with marijuana, heroin, a syringe, rolling papers and a sleep aide.
Martin said he and his family had been threatened by two other prisoners with violence unless he agreed to smuggle the drugs into the jail.
Martin supported his claims with a video from the jail showing him being beaten by two other inmates.
An assistant county prosecutor at the time, Kelly Hamilton, told the court at Martin’s sentencing in April 2017 that his office would not oppose judicial release after Martin served 18 months provided he met standard conditions.
Because Martin had attempted to bring the drugs into the jail using a cigar tube hidden in a body cavity, Washington County Sheriff Larry Mincks decided to invest in a full body scan machine for the jail.
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violetcheekedconure · 2 months
Beltorze started having leg weakness on Monday in his right leg making it hard for him to climb. He was brought to the emergency avian vet. He had bloodwork (waiting on it) and is preemptively scheduled for an xray next week when results are back. A physical exam showed that he’s a good weight, healthy feathers, normal feces, and behaviorally functioning normally (eating, drinking, talking, preening). He was given a super low dose of pain medication but his symptoms aren’t resolving so it’s unlikely a sprain. According to the vet, this could very possibly be a result of the kidneys or a tumor compressing on his sciatic nerve, causing mobility issues in that leg. The blood tests will tell us more when they come in, followed by the xray. I rushed ordered on Amazon some wider perches and a large seagrass woven net to help him navigate his cage to prevent falling.
I love my little green man very much, the idea of something being wrong with his health has me in shambles. I’ve had him 11 years, so of course he’s starting to get older and let bird genetics aren’t always great. I’ll have more information in about a week. I posted my Venmo and cashapp in my profile if anyone wants to donate towards this, there’s no pressure there, but I’m assuming the vet bills won’t stop at the blood work and xrays.
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disabled-stuck · 4 months
Not a request but a fun thing I would like to share
Around a year ago I received my first proper cane for free
It was abandoned by someone for years in a gas station I was working at for under six months and the doctor who xrayed my knees told me to look into mobility aids as it turned out I was born with my knees in the wrong spot my whole life and never knew
I already had a cane by this point but it wasn't a very good one and I've never felt justified in buying a newer more comfortable one
I didn't know what the small metal ring was for on the handle and I still don't to be frank so I've been hanging bag clips on it for a while now to accessorize and right now it's one of those Minecraft creeper shaker charms from Five And Below
As I type this I think I finally figured out it's meant to be some form of strap to hold the cane but I don't think I've seen that on any of the canes in stores? Maybe I'll upgrade to a short lanyard or even make a beaded bracelet to spice things up
oh awesome. ive seen some pretty cool clip on wrist straps online!
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