#modern gAyU
gaya3 · 17 days
Unveiling Versatility: 5 Unique Fashion Designer Archetypes":
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versatility is a prized attribute that sets designers apart. Let's take a closer look at five unique archetypes of fashion designers, each characterized by their distinctive approach and creative vision and lets see designs by gayu further more for different types of fashion designers.
The Trendsetting Pioneer: Leading the charge in setting trends and shaping the fashion landscape, the trendsetting pioneer is a visionary force to be reckoned with. With an innate sense of intuition and foresight, they anticipate the needs and desires of the fashion-forward clientele. Their designs exude innovation and originality, often setting the tone for entire seasons and influencing global fashion trends.
The Couture Artisan: Merging the realms of fashion and art, the couture artisan is a master craftsman renowned for their impeccable attention to detail and exquisite craftsmanship. Each creation is a labor of love, meticulously handcrafted to perfection using the finest materials and techniques. Their designs epitomize luxury and exclusivity, captivating discerning clientele with their opulent beauty and timeless elegance.
The Streetwear Visionary: Embracing the ethos of urban culture and street style, the streetwear visionary revolutionizes the fashion scene with their edgy and unconventional designs. Inspired by the vibrant energy of the streets, they infuse their creations with elements of subversion and rebellion. From graphic tees to statement sneakers, their designs resonate with a younger generation seeking self-expression and individuality.
The Haute Bohemian: Channeling the free-spirited allure of bohemian culture, the haute bohemian designer is a purveyor of effortless chic and laid-back luxury. Their designs exude a sense of wanderlust and nomadic charm, featuring flowing silhouettes, eclectic prints, and artisanal embellishments. With a penchant for mixing high and low elements, they create a bohemian-luxe aesthetic that resonates with the modern-day nomad.
The Tech-Driven Innovator: Embracing the intersection of fashion and technology, the tech-driven innovator pioneers groundbreaking advancements in wearable tech and futuristic design. Their creations seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology with fashion-forward aesthetics, blurring the lines between form and function. From smart fabrics to interactive garments, their designs push the boundaries of what is possible, offering glimpses into a bold new future of fashion.
In summary, the world of fashion design is a diverse and multifaceted landscape, populated by a rich tapestry of creative visionaries. From the trendsetting pioneer to the tech-driven innovator, each unique archetype brings their own distinct perspective and contribution to the ever-evolving realm of fashion, shaping the way we dress and express ourselves in the modern world.
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konveksijas · 1 year
BEST SELLER!! 0896-3577-7335, Konveksi baju seragam partai demokrat di Gayu Lues ,konveksi baju partai golkar di Gayu Lues
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0896-3577-7335 baju partai ummat, kaos partai ummat, kemeja partai ummat, Karina Adalah Pusat Konveksi Baju Murah....!!! Kami pusat produksi konveksi baju didaerah Gayu Lues Aceh menyediakan berbagai keperluan baju antara lain: Baju sekolah Baju kerja Baju Organisasi Baju event Jaket Baju Almamater Baju polos Kemeja Baju polo Bisa custom untuk berbagai baju atau sesuai request anda lokasi kami berada di Gayu Lues - Aceh Siap kirim ke seluruh indonesia Harga yang kami berikan lebih murah dan juga bahannya berkualitas More info hubungi: Karina Konveksi WA/Call: 0896-3577-7335 kaos partai murah, kaos partai murah di depok, kaos partai modern, kaos partai nasdem, kemeja partai nasdem, baju seragam partai nasdem #bajupartai, #bajupartaimurah, #bajupartaibesar, #bajupartaimurahpekalongan, #bajupartaimurahpontianak, #bajupartaiapayaa, #bajupartaianaksolo, #bajupartaibersarpartaikecil, #bajupartaiemas
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meteor752 · 3 years
Modern Star Wars gAyU gang made in picrew, cuz why tf not
I only the non-humans ones, because those are more fun, so yeah, here we are
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Plo Koon
I am not too satisfied with him, but it was the best I could do. Plo is Latino, he’s from Colombia, he’s gay and he is just a general cool dude. I think he looks a bit too feminine here, but his usual hairstyle is a loose ponytail, and if you put a ponytail on a guy then he automatically looks like a girl, but I did what I could.
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Kit Fisto
Here’s Kit, who I really liked how he turned out. Kit is from the Philippines, he’s trans and Bi, and he’s a fashion disaster, as you can see. The only thing keeping him from total fashion catastrophe is his bestie Aayla.
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Aayla Secura
This one I also liked. Aayla is half Korean, she’s from France, she’s a lesbian and a total boss. If she was in a teen movie she would be the Queen Bee. She has way better Fashion sense than her bestie Kit, and is trying her best with him. Why is she wearing a Beret? Because she’s French and I said so.
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Shaak Ti
I had to remake Shaak like four times because I was not satisfied with her look, but I think I finally got it. Shaak is African American, her parents are from Nigeria, she’s an Asexual Lesbian, and she’s that bitch. She can be really badass and intimidating, but only when she wants to. Kids adore her.
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Luminara Unduli
I really like how she look, like I’m proud. Luminara is a Muslim from Pakistan, she’s Bisexual, she can be kinda cold when you first meet her but she’s really kind and a great mom. She’s real good friends with Obi-Wan, and when their kids were young they used to trade baby pictures all the time
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Ahsoka Tano
Had some problems with her as well, this is my third one, but I think it turned out alright in the end. Ahsoka is African American, originally from South Africa, she’s a lesbian and a total womanizer. Always has a gal crushing on her, despite that gal being straight. It may have something to do with the fact that she is very buff
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Barriss Unduli (Offee)
I kinda like how she looks, like I’m proud. Barriss is a Half Paki Muslim, she’s gay, and she’s quite calm in contrast to her best friend Ahsoka. She’s not the most outspoken person there is, but is glad to have her friend to do it for her. She’s actually kind of a prankster, but shhh tell no one.
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Maul Opress
I couldn’t find anything that would fit his face tattoos, so he has freckles. Maul Opress is half African American, his dad is from Kenya and his mom from Romania, he’s pansexual and a very troubled kid. He’s from a very abusive household, and the only thing keeping him sane is his brother, his cousin and his friends.
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Asajj Ventress
Is Asajj human? Or is she non-human? Idk, I made her anyways. Asajj is Caucasian and born in Romania, she’s pansexual and trans, and is always going through a rebellious phase. After the death of her mother she moved in with her uncle Dooku who was very much not ready to take care of a child, so her childhood was not the greatest, but he tried his best.
The Picrew is made by @djarn and it’s really good and I recommend using it
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adeirwansyah · 4 years
ARTIKEL FILM: Menengok Kritik Film Indonesia Masa Lampau
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image credit: Twitter Arie Kriting @Arie_Kriting, 29 April 2017, 08.00 PM.
Oleh Ade Irwansyah
Kehadiran film di negeri ini tidak dimulai oleh kritik, melainkan iklan. Pemutaran film pertama di Indonesia (waktu itu masih disebut Hindia Belanda) pada 5 Desember 1900 diawali dengan iklan di koran. Ini wajar. Sebab, kritik film baru dimulai ketika film selesai. Tidak mungkin kritik film hadir lebih dulu dari filmnya.
Sejak permulaan abad ke-20, perhatian pers pada film sudah ada. Asrul Sani menulis di jurnal Prisma tahun 1990, “kritik film di Indonesia sejak semula selalu berada di tangan wartawan dan dengan demikian tidak lepas dari pekerjaan wartawan: yaitu melaporkan sesuatu yang baru, dalam pengertian si penulis lebih banyak menekankan aspek kebaruannya daripada aspek kelanggengannya sebagai hasil karya seorang sineas.” 
Karena kritik diperlakukan tak ubahnya berita, “kritik-kritik awal tentang film lebih banyak memberitakan isi cerita film tersebut dan nama-nama pemainnya.”
Beberapa wartawan terkemuka awal abad 20 juga terjun jadi sineas, sebagai penulis skenario hingga sutradara.  Sekadar menyebut contoh, Albert Balink seorang sineas yang membuat film Pareh (1935) dan Terang Boelan (1937) dulunya adalah wartawan De Locomotief (Semarang) yang sering menulis tentang film. Lalu ada pula Andjar Asmara. Ia pernah menjadi wartawan berbagai koran dan majalah terjun ke dunia film di tahun 1940. Ia jadi sutradara perusahaan film JIF (Java Industrial film) di Jakarta. 
Sosok lain adalah Kwee Tek Hoay, sastrawan sekaligus wartawan terkemuka. Ia tergolong kritikus yang kerap menulis tajam. Film Resia Borobudur  (1928) dikritik keras begini, “tidak perloe moesti orang djoestain dengan begitoe kasar, karena penonton jang ada poeja pengertian soedah tentoe mendjadi jemoe.” (Panorama, taon ka-3, no 136, 20 Juli 1939). Yang dimaksud “djoesta” adalah bagian dialog yang berpanjang-panjang hingga menjemukan. Seperti Balink dan Andjar Asmara, Kwee Tek Hoay juga kemudian menjadi sineas. Film yang ceritanya ia tulis antara lain Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang (1931), diangkat dari novelnya. 
Selepas merdeka penuh akhir 1940-an, film Indonesia memasuki masa keemasan tahun 1950-an baik sebagai karya seni maupun kritiknya. Di masa ini untuk pertama kalinya sejak  lahir di bumi Nusantara film diapresiasi lewat penghargaan dan perayaan bernama Festival Film Indonesia, tahun 1955. Di tahun 1950-an pula puncak pencapaian film sebagai karya seni terjadi. Banyak kalangan menilai film terbaik Indonesia sepanjang masa adalah Lewat Djam Malam karya Usmar Ismail, rilis tahun 1954. Filmnya berkisah tentang seorang bekas tentara bernama Iskandar (A.N. Alcaff) yang gagal menyesuaikan diri dalam masyarakat setelah bergerilya sekian tahun. Sitor Situmorang, dalam kritik filmnya, memuji film itu “… sudah sampai pada taraf yang dicapai oleh sastra dan puisi Indonesia modern dan seni lukis, dalam hal sikap kejiwaan terhadap kejadian dan perasaan manusia sekarang…”
Kritik film juga berkembang pesat di tahun 1950-an. Bahkan Zainal AN mencatat “sejarah kritik film di Indonesia baru dimulai sekitar awal tahun ’50-an.”  Semakin banyak media yang menaruh perhatian pada perfilman. Soal film di antaranya banyak ditulis di media cetak macam majalah Aneka. Zainal menyebut kritikus film tahun 1950-an antara lain Usmar Ismail (selain jadi sineas, Usmar juga aktif menulis soal film), Hamildy T. Djamil, Bus Bustami, Rasyid Abdul Latief, Lingga Wisnu, Misbach Yusa Biran, Purwana dan lainnya.  
Antara akhir 1950-an sampai pertengahan 1960-an, kritikus film juga lahir dari dunia pers. Dalam catatan Zainal, penulis kritik film masa itu antara lain Zulharmans, Chaidir Rachman, Hadikamajaya, Harmoko, J.S. Hadis, Setia Darma, Setyadi Tryman. Sedangkan media yang memberi tempat pada kritik film antara lain Berita Minggu, Pos Indonesia, Hari Minggu, Berita Republik, Pikiran Rakyat, Indonesia Raya, Abadi, Siasat, Star Weekly, Surat Kabar Pedoman dll.  Lalu ada pula Gayus Siagian. Ia sineas (menulis skenario beberapa film-film Usmar Ismail) yang juga kritikus film. 
Memasuki masa Demokrasi Terpimpin situasi politik yang memanas merambah perfilman. Film sebagai karya seni individual mendapat tentangan keras dari politisi dan seniman berhaluan kiri (baca: PKI dan Lekra). Bagi golongan kiri, seni—dan demikian juga film—harus didedikasikan bagi “revolusi yang belum selesai.” Di sini politik jadi panglima bagi setiap ragam seni. Apa yang digelorakan seniman Lekra dan PKI itu mendapat reaksi lewat Manifes Kebudayaan (lazim disebut Manikebu) pada 1963.  
Seniman masa itu terbagi dalam dua kubu, pengusung “politik adalah panglima” dan aliran realisme-sosialis-nya dengan penganjur Manikebu dan pandangan humanisme universal-nya. Film pun tak luput dari sasaran tembak. Film yang dianggap “beraroma” humanisme universal ditentang keras media milik golongan kiri. Karenanya, kritik film era itu, terutama di media berhaluan kiri atau yang resmi milik PKI, mengecam film-film yang mengandung pesan—entah tersirat atau tersurat—dari  “golongan Manikebuis”. 
Contoh jelasnya terjadi pada Pagar Kawat Berduri (1963). Harian berhaluan kiri Bintang Timur (edisi 14 Maret 1963) mengkritik film Asrul Sani itu dengan judul “Kita Minta Perhatian Serius Bung Karno Terhadap Film Pagar Kawat Berduri” yang dinilai sebagai “… mempertegas watak tanggapannya tentang Revolusi Indonesia… dan jahatnya prinsip ‘Humanisme Universil’-nya Asrul mengebiri patriotisme dan heroisme pejuang-pejuang revolusi…”  Harian Warta Bhakti menulis begini: “Dalam Pagar Kawat Berduri ada pembela imperialis dan kolonialis… (Film itu) harus dinilai kembali supaya tidak telanjur banyak yang merasa terhina.”  
Filmnya kemudian disita dan diteliti militer—bahkan diteliti Sukarno sendiri. Namun kemudian boleh beredar luas tanpa gunting sensor sedikitpun. Hiruk pikuk “politik adalah panglima” ini berakhir seiring peristiwa G30S di tahun 1965, pembubaran PKI, pembunuhan massal dan pemenjaraan anggota serta simpatisan PKI (termasuk seniman-senimannya) selama 1965-1967, dan lahirnya Orde Baru.  
Ketika Orde Baru Soeharto mencapai stabilitasnya di tahun 1970-an film Indonesia berkembang pesat.  Stabilitas politik dan ekonomi (apalagi setelah Indonesia dapat untung dari booming harga minyak di tahun ’70-an) menyuburkan industri film dari segi kuantitas. Film Indonesia diproduksi puluhan judul per tahun. Lantas, bagaimana kualitasnya? 
Nah, di sini kritikus film berperan. Kritikus banyak mengalamatkan kritik tajam pada film-film Indonesia. Goenawan Mohamad menulis, “film-film Indonesia masa ini [tahun ’70-an—pen.] terkenal karena kostum cemerlang hingga mengesankan suasana butik dan lalu-lintas peragawati, juga mobil-mobil gemerlap, juga rumah-rumah yang dipajang dan dilengkapi benda-benda kemilau, juga hiburan malam yang lazimnya berlangsung di sekitar night-club, dan juga lanskap kota—biasanya Jakarta—yang mengandung simbol ‘metropolitan.’”  Film Indonesia telah kembali pada “dosa asal”-nya, hanya sebagai barang dagangan yang menghibur. Hiburan ini utamanya pula buat kaum miskin di perkotaan. Mereka disuguhi mimpi jadi orang kaya lewat film. 
Kondisi ini menimbulkan rasa khawatir. Salim Said, kritikus film yang bergiat di tahun ’70-an, menulis di tahun 1975, “maju mundurnya kritik tergantung sepenuhnya pada maju mundurnya sang objek… Lewat karya-karya seni yang makin matanglah seorang kritikus bisa memerlihatkan kebolehannya.”  Artinya, bila film-film yang lahir melulu film-film hiburan penjual mimpi, sulit muncul kritik yang bermutu. Yang muncul malah kritik yang menggerutu. Itupun hanya dianggap angin lalu. 
Alhasil, kritik film juga mengalami kemundurannya di zaman Orde Baru. Asrul Sani menulis di tahun 1990 kalau “kritik film kita belum berhasil menemukan sikap yang tepat yang sesuai dengan tugasnya, yaitu menjadi pandu untuk orang banyak dalam memilih film baik dan membantu seorang sineas menyadari kekurangannya.”  
Lalu, dalam sejarah film dunia sejumlah pertumbuhan gaya baru pembuatan film justru dimulai dari kritik film. Dalam sinema Perancis gerakan New Wave (gelombang baru) atau  Nouvelle Vague dimulai kritikus film Francis Truffaut dan kawan-kawannya yang kemudian dibuktikan lewat membuat film sendiri. Hal semacam itu tak pernah terjadi dalam sejarah kritik sinema kita.   
Yang kita lihat kini sebuah keriuhan. Media sosial memungkinkan kritik film muncul dalam 140 karakter di Twittter, atau dalam bentuk posting di Path dan Facebook. Sekarang semua orang adalah tukang kritik. Tapi, bila hanya jadi tukang kritik, buat apa? ***
Bahan Bacaan
Asrul Sani, “Perkembangan Film Indonesia dan Kualitas Penonton”, dalam Prisma No.5, Tahun XIX 1990.
Goenawan Mohamad, “Film Indonesia: Catatan Tahun 1974”, dimuat dalam Goenawan Mohamad, Seks, Sastra, dan Kita, Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1981.
JB Kristanto, Katalog Film Indonesia 1926-2007, Penerbit Nalar, Jakarta, 2006.
Salim Said, Pantulan Layar Putih, Pustaka Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1991.
Zainal AN, tulisan tanpa judul dalam Festival Film Indonesia: Buku Kritik Film Indonesia 1982-1983, PWI Jaya Seksi Film, Teater, dan Kebudayaan—Badan Pelaksana FFI 1983, Jakarta, 1983.
*) Artikel ini saya tulis untuk dimuat di buku Usmar Ismail Awards 2017. Di ajang pemilihan film terbaik oleh wartawan tersebut, saya menjadi salah satu jurinya. 
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tellytantra · 5 years
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Episode starts with Kartik thinking of Mihir’s words. Naira comes and hugs him. She says meeting went well, I got a day off, we will be spending time together, tell me how to thank you, half credit goes to you, tell me how will we celebrate. He says I m thinking about business, go home, I will go office, sorry. She thinks why is he talking like this. She says don’t put our marriage in trouble because of this. At office, he checks his designs. He asks the man to make the sketches again with a modern touch. Dadi says I m happy seeing all bahus keeping their duties so well. Naira apologizes to her. She says I can manage house and work. Dadi says you have to focus on relations first. Suwarna says I m proud of Naira, she manages everything with ease, I wish you and Kartik work well, Gayu you and Samarth also become friends and spend time to know each other. Gayu nods. Manish calls out Suwarna. Naira asks her to go and give time to her husband. He says Kartik, Naira and Akhilesh will manage the office, doctor said I have much time to rest, I want to spend time with you. He says I have many plans to spend time with family, I mean I want to live life well, life is something to spend with loved ones. Suwarna says I was telling the same to Naira and Gayu. He says Kartik and Naira have good understanding, I will talk to mum about them. Naira says he is busy, but I can go office. She makes a cake. Krish cries. Kirti takes help from Lacchi. Devyaani says wait, I will go and get it, she won’t know it. Kirti says no, I will get it, its okay. Devyaani asks Lacchi to cut two apples. Bhabhimaa says I understand everything, why are you doubting her. Devyaani says I couldn’t know my own child, what can I know others. Bhabhimaa says not everyone is like Naman, you can’t leave trusting others. Kirti looks on. Naira gets the cake for Kartik. He says let me work. She asks are you annoyed with me. He says I m annoyed and ashamed, you got scolded because of my idea. She says no, you just gave me suggestions, you can still suggest me, thanks for always supporting me, I made this cheese cake to thank you and celebrate. He says sorry, I didn’t see it, we shall have it later, I will work now. She gets sad and takes the cake. He stops her. Lights get on. Naira looks around and smiles. Rahatein…plays…. They dance. He says you said you learnt everything from me, didn’t you learn that romance emergency can come anywhere anytime. He holds her close and says we will have cheese cake now. They cut the cake and eat. Its morning, they go out to family and talk about mangoes. Naira reminds Kartik about mango romance. She says we should have a competition, one who doesn’t stop eating mangoes will win. The family laughs. They begin the competition. The fun moments begin. Everyone sees Dadi and laugh. Naira wins and happily dances. She says look your wife is better than you. Kartik recalls the lady’s words. Manish says winner gets a trophy. He gives a big mango to Naira. They laugh. Kartik signs Naira. Lav says its not fair, you always win. Kartik goes. Akhilesh says wait, we got email of a big order, they are giving us 50% advance, our financial condition will be good. Dadi and Manish get happy. Kartik gets angry recalling Mihir’s words. He washes his face and says I would never give wrong advice to Naira, different clients have different thinking, I don’t care what Mihir thinks. Precap:Naira gets praised in the event. Kartik sits back. Everyone looks on. Update Credit to: Amena
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althclothbdg-blog · 6 years
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"Novel Ziarah telah diterjemahkan ke dalam beberapa bahasa. Harry Aveling menerjemahkan novel itu ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Novel itu juga sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Melayu (Malaysia), ke dalam bahasa Prancis, dan ke dalam bahasa Jerman. . Pernyataan H.B. Jassin, kritikus terkemuka Indonesia, sangat mendorong terbitnya novel Ziarah di Penerbit Djambatan. Jassin mengatakan bahwa amat sulit merumuskan permasalahan dalam novel Ziarah. Walaupun demikian, ia mengatakan bahwa gaya novel ini sangat modern, sederhana, dan meniadakan yang tidak perlu. Diperlukan waktu untuk dapat menghargai novel Ziarah. Novel Ziarah merupakan halaman baru pernovelan dalam kesusastraan Indonesia. . Gayus Siagian, salah seorang kritikus Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa Ziarah adalah salah satu novel yang menarik, tetapi diperlukan suatu pengetahuan psikologis untuk dapat memahaminya. Penulisnya menempatkan tokoh-tokohnya di depan sebuah kaca gila, dalam proporsi dan dimensi yang tidak biasa. . Kritikus lain yang melihat keistimewaan Ziarah itu adalah Dami N. Toda (1974) yang melihat persamaan Ziarah dengan karya-karya sastrawan Prancis yang bernama Camus sehingga ia menamakannya sebagai novel yang absurd. Umar Yunus (1986) mengatakan bahwa novel Ziarah adalah novel pembaharuan. Dengan Ziarah putuslah tradisi dengan yang lama, dan mulailah lembaran yang boleh dikatakan baru sama sekali." Sumber: http://ensiklopedia.kemdikbud.go.id/sastra/artikel/Ziarah | Ensiklopedia Sastra Indonesia - Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia . . 📷 @dusone #iwansimatupang#ziarah#absurdity#existentialism#althclothbdgquotes#althclothbdg#kaostokohalthclothbdg#kaosbukualthclothbdg#kaostokohdanbuku#althalogue#bandung#jawabarat#indonesia#buku#bibliophile#bookworm#booklovers#bookaddict#pecintabuku#kaosfilsafat#kaostasawuf#kaossains#kaossastra#kaosmusik#kaosseni#kaosbudaya#kaosquotes#kaoskomunitas#kaostokoh#kaosbuku
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Dasar Pro Koruptor! Habib Rizieq Diuber, Puluhan Buron Koruptor Kabur ke Luar Negeri Dicuekin
Dasar Pro Koruptor! Habib Rizieq Diuber, Puluhan Buron Koruptor Kabur ke Luar Negeri Dicuekin
Dasar Pro Koruptor! Habib Rizieq Diuber, Puluhan Buron Koruptor Kabur ke Luar Negeri Dicuekin
Harianpublik.com – Saat ini, hampir semua orang meneriakkan agar Habib Rizieq pulang dan ‘mempertanggungjawabkan’ chat Whatsapp-nya dengan Firza Husein.
Banjir cacian dan hujatan kepada Habib, lebih banyak disuarakan oleh kelompok anti FPI yang notabene pro Ahok dan Jokowi, dan beberapa nama dan pihak yang memang sudah kondang menjadi seteru abadi FPI dan kelompok Islam “garis keras”. Sebut saja nama beberapa pentolan Jaringan Islam Liberal yang terus bercuit tanpa henti menagih kepulangan Habib Rizieq dari tanah suci.
Anehnya, mereka, para penghujat Habib Rizieq, lupa bahwa ada sejumlah besar buron, bahkan menurut rilis ICW mencapai puluhan orang, pelarian kasus korupsi dengan nilai fantastis yang secara moralitas tentu tak lebih baik daripada Habib Rizieq.
Ketika disodori data buron kasus korupsi, mereka umumnya terdiam dan enggan untuk membahasnya. Apakah ini artinya mereka pro koruptor?
Sekedar pengingat, ICW mencatat, sejak 2001 ada 45 orang terduga koruptor yang kabur ke luar negeri. Mereka seperti hilang ditelan bumi dan kasusnya seperti tenggelam.
“Ini merupakan daftar terduga, tersangka, terdakwa, terpidana, dugaan perkara korupsi yang diduga telah dan pernah melarikan diri ke luar negeri dari 2001 hingga saat ini,” ujar aktivis ICW Tama S Langkun kepada Kompas.com di Jakarta, Ahad, 3 Juli 2011.
Singapura adalah tujuan favorit karena Indonesia belum memiliki perjanjian ekstradisi dengan negara itu. Dari Singapura, beberapa di antara lalu pergi ke negara-negara lain. Berikut daftar 45 orang yang terjerat hukum Indonesia dan melarikan diri ke luar negeri:
1. Sjamsul Nursalim, terlibat dalam kasus korupsi BLBI Bank BDNI. Perkiraan kerugian negara mencapai Rp 6,9 triliun dan 96,7 juta dollar Amerika. Kasus Sjamsul masih dalam proses penyidikan. Namun kasusnya dihentikan (SP3) oleh Kejaksaan.
2. Bambang Sutrisno, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank Surya. Perkiraan kerugian negara mencapai Rp 1,5 triliun. Proses hukum berjalan di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Bambang lari ke Singapura dan Hongkong. Pengadilan memvonis Bambang in absentia.
3. Andrian Kiki Ariawan, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank Surya. Perkiraan kerugian negara mencapai Rp 1,5 triliun. Proses hukum berjalan di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Andrian kabur ke Singapura dan Australia. Pengadilan kemudian memutuskan melakukan vonis in absentia.
4. Eko Adi Putranto, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank BHS. Kasus korupsi Eko ini diduga merugikan negara mencapai Rp 2,659 triliun. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura dan Australia. Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat menjatuhkan vonis in abenstia 20 tahun penjara.
5. Sherny Konjongiang, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank BHS bersama Eko Adi Putranto dan diduga merugikan negara sebesar Rp 2,659 triliun. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura dan Amerika Serikat. Pengadilan menjatuhkan vonis 20 tahun penjara, in absentia.
6. David Nusa Wijaya, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank Servitia. Ia diduga merugikan negara sebesar Rp 1,29 triliun. Sedang dalam proses kasasi. David melarikan diri ke Singapura dan Amerika Serikat. Namun, ia tertangkap oleh Tim Pemburu Koruptor di Amerika.
7. Samadikun Hartono, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank Modern. Dalam kasus ini ia diperkirakan merugikan negara sebesar Rp169 miliar. Kasus Samadikun dalam proses kasasi. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.
8. Agus Anwar, terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank Pelita. Dalam kasus ini ia diperkirakan merugikan negara sebesar Rp. 1,9 triliun Kasusnya saat itu masih dalam proses penyidikan. Saat melarikan diri ke Singapura, ia diberitakan mengganti kewarganegaraan Singapura. Proses selanjutnya tidak jelas.
9. Sujiono Timan, kasus korupsi BPUI. Sujiono diduga merugikan negara 126 juta dollar Amerika. Proses hukum kasasi. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.
10. Maria Pauline, kasus pembobolan BNI. Diperkirakan kerugian negara mencapai Rp 1,7 triliun. Proses hukumnya masih dalam penyidikan dan ditangani Mabes Polri. Maria kabur ke Singapura dan Belanda.
11. GN (mantan direktur dan komisaris PT MBG). Ia menyewa aset BPPN dengan kerugian negara Rp 60 miliar. Kasus masih dalam penyidikan dan dalam penanganan Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.
12. IH (mantan direktur dan komisaris PT MBG). IH menyewa aset BPPN dengan kerugian negara Rp 60 miliar. Kasusnya masih dalam penyidikan dan dalam penanganan Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.
13. SH, (mantan direktur dan komisaris PT MBG). SH menyewa aset BPPN dengan kerugian negara Rp 60 miliar. Kasusnya masih dalam penyidikan dan dalam penanganan Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.
14. HH (mantan direktur dan komisaris PT MBG). HH menyewa aset BPPN dengan kerugian negara Rp 60 miliar. Kasusnya masih dalam penyidikan dan dalam penanganan Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.
15. Djoko S Tjandra, terlibat dalam kasus korupsi Cessie Bank Bali. Kasus ini merugikan negara Rp 546 miliar. Vonis PK 2 tahun penjara. Djoko melarikan diri ke Singapura dan masuk dalam DPO.
16. Gayus Tambunan, terlibat dalam korupsi/suap pajak. Ia merugikan negara sebesar Rp 24 miliar. Putusan pengadilan 7 tahun penjara. Sempat kabur ke Singapura, tetapi berhasil dibujuk oleh Satgas Anti Mafia dan kembali ke tanah air.
17. Anggoro Widjojo, kasus SKRT Dephut. Merugikan negara sebesar Rp 180 miliar. Dalam proses penyidikan ke KPK. Anggoro lari ke Singapura dan masuk dalam DPO.
18. Nunun Nurbaeti, kasus dugaan suap Cek Pelawat pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior BI. Kasus Nunun saat ini dalam tahap penyidikan di KPK. Istri Adang Daradjatun ini masuk dalam DPO. Terakhir dikabarkan ia lari ke Thailand.
19. Robert Dale Mc Cutchen, kasus Karaha Bodas. Rugikan negara senilai Rp 50 miliar. Ia masuk dalam DPO, lari ke Amerika Serikat.
20. Marimutu Sinivasan, kasus korupsi Bank Muamalat. Kasus ini merugikan negara Rp 20 miliar. Masuk dalam proses penyidikan Mabes Polri. Marimutu melarikan diri ke India.
21. Nader Thaher, terlibat kasus korupsi kredit Bank Mandiri oleh PT Siak Zamrud Pusako. Diduga merugikan negara senilai Rp 35 miliar. Nader divonis di Mahkamah Agung 14 tahun penjara. Melarikan diri ke Singapura dan menjadi DPO.
22. Lesmana Basuki, diduga terlibat dalam kasus korupsi Sejahtera Bank Umum (SBU). Dalam kasus ini diduga merugikan negara sebesar Rp 209 miliar dan 105 juta dollar Amerika. Lesmana divonis di Mahkamah Agung 14 tahun penjara. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura dan menjadi DPO. ICW menyatakan tak jelas perkembangan terakhir kasus ini.
23. Tony Suherman, diduga terlibat dalam kasus korupsi Sejahtera Bank Umum (SBU). Dalam kasus ini diduga merugikan negara sebesar Rp 209 miliar dan 105 juta dollar Amerika. Tony divonis 2 tahun penjara. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura dan menjadi DPO. ICW menyatakan tak jelas perkembangan terakhir kasus ini.
24. Hendra Rahardja, terlibat kasus korupsi BLBI Bank BHS. Kasus ini merugikan negara sebesar Rp 2,659 triliun. Ia divonis in absentia seumur hidup di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat. Hendra meninggal di Australia pada 2003, dengan demikian kasus pidananya gugur.
25. Hartawan Aluwi, terlibat kasus Bank Century. Kasus ini merugikan negara Rp 3,11 triliun. Kasus tersebut dalam penyidikan di Mabes Polri, Namun, menurut ICW perkembangan kasus tersebut tak jelas. Ia dikabarkan lari ke Singapura.
26. Hendro Wiyanto, terlibat kasus Bank Century. Kasus ini merugikan negara Rp 3,11 triliun. Kasus tersebut dalam penyidikan di Mabes Polri, Namun, menurut ICW perkembangan kasus tersebut tak jelas. Ia dikabarkan lari ke Singapura.
27. Dewi Tantular, terlibat kasus Bank Century. Kasus ini merugikan negara Rp 3,11 triliun. Kasus tersebut dalam penyidikan di Mabes Polri, Namun, menurut ICW perkembangan kasus tersebut tak jelas. Ia dikabarkan lari ke Singapura.
28. Anton Tantular, terlibat kasus Bank Century. Kasus ini merugikan negara Rp 3,11 triliun. Kasus tersebut dalam penyidikan di Mabes Polri, Namun, menurut ICW perkembangan kasus tersebut tak jelas. Ia dikabarkan lari ke Singapura.
29. Hesyam Al-Waraq, terlibat kasus Bank Century dengan kerugian negara Rp 3,11 triliun. Ia dikabarkan kabur ke Singapura dan Inggris.
30. Rasat Ali Rizfi, terlibat kasus Bank Century dengan kerugian negara Rp 3,11 triliun. Ia dikabarkan kabur ke Singapura dan Inggris.
31. Adelin Lis, terlibat dalam korupsi Kehutanan dengan kerugian negara diperkirakan mencapai Rp 119 miliar. MA memvonis 8 tahun penjara. Ia pergi ke China dan Australia, masuk dalam DPO.
32. Atang Latief terlibat dalam korupsi BLBI Bank Indonesia Raya dengan kerugian negara Rp 155 miliar. Kasus tersebut masih dalam penyelidikan. Atang melarikan diri ke Singapura. Menurut ICW, masih berstatus terduga. Masuk daftar cekal. Proses hukum tidak jelas
33. Edy Tanzil, membobol Bank Bapindo Rp 1,3 triliun melalui perusahaanya PT. Golden Key. Sempat mendekan di LP Cipinang namun melarikan diri pada 4 Mei 1996. Ia dikabarkan lari ke China.
34. Hari Matalata, terlibat dalam kasus ekspor tekstil seniliai Rp 1,6 miliar. Ia divonis di MA. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura dan masuk dalam DPO.
35. Muhammad Nazaruddin, diduga terlibat dalam kasus suap pembangunan wisma atlet Sea Games di Palembang. Diduga, negara dirugikan Rp 25 miliar. Kasus dalam proses penyidikan di KPK. Ia telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka. Ia masuk Singapura pada 23 Mei 2011, sehari sebelum Imigrasi menerbitkan surat pencekalan pada 24 Mei 2011.
36. KKT (Warga Negara Singapura), terlibat dalam dugaan korupsi jaringan komunikasi PT Telkom Divisi Regional Sulawesi Selatan. Ia diduga merugikan negara Rp 44,6 miliar. Kasusnya dalam penyidikan. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura dan masuk daftar DPO.
37. Sukanto Tanoto, terlibat dalam dugaan korupsi wesel ekspor Unibank. Ia diduga merugikan negara sebesar 230 juta dollar Amerika. Ia lari ke Singapura. Menurut ICW, Sukanto masih terduga namun diberitakan menjadi tersangka. Proses hukum tidak jelas. (Nama Sukanto Tanoto dicabut dalam daftar ini. Kasusnya telah selesai.)
38. Lidya Muchtar, terkait kasus BLBI Bank Tamara. Tak tercatat asal perusahaannya. Ia melarikan diri ke China. Kasus tersebut dalam proses penyelidikan. Ia melarikan diri ke Singapura.Menurut ICW masih Lidya terduga. Masuk daftar cekal dan proses hukum tidak jelas.
39. Hendra Liem alias Hendra Lim, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini merugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke China.
40. Hendra alias Hendra Lee, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini merugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke China.
41. Budianto, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini merugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke China.
42. Amri Irawan, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini merugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke China.
43. Rico Santoso, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini rugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke Amerika Serikat.
44. Irawan Salim, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini merugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke Amerika Serikat.
45. Lisa Evijanti Santoso, terlibat dalam kasus Bank Global. Kasus ini rugikan negara 500 ribu dollar Amerika. Kasus ini masih penyidikan di Mabes Polri. Ia melarikan diri ke China.
Daftar di atas dikeluarkan ICW pada tahun 2011. Kini, 6 tahun kemudian, berapa banyak dari orang-orang di daftar tersebut yang sudah diburu dan dipulangkan aparat? [opinibangsa.id / pi]
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gaya3 · 17 days
"Unveiling Versatility: 5 Unique Fashion Designer Archetypes":
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Versatility is a prized attribute that sets designers apart. Let's take a closer look at five unique archetypes of fashion designers, each characterized by their distinctive approach and creative vision which is shown in detail at designs by gayu further more in different types of fashion designers.
The Trendsetting Pioneer: Leading the charge in setting trends and shaping the fashion landscape, the trendsetting pioneer is a visionary force to be reckoned with. With an innate sense of intuition and foresight, they anticipate the needs and desires of the fashion-forward clientele. Their designs exude innovation and originality, often setting the tone for entire seasons and influencing global fashion trends.
The Couture Artisan: Merging the realms of fashion and art, the couture artisan is a master craftsman renowned for their impeccable attention to detail and exquisite craftsmanship. Each creation is a labor of love, meticulously handcrafted to perfection using the finest materials and techniques. Their designs epitomize luxury and exclusivity, captivating discerning clientele with their opulent beauty and timeless elegance.
The Streetwear Visionary: Embracing the ethos of urban culture and street style, the streetwear visionary revolutionizes the fashion scene with their edgy and unconventional designs. Inspired by the vibrant energy of the streets, they infuse their creations with elements of subversion and rebellion. From graphic tees to statement sneakers, their designs resonate with a younger generation seeking self-expression and individuality.
The Haute Bohemian: Channeling the free-spirited allure of bohemian culture, the haute bohemian designer is a purveyor of effortless chic and laid-back luxury. Their designs exude a sense of wanderlust and nomadic charm, featuring flowing silhouettes, eclectic prints, and artisanal embellishments. With a penchant for mixing high and low elements, they create a bohemian-luxe aesthetic that resonates with the modern-day nomad.
The Tech-Driven Innovator: Embracing the intersection of fashion and technology, the tech-driven innovator pioneers groundbreaking advancements in wearable tech and futuristic design. Their creations seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technology with fashion-forward aesthetics, blurring the lines between form and function. From smart fabrics to interactive garments, their designs push the boundaries of what is possible, offering glimpses into a bold new future of fashion.
In summary, the world of fashion design is a diverse and multifaceted landscape, populated by a rich tapestry of creative visionaries. From the trendsetting pioneer to the tech-driven innovator, each unique archetype brings their own distinct perspective and contribution to the ever-evolving realm of fashion, shaping the way we dress and express ourselves in the modern world.
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meteor752 · 3 years
Modern Jedi Gang ethnicities
After writing my latest Plokit I got in the mood of re reading my SW modern gAyU, which made me want to talk a bit about some ethnicities y’all, and also the country I see them coming from. Enjoy I guess.
Obi-Wan: Caucasian, England.
Kinda given tbh. Not much to add her if I’m being honest, so let’s just move on.
Anakin: Caucasian, America
No idea where in America, somewhere hot with a bit of sand preferably, so maybe like Arizona or New Mexico.
Kit: Southeast Asian, Philippines
I don’t know why, I’ve just always seen him as coming from the Philippines. Maybe because one of my bff’s are from there and I’m biased, but I dunno. Maybe because it’s fairly tropical, and Nautolans do have a nice planet in that regard? Also Kit has his hair dyed in green and made into small braids, that he usually just puts in a ponytail
Shaak: African American, America (Parents from Nigeria)
I’ve seen three variations of this character. One is for her to be a Muslim, with the hijab representing her lekku, the second is her having a real heavy tan, and the third is that she’s black. I’ve always liked the third, though the first is okay too. I see her as having white frizzy hair with dark blue ends, and vitiligo over her dark skin. Why Nigeria? I don’t know, tbh, it just happened
Plo: Latino, Colombia
Very little is known about Kel-Dor, so I can’t base anything around that. I was thinking of going with him being Native American instead, but tbh I preferred him being Latino. Why Colimbia? I like Colombia, it’s a cool country alright. I also like imagining Plo having dyed orange hair always up in a ponytail, a pair of sunglasses on his head 24/7, and asthma.
Aayla: Caucasian/Korean, France
I had some real trouble with her, tbh. Like, that she’s French is obvious, but she just didn’t seem fully Caucasian to me, so yeah, she’s half Korean. Aayla probs has her hair dyed blue (Because all of them have dyed hair of course), that she keeps in two braids going from the top of her head to down her back. She speaks with a French accent, but sometimes when she’s mad a bit of Korean slips in there, from her mom’s side of the family
Luminara: South Asian, Pakistan
Yeah this one was obvious as well. I’m pretty sure Miralians are based on Muslims, but I can’t say for certain, but I’ve always seen them like that. Luminara does not have her hair dyed, thank you very much, but she does sometimes wear a hijab that matches her friends’ hair colours, just because.
Depa: South Asian, India.
Well, her actress is Indian, she looks Indian, so yeah she’s Indian, what do you want from me. She also has her natural hair colour, though it is often braided fancifully, again, just because. While she is dead in my modern gAyU, I still felt that I needed to include her here, just because, and also I love her so yeah.
Also I see both Shaak and Obi-Wan as Christian, Plo and Aayla as Jewish, Luminara as a muslim (duh), Depa as Hindu, and Kit and Anakin as atheists.
So yeah, that’s that. Send an ask if you want me to tell more about how I headcanon characters ethnicity, maybe more Star Wars characters or those from other franchises. See ya!
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meteor752 · 3 years
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I’m pretty satisfied with her, I think she turned out good. Had a huge problem with her clothes though, because Aayla’s a fashion diva and I just wear my sisters old clothes, but I think I got it right. I really like the hair tho
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I just needed to blend patterns with him and boom we’re done. Kit was really easy, and he turned out really good if I do say so myself, so yeah. He’s really cute too
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I think Luminara turned out fine, but I’m still hesitant about the Hijab. The sims didn’t have too many alternatives on it, but it really doesn’t look like the one she wears. Meh, beggars can’t be choosers. I love her skirt though.
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Plo was soo much harder than I thought he would be, mostly because the hair I planned on using didn’t come in orange. Plo is meant to have a ponytail, but now his hair is just in a half updo. I also hate what he’s wearing, but male sims are hard ok
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Shaak was the one I was the most scared of, mostly because of her hair. Finding braids or dreads that both worked and looked good was really hard, but I think it turned out okay. Her outfit was kinda easy though
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Barriss’ outfit was really hard you guys, because I used the best skirt on Luminara and I didn’t want them to look the same. Either it looked too bland, or just not like Barriss at all. Finally I settled for this one, but I’m still not satisfied. Barriss was kinda easy to make though, I’m proud of her face.
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You have no idea how many hours I sat and searched for her hair, and it still is far from the hair she actually has. Soka had braids that goes down her back, but this was the best I could. Her face was tricky too, like she has a real firm jaw and chin that did not translate well, so I had to change it a little. Clothing was easy, she just wears a top and a mini skirt. I even gave her the band things she has on her upper arms.
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This was when my computer crashed and Ventress got deleted when I was nearly done, and I contmplated suicide. But I remade her and she looks fine. She also has a hard face to make, because she has like a real firm jaw but the most slim face there is at the same time. I don’t like her pants either, but I could not fot the life of me find any better ones.
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I downloaded Maul’s tattoos, but they failed and I hated everything. Instead I had to use the face tattoos I alreday had, and It looks really weird but we’re moving on. The rest was really easy though, Maul is real skinny and stuff and I feel bad for him, but it made his face easy to make. I gave him that shirt because it kinda looks like how he looks with the colours. And if you’re wondering why is face has red bruises, well that’s because it’s Maul we’re talking about, he probs got into a fight or his mom beat him who knows
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meteor752 · 4 years
Modern gAyU
((Part 4 here))
Let’s get into the romance kids
Barriss started pining on Ahsoka when they were around ten or eleven.
Maul is who made her realize her crush, after a blunt comment which left Barriss with an existential crisis
Ahsoka gains a crush on Barriss at the age of fourteen, and asks her out as quickly as she realizes this
Barriss is shook
And Maul owes Asajj twenty bucks
Ever since the first day of school, the gang has been shipping Artoo and Cee.
They barely knew it themselves, but every time the group had to split for whatever reason, they always put Artoo and Cee together
Artoo eventually did ask Cee out, which gave Cee quite the nervous breakdown when Artoo had rolled away.
Luke helped him a lot, and the two are now dating
After Artoo and Cee got together, Luke started to question his own sexuality and realized that he’s as straight as a circle
The poor boy nervously confessed to his sister, who took it chill and said that he had nothing to worry about, as he had a Bisexual Twin, a Lesbian older sister, a Pan dad and a gay pops.
So Luke came out
And started crushing on Han almost immediately.
What he didn’t know was the Leia did the same, but by being the best sister ever she did an Angelica and played Wingman for her brother
That also resulted in a fun situation as Anakin now had no idea who of the Twins the scruffy kid was together with, and neither Luke nor Leia wanted to tell because it was hilarious.
Ahsoka and Obi-Wan was chilling at the sidelines with a bet
Obi-Wan won that bet.
Asajj got together with a girl named Latts. Nothing to add here, they’re just dating 
Jess and Rey (Later Also Kylo) had tried to set up Poe and Finn for around two to three years
They had started dating a year before that in secret, because it was fun seeing their desperate attempts and playing oblivious to it
Kylo did finally realize his crush on Hux after hearing him laugh for the first time
It was a challenge between the five, to see who could to it first, and Jess ended up winning after making Kylo trip in mud
Kylo had never heard such a beautiful sound and made it his mission to hear it as often as he could
But Ren is a mess with feelings and Jess did her best helping, while Kylo did his best helping her and Rey
Rey can’t read social cues at all, so she’s got no idea Jess is all over her
Over at the Jarrus-Syndulla household, it’s going pretty smoothly
Zeb had a huge rivalry with a classmate named Alexandr Kallus, until the two of them got caught in a snowstorm together
They became pretty good friends after it, and no one but Sabine actually knew what happened, and they ain’t interested in telling anyone
Sabine And Ketsu got closer, and started hanging out outside of vandalizing walls
Which got both her parents really worried when they started dating
Especially Hera, who had The “overprotective parent talk” with her and actually scared Ketsu a little
I don’t think I’ve talked about Ezra’s friends tbh
He’s friends with two guys named Jai Kell and Zare Leonis
They are a bit too young to think about dating yet, but Sabine’s money is on Zare while Zeb’s on Jai
Ahsoka and Barriss doesn’t last forever though, as when they turn sixteen Shaak gets a better job out of state, which results in them having to move
It was a tearful goodbye, and Ahsoka wasn’t the same for months, isolating herself in her room only letting Leia inside
The two did video chat for a while, but after some time that became too much and she stopped responding
She did eventually get ahold of herself, but after Barriss she didn’t date
Neither did Barriss
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meteor752 · 4 years
Modern gAyU 6.0
((Part 5.5 here))
The kids grow, and the oldest start College
‘Soka studies Mechanical Engineering, Asajj Law, Maul English and Barriss Nursery
This also means that Leia and the gang starts High School
And Leia’s all about that because in her English class there’s this stupidly hot girl
Amilyn Holdo is a student that’s just trying to get through school without distractions and then study to become a politician
And that five foot Fierce brunette is not helping in any way at all
Leia did manage to get a date after a year or so, and then another, and a third
And all of a sudden that five foot fierce brunette is Amilyn’s girlfriend
And Anakin finally finds out who Han is dating when Leia brings home her own partner
Artoo and Cee gets bullied for a while, Cee for his stuttering and Anxiety and Artoo for his mismatched eyes and that he’s in a wheelchair
Leia, Han and Luke does not take that lightly however and beats up anyone that comes close
Lando also starts hanging around the group more as well
Kylo finally gains enough courage (With a lot of help from Jess) to confess his feelings for Hux
And Hux just kinda nervously and awkwardly rejects him
The two start ignoring each other after that, Hux going back to reading by himself while Kylo still hangs out with Rey and the gang, all the while being very quiet and sad
That goes on for two months, and the gang just says that they should work it out themselves
Rey grows more and more frustrated though and eventually confronts Hux about it because what the hell man, talk to him at least!
Hux reveals that he was raised in a homophobic household by his father, and as a closeted gay he did not know how to deal with that
He’d never before thought of Kylo as anything more than but a friend, but after he confessed Hux started to think of the small things he liked about Ren
And before he knew it himself he was crushing, which scared him a lot
Rey calmed down, and just sorta tried to push him to talk to Kylo
Which he did, he got a ride on Rey’s bike to Kylo’s house and the two talked
Then Hux asked him out on a date
And Kylo answered by kissing him firmly
And they never spoke about it to Hux’s father or Kylo’s foster father Snoke, because getting disowned at fourteen would not have been pretty
The gang celebrated it with Pizza night though, and Finn and Poe came clean about their relationship that had been going on for four years, and the others got playfully mad
Jess also took this opportunity to ask Rey out, and she just shrugged and said Ok, because what has she to loose really
The two are a very down to earth couple
Since Poe’s and Finn’s relationship is out, Phasma insists on meeting her sons boyfriends
Yeah right umm, Bee Bee and Benine started dating, forgot to mention that
The night ends up being very chill, Poe and Bee Bee got along really well which made their boyfriends happy and Phasma liked them both
Sabine and Zeb starts to push Ezra into having a relationship too, one because they want to win the bet and two because their brother needs to get out of the house more
Ezra complains to Jai and Zare about this, and also tells them about the apparent bet that he’d overheard them talk about, and Jai gets all smug and suggests an idea that makes both Ezra and Zare all flustered
So the next day during the Syndulla-Jarrus household, Ezra announces that he, Jai and Zare are in a relationship
Sabine and Zeb grumble as they give Hera their money, as her bet was on both
Ezra gets annoyed
When ‘Soka finishes collage with a high degree and looks for a job, she gets a sudden impulse to get contact again with her childhood best friend/girlfriend Barriss Offee
So she drives to where they had moved and knocks on the door while her Anxiety is screaming at her to get the fuck out of there
Aayla opens the door with a surprised expression, and Ahsoka nervously asks where Barriss lives nowadays
Aayla replies with a wide grin, and when ‘Soka had left she immediately tells Luminara and Shaak
Ahsoka takes two hours to must up the courage to knock on Barriss’ apartment door
And when Barriss opens they both just stare at each other for at least a minute
Barriss hardcore blushing cuz Ahsoka got HOT
Ahsoka nervously says hi, and Barriss invites her in with an extremely red face
They both sit awkwardly with a cup of tea in front of them for a while, before Ahsoka ends up apologizing for breaking their contact
That’s when they get talking
And set up a date the next day
And boom, two years later wedding invites are sent out
The pair ends up adopting a girl named Ashla, because she’s got Vitiligo like me Barriss, how can we not?!?!
And yeah, this is kinda where the AU ends. I can keep adding stuff, but it will be kinda dragged out after a while.
Hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to send me asks about Ideas and thoughts you had about it
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meteor752 · 4 years
Modern gAyU (I came up with a title!!!)
((Part 3 Here))
Artoo, again, has a little brother, Bee Bee
Bee Bee is a cuddly happy boy that loves his moms and his brother
Bee Bee is also bestie with a boy named Benine.
Benine is a more chill boy that snitches on everyone and loves to dress in skirts and dresses.
He finds them more comfortable than jeans and stuff, ya know?
Benine is the son of police officer Phasma, a tall bulky woman with a soft side for her children 
And with children I mean her two sons and too many cats
Her other child’s name is Finn (And that people is how you make connections)
Finn and Benine’s father left when Phasma was pregnant for the second time, and Finn has very few memories of him.
Finn’s friend group consists of six people
There’s Rey, the girl who lives at an orphanage and he’s known the longest
Poe, the boy who lives with his grandfather he met first day of school
And Jessika, the girl who was a friend of Poe and he got to know after meeting the boy.
Rey is a loner girl who was abandoned by her parents, but still believe that they will return for her
Poe Dameron is a total hothead and child of famous racer Shara Bey and Detective Kes Dameron. He is also totally smitten by Finn, and has been since day one
Jessika, or Jess, is a soccer-playing goddess who really likes Theater, and is basically the only one of the four with a stable family of two parents and an older sister
But as I mention, the friends are six and not four.
But the last two were befriended a few years down the line
Armitage Hux, or just Hux, is probably the most picked on kid in school, and basically always has a black eye and a bruised lip. This is however not always from schoolmates.
Despite that, Hux is a promising student despite his constant annoyance and tendency to scream all the time
He also loves his cat Millicent more than anything
Kylo Ren is a total emo and Hot Topic weirdo, with a lot of anger issues
Ren himself is a close friend of Hux, for whatever reason, and the two of them are always seen together, either bickering or straight up arguing.
It was Rey who first took contact with the two outcasts, after “saving” Hux from a bully
While taking him to the school nurse, the two started talking, and the next day Hux could be seen reading by the skater park, occasionally looking up at Rey to make sure she was alright.
Kylo did not get jealous that Hux made a new friend, nope, and he gladly hung out with this random girl and her friends, yes absolutely
He would never admit it though, but he did like Poe and Jess, just a little.
Rey though, she can back the fuck off leave Hux alone *Hissss*
Yeah there’s a lot of undiscovered feelings there
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meteor752 · 4 years
Modern gAyU 5.5
((Part 5 here))
I really like the Jedi gang (Shaak, Aayla, Plo, Kit, Anakin, Luminara, Obi-Wan), so I wanna so a little more with them
So they have a tradition that every year at the exact same date during the exact same time, they go ice skating.
Now, in the Obikin family you are either really good or horribly bad.
Obi-Wan is amazing at ice skating, and the others sometimes joke that he could be an ice dancer if he would want to
Ahsoka is not as good, but still basically a pro
She and Barriss often used to ice dance together, and it got a whole lot more intimate after they started dating
‘Soka also always invites Maul along because she know that every minute he’s away from home is the best minute of his life
He stands to the side keeping Asajj updated on the Barrissoka
Luke is good, and he usually does laps around the rink with Obi-Wan
Leia and Anakin SUCKS at ice skating and can’t stand on the ice for around three seconds before falling on their ass
They mostly stand to the side sulking until the others are finished so they can have hot chocolate
Aayla And Kit are just as terrible, but they instead do something fun about it and skate together while laughing at their failures
Shaak and Plo gets oddly competitive about everything on the ice, and tries do outdo the other in every way possible
Luminara is standing off to the side cheering on her chaotic friends
Nahdar is just doing his own thing with a pair of earbuds
After they are done they get hot chocolate from a nearby diner and talk about the day
It is mostly Aayla and Kit who makes fun of themselves while the others laugh
And throughout all of this, Maul is happy and that’s what really counts
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