havethetouch · 8 months
High life
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--- is the only I've ever known. The Mistress loves to party with the rich and prosperous, all dolled up and of course with a different face than her real one because looking like a demon-spawn doesn't sit well with normal people, makes them suspicious and all.
- Okay, basics first: She’s a Mortiferus (the feline variety), a closed species by Herzgold. They are Fog-demon like beings that usually run around as cats, love steam-punk aesthetic and have rather peculiar faces and very bright specks of colour on their necks that indicate that they are not quite normal. If not in their solid state, they will dissolve into fog, which is also important for feeding. So.. now you know what are the key-principles I created my character on. Those concepts do belong the original creator. Moving on! Since Mrs. Gloomy Sunday has such conspicuous features, she usually doesn't go out in public among people like that. She can shift her shape obviously (solid state and gaseous fog) but she can’t drop the markings on her face on a whim or use a glamour to mask them – so classic methods are used, which is why she dons a fake face, a wig and a nice portion of spray on fur-dye as means to disguise herself. Also donning a fake face is rather important because a Mortiferus doesn't have a mouth or a nose despite the markings on her face that indicate the place those orifices should be at. This is especially apparent when the Mistress talks, because most muscles in her face will not move at all while she does it – the fake face though will move accordingly to make speech look natural. So, anyway.. before the events of the story she kinda just enjoys her life in all the ways possible, posing as a wealthy woman and walking among the upper class – her favourite food – and if things get too hot (since people keep disappearing in her close proximity) to linger around any longer she will drop her persona, her life, her home and move on and start over as a whole new woman with a new story, mannerisms and all that. She got rather good at that too. Before everything that occurs in “In Between” you could say she leads the perfect life for a creature of her kind. Ah, side note: The smoke emitting from her pipe is actually her own fog – mostly for pretence, though she might sedate her prey with that too before she drops her solid form entirely. (So imagine her blowing "smoke" into someone's face, usually this would be taken as disrespectful act right? In her case though, if you are in the know what she actually is, this would be taken as a very direct threat for her kind)
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dumbfinntales · 9 months
(I decided to do something interesting and try and review a book I read recently completely in Latin! The book contained several fairy tales all translated into Latin, and it was interesting. Quite different than I was expecting. So I’ll try my best to express my thoughts in this long dead language. You can use google translate or something if you’re curious, but the translations might be off. And of course I’ll make mistakes. Non Romanus sum.)
Nuperrime librum legi titulo “Fabulae Gallicae” ac quam iucundae! In libro multae fabellae continentur a Carolo Peralto scriptae. Fabellae Anglice “fairy tales” vocantur et fortasse satis notae. Lingua Latina in eo pulchra erat et multis novis verbis exornatur. Nonnulla verba erant insolita raraque, ita ut in praefatio dictum erat.
Quid novi didici? Profecto ista verba de quibus mentionem feci supra! Sclopetum fortasse notum est vobis, nam est arma hodierna. Validum telum quidem, quo potes eminus pugnare. In fabulis, praesertim Nordicis, Orcos invenire posses. Haud vere scio si “orcus” idem sit sicut “troll”, sed hanc imaginem in mentem venit.
Una fabula erat miranda. Fabula de homine “Caeruleobarbus” nominatur. Qua re tale insolita nomen? Nam homo erat barbo caeruleo quod eum tam foedam reddidit ut nemo ei nubat! Initio eum hominem miserum esse existimavi at, mirabile et fortasse miserabile dictu, homo malus et mortiferus erat! Nam uxores suas crudeliter et immisericorditer trucidavit, tamquam bestia. In fine vero, is poenas dedit et vitam reliquit.
Fabulis admodum fruebar et vehementer plures fabulas legere cupio! Haec omnia erat quod dicere vellem, quapropter vale atque curate ut valeatis!
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nighttimepatrons · 3 years
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went a little bit mad with Longwing color ideas, 5 and 7 are my personal favorites, what one do you think is best for our acid spitting angels?
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infernaletras · 4 years
Espero que las estrellas te iluminen, la luna te hable de mí y el viento cada noche te susurre mi nombre al dormir.
Aparecer en tus sueños, brindarte caricias en ellos hasta que los cálidos rayos del sol golpeen tu cara. Que cada micropartícula de tu cuerpo sienta mi presencia, inclusive cuando no estoy, que tus pensamientos tengan una temática cada día... lo que nos hacemos sentir.
Porque mi vida, amor como el nuestro no hay, porque tú revolucionaste mi vida, y yo la tuya, porque somos tan iguales y diferentes a la vez, somos el complemento perfecto de toda nuestra plenitud, somos tierra, agua, fuego, aire, somos el quinto elemento, que nos faltaba en nuestra vida, contigo ya nada falta, nada sobra, solo el futuro nos aguarda.
París Arami Mortíferus
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verso-abstracto · 4 years
La verdad no sé por dónde empezar, no tengo la más mínima idea de cómo hacer esto, sabes bien que a mí esto se me da pésimo, pero tengo que decirte que te extraño, te extraño demasiado, ojalá estuvieras aquí a mi lado como antes...
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Quisiera hablar contigo sobre que tengo muchas cosas por pensar, extraño muchas cosas pero creo que es hora de desprenderme de todo aquello que soñé, aquello que sentí, de decirle adiós al pasado, pensé y deseaba vivir con todo eso a mi lado, pensé que podía seguir manteniendo esos sueños y lograrlos, pero sinceramente, ya no es lo que me motiva, no tengo nada por lo que luchar además de empujarte a tener tu felicidad, reitero, no sé qué será de mí vida, no sé qué me deparará, por lo que necesito darme tiempo, volver a conocerme, necesito sacar todo el dolor que tengo dentro, no sé cuánto tiempo me llevará, no sé cómo saldré de esto pero te prometo que saldré adelante.
Te agradezco mucho por hacerme compañía, por apoyarme durante el tiempo que estuvimos juntos, por ayudarme a conseguir algunos sueños que tuve en aquel entonces, en verdad no sabes cuánto agradezco que hayas estado en mi vida, más que como pareja estuviste para mí como mi amiga, mi compañera, me atrevería a decir que fuiste, eres y serás mi alma gemela, por cómo siempre me entendiste, por cómo sabías lo que necesitaba y cuando lo necesitaba, gracias por haber estado cuando más te necesitaba, gracias por enseñarme a amar, a darlo verdaderamente todo por alguien, me enseñaste que aún podía sentir amor por alguien, que podía desear tener una familia, que podía darle una segunda oportunidad a la idea del matrimonio, que el verdadero amor aún existe, que nunca ha necesitado de grandes cosas para seguir vivo, que esté se fue alimentando día a día con peque��os detalles, gracias también por enseñarme lo que es el dolor, por recordarme que el perdón hacía los demás da un alivio a nuestras vidas, y por recordarme algo aún más importante, que debemos perdonarnos a nosotros mismos, después 10 meses de haber terminado, puedo decirte de todo corazón, que agradezco todo eso y qué he decidido perdonarme por todo lo malo que he hecho en estos mismos meses en mi contra. Gracias por haberme acompañado a lo largo de estos 1766 días en los que me has ofrecido tu hermosa amistad, en los que me has sacado más de una sonrisa y más de una lágrima, gracias por enseñarme cosas nuevas, por abrirme los ojos a cosas que no sabía que me gustaban, infinitas gracias hermosa. Cuídate mucho y sé feliz, pequeñaja.
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draconesmundi · 4 years
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Rough doodle of Vivernuidae! This is the ‘wyverns, wyrms and amphitheres’ family, a taxon full of oddballs!
Clockwise from top:
Here are the dragons with their current (24/12/2019) chapter headings:
West African Rainbow Serpent (Vivernapterus coloribus) - basic information - creation serpent - Voodoo - Bida - River Spirits
Angont (Vivernapterus mortiferus) - Basic information - Kolowissi
Ethiopian Crested Serpent
Vivernapterus aethiopithicus
) - Basic information - HIC SVNT DRACONES - Carthiginian Serpent
Lindorm (Vivernapterus fafnirus) - Basic Information - Norse Mythology - Seigfreid and Fafnir - The Lindorm King - The Lambton Worm - The Afanc - The Knucker - The Beithir - Worms Throughout Europe
Balinese Naga (Vivernus naja) - Basic Information - Anataboga - Barong
Aitvaras (Basiliskos lucicauda) - Basic Information - The Domesticated Dragon - Demonic Associations - The Glowing Tail - The Zilant
Cockatrice (Basiliskos gallimimus) - Basic Information - From Basilisk to Cockatrice - Mirrored Armour and Spriggs of Rue - Cockatrice Legends - Venemous Serpents of Africa
Pteroserpens cambrius
) - Basic Information - Dragon Slayings - The Swamp Hopper
Jaculus (Pteroserpens jaculus) - Basic Information - Javelin Snake
Cuelebre (Pteroserpens magnus) - Basic Information - Herensuge - Hoarders of Gold and Fairies
Vouivre (Vivernus viride) - Basic Information - St George’s Dragon - The Mordiford Wyvern - Graoully - Dragon Mermaids
Tatsu (Vivernus orientalis) - Basic Information - Dragon Bird - Tsuchinoko
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Seleccionados de la convocatoria realizada:
@eristefy18, @hey-just-am-i, @sarahac, @theme-hunter   @no-more-goodbye @icreazycreation, @brokenhearts-world, @almarotasong, @emilka-garces, @kaylustuff, @yeimyy, @magdalunatica, @frases-rotas,
@letras-volatiles, @182vnx @luis-96-blog  @miss-terrorista-16 @locuras-poeticas @fitowsktpy @blueseiks @monrovian-larsen @angelus-mortiferus @ghost-nk @hey-just-im @we-pablou-u @virtualestudentnerdblog @the-world-kiersverg
Favor de comunicarse con los admis ya mencionados (@aperfectamenteimperfecta, @poeta-millennial-romantica,  @el-chico-de-la-poesia ) para darles a conocer los siguientes pasos.
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ssantisheep · 5 years
ilacatz a réagi à votre billet “darknymfa a réagi à votre billet “darknymfa a réagi à votre billet : ...”
Captain St-Germain of Mortiferus I think, the same scene has a number of unnamed female officers (it's the part where Lady Allendale finds out about female captains)
oh! good! well thansk for the info! I will try to keep it noted somewhere because ladies aviator are important and I want to know more abou them! thank you!
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riyounghuyn · 3 years
((Who do you hate most? Who's your best friend? Who do you wish you knew better?))
I hate the American leaders who hadbeen trying to destroy our way of life for decades and started thenuclear conflict. As for individuals who are around in this era Icould not name anyone one as such. America is gone and the powerstructures that have emerged are too beset with their only factionalwarfare to be too much of problem to us. I could so that either theEnclave and NCR could be seen as the bigger threat as they representa return to form the old American modus operandi though again they donot seem to be in position to take full control and are too busy withtheir own problems to pose a threat to us. There has been some peopleI have had a from of rivalry with such Tommy from Vault 101, Hacknessand Colonel Autumn though I can’t say that I outright hated any ofthem.
My best friend is my twin sister RiYoung-hee, not only did we grow up together but we also sharedhobbies and similar carrier paths though she has taken a moremilitary research side where I have done more in intelligence. Thoughthis has allowed the both of us to balance each others weaknesses andstrengths thus work together in an effective way. This is my longestrunning friendship that has lasted since I could talk. Outside of myfamily there are colleagues back in Korea who I have closefriendships with but I shall not go into that. There have beenindividuals in the wasteland who I have had who have had closefriendships with the most notable being Vladimir  Krukov a KGB agentserving in the wastelands in what I believe was a similar mission tomyself. We had a good work relationship and a bit a more intimate oneas well.
There are several people I wish I hadgot to know better. One is Zandra who I believe that I could haveformed a real understanding with and perhaps formed a non-alignedmovement in the wastelands. There is also Mortiferus Fiach the manwho claimed to be from another galaxy I thought he was insane at themtime but now I wonder if there was any truth to his claims not that Ibelieve that he was from another galaxy but he could of come acrosssome alien technology or some advanced technology from an emergingcivilisation, Young-hee would have interested in this case mostcertainly as this would have appealed to her field.
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havethetouch · 1 year
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“Menace” - 2015/02
Noun 1. something that threatens to cause evil, harm,injury, etc.; a threat: Air pollution is a menace to health.
2. a person whose actions, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful: When he gets behind the wheel of a car, he's a real menace.
One of my “playing around with ink still don’t know how to use em properly but getting there” My character Mrs. Gloomy Sunday. She is a Mortiferus, a (feral) species created by Herzgold (twitter) who allowed me to design my own darling after I asked years ago.
Mortiferus are basically creatures that can turn into fog and that's also how they prey on things and feed on their victims too, as spooky fog that dissolves bodies into nothing. The species has a steampunk aesthetic going, candy skull face markings - and they are literally markings, they do not have eyes, mouths or nostrils, just markings to indicate placement. Most important thing is probably the splatter on their necks, which is unique for any individual like a fingerprint.
This is all the old info from the OG creator, anything else you'll see from this character comes from my own thoughts building on the basics from Herzgold. I never know how to properly point this stuff out but I have been evolving and working on this character for years now with the limited basics I got back then from Herzgold and idk if the species is still around I have not seen any other but my own so I don't want any confusions is all who came up with what.
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mingoboys · 5 years
Hey! Mortiferu [F.A.F.N.I.R][O.T.S.S] is now following me on Twitter! By the way, I'm on #twitch too! https://t.co/4P7S5T6YeH
— Mingo (@MBNerdStuff) October 31, 2018
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infernaletras · 4 years
Unos con el universo
Y ahí estabamos, bajo el mismo brillo de la luna, tu mano entrelazada con la mía, mientras tu mirada desnuda se encontraba penetrando en mis pupilas, lentamente.
Y yo, sin poder defenderme ante tal acto de osadía, al sentir estremecer mi ser, lo único que pude hacer fue besar suave y lentamente tus labios, en un beso lento y apasionado, acariciar nuestras alma a través de nuestras bocas, fundirnos en un sólo ser, y juntos ser uno con el universo.
Atticus & Mortíferus
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verso-abstracto · 4 years
A veces me pregunto
A veces me pregunto si tú también llegarás a pensar en mí, quizá no de la misma forma como yo pienso en ti, pero... ¿alguna vez pasaré por tu mente? ¿alguna vez, mientras estás haciendo cualquier cosa, los recuerdos de mi ausencia te atormentan? No lo sé, amor, pero a veces me pregunto.
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“Siempre creemos pretender que tenemos la razón, que nosotros somos los heridos, que las víctimas somos nosotros... ¿Cuándo es el momento indicado para ponernos a pensar en los demás y saber el daño que les estamos haciendo? ¿Juzgar por pequeños errores seguiría siendo lo correcto? ¿Echarle la culpa por insignificancias a alguien está bien? ¿Llorar sucio... Te limpia más rápido? Todas las tristezas de cada persona son entendibles, aceptadas, lloradas y soltadas al final... No pretendan enganchar a seres que no tienen ni idea de la perversión de sus evasiones. No saben en lo que los pueden convertir. "Ilusiones... o realidad. En las ilusiones se esconde la realidad... de la realidad, las ilusiones son creadas. En la verdad se esconde la mentira... en la mentira se esconde la verdad"...”
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in-sempiternam · 5 years
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Sims and Textposts pt.09
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