#my dad sucks a lil
eatmehuckass · 2 years
Convo I had w my dad yesterday
Me: soooo I’m thinking of getting a mullet, what do you think?
Dad: don’t get a mullet you’ll look like a d*ke
Me(knowing what it means): and that means…?
Dad: you’ll look like a lesbian
Me a bi sexual: so???
Dad: it’s just a look you don’t won’t.
Me: well I don’t really care what I look like …?
Dad: * shocked but judgmentally face *
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39oa · 1 year
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Jason Robertson for ESPN’s The Point
I have a lot of kids and... people who come up to me and [are] like, "Oh, you're Jason Robertson," and they're Asian and they want a picture. Or I remember going to a game, during the season, and I saw a Filipino flag.
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hlxtn · 4 months
I FEEL SO HORRIBLE FOR GOING AWOL SO SUDDENLY BUt life really wrecked me over the past few months (it's getting better now so its okay) You can read a part of what happened here
but tldr; my friend fucked me over/scammed me during my most vulnerable period and while trying to get ahold of my personal problems I also had to beg for all my money/stock back from the 'friend'. I've been taking socials one-by-one and tumblr is now next for me to come and answer messages and give updates. I will tackle my inbox in the next two days once I get off from work and can properly focus on giving actual replies. Just wanted to quickly update and say I didn't disappear without a reason and I'm really really sorry about that
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
my dads never beating the masumi arakawa kin allegations why the fuck did he say to me 'i was like both your mother and father when you were growing up' ???????????
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soup-or-who-lock · 3 months
beloved hallmark show about treason and repression and living in the past and Andie McDowell running into the surf to have fun for the first time since 1999...save me
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authoramalgam · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time I adored a bunny themed serial killer, who also happened to murder their therapist, I'd have two nickels, which isn't much, but it's weird it's happened twice.
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avocado-frog · 8 months
how am i supposed to live laugh love under these conditions
tldr for tags my mom found an old journal of mine and read through it so i accidentally outed myself to her lols
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ruffgem · 3 months
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luffyrose · 1 year
I have come to share news of my newest DnD character. Me and another have made twins. They are Monki people. I love them dearly and we've barely finished the base stuff for them lore-wise.
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
My stomach hasn't stopped turrrrrning sbbsbsbssnsnsn
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von-posts-stuff · 1 year
• Stephen von Silk •
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I caved and made an original character for Welcome Home… I have such a problem
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cripplecryptid · 1 year
Thinking about how amazing my parents actually were at accommodating my autism when i was a kid even tho they didnt explicitly realise that's what they were doing
Like even when i got past the age where it was deemed normal to still have 'fits' or stim the way i did
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
Anyone else thought about Ryuji and Aoki kissing?? I can see Ryuji just not taking any of Aokis shit... Fellow Aoki enjoyers.. plz tell me someone else thought about this
anon i think youre flying solo on this one. Respectfully. But maybe im wrong who’s to say Not Me
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#bluh. its been a long week and its not over bc i have to get this fucking manuscript done like fucking this weekend#and Sunday i have to go do fieldwork and then its Monday hhhhh#my boss: the meme of the week is productive women get shit done#and im like being called a woman in stem kills me a little more every time i hear it bleh im just trying to live my life#and by live i mean drain away all my time in the lab. uuuuh i need to rewrite these fucking methods and dun wanna#also fucking the coordinator lady who bought my plane ticket to visit one of my potential schools made it so that im gonna have to drive to#the airport at like 4am and then ill get back to my apartment at after 12am on the return. like i said my time was flexible but wtf lady?#its prob bc they were expensive tickets bc the fucking military#ugh. and the other school is like select 3 profs to meet with. and im like wtf y do i have to? if its just screening stuff y dont u just#assign it? i dont understand hhhh i dont wanna talk to them. i fucking dunno. at least i made it to the interview stage i guess#also also i was running today and randomly remembered that over the break my old bat of a nana was being stingy abt#money bc she said she was gonna give out inherentence to her kids while still alive so they would still be young enough to enjoy it#and my dad and uncle could retire a lil early and still pay for insurance and now shes going back on that bc she doesnt want taxes to go to#the government and my papa is like 85 and hes gotta b nearing deaths door and he cant reel her in anymore#anyway. point is she was talking to my uncle abt her reasons for keeping the money and she was talking shit on my mom for like the way she#spends money. like my mom has cancer u old fucking bitch. shes trying to enjoy her life a little before shes like dead or bedridden#shes also made comments abt my moms weight and like wtf lady she has cancer. shes had multiple abdominal surgeries she had a hernia for#like a real long time sorry shes not spending all her time exercising and eating tasteless healthy food like u#anyway i just think my nana is a bad person. so is my other grandma tbh my sister gets so pissed at her for ordering my mom around#like she treats her dog better than she ever did her kids. lol my grandparents just suck on both sides#and like everytime my parents r like go do things for ur grandparents im like fucking y? they're bad ppl#i dont kno how my parents r so normal#anyway wtf was i doing... ah right procrastinating#unrelated#srry for lack of drawings. just zero time 🫠#i lov my mum so much. she doesnt deserve any of this bullshit
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chrisbangs · 1 year
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biteapple · 11 months
feel free to tell me if im cracked out here but my sister's telling me its very eurocentric of me that i think it's alright to bail on your parents if they suck shit without explaining anything to them
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