#natalie martin
homosexualrodent · 2 years
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on parenthood and childhood in teen wolf
teen wolf, jeff davis / glory, jay-z / chemistry, weike wang / unknown source / winnie-the-pooh, a. a. milne / jennifer williamson / my father’s eyes, eric clapton / how do we forgive our fathers?, dick lourie / free-range angel produce: an idyll, joan tierney / the sunlit night, rebecca dinerstein / what my mother (a poet) might say, mary jean chan / please look after mom, kyung-sook shin, trans. chi-young kim / motion sickness, phoebe bridgers / for one more day, mitch albom / forbidden, tabitha suzama
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haletostilinski · 28 days
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teenwolf-confessions · 2 months
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pzyii · 1 month
Every now and then I think how it'd be if Allison would've survived. And like not in a complete au way but just. How she'd react to what happened to lydia in season 5. Having to see her like that.
Realistically speaking of Allison would live things would've ultimately probably gone differently, she's probably the best option to talk Natalie out of putting Lydia in Eichen for example but with how extreme things where, like I get why Natalie did what she did even if I know it's a bad choice given what she had seen Lydia go through throughout every season, without knowing why. The attack in s1, everything in s2, her stumbling on bodies and almost getting murdered and losing Aiden (and Allison but since this is a post about Allison lives au that derailed uhm yeah semi counts), just. Everything. I get why she did it. So maybe not even Allison would be able to help.
I also just think that seeing Lydia catatonic would break Allisons brain a little, she'd struggle to get the words out. Lydia is the most important thing in her life, just like Allison is in Lydia's (they are). Remeber she died (almost in this thought experiment) trying to save Lydia, some of her last words were making sure she was okay.
She'd be able to talk to Lydia more than Stiles I think, Natalie trusts her less than she did before but she's definitely her favourite out of her daughters friends.
She'd hunt down Theo, she won't kill someone. Probably. She's at least damn close to breaking her moral code.
Uhm. Yeah. Them.
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Natalie: Well my suggestion to all of you is enjoy your free periods while you can, because glee club will be going “bye bye bye” like the Blackstreet Boyz II Men. Lydia: ...No. Wrong in like three ways!
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buckybarnesss · 3 months
What is your opinion on Lydia's mom?
Especially in s4 and s5
I feel like there's a lot to think about when you think about how Lydia got the banshee gene from her Dad's mom - and Lydia's parents are divorced since s2? Maybe?
Feels like a lot of strange emotional issues there for sure!
all the parents in teen wolf kind of suck tbh. it's something we should acknowledge more i think. teen wolf deals so much with growing up and part of that is realizing that your parents are humans which makes them flawed and fallible.
natalie martin unfortunately didn't get much characterization until later in the series which makes her hilariously sort of neglectful and checked out in the early days of the show. like girlie pop let stiles into her daughter's bedroom while lydia was in a negligee and drugged up.
but susan walters is delightful and an icon so she became a more and more frequent guest start but lbr she's also married to linden ashby which is part of the equation there.
it's always been an interesting choice to me that they never recast lydia's father. he was present when she was in the hospital in season 2 and than he disappears but yet lydia's banshee powers come from his side of the family.
that alone puts his comments about lydia's behavior in the tell in a different perspective. still shitty but interesting with hindsight.
ms. ramsey: let me tell you, there's plenty to say about lydia. mr martin: did I not predict this? natalie: here we go! total nuclear meltdown, as usual. mr martin: what is it? her grades? concentration issues? erratic behavior? natamlie martin: i'm not the one who told her she had to choose who she wants to live with! as if that wouldn't warp a sixteen-year-old girl. mr. martin: just tell us what the problem is.
i also find the comment elias stilinski made during his lucid moment in sundowning about natalie to be, well, mean but also accurate about her and also about lydia.
elias stilinski: you're natalie martin's daughter. am i right? you look like her. she was pretty once too. she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in her room.
it's their worst traits. lydia in season 1 is all about this. in the beginning lydia is vain and condescending. natalie can be as well as it's of course where lydia learned it from.
natalie martin is someone who is characterized by her fears in a lot of ways which makes her so very frustrating. especially in the later seasons and her fear pertaining to lydia comes directly from what happened to lorraine.
she's both afraid for lydia and afraid of lydia's abilities. natalie does love her daughter and we see her attempt to support her frequently but it often falls just short of what lydia actually needs. natalie's fear prevents her from fully understanding lydia.
she never quite overcomes this either even though by the end of the show she knows the big secret. she's aware of the supernatural but she refuses to acknowledge it properly even with her own daughter.
forgive this reference, but it's kind of dursley-ish. she wants everything to be very normal thank you very much. she fears how other perceive her and her daughter.
i do give her a few points for not running from beacon hills though. she does try to help the kids out in school. it's not always with the greatest understanding but she did cover up the beast incident and tried to get scott, liam and malia to the end of their high school careers.
so i find natalie martin a frustrating character but i think she contrasts really nicely with the other parents like melissa mccall, the sheriff and the argents.
i also find it hilarious that peter kept trying to date her and melissa to fuck with lydia and scott. it's fucked up and manipulative as scott and lydia are his two favorite chew toys that aren't derek but like it's also really funny.
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scribeoffate · 20 days
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Part 1
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princeescaluswords · 4 months
Random question, Prince. Do you think Lydia had any banshee experiences before Peter bit her? Maybe little incidents she kind of shrugged off?
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I think it's most likely that she was slowly beginning to experience manifestations of her power. After all, Lorraine foresaw her need for supernatural protection. Peter's bite was simply "the spark that lit [her] fire" earlier than it might have happened naturally. For evidence, I want to look at three scenes from the show that indicated Lydia having supernatural insight before Formality (1x11).
The first is a flashback happening all the way in Season 5's Required Reading (5x06). Now, since it is a flashback, there is an air of unreality to it, but I'll argue that, while the details could have been different, the event still happened.
We know that Lorraine Martin was a patient at Eichen House, where she was in the care and ultimately murdered by Brunski. There was at least one situation where Natalie was called into the mental health facility. In the flashback, Lorraine had drilled a hole in her head. What exactly happened can be up to interpretation; it could have been Lydia's powers trying to warn her of what Valack was going to do to her. But we do know that Lydia found her way to the scene, only for Natalie to yell at her "I told you to stay in the car!"
Why did Lydia go in there? How was she able to infiltrate Eichen House, which as dingy and horrific as it was, still seemed to have formidable security? I would argue that Lydia got in the same way Meredith seemed to be able to get out when the other banshee felt like she needed to do so: her powers. Lydia needed to see what had happened to her grandmother, so -- much like her fugue states later on when she became a teenager -- she went where she needed to be in order for that to happen.
Now, the reason I think this really occurred and it wasn't a novel-induced nightmare were two separate scenes -- the first is in The Last Chimera (5x11) where a psychically traumatized Lydia warns her mother by repeating that phrase "I told you to stay in the car!" and Lydia's later reaction to Jackson's insistence that she stay in the car in Night School (1x07). Just it is possible that the traumatized Lydia was trying to warn her mother not to let Valack/Fenris take her to Eichen House, Lydia subconsciously sensed that something dangerous was going to happen to people she cared about (at the time, Allison and Jackson) inside the school. Her insistence on going inside could be instinctual, as she had no problem waiting in the car earlier that season, in The Tell (1x05).
That is also the scene which I believe is the third pre-Formality manifestation of Lydia's powers. She did not get a flash of insight in front of the Videos 2C, but she did scream. I would argue that this is the first scene where particular attention was paid to not only Lydia screaming, but on her face and her mouth while she was screaming. It was not just out of shock -- she had no idea that there was a dead body and Jackson had been attacked -- it was a reaction to Peter's presence and what he meant for her and all the people she cared about. The show wanted us to think the scream as noteworthy.
Because so does Peter. When the Sheriff shows Deaton the footage from the security camera in front of Videos 2C, they see Peter change from alpha-monster to human form a few feet behind the car in which Lydia is in. Why? In previous episodes, Peter hasn't shown any trouble staying in that form, so why take human form where he could be seen? My head canon is that he heard something in Lydia's scream, something that shocked him before leading him to realize that she would be perfect for his "back-up plan." Peter demonstrates throughout the show a wider knowledge of the esoteric than Derek does (the ritual to heal Cora, True Alphas, berserkers, even nogitsunes). I suspect he either recognized a banshee's wail the same way the Darach did or he was interested enough to do a little research in that laptop he transferred all of the Hale family files to a few weeks after he got out of the coma.
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batcavescolony · 1 year
I know Teen Wolf is just a show but it bugs me that Natalie Martin was so adamant on the pack getting good grades and keeping up with school but she never got Malia an IEP or in Special Education classes! She had to know they exist and I think a girl that hasn't been in school for 8years and has a hard time in classes would be able to apply. Yeah yeah it's just a show but still it would have helped Malia!
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kitkatwinchester · 10 months
Oh my GOD there's so much to unpack.
I did that thing where I let it finish out again, and now I have a LOT to talk about, so let's just jump right in, shall we?
Order of events-ish, but mostly POVs.
That whole flashback scene with the two of them laying in bed together. First of all, I LOVE what they did with the bookending of the "It's a good plan" line, because that was really well done and a perfect way to transition in and out of that flashback. Second of all, just their entire freaking conversation about how they haven't had time to go on a real date because, ya know, saving the world and all that, but just the wholesomeness of the fact that neither of them have seen a movie in forever and they both want to so bad...god I really hope they get that chance. <3
And then there's the beautiful little kiss and IMMENSE relief when she successfully brings him back (we were cutting that WAY too close, for the record..).
And THEN we get that beautiful ending scene between the two of them, where they're just casually holding hands and sitting there together, staring at each other and supporting each other and being there for each other and just being SO FREAKING CUTE. The fact that Scott is so quick to tell Kira to be with her mother (quick aside, I absolutely loved the small Melissa and Noshiko team-up, and I love that they stuck together and did their best to help and protect each other--we love our moms of the group <3). And THEN, the fact that Scott was able to put together the pieces about the Banshee, and Kira was able to see his train of thought, and they were both able to realize that their plan actually DID tell them something...
...admittedly, I'm also mildly terrified about where Scott's nightmare ended up right before Kira pulled him back, but I also know that Scott would never EVER hurt Liam. ...but I hate the implication of it nonetheless.
Now we know who Lydia got her powers from. And now....we have a new suspect.
The question is, if it is her....where is she, and why is she doing this in the first place?
Also, Natalie said "Meredith Walker" all knowingly and then didn't actually answer that question...she just started talking about Lydia's grandmother (on her dad's side, for the record, which...where is her dad in all this, exactly? We literally haven't seen that man since Season 1.).
And now we know the entire lake house is made of Mountain Ash (did her grandma do that, or did her dad do that? I guess it would've had to have been her grandma, unless her dad lied about locking his mom away in Eichen House in order to protect her secret...), but her mom obviously knows nothing (there goes that theory) and just thinks her grandmother was crazy, so really, we just have more questions than we do answers. However, if anyone can figure them out, it's Lydia Martin. <3
Speaking of figuring things out, Peter is 100% up to SOMETHING, because he obviously sent Kate to find out if Scott was dead, which is suspicious af (as a very quick aside, that moment between Kate and Chris was freaking BEAUTIFUL and I loved everything about it, and as many issues as I have with Kate, that sibling dynamic between her and Chris just SENDS me). He claims he's not The Benefactor, but he's also not on the list, and even though he said "Thank God" in response to Scott being alive...I don't know if I believe him.
Like, okay, the Banshee theory means he probably isn't the actual Benefactor, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was somehow in cahoots with it.
Although...his money was what was stolen, right? So that doesn't really make sense either. But...it also doesn't really make sense that his name isn't anywhere on the Deadpool, so...
Basically what I'm saying is that Peter, per his usual, is clearly manipulating this whole situation in SOME way, and no one should trust him under any circumstances.
Which brings me to Malia.
This girl, omg. I feel sooo bad for her, and the fact that she and her mom got into a fight right before the car crash makes everything a million times worse, and I wish there was something we could do to make that better.
However...I don't know if finding her mother is it, and I REALLY don't know if trusting Peter to help her is it, because Peter is Peter, and who KNOWS what other tricks he has up his sleeve.
What IS it, however, is Stiles (because Stiles is always it lol). I mean, how this boy is still functioning is beyond me, because the amount of things he shoulders and then pushes down is seriously bound to be fatal one of these days, but he does it. He has now watched his best friend practically die twice in the span of a few days, and his girlfriend stormed off and left him, and then all of a sudden, there she was in his room, broken and scared and guilty, and he handled it like a CHAMP.
I love the fact that he was giving her distance and giving her space, uncertain about where they stood, but then he couldn't resist stepping closer to her in his desperate attempt to convince her that she's so much better than she's making herself out to be. But even as he tries his best, Malia is too torn and upset and angry, and she walks out yet again.
But even in all of that, the fact that she came back, that she took the time to come to Stiles, to open up to him, to talk to him...it proves she still trusts him, still loves him, and still cares what he thinks, and even though she's upset and hurting and probably having a major identity crisis with an ever-growing guilt complex, she still came back, because she knows Stiles will be there for her. And that's exactly what he did.
I hope she finds answers, and I kind of also hope that maybe Stiles can help her find them. More than anything, I hope she can learn to forgive herself for what happened, and I REALLY hope Peter doesn't take advantage of her in the process.
Now of COURSE, since I talked about Stiles, and we're at the end of this post, you KNOW I have to over-analyze those itty-bitty Sciles moments. They're small, since Scott was, ya know, "dead" for most of this episode, but you know how I feel about a protective Stiles.
TWO PEOPLE tell Stiles to leave. MULTIPLE times. Chris tells him to run (supposedly so that he can hold her off and Stiles can be safe), and Kate tells him to get out of the way.
And EVERY TIME, Stiles just moves CLOSER to Scott. Chris tells him to leave, and instead, he shifts over, blocking Kate. And then when Kate tells him to leave, he shifts even more, giving that cursory glance to the place where his best friend's body is to make sure that he is truly 100% between her and him, and he DOESN'T MOVE. He stands there, and even though he's clearly scared (bonus points for the joke about the vending machine, AND bonus points for Chris being equally protective of Scott <3), he refuses to back down, because just like always, if you wanna get to Scott, you're gonna have to go through him first. And trust me, he's tougher than he looks.
And of course, you KNOW I have to point out the absolute RELIEF on Stiles's face when Scott does finally wake back up. The sigh, the hand up to his mouth, the turning away...that boy loves his best friend SO MUCH, and he was SO WORRIED, and he was SO RELIEVED when he did come out of it okay. In the heat of the moment, Stiles always puts up that front, and he always makes things seem okay for everyone else's benefit, but whenever Scott is in danger, he will ALWAYS be worried, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, and I love him for that. <3
Ahhhh. It's so good to be back to watching this show.
I probably won't be able to watch more today, but definitely Tuesday, and in general, I'm gonna try really hard to watch at LEAST an episode a day, but...probably more, because there's no way I finish in the next couple of weeks if that's the goal I set for myself lol.
I couldn't find most of the gifs I wanted, but I DID get Scott and Kira, and I found a different Sciles gif, so we're tacking those both on here. XD <3
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(I JUST LOVE BOTH OF THESE RELATIONSHIPS SO MUCH!! Scira will forever and always be my Scott OTP, and then Sciles will forever and always be my ultimate brOTP, because LOOK AT THEM!! <3 <3)
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teenwolf-confessions · 2 months
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taiturner · 2 years
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So some of it was definitely a dream? And some of it wasn't. Honey, I'm going to propose that most of it was.
TEEN WOLF 5x02: Parasomnia | 5x03: Dreamcatchers
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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Teen Wolf | 5.16, "Lie Ability"
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chasing-chimeras · 1 year
natalie martin is so funny, she legit just goes
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