#no but like literally the little moments of empathy between them.. wow the power of women......
womansfilm · 2 years
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Key Largo (1948)
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gamesception · 3 years
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The Promised Neverland is kind of really good, actually?  I mean, yeah, I’m late to the party as usual, but I just binged the first season of the anime, and then the manga from that point on (the site I was on didn’t have any of the second season, but apparently it diverges from the comic and gets bad anyway, so maybe just read the comic to begin with).  And, I mean, spoilers, obviously, but I’m going to get into some extremely major spoilers here so if you haven’t read it or if you’ve only seen the first season of the anime maybe skip this post and read the manga, but...
I’ve tried and failed to write a big long post about all the ways it’s so good, how the main three characters are each so compelling, how its pitch dark but not cynical or misanthropic, with mortal stakes but not gore-porny, positive and optimistic without being trite or naïve, how choosing Emma out of the main three to be the primary protagonist and viewpoint character keeps the story from becoming a masculine militaristic power fantasy, how the antagonists are treated as characters and not just monsters - even the ones that are literal monsters, about how the story never supports or glorifies the idea of sacrificing the weak so that the strong can survive, about how empathy and understanding and a chance for peace are extended to every single villain without putting a burden to forgive on victims and without ignoring the need to fight those who refuse the offer of peace and uphold the status quo, how the story opposes oppressive hierarchies at every turn - not just those the monsters use to control the human children at the farms, but also how the monster elites use access to human meat to controller the lower social classes of monster society, and even to an extent within the human resistance.
But there’s just way too much to talk about to get it all into one big giant post, and I don’t have the stamina for a big extended ongoing project right now - or else I’d return to one of the like 12 I have on hold.
But, like, to pick just one thing....
ok, so eventually we learn what the monsters are and why they eat people.  They’re a weird sort of organism that can temporarily take on the characteristics of things they eat.  Eat a bird and grow wings, eat a bug and grow an exoskeleton, eat a human and gain a humanoid body and the intelligence to become self aware, learn language, form societies - for a while.  But if they go too long without eating people, then they lose their minds and revert to a bestial form.  In order to save the humans, the resistance leader Minerva plans to wipe out the monster society altogether.  After all, they literally have to eat humans to continue being people, there is no possibility of peace.
Protagonist Emma, though, has seen not just the horrific human farms and their cruel and corrupt rulers, but also their towns and settlements, their families and children.  She was even saved at one point shortly after her escape by friendly monsters who opposed the farm system, and even though it seems impossible, she wants to save both the humans and the monsters.
A more typical show, at least among those with premises as dark as The Promised Neverland, wouldn’t take Emma’s side in this.  She would be forced to ‘grow up’ and face the fact that she can’t save everyone.  Her naivety would get someone killed to break her heart and teach her to be hard and cruel as if those things are virtues.  Or, more likely, she wouldn’t be the viewpoint character to begin with, she’d be a side character whose ideals would get herself killed in order to elevate the male characters’ angst and justify their violence.  Either way, the message would be “Emma’s ideals were unrealistic and could never survive contact with the harsh reality of the world.”
TPN instead takes Emma’s Side.  She finds monsters who maintain a humanoid body and intelligence without eating humans, and they’re able to spread that trait to the rest of monster society while the humans all escape to the human world.  Now, as much as I don’t like the grimdark ‘there is no peaceful option’ hypothetical version of the story, this development could have been handled pretty badly.  Like, just reading it like that, it sounds like the story raised a big moral dilemma and then chickened out of it.  But that’s really not how it comes off while you’re reading it, for a couple reasons.
First of all, Emma meets the non-human-eating monsters early in the story, long before we get the explanation of how monsters in general work.  So by the time we learn that the monsters must eat humans to maintain their self identity, the audience already knows that there are exceptions and that an alternative exists.  The story never sets this up to be a moral dilemma in the first place, so when the issue is bypassed it doesn’t feel like it’s undercut itself.
More importantly, though, is the thematic & metaphorical content.  Because the monster society is a pretty explicit metaphor for unjust human societies, and monsters represent the people who make up such societies.  Not just the aristocrats who benefit from the unjust society, or those who directly enforce and uphold it, but also regular people.  People insulated just enough from the suffering and death that their lives are built on that they can turn a blind eye to it, but aware enough of their complicity in that suffering that they construct excuses to justify their part in it, and by proxy excuse those at the top who actually benefit from and shaped the society as it is.  People living lives simultaneously just comfortable enough to keep them docile, but precarious enough that they’re too caught up with struggling to maintain the tenuous grasp on the lives they have to feel like they can work towards anything better.  Monster society in TPN is a cage built out of the corpses of humans cattle, but built to imprison and enslave the monster civilians who eat them.
Hanging the story on the fantastical element of monster biology would divorce it from that essential metaphor while also endorsing an outright genocidal worldview, and TPN explicitly calls out the plan to wipe out the monsters altogether as just that - genocidal.  It never even pretends to entertain the notion that the audience should accept that plan as the right choice, even while it doesn’t condemn Minerva for pursuing it. When Emma is proposing her plan to Minerva, the deal she strikes with him is ‘I will try to make my peaceful solution happen, and if I succeed then you cancel your plan to wipe out the monsters’.  Minerva is eventually shown to be lying when he makes that agreement, but Emma isn’t, and note the if there.  If Emma’s plan fails, then she - and thus the narrative - accepts that Minerva’s plan to save the children is still better than leaving things as they are, even if it means wiping out all the monsters.  After all, the society IS monstrously unjust, and even the lower classes within that society ARE complicit in that injustice.
Minerva’s problem isn’t even presented as a matter of him hating the monsters too much to see a route to peace with them.  The story doesn’t frame the conflict between Minerva’s and Emma’s plans as hate vs. love or revenge vs. forgiveness.  It’s instead more of ‘hierarchy and division bad, mutualism/openness/relying on each other good’.  The point is to show how Minerva’s role as a figurehead who believes he has to project strength to uphold the hope that the other humans have placed in him has worn away his ability to rely on others or to be open to alternatives they offer, leaving him with rigid and inflexible thinking.
So when Minerva learns about the monsters who don’t need to eat humans, he doesn’t see an opportunity for a better outcome - potentially even an easier outcome since he doesn’t have to make enemies of the entirety of monster society - rather he sees a threat to his plan to starve the monsters back into an animalistic state.
And if that whole subplot isn’t explicit enough, Minerva’s internalized need to project strength also results in his physical body wasting away in secret from a condition he believes to be untreatable, but the moment he finally breaks down and admits he needs help Emma is able to point to a solution, one that again doesn’t come across as a cop out because again it takes the form of another character the audience was already introduced to a long time ago.
In a story arc that the second season of the anime adaptation apparently cut entirely, wow the more I hear about anime season 2 the worse it sounds.  And after the first season was so good....
Anyway, I tried to pick just one thing and this post still turned into a colossal gushing word cascade, and there are so many other elements to talk about.  Like how The ‘Mothers’ and ‘Sisters’ are menacing villains with seemingly no empathy for the children, but when Sister Krona realizes she’s lost the power struggle with Isabella she leaves the kids tools to help them, and then when Mother Isabella realizes the children have escaped, she covers up the route they used in order to buy them a little extra time to get away.  It’s these little touches - just as much as the short backstories that follow them - that show us how, while they might uphold the system out of fear for their own lives, and might have rationalize their part in it in order to live with the horrible things they’re doing, the mothers and sisters don’t actually hate the children.  Knowing that makes it believable when in the end Isabella does turn on the system, and every single one of the other mothers and sisters join her.
The bit when the fighting is mostly over and she tells the Mother at the house “it’s over, now we can just love them” and the other woman breaks down crying is so sad and human, it makes me tear up thinking about it..
Like I said, all the villains are characters, not just monsters.  They all have motivations for the horrific things they do - sometimes irrational, often selfish, but not even the most unforgivable of the monsters are just evil for evil’s sake.
Again, I’m rambling.  It’s just...  I’m used to these sorts of pitch dark dystopias being, for lack of a better term, kinda fashy in their messaging?  Or at the very least deeply cynical and misanthropic and just kind of mean spirited.  And TPN is so completely the opposite of that, in so many ways.
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apriki · 4 years
okay that opening scrawl i laughed so hard... THE DEAD SPEAK!!
‘supreme leader kylo ren’ will never not be funny
okay and his ruthless hell bent search for this silly macguffin.... we love a demonic legend
and ALSO his determination to kill the past!!!!!! HE HAS LITERALLY BEEN CIRCLING THIS THE WHOLE SERIES
look, i am biased because kylo is my favourite and he has been the one thing that’s been consistently written and done across this trilogy and i’m very spoiled because i got everything i wanted here
but KYLO REN. KYLO REN!!!!!!!!!!!
laughed my ASS off at the snoke in the tube and palpatine being like ‘surprise bitch.... bet you thought you’d seen the last of me’
laughed decidedly LESS at ‘i’ve been every voice you’ve ever heard in your head’
look this isn’t going to be a review.... just my thoughts really and this decidedly isn’t a comparison with the last jedi which it seems like everyone wants to do in a weird victorious kind of way
but kylo killing snoke/his abuser in tlj was a terrifying powerful moment to watch and i loved it fiercely and still do, and for kylo to see that he hadn’t done that at all.... and that evil still abides.... fucking nightmare, honestly
and that’s when i started getting a feeling in the back of my head because look he is so determined to kill the past
(let the past die)
that he will kill himself as well to do it. that has always been kylo’s character since the very beginning. SO!!!!!
also the structural integrity of palp’s hideaway.... not great
palps: kill rey heh heh
kylo: i am absolutely not gonna do that but okay
i cannot explain to you how HILARIOUS the knights of ren are to me
they do nothing! they say nothing! they just stand around and look stupid in their stupid helmets..... i laughed every single time they were on screen
it’s like kylo’s uselessness manifests into what 6? 7 more useless things. the Knights of Ren
‘we’re going hunting’ are you TWELVE YEARS OLD
this film felt like it was going a million miles an hour, all the time, and that started for me in that first scene in the falcon which was going all over the place? for some reason?
anyway THERE’S A MOLE IN THE FIRST ORDER and i know it is hux but i kind of wanted it to be kylo on the side.... though i know he is not capable of any such subterfuge. about as subtle as a wrecking ball... and my SON
loved the comraderie with poe and finn. i liked the lived-in feeling of the relationships between the rebellion characters this time around
felt like they had that new alien dude in the falcon for no reason and for two seconds like... why
(to sell toys, of course. the same reason why they have a new tiny droid)
but that of course is just the first in a long line of new and underdeveloped characters in this movie. but you know what? i can accept this because the core emotional story was strong and also, it’s star wars? a big sprawling mess is what it has always, always been. ANYWHOMST
the white outfit!!! how at one she is with nature??? SORRY IT WAS BEAUTIFUL
and okay the specific framing of rey and rey’s power in this movie as not only a part of the force but so specifically as a woman using the force... like the power of empathy! the power of healing!!! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL WHATEVER
when she called leia her MASTER? MY HEART
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on the flip side, doesn’t it kind of feel like poe has a problem with women?
like as soon as he started riffing with rey i was like GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER
but in hindsight i feel kind of better about them and their interactions... more on that later
FINN! finn in this movie was WONDERFUL
(except it annoyed me how they had the whole ‘there’s something i want to say to you’ and never had him say it... like even if he was going to say he loved rey okay just don’t leave it hanging like that?)
look i really think they did they best they could with a really difficult job in incorporating leia and previous footage into this movie. it wouldn’t have felt right without her and the scenes were a bit clunky but again, a very very difficult thing to do
i love that rey’s storyline has depth and motivation and kylo’s storyline is literally revolving around rey like she’s the sun
like i literally love this. MORE OF THIS!!!
the soft gasp rey does whenever kylo is about to show up for forceskype i love this song
the knights of ren standing around while kylo’s helmet got fixed omfg they are the stupidesttttt
kylo: maybe i don’t want to wear the helmet
the knights of ren: maybe shut the fuck up 
Let’s Go To Burning Man
i actually kind of liked seeing these people doing their own cool cultural thing. like again this movie went at lightspeed but i did enjoy that. what’s better than this? just aliens being dudes
when rey talked to that little girl and she asked her last name i was like LOLLLL HERE WE GOOOOOOOO
as soon as lando showed up it was like ‘oh it’s lando’
‘i offered you my hand’
i have never really found C3PO funny but um he was going off in this movie... when they all looked at him and then he looked away I CACKLED
and the mind wipe like whew man... one day we’re gonna have a conversation about Droids And The Uncomfortable Conclusions About Droids in these movies
but also, i wish they’d had the guts to stick with it and not restore his memory because, what a symbol for the past dying and the end of a saga? like 3PO has been there since the start!! the star wars live in his memory banks ???? and R2 as well i suppose
don’t think too long about this cause then you realise that for some reason they’re still using like 80 year old iphones and R2 and 3PO should be decommissioned for scraps
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the sand was a cool visual thing but then THE SNAKE
it felt so GREEK HERO MYTH but then rey stops the script!!
AND SHE HEALS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as soon as rey healed that snake i was like
‘kylo ren is that snake’
blah blah dagger blah
the sith language and being forbidden actually interests me. i want more proper sith lore
basically i want a revan and bastila movie. make it so
keri russell was WASTED in this movie
but that one scene with her and rey where they had Mutual Respect was so much better and more important than anything she did with poe
poe is like... sure i guess. i mean i liked him better in this movie than tlj and i liked him more as the movie when on but hmmst 
but hey if i get to have a kylo then the poe people can have i poe. i begrudge no one
except, uh.... hux people. y’all really got done this movie huh. ouch
double as bad cause there was literally no point to the new general character. should have just been hux and then had him die in the final battle?
but i laughed when he was like ‘i don’t want you to WIN. i want kylo to LOSE’
omfg when kylo was like ‘where are you’ and then saw the vader mask and was like ‘oh you’re in my room’
sorry the first order is a startup. not even an ‘evil’ one especially because they’re all just a bit evil 
when kylo reacted to that guy saying ‘we should take more children’ and the small thread winding through this movie about children being indoctrinated and rey and ben stopping THAT cycle.. important to me and i wish it had been bigger but i was glad it was there 
all kylo did in the first half of this movie was chase after his girlfriend and tell her how they were meant to be together and that he wasn’t going to kill her even though he should. i love one stupid man
kylo flying his ship at rey deliberately wanting to ‘push her’ and her jumping over it and crashing the whole damn thing
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and then him just getting up and walking out of the wreck not a scratch on him
like some kind of hero in a romance novel in his stupid cape lmfaoaoooo... you love to see it
and then rey with her fuckin LIGHTNING
as soon as that happened i was like, oh lol rey palps then....
okay to be honest the whole soujourn to the like space swiss village is kind of a blur to me
keri russell was wasted, did i say that already?
although okay that bit when poe was like ‘were you a stormtrooper? were you a scavenger?’ maybe give him his rights
‘i never lied to you’ AND HE NEVER HAS AND NEVER FUCKING DIDDD!!!!!
all the stormtroopers getting knocked back and kylo steadying himself with the force lol... it’s these little things ok 
rEy PaLpAtInE
like... sure jj. sure
look, i have always understood and respected the choice to make rey ‘nobody’ (like anakin was! the force just makes who it needs to create the balance!) but if rey was going to be anyone i guess.... this is the best choice?
and i think there IS merit in the story going from ‘person burdened with legacy vs person with no legacy’ to ‘person with a legacy of good turning evil and person with a legacy of evil turning good’
i gotta think longer and more about this but. besides its inherent silliness i do not hate this ‘twist’ 
this movie jumped from planet to planet like a ping pong ball! it felt a bit jarring but my mum pointed out that the galaxy IS big and they’ve never really done this before and i was like hmmm Points Were Made
and then oh my god
‘you can’t go back to her (leia). just like i can’t’
and the VICTORY in his eyes and the acknowledgment of the truth in hers
when rey SCREECHED and force threw finn back.... oh fuck
(sidebar the way finn was so determinedly THERE for rey this whole movie... even when she said about the sith throne... his faith in her didn’t waver im verklempt)
because he can’t go! because the fight is what they have and what she’s clinging on to!
absolute romantic nonsense.
leia gave her LIFE for her SON I...
this was the only moment in the movie where i started to get some tears cause like... IT WAS JUST SO MUCH
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take my hand? take my whole life too
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‘kylo ren is dead’
look i loved the crossguard saber but i understood why it had to go
and like ben shedding the persona he had built as a defence mechanism... rey killed that part of him? powerful too powerful
i know i have rose coloured glasses because i care about the core story of kylo/rey enough and i’m passionate enough about it but okay the way they are entwined with one another on the journey to identity is the greatest thing a silly blockbuster series has maybe ever given me 
i 100% know in my bones they wanted the scene with han to be leia but they obviously couldnt have that so that was fine. when ben turned his head around and heard her and felt her.... DONT LOOK AT ME
the most emotional moment in this movie was when chewie heard about leia and broke down and collapsed and screamed
us too buddy. damn 
rey stealing kylo’s ship and yeeting away lmfao
and when she went back to ach-to and burned it and was like IM STAYING HERE 4EVA >:(
she’s literally the exact same stupid reckless as kylo and i love
rose was wasted in this movie. very annoying
i DID laugh when they said ‘we should pull a holdo manoeuvre’ like of course that’s the one thing jj took from tlj. ohhhh jj
loved finn meeting the ex stormtrooper lady. i always felt like the one weakness of tlj is that it dropped this thread of finn’s indoctrination that i thought was being woven alongside rey and kylo’s issues with their childhoods in force awakens. the look of wonder on his face when she said that the whole battalion defected.... and saying the force lead them to do it like it lead him... and you could see john boyega feeling that with his whole heart!!!
i laughed at palps’ fleet of star destroyers that like all have death star capabilities now? so dumb
and also, a star destroyer is basically an aircraft carrier.... do you think the people who make star wars realise the empire is america? no...??? alright imma head out
missed opportunity for a shot of jar jar or a gungan when the galaxy fleet showed up like those towboats at dunkirk. to be HONEST
where did sheev palps find that stadium of goons? are they on retainer?
yeah so palpatine’s lair is the underworld and rey is eurydice and ben is orpheus. YEAH. YEAHHHHHHHHH
LEIA’S SABER!!!!!!!!!
i have Questions about leia ‘seeing her son dying at the end of her journey’ like ?
fuck. benjy solo in that jumper.... USING A BLASTER LIKE HIS DAD.....
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ben versus his idiot knights of ren.... yeah i love my son
sorry rey had a vision of her AND kylo sitting on the throne but the throne is.... one seat? what are the logistics here? her on his lap? him on her lap? both of them sitting on an armrest like awkward kids taking a photo with santa?
rey giving ben the saber through the force bond!!
palpatine taking, SPECIFICALLY, the power of rey and kylo’s BOND to strengthen himself because it is THE STRONGEST THING IN THE FUCKING UNIVERSE???????? CANONICALLY????????
when palps like flicked ben away sorry i laughed... i mean i was like REALLY? FOR THE BIG FINALE HE’S GONE? but i understood why and that rey is the hero etc etc
yoda is there too
god her power.... SHE AMAZES MEEEE
(initially i thought ben was gonna kill palps for rey because of the whole The Sith Live in My Killer thing and then she’d have to kill him but HOISTED ON HIS OWN PETARDDD)
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and the power was too much and it killed her ooooof
(the power of being a legacy... of channeling all that has some before!!! these movies get so ridiculously meta sometimes. best believe we’ll talk about THIS)
his hair JUST long enough to be scraggly and devastating
literally dragging a broken leg 
and he knows
when he held her body holy shit... HOLY SHIT, GUYS
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and his heartbroken face.... stumbling back to her... oh my good goddd
and then
HE GAVE.... HIS LIFE..... FOR HER.....
he fought.... his whole life.... and he gave it up....
and then she was alive again!!! ROMEO AND JULIET OKAY WOW
(super spoilery shot coming up here but)
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i’m sure people will be mad about how little kylo like... talked in this movie but like sorry this was perfect
she saved his life! and she saved the world! and he quietly gave his life to her, for her?
this humble act of love? PURE LOVE?
and her look of JOY and she said, ‘BEN’
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look. i have been on the record for YEARS as saying my dream endgame would be for rey to kill kylo and for him to be forceghost with her always
when his body faded and leia’s did too..... wo OOOOOOOOOOWWWW
listen. there is a video game where a lady’s boyfriend gets killed and his soul goes into a sword and she carries the sword around with her
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THE FUCKING ORANGE SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and look. ben’s story is allowed to be just about rey and rey’s is allowed to be bigger than just him. that’s EQUALITY. that’s JUSTICE
look i know it’s very douchey of me but i wrote this paragraph about a character of mine in a book i wrote and it is like..... LIKE IT’S JUST KYLO REN OKAY
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he was never gonna be someone who could settle down and live like a quiet life of monkhood or whatever luke was doin on ach-to.... 
okay when finn poe and rey hugged at the end okay I DID FEEL SOMETHING IN MY COLD DEAD HEART
and probably up until that moment i hadn’t really cared about having a Trio in the new movies like we had han and leia and luke but that hug had me feeling like... okay... Friendship IS Great
okay back to kylo, i tweeted this but i’ll repeat here: my favourite arc in media has always been snape’s, to me it is the perfect ‘redemption’ arc (and yes this will make people scrunchy-nosed angry, so i will point out: redemption to me has always meant redemption in the eyes of the reader/viewer, not in-world, this is true for anakin/vader too, who also has a nearly flawless ‘redemption’ arc) but now it’s kylo solo ren ben
i want a funko pop of ben in his comfy jumper running to fuck sheev palps the fuck up
i don’t even LIKE funko pops
naboo has a lot to answer for. literally all of these problems come from naboo
sure this movie was a big ole mess and i surely can’t wait for the good old disk horse
but i’m riding this high for as long as i can
because it was always about LOVE! LOVE CAN IGNITE THE STARS
so sure, this movie pandered terribly. but i am one of the people it pandered to and i am HAPPY INDEED
remember when maz kanata was like ‘your parents aren’t coming back but there is someone who still could’ YEAH IT WAS BEN!!!!!
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dotthings · 4 years
Heavily cluttered, as many Bucklemming eps are, but worth the trip. There was a lot of goodness in 15.08 and there were two moments where I shrieked out loud.
My two out loud-shriek moments, let’s get that out of the way: 
Queen Rowena. Caaaaalled it.
Dean and Cas are going back??? To???? Purgatory???? Together?????? And Bobo???? Is???? Writing the episode???????????? *SHRIEKING AND FLAILING*
Okay more orderly and sedate now. Eileen is so damn fierce. She’s a very physical fighter, she’s smart but seems to use a blunt fighting skill. She can punch HARD. I love watching that so so much. I would enjoy female characters on SPN like this regardless, but the fact that this is a hero character with a disability and it’s never a big deal is deeply refreshing and SPN did something really really right bringing her back, amen.
Protective Sam shows up and Eileen is happy to see him but literally pushes him aside so she can make the kill. She doesn’t need his protection, but she also values him as a hunting partner as the ep shows. Also they’re trying to build a relationship here. Eileen seems used to hunting solo and Sam wants to offer backup, and he got worried. 
So the plan is to lock up Chuck like Chuck locked up Amara. The sweet irony of this delights me. He tried to shut away the divine feminine rather than actually stepping up to deal with his sister as, well, a person (well, a divine deity, but still, a being with feelings and thoughts and complexities). Chuck, the arrogant and narcissistic toxic masculinity God, maybe to be locked up now instead as his hubris and his lack of empathy and his petulance is exposed. What if Amara was the more competent deity all along? 
There is no way Dean doesn’t know what an Achilles’ heel is. The random WTF of this is so much it’s not even angering it’s just so bizarre. LOL what even. Look I am really enjoying S15 but I hope the butterfly net tightens on stopping this kind of thing because honestly. I’ll just pretend that scene isn’t there. Luckily I enjoyed the episode overall a lot.
Team Free Will in research mode together in the bunker just really makes me happy. Cas is where he belongs.
Donatello!Chuck threatening Jody, Donna, Eileen, “pretty much everyone on your speed dial” as a deterrent to Sam and Dean is bearing out again my impressions of how Chuck views these characters. I’m still not 100% sure what he thinks of Cas who is right in the room but Chuck doesn’t seem to acknowledge him, except as some sort of right arm to Sam and Dean, as I’ve said in other posts, I think Chuck regards him as a nuisance now, and a deterrent to his miserable endings, and a pawn. Just like Donna, Jody, and Eileen, to him, they’re just pawns. They’re all people Sam and Dean care about, and Chuck will use them to keep his two favorites in line.
See what I did there?
Yeah. Chuck doesn’t care about the characters as people. Everyone except Sam and Dean are expendable and tools to be used so he can control Sam and Dean and that’s it. He’ll destroy them with a snap of his fingers and won’t care. Look at that. Familiar attitude, isn’t it. How interesting.
“If you want to stay here, stay here.” Dean’s gone back to not!listening to Cas I see. While Cas is Dean-avoidant and trying not to look at him throughout the episode. But both of them are thawing just a little.
Like when Cas heals Dean’s cut palm and the way it’s staged looks like he’s going to take Dean’s hand to do it which I don’t think is an accident. That moment was meant to be soft.  Dean didn’t ask. Cas offered. And Dean didn’t jerk his hand away or say no. Then there’s the fact that Cas is going to go with Sam and Dean into Hell despite all his misgivings about Michael and this entire plan. 
Team Free Will, getting all researchy together, and then getting all BAMFY together with their angel blades going into Hell.
We didn’t get any kind of nod back to Dean and Cas’s last visit together to Hell and that’s the second time they have been back to Hell (well the last time was some sort of Hell ante-room, the cage was brought up iirc) and SPN failed to nod to it, WHY AM I CONTINUALLY DENIED THIS.
“Hello, boys.” There it is. My actual shriek of delight. I hope it didn’t alarm the neighbors.
“I took it.”  Yes you did, my red-headed goddess queen of the underworld. You sure did. GET IT ROWENA. Rowena won the game of thrones. Boom.
She’s a little flirty with Sam, still has a soft spot for him I think. 
And then starts playing marriage counselor for Dean and Cas. “What am I picking up with you two? A wee tiff?....So fix it.” Someone called this, I’m fairly certain, that if Rowena saw Dean and Cas again during their divorce she’d size that situation up and down and comment on it. FIX IT. So say we all.
“Family sucks.” Jake Abel did such a fantastic job in this. tbh I didn’t give much thought to Adam all these years, it seemed like SPN was never going back there. I liked Jake’s performances in S5, but it just seemed like a story that was over. But Jake Abel, man. He comes back after all this time and owns the dual roles and made me care. With a performance that was alternately fearsome and vulnerable. 
“That’s adorable.” Dean is SO happy about Sam and Eileen, he looked so soft, and still a bit not okay because his chosen other half is barely looking at him, but mostly Dean’s rooting for Sam to have some happiness. “If it was to work, she gets it, she gets us, she gets the life.” It’s a retreated on Sam’s speech back during “Baby” about someone...something...who understands the life. And Sam has found that with Eileen.
Meanwhile Cas is right there, with Dean, with this great big chasm still open between them but...he’s there. And all the arrows point towards him for Dean. 
Dean and Cas are being magnets again. Not like in S14 where every time there is a crisis they stand very close together and are drawn together, now they’re like magnets that are trying not to feel the pull but they cannot escape each other’s pull nor do they really want to, but they can’t quite figure out how to cross the distance. 
There’s more than one scene where Dean or Cas is out of focus and the other in focus, as if to emphasize how they’re both there but not in phase with each other. Not yet.
I so enjoyed the Cas and Michael stuff. Cas’s prayer to Michael, Michael’s mad on for Cas. “Oh, I didn’t come to beg.” And there’s the ruthless strategic angel.
There’s also something really...fitting about Sam and Dean and Cas all being the ones standing outside the ring of holy fire together to trap an archangel who they effectively hope to bring in from the cold, to their side, in a post S6 era of the show. 
“To paraphrase a friend you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.” I see Cas is still quoting Dean, having Dean as a compass point or a North star. Even if he can barely look at Dean right now.
Cas telling Michael his unimportance to God and keeping the upper hand is just...so satisfying. Cas has grown so much. I keep thinking about S5 Cas and how despite how powerful Cas was back then, radiating power in ways he doesn’t quite do the same way now, Cas always seemed so...smol next to the archangels. Punching above his weight class. But now he faces down Michael and tells Michael rawly how it is with their dad Chuck. And when Michael tries to choke him, he fights past it and goes into Michael’s mind to show him everything, to help him see the truth. Cas has grown so much, this felt a lot like a little brother constantly picked on leaves home, grows, and comes back to find big, big brother isn’t quite as big and intimidating as he remembers. 
Which in fact he isn’t, because Michael is capable of insight and change and feelings too. He’s not his father. Despite being the favorite. Despite clinging still to his hero-worship. But Cas worked past that with Chuck long ago.
When Eileen’s friend needs help on a hunt, and Eileen goes to Sam, Sam goes with her, no doubts. Tells Dean he’s going, as Dean recounts to Cas, and Dean seems cool with it. 
Sam and Eileen seem to be growing closer and closer, and while there is something tentative about Sam, he definitely is drawn to her and cares. That tentativeness is from past hurt and loss and maybe he’s scared to enter into this kind of relationship. But they’ve got their own magnetic pull together, they fit. 
Dean and Cas facing each other in that bunker kitchen, the lighting darker and colder than usual. They’re facing each other, and each shift in and out of camera focus, not looking at each other much. Cas can’t look at Dean at all in this scene, while Dean keeps sneaking glances at Cas. In other scenes, Cas does sneak looks at Dean. They are ridiculous and my heart hurts. The blocking here is them facing each other only not--they are a few feet off, so looking past each other.
Cas sitting at that table, hands folded, staring straight ahead and working very hard obviously to Not Look at Dean. 
Dean’s reaction on Cas reporting the words Michael said, “I want you dead, get out.” The things Dean has said to Cas are coming back to haunt him, coming from the words of their once mortal enemy, that’s gotta sting.
Both Dean and Cas have some work to do here, but Dean definitely is already very aware his own words went too far, and has been for a while. 
“God lied to me. I loved him.” Oh wow that hurt, I didn’t expect these feelings. 
A thing about Adam and Michael, both feeling so abandoned by their families, and losing everyone. They offered support to each other. They worked out a time-share in Adam’s body. We’ve seen genuine vessel and angel bonds form before (in Lily Sunder). There’s also a S7 episode by Ben Edlund about the bond between a human and the demon who possessed him. Not sure how healthy Adam and Michael are, but they seem weirdly functional, and don’t despise each other and I kind of have some feelings about Adam and Michael bonding the way they did in The Cage. Perhaps Michael shielded Adam from the worst of it. It’s how Adam is coherent after being down there for so long. Maybe Adam made Michael less lonely. Did I ASK for feelings about Adam and Michael, no I did nOT and yet here we are.
Then there’s Adam. It was interesting that scene where Sam acknowledges maybe they gave up too easily. Because Sam and Dean refuse to accept it when it’s each other they lose, and have gone way over the line to get the other one back. Here Sam is admitting that it shouldn’t be just for them. That Adam was worth saving. Even though they don’t know him well, he still didn’t deserve what happened (as Dean acknowledges at the end of the ep). And Sam and Dean never mentioning him again or giving him another thought apparently, all these seasons...well, that kind of made me assume that was that. Just because someone is blood, doesn’t make you family and they barely knew Adam. 
But if it’s someone who could potentially earn that? Someone basically good? And they just...forgot about him and left him to his torment in Hell? So this did need addressing. There’s not much time to develop a relationship with Adam and TFW this late in the game but there was a start here. 
Dean likewise offers his apology to Adam at the end. “You’re a good man. You didn’t deserve that.”
Right when I was thinking, so many of them don’t get what they deserve, they just keep getting Hell heaped on their heads, Adam says “Since when do we get what we deserve.”
There’s a subtle thing there where Adam looks at Cas, Cas very pointedly still tries to be not looking at Dean, and after Adam leaves Dean turns to Cas looking so...sorrowful for a moment. I keep saying, Dean and Cas deserve each other, and right now they can’t figure how to have each other. 
But Michael left them a strange gift. The Leviathan flower, to seal away Chuck, but the gift has a double meaning (unintentionally on Michael’s part). It’s not just the tool to shut away the villain, Michael opens a door to Purgatory and boom just like that, opens up a whole doorway on Dean and Cas’s story because of the emotional significance of Purgatory for them. What they had there. What happened there. The way that place broke loose some of their feelings. I’m not sure what’s going to happen now, if they both go, as the promo glimpses seem to suggest, does one return and the other gets trapped? Is Dean’s prayer to Cas going to be inside Purgatory, is Cas also still in Purgatory and they get separated? Is being thrown together back into that environment going to help them heal? Or will they be torn apart again but that provides another route to reconciliation?
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sophieakatz · 4 years
Thursday Thoughts: Writing Advice (Part 3 of 3)
And here is the final part!
I recently stumbled across this writer ask meme about pieces of writing advice, and I was having so much fun thinking about it that I decided to just respond to them all!
33. Embrace structure
Yes, yes, yes. Embrace structure. This is not the same thing as being limited by structure. It’s easy to mistake the two.
I spoke before about the importance of familiarity. People enjoy and respond to familiar structures. “Once upon a time” and “happily ever after” are still common phrases for a reason. They work. They’re familiar. People like them. Structure means that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
I also spoke before about leaning into the limitations of a medium. Having a structure to follow gives you something to lean on, while at the same time it forces you to be creative! Structure is yet another example of rules to learn so that you can know when to break them.
34. Dialogue should be purposeful
I like this rule, but I think it’s easily misunderstood.
When people hear “purposeful,” they think “plot important.” So, they end up writing something in which everyone says exactly what they mean all the time, with perfect bluntness.
But people don’t always talk like that. People beat around the bush. People make jokes. People run out of things to say and point out funny-shaped cracks in the sidewalk.
A line of dialogue can have purpose other than furthering the plot. It can set the mood. It can establish a character as a bit scatterbrained. It can demonstrate that two characters are not comfortable or open with each other. (“How are you?” “Fine. You?” “Fine.” “Right.”) It can give your audience a break from the tension.
Write with purpose, yes, but don’t feel obligated for every word to be “purposeful.”
35. Be empathetic
Empathy is at the heart of storytelling. Through writing, you can create an experience for your readers which did not actually happen to them, but it means as much to them as if it had. This can be an immensely powerful exercise in empathy.
Creating a character is another great exercise in empathy. Have you created a person for your readers to connect with, or a stereotype to drive marginalized readers away?
Your readers are people. Your fellow writers are people. Your characters are also people. Treat them all with empathy.
36. Never use a verb other than ‘said’ to tag dialogue
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Again, all words are tools, and all words have a purpose. “Said” is a perfectly nice word; don’t be afraid to use it. But other words can convey different things to the scene.
“What did you do?” she said. (Neutral – we know she’s curious, but that’s it.)
“What did you do?” she shouted. (Wow, okay, this person is upset about whatever happened.)
“What did you do?” she whispered. (Ooh, it must be a secret!)
“What did you do?” she muttered. (She may be asking reluctantly – probably rolling her eyes, too.)
Use whatever word conveys what you need the moment to convey.
37. Do not start a sentence with a conjunction
Conjunctions are tools. Use them wisely.
Consider the medium, the audience, and the pacing. And then decide whether to start a sentence with a conjunction.
See, I just did so there – “and” is a conjunction. It works very well for the kind of train of thought writing I use in these blog posts. In more formal writing, you will want to avoid starting sentences with conjunctions.
But starting with a conjunction (oops, I did it again) is a good way to put your readers right into a character’s mind, to speed things up and make things feel urgent.
Learn the rules of grammar, and then you will know how and when you can break them.
38. A new speaker always gets a new paragraph
According to most structures, yes. Are there contexts in which you might break this rule? Sure.
But keep in mind that people expect new paragraphs for clarity. If you’re going to break a rule, break it with purpose, not just ‘cause you wanna.
39. If there’s a story you want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, you must write it
“Must,” huh? I don’t like the word “must,” as much as I like the general sentiment here.
A lot of what I write are stories which I wish I had had when I was little. This is especially true when I write about asexuality. I wish it hadn’t taken me until college to learn that it was an option. All I needed was one explicitly ace character.
Practically speaking, though, I’m not only writing these stories for my past self. I’m writing for other people.
When I write fanfiction about characters figuring out that they are asexual, readers leave comments thanking me for it – because they needed the story as much as my past self did.
I don’t see the point of telling people that they “must” write the stories they want to read, because not everyone is a writer. More people are readers than writers. And these readers absolutely have a right to get up and say, “I want more stories about people like me!”
40. The ending is just the place where you stop your story
Yes and no. The ending is where things resolve. You might have multiple options, but one will be better than the others, depending on the experience you want your readers to have.
41. The only way you can write the truth is to assume that what you set down will never be read
No, I don’t think so.
I mean, if it helps you to pretend like you’re never going to show someone your writing, then you might feel freer to be honest in your writing.
But writing is meant to be read, and true things are meant to be heard.
42. Write your first draft by hand
Dictating what kind of writing utensils people should use, and when, is the road to ableism paved with good intentions. I consider a computer keyboard a writing utensil.
Use the tool that works for you. If it isn’t working, change it up. Sometimes switching between pen and pencil, or between pencil and keyboard, can shake yourself out of a writing block.
43. Challenge yourself
If you want to improve? Yes.
44. Everyone has a book in them
I think everyone has a story worth telling. I don’t think that literally everyone will write a book. But everyone has a story and a way to tell it.
45. Dialogue should be rhythmic and 46. Dialogue should be natural
I’m gonna answer these two together because, once again, we’re using absolutes where there are two perfectly valid options with different purposes.
What kind of effect are you trying to create? Are you going for realism or poetry? Do what fits the work! Do what fits the scene!
There are rules to writing, yes, but they are rarely cut and dry. That’s the note I want to end on here – different writing advice is valuable for different moments of writing. It’s okay to pick and choose which rules you listen to, and to change your mind later.
And sometimes two pieces of advice that sound like they conflict – like this distinction between rhythmic and natural dialogue – are actually not that different. Rhythmic dialogue and natural dialogue can be one and the same.
If you take a class on Shakespeare plays, the most common rhythm you’ll talk about is iambic pentameter. “Pentameter” just means that there are five beats in a line. “Iambic” is what kinds of beats we’re talking about. An iambic beat has a soft syllable and a hard syllable – it’s all in where we put emphasis in our words.
My name – Sophie – is not an iambic word, because you put the hard syllable first: SO-phie. But the sentence “My name is Sophie Katz” is iambic – “my NAME is SO-phie KATZ.”
For the sake of the screen readers, I won’t keep typing like that. Here are a couple more examples of iambic sentences:
In Romeo and Juliet: “But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?”
In an acting warmup I learned once: “Around the rock the ragged rascal ran.”
These sentences are rhythmic. But they are also natural, and that’s why we like to hear them. Now, where do you find a rhythm like this in nature?
Put your hand on your chest and wait a bit.
What could be more natural than your own heartbeat?
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 118 Poll Results
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The chapter 118  poll closed with 1,311 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Rate the Chapter 1,217 responses
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“Sneak Attack” is the second highest rated chapter this year with only 1.2% expressing extreme unhappiness with the chapter.  The overwhelming majority (93.7%) rated it a 4 or 5 on our 1-5 scale.
A chapter I finally enjoyed with a lot of developments other than just Titan bashing. It would've been perfect if we also got some answers about Levi/Hange and Historia but well we can't have everything I suppose.
Finally got some great character development that is amazing payoff after all these years! The Shiganshina vets, Paradis Commanders, and Marley crew all had great moments!
Impressive how so many of the many many plotlines in the air were allowed some great development in just one, insane chapter.
I loved this chapter. I feel like shingeki is really at it's best when we have character moments and plenty of dialogue.
the chapter was too wholesome, I'm scared for next chapter
Which of the following was your favorite moment? 1,263 responses
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“Mikasa leaving her scarf behind” has the slight majority, but only a few percentage points separate the top  choices. “Falco’s confession” and “Armin rallying everyone to Eren’s side” follow in second and third.
Mikasa is best girl, she is no ones slave ! I just need ch 119 now!
Go Go Mikasa!!!
I'm so into Armin having some kind of game plan and Mikasa moving forward.
I love this chapter. It was an action chapter but damn there were so many touching, human moments it made me so emotional. Connie outburst about being constantly betrayed (pls give this boy a break, he lost so much), Mikasa leaving the scarf behind, Nile helping Falco and speaking about his daughters, Grice bros reunion hug, FALCO'S CONFESSION, Zeke and Pieck still caring about each other.....
I'm so glad to see I was right about Onyankopon lying to Yelena because he had no other choice and still be loyal to the 104th and Hanji!!!
Well, better late than never; I am truly happy to see Mikasa’s development, being more independent.
Who was this chapter’s MVP? 1,245 responses
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Armin managed to claim the title of MVP this chapter, and it’s no wonder. Not only did he show some much-needed optimism regarding Eren’s current state, but he also chose to believe in Onyankopon’s sincerity regarding his lack of any awareness of the wine plot.
Honorable mention to Nile, who doesn’t show up in these polls often - but when he does he makes sure to give Armin a worthy adversary for the title of MVP. Best dad? Best dad.
A little insulted Yelena isn't an option for MVP, she is literally the ONLY interesting character this chapter
I believe in Armin. He is the understanding character who's really trying to understand things about Eren.
I believe in his statement that Eren's hatred towards Mikasa is a lie.
I love Jean. He is surely honest that he can't let Eren die and is willing to help.
Finally Armin puts it together for everyone
I'd say everybody was the MVP in this chapter: Onyan for being honest with AMJC Jean radiating bi energy towards Eren Mikasa for dropping her scarf Connie for being done with betrayal Nile for being a family man Pixis for admitting he drank too much Falco for confessing to Gabi Gabi for letting go of her prejudice AND OF FUCKING COURSE GENERAL MAGATH AND PIECK FOR MAKING THEIR MONKEY HUNT SUCCESSFUL HAHAHAHAHAHA
How dare you not have Yelena in the options for MVP! LOL but seriously woman is batshit crazy, u guys should have a "who did better" question comparing her psycho face with Armin's and Jean.
Nile deserves to live and see his family
Each of the commanding officers had a big moment. Whose did you enjoy the most? 1,252 responses
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Nile may have only come in second place for MVP of the chapter, but most (64.5%) respondents thought that he had the best moment of any commander who made an appearance this time - taking care of Falco and helping to reunite him with his family. Pixis was a distant-runner up (17.3%), with Magath and Shadis nearly tied for third place with about 9% of the vote each.
Nile is best dad
Magath’s shot might have been my favorite moment if he hadn’t missed. >.<
I'd fight a bear just to save Shadis :((((
Seriously though, who is Shadis trying to impress?
This is gonna be long but OOF I cannot express enough how much I loved the little Shadis panel. Bless him.
Has Armin convinced Yelena of his loyalty to her cause? 1,264 responses
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Armin seems to be acting like he’s on Yelena’s side once again, and her first reaction to his comments was visceral to say the least, but then she seemed to warm up.  57.9% of you think she’s rebutted acting with acting and is only pretending to give Armin her blessing, whereas only 15.4% think Armin’s Oscar worthy performance won her over.  26.7% don’t have a clue about what this crazy girl is thinking.
Yelena and Armin are both playing each other.
Yelena is CRACKERS and I love her.
Yelena isn't suspicious of Armin, just yandere levels of jealous that he will get to see the Jaeger on Jaeger action up close and personal
Yelena is so out of her mind it actually makes me think if there's something more to her?
Yelena gave me nightmares tho.
Yelena's crazy face scared the shit out of me.
yelena looks like she eats the gum underneath desks
Would knowing Falco drank spinal fluid deter Zeke from screaming? 1,263 responses
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Well… 8% of the people who took this poll have a level of optimism that is truly admirable. The other 92% have far less trust in Zeke’s compassion and empathy, most leaning towards the “Hell no” category - that Falco’s wine ingestion wouldn’t even be a consideration if it came to it. Press F for Falco.
After he’s told Falco has ingested his spinal fluid. He’ll give a cold look and say “ah... I see. *inhale* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”
When he learns about Falco's confession and screams because he doesn't want any Grice-Braun baby on his watch
I scream, you scream, we all scream for- Oh shoot Falco's a titan
Zeke screams when Zeke wants to
Do you think Nile will live to see his family again? 1,262 responses
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Commander Nile Dok is one of the many citizens to have ingested the spinal fluid wine.  If they get transformed into titans, Nile would never get to see his wife Marie and their daughters again.  62.3% of you think he won’t reunite with them, while only 14.2% think he’ll see them again.  23.5% don’t know what they think his fate will be.
Nile deserves to live and see his family
Well, at least Nile and Pixis are goners for sure, but I still think that even if they are titanized, it isn't necessarily their end, because the power of the founder can be used to change the molecular structure of Titans, so if they don't die immediately Eren theoretically could turn them back into humans
please let nile see his family he's so underrated and he deserves it thank you mr. isayama
Which character’s feelings toward Eren best align with your own? 1,257 responses
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Close to half the fandom agree with Armin that Eren is only doing this because he has no choice. In second place, almost a third agree with Jean’s “He’s a bastard but he’s cool.” The remaining ¼ of the fandom are divided between Mr. Braus (“Can we just head on home yet”) and Connie’s “I’m sick of being betrayed.”
Connie's anger is valid (fuck Eren)
Jean is out of character for part of it and I really hope that Armin has a secret plan to subdue Eren/at least get angry at Eren for all the shit he's put them through. Connie's right; Eren has been completely shitty and betrayed them even if he does it because he thinks he's saving them or something.
I'm glad Connie hasn't lost his ability to speak his mind, and is sick and tired of everyone's shit.
Armin wonders if Eren will use the rumbling to wipe out the world. What do you think? 1,249 responses
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In this chapter, Armin thought back to Eren’s monologue at the ocean about killing everyone in the outside world. 56.2% of you don’t think that’s Eren’s goal at the moment, but that he would be willing to do it if push came to rumble. 20.1% think his end goal is in fact to flatten the earth, whereas 15.8% don’t believe Eren would ever do that in 2000 years.
ern got sneky plan up his slev
I think Eren intends to use the rumbling to destroy the world, but have confidence that Armin will be able to show him it's not the only way
Isayama has been making it so its not clear one way or the other. There are arguments for and against all of the options. I am waiting for a different plan altogether, but I would be fine with either way really.  
Eren himself will never do that. But if he is influenced by the memories of so many Attack Titan holders and the will to always move forward and fight, he probably will.
Eren will use the rumbling to deter the world, not destroy it unless he has to.
He'll use it but for a purpose we don't know about yet. Possibly a way related to the S1 miner story and the walls going deeper underground.
I think that Eren's ideology of being born into this world as a free person is something that isn't just applied to Eldians.  We know that Eren learned that those across the ocean are the same as those behind the walls.  Despite the hatred that parts of the world may have, I don't think Eren wants to take away the freedom of those who never knew any better.
The slight pause in Armin's expression seems to tell me there's more to what he's thinking! Not just rumbling  
I imagine we'll follow the time-loop theory and Eren will use the rumbling to rewrite (and rewind) the world to be one without any existence or recollection of titans. Or some weird shit like that.
Eren will turn all Eldian women into anime cat girls. That’s what I would do.
Do you think Armin is being genuine in his optimism about Eren? 1,248 responses
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With all of the opinions on Eren floating around at the moment, Armin tries to convince the others that their friend isn’t on the side of evil.  The majority, at about 60% believe that Armin’s not positive of what he’s saying, but is trying to be optimistic.  32.5% think Armin truly believes Eren’s had no choice in what side he’s on.   Only 6.2% think Armin’s lying and tricking Yelena in that way.
He is being naive and basing his thoughts on his own perception of Eren. Or, he knows that Eren is up to something but needs to convince the others to work with Eren.
I think he’s pretending to support Eren to trick both the 104th and Yelena. The emotion he had after Eren hurt Mikasa was real,  no way he’s just over that. But I think it stands true that without Eren, Pradise’s fight would be lost. After everything that happened, though, why would the 104th want to help Eren? Thus Armin knew he would have to manipulate them (and Yelena, for other reasons) for the greater good in the end.
I'm not sure. He wasn't against feeding Eren to someone else if he rejected the SC and now he seems to stand behind him? I think he wants to play along until he knows the truth for sure.
He's deluding himself. He knows Eren is going to destroy the world but doesn't want to believe it.
Yes I believe so. Armin felt like he did not understand Eren anymore because his actions didn’t make sense. That was until Yelena expelled their plan to him in prison. I think that was the missing piece that solved Armin’s puzzle. He may not be certain about the exact plan Eren has but he has enough to go on that Eren would never agree to euthanise people.
I don't think he fully trusts Eren, but he knows that right now, whatever plan Eren has, keeping him alive will be best for Paradise's side. I think he definitely wants to see the good in Eren, but he also realises there might be darker motives in him, though he won't tell the others that in order to rally them properly.
He’s half trying to convince others that Eren is a liar, and half trying to convince himself. Armin just wants to understand, and I relate him.
*clenches fist* A C T I N G
Mikasa is leaving her scarf behind as she heads out for battle. How do you feel about that? 1,251 responses
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The scarf coming off is a big moment for Mikasa, and most of us (59.7%) are optimistic that this is the beginning of some great development for her. For others (17.5%) the heartache is just too real. There was quite a bit of hopefulness in the write ins though!
MIKASAAAAAA <3 ok but... she's asking all the right questions!! putting away the scarf!!! thats my baby!!!
I was really excited about the scarf choice! I am not so much a fan of people misinterpreting what the scarf means though... Take a shot everytime you see someone say 'finally some development for mikasa'."
It keeps pushing along the development she has been receiving since the Time Skip. After her conversation with Eren, she more than likely associates it with the Ackerman Bond.  Her going out without is a statement that she's truly doing things by own will. Will it be the last time she wears it? I don't think so.
The scarf is her sanctuary and her cage. Leaving it behind is bittersweet and I think the next time she wears it (if she does so) it'll symbolize something totally new.
I want to see Eren's reaction to noticing Mikasa without her scarf
I'm glad that Mikasa decided to leave the scarf behind. She needs to live her life and become strong, independent, smart, mature woman. Being attached to Eren was only stopping her from her own growth. It doesn't matter if Eren was honest while saying about hating her. Mikasa is now opening her eyes and I hope that she will keep moving forward.
Mikasa removing her scarf leads into a perfect segway for Eren wrapping it around her again, as he promised in chapter 50. So I am actually quite excited for that as an Eremika fan, rather than worried.
Chekhov's scarf incoming.
I am more concerned about whatever the hell's going on inside Louise's head as she stares at that scarf.
Louise will take it for one reason or another.
The Marleyan's have new anti-titan rifles. Who will they be used on first? 1,239 responses
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The anti-titan guns will no doubt be useful fighting the shifters but a slight majority of the fandom (36.7%) thinks the wine drinkers will be the first victims. 36.4% think they’ll be targeting one of the shifters first.
It’s taken 27 chapters, but Gabi has finally realized the people of Paradis are not devils. How do you feel about her character development? 1,257 responses
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Gabi’s been in the story for quite a while now, and has finally come around to the idea that not all the walldians are evil devils.  Despite criticism of Gabi being a common sight, the majority of fans, at 37.8%, loved her development and are excited to see what she does next.  27.1% weren’t fans at first but have enjoyed her development, and 23.2% still don’t love her but she’s grown on them. Only 11.9% haven’t enjoyed anything Gabi’s had to offer the narrative.
Feeling validated in my love for Gabi, I'm so glad she finally reached this realisation!!
Granted, Gabi isn't nearly as bad as she was when she started, but her realization came way too late for me to feel anything for her. The damage at this point is already done, so I can't feel anything but complete disdain for her and could care less whether she lives or dies (though it seems like even now a lot of people are still rooting for the latter)
Gabi is best girl.
As expected from Gabi, so obvious and predictible "development " she is the proof that isayama isnt god, becouse everyone do mistakes. Worst manga character
I loved Gabi’s character development. I hope that she’ll do something useful in the next chapters.
I couldn't possibly care less about Gabi's "development". My interest/investment in this series died when Gabi killed Sasha and Isayama started painting the SC as "the bad guys". I didn't sign on for this BS.
I'm glad that Gabi had her moment of realization. It's easy to forget that she's just a child, brought up to believe certain things, and it's coming to that realization that matters the most.
Loved gabi’s character development so so much which i was waiting for. I’d call this chap kind of a heartwarming one in many ways. can’t wait for ch119.
How cute was Falco’s confession? 1,251 responses
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In the midst of battle, Falco confesses his feelings to the girl of his dreams, one Gabi Braun.  Over half of you (52.1%) gave this confession a 5/5 on the cuteness scale.  25.6% rated 4 cute blushes out of 5, 14.1% were right in the middle at 3, and only 8.3% rated it negatively.
Falco is so pure.... WHAT A GOOD BOY.
Gabi and Falco's scene this chapter really hit me. So much beauty and heart. I feel like the story would miss something without them, aside from their relevance to the plot.
The Gabi-Falco moment wasn't that important to me since I literally just don't feel any particular attachment to the characters, but it WAS important to the story and it needed it happen.
Falco's confession was too cute and pure... oh my god I AM WEAK FOR YOUNG LOVE.
I loved Falco's confession and how him and Gabi were staring at each other at the end of the chapter. They were just so fucking cute.
Wow, for once I found myself having fun with this chapter instead of stressing out. Also, I DIED when Falco confessed to Gabi, that was the cutest scene I've witnessed since 108 and I couldn't have asked for a better birthday chapter. Thanks, Isayama!
Gabi and Falco are getting too much attention but their moments were cute nonetheless.
Falco is sooo cute! Loved that confession scene.
Is there a chance Falco and Gabi will get married and live happily ever after? 1,260 responses
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In a series as upbeat and cheerful as this, a happy ending for a young couple is certain!  Right?  RIGHT? 45.2% know the series they’re reading and are bracing for the worst form Isayama, and another 36.6% doubt it will end up all rainbows and smiles for this blossoming romance. 14.8% are holding out hope that it’s possible, and only 3.3% don’t think those little snots deserve a shot at happiness.
As cute as Falco's confession was, how is he going to marry Gabi and give her a happy life if he's going to inherit the Armored and then die in 13 years anyway?
Falco's confession was like a drop of purity and innocence in this cruel world. I wish they could live happily. That would be beginning of something new and hopeful.
Now when I say "they don't deserve a happy ending", I'm really just referring to Gabi. Falco deserves nothing but the best.
I'm also glad Gabi is finally awake, idk how I feel about Falco being some weird scapegoat shield foil for her (taking the hits every single time she gets herself into trouble), but I don't think her character development has peaked yet. She's too much of a parallel to Eren to be done already.
Bless Falco, he is just too pure for this cruel world... or maybe he is just what this cruel world needs.
Romances never end well in this series but somehow I hope that this one can come to fruition. I’ll be hurt if Falco actually dies. Maybe that’s what it means to suffer as a braun.
Can't wait for next chapter. PROTECT FALCO, COLT AND GABI AT ALL COST.
When will Zeke scream? 1,246 responses
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A solid 35% of the fandom believe Zeke will only scream if he’s totally cornered by enemy troops. Following behind that at 26.4%, respondents feel that he will be doing it immediately in the next chapter. 20.5% think it will happen if and when he is torn out of his titan by an enemy soldier. A small sliver of respondents don’t think it will actually happen.
As soon as he steps on that Lego
Once he notices the people with balck arm bands who are gathered in the front line as pixis ordered, it will be his only salvation... again.
Depends on how bad the interference gets between him and Eren. He panics whenever things don’t go his way and that would be enough of a distraction to reach Eren. Although once they titanise they will also try to eat any surrounding shifters excluding Eren because of Zeke’s influence. It’s a reliable last resort for him.
If Eren gets to him and does his own plan. Once Zeke realizes Eren didn't uphold to the euthanasia plan, he'll scream
The only way he won’t scream is if Armin transforms and turns the tide of the battle. It seems that Zeke is only going to scream as a last resort, but if the battle doesn’t shift back in his favor soon, then he will for sure. I think it’s on Armin at this point.
Not if Eren has a say in it. For all he knows the 104th are still in the building, along with anyone infected that he cares about. If Zeke tries to scream, I feel that Eren will somehow stop him.
Will the Rumbling be activated in this battle? 1,244 responses
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66.6% of respondents (is this an omen?) feel that we will at least see a partial rumbling during this battle. 23.4% feel solid about Eren not activated it at all, and the remaining 10% of respondents feel sure that Eren is going to unleash the big guns.
Destroying the world would be too simple. Eren might try to use the wake up call and make people to see that everyone is the same.
I'm still unsure whether this battle will lead to a full or partial rumbling. There are characters who are still missing the call: Kiyomi, Historia, Hitch, Annie…
I don't think Eren is going to activate the rumbling when he touches Zeke. I think he has something else up his sleeve.
Is it wrong that I WANT the Yeagerbros to use the Rumbling? It will basically wipe out the rest of the outside world that has done nothing but persecute Eldians and try to exterminate the protagonists. I see nothing wrong with this 'genocide' plan of theirs.
Eren using the rumbling to destroy the rest of the world makes no sense, especially after what he told Reiner and the fact that it’s what everyone assumes he wants to do.
Zeke is now close enough to titanize those infected by the wine. Do you think he'll do it? 1,251 responses
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Reflective of the earlier question about when Zeke will scream (we may not have realized we got a little redundant, oops!), the majority of the fandom believe that Zeke will definitely titanize the wine infected Eldians in the area. A small 11% have faith that he won’t do it.
Zeke stop being such a retard already and let's get to the good stuff! The rumbling the scream! Come on dude!
I both want Zeke to scream for cool storytelling but I don’t because I love the people who would be affected
Zeke screaming is too predictable, same with falco becoming a titan shifter, I will be a little disappointed if isayama does that
Is this the final battle? 1,252 responses
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While a third feel that this is climactic enough to constitute the finale, a clear majority (68.1%) feel certain that there is still more to come after this battle
This can’t be the final arc because it doesn’t really feel like the strongest arc. Isayama would make the final arc amazing
We're in the endgame now
If this is really the final battle I worry it'll be rushed. Mikasa only just started her development to "get free" from Eren and Armin still hasn't lived up to Erwin's legacy. Then there's Hange and Levi, who I still hope to see in action again. Same for Annie. If we don't get to see female titan in action one last time, I'll be disappointed. Not sure how can that happen, since she's still back in Wall Sheena (and I hoped Armin would see her wake up), but please...
Prediction time! Death flags are everywhere, who do you think will die in this battle?
Unlike the other groups in this section of the poll, a few hundred people chose not to make any selections for the Survey Corps, expressing confidence that they will all survive this battle.
When we look at combined results, the death flags are waving most prominently for Floch (741 votes), the senior military (650), Reiner (598), Connie (594), Porco (588), and Yelena (583).
Senior Military 1,196 responses
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When Nile waved goodbye at Falco, it wasn't just meant for him. It was also meant for us. This chapter really felt like this is the last we will see of Nile as a human. The next time we see him, he will be a Titan for sure.
My heart breaks for Keith. He also drank from the wine, so he´s a goner? What do you guys think?
Survey Corps 916 responses
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As much as I love Jean, it really hurts  me that I chose him and Connie as the next characters in the Survey Corps that will die, because it feels like they will.  I really hope I'm wrong.
Connie will die soon, mark my words.
I didn't really catch any death flags for the survey corps? Maybe hange or levi but that's it
Jaegerists/Volunteer 1,133 responses
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if floch dies next chapter many extremely manly tears may be shed for that lovable nutter
Can Zeke just die? It's been 3 times he survived from death. It makes it predictable
I don't want Zeke to die, I don't want Zeke to be betrayed by Eren. Eren, please... My heart is breaking.
Marleyans 1,150 responses
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I have huge soft spots for both Nile and Falco and am in denial about their eventual fate :(
pieck must never die
I hope Reiner doesn't join Berthold just yet
reiner must die
It’s really great seeing Pieck get more spotlight, now all I need is her last name, and I can accept her probable death
If my boi Reiner were to die I'd drop the manga
Which titan power do you think Falco will inherit? 1,204 responses
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Will all of Falco’s warrior training pay off now that he’s in a situation where he might become a titan?  The most popular option at 55.4% is that he’ll inherit Reiner’s armored titan.  26.7% don’t think he’ll end up becoming a shifter at all. The Jaw and Beast were the next most popular choices, at 7.9% and 6.9% respectively.
The stage is set for Falco to inherit Reiner's titan.
I know the prevailing theory is that Falco will eat Reiner and get his power (and it'll probably happen too) but something about letting a kid inherit Ymir's curse all over again doesn't quite sit right with me. Like what Eren said: Falcon deserves a long life too. But I guess it's better than being titanized by Zeke's scream and shot by one of those guns.
No Colossus option? C'mon.
What would you most like to see next chapter? 1,219 responses
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Levi and Hange top the wish list with just over one fourth of the fandom (21.7%) hoping for an update on their condition. Eren and Zeke touching is second (17.6%) and Eren noticing his friends in the fray is third (16.2%).
Annie will reappear, DRINKS ON ME
I fucking hope Eren and Zeke touch bc damn this chapter seemed to be so short and we’ve been eating for so long.
Glad to see Jean mentioning Levi & Hange, makes me expect (and fear) that they will be included in the next chapter.
Hange and Levi plz
I hope we can get a glimpse of Eren's thought. I need his perspective more, more than anyone else's. And last but not least, Levi's condition.
I'm excited to see the gang join the battle
I'm genuinely at a point where this whole 'mystery MC motives' thing is making me want to drop the series for a while. Please just rip the bandaid off if Eren is going to be a legit ~villain~ or whatever, stop dragging this out for so long.
With this being the last chapter of the current volume now would be a perfect time to check in on levi and hange's conditions and perhaps could pace the way for some good angsty chapters that eventually lead to them two coming into this battle with a brilliant game changing fighting strategy (maybe some hange backstory too if we are lucky enough like cmon its the final arc and hanges the only main cast that hasnt had any hint of a background)
Eren and Zeke touching lol phrasing
At this point, around which chapter do expect the manga will conclude? 1,163 responses
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Not a whole lot has changed here since last month, but we had a slight increase in the percentage of respondents that think 130 or 134 will be the final chapter of the manga. The percentage of people who believe the manga will continue to chapter 138 or beyond has stayed about the same. Similarly, the people who think the manga will end at chapter 122 or 126 are hanging in there - and it doesn’t seem like they have been convinced otherwise.
Where do you primarily discuss the series? 1,141 responses
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While Reddit and Tumblr hold steady, Facebook has been making tiny gains in recent months. Thank you again to everyone who participated, regardless of what platform you are on! If you are on an underrepresented platform, please feel free to share the poll there.
Additional thoughts on the chapter?
Some of you have never been brainwashed by an evil regime and it shows.
I ache for Nile, we misjudged him, he is such a sweetheart with his three little girls! <3 I have a bad feeling he'll die, but I really, really hope he survives this, because from *his* original trio, he's the only one left. Mike and Erwin are gone. :(
A lot of people think Armin only function in this arc is just to blow up and follow Eren's game but I think he is going to become the third option in this conflict, as soon he confirms his fears about Eren true intentions with rumbling.
As for the titan serum wine victims, maybe they won't be affected if they don't hear Zeke's scream if they cover their ears hard enough
Eren is a shit. Who puts his friends and family of dead friend into a prison together with potential titans? If someone from Sasha's family dies because they were locked in Shingashina, Eren will be officially the worst person ever and I will root for his terrible and painful death.
Eren looked so pretty in that last panel
Finally the story is starting to progress again after months of nothing really happening that builds the story. Finally we are getting answers without getting anymore questions. This is a lot less infuriating than previous chapters have been.
i feel like there is going to be a lot of deaths tho since we are in for a large scale battle, mainly with all the people that consumed the wine.  but i still think  Hizuru will come into play here and in a dangerous way.  
I just hope a happy ending for everyone (or most of them) but knowing isayama, I will read happy endings only in fanfiction
I like Gabi now
I hope Mikasa realizes she’s NOT a slave and Eren’s Ackerman talk was bullshit. Ackermans are the most free ppl in this series
I wish for Eren not to turn like a villain, I want him to keep his same goals from the very beginning and save his friends, the Eldians, and unite them with Marley all together. I hope he can team up with Reiner and defeat Zeke. Most of all, I would like Mikasa to break her bonds she has with Eren and live for herself. And for Armin, to free Annie with the help of the Survey Corps and Reiner with Porco together so that Annie could fight on the right side for once, then return home peacefully.
If Armin isn't lying I'll eat one (1) entire issue of Bessatsu Shounen Magazine.
It didn’t focus as much on the fights as last time, focusing more on how the characters are being affected by the fight
It was amazing and it felt a bit more hopeful than the other chapters. But since it is supposed to be the last arc, something big will happen for sure and i am not ready XD!
Mikasa does not wear the protective shields. Foreshadowing? My Eekstinct tells me she is going to be injured in this battle and then Kiyomi makes a move that shock everyone, drags Mikasa away and keeps her promise of protecting her.    And then Hizuru arc begins EEEEEEEEK
Needs more Annie and Historia but still a 10/10. Should be 11/10 though.
One of the greatest cliffhangers ever. It created such a conflicting feeling in me. If Zeke doesn't die asap, he is going to scream. If he does, Eren won't be able to activate the rumbling to defeat Marley. It's two terrible results.
People could use some pointers from Yelena and stop looking at Eren as this messiah-like figure who is here to bring world peace or balance or any of that stuff. Eren doesn't fight for the world, he never did. He fights for the freedom of him and his people and if flattening the earth gets him that then so be it. After all, he will keep moving forward, until his enemies are destroyed.
Probably my favorite chapter out of the last year! I thought it was going to be more action heavy but there were so many touching character moments and I absolutely loved it for taking its time to touch on almost everyone
This is like the 4th time in 5 chapters that Zeke is on the brink of death and my poor heart can only take so much ;-;
Unpopular Opinion (don't kill me), I feel that Pieck is such a Mary Sue.  I get that she is highly skilled among the Warriors, but she has seriously only had one "mistake" since her introduction (Panzer Unit explosion).  Other Warriors such as Reiner, Bortolo Colon, even Zeke have suffered multiple beat downs throughout the story.  I just want her to not feel as invincible at times, as it seems she's always one step ahead.
We’ve heard little to nothing about Eren’s philosophy and state of mind since after the time jump (and even after the RTS arc ended), I think we’re in for some info soon enough
Yelena is the representation of all the creepy fangirls who just wanna protecc their otp change my mind
Well, if I wasn't right about anything else, I was right in that shit has completely gone down. Probably one of my favorite chapters in the whole manga.
With so many airships this month cant we just rename Attack on Titan to Attack on Airships ? :D
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perispinel · 6 years
Adventure Time Finale Liveblog
Already this episode is off to a weird start, starting with a flashforward in the future with two random one-off characters and- OH MY GOSH THEY FOUND FINN’S ARM AND THEY LIVE IN MARCELINE’S HOUSE NOW!
Did Finn like die? THis has to be a fakeout about this.
King of Ooo is alive far int he future? he melted in the fire as wax remember writers? 
Oh my gosh this is why they showed the Enchiridion episode last, Mount Kragdor is back!
the king of Ooo is BMO! Wait why does he have PB’s crown... oh my god BMO outlived everybody. he is unfazed by death
BMO is kickin’ em out already, what a savage
That arm is giving BMO some flashbacks. Awww adorable!
Heh after so long BMO is having trouble remembering Finn’s name.
The plot description said NEPTR was telling the story, they faked us out totally!
Finally, more Betty! 
Finally, more Maja!
Looking at Finn is like “you die eventually. BMO has your arm now.”
Having BMO narrate the whole story makes it sound like a five year old trying to describe World War II. 
Finally Duke of Nuts, my favorite character!
Literally no one likes him, he wants to be MacGyver
Justin Roiland has work while R n M is off
Princess Bubblegum is going the Leia route of going from Princess to General
Oh no a little cake spy.
Huntress Wizard, played by Mona Lisa from Parks and Rec, did a good job getting rid of that sky
Come along with me, it is time for war you seeeee
Marceline and PB better makeout RIGHT NOW Marceline, yes, please reconsider PB Oh geez Marceline is just casually like “I saw people die PB.” Marceline be like “I felt worse” all over us
Finn is right.
W-what? Finn whatcha goin on about with nightmares? I thought he was gonna break the fourth wall
I love when a war begins with someone repeating “WAR” over and over
Yep yep there goes the banana guards. What a great plan
“You’re weird” isn’t what I’d say honestly
He doesn’t know what fruit is apparently
Lemongrab is totally piiiiiissed... Oh he’s just sad.
Gumbald literally is backing UP because of them being serious Finny boy
Hey Fern, remember when I accidentally killed ya? Good times boi
“You’re a toddler” is the cue for “I kill you or you give up”
What a great time for a commercial break. 
Okay, time for my thoughts in-between the show: this is giving me crazy feelings. Like, knowing BMO outlives everyone, regardless of the war’s outcome... wait, BMO said Finn was heroic til the end right? Oh my gosh will Finn sacrifice himself? Well either way BMO probably SAW him die, old age or not. BMO is literally the imbodement of a child who doesn’t understand the consequences of anything. Back to the show!
Nice job making me almost sad BMO.
Unconscious world? That’s crazy man.
So no war? Aiight.
Finn was all like “go to dreamworld and talk things out” and they be like “let’s have a war again”
Ooh cool, let’s get those songs for the album here
Jake is going back to his roots
Ooh let’s get Tom Sharpling up in this guys
Aww poor Fern. 
PB isn’t reluctant at all to kill someone even if they look like Finn, as long as they be an enemy. 
Oh sweet evolution Fern! 
Fern is going the toddler solution, that’s fine.
Okay Greg from Steven Universe, enjoy your appearance while it lasts.
Is John DiMaggio spending the episode in a dream state?
Pinching people in the dreamworld really wakes you up? That’s dope.
W-what? why’d they just vibrate
Fern does sound like a knockoff Finn sometimes honestly. Heh prove you’re tormented Finn! 
Oh geez this is really dark, PB had a messup life. Recreating that scene for some symbolism I suppose!
Ooh subconscious world!
Aww his girlfriend is here- I wish I spoke korean.
It’s nice his kids- oh nevermind. 
Is this symbolism for him being connected to his wife like by the sides?
Hahah we got a fart joke everyone, wrap it up! Just kiddin I don’t care either way
I bet Pb is learning what it was like living as a completely unintelligent being without any choice. Will this cause some empathy?
Yeah repressed memories must smell awful.
Obviously Fern and Finn share the same memories, but it’s cool to see them confront it Mindful Education-style
I missed Adventure Time’s art style honestly. 
Oh I get it, Fern originated from the Finnsword.
Oh wow, all of that took place in the span of one second!
PB and Gumbald are learning empathy now, are we not having a war or?
“No no no that happened next.” Good job faking out the fake out.
I love these breaks telling us small bits of lore and secrets about what’s going on that we’re not noticing. Anyway, I am excited to find out what this portal is exactly- I’m guessing Magic Man, Betty, and Maga’s weird cryptic chant is gonna cause some big bad event. Will Adventure Time end with the end of the world? I’d be mega shocked if Finn just died. Wait why isn’t Marceline in the future? Realistically she should be there UNLESS she got killed, soooo... back to the show!! :D
We saved the day! Big scary baby is definitely good!
Wait Fern is in the real world now???
Ice King was just gonna leave until he had that flashback
It is so cute seeing Betty and Simon’s past, I wwant fanart of them having a happy life.
Did I mention FP is super cute? I love Flame Princess
This is getting quite dark man. Even Marcy is scared.
PB don’t martyr yourself
Aww what a great leader, telling her army to flee in terror instead of dying without purpose!
Oooh Fern is on good side now!
Gumball Guardians are her real children
Is this even a kids episode? this should be rared PG-13 man
I hope all this rogue gallery characters still get lines. oh there they go
Heh Jake and Amethyst have some similarities don’t they
Wow what a dark end for someone, skull cracks open and innards bounce around and endanger people
Ice King is the savior! How cute
This is more epic than Reunited but that’s not fair to say exactly, one is finale and one is a special
Oh no poor bananas, so dumb
Let’s go Jake, doing what he does best and being helpful!
Did Jake explode and die?
Remember when LSP and Lemongrab dated?
Aww Lemongrab and LSP is a canon ship, only straight ship allowed for those two
Come on Ice King, remember who you and Betty are!
Ice King is reciting the song from the episode. Oh my gosh come on dude, replace at least ONE word in the song silly!
Betty is too crazy to not throw a tantrum I guess.
Maga the Sky Witch- Kill Count 1
No no no Flame Princesssss! Maybe she’s okay?
Did PB just die? Oh my glob
Oh Marcy’s going back to her roots
Okay PB is alive, it’s fine.
Marceline just had a PLanet Hulk moment right there.
Aww it’s canon now guys! Marceline X Bubblegum eternally and they kissssed! Guys they made up for so long of teasing!
Oh no I think they’re breaking them apart layer-by-layer
Ice King is Simon again, yeyyy!
I love that the moment PB and Marcy are confirmed gay for real they just have them holding each other close to prove it even more
Finally Jakei s confirmed not dead
Oh no is Jake dead, 2.0.?
Finally we have a reason BMO knows what happens. He nearly died.
Okay so... Flame Princess and Fern are taken out while Maga is definitely dead. I have a feeling Marceline might die,or else we’ll need a thorough explanation for why she’s not living in her house. Like I can tell that this character voiced by Willow Smith is Jake’s descendant but Marceline is potentially an immortal I assumed so they wouldn’t have her be gone without explanation. Then, here’s a question: is Jake about to sacrifice himself to save BMO?? Also, BMO straight-up says the world ended so I have a feeling that he wasn’t just being coy.
Oh my glob, what’s about to happen. Jake and Finnn’s home is destroyed. 
BMO is getting deep. Okay HE’S SINGING THE SONG :D
Is this about to have a Rogue One ending? How is this going to end happily?
This song is meant to be bittersweet, no way is this a happy ending song guys.
Is BMO secretly badass? CARTOON CONSPIRACY No it’s just the power of music.
Oh I get it! Discord, Harmony, Music, it all makes sense! 
Oh literally everyone sings this! along with screaming!
They got so many voice actors for this! 
Is he going to explode? Oh my glob?
Here lies Finn. he was a good man. I love him. 
“No one gets to choose how it happens. the most important thing is that we’re here together.” Nice way to make me sad twice
Is Simon going to become Simon forever? What’s going on here? Is Betty going to get her bones crushed???
Aww how cute of you Betty. not making my heart any calmer
Ooh yes he’s Simon again :DDD
Oh my gosh this is a crazy kind of ending
Oh no I’m scared now.
thanks for the reminder of The Tandem Elephant’s existence man. Okay, so... this is crazy. Simon is back, like for real, he’s not dying or anything... Betty is potentially dead... Finn didn’t die, which is dope... my eyes are watering, definitely not about to cry. I can’t believe it I’m emotional over cartoon show wow. Just knowing I have eight more minutes until it for real is all over. Maybe I’ll just like, watch it again so I can pretend it didn’t end yet? No that’d be fake. I normally don’t even cry in situations where it’d make sense so this is telling for me I guess. These commercials really make me appreciate how good the show I’m watching are. :’D Okay so, I don’t think Magi actually died, although it’s hard to tell really since I didn’t get a good look at her. I have no idea what is about to happen but I am freaking out. 
Ultimate Adventure continues now
Oh wow Betty fused with the crystal boi
Simon and Marcy, reunited for real
Imagine how much it must suck to wake up after so long of being stuck as someone else
I DON’T FEEL SO GOOD. is that a reference... Oooniverse?
Okay so Gunter is the future beard boy I guess.
Oh wow they grew a Fern. and found a new sword. 
Thanks for disobeying me Finn
Finn officially has the singular arm. Dope.
Future baby boy has a big beard
Finn and Jake can’t live forever, this is the past yes
Ooh the music hole is here again! Epic callback broos
Ooh the hole sings the End Credits Song oh geez
New Ice King is Gunter, old ICe King is Simon
Ooh nice glimpses of what might become of some of our friends in the future
Ooooh Lemongrab and Jake get along better. 
Aww cute his dad is going to space now
Flame Princess and NEPTR friends forever
Jiggler callback! 
Susan is here!
Normal Man is cool!
Huntress Wizard continues to be fun! 
PB and Marcy are still gay, Pep But is still edgyyyy
They found the sword oh glorb! 
Okay I have a lot of thoughts... that was a ffinale. It really was. It was not something I got disappointed in because they didn’t wrap up anything. It wasn’t like waiting 10 years for 10 more episodes of a cartoon. It was like epic man. I naerly teared up guys. It didn’t end with a Reset Button like some finales would- Everything Stays, but it still changed. Sorry, this post is too long for anyone to read all the way through, but I still hope you enjoyed my thoughts on the last Adventure Time episode. A zillion out of ten guys.
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singingwordwright · 7 years
Shadowhunters recap - s2ep18 “Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen”
SHADOWHUNTERS Recaps Intro and Masterlist
These recaps may contain spoilers from the books (that may or may not happen in the show.) Proceed at your own risk.
Recap and meta under the cut.
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Gotta give it to Max, he’s a little badass. Temper that with a bit of discretion and maybe he’ll actually live to reach adulthood, contrary to all book canon. Like, seriously Max, you couldn’t have gone to find Alec or Izzy once you realized what the hair leading you to Sebastian meant, instead of confronting Sebastian yourself?
Gratifying just how many times Sebastian gets stabbed in this episode. Of course, I’d prefer it if one of them was a mortal wound, but alas…
If Lindsay was lurking in the hall outside Alec’s office, she should have heard Max’s head crack against the desk. A blow hard enough to knock someone out and cause them to bleed from their nose and ears would be LOUD. I’ve literally heard real people hit their heads in ways that do much less damage and it sounded like a melon exploding.
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Now that the banter and fun goofing around is back, so is Simon and Maia’s chemistry. I think this is the magic of Simon. I bought the Climon relationship the most when he and Clary were being giggly and having fun together. I found Simon and Maia’s chemistry in s2ep06 to be off the charts, again, when they were bantering and laughing. For some reason, whenever Simon forgets to be that guy whom women can laugh and have fun with, he loses a lot of what makes him click in his various potential pairings.
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My frustration hit its peak with the fact that Sebastian was right there in the middle of everything while everyone was all, “Where is Jonathan?” There’s only so many times you can yell “HE’S THERE!!! HE’S RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN FRONT OF YOU!!!” at the TV before you just throw your hands up in the air and say, “You know what? Fuck it. You’re too stupid to live. I hope he guts you all.”
They carried this plotline right up to the brink of me hitting that point.
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Current sexuality: Magnus saying, “m’lady.”
“Your crush” Oh, I’ll show you a fucking crush, you pint-sized wretch!
Let’s all take a moment to bow our heads and be grateful the producers are making a young-adult urban fantasy show and not a hospital drama. Because they would be really, really bad at it. Seriously I was cringing.
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And what the fuck were the runes flashing on the monitor over Max’s head about? Are they there to remind the infirmary medics “This is how you draw an iratze. This is how you draw Nourishment. This is how…” (I’m not sure what that last one was, but it looked like some Shadowhunter stylized version of the Caduceus or the rod of Asclepius.)
Of all the times for Magnus to refuse to take Alec’s call.
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Wow. I’d forgotten what an asshole Season 1 Alec could be. He’s come a long way, considering that in-universe it has literally been six weeks since he and Magnus met (No, seriously, check out my timeline if you doubt me. I did the math so you don’t have to.)
I say “asshole” in the most loving way possible, of course. He had his reasons, but he was indeed an asshole. It just goes to show how unhappy and uncomfortable in his own skin he was, and how much losing that burden of hiding himself away from the world impacted him.
Still, I sort of wanted Magnus to push back a little harder when Alec low-key threatened him. “If you let anyone know…”/“Oh, you’ll do what, Shadowhunter?” Because Magnus could almost certainly kick Alec’s ass with all but one of his little pinky fingers broken.
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I’m glad we’re finally getting down to business with the whole Ollie thing. But IIRC it’s against the Accords (or Covenant?) to let mundanes know anything about the Shadow world. Which means Luke could be in trouble if the Clave gets wind of her finding out.
And why is so so eager to know, anyway? Like, why was she all up in his business?
I’m wondering if it doesn’t actually have something to do with Maia, considering the way Ollie zeroed right in on her. Say, Ollie’s a cop, but she also, idk, moonlights helping Sam (who maybe is a private investigator?) by taking on missing person cases at the behest of desperate families. Contrary to book canon, we’ve been given some indication that Maia’s parents may actually care for her, so what if they hired Sam and Ollie to track Maia down, and find out she’s gotten mixed up in what might look to be (on the surface) a weird wolf-worshipping cult?
IDK I’m just spinning bullshit theories.
I like how at SDCC Isaiah said that Luke is grooming Maia to take over the pack someday, and how we actually sort of saw that in action here.
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I liked Jace’s distress here, because with the exception of s2ep08 and a pat on the head in the last episode, we haven’t really seen him and Max interact or gotten any impression of how his relationship is with Max. And his distress here feels a lot more…sincere? relatable, maybe?...than his oft-repeated bouts of brooding manpain over his upbringing under Valentine.
And, strangely, his pain feeling more genuine also made Clary’s empathy and support feel more genuine. This moment made me feel more of a connection between them than just about any other moment they’ve had on-screen together.
Funny how when you build a relationship between characters out of moments and situations that are arise organically within the plot—rather than forcing it—it just works better, isn’t it?
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I feel like I should say something about Bat, but I just don’t have much of an impression of him or what part he’s going to play within the plot, yet. Kevin Alves seems incredibly sweet and eager to be a part of the show, however, so there’s that?
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“Rebooting of the brain.” Really? (The part of me that actually knows something about medicine is rolling its eyes so hard right now. This was badly done. Suspension of disbelief in one area only works if you are meticulously grounded in accurate reality in other areas, and this would have been a good area to do that. Massive head trauma that can’t be magically woo-wooed away.)
I have lots of thoughts on the decision to keep Max alive, most of them not good. I was prepared for the pain of him dying, which would have struck pretty close to home because I have a 10yo son. And as a storyteller, I think it would have gone a long way to establishing the stakes for this story.
Like, Valentine wants to commit genocide, and Sebastian wants to help him. We all get that. And we’re all horrified by it. But genocide is a MASSIVE concept to try to really wrap your head around. The human brain, I think, tends to shield you from really grasping it. It’s just too much.
This is a problem faced often by storytellers who are writing stories in which the fate of the world is at stake. It’s too big. The audience can’t connect with it personally, can’t internalize it. So you take that, and you distill it to make the stakes personal. One death, of a character who is beloved by your protagonists and hopefully by your audience, an innocent with all the potential in the world that will now never manifest, stands in for the thousands or millions who will actually die if the bad guy isn’t stopped. That death becomes a rallying point for your protagonists, and a symbol to your audience of just how evil your bad guy is and how much he needs to be stopped.
In short, Max needed to die. He needed to die as tragically as possible. It would have had a lot more storytelling mileage.
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God. This scene was just everything I could have asked for their first time to be. I’m pretty sure I wrote a line in a fanfic once about Magnus telling Alec that one of the rules of his bed was that you had to be able to laugh in it, so the giggling and giddiness was just so perfect. And the fact that Magnus responded “No such thing” when Alec expressed concern that he might be doing something wrong is really something else I could have written myself.
It was tender and sweet and sexy without being objectifying and I loved it.
I will say, though, I’m probably in the minority in that I never wanted or needed to see a scene where Alec was confronted with Magnus’s cat eyes for the first time and explicitly stated his unstinting acceptance of him. I always felt it would be othering to go that route. And I felt like this idea that Magnus, who is so incredibly powerful, would lose control so easily a little absurd. I always liked to imagine that the idea that Alec would find NOT being accepting of Magnus unthinkable, that he would be honestly and sincerely befuddled by the idea that Magnus’s eyes might be a Big Deal. “Yeah, he’s a warlock, he has a warlock mark, I’m not sure why that’s supposed to be something that matters.”
That said, if they were going to go there, then this was the way to do it. The thread that weaves through Magnus and Alec’s story in this episode and ties past to present is the fact that they come from different worlds, and with those different worlds come different obligations and priorities. So in this case, the othering was entirely the point and it played into that theme.
So, if it had to happen, I’m glad it at least happened within this context and wasn’t just schmaltzy.
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I really loved Luke being such a badass here but I’m certain allowing Russell to live is a bad idea.
Seriously, though, Russell. Not only is Luke a badass just as a werewolf, but he’s got the martial training of a Shadowhunter. How do you imagine you’re going to win this?
Probably one of the most realistic fight scenes I’ve ever seen in terms of showing just how exhausting fighting becomes in very short order. Too many drag out too long before the combatants start to show fatigue.
I really want to know about the cooks at the Jade Wolf. Are they werewolves themselves? Is that why the kitchen staff never bats an eye at anything, including these people waltzing in and out of the kitchen and storeroom?
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The scene with Maia explaining her backstory was extremely well done and Alisha Wainwright is all things wonderful and I love her.
“This is what love got me.” Let’s take a moment to recognize the symmetry of Maia and Simon’s stories though. Becoming a vampire, a Downworlder, is what love got Simon as well.
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I can’t say anything about this scene that hasn’t been said before, and better, since they released it as a sneak peek. But it’s so beautiful and my heart hurts.
Magnus’s moment with the Lightwoods all together on one side of the hall and him by himself on the other is incredibly poignant but I can’t find the words to really examine it properly. This is the point at which things just began to hurt too much and my brain stopped being able to cope with it.
I’d really like to know how Jace, who can sense Alec’s happiness over things like having sex with his boyfriend for the first time, couldn’t sense the lack of a spike in grief that would have surely occurred upon Max’s death. Grrr.
The fight sequence with Sebastian taking out all the guards was amazing and Will Tudor is brilliant. Did he really use a sword that was still stuck through someone’s body to parry a blow?
What the hell was with him just using his hand to open the crypt, though? No rune or anything. Can Sebastian somehow channel magic?
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This whole thing with Clary was awesome and for once she seemed to be working for her miracles so I’ll ungrudgingly let her have this. The one thing I don’t know is what finally tipped her off about Sebastian. Was the electrum nugget thing too warm after he handled it? Did she just realize she never saw his palm? What made her chase after him and check his palm?
I loved her stabbing him. Twice. I’m fully in support of stabbing Sebastian. Yes. Please. Let’s stab Sebastian more. Sebastian for Pincushion 2k17.
Sebastian continues to be a creepy-ass fuck. Seriously, WHY did they decide to go with the incestuous obsession thing? There are so many other places they could have taken that story.
I like that her Open rune that burned through Magnus’s wards also exploded the Institute security doors. I appreciated that for a couple reasons. First, because Sebastian taught her to do that, to use her runes and make them more powerful. Second, it’s also a nice little nod to the books, since we didn’t get that scene of Clary totally disintegrating and blowing up Valentine’s barge with that rune.
Sebastian has vamp speed, too?
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I want to ship them, but I haven’t managed it yet. In-universe it’s been like, a week, since Clary and Simon broke up. And of course we know they’re not end-game. But the writers ended up making me buy Climon more than I ever expected to, so maybe they’ll do the same with this one.
I just don’t want to see either of them hurt, so if Simon ends up ending it with Maia, I’m going to be upset, and if Maia ends up ending it with Simon I’ll be upset. *sigh*
I hated seeing the home Simon has been making for himself torn apart like that.
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This is the moment of my first death and the beginning of buckets of tears. This look on Magnus’s face after Alec says “our way back to each other.” I can’t. I just can’t. He’s just so heartbroken here.
And the way Alec’s eyes close when Magnus touches him.
And the way Magnus’s voice almost breaks when he says “I love you, too.”
And the way Magnus is trying to smile, just a little. To hold on to some of the joy he’s found with Alec. To file this portion of his life away as a happy memory. To remember Alec as a good thing and not a source of sorrow.
There are so many nuances here and every single one of them fucking slays me dead.
Alec’s disbelief and denial.
Alec’s youthful, naïve insistence that if they just work hard enough, if they’re just determined enough, they can find a way, and Magnus’s world-weary wisdom and centuries of experience telling him there’s just no chance for them.
“You once asked me what I was afraid of. It’s this.”
And here’s my second death. That all along we thought that Magnus was afraid of being alone, being abandoned, like Camille said, he never does well losing the people he cares about.
So, we’ve always thought he was afraid Alec would break his heart. Leave him. Be repulsed by him. Choose duty over him.
We should have known better. Magnus has lived long enough to have his heart broken before, and he knows he’ll survive it.
His real fear is inflicting that pain, that loss, on someone else.
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My third and finale death. Alec stifling a sob is where I just lose it entirely.
So I guess what I’m saying here?
Yes, this is a break-up. That’s my read on it. Sorry. It just is.
I don’t believe it’s a permanent one. Of course it’s not. If they’re not back together by the end of the season, at least on some sort of tentative, provisional basis, I’ll be very surprised and extremely pissed off. If I’m left with this boulder sitting on my chest over the hiatus I’m not sure I’ll survive. This show is supposed to be my happy place and I think if they leave me in this hurty place for very long it’s going to ruin it for me.
I don’t think the producers will let this linger long.
But this scene right here? As far as Magnus is concerned in this exact moment as he’s walking away from Alec?
He thinks they’re done. He thinks they’re over. He means it to be that way.
Something will happen to make him change his mind, though, and that’s important. Because here’s the thing:
We’ve seen Alec choose Magnus over and over and over.
He chose Magnus in s1ep06 when he walked away from the Institute and duty to take an evening to at least investigate the possibility of doing something that wasn’t about duty.
He chose Magnus in s1ep12 when he walked away from his own wedding.
He chose Magnus in s2ep06 when he turned his back on his own fears and misgivings and plunged into this relationship.
He chose Magnus in s2ep08 when he challenged his mother’s lack of acceptance repeatedly and sent her a very pointed message about their relationship.
He chose Magnus in s2ep10 when he rejected Aldertree’s words about the impossibility of relationships between Shadowhunters and Downworlders.
He chose Magnus in s2ep13 when he risked censure from the Inquisitor to take a stand for what’s right.
Even when everything he’s ever been trained and brought up to do is telling him to do the opposite, he has chosen Magnus repeatedly.
The only time we haven’t seen him choose Magnus was with regard to keeping the secret about the Soul Sword, and even then, his choice was about Magnus, even if it was paternalistic and wrong-headed.
What we haven’t seen, though?
We haven’t seen Magnus choosing Alec. We see him clearly aware of the difficulty in their situation, especially since s2ep12, but he never really chooses to stand against it. Which is not to say he’s not committed, not at all. We’ve seen Magnus put himself on the line and expose himself and make himself vulnerable for Alec. That’s huge. But with the exception of his hesitation to keep pursuing Alec in s1ep12, we haven’t seen him make that same deliberate decision to damn the obstacles between them and make this relationship happen. His commitment has been more along the lines of ducking and covering and hoping whatever is heading toward them blows over before it pushes them to this critical juncture.
We need to see him make that choice. Everything since s2ep12 has been leading to him making that choice.
Now, I don’t want to step outside my lane, so I’m gonna tread carefully here. 
The thing we have to remember is that Alec, coming from the privileged group, is much safer choosing Magnus than Magnus is in choosing Alec. He’s got that safety net built in, so it’s easier for him. He may face censure and perhaps a decrease in some of his advantages (like being passed over for job promotions) but no consequences that he might face are on the same level of what Magnus might face.
So the two dilemmas and the choice to stand against their respective obstacles are not equal. If Magnus choses their relationship over his people, he doesn’t just face censure, he faces genocide. Pretty big difference there. The only possible way he can justifiably choose Alec at all is if he somehow discovers that choosing Alec dovetails conveniently with the best way to protect himself and his people.
My prediction is that something in the next episode, or in the finale at the latest, is going to bring Magnus to that decision point and make him turn around.
But for the moment? Right now, this scene?
I know it’s going to be an unpopular opinion, but Magnus really does mean this to be a breakup.
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olivieblake · 3 years
@presumptious-quirks your ask had a few spoilers, so I'm answering this way and redacting things as necessary!
Congratulations on your son!! so sorry you had a rough time of it but I hope you feel better soon!!
but also
so so so soooooo I finished the atlas six and I
feelings. exciting!!! the dream!!
most of which will probably be largely incomprehensible lol (flashback to all the rambling comments I've left on your fics) but firstly, FIRSTLY:
I've obsessively scrolled through the entire fandom on here and so I know a LotTM of people do not like him (for understandable reasons I guess) but I just. he's just. so INTERESTING. this is my defense, personally and they were going to [REDACTED]. and he KNEW that. and when it looked like Tristan was going to [REDACTED] I nearly DIED. and his MOTHER oh my goshhhhh his MOTHER that whole conversation was HEARTBREAKING and explains so much about him??? like we talked recently about mommy issues and how much harder they are and it's just??? no wonder he wants to turn everyone's emotions down if he's had to feel his mother's emotions like that from such an early age and KNOW she doesn't quite love him and then her own issues - wow. olivie i would like to sue you for emotional damages my HEART harsh but fair, I respect it
fun fact tho I kind of already knew he was going to be my favourite ever since I heard he was south african bc I'm afrikaans myself and he's actually the literal first afrikaans character I've ever come across, so!!! i was wondering about his name, tho - nova isn't a traditional afrikaans name so I wondered what made you pick it? I get that sometimes the name chooses the character tho lol haha yeah I wasn't really writing in order to have 100% fidelity to the world vs. the fantasy, which I realize now makes it a bit hard to defend, but callum's name just sort of felt right for a prominent family within the space of magical capitalism. I wanted his position in society to feel a little mythical in its elitism, hence the name
also does he speak afrikaans? and his family lives in Cape town so I presume south africa has advanced through the magical world? feel free not to answer these if they're kind of spoiler-y but I just have so. many. questions. now I think callum can in a weaponized way, meaning he doesn't always reveal that he can; like nico he would have spent a lot of time away for his schooling, so he's kind of like an unsocialized puppy
and his POWERS oh my gosh his POWERS. an empath with little to no personal empathy. and the way his more deadly powers are revealed?? LITERAL joy. i love how you wrote it so we found out more through the other's reactions than explicit portrayal (until parisa and his competiton). when dalton said [REDACTED] I literally gasped out loud bc that makes so much SENSE I love a gasp!
i can't decide if I ship him with Tristan or not - in the beginning i definitely did but now i think there's so much between them?? which makes for wonderful conflict and dynamics but might not translate into the best of relationships. I think someone else has said that they're epically tragic and I do agree - I was fully prepared to get my heart ripped out when it looked like one of them was going to [REDACTED] the other
Which reminds me - reina is my next favourite (in fact she and callum pretty much share the top spot) bc she's so. steady? is perhaps the word? she kind of grounds them and her motivations are so interesting and how much she resents her powers? (the plants' 'mothermothermother' way of speech is legitemately like my favourite part of the whole book ) I do love that
and then gideon.
I just think he's neat? lol
i am of the firm opinion that libby and nico are platonic soulmates but gideon and nico are IN LOVE. personal headcanons until the sequel(s) ofc but needless to say OTP: YOU AND YOUR TICKING CLOCK, GIDEON, THAT'S MY FUTURE. fully prepared to be proved wrong in delightful ways (i legitimately think I'd love ANY configuration of pairings in this universe; they all have such different dynamics and like ALL the characters have chemistry with each other)
although I am ALSO torn between wanting them to be very close friends. but alas, such is the fate of shipping so true and I appreciate the turmoil
hmmm let me see what else do I want to scream about (I'm trying to do this all at once to not overload you but I don't think its working lmao)
parisa's backstory is veeeeerry sad (if I'm reading it right) and I just want to give her a hug (unfortunately I do not think she would appreciate it, but one can dream) lol
libby! I love her development so much - she's started on this journey of coming into herself and being comfortable in her own skin and its wonderful seeing the first stages of that (apart from the. [REDACTED] part. but we live in hope she will be alright)
nico I love nico, popular opinion there i see :)
also this is the WEIRDEST thing but when I was about eleven I wrote this story about a woman running a secret society and her name was Atlas Blake??? great minds think alike am I right yes!!
that is about it I believe, although in true me fashion I immediately made my entrance to the Atlas Six fandom with a shitpost sorting the characters into Troubled Birds memes oh what love that, so I will probably be populating your dash with many low quality alignment charts and tumblr quotes for TA6 until I run out of steam incredible
this got very long so feel free to ignore/avoid/answer when you feel better and I hope all goes well for you and your family!! 💛💛💛
I can't say much at the moment, both because there's an infant napping on my chest and because there's a lot I don't necessarily want to comment on yet, but I'm so glad you enjoyed the book and I think these are all very interesting takes. thank you so much for reading!! so grateful for you
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morrisbrokaw · 6 years
My Favorite Books and Podcasts for Making (and Keeping) Better Relationships
It may or may not be true that one of my go-to wedding gifts—before I may or may not have heard the gasps and witnessed the expressions of horror by newlyweds upon unwrapping—was the book “What Predicts Divorce.” I mean, hey: If you’re going to be in a successful, until-death-do-us-you-know-what type of relationship, you should want to know the science of divorce, amiright? In my defense, I’m pretty sure I am right about the (unscientific) fact that 80% of the time it’s more important to know what you should not do than what you should do in a situation if you hope to survive. Example? Is that a tasty chanterelle mushroom growing there… or perhaps a Deadly Dapperling? Literally, deadly—hence its name. And, to be fair (more to my defense?): With the divorce book I’d also include a hefty gift card or cash tucked behind front cover with a witty (I thought) set of instructions, something about heading to their favorite café or bar for a cliché date-night to be executed expertly with a ritual of reading about/discussing divorce—so you don’t end up as one. Good luck.
Okay, to be honest: I didn’t actually write “good luck.” Too snarky. But mostly because relationships aren’t luck. They’re work. And as a social scientist who studies these human systems we call marriage, family and friendship, I’m of the mind that we mindfully should arm ourselves with some mind-rich knowledge about how to both make our relationships—all of them, no matter if they’re of the chosen or biological variety—awesome. Okay, at least good. But, hopefully awesomely awesome! One thing we researchers know for sure: relationships are a little bit art and a little bit science. And yes, for sure, you can increase your chances of success by knowing more your own contributions to and choices in them (aka, did the way I just roll my eyes move us a notch closer to divorce, or did it serve as a humor-moment and thus worked in our favor?). To help you with all of that and more, I’ve picked my favorite books and podcasts for making and keeping better relationships. It should be noted: Some have been on my list for a long time, my go-to relationship 911 classics (and now my chosen wedding or engagement gifts). Some are newer to my favorites list because either they’re just newer in publication date and/or (yay) they finally came across my radar—usually thanks to a geeky friend/therapist and/or fellow relationship researcher.
So, if you want better, wiser, and/or more delightful relationships of many varieties, you’re wise to keep these five titles by your bedside:
What Shamu Taught me about Life, Love, Marriage by Amy Sutherland.
Trust me, it’ll change not only your current marriage and/or future marriage, but every encounter with every other human being in every context—as in forever more. ABSOLUTELY. FREAKIN’. BRILLIANT! And practical. And so obviously simple that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime kind of eye-opener about our own and others’ behavior. It’s also one you can read in a couple of hours, although if you’re like me you’ll re-read chapters every few months so refine your thinking and techniques. (Oh, and please don’t tell my kids or husband about the book; I’ve been secretly shamuing them and want to continue the experiment for another year or so before giving each of them a copy in their holiday stocking.)
The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman and Joan DeClaire. Any book by the relationship guru John Gottman is a book you’ll want to read. As I’ve written/said/shouted/preached before and will again now: his longitudinal research on marriage is the gold standard. He and his research team can predict divorce with over 90% accuracy based on just a few key communication behaviors. In this book, he’s applied those observations—in practical, smart, easy-to-apply lessons—to help all of your relationships. It’s one of my all-time favorites. Never loan your copy to someone; you won’t get it back.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman. See above comments about Gottman and his landmark work and relationship brilliance. Copy/paste here. Then buy a case of these books and gift to everyone you know—keeping one for yourself and one for your spouse/future spouse/significant other… and maybe a spare in your purse for those my-head-is-about-to-explode-because-he-forgot-to-_____-again moments. You won’t find more credible advice about how to shift, often just slightly, your tone of voice, word choices, or even facial expressions to make your marriage those among the masters (and not the disasters). Oh, and if you suddenly become obsessed with how the principles are changing your relationship, you might take it to the next level with the Gottman’s “DIY marriage repair” kit: The Art and Science of Love: Home Couples Workshop DVD box set. It’s a little pricey at $175, but trust me: priceless! And about .02% the cost of divorce court. And they even have done research on the effectiveness of their workshops. Spoiler alert: for many couples, it’s proven as or more effective than therapy.
I Only Say This Because I Love You: Talking to your Parent, Partners, Kids and Sibs When You’re all Adults by Deborah Tannen. This is one of my all-time favorites. Okay, almost all of Tannen’s in her series are faves, including the first “You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation” and its offspring, born a few years later: “That’s Not What I Meant! How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships.” Why so much Tannen-love? She’s a Georgetown Professor of Sociolinguistics who has been able to—with her witty writing and rich, profound examples—explain exactly how it’s almost always how we say something, not what we say, that will make or break our relationships. It’s possible you’ll garner the concern of everyone around you while reading; most of us nod like bobble-heads as we consume her examples and explanations. These are the perfect companion pieces to Gottman’s books.
If You’re in My Office, It’s Already Too Late: A Divorce Lawyer’s Guide to Staying Together by James Sexton. Just out, this has become a new favorite! So much so, it might be making its way into future wedding gift boxes. Many who know me would say “really?” Are you promoting the advice of a divorce lawyer? Here’s what I like and why I highly recommend: Sexton reverse engineers marriage success. He’s seen the worst of the worst (the unthinkable WORST and then some) of couples—literally a thousand and then some of them. And after being on the front lines of those marriage disasters, he’s been able to capture here—with sharp writing, hard-hitting advice and heart-warming clarity—exactly what the relationship researchers are suggesting. And, he does so in a way that I think will resonate with a lot of people in a way that we (ugh, it’s hard to admit) researchers and professorly-types sometimes don’t. As such, I give this book my stamp of credible-relationship-self-help approval.
Maybe you’re not an avid reader? I’ve got you covered—and so does the world of podcasters. (Remind me: what did we do before the invention of the podcast? Seriously.) If you want better, wiser, and/or more delightful relationships of many varieties, you’d be wise to subscribe to these four of my fave relationship-enhancing podcasts:
Where Should We Begin? Hosted by Esther Perel. Wow. WOW. Wowwowowo. Someone said it better than I ever could: “This podcast is free therapy.” Yes, Perel is a brilliant couples therapist. And yes, she essentially—in funny, heartwarming, powerful and heart-opening ways—invites us into her therapy sessions to (and these are her words) “learn, explore, and experience alongside the couples who have been gracious enough to let us in.” Begin your next hour with a listen to “Where should we begin?” If you don’t learn something and think about your own intimacy and relationship in a new way, you weren’t actually paying attention.
Dear Sugars hosted by Cherly Strayed and Steve Almond. If I had added a sixth book to my five-favorites above it would have been “Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar” by Strayed. No one does radical empathy about life and relationships better than Strayed. Together with Steve Almond—growing out of their advice column that gave way to Strayed’s Tiny Beautiful book—their Dear Sugars Podcast brings to your ears and heart that same fundamental and formidable logic found in the book and in their earlier advice columns: that of making raw sense of human emotion and our often nonsensical, illogical, complex relationship experiences. You. Will. LOVE. And learn. And their advice will seep into your consciousness—often when you least expect it.
Modern Love, a weekly Podcast based on the weekly and crazy-popular New York Times column by the same name. I mean, of course, this is one of my faves. And I’ll be surprised if it isn’t one of yours soon too. These are “Stories of love, loss and redemption,” and while hosts Meghna Chakrabarti and Daniel Jones don’t know it yet, I consider them friends. Because they’re with me as I fold laundry, drive between the two states I currently call homes, and even as I bathe. I mean who doesn’t want to listen to, for example (recent episodes): “Single Woman Seeking Manwich,” “When Mothers Bully Back,” and “GPS For my Lost Identity.” You do. And you will keep coming back for next week’s episode once you binge-listen to all in the archives.
Hidden Brain, an NPR Podcast hosted by Shankar Vedantam. Yes, this is a less obvious choice. But holy moly, I cannot stop listening to Hidden Brain, I once listened to more than a dozen episodes back-to-back on an overseas flight. The intersection of neuroscience and social science is not only absolutely fascinating, I find that every episode teaches me something—if not immediately obvious—about human relationships. In their own words, this is a Podcast using a combination of “science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.” I mean, hey: who doesn’t want to know more about that?! #RelationshipGeeksUnite
BONUS recommendation: A DOCUMENTARY So, maybe you’re neither a podcast nor book-lover. I’m here for you too. How about an award-winning, lighthearted documentary about the “crazy concept” of marriage? The 2017 documentary “I Do?” is one that I found so fascinating and insightful—with no easy answers and no stock advice, just an intimate look at the question “when we say ‘I Do’, what exactly do we say ‘yes’ to?”—I hosted this documentary shortly after its launch at the university where I taught. The post-viewing discussion with the producer/director and a panel of marriage and family therapists was so robust and interesting we struggled to get everyone out of the auditorium; they wanted to know/discuss more! My Rx to you and yours: no matter if you’re newly dating or been married 58 years, watch it together and talk about what marriage and commitment and the long-haul means (and doesn’t) to you. I guarantee you’ll have a LOT to talk about. And that’s really the goal, because even the research shows that when couples even watch a fictional movie about relationship dynamics and then discuss it, it has positive benefits for their own relationship. If you don’t want to have a book-club-date-night with your partner, then please do make some popcorn, turn off those damn phones, and watch this film: I Do? Documentary – A Lighthearted Documentary About the “Crazy” Concept of Marriage
Carol Bruess, a professor emeritus at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, studies and writes about relationships, is highly fluent in emoji, loves parentheticals, and is preparing her best happy-dance for empty-nest-time next year (but shhhh—don’t tell her kids because they think she’s going to be all weepy). Check out her research, books and sewing/design shenanigans over at carolbruess.com.
  The post My Favorite Books and Podcasts for Making (and Keeping) Better Relationships appeared first on Wit & Delight.
My Favorite Books and Podcasts for Making (and Keeping) Better Relationships published first on https://workbootsandshoes.tumblr.com/
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