#not just misgender people constantly and say
velvetvexations · 3 days
Cannot ever take anyone's criticisms about Saint (popularized the term transandrophobia) seriously when they turn "having a private kink blog to engage in consensual kink with transfem partner" into "believing in forcemasc detransition and corrective rape of lesbians", and "has a community willing to defend hymn" into "sent people to harass transfems".
We love to use the tools of the oppressors against our own community and all that. Nothing at all familiar about making a trans person's private sex life into an excuse to call them a predator and devalue everything they say, surely not.
And like. Every single one of those people are constantly saying over and over about how they would never ever judge even a transfem with the most problamatic kinks.
I don't have a detrans kink but I do like particular variations of play-misgendering. I can just feel that being used to invalidate me as an authority on the subject of transfeminism and perhaps even refute my identity entirely. I was also like, main character of Tumblr a decade ago during an extremely traumatizing period of my life and I'm certain that if that stuff ever came back up again they would enthusiastically use it against me while claiming I encouraged doing that to other transfems because I hopped the backs of ones saying blatantly bigoted shit.
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the-kneesbees · 2 years
omg transphobic kid had a civil conversation with trans kid AND asked for their pronouns?? character development
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nerime · 2 months
my coworkers are being turbo transphobic and literally refuse to listen to answers to questions they fucking ask argh!!! I can just tell you!!! I can just answer you!!!!! I have answers!!! to the ridiculous questions you ask in a mocking way!!!! if you listen for one second I can just fucking explain!!!! 😡😭😡😭
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inniave · 6 days
so fucking sick of the constant misgendering. it's exhausting. even from fellow queer people??????? who know me?????????? HELLO?????????????
#sorry i don't fit ur idea of queer but can u still show some basic respect & decency#pre-covering my hair i was constantly seen as non-binary or as a man or as intersex#and now??????? no matter what#i get referred to as a woman#by the same fucking people!!!!!! preaching “clothing has no gender”#ARE U SURE?????? CAUSE UR SURE AS HELL NOT TREATING ME LIKE I EXIST OUTSIDE MY CLOTHING CJOICES#most days i try to make myself not care but lately i've been realizing just how much i want to die because of how people perceive me#i don't want to change myself#but it's suffocating me#nobody sees me for who i really am except for spouse#and i am so so grateful for them#but when every single other interaction is just#so fucking transphobic and intersexist#i just want to curl up and die#changing the way i dress makes me want to die#getting misgendered for the way i dress makes me want to die#not having a place in the queer community makes me want to die#do u know how hard it is to be disabled intersex queer with DID which means constantly shifting identity#i'm lesbian im gay im trans both ways im ace im hypersexual im aromatic im poly it's EVRRUTHING#and so i fit nowhere#because i don't fit the mold :/#when i say queer in every way i mean it#and there's no real solution outside of finding community that accepts me and i cant even manage to get far enough into one#to even consider bringing up DID & the complexities it adds#cause y'all see someone in a modest dress & head scarf and go WOMAN#or see wheelchair and look the other way or continue booking in inaccessible places or not wearing a fucking mask#or don't want to be seen with someone visibly mentally ill#like..... i cant win. the only way i can get respect from my OWN FUXKJNG COMMUNITY is to change everything about myself#i'm so fucking over it#happy pride month ig
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larryrickard · 14 days
i had a dream that i made little cards that say "THEY!" on them that i handed out to people at work who got my pronouns wrong, immediately after they got it wrong. and in smaller text (or on the back) it said "i don't want an apology, i want you to do better" or "don't say you're sorry, DO BETTER" and ..... i kind of want to do it. maybe i'll get some moo cards made lmao
various scenarios included:
me slamming it down on a desk in front of them.
instead i had stickers, would slowly peel one off while they watched, and stick it on it on them.
handing out a quarter sheet piece of paper based on the 'i caught being good' tags we'd get in kindergarten which said 'i got caught misgendering hallie/my coworker'. it would have their name and date on it and a giant 🙁 face. i had them as a pad of paper and would hold up a finger to say 'wait a second', dramatically pull it out of my back pocket, take my pen out of another pocket, slowly fill it out in front of them, and hand it to them while staring them in the eyes.
getting a whiteboard for the outer side of my cubicle wall that said '[days] since i was misgendred' (with a bonus by saying 'last offender: [name]'
i also dreamt that i got into trouble for it because i was making people feel bad and was 'creating a hostile work environment'. i was just like.... okay and how do you think i feel? and my boss shut up real fuckin quick. dunno if that would be the case irl but if that does happen i can only dream.
#tired of the people who say 'i'm trying but i'm going to make mistakes'#ok sure i definitely mess up sometimes too but when it's not even close to 50/50 let alone merely uncommon ............. fuck you#what's sad is it's all people i like and it hurts so much#in the dream it the cards also said something about how i'm not a girl. not a lady. not a woman. stop saying that word to me ...#... in plural when i'm with female coworkers. about half the time i say 'not a lady' and only about half the time it's acknowleged#or that one who constantly posts female-empowering images on ig which are alienating bc it's clearly very binary#and getting comments like 'well it applies to you to!!!' why bc i have a pussy? fuck off#and she'll sometimes say 'thank you for your patience' (what patience) or 'have patience with me' (no.)#i've also thought of holding up my name tag in their faces bc my previous boss had it specially made for me#it's got my name position and pronouns#same boss tho..... he was REALLY consistent about using my pronouns but one day used she/her three times in a row before eventually...#... correcting himself and the next day i told him that really sucked especially from him and he later told me i should have been nicer...#... about it. i was PISSED. i said 'well then how should i have said it?' i don't even remember his answer i just know i wanted to go...#... off on him SO BADLY bc he said it 'hurt his feelings'. well too fucking bad bc every time i'm misgendered it makes me want to...#...die inside a little and feels like at the very least a tiny punch to the gut but that felt like being stabbed esp since it was a new hir#he also said 'ok but i corrected myself' yeah AT THE END after doing it THREE TIMES and that's not the point here#anyway lol this dream definitely stirred up shit unfortunately but i'm serious when i say i might actually have these made#like both my internal email and external emails have my pronouns in them (i had to campaign for this btw so thank you me)#but i recently added my own custom signature with 'they/them' in it that has a link about using pronouns correctly#me#lgbtq#nonbinary
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x-ladydisdain-x · 1 year
pov your dad sends you an article about elliot page and says it’s a good read and you start crying 👍
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zaukiel · 6 months
feeling very Normal lately.
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so normal
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biblicalhorror · 8 months
Yknow that post that's like "when someone points out the wrong flaws in a character you hate so you're put in the unfortunate position of having to defend them" because that's me with the beloved 00s sitcom Friends
#'its so awkward without the laugh track!' first of all its not even a laugh track#its a live studio audience#google it#thats why the bloopers also have people laughing#secondly like. yeah???#shockingly the media that was designed around a certain sound element is more awkward and clunky when that element is edited out#'its homophobic/transphobic' this argument ill give a little more grace towards#bc like yeah a lot of the ways that the characters reinforce gender roles/stereotypes on one another is by threat of homophobia#and some of the jokes about chandlers parent are offensive#but it was also literally the first ever show to have a lesbian wedding onscreen in 1996#(roseanne did an episode on a gay wedding like a month before)#& w all the issues the show has dealing with trans people/drag it was a helluva lot better than almost anything else coming out @the time#for example chandler's trans parent is misgendered by other characters literally constantly#but when we do finally meet them theyre played by a cis woman in drag rather than a cis man in a wig#which yeah isnt perfect but is also much better than most trans representation onscreen at the time#and the character is allowed to be just as complex and sympathetic as any other parent on the show#i would even say moreso than the other parents tbh#'they put monica in a fat suit' yeah thats bad#and especially because of all the demeaning jokes monica is put through even after shes skinny#but the show again also takes the time to explore fat monicas humanity and how shes deserving of love#and explicitly states that her weight/body image issues were explicitly caused by her parents' emotional abuse/neglect#and even if she had stayed fat forever chandler would have still fallen in love with her#bc the show acknowledges that fat monica is not anywhere near deserving of the vitriol she receives from the ppl around her#which again for the time in the 90s/00s was pretty progressive#'theyre all functioning alcoholics' first of all theres an ep where theyre all shocked that the 6 of them went through 2 bottles of wine#and the reason for that is because one character finished one by themselves#secondly point out to me any mainstream sitcom from the last 30 years that doesnt have flagrant alcohol consumption#'they have like 2 black characters in the entire show and poc are treated terribly'#YES!! now we're talking#'ross sucks and ross/rachel is a romanticized depiction of emotional abuse' 10000% agree
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oshawatt4t · 3 months
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shingodzillaa · 6 months
Im tired of having to weigh the pros and cons between reporting someone for misgendering me multiple times (having been corrected multiple times by multiple people) and feeling comfortable and safe at work.
It’s like, as long as I’m the easy going, super nice tranny that doesn’t overly correct others on their pronouns, doesn’t “shove their identity in my face”, then I get treated somewhat decently. People are nice to me, they seek me out to talk to me. No one is on edge around me or uncomfortable. I’m not blacklisted or a trouble maker.
But then that means they get to be disrespectful and misgender me. Constantly. It doesn’t matter how politely or forgiving I am about correcting them, they will still misgender me, because I’ve shown that I won’t really force it down their throat.
As soon as I complain, as soon as it gets to me and I say something, a switch is flipped. Im basically treated like an outsider. “Ooo watch out, don’t talk to Lukas too much because if you mess up once he’ll report you to HR.”
all I wanted was to be treated like everyone else. All I wanted was to not be disrespected and made uncomfortable by the constant barrage of misgendering.
But it doesn’t help when my store manager basically tells the people who are constantly. on purpose. Misgendering me (and telling other people that I am trans when they don’t know and correctly gender me and my other trans male coworker as well!!!) to basically just ignore me if they can’t get it right.
Like on the one hand, not being constantly misgendered. On the other hand, being actively ignored by people you work 40+ hrs a week with.
It’s just feels like I’m losing no matter what right now and I hate it here.
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chainmail-butch · 2 years
I'm going to talk about being transfem and butch.
I get misgendered in public a lot. Never cruelly. Just a lot. Which makes sense.
I'm 190lbs of muscle with a deep voice. Which I enjoy. Typically I'm wearing leather and jeans. The vast majority of people are going to gender me as male because my gender presentation is inherently masculine, and other parts of me are also masculine.
This is a problem that cis butches face regularly, and that fact helps me cope with constantly being read as male. But it aches the most when I see other lesbians/queer women.
I don't really get to be 'publicly' lesbian. If I see another dyke on the street, I'm just a man. There's no quiet solidarity there. There's no recognition.
Femmes don't preen under my gaze at a bar. Instead, I have to walk up and explain my whole situation and hope that they're cool. Which is rough, because sometimes they're not. Or, worse, they say they are, but they aren't. Which results in a lot of wasted time for everybody.
It takes a supreme amount of self-confidence to walk up to a cute girl and boldly declare yourself also a girl in a voice that immediately gives some kind of lie to what you're saying.
So, baseline, I'm pushing and establishing boundaries. I'm already testing her just by talking to her. Which makes flirting hard, you see? If I feel like I'm already toeing a line, then I'm not going to make a sly comment about her dress. I am, instead, going to be as non-threatening as possible.
This is a great way to make new friends and acquaintances (I have a lot), but a terrible way to get laid.
So, my point is that if you meet a transbutch girl understand that she's already putting up a LOT of work just be here. So, you know, maybe touch my her arm and give me her a compliment if you're interested.
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genderkoolaid · 5 months
maybe this is pessimistic but it really is so frustrating feeling like cis women are never* actually invested in trans-inclusive reproductive activism. like even well meaning cis women will throw in a "people who menstruate" to their post or organization & then do literally nothing else related to trans people. when it comes to reproductive care, especially when it comes to vulnerable groups, they'll immediately default to female language & even more they never consider that trans people have unique struggles that need to be specifically addressed. & a lot of times they DO mean well and aren't trying to be exclusionary but it's still like. y'all keep showing you still aren't ready to put aside your cis-ego and make trans people your full equals in reproductive activism. even if you SAY you are trans affirming, how should trans people really trust you if you are constantly forgetting us? how can we be sure we won't be misgendered or (esp if we are visibly trans/passing as cis men, esp if we are a person of color) seen as invasive and disruptive of "women's spaces"? how can we be sure we won't be turned away because you think we're transfems who don't need care or because you "just don't know how to treat trans people"?
*i am making a massive generalization here obv, this is more vent than Facts and Logic here
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AITA for "casting a curse" on my superstitious aunt?
I (32NB) have been out for almost a decade as trans (and more recently nonbinary) with the great support of my friends and partner. My family is another story. when I came out publicly they were very messy, my Aunt was the worst of it- telling people to stay away from me if they were being publicly supportive, DMing my friends to chastise them for being the wolves of Satan tearing at my flesh and basically trying to rebuke them in the name of Jesus or something like that.
I had her blocked for quite some time, but after about 8 years, I started coming around family functions again because it was a lot harder to misgender me when I look and sound completely different. because it was hard to coordinate holiday bullshit with her blocked (my family all uses FB for scheduling and organizing who brings what) I unblocked her. Plus, my mom promised she was going to be nice and was turning over a new leaf or something.
quite recently I found out my family have all been pretending to respect my pronouns and legal name and have been using my deadname and incorrect pronouns behind my back. I've been keeping my distance from family because this has been so hurtful to me, but I broke this unofficial silence to get into an argument about some unrelated political stuff. My aunt chimed in on this public thread by tagging me and then deadnaming me. I said "that is not my name, do not call me by that name." very firmly and just disengaged from the conversation entirely. she responded by saying, "Would shit head be more appropriate?"
I saw a red, I have never name called her despite her constantly being a menace to me and my friends and supportive loved ones. So, like the title says, I DM'd her and pretended to cast a curse on her, since she thinks I'm possessed by Satan anyways I might as well play the part. I then blocked her so she couldn't respond, and now no one in my family is talking to me so I don't know if she told them I did that or if they all just are tired of pretending to love me now.
uhhh, AITA for doing that?
What are these acronyms?
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beatrixstonehill2 · 28 days
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"I'm so glad we're finally meeting in person...." Rachel told her online boyfriend, Jason.
"You look even more perfect than I hoped. Sounds like your voice is dropping nicely, darling."
Rachel smiled. "Three months on testosterone will do a fakegirl good." She stuck out her estrogen-fattened moobs. "I'm horny 24/7. I used to never even get erections. I was such a good girl...."
"But deep down you're just a dirty sissy playing dress up. She me what you've done to yourself for me, angel."
With a deep breath, blushing, Rachel untucked her erect cock, pulling it out of her lacy panties. She let it stick straight out, eight inches, as Jason smiled. "Is it..... to your liking?"
He reached out, jerking it as Rachel trembled. Her cock was never more than a nub. She showed it online if men asked really nicely in her DMs or questioned if she was actually trans. Most people didn't believe her. Perfectly feminine voice, gorgeous face, full natural breasts, wide hips. People thought she was claiming to be trans for views, especially since you couldn't see any bulge in her bikini pics. She told her skeptics she went on puberty blockers by ten, and hormones at twelve. Not a drop of testosterone ever coursed through her system, that was, until Jason messaged her.
He told her he believed she was a fakegirl, a boy pretending to be a girl, and he wanted to help. Curious, Rachel played along with his transphobic little tangent. He kept misgendering her, telling her how beautiful she'd be as a detrans femboy. Still wearing girl clothes, makeup, looking like a girl but finally with a guy's voice, her real voice, as he put it. To get her silly fakegirl tits removed. Grow a cute five o'clock shadow that tells everyone who she really is. Instead of blocking him, she allowed herself to be led by his fantasies of detransitioning her. She slowly became corrupted by his messages, taking them to heart more by the day.
Soon in public when people called her a girl she started correcting them, saying she was born a boy and wearing girl stuff was like a kink for her. She used the men's room, and relished all the attention she got in there, even offering her mouth as a urinal. She started trying to get her cock going, rubbing it, pleasuring herself, but she couldn't get it erect. She complained to Jason and he told her she knew what the solution was. Scared by thinking more with her cock than anything, she publicly announced she was detransitioning on social media and started testosterone, and a healthy dose of dick-growth supplements.
Now she understood what Jason wanted from her. She was horny 24/7. Her cock was impossible to hide. She was starting to get correctly gendered as a boy because of her bulge and cracking, male puberty voice. By the third month she figured her cock was big enough to impress Jason, and invited him over.
"It's beautiful, sweetheart," Jason said, jerking Rachel off. "How many times a day do you get off now?"
"Ten..... at least. I masturbate in public. On the train in my pretty clothes. I masturbate in the men's room. Sometimes I do it in the women's room just to get thrown out. I can't control my erections at all. I'm hard constantly. But I only want my cock bigger and even more out of control."
"You're just like every other pretty fakegirl I've done this to, you know?"
"What? I'm not the only one....."
"Of course not, princess. But don't worry, you'll love all my the other pretty detrans boys I have back at my estate. Once we get those embarrassing boy-tits of yours taken care of."
"Oh! Oh..... fuck! Thank you!" Rachel came as Jason aimed her cock up at her breasts and face. She made a mess all over herself and had no instinct to clean it. She panted in place, eager to please her boyfriend even more.
"You're welcome. Now, I think it's time I set you up with my friend Alex, who's a surgeon. He can have that chest of yours nice and flat in no time. Once you're ready, I'll introduce you to the others."
"Then what?"
"You'll be another of my slutty femboy whores, who I pimp out to rich politicians and businessmen who just love boys like you when they're away from their boring wives on business..... What do you say?"
"Sounds perfect...... I can't wait to fully detrans and whore my new body for you."
"Good boy."
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pseudonymjones · 4 months
YOU.... you are a gay trans parent! i am gay and trans and want to be a parent! you make me feel as if i can do it! because as the gestational father i will be misgendered heavily and constantly. but i don't have to let parenthood override my gender... idk sorry to do this in your inbox. thank you for what you do
You CAN do it!! It’s WEIRD because literally every single thing about parenthood smacks of gender, but I’ve been happily surprised at how easily folks accommodate and adapt. Like I live in a fairly progressive area so things ab-so-lutely could be worse but generally I’ve found that people are chill more often than not. And like whatever I can cope with a front desk worker calling for “mom and dad�� because at the end of the day my baby calls me Mommy and everything else feels worth it 💜T^T
Also fwiw my day job is healthcare IT and I’m personally building out a pregnancy education program for our patient portal (mainly collecting info and editing stuff our OB docs write) and I’m fighting hard every step of the way to make it as gender-neutral as possible! I’m not trying to toot my own horn or whatever — just saying that there are lots of good queers working behind the scenes to make this stuff more welcoming and accessible to gnc folks! (It won’t be perfect because the cisheteronormativity is ENTRENCHED let me fricking tell you but we’re making progress!!!)
Thanks for writing and good luck with wherever life takes you! 💜✨
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tocomplainfriend · 5 months
VIV is constantly criticized by her own fault.
TW: Mention of: SA, Rape, Transphobia, fat phobia, Antiblackness.
(Hey, i'mma probably do a post eventually about episode 4. Btw, awfully shit, worse than I thought it could be... BIG TW OF R-PE AND SA IF YOU'RE GOING TO SEE IT. AND TW of the minimization of those topics too.)
BUT I NEED TO CALL ATTENTION TO THIS! One of the reasons I criticize a lot of Viv specifically is because of how much she puts herself out there. She sees something she posts on Twitter about it a shit ton (even on "threads" lol). AND because of how lacking of improvement she has being. (I personally know people I have considered terrible when we were teens, but I have seen legit improvement from them in recent years. They seem like people who struggle, but got to grow up and made up for any problems (or pain caused to me or others). People have the ability to change and become better. Something that matters at pointing out issues or discussing-is the idea of creating change on others. It is better to get someone to change for the better than to cast them into the forever jail of nothingness (unless, IDK, they Sexually Assaulted someone, for example). Specially when they are young people. Doesn't mean YOU have to stick with other people that hurt you, no. Doesn't mean people get to do what ever and get away with it.
BUT All of this problem I have seen from Viv are from age 19-30. (you can change at anytime btw) And see constantly repeats herself and her actions. Seems to have never accepted criticism (said by herself too), and never able to see her own faults. The fact that is a continuous behavior is a problem, how she always responds is awful. My post of "Viv has being transphobic for 10 years", was to signal that. If she really had changed over those 10 years to a genuine thing- I could've taken that! But no, the shitty double standard against trans men... the weird treatment. THE MANY STORIES OF EMPLOYEES GETTING MISGENDERED HEAVILY, TOO.
(I know people who were transphobic [When they were teens mainly], that Genuinely improved and changed their beliefs. Now they treat trans people with respect and care! And still learning about gender-fluid people, too!)
It just seems to be further and further away from getting better! The fact that she only decides to take in account voices from SA victims that agree with her- it's painful as a victim, my self!
And yes, people who sent gore or dumbass shit to Viv (or the team) don't help. And go get help why you're looking and sending Gore to anyone. (Also, stuff like this does lead to people not listening to others people genuine callouts). The fact that I criticize something doesn't mean I agree with the people that go and do shit like the thing I just mention above.
This drawing was created by DollCreep. BUT ALSO FUCKING REMEMBER this was done in response to the shit that Viv drew of him.
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If you didn't know Viv drew a transphobic caricature of DollCreep using the name Jojo (his old nickname). This put together with a shitty anti-sjw meme video. DollCreep is a transman, Viv drew a character based on him. A furry wolf girl, If you can see in the image the main thing listed below the character name is the fucking "Sex=♀️". SO ON PURPOSE, CHRIST. Like... AND YES-is shitty from both to have drawn this (even if it was in respond) mainly immature in DC part. But that, or any toxicity coming from DC, doesn't delete the transphobia here. (imagine drawing a racist caricature of a poc person, because they are shitty to you). THE POST LINKED ABOVE SHOWS THE SITUATION, and in the end of the day. Viv says that DC is an abusive shitty person to her, but never realizing her own faults or anything she could'be possibly done wrong! (and again, any wrong done by DC in general can not be deleted by the fact of having being treated badly. If he did shitty stuff himself, that doesn't delete the wrong done in general to him or to others by viv)
Here about transphobia:
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(this is like 8yrs old too)
Again, she never acknowledges anything that she might have done wrong. "She is a thoughtful person, that wants tor write queer and disabled characters! She wants to tell empowering stories of..." It doesn't even feel close to that when people bring up actual problems in her writing that are stereotyping or bad, and she just yells and cries. It all feels like empty sticks she is only interested in in the surface level, she doesn't want to actually deal with.
When she says "This characters is black guys ♡♡♡" and then the fucking 7th, a grayish character with zero black features. She can not actually try and draw a black person with a different hair texture, she'll faith is hair isn't straight and spiky (has done this so much too). She is all for positivity and diversity (can not draw more than 1 character that isn't a fucking stick with the same stupid face).
She can not write relationships in general. She cannot do gay couples, then don't lean on the stupid old uke uwu defenceless x big rough seme protector stuff. Again, all the interactions with Husk and Angel are sexual harassment. They are already a revealed future couple (and episode 4 is terrible for them, specially with that song). Stolitz is toxic, and predatory. That is not acknowledged, and all Stolas's predatory behavior and power dynamics are put in the background, cause- "look how sad Stolas is :(! HIS DAD IS SOOO MEAN, HIS WIFE IS A BITCH". All her gay characters are in pure surface: over-sexual twinks that are assholes, which also fit into the top/bottom as personality boxes.
Any other point includes sexual harassment as a joke. BUT KNOW SHE WANTS TO BE LIKE "GUYS SA STORIES MATTER, LOOK AT WHAT I WROTE" as if she didn't lean back into the problem of the diminishing of SA and r- (in general and done to men) with her jokes in HB. With all the sexual harassment that Angel Dust puts on Husk and others. (AND YES THERE IS NO WARNING IN EPISODE 4, FOR ITS HEAVY TOPICS! I do believe all series/movies with this need it. SPECIALLY IF IT'S SO GRAPHIC! "Sexual content" is not the same as a warning for SA or R-pe. An adult can see a movie with sex or sexual nutidy- when they see that- but it's different to get straight assault on screen. Victims can watch movies/series with sex in them all good, you cannot just group consensual sex in the same assault or R-pe...)
The thing where Mammon (the only fat character that isn’t from the fucking background.) is like FIZZ YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. AS IF SHE COULD EVEN DRAW ANY DIFFERENT BODY SHAPE WITHOUT DYING. Like there is only Mimzy (hasn't appeared yet, not given any importance. In the female lead show). Mammon the piece of shit (does the same as Blitz, but he is actually fully bad.) His design is done with 80 fucking layers on top. Like all the test of the skinny character's clothes suck up to their body except for Mammon. His body is hidden in layers upon layers of clothing (that's all you got?). All you main guys need to fill "the skinny have nothing men" and "skinny woman with big hips and legs, but no fucking stomach"?
AND YES! VIV DOES DO THE FUCKING, "FAT = FOOD LMAOOO". You know the thing HH fans and hater where like the "Bee needs to fat thing is bad, cause of fat = food (only food) is reductive and shitty"
(Can I refer to how the show Bojack H, make Diane gain weight cause of anti depressants- and it wasn't a joke! And she was happier too?)
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(mine, from post right below)
... like is a bundle of issues. And Viv will never accept that she might be /or is wrong. That's why it hits the fan with stuff. -And again I liked many of the little concepts and stuff in HB and the original pilot of Hazbin. Shit- I still like Sir Pentious and Nifty. I do like Mammon as much as he is a pack of problems to call out, I fucking love the piece of shit Australian jester- The artist work hard on it, and I'm happy it's an openly queer! (as limited as it gets, too....). I liked Huni-cast, I loved the original voice cast! -and that happens! I could be writing this about other stuff too, not only Hazbin... if I created this blog earlier- IT WOULD ALL BE ABOUT RWBY, DANGANRONPA, even svtfoe...Ladybug... or Agretsuko's ending too. So yeah, sorry for the long post (as if all my post weren't)
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