#and he didnt quite know what he was trying to ask but his other friend helped him get his words out
spacejellywrites · 22 hours
i didnt put this in the notes on the actual fic because its quite a long story, but i wanted to talk about it somewhere so ill do it here
my fic, Banter or Bullying, is based on an actual interaction i had with some of my close friends who i live with. our friend group has that dynamic where we all make fun of each other, but one person in particular seems to take the brunt of it. he gets made fun of more often and more harshly than other people seem to, despite being a lovely person (albeit with a few annoying habits, but everyone in this house has some, including me. thats just part of being human.)
basically, i was having a meltdown in my bedroom. i forget exactly what it was about, i think i was just having a bad time and something sent me over the edge. i find that distraction is the best technique to comfort me during a meltdown, so i went downstairs to see if anyone was in the living room and could take my mind off things for a bit, and this particular friend was the only one in there. he was sitting on the couch playing like. a star wars video game. it was like a military tactics simulator or something. idk, not really my thing.
i sat down next to him and he could see i was upset, so he offered to put the game away so we could talk about it but i was like no thanks can i just watch you play? so he said sure, and he let me sit with my head on his shoulder while he explained everything he was doing in the game. i didnt understand most of it, but it made me feel better just to sit with him and listen to him talk
then one of my other flatmates walked past, and she was like oh no hes trapped you in an explanation of his star wars game, blink twice if you need help, etc. and that upset me because i was like, no, i like spending time with him, hes making me feel better right now and actually being really nice to me, and you're just being mean for no reason, acting like im being held against my will or something
and i may be projecting, but i feel like spock gets treated a very similar way, especially by mccoy. it hurts my heart to see an autistic coded character be treated the same way as my friend, and the same way as a lot of neurodivergent people i know when they try to talk about their interests, or even just exist in a way that makes sense for them, and they constantly get negative comments about it.
so i wrote that fic as kind of. a way to express my affection for my friend, and also for spock. and to stick up for spock the way i did for my friend in that moment. no one deserves to feel like their friends dont care about their interests, or even that their friends dont like spending time with them.
i guess, moral of the story, if you have a friend that gets made fun of more than everyone else, make sure to check in with them every once in a while. ask if they're actually having fun when you're bantering with them or if it is hurting their feelings. and if you ever think a joke is going too far, say something. its nice to know that someone is in your corner
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anastacialy · 11 days
y'know, i keep making a habit of swinging my bat at hornets nests, but i have to say i'm getting so, so tired of people complaining about shows not making perfect sense when they aren't even close to done. we're four episodes into this season of doctor who. we're four episodes into this season of bridgerton. and yet in both fandoms i keep seeing people whine that such and such didn't make sense or it wasn't explained all the way and by god you guys i think maybe explanations might come later in the season. this is something most viewers will recognize as being called a 'plot.'
#like maybe a tiny bit of media literacy... might save you#and if you think i'm being mean like. its okay if you don't get it at first. it's okay if you don't understand the themes. but maybe#instead of stamping your feet and saying this makes no sense and i hate what they're doing and and and#maybe you could try listening to other people's interpretations of things and you'll find that what the show is trying to tell you becomes#more clear! would you look at that. wild how that happens#like im sorry you're entitled to your opinions but calling things bad writing just because you don't quite get it or it doesn't resonate#with you personally... i don't think you should just say this was shitty and worthless#the examples im using are because both resonate with me btw. 73 yards was existential horror it was hill house and bly manor#(im going to write about this in another post btw bc it compels me so)#it was about the way fear of abandonment can haunt you how mental illness can haunt you how you feel like you can drive people away#just by being yourself (the Woman was Herself what caused ruby to be abandoned was Her it's about her feeling as though she was the cause#of everyone who left her even as a baby even the people who loved her most could decide to not love her at the drop of a hat)#colin bridgerton is masking and faking a personality because it has been proven that time and time again#being Himself is Wrong that he annoys people he makes himself into what people expect of him because he's tired of being abandoned too#his family ignores and does not reply to his letters this season PEN stopped replying to his letters#his brother was cruel to him for being a romantic his friends LAUGHED AT HIM for saying sex is meaningful to him and don't they feel lonely#his Fake Rake persona makes viewers cringe because! its!! fake!!! he's faking it! HE GETS CALLED OUT ON IT TWICE IN EP ONE#if you don't understand he's faking it then that's on you at that point! i don't know! maybe take a minute to sit in the discomfort and ask#why did this show make me react this way and do you think maybe it was on purpose#''73 yards was confusing'' do you think confusion may be one of the ways ruby feels about her abandonment?#there is a theme in all of her episodes so far is it ''badly written'' unclear to you or do you just refuse to think critically about it#txtly#and im sorry for tagging this its just for my blog i kinda wish they still didnt show up in tags if i tag them all the way at the bottom#[old lady ruby voice] ''i used to be able to tag things just for myself once upon a time''#bridgerton#bridgerton spoilers#doctor who#doctor who spoilers
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the-kneesbees · 2 years
omg transphobic kid had a civil conversation with trans kid AND asked for their pronouns?? character development
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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞.
Synopsis: What I think Alastors wife would be like, if he had one of course.
Warnings: mentions of blood, pinning, harassment?, Alastor being himself, not in a specific time period but at some point shifts to hell? Let me know if anyone is interested in a part two!!
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Alastors wife probably didnt like him at first, and that’s a guarantee. He likes a challenge, but Alastor also likes being liked by people. It fills his ego, makes him feel good about himself. He likes to watch people stumble and fall but quite literally cracks under the pressure of doing just that when it comes to winning you over. Chances were he was constantly trying to figure you out, for two reasons. One, being that he didn’t understand how you couldn’t like him. I mean come on, look at him! He’s got the charm, the manners, the style and the class, the status. What more could you want? The second reason being, the more you denied him, the more he took it as a challenge, the more he wanted you.
Well, surprise surprise, you dont like people with an image to keep up; and to his dismay, that’s exactly what he does. He projects an image. One he refuses to change, and even after marrying you, still doesn’t drop the image, but starts to become more real and honest with himself.
“People who project an image of themselves to others are just trying to fool themselves into being someone they aren’t.” Was what you told him.
Alastor had also asked you out multiple times before you finally said yes. Everyone knows Alastor is very picky with the people he chooses to surround himself with. Everyone he associates with is either there to serve him, or to provide him with something, even if they’re unaware of it. Which only made you trust him less. What purpose did you serve him? What if one day he found you no longer useful and tossed you to the side? Well what were you to do then?
Denying him proved to be a challenge in itself, seeing that he’s quite literally everywhere all at once.
He’d try cheap tricks first. Buying you gifts, constantly showing up at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers or a stuffed animal. One time he even got you a whole gift basket of your favorite treats. How sweet~ if it was actually about you and not him just trying to patch up his ego. Well at least that was what you thought on the matter.
If that didnt work he’d resort to going ghost. After all, people only miss you when you’re gone right? Well not in this case. He had left you alone physically, at least to your knowledge, but he had still kept a close watch on you. Why, he just knew it would bother you that he suddenly stopped! Until he overheard you speaking with a friend about how happy you were to finally get some peace and quiet. Well that simply wouldn’t do. After all, you should always make an impact, and what kind of impact would he be leaving on you if you went back to your old boring life? No no that just wont do dear.
He’ll start showing back up at your doorstep, taking you on surprise outing to force you to spend time with him. He’ll take you on a walk around a nearby park, a restaurant one day, the picture show the next. He has a long list of places to take you, so you’ll never go to the same place twice! Get your dancing shoes because he’s gonna take you out to the town for the night, after all the city never sleeps! This is when he becomes less forceful, but more of a decent calm. He begins to listen more when you speak, and you actually begin to care about what he’s saying, what a shock!
It’s almost like a switch flips after your outings. He’ll take you to an orchestra show, snickering to himself when he sees your eyes begin to water as the show closes out. He’ll force you to hold onto his arm as he walks you across the street on a rainy night, making sure you don’t slip or trip on the wet pavement. If you ever do, he’ll try his best to catch you and if he doesn’t? Oh what a nightmare, it seems he’s fallen too! For you that is~
You two begin to feel closer, not only physically but emotionally. He gets you to open up about your personal struggles, and in turn, he’ll share some of his own, but not too much. He doesn’t allow himself to be fully and completely vulnerable with you, not yet. But he does try his best to sympathize with you when you share your piece of mind with him. He feels accomplished to know this part of you, and his ego is the last thing on his mind anymore, but instead you take up all the space.
He doesn’t use pet names for you, not cute ones anyway. He’ll call you his devilish belladonna, especially if you love flowers. His creepy spider Lillie. He’ll often speak in the ‘language of flowers’, and will educate you on it if you don’t know so you know exactly what he’s talking about.
He’s the type of person to correct people in public to make them feel stupid, but he never does that with you. Instead he’ll wait until it’s just the two of you and tell you jokingly how wrong you were. You’ll get upset because he let you look like a fool, but in his mind he’s just protecting your feelings. If anyone else corrects you, they’ll have their mouth sewn shut that’s for sure!
He never gets you the same bouquet of flowers. They’re always different, and every week or so you have a new one. He keeps a separate batch for himself so he knows when to get you another. That being said he also makes the bouquets himself, he does not buy them for you already made.
When you finally take Alastor up on his offer to court you properly, he is over the moon about it! Finally, you seem to be coming to your senses dear! Though you quickly follow that comment up with a “Let the blood rush to your head first.” He just bats his lashes at you with a smile. You always know how to make him feel so loved!
Gets very jealous very easily. If he sees you laughing with someone that isn’t him, he’ll size them up before deciding if they’re a threat or not. Heaven forbid anyone actually put their hands on you and uh oh! Limb of the floor someone come get it!
His possessive nature is rooted in abandonment, and thus being said, he has deep attachment issues to you. You are never out of his sight when you two begin dating, and you’re hardly ever far from him in general. You two dress similarly too, especially if you’re from the same era. He’ll switch up your wardrobe slowly so it complements his.
He isn’t one for strong PDA unless he feels like he needs too or just has a strong want too. Usually it’s an arm around your waist, or you hanging onto his arm loosely. The most he’ll ever really do is a kiss on the back of your hand or to your temple. That being said, he’s like this for various reasons.
One, he has a lot of enemies, which means that not not only does that put you in danger, but if you’re also a powerful overlord, it puts him at risk too, though he doesn’t care much about that part.
Second, he doesn’t like physical contact much, and though he always makes an exception for you, he has his image and pristine reputation to keep up. Which you extremely dislike but tolerate because it’s Alastor and if he hasn’t changed much in centuries, nothings going to change ever.
Alastor is very very fond of you, whether you believe it or not. Your fiery attitude has him whipped more than he likes to admit. He’ll joke with other sinners that he’d sacrifice you to save himself but you both know that isn’t true, his nervous ticks prove it to be false, if you do say so yourself.
He’s very fidgety. He’ll tug a piece of your clothing or twirl a strand of your hair between his claws. If you claim he’s messing up your hair he’ll cast a tornado of shadows around you to fuck it up even more, and then smiling at you lovingly when you threaten to cut his ears off because you can’t tell if they’re his hair or just furry ass ears. You always give him a good laugh.
Other sinners are actually convinced you both hate each other, but turf wars on the news show that you two are the most in love when you’re wreaking havoc on innocent sinners for no possible reason other than the fact you two had an argument and the best way to settle it? Dancing in the rain, which actually isn’t rain, just blood falling from the sky because you like to kill people for fun.
“My darling looks the best in red if I do say so myself! Especially if she’s dressed by another’s remains, oh the beauty!”
Alastor has and will continue to get in his feelings about you and his mother getting along so well. He loves you both to pieces, so seeing his two favorite people together makes his dead heart swell with joy.
He’ll ask you to accompany him to the tailors, he values your opinion more than others so you often make adjustments to his suit and he’s just like ‘Whatever she says that’s what’s going on the suit.’ You also make him your personal dressing doll, trying different patterns and styles on him for fun. Alastor is a true skinny jeans hater and he will die on that hill, again. He really appreciates the 60’s style, but prefers to stick to his own decade.
He will take you out hunting with him, and the two of you share breakfast together with the fresh meat you’ve caught. He only gets the best quality for you because he refuses to have you two ‘eating like chums’. A restaurant tried to lie to the two of you, saying their meat was high quality and fresh. Alastor killed everyone in it and you two shared remains like a true power couple. Hells finest of course. ;)
He’s very critical of picking out jewelry for you. Hunting for the perfect ring for you took him ages, mainly because he knew exactly what he wanted but no jeweler had what he wanted all in one ring. So instead he forces them to make him a custom one. Torn limbs and bloody parts later, you have the ring that Alastor worked so hard to give you. He proposes to you Extermination day, claiming he’d love to spend another year in hell with you before the angels come to rip you two apart from each other. It was such a sweet day, at least to you it was.
The type of relationship where he plays the piano and you sing. He loves when you sing and will gush about you to anyone in sight even if he doesn’t know them.
Is very needy in private. He’s a stage 10000 clinger, and will stick to you like his life depends on it, but will be damned if anyone catches him. You don’t tell anyone about it, you like the private life.
You two have cook offs all the time. You make the hotel staff judge, and ultimately Niffty is the tie breaker because she’s brutally honest. Once she told Alastor he should stay out of the kitchen because women were better at it for a reason… harsh!
He was fine though, he got her back by ridding the hotel of bugs. He knows she likes chasing them around and for that she sobbed at his feet for ten minutes asking him to bring them back. It didn’t take much actually, Sir Pentious brought them back on his own, much to Charlies dismay.
He loves to read with you. You two often read a book and once you both finish you have a tea session over it. It starts off being about the book and then somehow shifts to just gossiping and talking shit about the other overlords, except for Rosie, we love Rosie in this household.
Speaking of, Rosie is usually where you get your clothes from. She’s a sweetheart when she isn’t picking pieces of muscle from her teeth, that sharp smile is a killer! She loves to talk about Alastor with you, and usually she’s where you go after you two have had an argument. You’re also her personal Barbie doll. She puts you in outfits and she and Alastor judge over them. Nine times out of ten you leave her boutique with a new wardrobe every time.
Now let’s talk about Vox.
Honestly the whole reason Vox knows about you is probably because he was digging through Alastors shit. But when he sees you? Oh lord, this man is HOOKED.
He doesn’t even know how Alastor managed to get you entangled with him. He finds out about you when you and Alastor aren’t dating yet, and he basically jumps at his chance to try to be with you.
Vox will forever consider you the one that got away, you can’t change my mind.
Alastor has proven time and time again that he’s basically better than Vox. He took a seven year back, came on the radio one day and boom all his viewers were back. In Alastors mind there’s no competition, just Vox being obsessed with the fact Alastor said no.
Valentino uses it against Vox all the time, and it will always make Vox buffer.
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malewifesband · 1 month
i see it often that people do not see laios liking kabru, but in reality laios does like kabru! quite a lot for a guy that (from his perspective) he just met! laios forgetting kabrus exact name is not evidence of disinterest in any way--hes only heard it a couple of times, he struggles with small details (unless you want to argue laios also doesnt give a shit about marcille, chilchuck and senshi, he also forgets small details about them. if you do think this, i think dungeon meshi may be too advanced for you. stick to bluey.), and the man has autism. like near explicitly.
laios offers food from their limited supplies because kabru showed an interest in eating monsters, and makes him an omelette so he can have something to eat even though other food was already being prepared. he listens to kabrus criticism of his behavior and mindset in trying to protect falin even though she was straight up killing people, and tries to drag kabru to safety. he watches kabru defuse the situation between himself and toshiro masterfully, and confides in him how hurt he is that toshiro is so angry and how he mustve done something truly awful to upset him like that. when kabru tells him that meeting him was the best part of his time in the dungeon, laios agrees and says its the same for him (remember: laios doesnt do empty platitudes well--if he said it, he meant it).
when kabru leaves, we get three fucking panels in a row of laios staring after him, flexing the hand kabru was just holding, and reflecting on kabrus words ("next time..?")
when kabru shows up again deep in the dungeon, chilchuck is suspicious, but laios is so excited to see him that he throws caution to the wind and lets kabru hold his hand again despite seconds later crossing succubus off his list of shapeshifters that could be appearing as kabru--a carelessness around monsters and danger laios rarely exhibits. when kabru gives his warning about the canaries, laios is grateful. he notices how often kabru saves his skin
when lycion reveals that kabru lied about wanting to eat the omelette laios made, it breaks his heart because he made that with love! he made it for kabru, and kabru didnt like it, and now he knows kabru was just playing at friendship to use him. that breaks his heart, hes distraught, but he doesnt have time to be hurt about it when marcille needs his help urgently so he turns to run to her. he apologizes to kabru and tries to leave again. he isnt listening to what kabru is saying here because kabru was just revealed as a liar and because it doesnt really cohere (kabru is stuttering and speaking in broken sentences as he tries to explain about the dungeons power) and he needs to save marcille
he doesnt believe kabru wanted to be his friend, because who would? why would laios be special enough, loveable enough, to go through the pains kabru went through, just to be his friend? but when kabru makes the intensity of his desire known, laios promises to feed him again, at a proper restaurant --and again, food is care for laios, to feed someone is to love them. marcille is still his priority bc she is in real danger but he means what he says, he really does want to start over with kabru and be real friends with him
once we hit the resolution of the story, kabru near glues himself to laios, helping him and trying to cement himself as a right-hand man, and making known his intent to support laios no matter what. in the medieval manuscript style epilogue, kabru is one of two friends that stick by laios as he becomes king. both marcille and kabru become the people closest to him (besides falin of course), two friends who will always support him, always let him know when hes fucked up and theyre mad at him, two friends who he can rely on. laios did not have to accept kabru as an advisor, he did not have to ask him to stay with him. he did that because after everything, he trusts kabru now, and knows he can count on him
while laios doesnt give any big monologues about what he likes about kabru, its very clear he does, and we know what things laios values in other people. he appreciates kabrus social skills (very clear in the post canon comic in the adventurers bible), his intelligence, that kabru WANTS to be around him and understand him even though its difficult, his strength, and frankly he does appreciate his charm (three fucking panels straight of staring after him). laios really values people with specialized skillsets who are willing to tell him frankly what they think and advise him in areas he is weak in (something we see in his relationship with... i was gonna say namari but its everyone. he does this with everyone he likes. and in the resolution kabru does this CONSTANTLY he does not go a panel without giving laios his professional opinion on how to deal with people).
in conclusion: arent you hungry, kabru? let laios make something for you
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chubypotato · 1 month
Someone hitting you in front of him.
Once again it is a request from our beloved @ijustloveshingekinokyojin
Including Umemiya, Sakura, Suo, Kiryu and nirei
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You guys were just together looking for some item you've seen online and you really wanted them.
Seeing you so happy Umemiya heart couldn't help but to felt his heart melt.
Without you noticed Umemiya went into the store.
After a few second an unknown men went to meet you. Starting to talk to you.
Even though you told the guy to leave you alone he started to scream at you and even took your arm.
At the exact moment Umemiya cameback.
He didnt have the time to make a move that your fist meet this guy face.
When He tried to replicate you felt a hand on your waist and an important presence behind you.
That was of course your boyfriend. He's coming to help you.
"What do you think you're doing? "
Seeing the firing uniform the man left quickly.
When you asked Umemiya were he was he looked at you with adorable eyes showing you the product he bought that you guys came originally for.
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You guys were outside you went with Sakura and his friend on a patrol. You weren't used to go with him but you had nothing to do and you really wanted to spend time with him.
Sakura and you were behind everyone talking and stuff. You even manage to take his hand in yours. His face was slightly red but not that much noticeable.
When a men approached you and talking to you in an appropriate way. Telling you stuff you really didn't like and after all you are here to spend time with your boyfriend and to see how a Furin patrol is.
Sakura couldn't even say a thing before you jump on that guy to rip him apart. No thought needed just action. Your body moved before you could think.
The fight started and well obviously you won. Women supremacy. The men left running his tails between his leg. Not very brave for a men who went talk to you and even tried to flirt with you in front of the furin.
When you turn back everyone was looking at you. Such a pretty lady fighting like that. Quite impressive. The mouth were open not really know how to react or even what to say. But what did they expect you are Sakura 's girlfriend.
But honestly even him didn't know you could do that. The guy didn't even touch you once. You were so cool.
Sakura looked so proud like have you seen that? That's my girlfriend look.
"You can fight? Fight me. "
Bro now want to fight with and against you.
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Walking hand in hand with your boyfriend he was listening to you while you were talking about your last interest of the moment.
It was such a cute moment everyone could tell you were loving bird.
That nice moment were cut off by a bunch of men who came by you
Without a thought suo put you behind him to protect his significant other.
Unfortunately the guys wouldn't let you off so a fight start.
Suo was doing as always amazing but he didn't see one of the guy approaching you.
It was only when you sent him fly to another guy suo was fighting that he turn around to see you angry.
Seriously it was a nice afternoon, the weather was nice but no people pissed you off.
You went by Suo to be behind him again. Sure you know how to fight but you don't want to.
After that you guys went by an item from your interest of the moment to cool you off.
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how cute he looks on this image?
You guys were on a date in the arcade laughing and having fun playing.
It was such precious date to you since you could enjoy a passion in common but also cause let's not lie you beat every record on the arcade born.
After beating another record Kiryu told you he will comeback in a few and to just wait for him.
So here you are now trying to escape a boring conversation with a men who clearly want to take you home.
You wish your boyfriend would comeback soon but unfortunately it seems that he will take some time.
When you nicely said the men you didn't wish to speak to him and you already have someone he began to be more aggressive.
He took your arm begining to drag you closer to him. You couldn't do much since he has your arm so you hit him with you head on the nose.
He startind to bleed when his lift his hand to slap you.
You raise you arm ready to block him. But before you could a hand stopped him.
Kiryu came back. Finally. You were clearly not a princess in danger but if you could avoid fighting even though you know how to its better.
Kiryu was clearly really pissed off by this men. His pressure on the guy hand was strong and he didn't want to let go. Who do this guy think to touch you?
The guy otherwise did not let go to. They started to fight before a manager came to the situation and make everyone leave.
Kiryu look at you before giving you a plush he won while he was not with you that's why he left. Finally you guys ended up at his house playing game with the plush between your arm.
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You guys were walking on the street heading to a meet up with the other.
It was a nice day you actually came cause the meeting was called kinda late and you really wanted to meet your boyfriend's friend.
So here you are walking listening to Nirei talking about how Sakura tried to again started a fight and how he tried to stopped it while Suo encouraged it by his sarcastic comment.
At some point a guy came by you stopping you on your walks.
Dude tried to poorly rizz you when Nirei told him you weren't interested and then HE was YOUR boyfriend.
But the guy didn't like that his fist up he tried to hit Nirei when you stopped him and hit his elbow with your knee. Bam you broke it.
The guy left crying how much it hurts. Nirei was so impressed by you he even asked you to teach him how to do that.
You looked at him laughing when you slowly realise his friend was behind him. With all the sound the fight did obviously furin came to see what happened. And they saw everything.
And that is how you met you boyfriend's friends.
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tzuberry · 10 months
(cute) things zerobaseone maknae line do as your boyfriend ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა
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pairing shen quanrui (ricky), kim gyuvin, park gunwook, han yujin + gn reader⠀⠀⠀details fluff, established relationship, bulletpoint
cw none ⠀⠀⠀wc 410, 418, 505, 462 (1,795 overall)⠀⠀⠀reading time 12 minutes
note HELLOOOO i havent posted a fic since july 15th and that was my first fic ever on this account omg... thank u for all the notes on my other post LIKE i didnt expect so much + thank you for 90 followers!! also i might start writing for tiot and evnne if i have time 🫡 likes are reblogs are appreciated if u can 💟
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ricky 리키
lets you play with his hair
i think ricky is honestly extremely particular with his hair, and especially who gets to touch it
his hair isn’t very visibly damaged despite getting it dyed frequently / basically not having black hair since he was probably fifteen years old (and he’s nineteen now, so that says something) so he has to take good care of it not to have it fried off
there were stories about him during bopeul where they said they always saw him fully ready with perfectly styled hair whenever he left his room, too
like i’m not even kidding he has to care for his hair a whole lot or by now he could’ve been bald i’m sorry
when his friends—mainly gyuvin—try to play with his hair or comb their fingers through it, ricky allows it but is not that pleased because he put effort into styling his hair and doesn’t want it to get messed up
gyuvin jokingly whines a little, but is over it after a few seconds
when ricky started dating you, although he thoroughly knew you and almost all of your habits and mannerisms, he didn’t think you would be into playing with his hair
you’re hanging out, watching a movie at your apartment while your head is rested on his shoulder when he feels your fingers suddenly brush through the strands of his hair
he turns to look at you, partly shocked but also just wondering what you’re planning on doing to his hair
you shrug your shoulders, keeping your eyes on the tv and not minding him one bit
“what are you doing?” he asks, a little amused
he expects you to reply playfully, to exchange banter or something like that
but instead, you say, “your hair is really soft, you know,” as you proceed to curl a portion with your finger acting as the curling iron
ricky quite literally folded that day... now he lets you do whatever you want with his hair
you can braid it, curl it, whatever
he doesn’t mind as long as it’s you, even if he spent nearly an hour fixing it this morning
you’re in a cafe talking to gyuvin and gunwook, sitting at the other side of the table when you lift your arm to twirl ricky’s hair, him not remotely flinching at the contact
gyuvin is pleasantly surprised to witness this sight
“you don’t let me do that,” he sulks, aimed at ricky
your boyfriend scoffs. “you’re not [name].”
gyuvin 규빈
always texts you + makes sure you’ve eaten
okay i think i’ve seen a lot of people say this already idk but i think it’s soooo true
gyuvin texts you excessively
like. about anything
there was one instance when his little brother had a crush on a girl, and gyuvin literally went to you for help and his brother didn’t even have an inkling of what was happening
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): [NAME] MY LITTLE BROTHER... is... growing up :(
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): he used to be so small i could put him in my pocket and now
yn: what happened???
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): he LIKES A GIRL. who told him it was okay to get a girlfriend? at his toddler age??
yn: gyuvin i love you but we started dating when We were his age
and then he continued to ask you for advice on how to help his brother get the girl he liked
there’s more instances of him oversharing his brother’s life with you, but that ends there
he also buys you snacks all the time
even if you don’t want it. even if you verbally, very clearly, straightforwardly tell him you’re not the tiniest bit hungry
he’s basically your mother oml
he makes those little snack baggies for you to take
before you both graduated, gyuvin would bring you lunch. it didn’t just stop at snacks
he would ask his mom to help him cook for you
and he’d make it all cute and stuff like shaping the rice to be your favorite character
he’d pack it to school and give it to you in the morning. omg
mixing those two things together, you get “have you eaten yet” texts all the time
it’s two pm, and you were so stuck while helping a friend that you regrettably forgot to eat lunch. ‘it’s okay,’ you assure yourself, ‘i had a late breakfast’
gyuvin texts you, asking the usual “have you eaten lunch????” and you lie and say yes
and then your phone rings and you know you can’t avoid it anymore because he can see through your voice when you lie
from the speaker of your phone, gyuvin’s voice is unbelievably attractive—but you choose to ignore that fact for now
“[name],” he deadpans. “be honest. have you eaten?”
choosing to accept defeat, you exhale deeply. “no.”
gyuvin suddenly hangs up and only a text is left on your screen
gyuvin (DO NOT REPLY): i’m coming over in. like 30 minutes i have to ask my mom to help me cook
gunwook 건욱
teaches you how to dance
gunwook is SO good at dancing it’s so crazy
i love watching him on stage because he’s the best performer ever. like he seems to genuinely enjoy it and i hope he never loses that love for dancing / singing / rapping
you on the other hand..... you could be good at dancing too, just definitely not as good as gunwook
so whenever your scheduled dates are interrupted by his extracurriculars at school, you decide to tag along with him, if the members of his clubs don’t mind (which they usually don’t)
one of his extracurriculars is the dance team
and most of the time, when your preplanned dates are cancelled because of an extracurricular he has lined up for him, it is almost always dance
so you end up following him to the practice room, silently watching him in the corner so as to not obstruct their view of the mirror by sitting directly in front of them
his eyes light up with the flame of passion you adore so much, and you’re so content that even if your date is cancelled because of this, you’re not annoyed and you still get to indirectly spend some time with him by spectating him as he does what he likes
in the short breaks that he gets, he takes the opportunity to sit beside you on the floor and ask about your day
when the practice session ends, he asks if it’s okay with you if he stays to polish up the routine, to which you say yes and offer to stay with him because everyone else has started to leave
after a while, he grows tired and plops down next to you
gunwook chuckles. “i’m sorry for cancelling our date and making you stay with me.”
“it’s alright, i like watching you dance.” you smile
he abruptly stiffens up, irises reflecting the light, making his eyes glow excitedly. “do i dance well? what do you think?”
you giggle. “you dance very well. a lot better than i can, for sure.”
“mhm, yeah?” he grins widely, and you know what he’s going to do
gunwook jumps up on his feet, extending his hand out to you to help you get up
“you just need a little help.” he nods proudly. “you’re lucky i’m your boyfriend.”
you take his hand, and he leads you to the center of the room and he starts to dance with you ballroom style (???) like the waltz and stuff
he guides your arms over his shoulder to circle his neck, and his hands rest on your waist and then he starts counting, “4... 3... 2... 1... like this,” as he takes a singular step in different directions, encouraging you to mirror his movements
you almost trip, but you tightly cling on to his shoulders before you can fall
gunwook laughs. “enough dancing for today?”
“yes, please,” you agree, letting your body fall forwards into a hug with him
“alright. if you’re not that tired, are you still up for that date?”
yujin 유진
(tries to) initiate / enjoys physical touch
yujin doesn’t seem like his love language is physical touch.... i know gyuvin does it a lot to him and he kinda pretends to not like it but it’s so endearing and i sooo believe he deep down loves it
it’s the same with you, but he’s the one intiating it
he never thought he liked skinship all that much, because he would even jokingly say it pestered him a little at times when gyuvin would dote on him
but when it came to you, and when you first started dating, he was itching to hold your hand
it was so new to him because he never craved for anyone’s physical affection before
all his older friends like gyuvin and gunwook would always just.... initiate skinship for him and he thought he didn’t like it but
suddenly you come along, and you don’t even try to hold his hand
he thought couples were supposed to hold hands?? and hug??
but you’re not budging and it’s so frustrating
while walking you home from school like usual, as you tell him about your day, he tries to gather the courage to intertwine your hands
it doesn’t work, and he’s left with cold hands as he stares at you enter your front door
“next time,” he whispers to no one but the wind
next time comes and still... he’s too nervous to hold your hand
the distance between your palms is less than four inches, and all he has to do is take the leap—besides, nothing could go that wrong. you like him and he likes you
he purposely bumps the back of his hand with yours, but doesn’t actually take your hand in his
he awkwardly rubs his nape, unsure of what to do now
your brows knit together, as you’re now aware of yujin’s weird behavior
“yujin?” you tug on his uniform sleeve. “is something wrong?”
“no! nothing’s wrong,” he quickly denies, “don’t worry about it.”
“okay... can i see your hand, though?” you request, and it successfully confuses him because why do you want to see his hand?
he obliges, giving it to you palm up when you lace your fingers with his
“i’ve noticed you trying to hold my hand since last week,” you say, giggling. “i was waiting for you to do it, but i guess you’re too shy.”
“i’m not that shy,” yujin defends, looking down at your interlocked hands... ‘this is a good feeling,’ he thinks
you nod passively. “it’s fine. it’s one of the reasons why i like you.” you swing both your hands back and forth in the space between you
yujin doesn’t try to retort, only relishing the feeling of your hand in his
skinship isn’t so bad... maybe he could get used to this.
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misshugs · 2 months
₃The Cameragirl³ || snc
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After a cheeky reply you might've regretted, you end up dragged into the office to have a little... talk.
contains: SMUT +18, oral (both ways), unprotected sex, cursing, pet names, alcohol consumption, no mention of Y/n
a/n: you asked, i delivered.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 3k
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
You thought about how lucky it was for the room to be soundproof, glad that nobody will hear your screams. Although... it would be quite pleasant to let everyone know how they please you, how they touch you like nobody else.
The way you know only them could do it.
You didnt expect this to be the way you'd be doing your cardio, but it seemed destiny had some other plans.
[hours before]
You were basically shaking as they took you back onto the office, the thought of them asking about your stupid comments instead of going with the flow like they always did.
It was too obvious to be jokingly flirting this time, and they noticed.
And you were scared shitless.
You didn't know if they would genuinely go ahead with it or maybe let you know they're not interested, which made your stomach growl in response to your anxiety.
Well, to your hunger as well. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
They just got to sit you down on the table before listening to your poor stomach. They laughed.
"Right. You just woke up." Sam said as you shamelessly nodded your head out of embarrassment. "Then let us eat before talking it out. Wouldn't like for you to pass out on us."
"Come on, then." Colby continued, extending an arm to you, which you cheekishly ignored and stood up from the table wilst puffing your cheeks out. "Giving me an attitude? Yikes." He laughed.
"Didn't even help me out when I was stuck in Sam's arms? Yikes." You replied, walking out of the room. You could hear their chuckles before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Heating yourself something to eat, they reluctantly got closer and sighed. "Hey, uh... we need to leave right now. There's this person we have to meet for another haunted place and this is the only time they have available. We completely forgot." Colby explained to you, looking back at his phone, guessing it was the message he received.
"Oh, okay. I'll be here, then." You said, giving him a side look before continuing making your food.
"You don't wanna come with us?" Sam asked.
"I wanna eat?"
"Right, right... well, we'll talk later, then. Don't think you're still safe." Sam smiled at you before walking away with Colby.
You rolled your eyes jokingly, but when they left, you let out a big sigh you've been restraining.
You were safe, for now at least. While thinking of a way to try and avoid the topic all together, you got a message. It was a mutual friend of yours, asking you to come to a party.
Quickly agreeing at the false sense of hope you received, she told you that the boys were also invited. She also agreed upon picking you up beforehand, since you weren't really going to do anything anyways so being early and prepping everything up was also a nice way to keep your mind out of the gutter.
After eating, you basically had the whole day for yourself, so you might as well prepare yourself earlier.
Thinking about them, you thought cautiosly about what to wear.
And honestly?
You felt like you needed to push their buttons a little bit more tonight. Yeah, whatever happened a few minutes ago made you a blushing mess, but at the same time, boy... the adrenaline you got from it sure was fun.
Then again, you guys weren't exactly together... so what's wrong with wearing something a bit more... revealing?
And so, it was decided. Searching throughout your closet, you found a short dress that fit your criteria for the night. With a slit through the back that went down to heaven and short slits on the side, making your thighs almost pop out.
It wasn't something you usually wore. Heck, you forgot you had it for all you remembered, but it looked so good in your skin that you just had to use it.
A couple of hours passed by and you were already at the party, getting things ready before some people started coming through. It didn't take long before the place began crowding with people.
The host, your friend, has been under the influence even before it all began. You were starting to get a bit tipsy yourself, getting loose at the dance floor whenever a good song started playing.
"Hey, quick question." Your friend yelled at you. "Where's Sam and Colby? They said they were busy and didn't know if they were gonna come." She explained. Looking at her with confusion, you then remembered.
"Oh! They're talking to someone for their next investigation, that's why." Unbeknownst to you, you were merely half right. Yes, they were talking with someone about their next location, but they also denied due to other reasons involving you.
Thinking about it, you believed they weren't going to arrive at the party, therefore, you were somewhat down at the thought. You wanted to tease them tonight, but it seems that your plan wasn't going to happen.
It didn't step you away from having fun, though. Drinking, dancing, talking with friends... it was a good time. That is, until a random dude you've never seen in your life started approaching.
Disinterest in your eyes was visible, but the guy seemingly ignored it completely and kept making the cringiest remarks you've heard in your life.
He tried to get closer to you, reaching out to your waist before you could try and run away.
Your heart racing at a thousand per hour, his hands were rough, almost certain that there might leave a mark on your fragile skin.
"Won'tcha come with me tonight, 'lil mama?" He smirked, holding you tight and close to him, making you almost puke.
"Get the fuck away from me!" You tried to scream, tried to push him away but to no use. You were still weak from your recent investigation after all.
"Now, come on. Don't do this to me, honey." Holding your chin on place, he made you look at him. "I can make you feel really g-"
"Back off dude, she's taken." You heard a familiar voice before finally setting free from his grasp. Colby was the first one you saw, taking off the guys arms from you.
Another set of hands held you softly by the waist, pulling you closer, away from him. Sam. You looked up at his face, he seemed mad.
He looked at you, now worry in his blue eyes. "You alright?" He asked softly in your ear, holding one of your hands to try and comfort you. You nodded quickly, glad that you've been saved once again.
Looking back at the guy, Colby was pushing him away. A determined stare down from his side, making the guy that was trying to gain your attention chuckle.
"Where were you, huh? When she was having fun all alone in the middle of the room? You're just tryna pull her off as well. You dipshits are nobody." He snarled back at Colby, annoyance in both their faces.
"We're not gonna let shits like you touch our girl, understand?"
You could barely hear what they were saying due to the loud music from every side, but you surely heard that last part.
Their girl? What did that even mean?
A visible smirk on Colby's lips when he turned around to look at Sam. You didn't think the next set of actions were the respond to this childish kids play, but you could feel Sam's soft hands on your chin, making you look at him and his lips interlocked with yours in an instant.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck, what was happening?
Was there a faucet running? Cause boy you were dripping wet. These men were driving you crazy.
You caught a glimpse of the now pissed guy walking off before Sam could pull away. When he eventually did, you looked at his smiling face for a second before reality hit you like a truck.
Your face flushed with a red tint on your cheeks. Looking back at Colby who was walking closer towards you, both of them now towering over you.
"I-I thought you guys weren't gonna make it?" You asked, genuinely confused now that you remembered your friend vividly explaining they were busy.
"We weren't, but our plans for the night switched places." Colby smirked at you, making Sam laugh at the remark, even more with your confused face.
You didn't understood at the time, but their plans were supposed to be you. "We finished earlier than expected, but then when we got home you weren't there." Sam explained. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Well, she told me to come here early to help her out, so..."
"Ah, so you've been here for longer?" Colby asked, putting his hand on the slit on your back. "I guess I can't blame the guy, such a revealing outfit for so many hours..." He continued, slowly caressing your back with his hand, moving his hand down your bare skin. "I don't think I'd be able to hold it on a minute longer if I were him."
Shivers went throughout your whole body after listening to his words. "So if you didn't know we were coming, did you put this on for everyone else to see?" Sam asked, looking at you in the eyes. "I'm a bit jealous."
Your lip was quivering. The plan was to flirt back and tease them if they eventually came, but right now, you were speechless. The touch of their hands making your legs weak and shaky. A sudden hand up the side slit of your dress from Sam caught you slightly off guard, caressing your hip softly.
"Showing this much skin... Is this dress yours? Why have we never seen it before?" He asked.
"I don't.. I-I don't use it often." You managed to reply before panting at the constant feeling of getting touched by them. The adrenaline of someone possibly seeing what they were up to with you was nerve racking.
"We'll make you use it more often then, but only for us." Colby whispered, holding your ass and making you let out a soft moan. "We might as well have to find another place to chat more comfortably, what do you think, Sam?" He asked and Sam nodded.
Holding your hand tighter, he started walking away from the croud and into a random room from your friend's house. Closing the door, they noticed the music was barely heard. "Soundproof?" Sam asked.
"Seems like it."
"Most her rooms are..." You explained, making them look at eachother with a smirk before looking back at you.
"Good. You won't have to worry about screaming our names too loudly tonight then." Sam said.
"W-wha-" You could barely manage to say before Colby lifted you up and walked you to the bed.
Sitting you down, you looked up at them towering over you again.
"You're not escaping us tonight. You know that, right?" Colby began, crossing his arms.
"We're gonna have that... talk. Right now if we need to." Sam said, making you gulp.
"Can the talk be a bit more... dynamic?" You opened your legs slightly, which made them smirk.
"It was going to be from the start, sweetheart." Colby said with a deep tone, putting his hand on the insides of your thighs, quickly getting his hand closer to your heat. You sighed when you felt it, Sam fixing your hair behind your ear before getting closer to your face for another kiss.
While you kissed back, your legs closed a bit by instinct when you felt him playing with your clit through the fabric of your panties. "She's so wet, Sam." He informed, making Sam chuckle in the middle of the kiss, pushing his tongue deeper inside when you opened your mouth.
They made you lie down on the bed while your heated make out session with Sam didn't give you a second to even breathe. You moaned slightly when you felt your legs being pushed apart.
Sam slowly pulled down your dress, leaving your boobs out in the open, he separated from your lips and sighed. "No bra or anything, it almost seems like she was expecting us to fuck her." He said, pulling back only to see your whole view. "Fuck." He whispered.
Colby took off your damped panties and threw them to the floor, pushing up the skirt of your dress to have a clear view of your pussy.
You could see him licking and biting his lips while admiring the view. While sam went back to your soft, tasty lips, he began kneeding one of your breasts, playing with your nipple. You whined at the feeling, your heart racing at the touch.
Not a minute later, you could feel your legs being slightly lifted and a tongue licking your pussy, making you moan in between the kiss, letting Sam's tongue slip back in once again.
Shaking, you could feel Colby's tongue making circles around your clit, sucking at it, eating you up, making you arch your back at the feeling.
Sam separated from your lips and started giving you wet kisses around your face, slowly descending through your neck and onto your boobs, nibbling at your skin before making its way towars your nipple.
Sucking at it, you moaned softly and held onto his hair for support, while Colby kept on sucking and pushing his tongue inside of you, exploring every inch he's able to.
While Sam started sucking and licking one of your nipples, he made sure you were kept entertained. Putting two of his fingers inside your mouth for you to lick, you began sucking on them while drowning the moans in between.
From all of the stimulation, it didn't take long for you to cum all over Colby's face. He cleaned you up with his tongue, making sure to look at your erotic expressions whilst having Sam's fingers in your mouth, drooling all over them.
They both separated from you. You were filled with a sense of loss for a moment, but nothing that was going to stay for long. Sam sat behind you, making sure you lied your back on his chest while holding one of your breasts and opening up your legs.
Colby, enjoying the view, waited patiently for his friend to make you feel good. "Let's make sure you can suck us up well, yeah?" Said Sam while slowly moving the hand he had in your mouth down to your pussy.
Opening your lips with his fingers, he teased for a moment before pushing inside of you, making you moan and pull back your head on his shoulder.
One finger, then two, then three.
He stretched you up good while Colby was busy taking off his pants and looking at everything his eyes could manage from the view.
"Make sure Colby can see your pretty face." Sam whispered, thrusting quickly with his fingers. You could feel his bulge quickly rising behind you, poking your back.
You did as told, looking at Colby in the eyes while moaning and whining, your legs shaking at the feeling of being stretched out. "Colby... fuck. I need you."
"What do you need, baby?" He asked seductively, putting out his dick while you moaned at Sam's teeth biting onto your skin.
"You.. your dick... please." You whined.
"You want him to also make you feel good?" Sam asked while squishing one of your boobs and you nodded rapidly.
"Yeah. Yeah, please. Oh, fuck. Please." Pleading in such an erotic way, they couldn't just say no. Sam's fingers left you right before you were on the edge of yet another orgasm, but it didn't take long for something even better to take its place.
Colby's tip was slowly pushing in, making sure to not hurt you. You opened your mouth, taking out your tongue as the feeling was euphoric. He got closer and sucked on it before kissing you.
When he was completely inside, he began thrusting slowly but surely. Quickly speeding up when he felt you were already getting used to his length.
Moaning his name out, you looked back at Sam and whined for him as well, touching his erection from behind you, making him grunt. "Sam. Take... take it out." You panted in between moans.
And he did as told, quickly pulling out his dick while getting on his knees so that you could quickly hold it and put it inside your hot, wet mouth. "Oh, fuck." He let out when he felt your tongue up his friend.
You were quick to put it inside your mouth, bobbing your head up and down while getting railed up by Colby. The vibration of your moans sent shivers down Sam's spine. Holding your head up for support, he began thrusting inside your mouth as well.
It was a dream come true, you were on cloud 9, almost fainting at the pleasure you were receiving from both ends.
You didn't take long to cum, neither did them. After all, those teasing were killing them as well, they were just trying to hold it long enough for you to release yourself first.
You gulped down Sam's juices before pulling out, panting when he did. You were beat. If you barely had any strength before due to the recent investigation, now you were sure of it.
They made sure to clean you up before fixing your dress, giving you kisses all over your body, looking at the now visible hickeys all over your skin. "Gotta let people know you're taken. We can't have what happened before again." Colby whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek.
Breathing heavily, you nodded at them, not even entirely sure what you were agreeing upon.
"Well, that was a nice chat, was it not?" Sam said, smiling at your wobbly self.
"It really was, glad we could clear things up, right?" Colby continued. "I mean, I'm guessing you understand what we meant, right?"
You looked at him, getting your breath back together, smiling. "That you're my boys?" You asked, "Or maybe you have to explain it all over again, maybe I didn't understand what you meant."
They looked at eachother, smirking. "Then let us explain it again."
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
"come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, i'm feelin' romantical."
thank you so much for reading <3 //also last part isn't a cliffhanger, we all know they went for round two, the end
smol taglist from those that wanted pt 3 *(sorry if you didn't want to be tagged): @oh-prettylady @lemonnightmare @honey-bees-13 @jupiter1700
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targaryenluvs · 11 months
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pairing: prowler!miles morales x reader, miles morales x reader
summary - miles seemingly can’t let you go, but you know your miles needs to get home. maybe if you play along you’ll be able to get back home. PART TWO!!! part 1 here
word count: 1,305 words
warnings - not much really, profanity, lil bit of violence and non-con touchy touch
notes - well i didnt expect to do a part two lmao but holy shit you lot r crazy thank u for the love - sorry if this isn’t at anyone’s standards but yeaaahh here you go 🤍
TAGLIST: @pifuyue @afternoon-evening @myspacewhore1comz @ashleebooksblog @sophiaj650 @colossaltitannnn @the-rogue-robin @zaddyskye69 @loonalockley
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he’s not moving.
you’d been trying to shake your miles awake ever since the other miles left the room but to no avail.
“miles please, i don’t know how long we have. you have to work with me here.” you whispered as you shook his shoulders again. he was icy to the touch, the hard floor did not help.
you didn’t know where he was but you prayed he wouldn’t come back any time soon, as unlikely it was for him not to return.
he was crazy, indefinitely.
how the hell can someone be so delusional to think that their girlfriend who passed away, infront of them, whom they buried in the ground over a year ago, is back and with them in the flesh? you had no clue, but all you cared about right now was getting miles up and awake.
you’d managed to get rid of the chains after what felt like an eternal tug of war and you were sure he’d wake with countless bruises.
“fuck it.” you sighed as you raised your fist as it is collided with his chest. you couldn’t hit his face, he was to pretty for that.
miles was struggling.
he was dreaming. he knew that.
but for some reason he felt much more comfortable with staying in his dream then facing whatever was happening around his body at the time. maybe he was already dead. this other miles killed him, took his girlfriend, his y/n.
the one who he had loved since they were kids and he was too stubborn to get off the swings since he thought he should have extra time after being away visiting relatives.
the one who was also as stubborn as he was and decided that getting a plastic shovel from the sandpit and digging it into his sides was a more effective way of getting him off rather than asking politely or asking a teacher for aid.
the one who helped him up afterwards and apologised before running to the swings and hopping on.
the one who he saw everyday afterwards, the one who sat in his spot and made friends with his. the one who he knew he should’ve been mad at but he couldn’t help but admire.
her cute pigtails, her cute dresses and smile.
the one he grew up with, his first true friend, his first crush, his first kiss, his first girlfriend.
the one who helped him through his uncles passing and to come to terms with his new abilities. the one who always gave him the strength to get back up and fight.
he couldn’t stay here.
his father was waiting for his help whether he knew it or not and his other half was waiting for him to get back up.
get up.
Get Up.
“get up! oh my god is one punch not enough idiot?” y/n whisper-yelled in his face as his eyes shot open.
you’d never felt more relieved at seeing miles’s wide eyes. “shit are you okay? i didn’t punch you too hard right?” you interrogated him as you looked over his face with concern.
��no, no i’m okay. are you? shit i should’ve gotten up earlier i’m so sorry. he didn’t hurt you did he? i’m so sorry, so sorry i-“ you cut off his rambling with a kiss.
as you pulled back you couldn’t help but smile, he was quite literally knocked out cold and the first thing he asked was if you were okay. “i’m fine miles. i’m okay, just breathe okay? you need to have your head on straight if we’re to get the fuck outta here okay?” you murmured as you nestled your face in his neck.
“come on up, we need to get out of here before that psycho comes b-“ you were cut off as you felt something buzz in your jacket.
you saw miles’s bewildered expression as you slowly reached for it, “i swear to god if this is a bomb.” miles whispered as you groaned, “seriously?”
as your hand grazed the object your eyes lit up as you recognised it. you pulled out one of the watches you’d managed to acquire through violent methods at HQ.
“yes! oh my god you are incredible you know that?” miles grinned as he asked for it. “i totally forgot i had it, god thank you!” you joked as you clasped your hands together whilst looking upwards.
“earth 1610, i know that much.” you smiled as he worked through it.
the two of you were so engrossed within the find of the watch you forgot to focus on the door behind you two as it slowly opened. miles’s head shot up as his senses went off. he shoved the watch into your jacket as the two of you turned around.
“see you got out of the chains.” miles spoke as he walked in slowly. miles stood infront of you swiftly, fighting stance slowly crawling through as his fists balled.
“and what about it? you needa move aside. no one has to get hurt.” miles threatened as he slowly walked backwards.
other miles looked at you before smirking. “i ain’t goin nowhere. neither is she.” he pointed your way as you couldn’t help but frown.
why couldn’t he let you go?
why wouldn’t he let you go?
“i’m not staying here miles. i’m going home, you need to let her go. i’m not her.” you spoke up as you lowered miles’s extended arm in-front of you to talk to him clearly.
“i can’t let you leave ma, ion want to, and ion have to. he ain’t gonna stop me.” miles grinned as his mask came forwards to cover his face, his claws on too as he rushed forwards at miles.
and you were off.
you couldn’t think about anything else. you couldn’t look backwards it would slow you down. you decided to run upwards, hoping that your miles would fight the prowler off long enough to make it up to you on the roof.
you pulled out the watch and jammed numbers in as you continued upwards.
how many fucking levels were there?
you saw the door come into view just as you pressed enter. you slammed through the door to see the portal open.
your chance was here.
you looked back to the door, willing him to come.
you saw a flash of black and red and the door slammed in-front of you just as you moved forwards to try and find him. and it scared the shit out of you and resulted in something slipping from your pocket.
miles hugged you straight away. “you okay mi vida?” you hugged him tightly and kissed him. “yes, yes i’m okay, you? he didn’t hurt you did he?” miles shook his head as he looked towards the portal home.
“come on let’s go before he decides he wants a round two.” you said as you grabbed his hand and jogged towards the portal just as he barrelled through.
the two of you flew through as the portal closed on miles.
“shit! fuck!” he yelled as he stood in-front of where you’d left just seconds ago. he was too slow. too fucking slow again. he let you slip through his hands once and vowed it would never happen again the second he saw you and you were taken from him again.
after spending so long working, training to be the best version of himself to keep the person and people he loved safe.
as he sat down his eye was caught by something glimmering in the moonlight. as he picked it up he couldn’t believe it.
a watch. the one he saw you shove into your jacket. the one which most likely controlled the portal. the one which had the multiverse contained within.
the luminescent letters spelling out,
EARTH 1610
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imaginaryf1shots · 3 months
Burned out | Lewis Hamilton
WC: 1.6K
Lewis Hamilton X Platonic!reader
Summery: (REQUESTED) going through a burn out is never easy, lucky for you, your best friend is here to help you.
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Not edited at all, not even a little bit.
You and Lewis have been friends for years, it’s a well known thing. you have been there for each other through it all, the ups and downs, the championships, the DNFs and everything in between. Every spare moment you had off work you’d be wherever he is, spending vacations at his house in Monaco or going with him to Brazil for a trip. now don’t get me wrong you have a normal office job, you work your hours normally, but you’re smart about your days off.
However these days it’s all been a little harder, you’re having to move because of your landlord wanting to live in the house, with a close call from him you’ve been house hunting every weekend, and work has been piling on, your company let quite a few people go, so you’ve had to take on more workload with the same salary and everything, and let’s not forget all the family commitments you’ve had to cancel on.
But alas life has to go on.
”What do you think about this one?” You ask Lewis who is on facetime with you, as you walked around the apartment your real estate agent was showing you, you prefer the one you’re in now, but this one isn’t bad in your opinion.
”It’s definitely better than the one from last week.” Lewis said, you hummed in agreement, opening the cabinets to look at the storage.
”I think so too, the best one so far.” You muttered and bit your lip in compilation.
”Are you signing this one?” Lewis asked and you nodded.
”I think so, I don’t think I’ll find a better one before I have to move out.” You stated, and that was that. you put an offer in, and waited.
”What do you want to eat?” Lewis asked from across the island, he had his fridge open, he had a stack of boxes that are made for his diet but he didn’t feel like any of them today. when you didnt respond he turned to look at you, you didnt hear him focused on your open laptop, where you had your work project on but you weren’t typing or doing anything just staring at the screen as if it killed your first child. “Hey, earth to (y/n).” 
Lewis had to wave his hand in front of your face for you to snap out of it. “What? Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked what do you want to eat, but now I think you need to take a break, you’ve been here for five hours and you haven’t moved from your spot.” Lewis said raising an eyebrow.
”I moved!”
”To go to the loo.” Lewis smiled and you rolled your eyes having no comeback.
”What do you feel like eating, I’ll have whatever.” You said trying to change the subject, you rolled your shoulders trying to loosen them up.
”Don’t try to change the subject, love.” Lewis was having none of it, you sighed, he moved around the island to stand by you. “It wouldn’t kill you to take an hour off.” 
“An hour! I can’t do that, I have so much to do, I have to hand this in on Monday and then there’s another project for the week after that I have almost nothing done in and then I still haven’t heard back from the agent for the house and I have to move in under three weeks-“ 
“Okay, okay, breathe.” Lewis places his hands on your shoulders and you take a deep breath, he knows that all this work and all the stress from having to move is affecting you, you haven’t seen any of your friends for a while and your family lives too far for you to see them regularly and it’s taken it’s toll on you. “Now, you’ve been sitting here for a half an hour without doing anything, you need a break, let’s go out for food and then you can come back and finish your work for the night, okay?”
”Fine, but we can’t be out for too long.” You say and save your work.
”We won't.”
You did go out, and you didn't take long, but here you are regretting this, as you’re rushing to finish everything to be handed in. Now every moment you spent doing anything else but working is eating you alive. All the what ifs and what nots are killing you slowly. your nails are chewed to bits, and you’re all over the place as you gather your things to head to the office, only taking five minute in front of the door before you head out to sort your look.
”Hey love, I’m leaving in a few days and when can we meet up?” Lewis asked you over the phone as you stood in the street trying to stop a taxi, but failing miserably and it just started to rain, you sigh feeling as if the world is crashing onto you.
”I can’t Lew, I’m sorry I dont have the time.” You say and try to stop your voice from changing, but Lewis knows you too well he could tell that there’s something going on.
”What’s wrong? Is it your project?” Lewis sat up on his sofa, he stopped petting Rosco as he frowned, he hears you sniffing and gets up from his place. 
“No-no, the project is fine, bu-but they want me to do another and them my offer got rejected and I don’t have time to go see another place and I have to start packing to move, and no freaking taxi is stopping and it’s raining and just shit.” You wanted to scream right now, but being in public just didn’t help. The rain is disgusting your tears but your voice is heave and wavering, Lewis is already with his keys and leaving his house.
”It’s okay love, where are you?” You tell him and push your stick hair out of your face. “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can, yeah, just find somewhere dry to stand.”
It takes Lewis around 30 minutes to reach you, considering the traffic that’s a miracle. you see his Mercedes coming around the corner, you’re still wet and cold when you hop in the car, the heat is already on. Your eyes are red and your lips in a permanent frown, your bag slipping to the floor with a thud. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Lewis asked softly and took your freezing hand in his. “Stupid question.”
“Thank you for picking me up.” You mumble looking out the window, your hand holding tightly to Lewis's. You're in need of his comfort and just knowing that he's there makes you think that maybe something is going right in your life. You have your best friend and everything is okay.
Lewis drives you to his house only letting go when he needs to park. 
“Come on, let's get inside.” You walk behind Lewis, and once you're inside he helps you take off your wet jacket. “Go shower, before you get sick, I'll get the kettle going.”
You slowly make your way to the guest bedroom, the room you sleep in when you're spending the night for one reason or the other. You don't cry in the shower or when you get dressed in some clothes you had here(the hoodie you slip on top belong to lewis). 
When you make it to the kitchen you see Lewis standing beside the tea mugs he made on his phone. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” You mutter and meet his brown eyes, Lewis gives you the smallest smile and opens his arms for you, you don't hesitate before walking into them. He's so warm and so familiar and he just holds you, he says nothing and that's all it took for the floodgates to open again. You're sobbing as he holds you, he doesn't shush you or try to make you stop he just lets you get it all out. You don't know how long it is when you're out of tears but the tea has since gone cold and Lewis is putting the kettle back on while you wash your face.
Once you're sitting in the living room with your tea is when you start talking. 
“I don't know why I'm feeling this way, but nothing is going right and I just feel so bad all the time, I don't have the energy to do anything but I have so much to do and then nothing is going right and, and I feel so sad and lonely and it's just, its..”
“Oh darling.” Lewis pulls you for a hug once more. “You're going through a burn out.”
“What?” You say not expecting this, pulling back from the hug you think about it. Everything you just said is pointing to the fact that it's signs of burnout. “Oh.”
“You're burned out and you got the whole house situation and its adding to it.” Lewis comforts you. “Now here's the plan I have for you, 1. You tell your boss you're not taking new projects unless they hire more people to help you, no let me finish, 2. Until you find a place come stay here, I'm almost never here anyways. We get a storage unit for all you stuff that you won't need here. 3. You, love, are inba serious need for a vacation. So tomorrow ask for your some of your vacation days and after you finish your project for next week you're coming with me to travel for a bit.”
“Wow, you got it all figured out.” You say breathlessly before breaking into a smile. 
“Of course, can't have my best friend being all burned out and not helping.” Lewis kisses your forehead and you give him another hug.
“Thank you Lew.” 
“Hey, you don't need to thank me, what are friends for?”
“Not all of them are like you.”
“Well, lucky you then.”
“You're getting cocky now, I think I need to humble you a bit.”
“Huh, I'd like to see you try.”
“Is this a challenge?”
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killstarrs · 2 months
hamzah x fem!reader
1.3k words
cw: handjob, virgin!hamzah, weed, angst if you squint
a/n- this is rushed and so bad but enjoy!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
you had come over to hamzah’s place a couple hours ago to smoke and watch megamind, which was a weekly routine for the two of you. you’d known him for 3 years, and you consider him one of your best friends. but there was a small problem; he was in love with you. the worst part is that you loved him too, but you were to scared to act on it.
mandy had come to you about 4 months ago with a secret she couldnt keep.
“i dont even know if i can say this,” she mumbled, her head resting in her palms.
“whatever it is it can’t be that bad,” you replied, giggling.
“y/n trust me, it’s bad,” she said, facing you with a serious expression.
“im ready for whatever it is,” you say, confidently.
“okay…so i overheard martin and hamzah the other night,” she started.
“what were they talking about?” you ask.
your face flushed. what could they be saying that was bad about you? you started going through your head to try and remember any signs of them not liking you, but struggled. you had known them for 3 years now, surely they wouldnt be your friends if they didnt like you, right?
“did i do something? do they not wanna hang out anymore?” you ask, trying not to let the burn in your throat expose how badly you dont want it to be true.
“uh quite the opposite actually. hamzah was talking about you, like nonstop. martin got annoyed from only talking about you and asked what was wrong with hamzah. and hamzah was all like ‘i think im in love with her dude’ and then i ran away from the door because i got scared,” she replies, giggling.
your heart really sank then. face instantly going red.
“oh,” is all you could get out.
“see i knew you’d be upset, but what do you think?” mandy pushed, slightly suspicious of your crush.
“oh! uh i dunno, wouldn’t that end our friendship?”
“only if you dont like him back, which you definitely do. you know him better than martin, just go for it.”
“i dont want to loose what we have now.” you reason, still in deep thought.
“why are you afraid of loosing one good thing when you know it could turn into something greater? just go for it.” she reassured.
“i’ll see what i can do”
so here you were, stoned out of your mind, watching megamind defeat titan with hamzah’s usual commentary.
“he could’ve tried a little harder,” he says, annoyed with how weak megamind was acting.
you weren’t focused on the movie though, your eyes steady on hamzah. he noticed, growing nervous but not pointing it out. he couldn’t bare it anymore, you cant just look at him like that.
“dude are you okay?” he asks with a smirk on his face, slightly laughing.
“oh yeah sorry,” you avert your gaze and sit up straighter, which hamzah didn’t appreciate. you came over in sweatpants and a hoodie, but his a/c was broken so you were now only in your sweatpants and a tight black tanktop that perfectly displayed your boobs. you catch him looking at your chest for a second, only to blush and look away.
you don’t know if it’s the weed or how touch starved you are, but you decide to be bold.
“hamzah, have you ever kissed anyone?” you ask, blushing but keeping a straight face face.
he looks at you, red eyes wide and cheeks flushed. he felt his palms get sweaty and his pants get tighter.
“uhm…wow i uh no..i havent.” he coughed out, looking away. “it’s kinda embarrassing.”
“it’s not embarrassing.” you say, tilting your head and looking him in the eye. you try not to smirk at his nervous expression.
“do you umm, want me to teach you?” you ask, sounding too innocent for what you want to do to him.
“yes please.” he whimpers out, dick twitching in his pants.
you move closer, feeling the warmth radiating from him. you look him in the eye and he stares back with a pleading stare. you slowly move to hold his face in your hands, and he feels like he’s gonna pass out. you kiss him gently.
hes never felt anything like it. the intimacy if it makes his head spin. he moves his head with the rhythm your soft lips made, deepening the kiss. you move your hands to his neck and he groans.
you guide his lips in the right direction, slowly prying his mouth open for you to explore. he gasps at the sensation, whining a little.
he still has his arms at his sides, awkwardly playing with the hem of his hoodie. you break the kiss and he pouts, only for you to pick up his hands and put them on your sides.
“you can touch me hamzah.” you breathe out, focused on kissing him again. he’s rock hard.
he slowly moves his hands to explore the expanse of your back. tugging at the skin on your waist. you move your kisses down his cheek and onto his jaw, peppering small kisses there. he’s lightheaded. all he can hear is the sound of your kissing and his heartbeat pounding.
you make your way to his neck, licking and kissing the short right under his ear. he whimpers. not like a quiet whine, more like a borderline moan. your panties grow wetter.
you move your hands down his clothed torso, leaving a trail of goosebumps. he’s panting in your ear and it takes everything in you not to fuck him right now.
“can i touch you?” you whisper.
he moans this time, loud “please..ah..please.” he begs, head falling back. you giggle, embarrassing him but only making him harder.
you rub his thighs, inching close to where he needs you. you slowly start to fidget with the waistband of his shorts, sliding a hand in. you lightly trace the outline of his dick through his underwear, and he curses. he almost came from that alone. you rub him a little harder, letting him thrust into your palm.
he huffs and pants so sweetly, you could spend hours teasing him. you opt not too, not trying to be unfair. you move your hand directly onto his dick now, making him let out a loud whimper.
you run your thumb across his tip, collecting the pearl of precum causing a damp spot on his boxer. he hisses.
you start to stroke him, agonizingly slow.
“fuuuuuuckkkkkk.” is all is can manage to say, face flushed and panting.
you hum in response, kissing his neck. he’s huffing and panting like he’s running a marathon. you swipe your thumb over his tip again and hear him whine, a tear coming down his cheek. you kiss it away and he looks you in the eye, all fucked out and full of adoration.
“if you keep going..ah..im gonna cum.” he whimpers out.
“it’s okay, i want you to.” you say against his neck, bruising him with your kisses.
that was his last straw, cumming with a whine and bucking into your fist, making a mess all over his boxers.
you stroke him through it until he starts to wince and twitch, then you let go.
“lets get you cleaned up.” you say standing and reaching a hand out. “you did so good for me.” you whisper, kissing his. cheek.
he has no idea what the fuck just happened. the beautiful girl who he had a crush on for years just made him cum in his pants, and held him the whole way through. he got up though, legs slightly shaking.
you led him to the bathroom to clean him up, then spend the night <3
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sockeye-station · 3 months
Wait is your four the captain? How did that happen?
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so! octo expansion goes all normally, we have our agent 8 fighting through the entire structure to escape, agent 3 gets brainwashed, they have to fight, yadda yadda. you probably know how it goes by now. But here's the thing.
what if i went ahead and changed a tiny thing. just the teensiest detail.
what if instead of spamming splashdowns, tartar decides to use one big fuck off booyah bomb.
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"but, didn't booyah bomb come out after octo expansion?"
yes. yes it did. and that's why i chose booyah bomb specifically.
tartar whipped out the idea to use a booyah bomb from some prototypes it found out about after abducting god-knows-who, and used it despite its unstable build. No one, at that moment, knew whatever that was, what it did, how dangerous it was, or anything of the sort. This was some sort of last hurrah, as it knew that this was its last shot at stopping this failure from escaping the facility. And so it exerted Agent 3 into giving it everything he's got. Quite literally, even! It pushed him so hard, he too became unstable while trying to mantain and boost the energy ball.
The Booyah Bomb is thrown with as much power as Tartar could muster out of that creature, pretty much covering most of the arena. Once the ink settles, and Agent 8 gathers his senses, he looks around. Agent 3 is nowhere to be seen.
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at no point in canon is sanitized agent 3 properly splatted throughout the fight — you only break their shield, they superjump back to their platform, and you eventually knock them out. you never splat them. so who's to say that, just like agent 8 during the ascent, they don't have a respawn anchor?
That's what I decided to play with here. Agent 3 is splatted with no respawn anchor. Agent 3 is dead.
The rest of octo expansion plays as normal, only that there's no passed out Agent 3 waiting at the helicopter.
Starting from here, Agent 8 becomes affiliated with the NSS through Cuttlefish after breaking the news, feeling like he needs to make it up for the loss they suffered as he feels responsible for it. He grows closer with Agent 4, and eventually they become closer friends, even staying at her place after she invited him once their friendship was more developed. This paragraph is mostly to explain how they know each other and how their friendship started, also explaining why my Agent 8 gives OtH Agent 4's number instead of Cuttlefish.
Okay! Now, back to the point of this ask. I actually had a bit of this typed out in a server I'm in!
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[Agent 4] didn't really have a choice when it came to becoming Captain, being the fifth longest-standing member of the NSS after craig, the squisters and agent 3. craig was retiring, the squid sisters were still busy with their inkopolis celebrity scene, and [Agent 3] was dead. so she was the next best option.
she didnt really ask for this in the first place, and yet she accepted out of hopes of being acknowledged. When she was just an agent, the rest of the team didn't keep in touch with her much (except for Agent 8) after the events of OE, and at one point even stopped being called for whenever Callie got the shades on again. Whenever she patrolled, she did it without any previous call, and was rarely acknowledged by the others. She still kept visiting the canyon whenever she could after everyone else had moved on.
even after becoming the "captain", the others didnt usually reach out to her for assistance, and instead tended to act on their own. they never really took her as captain, rarely listening to her. so obviously this whole mess made her feel like absolute dogshit, questioning why she even decided to go through with this.
that title was meant for [Agent 3]. not for her. he was the one that came before her, and was better than her in so many ways. at least that's what the others kept repeating around her.
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as much of a punch in the gut being constantly compared to someone else was, she kept pushing to try and make herself known, separate from the other's achievements. which is why she ended up accepting marina's request.
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
incubus Lads boys where mc starts falling in love with them on accident 🔞🤭😫
HMM im seeing this as??? like. l&ds beginning a sexual relationship only to satisfy their incubus desires and mc falling in love w them thereby breaking their friends w benefits situation but also. its so sweet if both of them are in love and i kinda did that bc if i didnt itd be too angsty and i just like happiness ;-; - also pls mind the growing pains theres a reason why rafayels the only well levelled chara in my account <33 so uhh theres more mutual pining bc they both fell in love by accident :(
He was very clear about the relationship that the two of you would enter. You want companionship and he has a need that has to be fulfilled. It didn't matter that the reason why he asked you and you specifically was because he already knew that there could be nobody else. You are absolutely perfect for him in every way that matters - from the way you fit in his arms to the pretty way his name sounds on your lips.
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Zayne did his best to keep things professional. He was sure to meet you on your terms, even if it felt like he was starving for your touch. He already felt awful about needing you as badly and as frequently as he does and asking to have you when he needs you feels like a line he just refuses to cross.
You on the other hand found yourself wanting to do just that. You had no idea if it was because of his nature as an incubus or if it was the slow growing of your feelings for him that made you want to see him again and again no matter how little time has passed. You wanted more than anything to be as detached as he was, not wanting to make things difficult.
It didn't matter though. You lay there catching your breath, watching as he dresses again after another night. Your eyes lightly dance over the way his suit slips over his strong arms, face barely flush as though the two of you had done nothing more than catch up over a cup of coffee. He doesn't say much - he's never been one to talk too much in your presence regardless - but when he looks at you you feel your heart stop.
You don't even realise that you're reaching out to him until you feel his lips press against your fingertips. Your eyes are wide, unsure what the gesture itself meant. You didn't want to get your hopes up of course, but when he presses his lips against your forehead in a show of affection before leaving you allow yourself a moment of limerence.
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Xavier has a tendency to forget that he has other needs until he sees you've texted him or a photo of you that pops up on his phone as a reminder that besides the friendship you two have, there's another level to your agreements.
He found himself always being gentler with you than you might want him to be. It didn't matter how you'd ask him or if you tried to convince him that you can handle it - a part of him was terrified that he'd lose you if he misjudged your passions and worked you too hard.
You sigh breathlessly as he presses another kiss to your throat, feeling the weight of his body as he presses himself closer in the throes of pleasure. He feels amazing as always and the rush of energy he gets from your pleasure is already something addictive. He knows he can't be without you now that he's had you and he known that for quite a while.
He turns back around partway through getting dressed, thinking you were trying to tell him something. You've always been sluggish after have sex, playfully teasing him and blaming him for sapping too much of your energy. He watches carefully to see if you'll say anything else, softening even more when you reach out for him.
You know that you need him here with you right now, fully aware this whole time that you loved him more than you are ever allowed to. That didn't seem like something you could ever entertain but here in your pleasure addled fatigue all you could think about was the need to feel your arms around him as he held you to sleep.
The bed felt warmer in the morning and you're absolutely certain you weren't wearing these clothes last night. You're not sure if you're just imagining the smell of his cologne in your sheets but you bury yourself in them regardless, quickly falling back asleep with dreams of him.
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Rafayel was fun - that's how you saw it. The two of you practically fell into bed once you came to an agreement of terms and your relationship made it easy for you to trust him. He made you feel good and perhaps it was just in his nature but he was just always so romantic. He's an artist so perhaps that was just your imagination but his absolutely needy nature for your attention always spilled into bed.
You can barely breathe when he's got his lips on yours again, stealing your breath despite not needing it. You willingly give it to him as you always will, knowing that the way you held him was not just to ground yourself but borne out of a visceral need that eclipsed whatever kinds he has. He holds you just as tightly, reassuring words whispered into your ear.
You couldn't help but fall in love with him. You adored him more than you could ever fathom, staring up into the glass panes of his ceiling as you willed yourself to get up and get dressed. He was already up and about, well energised from your efforts and you tried your best to will back the fear of being nothing more than an agreement for him.
He sees your hesitation and you can hear him pause at the head of the bed, raising his brow as you turn to face him. You're not sure what he sees when he looks at you, unaware that he would be pleased to do nothing more than admire you until the day he died. The two of you don't notice how much time passes, scarcely moving a muscle until he reaches out and cups your cheek affectionately.
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leliawrites · 2 months
dating weesa??!!
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is COMPLETELY different with you v.s with others
super inexperienced with love, relationships, etc. so he's awkward and dumb when it comes to it, but his kindness shines through.
like in public hes super idgaf but he is so comfortable around so expect him to be extra vulnerable. he is VERY communicative and trusting. you talk to him about your problems and vice versa.
talks in his baby voice!! everyone sees him as big and intimidating cuz hes so tall (even you did at first) but he's just a softie and isn't afraid to show it around you
"can you pleaseee come over i miss you my sweetie pie :(" he pouts into the video call cooing for you
"what." jimmy walks in, surprised at the youngest curled up in the couch talking in baby
weesa clears his throat "i mean... uh... you could totally come over if you want... babe..." he spits condescendingly.
you and jimmy both burst out laughing feeling really really embarrassed for this try-hard "cool "dude.
he's dating you, but married to his phone!! you have to keep reminding him to pay attention to you.
"what are you even looking at??" you snatch his phone from him only to find he's been searching for the perfect widgets to put on his homescreen for his new wallpaper: a polaroid of you two at the arcade last week. he does this every. single. date. he's so obsessed with you.
lovey dovey loverboy!
he fell in love with you at first site. no literally. the first time he saw you he muttered under his breath, "holy fuck". "sorry what?" you asked. "uh. nothing. my name's weesa. ok bye." he smiled awkwardly and ran away. what a weird guy...
couldn't even ask you out straight up.
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"so uh do you have a boyfriend... or other kind of friend ?"
"no" you smiled, awaiting the big question.
"cool... cool.... do you... like hamburgers?"
"uhm. i guess?" it feels like you've been standing here forever.
"omg that's so crazy i like hamburgers too! we're quite similar dont you think?"
"its a popular food dumbassass" ren sighs, walking right past you two.
"so do you want to go out to eat hamburgers or any other kind of food you like there's no pressure at all-"
"are you asking me out?"
"yes! unless you dont want to. in that case im just asking from a friend to a friend but like, i really respect you and your choices either way-"
you cut him off by giving him a kiss on his cheek.
"stupid, i'd love to go out with you," you cheekily whisper.
first date?
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he took you to his favourite restaurant. actually, those were the first 12 dates. just different restaurants and cuisines. back to the first one.
the whole time, he was just fascinated with you and your ideas. asks you SO MANY questions about your hobbies because he loves the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about your passions.
"so what kind of yarn do you like to use when you crochet?" he doesn't really care for crocheting, but gosh, he could drown in threads of yarn if it meant seeing you this happy.
hours fly by and you two are still seated, entranced in each other's words. he cuts you off while you were recalling your most embarrassing drunk story, "i think i'm in love with you." you spit out your drink. but you can tell he's not kidding.
...so yeah! he's the type to confess after the first date.
dependable and trusting when you're down ;((
despite lacking experience in the relationship department, he really is such a good guy that you don't have to worry about anything else.
you were laying in his arms on your bed, both of you doom-scrolling. you were having a bad day but didnt want to burden him.
"you know, you don't have to feel like you're burdening me with your struggles", weesa says, his eyes still glued to his phone.
woah, did he just read your mind?
he continues, shifting to look at you, "that's what i'm here for. lay it all on me, love" he lightly strokes your hair and caresses your cheek.
"ugh you're the best" you fall into his arms, knowing you're home and you never have to second-guess yourself around him.
you talk to him about your problems for hours and hours. sometimes when he can't keep up, he writes stuff down in his journal, so he never forgets what you're going through. HE LISTENS AND HE CARES SO MUCH.
and when you're apart, he sends you a flower or a cake to cheer you up. "even when you're far from me, i'm always right behind you. - weezur" the note in the bouquet reads.
anyways, hope you enjoyed this im about to go jump 0ff a cl1ff now HES SO CHEESY AND ADORABLE UGHHHHHHHH43OHUIFREQLBERQHRQHALI
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iaeriy · 6 months
trust issues // pedri & fermin lopez
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summary; as in you being the sister of a famous footballer, who knew you would be this sneaky in your birthday.
warnings; its a little crazy.. joão x reader at first, fluff at first, smut; threesome, dirty talk, squirt, unprotected sex, protective fermin at the end tho 🥹
a/n; pls listen to trust issues by the weeknd, these two remind me of the song IT GOES WELL WITH THIS FIC TRUST MEEEE. anywhoo, requests are closed so plz don’t ask for anything since i decided to just write all the requests in my inbox. anywho, enjoy the ficc! 🎀
sorry for mistakes, this was uploaded on my phone & i didn’t proofread as ALWAYS.
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another match day! it was always fun, you were always in company with your brother and just looking out after him. sure the loan to barçelona was a lot but to see your brother in a smile and just not down, was all you wanted. you were now sitting at the very front with your vip lanyard around your neck watching your brother interact with his teammates while warming up. you were looking around watching the others, only for pedri to be staring at you. you looked at him before he smirked at you and went back to his warm up, you furrowed your brows confused, what exactly did he want and what was his issue.. you thought to yourself. he was quite handsome tho, you saw pedri talking to a friend of his. you just shrugged it off and continued watching joão interact with his teammates and do what he had to do. afterall being his sister meant to take you out anywhere, the two of you had a close bond so when he had told you that he got into barçelona it was happy tears for him and you. now you were sitting at the stadium with his jersey on you. you saw him talking with pedri, not that you didnt find it weird, you were known already in the locker room just as “joão’s sister” everybody. and by everybody the whole locker room, knew your name because of a few stalkers on instagram stalking posts about you. joão had to try and put something to an end and that was because of how protective he was over you, he knew what’d happen if any of the younger ones your age would get near you. who’d know. everybody knew you had a crush on some of the players..everybody but your brother himself. and that was what sucked for you, pedri knew you liked him & so did fermin. as in for your brother he just didn’t know anything.
eventually it was officially time for the match to almost start as you saw joão head down into the locker room. he waved at you to head down to the locker room as you rolled your eyes before getting up from your seating as you walked down to the locker room. you saw joão standing there as you smiled before you ran to him and jumped into his arms, “someone’s very happy to see me..” he said as you smacked his arm before getting down, “well si, i had to watch you warm up. that’s about it..” you said as you heard a pair of cleats drop on the floor making you and joão turn around towards the locker room as pedri looked at you yet again, you swallowed as he picked the pair of his cleats up smirking at you again, “what’s up with her coming in here joão?” he said as you gripped the hem of your shirt before he walked towards your brother, “es mi hermana tonto, what do you expect.” (she’s my sister dumbass) he said slapping his arm as you giggled, he looked at you as you blushed looking back. you thought the innocent but bad thoughts, this would be fucked up slightly for you..but for him? DEFINITELY fucked up! you giggled before you saw a nosy fermin in the back, “hola y/n” he said as you blushed seeing him without his shirt, the boy already had everything on but the jersey. “hola fermin..” you said smiling before joão said shook his head as he chuckled, before getting closer to you, you backed up a bit. “let’s see, you only have a few minutes..convo ends here now stop flirting with her.” he said as fermin said stared at joão, “i’m not.” he said as you snickered, pedri was right next to him as he looked at you, “yeah, you heard your brother.” he said as fermin rolled his eyes before slapping pedris head, “pendejo.” he murmured as you nodded your head giggling.
“joão! i’ll be going now. do good out there!” you said before kissing his cheek as you walked out the locker room before you heard pedri shout, “adios y/n!” you went to the bathroom, you washed your hands and just flicked water on your face. you let out a shaky breath before walking back to the pitch as you sat back on your seat, you took pictures of the view and then yourself, you saw pedri looking for you, of course.. after the interaction in the locker room, that was besides the point until you heard the whistle blow. the match had officially started. you watched joão pass the ball & keep it away, you were only focused on your brother. you were here to watch and support him regardless of either a loss or a win, barely into the game the other group scored into the net, you looked immediately for joão as he was dissapointed and just stood there shaking his head. you huffed loudly rolling your eyes as it was only SECONDS in, just already one goal for the other team. few minutes go by and you witness joão make his first shot, leaving it blocked by the others goalkeeper. you witnessed one of fermins shot as well, you bit your lip staring at the boys hands, god what were you thinking. as the 20 minutes went by joão kept shooting & just aiming for the net, but the other goalkeeper kept blocking. the whistle blew for half time, so far 1 to 0. you saw the others dissapointed, as gavi went up to you. “so si veniste.” he said as you jumped and hugged him, “si, te dijo mi hermano?” you said as he hugged you back, “pues si, habla de ti como cada dia.” he said as he rolled your eyes, you giggled before the two of you made your way down to the locker room. “gavi tengo una pregunta-“ you said as he stopped walking and looked at you, “dime?” he said furrowing his brows as you played with your fingers, “desde que vine, pedri y fermin me an mirado mucho. o sea que saben que yo quiero a los dos poco menos a pedri pero mas a fermin, o algo pero me hacen caras..” (since i came, pedri & fermin have been giving me looks, like as if they know i like them but not as much with pedri but more with fermin or something, but they make faces..) you said as he widened his eyes, “no te preocupes, yo les digo.” he said patting your head as you smiled before the two of you went down to the locker room, you saw joão talking to fermin as you stopped walking and stood there. you saw fermin stop talking to joão as your brother stopped talking before turning around, “quien te trajo para aqui-“ he said as you pointed at gavi, “oh..” he said as he kissed your forehead, you smiled as your hands ran through his sweaty hair. your face being grossed out as he punched your arm slightly.
“not funny.” you said as he smiled before you saw pedri come by and eyed you up & down, “aw you came back to visit, how cute..” he said as you gulped, “no pienses tú en tenerla.” (don’t even think in wanting her.) joão said as you giggled watching him get overprotective, “joão no pasa nada..” (joão nothing bad is wrong.) you said smacking his back as he rolled his eyes, “si. si pasa algo.” he said as you whined before pedri chuckled, “yo no hago nada, ademas ta bonita tu hermana, even fermin thinks so too right?.” he said as you blushed, before fermin looked at you then pedri, “shut up.” he said as pedri winked at you the second joão looked away as you felt a heartbeat down on your clit, as in for fermin he was looking into your eyes. you looked at him as you smiled at him before you kissed joão’s cheek, “well, my cue to go now. do well in your second half of the game loser!” you said as he slapped your arm playfully, you pouted before you waved bye at the three boys as you and gavi walked back to the pitch. “ni piensen ustedes a tocarla o nada. vale?” he said to both pedri and fermin as they both nodded their heads, “shes off limits.” he said as pedri chuckled, “really? she’s very innocent but either way maybe tell fermin that.” pedri said before fermin rolled his eyes, “shut up already.” it was time for the players to go back into the pitch for second half. you sat back down on your seat as you watched all the players walk out of the locker room and into the pitch. you saw joão run to his position as he waved at you, you waved back smiling. as for pedri he gave you a smirk again you rolled your eyes as fermin waved at you, your heart did the little flutter beat. as you waved back. no goal so far as minutes passed by, but until the 50th minute you saw a teammate of your brothers start arguing as joão stepped in. you saw pedri push the other players away from your brother as you shook your head in dissapointment, but then that was until the next 3 minutes when the boys had scored. the loud cheers of the goal as you screamed in happiness, the 1 to 0 frustrating the team until you saw your brother happy.
by then the next minutes went by as barça was given the penalty, you saw the teammates all huddle for the penalty as everyone cheered the second the ball went into the net, marking it 2 to 0. you screamed again jumping around as you saw the smile on your brothers face, you giggled as you were happy. the last minutes went by and it was finaly, barçelona won as you were happy. you saw joão clapping for the chants as he waved at you and you waved back, you smiled a lot, you were so glad he was happy. seeing him happy made you happy as well. once everybody starting leaving gavi went to your seating as he pat your head, “niña vamos con tú hermano” he said as you giggled before the two of you made your way to the locker room, you didnt see joão so you thought he must’ve taken a shower which you didnt mind since your driving but you saw pedri and fermin. gavi held you by your arm since your obviously the youngest and you have to be around somebody older than you due to your brothers call. pedri went up to you as he towered you, “what do you want..“ you said before looking up at him, his scent drove you insane as he was out of the shower. you swallowed as your breathing began to change, gavi pushed him off “no jodas, te cacha joão y es tu culpa.” he said as you giggled watching his reaction, gavi gave pedri a glare before going to fermin to talk to him. pedri towered you again as you gulped, “so how’d you like the game after i had to go and get onto your brother..” he said as you nodded your head, “it was okay, you know you’re really good at your job..” you said giggling as he smiled, “you’re very pretty you know that right..” he said as he ran his finger on your cheek, caressing it with his cheek. “i-i don’t think y-you should-“ you said before you heard joãos voice, you smacked pedris hand off, before pushing him away slightly, as you ran to joão as he lifted you up hugging you, you giggled as pedri watched the two of you interact before your brother put you down. you smiled as he kissed your forehead, “you played really well again! also am driving.” you said as he chuckled before you saw pedri talking with fermin.
you stood in your tracks as you sighed shakily before fermin went up to you, “oye que no mañana es tu cumpleaños?”he said as everybody stopped talking, everybody was looking at pedri and fermin and you. even joão himself had stopped his movements as he looked at the boys, “oh si es mañana, gracias por preguntar fer..” you said smiling as he smiled back at you, the boy had a really cute smile. you two just stared at each other, before you interrupted the lony lasting eye contact. “sooo..tu y gavi son mejor amigos o?” you said balancing your weight as he nodded his head, “desde que eramos diez años, por que preguntas?” (since we were ten, why do you ask?) he said as you smiled at the thought of those two knowing each other since they were just babies. “es por que yo manejo a joão de regreso so no sabia si necesitabas alguien que te llevaba a tu casa-“ (it’s because i’m driving joão back home and i wanted tonknow if you needed a drive back to your house-) you said as pedri walked towards the two of you before he put his hand on his shoulder, “están amorados? o que.” he said smirking as you slapped his head, “n-no! me tengo que ir a-ademas..” you said before you lowered your head down, your cheeks turning pink as he pulled your arm towards him, “mmm i’d say your brother can wait. let me get to know you more.” he said as you whimpered just at looking at them both, “no gross! maybe my brother can handle that..” you said before you saw a frowny joão in the corner of your eyesight. you gulped before joão began making his way to the three of you, “y/n vámonos.” he said as you nodded quickly before he grabbed you by your arm, you winced in pain before you waved bye at both of them.
joão dragged you to the parking lot as you whined at the pinch he gave your arm, “let go my arm joão! i’m okay!” you said before he shook his head a “nuh uh” slipped out of his mouth as he went on his side and you went on yours, “joão! i’m old enough! i can date i don’t know why it’s bad!” you said as he stared at you, “it’s bad because from what gavi said these two are a bit of a playboys, is that what you want?” he said as you gulped and shook your head, “n-no!” you said as you removed the vip lanyard off opening the driver seat putting it in the cup holders, “joão..come on it’s not a big de-“ you were speaking before he threw a napkin ball at your head, “you’re off limits for a reason. those two know what they want.” he said as you rubbed your head, “well what if you’re wrong! one is and one isn’t!” you said before walking over to the passenger seat and opening the door, “get your ass in. i know i may be younger but get in. had enough of your nonsense and i’m driving. NOT YOU.” you scoffed as he got in, you closed the door before you saw pedri and fermin going out. you gulped as pedri winked at you before you saw gavi, fermin and pedri going to the gavis car. you sighed shakily before you went over to them, you tapped on pedris back as he turned around and looked at you. “oh hi- i just wanted to say thank you.” you said as he furrowed his brows, “for?” he said as fermin looked at you with a small smile, you blushed. “for defending joão back in the pitch.” you said as he smiled before ruffling your hair, “oh you’re welcome, you should be going back. he’ll get more mad at us.” he said chuckling as you felt the heartbeat on your clit again, god what is exactly wrong with you. you nodded your head before smiling at fermin as you waved bye at him without pedri noticing , “right, well see y’all whenever!” you said before running back to the car as for joão wont suspect anything. you got in the driver seat before joão looked at you, “don’t look at me like that.” you said slapping his arm before starting the car as you drove back home. the two of you just talked about what tomorrow would look like.
tomorrow was indeed a birthday party..well yours.. but joão would be in charge of it mostly so who knew what this little idiot would throw. “so who’s coming then..” you said holding onto the stering wheel, “well i’m not sure, i thought of the teammates-“ he said as you hit on the break in the middle of nowhere, “are you fucking kidding me.” you said staring at him, “minutes ago you were just saying to not talk to them, what is going on with your head.” you said before driving again, he chuckled at your reaction. “well this time it’ll be different y/n, more equal & more fair. so don’t worry.” he said patting your head as you rolled your eyes before the two of you got home, you parked the car. “it’s okay joão, just be supportive and happy for me, you know..” you said before you got out the car as he got out the car himself, “not with those idiots, they’re crazy.” he said as you giggled before walking inside the house following your brother inside. “hii floki, i missed you more than joão!” you said holding him as you heard him scoff, “don’t lie now y/n.” joão said as you giggled before walking past him to the kitchen, “so what’s the plan for tomo-“ joão shushed you as you stared at him, “that’s a surprise, you’ll be happy. i promise.” he said as you nodded your head giggling before kissing his cheek, “goodnight then! i’ll see you tomorrow!” you said before going upstairs to your room, you put floki down on your bed before walking to your dresser looking for a pair of bra and panties for the long ass shower you were about to take. just as you were about to walk into the bathroom you heard your phone buzz, you looked down at your phone. an instagram notification, you swallowed thickly and nervously as you opened your phone. “_ferminlopez has started following you” you smiled widely as you giggled, you finished everything with your routine.
from there on, you and fermin texted the whole night but let’s just say pedri had done the same thing.
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you were currently deep asleep, your hair in a messy bun and you were wearing a white shirt with grey shorts. the door slammed open as you were still asleep, you felt a weight shift on your bed as you heard floki sniffing around you, a small groan murmuring out your lips as you turned around now laying on your side, “wake up, i have something for you downstairs.” you heard joão whisper as you rubbed your eyes before sitting up, “what’d you get me..” you mumbled before he went to your side picking you up, “que chingaos haces! pon me pabajo!” (what the fuck are you doing! put me down!) you said swinging your legs around as you were on his shoulder before he walked downstairs, he put you down as you saw the pink happy birthday balloon and the small red velvet cake, “awww you care for me tooo, thank you!” you said as he hugged you, “of course i do, you’re my sister dork.” he said as you giggled, before you sat on the highchair. “can u get me a spoon..” you said as he nodded his head before giving you a spoon as you grabbed the small cake, before you dug the spoon in the cake. “wait, who’s flowers are those-“ you said before grabing a spoonful of the cake, stuffing it in your mouth as joão pointed at you, “they’re yours. i bought them.” he said as you smiled before your phone lit up.
_ferminlopez; feliz cumpleaños y/n❤️
you blushed heavily as you just hearted the message, you kept just eating the cake before you heard joão come out his room. “i’m going to the store for later on, text me if you need anything and-“ he said before you giggled, “and don’t open the door unless it’s someone here to babysit me or your teammates. yes joão i know, now don’t worry as much about me dork.” you said as he chuckled before he left, you put the cake away after licking the frosting off the spoon as you laid down on the couch before going on your phone replying to every birthday message even fermins.
ynusername; gracias fermin🤍
your heart was beating crazy, honestly who knows why. you removed the bun off your head since it was giving you a headache, you were starting to get sleepy as you fell asleep on the couch with floki of course, by then 30 minutes had passed by and the door rang. you woke up as a knock was heard, “ay voy!” (i’m coming!) you yelled rubbing your eyes as you stumbled across the room walking to the door as you opened it, “what are you-“ you said before fermin put his finger on your lips, “shhh..” he said as you nodded your head, you yanked him inside by his hand as you closed the door. “why are you here and does my brother know.” you said crossing your arms against your chest as he looked at you, “it’s your birthday of course i had to visit, and no joão does not know i’m here.” he said as you giggled, “did you bring me anythinggg..” you said as he shook his head, “yes i did, i placed them on your counter. how didnt you not see?” he said before you smiled, picking up the white and pink flowers he got you, “these are really pretty, thank you..” you said as you hugged him before he hugged you back, looking down at you,“whos dog is that..” he said as he leaned against the counter, “it’s joãos, why-“ the second you walked past him he grabbed you by your arm as he pushed you now face to face with him, “you’re so gorgeous, do you have any idea how my heart feels around you..” he said caressing your cheek as you blushed, “i-i don’t know.. you tell me..” you said as you felt your legs shake just a bit, he moved his thumb near your chin as you looked at him, he removed his finger as he looked at you before you leaned in to him, kissing him. he kissed you back holding your jaw as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
you kept kissing him as he picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist before he placed you on the counter, your ass hitting the cold material as you whimpered in between the kiss, you wrapped your legs around his hips as he leaned closer. his crotch hitting your panties. you bit on his lip as he groaned, slipping his tongue inside your mouth as you sucked on his tongue. you cupped his cheeks as you were now laying down on your back against the counter, he began to grind himself against you as you moaned in between the kiss. “look at you after i’d thought you’d be innocent.” he murmured as you smacked his arm before you bit his lip as he groaned again before trailing his lips to your neck as you giggled until he began kissing all over your skin. you moaned softly as he continued to grind himself, “n-no! kiss me i-instead!” you said as he chuckled before he moved back to your lips kissing you again as the two of you continued making out.
his hands trailed to your shirt as they made their way inside the material, pinching your nipples. you moaned again in between the kiss as he lifted one leg against his hips, making him have more space against you. “j-joão could come i-in & see u-us..” you said as he chuckled before he pulled away, “he wont, trust me..” he said before he smirked at your messy plumped lips, you giggled as you sat up, “mmm..5 more minutes then..” you said before he chuckled as you pressed your lips against him kissing him deeply, he smiled against your lips kissing you back. you moaned in happiness as you felt his hands trace down to your shorts, slightly pulling them off to your inner thigh as his fingers glided through your panties slightly rubbing on your clit, your wetness easily staining the fabric. “dios mío..ya estás mojada..”(my god you're soaking.) he whispered in between the kiss as you moaned at the movement of his fingers, you held onto his wrist wanting more, “p-please..” you moaned out before you heard floki barking, you pulled away as a string of saliva seperated between your lips. “j-joão’s here!” you said catching your breath before he looked at you with widened eyes, “h-here! go sit down on the couch!” you said as you hoped off the counter putting your shorts back on and fixing your hair, you ran to the couch as you sat on the other side, “act normal, he’ll suspect something.” you whispered as you went on your phone the second the door opened, “y/n why are you still downstairs and why is fermin here-“ he said as you shrugged your shoulders, “you said to open the door if it was your teammates and here he is, he came to say happy birthday, he left flowers for me but i took them upstairs!” you said smiling as he smiled, “anywho, i’ll be going upstairs now..byee!” you said as you winked at fermin and waved at both joão and him bye before you took off running to your room upstairs.
you went to your room closing the door as you fell on the bed, you sighed out loudly as you went to your closet to pick out your outfit for later on, apparently it’d be a dinner to celebrate your birthday all thanks to joão. you got your outfit all ready and stuff before your phone chimed again.
_ferminlopez: you left a boner on me. you're not getting away with this at all, missy.
you giggled as you blushed thinking of the makeout that had happened, you definitely fucked up on the rules with your brothers teammates but oh well.
ynusername; hmmm, i'll make it up soon. thanks for the flowers 🤍.
you put your phone aside as you hoped in your bed, you decided to take a nap since the dinner wouldnt start til 7pm. so getting ready at 5pm would really work the best for you, you fell asleep as your phone was blowing up with tons of birthday messages from your friends, family & lastly a few of joãos teammates. you were deep asleep until you heard joão walk into your room, he shook you by your shoulder. “wake up y/n, you’ve slept for a long ass hour. we need to be leaving in an hour.” he said as you groaned again, before you rubbed your eyes waking up as you sat up. “okay, i’m up now, get out now..” you murmured as he smiled before walking out your room, you rubbed your eyes again before walking to your bathroom as you got our your curling iron before going to get your phone. this time only pedri messaging you.
pedri: forgot to tell you birthday girl, i have a surprise for you as well 😉.
you re read the message as you blushed at the winking emojis he sent afterwards, your heart was racing out of your chest as you continued getting ready. you looked at the flowers from the sight of your nightstand as you bit your lip remembering the steamy makeout session that had happened in your kitchen, your legs getting wobbly as you put the curling iron close to your neck, burning your skin, “fuck!” you yelled as you put the curling iron down watching your skin fade to a red mark, the good part was it was your last curl. you went to your closet changing into a white lace dress, you glanced at yourself in the mirror as you smirked to yourself before you went to your closet putting on the lace thigh highs stockings. you decided to finish your makeup, not as much as you added on mascara, blush and a bit of concealer. you got your small white purse before you heard joão yelling from downstairs as you hurried downstairs, “why are you yelling-“ you said standing by the stairs as he scoffed, “we’re having to let pedri and fermin sleep here at our house due to some issue in their home.” he said as you blushed heavily, “dont they have their own home?” you said as he shook his head, “not fermin, hes been staying with pedri so now we’re taking care of them for now. anyway let’s go now.” he said as you giggled before he opened the door for you as you walked out the house, you got in the passenger seat before he got in the driver seat.
he started the car as he drove to the restaurant, you looked down at your phone at the message from fermin.
_ferminlopez: did your brother tell you?
ynusername: yes he did, i don’t mind that you two stay. you’re in a seperate room tho.
_ferminlopez: it’s okay don’t worry.
you stared at your phone at the “don’t worry” part, what exactly did he even mean. who knew what would be coming your way tonight with those two fuckers in your house, you put your phone in your purse as you rested your arm against the window leaning your head, “um so everyone will be there right?” you said looking at him as he nodded his head, “yes why?” he said furrowing his brows, “nothing, just remembering what you told me..” you said as he chuckled, “there’s a reason why y/n, you don’t know what they’re both like.” he said as you blushed heavily as if you didn’t make out with one of his teammates in his kitchen about a few hours ago, “yeah..you’re right..!” you said before you began pinching on the skin of your thigh, he looked at you as he smiled before he parked the car. joão kissed your cheek as you smiled before you got out the car as he got out as well, he walked infront of you before you followed him as you saw joão talking to the waitress about the table, you balanced your weight on your tippy toes. you followed joão to the table as everybody said hi to you as you did the same back, joão whispered to you, “sit next to fermin.” he said as you looked at him then joão as you nodded your head, you walked over to fermin as he looked up at you and smirked, “birthday girl, let me guess.. you’re sitting next to me?” he said as you giggled nodding your head, you sat in the chair that was between fermin and pedri. so it would be a bit difficult for you.
the whole table just chatted on as joão began talking about how you two grew up mainly close, “at some point too, i remember walking in to her singing in her room and just dancing to whatever songs.” he said chuckling as the rest began laughing when you felt a hand on your thigh, you gasped quietly “si..! he always walked in and we would just fight like idiots!” as you looked at fermin after talking. “q-que haces!..” you whispered as he smirked, “nada, just pay attention to your brother.” he said as you nodded your head, you just kept agreeing to what joão kept saying before you felt pedris fingertips near your inner thigh. you widened your eyes as you smacked pedris hand off, “stop it.” you said as he chuckled at your reaction, fermins fingers rising to your core as you bit down on your lip. “s-stop.” you whispered as he slapped your core, you whimpered quietly as you kicked his ankle. he groaned before slapping your inner thigh, “fucking idiot..” you murmured as pedri chuckled before you punched his thigh, “you shut up. i bet you’re part of this.” you said as he pinched your thigh, you bit down on the flesh of skin, “i’d hush up if i were you baby.” he said tugging on your thong string as you smacked his hand off, “nice try.” you said rolling your eyes.
by then there were just lots of talking and conversations, you kept dealing with pedri and fermin, you already had soaked panties from all the filthy thoughts filled in your head. by then the gathering was slowly coming to an end so once joão got up, you got up. a loud gasp coming out your mouth as you felt fermins hands rise to your ass, you smacked his hand off. “quit.” you murmured before pedri got up himself as he smirked, “is he being a little touchy..” he said as you nodded your head before he chuckled, you walked out of the restaurant, your arms growing goosebumps as you felt your nipples hardened, you bit down on your lip holding back your moan as fermin walked over to you. “what’s wrong?” he said as you shrugged before he touched your shoulder, “you’re cold.” he said as you nodded your head, he took his jacket off as his white long sleeve hugged his biceps tightly and perfect. you swallowed nervously before he wrapped your shoulders with his sweater. you smiled before you kissed his cheek, “thank you..” you said as you walked quickly to joão trying to catch up with him for no suspicious activity, “hey birthday girl, did you enjoy the little reunion.” he said as you nodded your head, “it was alright, you didn’t have to point out embarrassing moments tho from when we were kids..” you said as he giggled, “also who’s jacket-“ he said as you giggled, “fermins.” you said as he glared at you, “okay, give it back to him tho.” he said as you giggled again before you saw the two others catching up to the car.
“you’re going in the front, those two in the back y/n.” he said as you nodded your head as you got in the passenger seat, before fermin and pedri were now riding on the back. you gulped as joão got in the car before he started the car, driving back home as you just hoped for none of them to speak up about ANYTHING that had happened in the restaurant as you played with the sleeve of the jacket. you whimpered at the pain of your feet due to your heels, you removed your heels as joão looked at you. “what! my feet hurt.” you said as pedri chuckled, joão parked the car as you got out the car before holding your heels as you got out the car. before walking in to the house, you limped to your room as you left the door half open, you heard conversations upstairs, joão talking to them about the guest rooms upstairs, your room being not that far from the rooms. who knows what would happen, you looked at pedri from upstairs as he winked at you, you giggled quietly before running back to your room. you grabbed your heels as you went to your closet to organize your mess, you heard your door open as you got up, you looked arond closing the door as you stumbled a bit before your back hit fermins chest. you shrieked as he pinned you against the wall, “what are you doing here! you’re supposed to-“ you spoke before he kissed you deeply and desperately, as if he was in hunger..for you. you kissed back cupping his cheeks as he moved to your neck, kissing it lightly biting on your skin, “no tienes idea de lo mucho que te quería hacer esto enfrente de tu hermano.” (you have no idea how badly i wanted to do this infront of your brother) he whispered in your ear as he chuckled sending you goosebumps as you whimpered, a knock on the door as he moved himself away from you.
“hide in my closet!” you whispered as he quickly walked over there, you opened the door as you saw pedri, “what are you doing here..” you said as he leaned against the doorway, “mm just came by for your surprise, it should be here any second-“ he said as you furrowed your brows, “any second?” you said as he got in your room pushing you on the bed before he closed and locked the door, you gulped before fermin came out of the closet. “you two ca-“ you said getting cut off as pedri chuckled, shaking his head, “why are you two here..” you said as he chuckled, “guess hermosa.” he said looking at you, as you looked at both of them. “i can’t take both of you together! i don’t know what it’s like having two dicks inside of me!” you said furrowing your brows as he chuckled, “well, how about i tell you we’re experimenting for your surprise..afterall, you’re brother said you like us and your interviews say so.” he said smirking as you swallowed nervously, everything you thought was secret now being out “y-yea.. you’re right..” you said before pedri kneeled down as fermin sat next to you, “we can’t th!-“ you slightly yelled out before fermin grabbed you by your chin kissing you again, you kissed back as pedri began kissing on your thighs. you blushed heavily as your cheeks warmed up, pedri pulled on the hem of your thong now being wrapped around your ankle as he lifted your dress up, “wow..so pretty..” he murmured as you blushed before he kissed ontop of your clit, you whimpered as he dived down. kissing and licking your clit, collecting the wetness as you moaned in between the kiss before your hand traveled to fermins crotch.
he kissed down on your neck as your hands made their way down to his pants, unbuckling his belt before you pulled his pants down, you palmed his clothed crotch as he groaned into your mouth. you continued kissing him as for pedri he sucked on your clit. needy whines and moans escaping out of your mouth as you continued kissing him, you slid your hands inside of fermins boxers stroking him slowly. you kept moaning into his mouth as he began kissing down your neck, you leaned your head back as your moans became much more loud and clear. pedri continued kissing around your clit, his mouth collecting the wetness as he hummed in happiness the entire time before his tongue slid into your hole. you arched your back gasping softly, “o-oh my god..” you moaned out as you rested your ankles on his shoulders, fermin sucking on the skin of your neck, your hands still stroking his length as you moaned at the sight of his cock. you pulled him off your neck as you cupped his cheeks again, kissing him deeply as he kissed you back. your free hand tugged on his shirt before you started unbuttoning his top before you fully unbuttoned every little button, as you removed his top tossing it to the floor. pedris tongue sticking in and out of your hole nearly causing your orgasm to trigger. you held onto fermins bicep, moaning uncontrollably as his hands roamed behind your dress, finding the zipper, unzipping the corset as you sighed shakily. “m-more..” you said as he continued nuzzling his face onto your pussy, he licked around your hole as you arched your back feeling the knot build up.
“fuck,fuck,fuck..” you moaned out as fermin watched your state of mind, he began to palm himself as he spread his precum all over his length. pedri continued to dive in as you gripped onto his hair, moaning loudly before fermin kissed you, shutting out your moans. the two of you sloppily kissing before pedri sucked around the little knob as he inserted his middle finger and index finger, thrusting them slowly inside of you. you moaned loudly as he continued thrusting his fingers, you began to tighten around his fingers as you felt yourself even closer “f-fuck! i-i’m gonna..!” you said as your orgasm washed over you as you squirted all over his fingers, the pleasure making you dizzy, he rubbed your pussy with his palm. your juices juttering out before he pulled his fingers out. you breathed heavily as you sat up pulling away from the kiss. you removed the dress off you as fermin admired your body, his cock twitching as you giggled before, you sat on your knees. you pushed fermin on the bed as you crawled over near him before grabbing his length, you palmed him slowly as he grunted before your lips hovered above the tip as you bobbled your head down, taking him all in as you moaned happily. “y-you’re so g-gorgeous at anything you do..” he groaned out as you bobbled your head up and down slowly, your mouth making sucking noises as your throat burned trying to adjust to his size, as in for a needy pedri he went behind you as he pushed himself in, you moaned loudly as fermin groaned at the vibration. “s-so big..” you mumbled as you gagged from talking before you licked a long stripe on the base still bobbing your head.
pedri began thrusting slowly inside of you as you were trying your best not to be loud, but honestly who cares. it’s your birthday. he gripped onto your hips before he continued thrusting himself into you, you held onto fermins hips as you continued sucking onto him before you began to sped up your head movement, you stroked what you couldnt fit as you matched your palmed movement with the speed of your head. fermin gripped onto your hair as you giggled before pedri thrusted his hips harshly into you as you moaned before he began thrusting quickly, a tight grip being wrapped around your hips. “you feel so amazing, so so wet..” he said as you blushed heavily still bobbing your head trying to hold back your moans, you pulled your mouth away from his cock as you giggled in between your moans, your hands making their way to stroking fermin as you spat down on him. the white bubbly substance making him moan as your eyes were already glossy and shiny, you jolted forward at every thrust pedri did before he slapped your ass, “enjoying yourself aren’t you.” you said as you continued stroking fermin, he looked down chuckling. “so gorgeous down there.” he said as you giggled, “no wonder your brother kept you away from us, my god you’re pussy is so incredible..” pedri murmured as you bit down on your lip before he thrusted harder, you moaned loudly. that wasnt until fermin pushed his member in your mouth, thrusting into your mouth. you moaned around him as you started drooling on him, particularly everywhere.
everywhere as in your saliva spluterring down to his ballls and your chin.
you gagged around him many times over and over and over due to your moans, pedri chuckled as he continued thrusting into you, his length filling you deeply and deliciously, your wet noises being heard behind you as he slapped your ass before he pushed your back much farther, your arse fully now in the air. you cried out as fermin looked down at you. tears forming in your eyes as you felt pedris hand hug your clit, as he began to rub on it. “fuckk..you’re all tight..” he said as you gagged on fermins dick, you held onto his hips as he continued thrusting into your mouth, his hands fidgeting with your hair as you looked up at him the entire time as you felt him twitch. you giggled as he smacked your cheek, you hollowed your cheek sucking on his tip as he groaned loudly. “d-don’t cum..” you said as pedri chuckled hearing your words come out muffled, pedri began twitching inside of you as he began thrusting roughly. spanking your clit, you choked on your moan as you moved your mouth further up to the tip of fermins cock, sucking on it and swiping your tongue in circles. “s-shit! no j-jodas y/n..me voy a-“ he said before he came all over your mouth as you moved your mouth away, his spurts of cum painting your cheek and upper lip as some of it landed on your nose. you licked your lips all over as you giggled yet again in the middle of your moans as you wrapped your mouth around his dick again, “i want m-more of your c-cum.” you said as he nodded his head moaning at the oversensitivity before you winked at him as you pushed your head deeper, your nose brushing over his pubic bone. he arched his back gripping onto your hair as you felt more drops of cum burst into your throat, meanwhile for a horny pedri behind you, he continued abusing your pussy as you created creamy white substance on his cock as he slid in and out of you.
you pulled your mouth away as you giggled again before fermin, slightly kneeled down as he kissed you tasting himself in your mouth, you kissed back with a happy moan as you cupped the back of his neck, pedri continued thrusting into you as you rubbed your clit for more as you felt your orgasm approaching as every thrust kept coming and coming. you screamed the second you felt his tip brush through your g-spot, “o-oh my god!” you said between as you saw stars, little sparkles forming in your vision as you felt like if you were in heaven. a type of heaven you cant comprehend, you felt pedri everywhere, especially burried in your stomach. pedri smacked your hands off as he spanked your clit rubbing on it quickly, you screamed again from the overstimulation as you gripped onto fermins bicep. he kissed you deeply as tears began slipping out your eyes, he cupped your cheek rubbing it slightly with his thumb, as you smiled in between the kiss as you came with a loud moan, squirting everywhere all over his dick, your pussy clenching causing pedri to squirt his loads of cum inside of you as you breathed heavily. pedri fell on your back as his back was arched before he spanked your ass as he stroked himself just a bit. you breathed heavily trying to catch your breath as you fell on your stomach, you closed your eyes for a bit as fermin got off the bed.
suddenly pedri flipped you over as you whined when he slapped your boob, you looked down at fermin as you swallowed nervously before he squeezed your hand for reassurance before you felt pedris dick hover over your face. “look at you all happy for us..isn’t that cute..” he said squeezing your boob as you giggled before you looked at fermin, “n-need you in me..” you said as he chuckled, “needy aren’t we..” he said as you giggled squeezing your tits together as his cock twitched at your little attitude, you bit down on your lip before spitting down, giggling as he climbed on the bed just a bit. “quit teasing.” he said as he shoved himself in harshly, you moaned loudly as you closed your legs shut around him before he began to thrust deeply into you, your eyes rolling back to your head as you felt his thick length stuff you in. pedri looked down at you as you looked up sticking your tongue out as you giggled before he placed the tip of his dick in your mouth as you began licking circles around the sides of the tip, he groaned as you slightly started to suck around it before he pushed his cock further in your mouth as you moaned around him, a loud groan escaping from both of the boys penetrating into you. you continued moaning as fermin held onto your hips before he squeezed your boob, gripping onto it as you choked on your moan, meanwhile your mouth was filled with pedris member as he thrusted in and out of your mouth. “is this what you thought about, the entire time you were at dinner.” pedri said as fermin chuckled, “y-yes..” you said as it came out messy, your throat making sounds. explicit sounds you can’t explain as pedri slapped your free boob, “say it again.” he said as you cried out at the slap, “don’t slap her boob like that.” fermin said smacking his hand away, as you moaned uncontrollably gripping onto the bedsheets. “you just cant s-stop l-leaking..fuck..cant y-you..” fermin said as you giggled, before pedri pushed his dick deeper. you gagged loudly as you swirled your tongue around his base.
he continued thrusting your mouth, gripping your throat as you felt tears burning from the sensation. you gagged over and over before you started wiggling underneath him as he moved his dick away, you breathed heavily as he slapped his member against your tongue. you giggled before sucking around the tip. “c-cum in my mouth..” you whispered as he chuckled before pushing himself back in your mouth, thrusting into it slowly as his balls hit against your chin. you moaned loudly as you tightened against fermin, you brought your fingers up against your clit as you began to rub circles around it. “no. that’s my job.” fermin said as he thrusted his hips roughly, you screamed a bit before pedri covered your mouth, “shhh princesa..” he said as you nodded your head quickly, tearing up from the pressure as pedri moved your hand away, you were moaning uncontrollably. loudly to the point it echoed through the room and bed creaking itself, pedri placed his dick back in your mouth as he thrusted into your mouth slowly. you gagged on your moans holding onto the sheets as your hands crinkled them. you felt him twitch in your mouth as you sucked around him again, swirling your tongue. “g-give me your c-cum..p-please..” you said as he looked down chuckling, “repeat it again.” he said as you said it again, he chuckled pinching your nipple as you cried out before fermin smacked his hand off again, “o-oh fuck i’m going to..” he said as he shot his cum into your throat, you gagged before sucking around the tip, as you felt fermin load his cum in you, he pulled out rubbing his dick all over your pussy as you shrieked sobbing out a moan as you squirted yet again all over him. you laid there breathlessly before pedri pulled his cock out as you licked around the tip, more cum shooting onto your tongue as you moaned happily.
you sat up on your forearms looking down at fermin as you smiled lazily at him before you squeezed yout tits again as he chuckled before patting your head, he slowly pulled out as you whimpered at the stretch feeling empty as you sat up carefully. “w-what now..” you said as fermin pecked your forehead as he hovered above you. you smiled as you looked at pedri, “w-where are you going..” you said as he smiled slightly, “don’t worry. you’re brother doesnt want anything bad to happen so, i’ll be heading out now. happy birthday tho sweet girl.” he said rubbing your cheek and patting your head as you smiled before he got fully dressed again as he walked out your room quietly, closing your door.
“s-so why are you h-here then..” you said trying to catch your breath, “h-hey!” you said fermin held you carefully walking to the bed as he got the two of you under the covers.
“shhh..” he said as you nodded your head, he wrapped his arm around you as your hand rested on his chest, feeling his heartbrat against your palm. “i stayed because i talked to joão about us.” he said as you looked up at him, “you mean, you asked him if you could sleep with me..?” you said as he nodded his head, “he knows i like you, he trusts me more than pedri. he planned this surprise for you and so did i.” he said as you giggled before you cupped his cheeks, “mmm..thank you.” you said as he smiled, “you know i love you right?” he said before leaning into you closely as he kissed you softly, you kissed back cupping his cheeks before he held your waist placing you on his lap, you whimpered as you continued kissing him. he pushed himself inside your hole as you moaned in between the kiss.
“are y-you sure..?” you said as he nodded his head, “j-just us.” he said as you nodded your head, before you leaned into him, forehead touching as you kissed him moving yourself slowly against him.
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you were still riding fermin, your hands placed on his chest as your moans kept coming out uncontrollably, you moaned loudly as you felt your lower stomach warm up. “i-i’m close! f-fuck fermin..!” you said as he began to rub your clit in circles, you leaned your head back, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he moaned at every hip movement you did against his dick. “i-i’m g-gonna..”you said sobbing out a moan as he groaned loudly feeling you tighten, “h-hold on..and wait f-for m-me.” he said as you nodded your head, bouncing up and down on his dick as he grabbed your waist, pushing you down deeply before your orgasm washed over your body as you panted, falling on fermins chest. he filled you up again with his seed as you bit his shoulder giggling, he looked down at you kissing your temple as you smiled lazily, “a-are we f-finished..” you said as he nodded his head, you pulled yourself out as you laid down next to him, crossing your legs as he wrapped his arm around you. “y/n” he said as you looked up at him, your eyes glossy from the overstimulation that you were trying to get used to, “s-si?” you said as he looked at you, “i love you a lot, you’re a really nice girl and i appreciate you for the way joão looks after me and even myself.” he said as you smiled, pink tint flushing over your cheeks.
“..be my girlfriend..” he whispered in your ear as you giggled, your hand cupping his cheek as you rubbed his cheek with your thumb, “i want to be there for you, even through your bad days. i want to be the love of your life.” he said as you smiled, your heart fluttering more, “yours forever..” you said as he smiled before kissing you, you kissed back, after everything, every little smile and interaction. it finally happened. you pulled away from the kiss giggling as you yawned laying your head on his chest, “can we sleep now..” you said as he nodded his head before looking at the vase of the pink and white flowers he got you, he smiled befor he kissed you again as you smiled kissing him back, “cant get enough of you..” he said said as you smiled, “i’ll be back..” you said as he nodded his head, you got up as you went to put on a pair of panties on. percisely a white lace pantie with floral designs, you took off your stockings as well, as you walked back going under the covers as you turned the lights off your lamp, you got in the sheets resting your head on fermins chest before the two of you dozed off.
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serotonins-stuff · 3 months
I have a Bakugou x fem! reader request if you’re willing!
so reader is really smart but disguises it at school because she’s afraid people (especially boys) will think she’s stuck-up and unattractive. But Bakugou sees through her act and likes how smart she is and asks her out in his own Bakugou way.
Preferably fluff but suggestive bc Bakugou is turned on by smart women ;)
Smartass | K•Bakugo
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Includes : Fluff
Warnings : none
A/n: Apologies for only getting to the requests months later :), I've got quite slot on my schedule.
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Exhaustion wouldn't even be able to explain how you felt after an all nighter, studying your ass off for a biology test after all you've done the past week is hang out with your friends who could care less about good grades.
Being in this highschool meant that you would be classified as a nerd if anyone knew about the lengths you go through for a perfect score, so naturally you did everything you could to avoid that.
You never bragged or showed anyone your scores, you never raised your hand in class even if your mind was tearing you apart for knowing the answer, and because of this no one had gotten suspicious of your actions because you were sure to attract as little attention towards yourself as possible.
Though, at least that's what you thought.
You were convinced that you fooled everyone but, unbeknownst to you, there was always someone watching you from the corner of your eye.
Bakugo Katsuki, the only person in your class who found your behavior suspicious.
Occasionally he would pass by while you're talking to your friends in the hall and overhear you claim that you didnt study for the test. Though it would be a different story when he got a glance of your perfect score from where he sat behind you.
Today was no different, because as soon as you got your paper you flipped it upside down before a look of dissapproval crossed your features. It made his blood boil. Why would someone as smart as you not want to show off their skills to the world?
"We're going to have a class project" The teacher spoke out, "As you all know we're going to the aquarium next week-."
Various complains could be heard by some of the students and you tried to refrain from showing your excitement.
The idea of biology made you feel giddy inside. You were just imagining how calming it would be like to be in the presence of so much aquatic life, in the dimmly lit hues of the water cascading all around the building.
"As I was saying.." She cleared her throat and everyone went silent. "I'm going to be putting you in pairs"
Your heart dropped.
She had to be joking right?. The people in your class had to be the laziest people you had ever met in your life, and there was no way you were going to be stuck with them for a whole day.
Every group project you've been in, there would always be only one person who did the the work, while the others would slack off, and that person was you.
Nobody ever handed their assignments in on time or even took it the slightest bit of interest. You played along with their act, fearing that they'd judge you for being a goody two shoes if you spoke up. In your own time you'd sit by yourself to finish the project and of course they'd take all the credit. They always take the credit.
A pair of hands slammed down on your desk and you flinched.
"You dreaming in class?" He scoffed, staring you down with his crimson eyes, His face held a neutral expression, and could feel from his aura that he was trying to read you.
"Katsuki Bakugo" you said in acknowledgement, averting your eyes from his to break the somewhat intense staredown.
"Y/n L/n" he tilted his head, not once looking away from your face. "Pair up with me"
You looked at him with shock, was this the same Bakugo who always wanted to work by himself because 'everyone else is weak', now standing at your table demanding you to work with him?
You never really spoke to him in class, but often you'd find yourself staring at him whenever you had hero training. He was always so focused and well calculated. On the battle field he's better than you in every aspect.
He was smart, possibly even smarter you, so why did he need you on his team when he'd just fine by himself?
"Um, why me?" You you're voice wavered.
"You're one of the only idiots in this class who actually put in the effort"
Your eyes widened and you stared at him to search for any sign that he was joking, but he wasn't. Could this mean that he was one of the people that actually acknowleded your hard efforts?
"What you're what you're talking abo-"
He cut you off before rolling his eyes. "You can't pull that clueless act shit on me and you know that."
You avertes your gaze and he continued. "You get a perfect score on almost every test, yet you don't tell anyone that cause you don't wan em to know you're a smartass."
He would rather much have to work with you than the other people in the class, considering you always take the number two spot regarding academics. He's always right ahead of you, scowling in first place, but hell- even he had to admit that there was nothing hotter than a smart woman. If anything he wanted to see this smartness up close, test the limits, and see just how much of your intelligence you were hiding from everyone else.
Don't get him wrong, he loved getting first place, though it wasn't really worth it if his opponents weren't going to give him a challenge. He wanted to fight for his place, give blood his blood sweat and tears for it.
And what better way to do that then get his academic rival pumped up?
You sighed in defeat and he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. "We'll have to do research, you free after school?"
He looked away slightly bashful as your fingers brushed against his to type in your number.
"Yeah I am, did you have any place in mind?"
"The cafe two blocks down, afterschool" he said abruptly and turned to leave but stopped when you spoke.
"I don't know where that is" you said softly.
"I'll walk you there after school" he replied, a tiny hint of nervousness coming from his voice.
He needed to end this conversation or else he was gonna end up looking like a tomato from all of this blushing. He practiced this conversation a million times in his head and even that wasn't enough to prepare him. Hearing your voice address him did things to him that nobody would ever understand. The look of your sweet gaze directed to him was more than he could ever ask for.
This class project was a great excuse for him to get to know you better, but you didn't need to know that.
It would've been embarrassing if you noticed him acting all weird, but luckily you were too trappped in your own little world to notice.
A/n. (again) : Focused on getting requests out :)
See you all on Friday.
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