nectarinepitstudies · 5 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 2
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My calc conference lasted all of 10 minutes today and I have a 3 hour break in the middle of the day so I'm hoping to get a lot done. So far I've done one of my two supplemental readings for Shakespeare and I'm working on the second. Today I'm going to finish my PowerPoint for my science symposium and hopefully work on my Yale essays if I have time (I also have SAGA and a workout later today so who knows).
One of the photos I took while walking my dog yesterday and the other one is all of my assignments copied from my syllabuses (syllabi?)
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kiriblog · 6 years
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「ネットワークエンジニアといえばこの図だね」で笑った #npstudy https://t.co/850rRtlvW9
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mft-toyama · 6 years
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via @futamint
「ネットワークエンジニアといえばこの図だね」で笑った #npstudy pic.twitter.com/850rRtlvW9
— ふたみん (@futamint) June 8, 2018
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
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Linear algebra notes from today's class, aka the first original content I've posted in like 2 weeks
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
On To-Do Lists
I love to-do lists. However, I feel like sometimes each individual item has far more steps than I list, and that causes me to procrastinate. If I wake up and begin making my daily to-do, and the first item on the list is "do laundry" I'm going to stay in bed. That's abstract, something to do later, after I get up, eat breakfast, shower, etc.
However, I've found a cheat for this. My list, at least first thing in the morning, gets broken down into the smallest of steps.
Sit up
Get out of bed
Put on clothes
Brush teeth
Bring laundry downstairs
Put laundry in the washing machine
Turn on washing machine
And so on. This way, the first item on my list is right there. Just sit up. This is quick, easy. I tell myself if I sit up I can cross that off my list (which is incredibly satisfying), even if I don't do the next step, which is actually getting up, for another 20 minutes. Usually once I've sat up it's easier to actually get out of bed.
Another thing this helps with is distractions. Say I didn't put "go downstairs" and "put laundry in the wash" as two separate bullets. Then I would probably being laundry down, get distracted, and forget that I had to actually do everything else until I saw that laundry was still unchecked on my list. I would then be upset that I haven't done anything.
However, breaking it up into small steps means even if I get distracted I can still see that something was accomplished, which gives me the motivation to do more.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to make a post like this, but these are my experiences with using the baby steps system (I guess that's what you'd call it?) and I hope this helps someone who was considering it :)
I'm also trying out a new list app that isn't just the notes app on my phone, so I might make a post about that later.
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 74
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Morning // night aesthetics
Today I:
- Went to a local cafe to study psych for a bit
- Worked on using my brush pen for linework
- Had a 4 hour rehearsal
- Cleaned up my room a little
- Spent some time on Duolingo
- Signed up for a Cornell info session on Tuesday
- Scheduled a math lesson that I'm teaching (also for Tuesday)
- Did PT exercises
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 75
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I'm Exhausted and tomorrow is another longass day but it's fine I'll live. Also I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way done! I really never thought I'd make it this far. Today I:
- Started my stats homework
- Watched 2/3 of David Tennant's Hamlet with @singleleafstudies and @waterfallstudies (we ran out of time and hopefully will finish tomorrow). It's amazing, I love his interpretation of it (also incredibly gay), and it was super fun to make like analyses while we watched (while also joking about it the whole time)
- Made spring rolls with ^ (well,, we tried. They tasted good and that's what matters)
- Had a 2 and a half hour rehearsal
- Then had a 3 hour rehearsal after a short dinner break
- Spent some time on Duolingo
- Did PT exercises
- Scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow
I definitely did not expect to be able to get anything done today other than hanging out with my friends and rehearsing, so I'm super proud of myself, even though I still have a lot to do tomorrow
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 40
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Super proud of myself for everything I accomplished today!
- Took care of my trainer's cats
- Had a Hebrew lesson
- Got into the Addams Family musical!!
- Wrote out my whole rehearsal schedule onto a calendar
- Started calc HW due Tuesday night
- Outlined an essay
- Made lunch
Now I'm about to make dinner and hopefully get some digital art done cause I haven't done that in a bit, and I'll do my PT exercises before bed. Also I don't have classes tomorrow cause of snow, so I'm gonna try and grind out some supplemental essays for colleges!
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 79
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My dog said gay rights! Today I:
- Read a bit of my Spanish reading for Tuesday
- Worked in my Spanish workbook
- Researched transfer credit for Purdue
- Finished Norse Mythology! I'm super excited and now my friend is gonna loan me The Secret History on Tuesday
- Had work
- Scheduled my next stats lesson
- Spent a Lot of time on Duolingo
- Did my PT exercises
I'm happy with how today went! I'm also trying to stay up for a while because GT admissions are at 10 tmr morning and I want them to already be posted by the time I wake up
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 85
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Today was my birthday! So I treated myself to a nice breakfast (soft boiled eggs and avocado with a soy & eel sauce mix). Also my mom got me new curtains cause I have a Huge window that looks out onto the street so I never feel comfortable changing (she was in London today so she sent them!) Today I:
- Got certified to use the mechanical engineering labs at my school
- Worked on my Spanish workbook
- Had a meeting with my senior advisor
- Completed my 66 hour checkpoint for my SISP
- Hung up my new curtains
- Read a bit more of my friend's book
- Did an exercise on Duolingo
- Went to my grandma's to celebrate my birthday
Overall super good day and I'm gonna get to sleep a little early
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 97
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Breakfast today was crepes w farmers cheese (courtesy of my grandma), kiwi topped with some chia, and lemon water. Today I:
- Studied some Spanish vocab
- Did a Spanish homework sheet
- Took a mechanical engineering lab quiz
- Started scheduling a meeting for a group project for linear algebra
- Had a Spanish speaking session
- Had a 3 hour rehearsal
- Did some laundry
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 67
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Difficult day mental health wise but today I:
- Had a healthy lunch & dessert
- Tried out my daler rowney acrylic inks (^) and I love them very much they're so fun
- Worked out
- Had a Hebrew lesson
- Edited an essay for a friend
- Drove to get meds for my mom's coworker
- Started figuring out what to talk about during my Penn interview
- Changed my sheets
I thought I had gotten a lot less done but looking back I managed to do a lot!
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 62
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Latest SISP piece of one of my best friends @chiron-ne which I kinda hate rn but hopefully I'll get it better when I work it some more
Today I:
- Worked on my SISP
- Submitted my letter of continued interest to UMich
- Worked on my UCI scholarship application
- Got some groceries
- Did laundry
- Did PT exercises
- Packed for my trip to Puerto Rico!!
Which by the way: I'm gonna be on vacation until the 31st, so I'm taking a week off of DOP but then I'm gonna get back to it :)
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 78
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Some notes from linear algebra today! I was worried because when we went over matrices in class last year I never really understood it but apparently I just needed to have a teacher who actually knows how to lecture 👀 anyway shout-out to my linalg professor he's a legend. Today I:
- Had my 2nd day of classes! Had mechanical engineering for the first time, and the lecture professor seemed really cool (labs don't start until next week)
- Read tonight's section of my Spanish textbook
- Did a section of my Spanish workbook (we have to get through chapters 6 and 7 by the 30th, so I'm hopefully gonna get chapter 6 by this Thursday and then I won't have to cram)
- Worked out
- Worked on Duolingo for a bit
- Went to see A Bronx Tale. It was absolutely amazing I loved the songs and the story was cute and the actors were fantastic!
I'm about to have some soup and go to sleep cause I'm exhausted
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity Day 77
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Carrot cake cupcakes! Today I:
- Attended my first day of classes
- Had a 2 hour stats lesson
- Emailed my professor asking for an extension on a homework assignment because it's due tomorrow but the textbook costs $300
- Copied down notes from my linear algebra class into my notebook cause I forgot to bring my notebooks with my today
- Signed up for two websites for my linear algebra class
- Made carrot cake cupcakes
- Got a homework packet ready for my math student
- Got accepted to Purdue!!!
- Spent some time on Duolingo
- Did my PT exercises
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nectarinepitstudies · 4 years
New Year's Resolutions
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So, I want to preface this by saying that I'm well aware that you don't need to wait for a new year to make positive changes for yourself. However, it can be very healing to think of a new start with a new year. I started doing DOP last year and it's been extremely helpful for me with being productive. I've also been working on drawing almost every day, and I've recently cleaned out my entire closet and desk.
I knew that if I made too many generic resolutions I'd never follow them. Because of that I decided to limit myself to 4, and make specific goals for each. I'm also planning to update on them once a week for January, and then at the end of every month after that to hold myself accountable.
With that said, here are my goals:
Journaling- I want to keep working on my sketchbook and being loose and not too much of a perfectionist. I got myself a Question A Day journal which I'm gonna keep up with, and I want to update my travel journal more often
Reading- I want to read more (at least one book or audiobook a month)
Eating- I want to eat out less, and try out a new recipe at least once a month. I also want to add more fruits and vegetables into my day to day diet
Organization- I want to keep my workspace organized, put things away immediately after using them, and spend ten minutes cleaning a few times a week
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