muninnhuginn · 7 months
actually I reblogged the ask game from you yesterday but I totally forgot to ask you some questions! I’m just gonna go with LC too but let’s go with Qiao Ling for this one: 7,16,21,22 :)
Ah, no worries! Thanks for asking ^^
7. A quote of them that you remember
Was torn between two for this, both in season two, but decided on this in the end:
"Cheng Xiaoshi, you're always trying to protect me. I really appreciate it, but what I need more right now is your trust!"
Qiao Ling is usually framed as the "strong" one so it was nice to see this moment of weakness from her and the acknowledgement that Cheng Xiaoshi has been locking her out to some extent in an attempt to protect her. It's a recurring theme in the series and thus far, this is the only relationship where they've actually addressed and fixed it as an issue.
16. A childhood headcanon
I think she was always the kid who was well-liked by everyone in class, even if they're not all super close to her nowadays. Her phone's messaging screen nowadays seems plenty full and that doesn't just come from nowhere. And she's plenty sociable and empathetic in general, as we saw with her managing to get Li Tianxi to open up after the police had tried repeatedly and failed.
I do think though that she was very protective over Cheng Xiaoshi and if her friends didn't like him then she'd take them to task on that. I just can't see the comfortableness between Cheng Xiaoshi and Qiao Ling existing as it does now if she let herself be befriended with those who'd insult/bully him. They may play fight, but when it comes down to it, they protect each other.
I think adults were a different matter though, as we saw in the earthquake flashback, where they both had to sit and listen to it because they were younger and not in the position to say anything without backlash.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
I think her early childhood as with most people is probably somewhat a blank, then there was the period where Cheng Xiaoshi's parents disappeared, and it was implied that CXS was lowkey ostracised for this for years. I think Cheng Xiaoshi making friends with Lu Guang probably eased some of Qiao Ling's worries about him, but a clean break like uni allowed her to properly branch out without those worries hovering over her and make new friends who didn't know or didn't care about Cheng Xiaoshi's past.
I think uni was her happiest period because after this, you get CXS and LG opening the studio and to some extent shutting her out rather than letting her in on the powers. She acts mostly like it doesn't bother her, but her outburst in early s2 about wanting to be trusted makes me think it bothered her more than she let on. Then, of course, you get s2 and I just really struggle to see those as being happy times for her, for obvious reasons.
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
I think the period when Cheng Xiaoshi had just lost his parents had to be pretty tough on her. She was really young herself, but she didn't know any more than him, and she had to try and comfort him. We don't know much about the situation with her own parents aside from her dad still being around in some capacity, but I don't really get the impression that her parent/s helped much around that time from their complete absence in childhood flashbacks. So she had to be there for someone, and obviously, it's good that she *was*, but I think she ends up in the position as a result where she does prioritise *doing* things to help others over herself. Just look at her guilt over Doudou and how she held that in for years and then leapt at the chance to potentially help when it came around.
It's interesting to read her entire "maybe I'm overthinking" bit about Lu Guang's memories through that lens, at least. Because she's more of a doer than a thinker and if the memory is real, then what even *can* she do.
(I'm tangenting. Okay. Post over.)
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elibean · 7 months
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miyamiwu · 3 months
oh I like that ask game. Especially because I just changed everything but my URL not long ago. I’m guessing the name is recognizable enough? :)
Oh yeah, your url is easy to remember. Ocean / niche. I pronounce it like oh-sha-nee-chee, though, coz it sounds cute that way hahaha
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superfuji · 7 months
Sono un trentacinquenne e sono di sinistra. Come per i miei coetanei e per le generazioni successive, l’ideologia è stata ereditata o plasmata sui canoni di un secolo passato. Da quando sono nato, gli unici esponenti del PD o dell’Ulivo ad aver conquistato Palazzo Chigi sono stati dei centristi spostati a sinistra per necessità o per sopravvivenza politica. Due volte Romano Prodi (più di trent’anni di Democrazia Cristiana), Enrico Letta (Democrazia Cristiana e poi Margherita), e Matteo Renzi (Partito Popolare Italiano, epigono della DC, Margherita e adesso di nuovo al centro). Sono stati traghettatori per breve tempo anche Massimo D’Alema, figura di spicco del tafazzismo di sinistra, e Paolo Gentiloni, tra i fondatori della Margherita. Tecnicamente, da più di trent’anni abbiamo una sinistra fantasma o simulacro e, di conseguenza, diverse generazioni di elettori che non hanno una vera e propria rappresentanza politica e che si sono presentati alle urne per non far vincere gli altri (spesso Berlusconi) o non si sono presentati affatto, come dimostra l’astensionismo galoppante.
Forse, riformulando l’incipit, è dunque giusto dire che sono un trentacinquenne e sono di sinistra per sentito dire. Per anni, il centrosinistra è sopravvissuto per inerzia autoproclamandosi erede dell’esperienza di Enrico Berlinguer, ma in modo improprio. I fasti di quell’epoca, quando i comizi del leader del Partito Comunista Italiano erano seguiti in piazza da folle oceaniche, non solo non sono stati replicati nel presente, ma hanno subìto il tradimento di chi ha mollato la classe operaia e in generale i ceti meno abbienti. Il centrosinistra, e in particolar modo il PD, adesso sta tastando con mano il mancato riciclo elettorale. Gli ex comunisti che dopo il 1994 hanno continuato a votare a sinistra per tentare di arginare l’ascesa berlusconiana, ovvero gli anziani che nei decenni scorsi presenziavano alle sempre più sguarnite feste dell’Unità, adesso non ci sono più e i loro figli – o ancora meglio nipoti – si possono dividere in due schieramenti: quelli che hanno mantenuto un’identità di sinistra pur senza ritrovarla nei nuovi rappresentanti e quelli che hanno chiuso il libro di Storia, lasciandosi magari ammaliare dai cavalli vincenti del momento, spostandosi dal Movimento Cinque Stelle a Salvini e Meloni con la leggerezza delle banderuole. Tra i membri del primo schieramento c’è proprio chi per anni ha continuato a votare a sinistra tappandosi il naso, per il classico paradigma del male minore, e chi alle urne ha preferito le spiagge, consegnandosi alla disillusione.
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url music game
Thanks @cleric4vampire for the tag <3
Tagging: @chodzacaparodia, @feral-cockroach and @oceaniche (no pressure as always, this just for fun)
Now, why would I do this to myself with url that long? To share music I like ofc <3. And why would I make this even harder by adding one artist - one song rule for myself? No idea.
W - Would've, Could've, Should've by Taylor Swift
I - I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski
T - Tangled Up by Caro Emerald
C - Can't take my eyes of you by Frankie Valli
H - Hand of Sorrow by Within Temptation
F - Fairytale by Alexander Rybak
R - Release me by Hooverphonic
O - Oh No! by MARINA
M - Met the God by Jann
Please listen to this one! It's from small polish artist and it's opening line is "Don't tell me about my sins, I've met the God and He said that it's alright"
A - Aijā by Sudden Lights
B - Burn Your Village by Kiki Rockwell
L - labour by Paris Paloma
O - Only Teardrops by Emmelie de Forest
C - Crucified by Army Of Lovers
K - Kalyna by Go_A
O - One More Light by Linking Park
F - Future Lover by Brunette
F - Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens
L - Last Theater by NoisyCell
A - Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
T - Topielica by Leśne Licho
S - Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
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rideretremando · 9 months
"Ho fatto il cameriere per undici anni.
Fra le tantissime cose che ho imparato c'è questa, che il mondo si divide in due categorie: quelli che passano il piatto al cameriere, e quelli che non passano il piatto al cameriere.
Quelli che ti passano il piatto sono quelli che ti vedono, si accorgono che sei lì che ti stai facendo un culo tanto, e allora quando hanno finito e tu ti palesi davanti a loro per portare via il piatto sporco, lo sollevano, te lo porgono, di modo che tu non debba ogni volta sporgerti, col rischio magari di far cadere una posata dai piatti che hai già in mano. Di solito ti dicono anche "Grazie", come non fossero loro in realtà ad averti fatto un favore. L'impulso ogni tanto, me lo ricordo, era di abbracciarli.
Un gesto da niente, non costa nessuna fatica. Ma un gesto che dice tutto.
Ho sempre amato quelli che ti passano il piatto, perché sono quasi sempre persone molto umili, riconoscono la tua dignità, non trattano come un servo il cameriere: lo sanno quanta parte ha la fortuna nel fatto che loro sono seduti lì a mangiare e lui là in piedi a farsi il mazzo.
Tutto questo per dire che nella mia vita mi è successo di trovarmi a tavola con tante persone: scrittori, uomini politici, a volte anche personaggi della tv, e la maggior parte di loro, per quanto potenti e importanti, magari anche simpatici a volte, erano persone che non passavano il piatto al cameriere. Alcuni anzi spesso lo trattavano proprio male.
E ieri, però, ieri ero a pranzo con Clara Sànchez. Non so se la conoscete, ma è una scrittrice che vende milioni di copie in tutto il mondo. Una che ha qualche motivo per sentirsi arrivata. Per sentirsi importante.
Ecco, tutto questo per dire che Clara Sànchez passa il piatto al cameriere.
Non è che sei arrivato quando hai folle oceaniche che ti osannano o conti in banca faraonici.
Sei arrivato quando ovunque tu sia arrivato, sei ancora uno che passa il piatto al cameriere."
Enrico Galiano
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fallimentiquotidiani · 10 months
ti sei mai fatto una che assomigliava alla Sirenetta?
Me la farei adesso anche solo per poter mettere le chiappe a mollo nel freddo delle profondità oceaniche
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landedifandom · 2 months
#BBI14 – Italian & English Micro/Mini/Big Bang 14 – ISCRIZIONI, REGOLAMENTO, FAQ
Utenza e lurkanza, Viaggiatori adorati! A sorpresa l’arcipelago Big Bang ha ripreso la sua attività vulcanica sottomarina, e la quattordicesima isola è emersa dalle profondità oceaniche per portare il BBI dove MAI è arrivato finora! Due novità che abbattono altrettanti tabù e che renderanno questa edizione la più inclusiva di sempre: la possibilità di portare storie anche in lingua inglese, e la…
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View On WordPress
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qpjianghu · 8 months
Tag someone you want to know better:
I've been tagged by @lovesickfolly -- thank you!! I love these things.
Favourite color: If I had to pick one color overall I guess I'd go with... burgundy? I'm more of a multi kinda gal.
Last song: "Done for Me" by Punch, from the k-drama Hotel Del Luna. I honestly WOULD be mainlining the score / soundtrack from Mysterious Lotus Casebook, but I have to keep taking breaks because it makes me TOO EMOTIONAL HSDOIFHASIDHFS
Last movie: TMNT: Mutant Mayhem! It was super cute. Gorgeous animation style.
Currently watching: Lord help me, but I am about to finally start Supernatural (good work, peer pressure!!). I'm also watching the dongua Link Click -- dumb name (or bad translation), incredible show. This is the post that instantly convinced me to watch it, and I honestly couldn't pitch it any better myself.
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Also just biding my time until TGCF season 2!! ^_^
And I'm really excited to start Koisenu Futari -- looks like it has amazing aro/ace rep!
Currently reading: Just because the person before me mentioned this -- I also have @shamera's fic open to read! I love it so far. I'm also reading Yuwu (Remnants of Filth) by Meatbun, and The Swimming Pool Library. (The two genders! Both gay tho <3333)
Currently working on: Trying to disentangle all of my thoughts and ~feelings regarding Mysterious Lotus Casebook!!! I do want to write something about the series, because it has totally enthralled me in a really special way. And jumping off of that, I'm also thinking of putting together a post on my sudden hard-and-fast fall for c-dramas overall, because I think there's something interesting there psychologically that others might relate to as well.
Currently obsession: Uhhh, yeah, Mysterious Lotus Casebook. I have never come so close to attempting to learn how to gif, LOL. (Luckily, everyone else seems to have this covered. ;)) Also, Link Click! WATCH IT!!
Tagging some folks, if you're interested in jumping in!
@nutcasewithaknife, @busarewski, @oceaniche, @abirdonalilactree, @asiandramas-asianent
And anyone who wants to participate!
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muninnhuginn · 28 days
In Defence of Qiao Ling
I've been musing on several threads relating to Qiao Ling in the last few weeks and have seen a few posts going around that have pushed me to actually try and put all my Qiao Ling thoughts into words and in one place.
Despite the title, I don't fully agree with the show's handling of Qiao Ling, but I do think she has been provided with a clear ongoing arc and so that's what I'm going to be focusing on here.
This got quite long so most of it is under the cut, but shout-out to @lizzieonka and @oceaniche for their previous posts on Qiao Ling, which definitely ended up inspiring some parts of this.
So, let's start with: what do we actually know about Qiao Ling?
Qiao Ling's Background
She's first introduced as the "landlady", for all it quickly becomes apparent that her relationship with Cheng Xiaoshi isn't quite that simple. Her family "took Cheng Xiaoshi in" but there's always been some distance and that's reinforced by the whole "rent" deal. (The fact that Cheng Xiaoshi is still adamant his parents will return likely also factors in to this.) Still, Qiao Ling herself clearly sees Cheng Xiaoshi as her younger brother and is willing to stake her claim on him as family to near-strangers (we've seen it both when she met Lu Guang and Li Tianxi).
Qiao Ling's social life is clearly contrasted with that of Cheng Xiaoshi. Where Cheng Xiaoshi's first "proper" friend was Lu Guang, Qiao Ling has her own circle of friends and is fairly sociable in general (she literally found a client by befriending a stranger when she came to learn martial arts). Xu Shanshan, for instance, is very much Qiao Ling's friend despite hanging out with the collective group at uni. Qiao Ling also spoke of Cheng Xiaoshi's childhood as something that happened to him specifically, implying that she herself was spared the bullying (which makes sense considering the fact that she wasn't the one with missing parents) and so had a more "normal" upbringing. Whether she spoke up back then or stayed quiet isn't fully clarified (not speaking up against adults is one thing but what about classmates?), but Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't seem to hold it against her either way.
Nowadays, Qiao Ling's role in managing the photo shop's side-business has her interacting directly with most clients. She's the most customer-facing of the three, relaying information between clients and shiguang. This is despite her not actually knowing the full details behind shiguang's diving process until season two, which in retrospect makes it more impressive. Qiao Ling taking on the managerial role (and what is also implied to be social media advertising) also has the (unintended?) effect of obscuring shiguang's roles in the business from the public, as it's Qiao Ling who earns the nickname of "witch". It took until Xiao Li saw Cheng Xiaoshi in the CCTV footage during the Doudou case for anyone to see through this.
Key Character Moments
In terms of Qiao Ling's key moments, we have four main ones.
In Doudou arc, Qiao Ling admits she saw Doudou being taken three years ago;
In season two, at the hospital, Qiao Ling asks for some trust and to not be shut out anymore;
Qiao Ling bonding with Li Tianxi and using their shared aspects to bring her out of her shell so she would help the investigation;
The revelation that Qiao Ling did, in fact, receive some form of Lu Guang's memories from Tianxi and her dismissal of their implications.
The main thread behind all of these scenes is that they are about information and what you choose to do with it.
My thoughts are two-fold here. First, how these scenes connect with Qiao Ling's arc specifically, and secondly, how they connect with the broader themes of the series.
Qiao Ling's Arc
Let's begin with Doudou arc. In this arc, Qiao Ling reveals that she saw the kidnapping of a child several years ago. She hadn't told anyone about this for three years and likely would have continued to have kept it to herself if not for Doudou's father approaching the photo studio. In this arc, there is the following exchange:
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Qiao Ling's main regret is that she didn't do something or say something as she saw Doudou being taken away. That her inaction may have ensured that Doudou's kidnapper was able to get away with him. And she specifically says "I didn't even have the courage to step forward and provide any information." (Tangent: Funnily enough, Lu Guang is the "star of courage" in the Star Warriors later in the episode, not Qiao Ling. Qiao Ling is "star of wisdom" who is meant to "light the way". Still fitting, but in a less straightforward way.)
Now, to me, this is clearly setting up an arc, not resolving one. Qiao Ling wouldn't have offered the information if not for the circumstances. And it tells us that for all Qiao Ling has friends and is sociable, she still holds certain cards close to her chest. She doesn't want to confront the past so instead she will hold her guilt tight and not say a word. Though, as this exchange shows, she does want to have that courage. And I'll get onto this later, but this ties in very clearly with the information she later holds regarding Lu Guang.
Hospital confrontation
Throughout this entire scene, even before it becomes a "confrontation" Qiao Ling is clearly feeling guilty. She runs after Cheng Xiaoshi when he tries to leave to help the police so that she can *do something*, make up for it the best she can. Guilt and avoidance are key traits for her and they both manifest here. They're still holding her back.
And, of course, there's her statement to Cheng Xiaoshi: "You're always trying to protect me. I really appreciate it. But what I need more is your trust." Qiao Ling knows what it's like to be locked out of the loop. She didn't know the specifics of diving for months (possibly years?) and it didn't really seem to bother her (or at least she didn't give the impression it bothered her when "Xu Shanshan" asked her about it). But she has her limits. And being locked out when the situation is actively dangerous? That's clearly past those limits.
Li Tianxi
Grouping together the final two scenes, because the first Li Tianxi scene is more a demonstration of character traits as well as digging in those sibling parallels between LTC-LTX and CXS-QL. Anyway, the first scene adds more evidence to the idea that Qiao Ling is more sociable and a people person. That she could could get Li Tianxi to open up by taking a more understanding approach and showing that she gets it to some extent. She's in the same boat.
Which means when we get to the final scene, this is what ties it all together. Qiao Ling has inherited the memories Li Tianxi saw from Lu Guang. She has seen Cheng Xiaoshi's "death". She has information now. But her first instinct is to dismiss it. To avoid it and refuse to confront it because the implications are too much.
But, see, she's been in this situation before with Doudou. She's had information and done nothing with it and regretted. She wanted to have the courage to do better. This is her goal.
And the implications of these memories? Do they mean Cheng Xiaoshi is in danger? Wasn't danger her red line in the sand? Didn't she tell him that "protecting" people and "trusting" them aren't mutually exclusive?
And finally, Lu Guang isn't Li Tianxi, but isn't the scenario here at least somewhat similar? Isn't Qiao Ling in the same boat as him here, wanting to keep Cheng Xiaoshi safe? Hasn't Qiao Ling shown she can connect with people through their shared experiences?
Qiao Ling isn't a confrontational character. She's avoidant. She will wallow in her guilt and not let on until it gets too much. But she wants to do better and isn't this her chance to do something? Say something? To not just be a passive observer and be left with regrets? I don't think it will be immediate by any means, but I think for her arc to conclude properly, she will have to conclude for herself that she needs to be open with the information she has and share it. If she's pushed into it, then it's just Doudou again. But if she chooses to share the information, then that's the pay-off set up back in season one.
Broader Themes in the Show
Broader themes regarding information and withholding of it. We see time and again in this series, that characters withhold information from others.
Liu Xiao and Lu Guang with Li Tianchen and Cheng Xiaoshi respectively, both holding more information than their "partner". Refusing to share it so that they can control them. Their reasons may differ, but the dynamics mirror each other in that respect. Unhealthy dynamic number one.
Li Tianchen and Li Tianxi, never addressing what Li Tianchen is doing with their powers. It allows Li Tianchen to pretend to himself that he is protecting Li Tianxi and carrying out justice. Li Tianxi is heavily implied in her telling of their backstory to know more than she lets on with regards to Li Tianchen's actions. But the refusal of both siblings to broach the topic eventually leads to Li Tianchen going where Li Tianxi cannot follow in his pursuit of vengeance and puts Li Tianxi in the very danger Li Tianchen wanted to avoid. Unhealthy dynamic number two. (There are more than this but I'm just sticking to these to keep this from getting any longer)
To go back to the hospital confrontation, when Qiao Ling says: "You're always trying to protect me. I really appreciate it. But what I need more is your trust." When she says this? It's a direct hit against the idea that protection should involve keeping people out. And in this case, Cheng Xiaoshi does start to let her in. They do manage to have healthy communication here now that Qiao Ling has been let in on the dives and is allowed to do something to help. She doesn't want to be passive.
She knows what it's like to be locked out, to be "protected" without having her own agency respected. But now, as of end of season two, she's on the other side. She has the information and Cheng Xiaoshi is locked out.
When Qiao Ling was assigned as the "Star of Wisdom, to light the way" in the Doudou arc, that's because it's her role in the show overall. Lu Guang certainly isn't going to push forward with healthy communication; he's too committed to his path for that. Cheng Xiaoshi meanwhile doesn't have the information needed to even start a confrontation. Qiao Ling is the only one in the position to lead the way with her knowledge. To provide the route to healthy communication once more.
She is the catalyst.
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elibean · 7 months
Ask game! :)
thank you hehehe
 @ your favorite blog. -- well i mean i feel like whoever asked this question needs to get the @ here so @oceaniche hi ily <3 i mean i do genuinely think you're great and i did follow you specifically for all your lc theories and stuff, but if we're being strictly objective here i....huh, I've never really thought about it. i follow less than 100 people bc i like to keep my dash neat and organized, and only show the stuff I really care about. but anyway I don't really have like, a favorite blog? i guess? i have favorite people, but blogs...maybe @squirrelstothenuts ? i like the gifs they post!
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? -- hmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. i don't...i don't know. i don't....get a lot? i feel like? which is normal right, we're not going about in our day-to-day lives constantly being praised for shit lol but like...i love my parents and siblings and stuff but any compliments from them while wonderful and kind don't like...hold a ton of weight to me bc of course they're gonna say nice stuff. they're not gonna tell me i suck. my mom recently told me she was proud of me though, for moving to japan and living on my own and stuff. that one kinda stuck with me. not sure if that's quite a compliment, though. i don't. i can't think of one. genuinely. someone i was crushing on for a long time told me they thought i was cute, and i trusted that they were being genuine. that was nice. also told me that i was kind, which was nice.
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?-- my brain is filled with lots of useless facts! hmmmm let's think, what's a good one. cats' purrs have healing properties! they can help with bone density, or something like that!
 💛 Do you have any piercings? -- just my ears! but i haven't worn earrings in ten thousand years so they're pretty much closed now.
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miyamiwu · 2 months
PiCrew Alternative: Neka
I’m seeing a lot of posts promoting PiCrew in creating your OC’s instead of relying on generative AI, and I totally agree. However, I find PiCrew quite limited when it comes to fantasy designs for clothes, and the skin tone options also tend to be mainly on the fair side, which is a big problem for me as my characters aren’t Western.
So may I introduce to you another option: Neka
Neka is from China, and it works a lot like PiCrew.
Here are two OC’s I made with it:
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Specifically, this is the Neka I used:
Tagging some mutuals to try out Neka:
@gachagon @blog-de-segunda @butterfirefly @rose-tinted-vision @cataclysmicamomile @oceaniche @atlaskrr @tate-lin @saph-yells-into-the-void @kukuandkookie @variabels @danelloevee @echariii3
I wanna tag more, but I honestly can’t remember how to spell some url’s, so I’m just tagging those who are recently in my activity hjfgjsghfjhsa
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curiositasmundi · 6 months
E' il 4 maggio del '99, i primi raggi del sole illuminano l'ossidiana lucida di La Palma: quattro curiosi individui (giovanissimi, a parte Fabio, più che trentenne, figlio dell'unione di Giorgio con la prima compagna Lucia Morellato), dopo aver riempito Passat e Taunus di polistirolo, viveri, strumentazione, e averle dotate di una zattera di salvataggio sul tetto, varano queste altrettanto curiose imbarcazioni.
E' l'alba, momento scelto dagli autonauti per evitare la Guardia Civìl. Le auto proseguono sospinte da due fuoribordo finché non finisce la benzina. I ragazzi non ci pensano due volte: staccano i motori e li guardano sparire negli abissi dell'oceano.
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Tutto bene fino al 25 maggio, quando saltano i contatti con la terraferma. Il telefono satellitare Imarsat si spegne, forse per il contatto con l'acqua ("imbarchiamo acqua dal sedile davanti!" scrive Amoretti sul diario di bordo), o  per la mancanza di sole, che alimenta le batterie fotovoltaiche (solo energia pulita a "bordo").
I due paiono scomparsi nel nulla. Marco Amoretti, 23 anni, e Marco De Candia, 21, potrebbero aver fatto una brutta fine. "Silenzio dall'Atlantico", titola il Secolo XIX, e tutta Sarzana (dove si sono stabiliti gli Amoretti) si ritrova in subbuglio. In realtà i ragazzi se la passano alla grande, sono in perfetta sintonia.
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Nettuno è magnanimo e le depressioni oceaniche (tra cui l'uragano Emily) risparmiano i ragazzi. Urge un altro parallelo con Alain Bombard, che dopo 53 giorni di navigazione incrociò la nave inglese Arakaka: Amoretti e De Candia incontrano per puro caso la petroliera Chevron Atlantic, il cui comandante si dimostra generoso e lancia in mare numerose provviste recuperate da Marco a nuoto. Sono al 108° giorno di oceano e l'avvistamento della nave lascia intendere che la terra è vicina.
Nel frattempo, Fabio, Mauro e Serenella sono giunti nelle Antille per organizzare l'arrivo delle auto. Sorvolano il tratto di mare antistante la Martinica portando con loro i giornalisti increduli: i due folli danteschi ce la stanno facendo, sono ad un passo dal traguardo.
In un contatto radio, Serenella decide di rivelare a Marco la morte del padre, per evitare al ragazzo una terribile delusione a terra. Arrivati a Port Tartane il 31 agosto, dopo 119 giorni in mare, gli autonauti vengono accolti come eroi dai media italiani ed esteri.
Troppe cose non piacevano. Troppe cose scomode da ammettere: era possibile attraversare l'Oceano quasi per gioco, con delle macchine sgangherate. Erano riusciti a farlo due ragazzi totalmente estranei al mondo della vela solitaria, privi di conoscenze nautiche, mezzi tecnici e sponsor, peraltro poco dopo la vittoria di Giovanni Soldini alla Around Alone.
La stampa locale ligure fu l'unica a giocare su questo contrasto tra modi antitetici di vivere il mare, perché sia Soldini che gli Amoretti erano legati a Sarzana. Oggi, a più di una decina di anni di distanza, le immagini dell'insolito viaggio continuano ad emozionare. Se dopo due lustri possiamo già essere considerati posteri, allora sì, fu vera gloria.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ (D) I giornali hanno ricordato che il nazismo sognava l'uso generalizzato della t.v. e che solo la guerra distolse le energie tecniche ed economiche dal progetto. La t.v. nacque così, con una signorina tedesca impiegata delle Poste, Ursula Patschke, che [la sera del 22 marzo 1935] apparve in video e annunciò ai dieci apparecchi «ricevitori» esistenti a Berlino che tutto era pronto per «far scendere nei cuori dei camerati del popolo l'immagine del Fürher». Non le sembra un anniversario imbarazzante? Ha sottolineato che la t.v. è nata come strumento di consenso e di dominio.
(R) Nella Germania nazista, come lei diceva, la televisione non fu diffusa su larga scala. Perché la televisione, a differenza della radio, ha bisogno che i ripetitori siano a vista, ha bisogno di grandi impianti e forti investimenti. I francofortesi, quando parlano di masse e «media», non si riferiscono quasi mai alla televisione, bensì alla radio e alle adunate oceaniche. Sono fuggiti da paesi fascisti e nazisti, per cui studiano soprattutto i mezzi impiegati davvero da quelle dittature: Hitler e Mussolini avevano usato ampiamente, oltre alla radio, il cinema di fiction e il documentario. Basti pensare a film come «Scipione l'africano» o a documentari come quelli di Leni Riefenstahl. Sì, la potenza dei media è stata intuita e sfruttata anzitutto dai regimi autoritari e gerarchizzati. La prima stazione radiofonica del mondo è stata quella del Vaticano. I francofortesi, però, non sono come il Karl Popper degli ultimi anni, che ha già mangiato, digerito e rifiutato la televisione. Vengono da un'esperienza tutta radiofonica. Eppure già la radio appare loro uno spauracchio terribile, un'inedita possibilità di massificazione. D'altronde era vero: prima della radio un predicatore, poniamo il Savonarola, poteva essere ascoltato al massimo da qualche migliaio di persone. Non c'era, tecnicamente, possibilità di maggiore "audience". Ora si è passati a milioni; in alcuni casi (come le Olimpiadi o lo sbarco sulla luna) addirittura a miliardi. Tenga conto, per di più, che a metà degli anni cinquanta la radio da noi era ancora un lusso. Ricordo che sotto casa nostra abitava una vecchietta che per tutta la vita, e inutilmente, ha desiderato di possedere un apparecchio radiofonico. A metà degli anni cinquanta arriva anche la televisione, un «medium» che d'improvviso irrompe e agisce con presa inaudita. S'immagini un paese d'inverno: alle cinque è buio, i bar sono chiusi, la gente è a casa... La televisione crea veramente il villaggio globale. All'improvviso dà a tutti la possibilità di entrare dovunque: nelle case di lusso come alla Scala. E all'improvviso Agnelli e un contadino lucano vedono lo stesso telegiornale. Nella gerarchia del mezzo televisivo basta essere utenti per essere uguali agli altri. Personaggi totalmente sconosciuti, poi, diventano idoli all'improvviso. Con due o tre puntate di «Lascia o raddoppia» Mike Bongiorno diventa una star. E si conquista il saggio semiologico di un autore sofisticato come Umberto Eco. “
Domenico De Masi, Ozio creativo. Conversazione con Maria Serena Palieri, Ediesse (collana Interventi), Roma, 1997¹; pp. 49-50.
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ilblogdellestorie · 1 year
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L'RMS Titanic è stato un transatlantico britannico della classe Olympic, naufragato nelle prime ore del 15 aprile 1912, durante il suo viaggio inaugurale, a causa della collisione con un iceberg.
Secondo di un trio di transatlantici, il Titanic, assieme ai suoi due gemelli RMS Olympic e HMHS Britannic, era stato progettato per offrire un collegamento settimanale di linea con l'America e garantire il dominio delle rotte oceaniche alla White Star Line. Costruito presso i cantieri Harland and Wolff di Belfast, il Titanic rappresentava la massima espressione della tecnologia navale del tempo ed era il più grande e lussuoso bastimento del mondo. Durante il suo viaggio inaugurale (da Southampton a New York, via Cherbourg e Queenstown) ebbe una collisione con un iceberg alle 23:40 (ora della nave) di domenica 14 aprile 1912.
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khrenek · 6 months
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Il faro di Thridarangar, uno dei luoghi più isolati al mondo.
Sorge su uno scoglio roccioso in pieno oceano Atlantico, a pochi chilometri dalla costa delle Isole Vestmann (Westmannaeyjear in lingua islandese), a sud dell'Islanda.
In passato il faro aveva una funzione militare, mentre oggi rappresenta un monumento di valore storico e architettonico.
Il faro oggi è automatizzato e non necessita di alcun guardiano, ma la manutenzione viene fatta con cadenza periodica da operai esperti che arrivano a bordo di un elicottero. Il faro non è visitabile.
Thridarangar (in islandese Þrídrangaviti), che tradotto in lingua islandese significa “tre rocce”, fu costruito tra il 1938 e il 1942 sul più alto dei tre speroni rocciosi che costituiscono questo piccolo gruppo di faraglioni.
Per aprire una via nello sperone, fonti locali raccontano che furono scelti tre scalatori esperti. Gli operai raggiungevano poi la sommità tramite arrampicata e montavano carrucole che gli consentivano di trasportare i materiali a mano.
L’incessante impatto delle gelide onde oceaniche che violentemente si infrangono sulla scogliera, rende difficilissimo il raggiungimento del faro attraverso qualsiasi tipo d’imbarcazione.
Una vera roccaforte, posta a un’altezza di circa 36 metri di altezza, in vetta a uno scoglio ripido e pericoloso, che oggi e raggiungibile esclusivamente in elicottero.
Curiosità. La foto del faro di Thridarangar, scattata dal fotografo Árni Sæberg nel 2009, è diventata virale grazie a Justin Bieber, che l’ha postata sul suo profilo social.
Il faro è stato utilizzato anche come location per il video “Break my baby” della band rock islandese Kaleo. Il loro album è uscito nel 2016.
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