#onii sama e
arcadebroke · 2 years
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Onii-sama e... (1991-1992)
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juricore · 1 month
I'm so glad your watching onii-sama E it's actually insane lol and listen I love Nannako but the Rei/Fukkiko situation is so batshit it eclipses everything. I hope your enjoying it!!!!!
i literally feel so bad for nanako and the way The Bullshit Sisters are volleying her back and forth like a yuri tennis match but so true. i am enjoying it but i keep trying to explain what their whole fucking deal is to my roommates and i literally cannot do anything but say "no it's so crazy it's SO crazy" over and over again. but it is so crazy though. it's so crazy.
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tomoyajpeg · 4 months
White Brim | BATTLEROYAL/11
[ powered by ois~su ♪ ]
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Hiyori: Tsukasa-kun from the Suou family!
Tsukasa: .......!?
Hiyori: Speaking as someone with experience in this area, listening seriously to anything Eichi-kun says is a huge waste of time!
Tsukasa: ...I am much obliged to you for your advice.
Be that as it may, the value of taking advice from a buffoon who rushes alone into the lair of his enemy is—
(No! Tomoe-onii-sama tends to play the fool, and thus he is looked down upon and seen as a good-for-nothing son, but! He should not be this much of a thoughtless idiot!)
(There’s no way that such a fool would be able to push past a line of strong rivals and get to shine at the very peak of ES!)
(This is someone who was made a “supreme general” during “SS”: Eden’s Tomoe Hiyori!)
(In summation! Tomoe-onii-sama’s aim is to...!?)
It’s a diversion! Attention all “fishermen,” be on your guard!
Hiyori: Aha, that was a quick call! I’d expect nothing less from samurai stock, from a child of a clan of fighters!
Tsukasa: I’m honored to receive such high praise! However, that does not mean I shall go easy on you!
(Tomoe-onii-sama must have armed himself while acting within his role as a “fish”! I’d like to think that his ammunition supply was cut off whilst he evaded our pursuit, but!)
(Such optimism is prohibited! I learned from “SS” that lions use their full strength even while hunting rabbits!)
(I must use the surrounding trees as cover, slowly approach Onii-sama, and hunt him down without fail!)
Hiyori: Aha, that’s the wrong choice! Like that, you’re too focused on protecting yourself, so no matter what you do it’ll take way too long to hunt me down!
You’re still inexperienced! That’s why you want to take to the front lines and show off how brave you are!
Tsukasa: You’re awfully talkative for someone on a battlefield...!
Hiyori: Well, there’s no point in giving you advice after you’re caught by us fish! Once you’d seen through the diversion, you should have done everything in your power to keep us from achieving what we’re aiming for!
Tsukasa: Your... aim is...!?
—! Tenshouin-onii-sama!
Hiyori: That’s right! We’re betting everything on a one-shot turnabout, featuring your “king,” Eichi-kun—
(—wait, huh? Something’s wrong, here.)
(Wasn’t our plan supposed to be that while I grabbed the attention of the “fishermen,” Anzu-chan and Tori-kun would sneeeak~ up on Eichi-kun?)
(It’s a little too quiet for that to have gone as planned! It’s Eichi-kun, so he definitely would have resisted or tried to get away, so where’s all the commotion...?)
(What happened!? What didn’t we take into account...!?)
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Tori: A— ah, aah...
Hiyori: (Tori-kun!? Something’s wrong!)
Tsukasa: He’s the heart of this operation, then! Guh, even at this distance, and even with a firearm I’m unskilled with, I can...!
Hiyori: I won’t let you fire that gun!
Tsukasa: Aargh, please do not get in my way, Tomoe-onii-sama! It’s only Tori-kun that I must— with my own hand...!
Tori: —Shut UP!
Tsukasa and Hiyori: .......!?
Tori: Be... quiet. Please. Right now, my head, it’s all messed up—
Because, E-Eichi-sama...
Eichi: .......
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Tori: Eichi-sama... is dead...
Hiyori: Wh— What do you mean?
Tori: I-I don’t know, either... Because, as long as we touch Eichi-sama, the “king,” the “fish” will win, so...
I snuck up behind him really quietly, but then Eichi-sama just collapsed. Look at his b-back! Th-there’s a sword sticking out of it—
Hiyori: (A sword? Ah, there really is! Unlike a gun, a sword doesn’t make a lot of noise, so you’d be able to kill someone without anybody noticing!)
(But who was the one to kill Eichi-kun? I mean, it’s Eichi-kun, the guy who caused bitterness and resentment basically everywhere he went, so I can’t even make a guess at who the culprit would be!)
(Maybe someone with a grudge against him was secretly hired as a servant by some family and took advantage of the situation to assassinate Eichi-kun...!?)
(I mean, if you think about it, “clamming” is the perfect opportunity! The nobles are basically unarmed, and the servants who usually act as bodyguards wouldn’t be around to protect them! They’d be left completely defenseless!)
(And that definitely applies to us, too! There’s a possibility that we could be the next targets! I’ve got to call out to everyone and get them to evacuate the area...!)
Tori: What’s going on, what’s going on, what’s going oooon?
Who!? Who was it!? Who could do something like this to Eichi-samaaAAA!?
Tsukasa: —Calm yourself, Tori-kun!
Tsukasa: Tenshouin-onii-sama was killed? He was having a face-to-face conversation with me just moments ago!
If he was killed, it would have to have been during the few moments I was distracted by Tomoe-onii-sama!
In other words, the criminal could not have gotten far! Search the surrounding area! Once you find the culprit, bring down divine punishment upon them!
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Tori: T-Tsukasaaa... That’s i-impossible, I’m not a child who’s descended from warriors like you are...
And I d-don’t know anything about— killing, or being killed. T-that’s why, I couldn’t understand Eichi-sama’s feelings, either...
Tsukasa: Pull yourself together, Himemiya Tori! Are you not my lifelong rival!?
Tori: Uu, uuu! *Sob!* But, buuut...!
Eichi: Indeed—
Tori: .......!?
Eichi: —It is indeed because you are the way that you are, that I still cannot entrust everything to you.
[ ☆ ]
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lovedarkwind · 6 months
Onii sama e
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maslorzech · 8 months
It really annoys me, when people say that tragic yuri of early 70s is regressive. you really need to get out of your twt/tumblr yuri bubble and look at the broader context. tragic yuri opened the way for more serious, even tragic storytelling in shoujo stories, both at the beginning of shoujo bunka in early Showa shoujo-shosetsu, and in 70s shoujo manga boom. without them, you wouldn't have rose of versailles, onii-sama e, and so praised utena. simplifying it to just "bury your lesbians" gives me "bad faith mixed with ignorance" kind of vibe
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maeda-ai · 7 months
Ella es. . . --Bleach version-- C9
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Anime: Bleach
Rating: M
Pareja: Ichigo & Rukia
Sinopsis: Para él, ella es la mujer más hermosa, fría, pero fina y frágil al mismo tiempo, misteriosa e inalcanzable, única. Su amor imposible, ella es Kuchiki Rukia… ella es su todo. (Adaptación de mi fic de Shaman King).
Advertencia: Lemon (NFSW)
Por: Maeda Ai
.:: Capítulo 9: Mi todo ::.
No es que no lo hubiese pensado antes. Siempre lo hizo. . . pensar en Rukia y en sus sentimientos por ella.
""No he podido sacármela de la cabeza desde la primera vez que la ví.""
Recordaba el pelinaranja. . .
Él y su hermana se habían mudado a Tokyo para estudiar; Ichigo la universidad, Orihime el segundo año de preparatoria.
Aun recordaba, como si hubiese sido ayer, su primer día de clases. . .
Ichigo estaba exhausto, definitivamente ese había sido un mal día, nada que ver con su hermanita, cuya risa pudo escuchar aun antes de que la chica entrase a la casa. . . pero no venía sola.
* Ah, onii-chan, te presento a Rukia. *
El muchacho se había quedado paralizado, su hermana había traído a una amiga.
""¡ Y que amiga !.""
Pensó, pues la belleza de la joven en verdad lo había cautivado. Pero la pelinegra no parecía compartir el gusto, pues solo frunció el ceño, susurrando entre dientes, casi obligada, un simple "hola".
Esas fueron las únicas palabras que habían compartido en mucho tiempo. . . tiempo en que  Kurosaki se preguntaba cómo es que Orihime se había buscado una amiga tan distinta a ella. Fría y con aires de superioridad.
*Disculpe, majestad, por haber puesto mis necios ojos en usted.*
Era la frase que todas las noches se repetía el pelinaranja.
En definitiva, Kuchiki Rukia no era el tipo de mujer para Ichigo, así que no se explicaba cómo es que terminó enamorándose de ella.
Era cierto que su lista de defectos era grande. . . muy, muy grande. Pero esa jovencita tenía muchas cosas a su favor. Y esa lista era todavía más larga. . . Empezaba con su tremenda e inigualable belleza. A Ichigo le constaba que en el mundo no había mujer más hermosa que Rukia.
Y quiso olvidarla, en verdad lo intentó. Salió con cuantas mujeres pudo, pero ninguna lograba sacar a la ojivioleta de su cabeza, mucho menos de su necio corazón, que seguía perdidamente enamorado de ella, doliéndole de amor.
Ni siquiera la dulzura y ternura de Nell fueron suficientes para dejar de querer a Kuchiki.
""Creo que soy masoquista.""
Pensaba, nada alejado de la realidad, pues estaba totalmente consciente de que si le diesen a escoger entre la ternura y figura de infarto de la peliverde, y la frialdad y malos tratos de la ojivioleta, sin titubear elegiría ser el esclavo de Rukia.
A su corta edad, la pelinegra fue la protagonista de los sueños y fantasías de Kurosaki; pero solo eso, fantasías, pues la chica lo rechazó con la sola mirada.
Estaba bien mientras no tuviese novio, por eso odió a Renji por ser el primer hombre en la vida de la enana, pero ahora. . .
Él era el único, ahora y siempre, porque un buen día Kami-sama se apiadó de él y le concedió una oportunidad con Rukia y vaya que él la supo aprovechar, tanto así que ahora estaba aquí, viviendo su más loca fantasía y que creyó imposible, así como la mujer a su lado.
* Te ves hermosa vestida de blanco. *
Ichigo le susurró, haciendo sonrojar a la chica, quien fingía atención al hombre de sotana frente a ellos.
Pero llena de emoción, apenas podía creer que estaba aquí, con Kurosaki Ichigo, él último hombre que hubiese imaginado a su lado por el resto de su vida.
Rukia respondió sin titubear, la plena convicción plasmada en su rostro, más el pelinaranja guardó silencio al llegar su turno.
Ichigo sintió cómo la mujer a su lado le daba un codazo mientras le dedicaba una amenazante mirada.
""Te mataré si no contestas ya !.""
Pensaba la joven.
Y Kurosaki, lejos de ser presa del miedo, tomó la mano de la ojivioleta entre las suyas, depositando un suave beso.
El amplia sonrisa adornándole el rostro, decía todo lo que sentía y era suficiente, sin embargo, susurró. . .
* Acepto !. *
Y besó a su enana, tomándola entre sus brazos para no volver a soltarla jamás. Porque le dijo que la amaba, que se casara con él.
Es cierto que Kuchiki Rukia es una mujer fina y fría. . . su amor imposible. Pero también es bella, inteligente, a veces dulce. . . complaciente y exigente en la cama, la mejor de las amantes; la única. . .
Ella es su todo.
Me gustó este capítulo, porque hay boda ichiruki, pero especialmente porque es un momento en que Ichigo reflexiona todo lo que tuvo que esperar y sufrir para poder vivir ese momento con Rukia ^v^ .
¿Era mucho pedir un final así para el manga?. . . mmm, habría sido mucho mejor ¬¬' .
Pobre Tite, nadie lo supo orientar ^^' .
Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA Ai  y es material de "Paradise".
Totalizado el 03 de Junio de 2020.
Versión Shaman King: Totalizado el 03 de Julio de 2006.
La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.
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daisukoth · 6 days
started watching onii-sama e. very dramatic, but im liking it
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tibbycaps · 4 months
i wish i could draw in onii sama e art style for realsies
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hina-clone · 1 year
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𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓸 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓪 - 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
❤ 17 Years
❤ Yandere
❤ AB
❤ ♏︎
❤ Backstory: Kato Kata é a irmã gêmea mais nova de Kato Akira. Ela possui um forte complexo de irmão por seu querido "onii-chan" e, por causa disso, acaba tendo impulsos obsessivos, sendo um deles o de colecionar fotos de seu irmão e observá-las antes de dormir e antes de ir para a aula como forma de trazer boa sorte. Entretanto, ela sabe que a "sociedade não entenderia seus sentimentos puros" e, por isso, esconde esse lado, procurando ter uma vida social e escolar normal. Portanto, tornou-se uma aluna prestigiada e um "exemplo de mulher", sendo conhecida como "Ojou-sama/Princesa" pela escola inteira. 
Mas essa fachada de moça perfeita esconde uma imensa insanidade que transborda principalmente quando há "pequenos obstáculos" entre ela e seu querido onii-chan.
❤ Backstory: Kato Kata is the younger twin sister of Kato Akira. She has a strong brother complex for her dear "onii-chan," and as a result, she has obsessive impulses, one of which is collecting photos of her brother and looking at them before going to sleep and before going to class as a way to bring good luck. However, she knows that "society would not understand her pure feelings," so she hides this side and tries to have a normal social and school life. She has become a prestigious student and an "example of a woman," known as "Ojou-sama/Princess" throughout the school. 
But this perfect girl facade hides immense insanity that mainly overflows when there are "small obstacles" between her and her beloved onii-chan.
❤  English translation: Chat GPT.... 
❤ Sorry i'm not fluent in english  ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
❤ Inspiration
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the-hawkseye · 1 year
I finally finished Onii-sama e and I’m salty about it. I hate when Anime pulls the “It’s only true love if its a man and woman” or the “sure this girl is a little masculine but as soon as she has a boyfriend/husband she will become the perfect housewife”. 
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Onii-sama e... (1991-1992)
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madamebaggio · 1 year
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Notes: Previously...
Chapter 4
Madame Baggio’s Dating Agency
Weekly staff meeting
“So… Apparently we should start calling these ‘forums’ instead of ‘meetings’, because it sounds better, or more inclusive or… Something?” The madame looked around. “You all agree?”
Everybody around the table had varying degrees of the same look: what the hell was she talking about?
“Great.” The Madame decided. “I heard we had a situation. What is going on?”
Everybody started talking at the same time. “Yeah… No.” The Madame decided, standing up. “Bye.” She tried to leave, but the Nats grabbed her hands and made her sit down again.
The Madame let out a long sigh. “Time out!” She asked. Then she turned to May. “What’s the problem?”
“Why are you asking me?”
“Can you just… Tell me?”
May grumbled. “Draco Malfoy came into the agency and there were some… Disagreements about it all.”
The Madame groaned. “Ladies! The rule is that we don’t fight over ships. So what exactly is the problem?”
“Well, first of all…” Ayla stood up. “I do the initial shippings and they are both ignoring me.” She glared at Arê and Tilim.
“We all know that Draco belongs with Harry.” Tilim said.
“No!” Arê protested. “Dramione all the way!”
“You see what I’m dealing with?” Ayla demanded.
The Madame scratched the back of her head. “I see… Lary, have you talked to him already?”
“Yes. He was decent.” She admitted. “We talked for a while. He doesn’t have many preferences.” She cleared her throat. “I’d like to see him suffering a bit, though.”
“We should give him a chance.” Ully piped up. “Just one.”
“Anyone else with opinions?”
“Not particularly.” Paula shrugged. “But this is the most entertainment we had in a month.”
“Don’t care.”
“Aren’t you supposed to have an opinion?” Jade wondered.
“Well, I hate his character, I don’t give a fuck about his happiness.” The Madame shrugged. “So this is what’s going to happen.” She turned to Ayla. “Step away from this one, and you can get whatever character you want next. Arê e Tilim: paper, rock, scissors. Whoever wins, ships the dude. And I’m out.” And she just turned and left.
“You all need Jesus.” Natane felt the need to say.
“Only if it’s the one from ‘Saint Onii-sama’.” Tilim said, to which half of the room agreed.
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as-warm-as-choco · 2 years
if yall interested in a 90s lesbian ass anime i suggest you start ONII-SAMA E... Right Fuckin Now? The Drama? Off the Charts... Gayness? Literally only girl school and evolves around sorority and high school idols drama and the protagonist gets into all that mess and its just.... when u think u ve seen it all the next scene is probably a murder attempt im not even kidding, but. beware its hardcore as hell and theres many triggers
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akeaiko · 2 years
          · closed starter w/ @satxhito.
mesmo enquanto descia do barco, aiko via o mundo girar em sua frente. pensou que com as semanas que passou ali dentro, durante toda a viagem, uma hora iria se acostumar com o balanço do mar, mas ledo engano seu. a maior parte dos seus dias foram passados deitada e de olhos fechados com suas criadas atendendo aos seus enjoos, mas finalmente, finalmente... estava ali. pela primeira vez em sua vida havia saído do japão e logo a princípio vista j�� podia perceber o quanto londres era diferente de kyoto. mais... cinza? mas ao mesmo tempo deslumbrante. em um segundo sua nausea desapareceu, dando lugar ao brilho natural dos seus olhos enquanto observava tudo completamente encantada. ainda estava pálida, mas ao poucos se recuperava, sentindo o chão firme embaixo dos seus pés. isso até ver satohito lhe esperando um pouco mais distante. um sorriso largo e contente se fez presente na expressão da princesa, que começou a se aproximar dos mais velhos com passos apressados e os braços abertos. —— onii-sama!!! —— exclamou com alegria e lágrimas nos olhos ao se jogar em cima do maior com um abraço longo e apertado. —— como eu senti sua falta, onii-sama... londres é tão longe!
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favourite anime and anime characters part 2
God Eater-Alisa Ilinichina  Amiella
Godzilla Singular Point-Mei Kamino
Godannar- Anna Saruwatari 
Gokujou Mecha Mote Iinchou 
Gold Kamuy-Asirpa
Golden Time- Chinami Oka 
Golgo 13, Duke Togo/Golgo 13
Gonna Be The Twintail-Twoerle
Good Luck Girl- Ichiko Sakura
Good Night World
Goshusho-sama Ninomiya-kun- Mayu Tsukimura
Gosick- Victorique De Blois
Goumet Girl Graffiti-Ryou Machiko
Granbelm- Mangetsu Kohinata 
Granblue Fantasy-Lyria
Grand Blue- Chisa Kotegawa
Great Pretender 
Great Teacher Onizuka-Tomoko Nomura
Green Green-Midori Chitose 
Grenadier-Rushuna Tendo
Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash-Shihoru
Grimoire of Zero-Zero
Grimms Notes- Reina
Grisaia-Amane Suou
Ground Defense Force Mao-chan
Guin Saga-Rinda Farseer
Gugure Kokkuri-san 
Guilty Crown- Inori Yuzuriha,Shu Ouma, Gai Tsutsugami 
Gunjou no Magmel- Zero 
Gunslinger Girl-Henrietta 
Gunslinger Stratos The Animation-Kyouka Katagiri 
Gun Frontier 
Gun Girls
Gun X Sword
Gushing over Magical Girls-Utena Hiiragi/Magia Baiser 
Gurren Lagann- Yoko Littner, Nia Tepplin, Viral
Guyver The Bioboosted Armor 
Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine- Akane Ukita 
Hackadoll The Animation
Haganai- Sena Kashiwazaki 
Haibane Renmei
Haikyuu- Kiyoko Shimizu 
Hajime no Ippo 
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Hakumei to Mikochi -Mikochi
Hakuoki- Chizuru Yukimura
Hakushaku To Yousei-Lydia Carlton
Hakyuu Houshin Engi
Hamefura-Catarina Claes, Mary Hunt, Sophia Ascart and Maia Campbell 
Hand Shakers-Koyori Akutagawa
Handyman Saitou in Another World-Lafanpan
Hanamaru Kindergarden-Nanako Yamamoto 
Hanasakeru Seishounen- Kajika Louisa Kugami Burnsworth
Hanasaku Iroha-Ohana Matsumae
Hanaukyo Maid Team 
Hanayamata-Naru Sekiya 
Hand Maid May-May
Happy Lesson-Minazuki Rokumatsuri 
Happy Sugar Life- Satou Matsuzaka
Harem in the Labyrynth of Another World-Roxanne 
Haruchika-Chika Homura 
Harukana Receive 
Hataraki Man- Hiroko Matsukata
Hataraku Onii-san
Hatena Illusion- Yumemi Hoshisato 
Hatsukoi Limited-Ayumi Arihara
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto 
Hayate No Gotoku/Hayate the Combat Butler-Hayate Aayasaki, Nagi Sanzenin,Maria
He Is My Master-Izumi Sawatari
Healer Girl-Kana Fuji 
Heaven’s Design Team-Meido
Heaven's Lost Property- Ikaros, Nymph, Astraea 
Heaven's Memo Pad-Alice/Yuuko Shionji 
Heavenly Delusion-Kiruko 
Heavy Object-Milinda Brantini
Hell Girl- Ren Ichimoku, Ai Enma 
Hell’s Paradise-Yuzuriha 
Hell Teacher Nube- Miki Hosokawa
Hellsing- Alucard, Seras Victoria 
Hensuki- Yuika Koga
Hentai Prince And The Stony Cat- Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi
Hen Semi-Nanako Matsutaka 
Hero Classroom-Arnest Flaming 
Hero Mask
Hero Tales-Laila Seiren
Heroic Age
Heroines Run the Show-Hiyori Suzumi 
Heroic Legend Of Arslan-Alfreed
Heroman-Lina Davis   
Hetalia- Japan
Hidamari Sketch-Yoshinoya 
Higehiro- Sayu Ogiwara 
High Card
High Rise Invasion-Yuri Honjo  
High School DxD- Rias Gremory, Issei Hyodo
High School Fleet-Mei Irizaki
High School Girls- Ayano Sato 
High School Of The Dead
High Score Girl- Akira Oono
Higurashi-Rena Ryuugu
Hikaru no Go
Himawari- Himawari Hinata 
Hime-chan’s Ribbon 
Himesama Goyoujin-Himeko Tsubaki 
Himote House
Himouto Umaru-chan-Nana Ebina 
Hinako Note-Hinako Sakuragi
Hinamatsuri- Hina
Hinomaru Sumo- Chizuko Hori 
Hiiro No Kakera- Tamaki Kasuga 
Hisone and Masotan- Hisone Amakasu
Hitman Reborn- Chrome Dokuro
Hitohira-Mugi Asai
Hitori no Shita-Fuu Houhou
Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu-Bocchi Hitori 
Hitorigurashi no Shougakusei
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable-Minami Fuyuki 
Honey And Clover 
Hoozuki's Coolheadedness 
Hortensia Saga-Nonnoria Folley
Horimiya-Kyouko Hori 
Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere- Horizon Arladust/P-01s
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi-Ui Nakatsugawa 
House Of Five Leaves
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom-Tomoe Inui, Kaede Foxia
How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift- Hibiki Sakura 
How Not To Summon a Demon Lord-Rem Galleu 
How To Keep a Mummy-Asa Motegi 
Hulaing Babies
Humanity Has Declined-Shujinko
Hundred-Claire Harvey
Hungry Heart Wild Striker-Miki Tsujiwaki 
HunterxHunter- Shizuku
Hyakka Ryouran- Jubei Yagyu
Hyakko-Ayumi Nonomura
Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia-Silvia Silkcut  
Hyouka- Eru Chitanda
Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation-Neptune/Purple Heart 
Hynosis Mic- Iris
ID0-Maya Mikuri
IDInvaded- Koharu Hondomachi
Idol Incidents
Idolish7-Tsumugi Takanashi 
Idoly Pride- Sakura Kawasaki
Ikenaikyo-Charlotte Evens
Inazuma Eleven 
InfiniT Force
Infinite Stratos- Houki Shinonono
Innocent Venus 
Interspecies Reviewers-Meidri
In/spectre-Kotoko Iwanaga 
Intrigue In The Bakumatsu
Inu X Boku Secret Service- Ririchiyo Shirakiin, Soushi Miketsukami
Inukami- Yoko 
Inuyasha- Kagome Higurashi, Moroha(Yashahime)
I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Max Out My Level-Azusa Aizawa
I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying- Kaoru
I Coundn't Become A Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided To Get A Job- Fino Bloodstone
I Don't Like You At All Big Brother-Nao Takanashi
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World Too-Kaori Houjou 
I Shall Survive Using Potions-Kaoru Nagase 
I Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm Related Skills-Helen Rean
I’m Standing on a Million Lives- Kusue Hakosaki 
I’m Qutting Heroing-Lili 
I’m in Love with the Villainess- Rae Taylor,Clair Francois 
I’m the Villainess so I’m Taming the Final Boss-Aileen Lauren d’Autriche 
Idolmaster-Haruka Amami,Uzuki Shimamura[IMCG], Arisu Tachibana[IMCG U149], Momoka Sakurai[IMCG U149] 
If Her Flag Breaks- Nanami Knight Bladefield
If My Favourite Pop Idol Made It to the Budoukan I Would Die-Maina Ichii
Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikemen Sengoku 
Iketeru Futari
Ikki Tousen- Hakufu Sonsaku 
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee-Yune
Immortal Grand Prix 
Immoral Guild-Hitamu Kyan
In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki-Tsubaki 
In the Land of Leadale-Cayna
Inari Konkon Koi Iroha- Inari Fushimi 
Infinite Dendrogram-Nemesis  
Initial D
Insomniacs After School-Isaki Magari
Interview With Monster Girls-Hikari Takanshi, Kyouko Machi, Yuki Kusakabe,Sakie Satou
In Another World With My Smartphone-Linze Silhoueska
Invaders Of The Rokujoma-Sanae Higashihongan
Invincible King Tri Zenon 
Incincible Robo Trider G7
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san
Ippatsu Kiki Musume
Ippon Again-Michi Sonoda 
Irina The Vampire Cosmonaut- Irina Luminesk 
Is It Wrong to Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?-Hestia
Is The Order A Rabbit?- Cocoa Hoto
Is This A Zombie?- Eucliwood Hellscythe
Island- Sara Garando
Isuca- Sakuya Shimazu 
Iron Man
Irregular At Magic High School- Miyuki Shiba,Tatsuya Shiba
Isekai Cheat Magician-Rin Azuma 
Isekai Izakaya Nobu- Shinobu Senke
Isekai Quartet 
Itazura na Kiss-Kotoko Aihara
Iwa Kakeru- Konomi Kasahara
Ixion Saga DT
Izzeta The Last Witch- Izetta
Japan Sinks 2020
Jikkenhin Kazoku-Ashisu
Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun
Jingai-san no Yome
Jinsei-Fumi Kujou
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa-Youko Shiragami
JK Meshi
Joker Game 
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure-Trish Una
Jormungand- Koko Hekmatyar, Jonah
Joshiraku- Gankyou Kurubiyutei 
Jouran-Sawa Yukimura 
Juubei-chan-Jiyuu Nanohara
Jujutsu Kaisen-Nobara Kugisaki
Junji Ito Collection 
Junji Ito Maniac 
Just Because 
Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger
Juuni Taisen
Juusenshi Gulkeeva
Juushinki Pandora- Queenie Yoh 
K- Kuroh Yatogami, Neko 
K-On- Yui Hirasawa
Kabaneri of The Iron Fortress-Ayame Yomogawa
Kabukibu-Maruko Janome
Kabukichou Sherlock-Mary Morstan
Kado-Kanata Shinawa
Kage Kara Mamoru-Yamame Hattori 
Kageki Shoujo-Sarasa Watanabe
Kaguya-sama – Kaguya Shinomiya
Kakegurui-Yumeko Jabami 
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi- Aoi Tsubaki 
Kamisama Kazoku-Tenko Kamiyama
Kashigoto- Hime Gotou 
Kaina of the Great Snow Sea-Ririha
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Kanamemo-Kana Nakamachi
Kamen No Maid Guy-Naeka Fujiwara
Kamichama Karin
Kamigami No Asobi-,Yui Kusanagi 
Kamisama Dolls
Kamisama Kiss- Nanami Momozono
Kampfer- Akane Mishima 
Kandagawa Jet Girls-Rin Namiki 
Kannagi -Nagi/Kannagi
Kannazuki No Miko- Himeko Kurusugawa 
Kanon-Ayu Tsukimiya 
Kanokon- Chizuru Minamoto
Kantai Collection-Fubuki, Hibiki, Shigure
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san-Takagi-san
Karakuri Circus- Shirogane Saiga/Eleonore
Kare Kano-Yukino Miyazawa
Karin: Chibi Vampire- Karin Maaka
Karneval- Gereki
Kashimashi-Hazumu Osaragi
Katanagatari- Togame  
Kawagoe Boys Sing 
Kawai Complex Guide To Manors And Hostel Behaviour-Ritsu Kawai 
Kaze No Stigma-Ayano Kannagi 
Keep Your Hands Off Eizoukan 
Keijo-Non Toyoguchi 
Kemono Friends-Serval
Kemono Jihen-Kon
Kemono Michi- Shigure 
Ken En Ken
Kengan Ashura
Kenka Bancho 
Kenichi: Mightiest Disciple- Miu Furinji
Key The Metal Idol 
Kiddy GirlAND- Ascoeur
Kiddy Grade- Eclair, Lumiere
Kids On The Slope
Kimetsu no Yaiba- Nezuko Kamado 
King of Prism 
Kiitarou’s Youkai Picture Diary 
Kill La Kill
Kill Me Baby- Sonya
Killing Bites- Hitomi Uzaki 
Kimagure Orange Road-Manami Kasuga
Kimi Ga Aruji De Shitsuji Ga Ore De-Yume Kuonji 
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien-Haruka Suzumiya
Kimi Ni Todoke-Sawako”Sadako”Kuronuma
Kimi To Boku
KimiKiss-Yuumi Hoshino
Kimizero-Runa Shirakawa
Kindaichi Case Files-Miyuki Nanase 
King’s Game
King’s Raid- Cleo
Kin-Iro Mosaic-Shinobu Omiya 
Kino’s Journey 
Kirby: Right Back At Ya 
KissxSis- Miharu Mikuni
Kiss Him Not Me- Kae Serinuma
Kiyo In Kyoto-Kiyo
Kiznaiver-Nico Niiyama 
Kizuna no Allele-Chris
Knights and Magic- Adeltrud “”Addy” Olter
Knights Of Sindonia-Shizuka Hoshijiro 
Kobato-Kobato Hanato
Kodomo no Jikan-Mimi Usa 
Kodomo no Omocha
Koi Kaze-Nanoka Kohinata
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni – Akira Tachibana 
Koikimo-Ichika Arima 
Koihime Muso- Kan'u Unchou/Aisha
Kokkoku- Juri Yukawa
Kokoro Connect
Kokoro Library-Kokoro
Komi Can’t Communicate-Shouko Kpmi
Komori-san Can't Decline
Kono Oto Tomare – Satowa Hasuki 
Konohana Kitan-Yuzu
Kotaro Lives Alone 
Kotoura-san- Yuriko Mifune
Koutetsu Sangokushi 
Kubo Let Me Be Invisible-Nagisa Kubo 
Kujibiki Unbalance 
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear- Yuna
Kumamiko-Machi Amayadori 
Kuroko's Basket-Satsuki Momoi
Kuromukuro-Yukina Shirahane
Kyoran Kazoku Nikki-Kyoka Midarezaki 
Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes-Aoi Mashiro
Kyou Kara Maou 
Kyou no Go no Ni-Megumi Hidaka
La Corda d'Oro-Azuma Yunoki,Kahoko Hino,Kanade Kohinata[LCD Blue Sky]
La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia-Felicita
Ladies Versus Butlers-Tomomi Saikyou 
Laid Back Camp- Nadeshiko Kagamihara, Rin Shima 
Lamune-Nanami Konoe 
Lance N' Masques-Yufeng 
Land of the Lustrous
Lapis Re:Lights-Ashley 
Last Exile-Lavie Head, Fam Fan Fan(LEFtSW) 
Last Period- Choco
Laughing Under The Clouds-Botan 
Layton Mystery Tanteisha- Katrielle Layton
LBX Girls-Suzuno
Le Chevalier D'Eon 
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 
Legend of Legendary Heroes- Ferris Eris
Legend of Mana The Teardrop Cystal 
Les Misérables Shoujo Cosette 
Lets Make a Mug Too-Mika Kukuri
Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero-Zenia 
Level E
Levius-Natalia Garnet 
Liar Liar-Sarasa Saionji/Rina Akabane 
Lilpri-Ringo Yukimori
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan-Utano Tadano
Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout- Hinata Tachibana 
Linebarrels Of Iron- Emi Kizaki
Listen To Me Girls, I Am Your Farther- Sora Takanashi 
Little Busters-Rin Natsume 
Little Witch Academia- Atsuko “Akko” Kagari 
Log Horizon-Akatsuki, Shiroe
Locodol-Nanako Usami
Love All Play 
Love and Lies-Misaki Takasaki
Long Riders-Ami Kurata 
Lord Marksman And Vanadis-Eleonora “Elen” Viltaria 
Lord of Vermillion- Tsubaki Manazuru
Lost Song-Rin  
Lost Universe 
Lost Village-Lion 
Love After World Domination-Desumi Magahara 
Love Com- Risa Koizumi
Love,Election And Chocolate-Nozomi Edagawa 
Love Flops-Amelia Irving 
Love Get Chu 
Love,Chunibyo And Other Delusions- Rikka Takanashi 
Love Hina-Shinobu Maehara, Motoko Aoyama, Kaolla Su
Love of Kill-Chateau Dankworth 
Love Lab- Suzune Tanahashi 
Love Live- Honoka Kosaka, Ruby Kurosawa[Love Live Sunshine], Rina Tennoji(Love Live Nijigasaki),Kanon Shibuya(Love Live Superstar)
Love Love- Natsumi Yagami
Love Kome
Lovely Idol 
Loving Yamada at Lv999-Akane Kinoshita 
L/R-Noelle Ardelade 
Luck & Logic-Athena, Liones Yellstratova
Lucky Star- Konata Izumi
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer-Samidare Asahina
Luna Legend Tsukihime
Lupin The Third-Fujiko Mine  
Lycoris Recoil- Chisato Nishikigi
M3 The Black Metal 
Maburaho-Yuna Miyama
Macademi Wasshoi-Suzuho Hasegawa 
Machiko And Hatchin
Macross-Freyja Wion[Macross Delta]
Made In Abyss-Riko
Madou Soshi
Maesetsu-Fubuki Kitakaze
Magatsu Wahrheit-Irma
Magi- Alibaba Saluja, Morgiana
Magic Knight Reyearth 
Magic Kyun Renaissance-Kohana Aigasaki 
Magic Of Stella-Tamaki Honda 
Magical Canan
Magical Circle Guru Guru-Kukuri
Magical Destroyers-Anarchy/Kirara Akabane
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha-Nanoha Takamachi
Magical Girl Ore – Sakuyo Mikage 
Magical Girl Site- Aya Asagiri 
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka-Kurumi Mugen 
Magical Girl Raising Project-Ripple/Kano Sazanami  
Magical Senpai-Senpai  
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Magical Somera-chan
Magical Warfare-Mui Aiba
Magikano-Ayumi Mamiya 
Mahoraba-Kozue Aoba
Mahoromatic-Mahoro Andou
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara 
Mahou Shoujo Naria Girls
Mai Hime-Mai Tokiha
Mai Otome-Arika Yumemiya 
Maid-Sama- Misaki Ayazawa
Maison Ikkoku- Kyoko Otonashi 
Majestic Prince-Tamaki Irie 
Majikoi Oh! Samurai Girls- Miyako Shiina
Majimoji Rurumo-Rurumo 
Major-Kaoru Shimizu
Malevolent Spirit-Botan Nagatsuki 
Makai Ouji: Devils And Realist 
Maken-Ki- Inaho Kushihachi
Mama wa Shougaku 4 Nensei 
Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo-Ayako Takasu
Management of a Novice Alchemist-Sarasa Feed
Manyuu Hikenchou- Kaede
Marchen Awakens Romance-Snow 
Marchen Madchen-Hazuki Kagimura 
Maria-sama ga Miteru-Yumi Fukuzawa
Maria Holic-Kanako Miyamae
Maria The Virgin Witch-Maria 
March Comes In Like A Lion-Hinata Kawamoto
Marmalade Boy
Manaria Friends 
Mars Red-Aoi Shirase
Martian Successor Nadesico-Yurika Misumaru,Ruri Hoshino 
Master Keaton 
Marvel Disk Wars
Masamune-kun’s Revenge-Yoshino Koiwai
Mashle-Lemon Irvine 
Matoi The Sacred Slayer-Matoi Sumeragi 
Matchless RaijinOh
Maoyu- Maou 
Mawaru Penguindrum
Mayo Chiki- Kanade Suzutsuki
Mayoi Neko Overrun-Nozomi Kiriya 
Mazica Party
Meiji Gekken
Meiji Tokyo Renka-Mei Ayaziki
Medaka Box- Medaka Kurokami 
Megalo Box 
Megaman NT Warrior
Megaton Musashi-Arshem 
Mekakucity Actors
Melody of Oblivion 
Merc Storia
Mermaid Forest 
Metallic Rouge 
MF Ghost 
Miami Guns- Yao Sakurakouji
Midnight Occult Civil Servants 
Midori Days- Midori Kasugano
Migi & Dali
Mikagura School Suite-Eruna Ichinomiya 
Mikan Enikki 
Million Arthur- Thief Arthur 
Million Doll 
Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club-Hiromi Maiharu
Minamike-Kana Minami 
Mingling With a Priest 
Mierukochan-Miko Yotsuya
Miracle Girls
Miss Caretaker of Sunoharasou-Ayaka Sunohara
Miss Bernard Said 
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid-Tohru
Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department-Touka Kuroitsu, Akashic. Wolf Bete
Miss Monochrome 
Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost-Yuurei-chan
Mitsuboshi Colors-Kotoha
Mitsudomoe-Aiko Kuriyama
Mix- Haruka Ooyama
MM-Arashiko Yuuno
Mob Psycho 100
Mobile Suit Gundam- Tieira Erde[Gundam 00], Lacus Clyne[Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny], Kudelia Aina Bernstein[Gundam IBO],China Kousaka[GBF],Romary Stone/Asuno[Gundum AGE]Mirai Kamiki[GBFT], Aya Fujisawa/Ayame[GBD], Shakti Kareen[MSVG], Suletta Mercury[MSG TWFM]
Modern Magic Made Simple-Koyomi Morishita 
Moetan-Ink Nijihara 
Momo Kyun Sword-Momoko
Momokuri-Yuki Kurihara
Mon Colle Knights 
Monochrome Factor 
Monogatari- Tsubasa Hanekawa 
Monster Girl Doctor-Saphentite Neikes
Monster Hunter Stories
Monster Musume-Miia
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun-Chiyo Sakura 
Moonlight Mile
More Than a Married Couple But Not Lovers-Akari Watanabe 
Moriarty the Patriot 
Morita-san Wa Mukuchi 
Mouryou No Hako
Morose Mononokean-Zenko Fujiwara
Mother of the Goddess’s Dormitory-Sutea Koroya
Mr Love
Mr Villain’s Day Off
Ms.Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles-Koizumi 
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood- Sophie Twilight  
Muhyo & Roji’s Bureau of Supernatural Investigation  
Mushi Uta-Shiika Anmoto
Mushoku Tensei-Roxy Migurdia 
Muteki Kanban Musume-Megumi Kannazuki 
Mutenking The Dancing Hero 
Muv-Luv-Yui Takamura[MuvLuv Alternative Total Eclipse], Katia Waldheim[Shswarzesmarken], Sumika Kagamu[MuvLuv Alternative]
My Bride Is A Mermaid- Sun Seto
My Clueless First Friend-Akane Nishimura 
My Daemon
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S Ranked Adventurer 
My Dress Up Darling-Marin Kitagawa 
My First Girlfriend Is a Gal-Nene Fujinoki
My Girlfriend Is Shobitch-Akiho Kousaka
My Happy Marriage-Miyo Saimori 
My Hero Academia-Ochako Uraraka 
My Home Hero-Reika Tosu 
My Isekai Life-Dryad 
My Instant Death Ability is So Over Powered-Tomochika Dannoura
My Little Monster-Asako Netsume 
My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog-Usagi Tsukishiro 
My Love Story-Rinko Yamato
My Master Has No Tail-Mameda
My Mental Choices Are Completly Interfering With My School Romance Comedy-Ouka Yuuouji 
My Neighbour Seki
My New Boss is Goofy
My One Hit Kill Sister-Maya Ikusaba
My Roommate is a Cat
My Senpai is Annoying-Futaba Igarashi 
My Sister My Writer 
My Stepmom’s Daughter is My Ex-Yume Irido 
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU- Yui Yuigahama
My Tiny Senpai-Shiori Katase 
My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1-Emily Brown 
My Wife Is The Student Council President-Ui Wakana
Myriad Colors Phantom World-Reina Izumi  
Myself Yourself-Aoi Oribe
Mysterious Girlfriend X- Mikoto Urabe
Mysterious Joker- Diamond Queen 
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok-Mayura Daidouji
Mystic Archives Of Dantalian-Dalian 
Nabari No Ou-Raimei Shimizu
Nagasarete Airantou- Suzu 
Nagi-Asu-Manaka Mukaido 
Najica Blitz Tactics- Lila 
Nakaimo-Konoe Tsuruma
Nanbaka-Momoko Hyakushiki
Nana-Nana Osaki 
Nana Maru San Batsu-Mari Fukami
Nanaka6/17-Nanaka Kirisato
Nanana’s Buried Treasure-Nanana Ryuugajou 
Nanatsuiro Drops-Sumomo Akihime 
Namu Amida Butsu
Naruto-Hinata Hyuga, Sumire Kakei(Boruto)
Natsu No Arashi-Yayoi Fushimi
Natsuiro Kiseki –Yuka Hanaki
Natsume's Book Of Friends- Jun Sasada
Needless- Adam Blade, Eve Neuschwanstein
Negima-Nodoka Miyazaki, Karin Yuuki[UQ Holder]
Nekogami Yaoyorozu-Mayu
Neo Ranga
Neon Genesis Evengelion
Near Death!! Ekoda-chan 
Netsuzou Trap
Neuro: Supernatural Detective- Yako Katsuragi 
New Game-Aoba Suzukaze
Nier Automata Ver1.1a-2B 
Night Head 2041
Night Head Genesis 
Night Raid 1931-Yukina Sonogi 
Night Wizard 
Nijiiro Days 
Nil Admirari no Tenbin- Tsugumi Kuze
Ningen Fushin-Curran
Ninja Girl And Samurai Master 
Ninja Nonsense- Shinobu,Miyabi
Ninja Scroll
Ninja Slayer From Animation 
Nisekoi- Kosaki Onodera
No Game No Life- Sora,Shiro
No Guns Life-Mary Steinberg
Noblesse- Seira J. Loyard
Nobunagun- Shio Ogura 
Nobunaga Conserto 
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
Nobunaga The Fool- Jeanne Kaguya D'Arc/Ranmaru Mori
Nodame Cantabile-Megumi Noda
Nogizaka Haruka No Himitsu-Haruka Nogizaka 
Non Non Biyori-Komari Koshigaya
Nora, Princess and Stray Cat
Noragami-Hiyori Iki,Yato
Nourin-Ringo Kinoshita/Yuka Kusakabe 
Now and Then Here and There
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