#opm chapter 167
theomnicode · 2 years
OPM 167 spoilers:
** This shit is honestly the funniest.
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"Later then, LOL."
Garou's true personality shining through. That LOL truly makes him like the 18-year old he is and completes this sentence.
And then-
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Saitama casually kicks away his portal.
*Utter and complete bewilderment*
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opmedits · 2 years
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"Forget your little tricks and come at me with your fists”
One Punch Man 167
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
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All of us rn
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jaijaitbinks · 1 year
Regarding your last post, what if Saitama's hallucinations about Genos change? Sometimes he's like the voice of his conscience, blaming him for Genos' death, looking as broken as the last time he saw him. And sometimes he sees the real Genos, smiling and comforting him, telling him how much he means to mean and that he'll always be his sensei.
It would definitely be a mix of the two. Genos would be loving and kind and as endearingly factual and passionate as he always was. But every now and again, when he sits in his own negativity for long, Genos becomes more... passive aggressive. Cynical. Rarely, he'll become harsh, biting into Saitama with deep judgement and criticism. But, when Saitama snaps (it varies, but more often than not he'll beg for Genos to stop), Genos riverts and loses that acidity, and he comforts Saitama. If Saitama doesn't budge, he'd leave, only to come back later when Saitama has settled back into his blissful delusion. Like a ghost, haunting him but sucking up so their target would let them stay.
As for how he looks, he almost always looks normal. When Genos changes attitudes and behaviors, though, he slowly deteriorates into his appsarance from when he was dead, until either Saitama snaps or the hallucination itself becomes positive.
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
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Ok so!!! Sobbing!!!
Thank god it’s finally out, couldn’t stand the wait. Lemme get into some details
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Saitama worrying about the core even when they’re on JUPITER’S FUCKING MOON???? I cant. I’m devastated
“I may have gotten what I wished for...but I’m not in the slightest bit excited.” HDHSSGJAGS?? Holy shit, the fact that he admits that he thinks he’s a shit hero when he didn’t save Genos and admits that his dream is here but he couldn’t give less of a fuck is not only a giant indication of how much he cares for Genos, but a total kick in the pants to us readers who have rooted for saitama to get this fight bc we’re in the same boat, this fight is exciting but miserable and the stakes r hurting everyone. I just...wow.
I gotta say, I’m pleasantly surprised they brought stuff like the table flip and the garou-jumpy bit into this part of the fight that I thought wouldnt be adapted at this point, so my hopes have raised a little bit for this horrifying arc (also the Jupiter art??? Damn murata!!)
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OH AND PANELS LIKE THIS WHERE GAROU GOT HIS SHIT ROCKED???? SO HAPPY! Not only is Saitama serious but Garou is getting the stupid fucking fight he wanted so badly like!!! Amazing.
Me everytime Garou was a snarky little bitch this chapter:
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AND YES I KNOW HES PARTIALLY POSSESSED but ugh I want his ass handed to him
Also can we agree that Blast is kinda unimpressive rn? “Oh no I can’t re-direct their giant blast of energy I need my cloaked friends to help me” like do something! He could be helping the heroes on the ground dying of radiation poisoning if he can’t help w the saitama garou situation! I’m just annoyed he’s standing around rn when he can maybe portal everyone out.
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This panel?? So first of all I’m kinda confused why Garou didn’t continue to copy saitama when he saw how effective it was, just me? And also OH SHIIIIT SAITAMA’S BLEEDING???? That’s genuinely nerve racking to see and it’s so hard to determine how this fight will go for him w Garou being much stronger than in the wc. Damn.
Oh also is this the 3rd time Saitama’s been naked while fighting? I know one of those times was in a hilarious audio drama (I’ve got it posted somewhere on my blog) but I’m trying to keep track.
Oh and here’s the manga link if y’all want it!!
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fuckmesaitama · 2 years
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retrologynews · 2 years
One Punch Man Chapter 167 Discussion: TABLE FLIP, FINALLY!
The Table Flip is finally here! and it's insane. Plus, what on moon was that on the moon's backside? A Spine? Read more.. Cover by @hehevich. #OnePunchMan #Chapter167 #SeriousTableFlip
When I last reviewed the Chapter 166, I predicted that Blast will likely teleport Saitama and Garou to some other happened, and that’s exactly what happened in One Punch Man Chapter 167. The number 1 hero did the exact same and transferred both overpowered characters to one of the Jupiter’s moons. In this article, One Punch Man Chapter 167 Discussion, we will analyze and discuss the highlights of…
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
I've read your post abt what makes one a monster in opm, and I'm a lil shaken bc in a lot of ways, Saitama is eerily similar. Indeed, a lot of strong people abandoned their humanity and monsterized in pusuit of greater power — Haragiri, Gouketsu, Bakuzan, and so on.
I think the reason why he isn't considered a monster despite all that is because he really clung unto his humanity while in the pursuit of strength. Still does. Really, every mundane thing Saitama does isn't really necessary for him to do — like he doesn't need to eat, sleep, seek entertainment, or even breathe. This guy can't even get poisoned. He's so powerful and busted he's not human at this point. But I think he does them bc it makes him feel human and keeps him sane.
It really makes me think — what makes a human, human in opm? Seeing Saitama as an example, is choosing to be human and subjecting oneself to human aspects is what makes one human?
Monsters are really interesting in OPM, aren't they? This ask we're not talking about the natural monsters, which, cruel as they can be to human beings, literally saved the Earth from human depredations... talk about a complex ecological relationship!
Anyway, onto ex-human monsters. In OPM, it's the case that just because your egg and sperm donors were members of Homo sapiens, you can't take your humanity for granted. To a certain extent, your humanity has to be earned. The scary thing is that humans turning into monsters turns out to be a recent thing. *What* has changed, I wonder.
Also, it's not as simple as being good. The horrible criminals in the Stink Slammer never turned into monsters (at least not until some of them grabbed monster cells from Nyan in the hopes of finally being able to make Puri Puri see how much he'd made them suffer) despite being really nasty pieces of work. And of course, the straight-living Amai Mask started turning into a monster despite his best efforts to resist it.
There are risk factors that Dr. Genus outlines, such as a strong desire to transform into something else, a deep dissatisfaction with themselves, inferiority complexes, obsessive habits, and similar issues. Those are true enough, but we know characters with several of those problems who haven't gone monster. I think that Bug God puts a claw tip on the most fundamental requirement to turn monster: separating oneself from humanity. When you stop being able to see your fellow person as a human being, that's when you start to transform. You don't need to grow horns or fangs to be a total monster.
The scariest part? It doesn't necessarily take a long time. Everyone has some darkness within them, darkness that if they lean fully into and let consume them will change them in no time. How close Phoenixman got to converting Child Emperor still gives me chills (oi, future animators, don't you dare elide over this!).
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Conversely, we've seen that it is impossible to turn a person into a monster against their will. Even monster cells only work if the person knowingly and willingly consumes them with the intention of becoming a monster.
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Now I know that a lot of fans like to act snobbish towards Viz translations (no, they're not perfect but people take it too far), but they have a very interesting nuance in chapter 167 on how Saitama sees Genos and Garou Tareo:
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Save. That's what Saitama thinks Genos did for him. Saved him. If you go all the way back to chapter 5, you realise that the separation from humanity process had begun for Saitama.
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Just as Garou would have turned into a complete monster, fit only for punching out of this world, were it not for Tareo speaking so powerfully to his humanity, Saitama found Genos, that weird young man who'd given up his human body and nurtured his humanity like it was a precious jewel, to be the anchor to humanity he needed.
I think you have a point about the importance of daily rituals grounding one. Still, with Saitama, one can never quite tell... Maybe he can do without every human need, but what will remain won't be human.
Not in the slightest.
It's good this story is great at making us laugh and groan; otherwise, we'd be quivering in horror.
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acidproofnotebook · 3 years
OPM Chapter 125 Transcript
As published online  10 Jan 2020
Chapter #: 125
Update #: 167
Translator: hdx514
Cover Page
TEXT: He continues marching forward, taking another step.
CHAPTER 125: Sit Down
Page 1
Page 2
TEXT: Thud
TEXT: Thud
FUBUKI: Eh……whaaaat!!!?
FUBUKI: It’s defeated……!!?
FUBUKI: Even though I heard he was really strong
TEXT: Clap
FUBUKI: But there should be a limit to these things…S-Class rank 3, Silver Fang……!!!
Page 3
FUBUKI: Speaking of!!
FUBUKI: Who is this older brother?
FUBUKI: Just who on earth is he??
FUBUKI: He’s not even a hero, right?
FUBUKI: Still, his strength rivals that of Silver Fang’s---
FUBUKI: Did I just unearth an amazing talent by chance…!!?
FUBUKI: I can’t let this one get away!!
FUBUKI: He needs to be in the Fubuki Group at all cost!!
Page 4
FUBUKI: Um…Mr. Bomb, was it?
FUBUKI: Magnificent job!
FUBUKI: I’m truly impressed!
BOMB: Likewise, young lady
FUBUKI: Oh, there’s one thing I forgot to tell you…
Page 5
FUBUKI: The special bonus for joining the Fubuki Group
FUBUKI: It’s a 3kg special beef set at the moment…
BOMB: It’s still kicking
BOMB: Just how tough is this dog
BANG: What a troublesome doggy, we can't progress further
BANG: Just “sit down” and behave!
Page 6
BANG: !?
BOMB: ……it actually sat down…?
BANG: Alright, let’s hurry on forward
BOMB: That was our special secret joined technique, you’d think it would at least have some effect...my confidence just got crushed again after facing that giant centipede…
BANG: What’s the matter?
FUBUKI: My…my back gave out…
Page 7
TATSUMAKI: This “power”…
TATSUMAKI: Is Fubuki here…!?
TATSUMAKI: I clearly told them she absolutely cannot be allowed to get involved
TATSUMAKI: I’ll make sure to give Sekingar a piece of my mind later
Page 8
SAITAMA: Woo---!!
FLASH: Hey…how long before we arrive at Monster King’s place!?
MONSTER: E..eh! About 10 minutes!
FLASH: Is it time for the ultimate final battle.......
Page 9
SAITAMA: I had no idea there’s so much stuff going on beneath my home…
SAITAMA: Goddamn it, I wouldn’t be so bored had I known this earlier
FLASH: Simmer down
FLASH: If you fall into a trap, I will leave you behind
SAITAMA: I’m totally focused okay!
FLASH: This is why amateurs are…
SAITAMA: Huh? Up till now, I’ve had…
Page 10
SAITAMA: My fair share of…
Page 11
SAITAMA: Woooaah
TEXT: Click
SAITAMA: Wooooo!!!
FLASH: Be quiet will you
Page 12
MONSTER: Just you wait…
MONSTER: I’ll drop this whole cart down the valley at the switching point up ahead
MONSTER: Taking an S-Class hero into the afterlife is the greatest underdog victory ever!
MONSTER: Ooo~~that’s quite the drop
MONSTER: Maybe……
MONSTER: Maybe I’ll wait little longer for another opportunity…
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theomnicode · 2 years
OPM 167 spoilers:
I got hurt by this panel.
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Saitama saying he needs to keep a grip of Genos core, his heart.
Heart symbolising his humanity, the opposite of being a monster.
He almost destroyed the earth and if it wasn't for Blasts intervention, he would have. He didn't actually care when he punched Garou.
Needing to keep a tight grip of his humanity, his emotions so he won't let them go and succumb to complete apathy and become a monster and a villain, becoming immoral and a shadow of his former self.
He's closely teetering on the edge of that.
And the only thing stopping him is a very small piece of his friend's heart, the humanity of a cyborg some would no longer consider human.
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opmedits · 2 years
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"Bring it on. One hand is all I need for you”
One Punch Man 167
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
I'm only looking at the cover , God I'm so excited I gotta wait till the translation I promised myself 🙏
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This is gonna be amazing
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jaijaitbinks · 1 year
dude. What do you think would've happened if Garou didn't show Saitama to turn back time? Oh my god I'm thinking about it and it's bad. Like imagine Sai kills Garou because duh, but he has nothing to actually return to. Sure, a big part of earth is mostly unaffected. But everyone Saitama actually knows and loves is gone. FUUUUUCK THIS IS MAKING ME SAD also sorry you thought I called you a thot
It's all good, lol!
Honestly, I don't think Saitama would have killed Garou. Like, he was emotionally distressed over Genos (and everyone he cared about, but mostly Genos), but he was so distressed in a way that he completely shut off any connection he had to his emotions once he stopped beating Garou's ass. And I'm fully sure that it was because he realized there was no point in it. Killing Garou wouldn't have done anything for him. Genos was gone and that was the end of it. He just had to live with the grief. That and Garou lost someone he cared about, too, because of himself. If that hadn't been a wake-up call for the guy, Sai would've killed him then and there.
As for what might've happened if Garou didn't teach him how to go back in time... Jesus, there's too many possibilities. Obviously he would mourn, probably devolve back into the life he used to live except it was every night that he'd break down rather than once every month ane a half. But, truthfully? I feel like Saitama would become delusional. He'd start to pretend that Genos was still alive, having hallucinations. He'd go to the Hero Association (if it even exists anymore cuz all of Z-City was fucked and, last he was told, almost the entire association of heroes was over there) and would ask if they were going to help repair it so "he and Genos" could go back and keep living there. And overtime people would stop questioning him about Genos' state of living whenever he mentions the cyborg.
And it would be so much worse because all he'd have is a disconnected core, extreme guilt and depression, and whatever he finds in the rubble. He has nothing to live for other than fulfilling the responsibility of being the only hero humanity could fall back on.
He'd want to end it all so badly, but being unable to because who else would humanity rely on then?
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opmedits · 2 years
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Opposing each other, polar opposite fists...
One Punch Man Cover 167
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theomnicode · 2 years
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But Tareo is not going to get up.
He's dead because you killed him, Garou.
No matter how much you yell at a corpse, they can't get up anymore. And this will finally and completely break Garou's fiendish mutation to a monster and it will break his heart. But it's far too late.
I am predicting a very somber chapter incoming for both Saitama and Garou. We will see tears, from both of them and it will be so gloriously and grossly sad. I am personally hoping for another gif.
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