#one punch man spoiler 167
opmedits · 2 years
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"Forget your little tricks and come at me with your fists”
One Punch Man 167
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taki79 · 2 years
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theomnicode · 2 years
OPM 167 spoilers:
** This shit is honestly the funniest.
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"Later then, LOL."
Garou's true personality shining through. That LOL truly makes him like the 18-year old he is and completes this sentence.
And then-
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Saitama casually kicks away his portal.
*Utter and complete bewilderment*
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
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khepiari · 2 years
One Punch Man Chapter 167!
I was right! He is so strong because he has been defeating enemies in every version of reality! Across multiple timelines he is the only one who can surpass god and break his limiter! Its all a loop!
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Ok so!!! Sobbing!!!
Thank god it’s finally out, couldn’t stand the wait. Lemme get into some details
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Saitama worrying about the core even when they’re on JUPITER’S FUCKING MOON???? I cant. I’m devastated
“I may have gotten what I wished for...but I’m not in the slightest bit excited.” HDHSSGJAGS?? Holy shit, the fact that he admits that he thinks he’s a shit hero when he didn’t save Genos and admits that his dream is here but he couldn’t give less of a fuck is not only a giant indication of how much he cares for Genos, but a total kick in the pants to us readers who have rooted for saitama to get this fight bc we’re in the same boat, this fight is exciting but miserable and the stakes r hurting everyone. I just...wow.
I gotta say, I’m pleasantly surprised they brought stuff like the table flip and the garou-jumpy bit into this part of the fight that I thought wouldnt be adapted at this point, so my hopes have raised a little bit for this horrifying arc (also the Jupiter art??? Damn murata!!)
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OH AND PANELS LIKE THIS WHERE GAROU GOT HIS SHIT ROCKED???? SO HAPPY! Not only is Saitama serious but Garou is getting the stupid fucking fight he wanted so badly like!!! Amazing.
Me everytime Garou was a snarky little bitch this chapter:
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AND YES I KNOW HES PARTIALLY POSSESSED but ugh I want his ass handed to him
Also can we agree that Blast is kinda unimpressive rn? “Oh no I can’t re-direct their giant blast of energy I need my cloaked friends to help me” like do something! He could be helping the heroes on the ground dying of radiation poisoning if he can’t help w the saitama garou situation! I’m just annoyed he’s standing around rn when he can maybe portal everyone out.
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This panel?? So first of all I’m kinda confused why Garou didn’t continue to copy saitama when he saw how effective it was, just me? And also OH SHIIIIT SAITAMA’S BLEEDING???? That’s genuinely nerve racking to see and it’s so hard to determine how this fight will go for him w Garou being much stronger than in the wc. Damn.
Oh also is this the 3rd time Saitama’s been naked while fighting? I know one of those times was in a hilarious audio drama (I’ve got it posted somewhere on my blog) but I’m trying to keep track.
Oh and here’s the manga link if y’all want it!!
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garouwife3271 · 2 years
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If you don't believe me here is the link to Twitter :-
I'm so damn anxious but excited at the same time 😔💓
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
I'm only looking at the cover , God I'm so excited I gotta wait till the translation I promised myself 🙏
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This is gonna be amazing
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erarlumo · 2 years
so uh OPM fandom how we copin'? (´;ω;`)
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nightmare-knight · 2 years
Bue... ¿Qué tiene planeado Murata?
Bueno, debo admitir que he estado fuera del fandom de One Punch Man por bastante tiempo, ya que no he encontrado la musa que me inspire para terminar mis fics, pero de vez en cuando, paso a leer el manga cuando acumula una sustanciosa cantidad de capítulos. 
Mi sorpresa hace unos días descubrir que Murata se ha tomado unas libertades creativas, bastante curiosa por cierto, en la parte final del arco de Garou. Voy a dejar mi opinión al respecto debajo, y Advertencia de Spoilers sobre el manga de One Punch Man:
Seguramente hay muchas imágenes impactantes en el capitulo número 167, y como Murata decidió llevar su historia por otro camino, haciendo lo impensable con uno de sus personajes más importantes:
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La decisión de matar a Genos me parece arriesgada y poco atractiva desde el punto de vista personal, aunque narrativamente y con el cambio de dirección que tiene el manga respecto al webcomic, es casi entendible que el autor este incursionando en este recurso como gatillo disparador para Saitama.
Si esto fuera One Piece, yo no me preocuparía y sabría que Genos se va a recuperar de esta destrucción casi total, pero porque Oda es un genio y le saca jugo a todos sus personajes. Pero mi temor es que Murata ya no sabe que hacer con Genos, más allá de usarlo para que Saitama reaccione ante su perdida:
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Se lo ve muy afectado, con un deseo enorme de romper la promesa que le hizo a Tareo de no lastimar a Garou. En este momento, Saitama se aferra al core de Genos y simplemente descarga el golpe más fuerte que tiene, olvidándose de las consecuencias que traería desatar todo su poder.
¡Ni que fuera un fan fic!
No me malentienda. Es un buen recurso la muerte de un personaje “querido” por el protagonista, una blogger de tumblr ya comentó que el tropo de“Darte cuenta de lo que perdiste cuando es demasiado tarde”es un recurso muy entretenido de leer dentro de lo que sería el Fan Fiction... Pero solo porque es un sitio seguro, uno en donde sabes que si vas al material original, todo sigue normal, y los personajes están sanos y salvos. 
El problema aquí es que suceda en el material original. Mi miedo principal es que Murata no vea posible plantear futuros arcos para Genos, y haya decidido matarlo por el bien del desarrollo de la historia.
Y este miedo no es infundado, todo gracias al ver como se desarrolla la historia de Saitama en el webcomic.
Teniendo acceso al material original y entender como Genos, a pesar de haber sobrevivido a esta pelea, quedó un poco relegado en el webcomic, mientras que Saitama tiene un arco entero donde debe lidiar con toda la mierda que han acumulado, tanto Tatsumaki como Fubuki, en su vida como heroínas (Este arco es excelente, no me malentienda), da la sensación de que para evitarse tener el cabo suelto de Genos, decida eliminarlo de la historia de forma permanente.
Es mi opinión, y espero estar super equivocada y que Murata se saque un giro de 360 grados que nos deje a todos locos.
Por ahora, a esperar, y llorar por la perdida de Genos junto con Saitama.
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opmedits · 2 years
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"Bring it on. One hand is all I need for you”
One Punch Man 167
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theomnicode · 2 years
OPM 167 spoilers:
I got hurt by this panel.
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Saitama saying he needs to keep a grip of Genos core, his heart.
Heart symbolising his humanity, the opposite of being a monster.
He almost destroyed the earth and if it wasn't for Blasts intervention, he would have. He didn't actually care when he punched Garou.
Needing to keep a tight grip of his humanity, his emotions so he won't let them go and succumb to complete apathy and become a monster and a villain, becoming immoral and a shadow of his former self.
He's closely teetering on the edge of that.
And the only thing stopping him is a very small piece of his friend's heart, the humanity of a cyborg some would no longer consider human.
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poohbea · 2 years
my baby is getting his ass beat, but that’s what happens when you mess with the strongest man alive
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newsminatii · 2 years
One Punch Man 167 Spoiler Reddit & Facebook, Manga, Raw Scans, Leaks, Release Date
One Punch Man 167 Spoiler Reddit & Facebook, Manga, Raw Scans, Leaks, Release Date
One Punch Man 167 Spoiler Reddit & Facebook, Manga, Raw Scans, Leaks, Release Date The next chapter of One Punch Man will be released in a few days, and given what happened in the last chapter, fans are eagerly anticipating it. The entire fandom was left wondering how the main plot may develop in the future chapter as chapter 166 ended on a significant cliffhanger. Follow more updates…
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man-i-dont-know · 6 years
BNHA Chapter 167: Thoughts and Spoilers (emphasis on spoilers)
Well, I am on time for once, mainly cause I really want to talk about this chapter. So, let’s get into it. ((Fair warning, this one is long. Half way down is about where the important thing is discussed, it starts with a “...”))
Bakugou is clean up crew for the ice slide, he’s pissed but he likes to blow things up. The kids also help with the clean up and the tear is so thankful and promises to teach them well. Todoroki is there making sure kids are a safe distance from Bakugou while he is on demolition duty. The kids and high schoolers part on a positive note, promising to be friends, apologizing for taking stuff, and possibly agreeing to take up a hero role in the future (that kid who Todoroki said had a good quirk for rescue purposes). All the high schoolers leave the building some time later, which i was disappointed by, apparently this was just a lecture before the make up exam? I was under the impression that this was the actual exam... oops. Anyway they leave and run into a group of people outside.
 All Might, Present Mic, Endeavor, Meat Grinder and Meat Grinder’s teacher are all talking. It seems that the two schools wish to work together more closely due to the League of Villains sudden advances on both schools. Endeavor tries to act like a father to Todoroki, and Todoroki dodges a head pat (I know it sounds like he is a toddler, but in this situation it hardly seems immature). Endeavor says that he is proud of Todoroki, which provokes a look of shock, or at least that is what it seems like. Anger is probably a better word. Here is what I think though, since the emotion is hard to pin down immediately, it is probably meant to be confusing, or a mix of emotions. Which makes sense, Todoroki has never once seen his father be supportive in a way that hasn’t been fulled by ambition or hate. Endeavor then goes farther and says that he will be a hero that will make Todoroki proud of him. It is a step. I believe that there should have been other things that he should have talked about or apologized for first, but if Endeavor went straight to the heart-felt apology right off the bat, then that would have been terrible and unconvincing character development. I don’t know how I want his character to develop, but I am looking forward to whatever it is. 
Todoroki doesn’t seem impressed by what his father said, which makes sense. Then possibly my favorite reaction panels came up: Inasa watched all of this, punched himself, hard, and went straight back to his straight-face, all this has Camie in the background looking on with concern. I like this little add in cause right after, Inasa goes up to Endeavor, the only hero he has ever hated and says that he will root for him to improve himself. I love this cause it shows both Endeavor and Inasa are going to grow as individuals (which is weird to say an adult will grow as an individual, but people never really stop growing, maturing, or gaining wisdom). This is definitely a reoccurring theme throughout the series, growth. Learning from mistakes and making the best of the opportunities that are given to you. I really love that theme.
While I did just say I like that theme a lot, when everyone parted ways, Todoroki looked away from Endeavor smiling, and that doesn’t sit too well with me. I suppose the main reason is that Todoroki’s trauma probably relates to a lot of different readers, and I don’t particularly want to see Endeavor become nice and Todoroki forgive him while all those readers either lose sympathy/empathy or someone they can relate to. I also don’t like it because I would think it would take much longer for Todoroki to come to terms with everything, but instead he is showing signs of accepting already (that one smile). However, personally, I want to see them both grow, and to back up my argument I say this, it would have to be a whole family thing to do it. Todoroki was the one singled out by his father, his siblings were mostly ignored, which is painful in its own way (if the father was a good guy), so in the end, forgiveness would rely on Todoroki and his mother. The mother seems even less likely to forgive, but we don’t know her personality at all beyond her... mental break... I suppose you could call it, and that sure as heck is not her whole personality. I will be able to better judge where everyone’s  relationship in that family if I got to see some conversation between Todoroki and his mother, along with the siblings (ignoring the Dabi = Todoroki theory, cause Dabi might not be an abusive family member but he is a mass murderer/arsonist and in a family full of heroes, that is probably frowned upon by all members of the family).
We then see some repercussion of the last arc, Sir Nighteye had his funeral, Nighteye’s office was taken over by Centipede, the internship was suspended and Centipede and the other sidekicks are awaiting Mirio’s return. Eri has also woken up and her fever has gone down, her horn that seems to be the center of her quirk has shrunk and is little more than an adorable little thing that makes Eri that much more endearing. Unfortunately her mental state is still considered unstable, so Deku and the others haven’t had a chance to see her again, which suuuuucks big time. I want them to all meet and be happy. Is that too much to ask? Probably. But I will await that day to eventually come. And finally, we see them in an actually class setting (which is something that has always thrown me, lots of anime and manga take place in class rooms but I have never seen anyone actually doing classwork, with the exception of Light from Death Note in episode 1). Well they are learning Calculus it looks like, Kaminari is straight up dead (understandable), Jirou and Tokoyami seem lost but have good poker faces for the teacher, Momo is diligently working and Deku is feverishly working, even though he eventually gets it wrong (relatable). And even though Mineta is a little gremlin, his interaction with Deku after he got the question wrong was strangely close and seemed totally normal, like “hey man don’t worry about it.” Doesn’t change the fact that he is a gremlin though...
... Then the beginning of the true reason I wanted to write this one out. Aoyama appears out of nowhere during the break and starts feeding Deku cheese. The sheer effort put into the two panels where Aoyama feeds Deku is astonishing, as well as the closeness of these two dudes was... tense. The whole act felt intimate and Deku was blind-sided by this. Aoyama’s comedic timing is fantastic too. He has a whole panel to himself where he is just chewing on cheese, another panel of him trying to offer more cheese and a third whole panel of him just swallowing cheese, never once did he blink. Truly perfect timing and spacing. Then, just to be extra, he sets up his lunch, first with a tablecloth over his desk, then a wine glass, plate, knife and fork (does he carry those in his school bag?), and his wine glass is filled with juice more likely than not. So, ultimately, he is 110% extra.I’m not done there though. The narrator (future Deku) comes in and says that he never could understand Aoyama, and that his true colors would soon show. “True colors? What could that mean?” Well I am glad you asked! It means that in the last couple panels of the chapter, Aoyama is literally standing outside Deku’s window at night (since before 1 am) watching him do homework and watching him sleep. There are a couple things that are absolutely horrifying with this picture: Aoyama’s posture is so that he is leaned up against the window, palm flat against the glass, he is staring down at Deku while he is in bed, his facial expression is the same as always (meaning a tight smile), and he has some wacky bootcut type pants that flare way out at the bottom below the knee. So.... what the hell? Where did this come from? Where is the explanation? Do I want an explanation?
Here is how I see it, there could be three things happening here, I will list them in from most understandable to least understandable. 1.) That is actually Toga, which would explain why she feed him earlier and is watching him so closely, she wants to as close to him as humanly possible since she “fell in love” with him, and it also makes sense that the League of Villains wants to keep a close eye on him. 2.) Aoyama is the traitor, so he is watching Deku for the purpose getting information for the League. 3.) He is... just... “deviant.” Somehow got into U.A. so that he could do the same thing Mineta is doing, to get close the attractive people. The problem with why this is so shocking is that the feeding and the watching at night are intimate and stalkerish actions respectively, which hasn’t really been talked about so far. Abuse, extreme violence, careless violence, and even arousal/excitement from violence (Toga/Muscular) have all been discussed, but crimes of a seemingly sexual nature is particularly uncomfortable to consider especially when most of the cast are great, pure-hearted high schoolers.  Heck, Deku has nearly fainted from dealing with Mei, how would he react knowing that someone is watching him while he sleeps with possibly indecent intentions? All of what I just said was about option 3, I won’t go into option one because that one is the most understandable of the three, so I will just discuss option 2.
He is the traitor. If this is the case, then it was/is brilliantly executed. Aoyama’s personality is so over the top all the time that it would probably be easier to describe it as someone role playing as a stereotypical French person. Since his whole persona seems to be a character, it is so abstract that it is hard to understand even if you spent a lot of time with him, which he hasn’t with anyone. Plus his natural dramatics would make it easy to lie, since dramatic lying would look the same as dramatic truth telling. If that is confusing imagine this: “hey did you do the homework?” “!!!! Oh Non!!!! I started to do so!!!! Until I saw a stain my suit or armor!!!! I simply had to polish the suit!!! It would not be nearly SpArKlY enough had I left it!!! My ImAgE!!!!” “... ok dude.” Obviously an exaggeration, but that is the gist, if he is normally like that than how could anyone tell if he was lying? Then there is the fact about his quirk.
A while ago (I forget which post), I talked about who the traitor could be based on the usefulness of their quirks, but Aoyama has such a straight forward quirk, how could it possibly help? After this chapter I started to wonder something, how come we only ever see Aoyama using his quirk with his belt on? Sure it could be a safety measure (like X-Men Cyclops’ shades), but what if the belt was just a tool? And we don’t actually know what Aoyama’s quirk is? Truthfully, that would have been hard to get by the design company, but I like the theory so I an gonna bypass that fact for a moment. If Aoyama’s “quirk” is simply the belt, imagine the potential of him having a hidden quirk, or worse yet, he could give the belt to someone like Toga and boom, suddenly the shape-shifter also has the original’s “quirk.” Toga would be indistinguishable from Aoyama, and since his personality is so wacked, have small/major changes in personality probably would be overlooked, the same way that Toga was able to replace Camie so well. ((this could also mean that Aoyama isn’t the traitor but simply had his place switched based on the recommendation of the real traitor. Basically the Six Braves situation where “oh you are the traitor, now the number is good. Oh wait there’s another? Then there is another traitor?”))
Ok. I’ve tired myself out. I’m done, tapping out. Thank you for reading, sorry it was a long post, but I feel that it was needed to get my thoughts out there. So thank you again for reading, I hope you all have a great day.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Best InuYasha Episodes
This article contains some InuYasha spoilers.
InuYasha is an anime series that effectively mixes together the action and romance genres to tell the entertaining story of Inuyasha, a half-demon on an important mission of redemption. Inuyasha’s journey puts him in the orbit of Kagome, a normal high school student, and an important bond is formed between the two of them.
The demon-slaying anime series comes from the prolific Rumiko Takahashi and lasted for nearly 200 episodes between two series and four films. InuYasha ended over a decade ago and was a major player on both Adult Swim and the channel’s Toonami block, but it’s fallen through the cracks in more recent years. With the recent announcement that a sequel series, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, is on the way, as well as its recent arrival on HBO Max, there’s been a renewed interest in the InuYasha. To help some of the more uninitiated, here’s a helpful list of some of the best and most important InuYasha episodes.
Season 1 Episode 13: The Mystery of the New Moon and the Black-Haired Inuyasha
“The Mystery of the New Moon and the Black-Haired Inuyasha” is still early in InuYasha’s run and it comes during a fun period where there are still lots of secrets to reveal about the anime’s protagonist.
In this case, the big twist involves Inuyasha’s half-demon nature. Evidently, during the new moon Inuyasha actually loses his demonic abilities and turns into a fully human version of himself, and with black hair no less. This is a huge discovery for Kagome and it marks an interesting period where the two are able to connect on a different level than normal.
Plus, demon spiders are always a solid enemy.
Season 2 Episode 35: The True Owner of the Great Sword!
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The Best Anime to Stream and Where to Find Them
By Daniel Kurland
Two of the most popular aspects of InuYasha are Inyuasha’s ongoing rivalry with Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru’s tender relationship with Rin. This episode offers the best of both worlds, as its first half delivers some fantastic action that push Inyuasha and Sesshomaru (as well as the Tetsusaiga sword) to their limits.
The second half sees Sesshomaru in recovery mode and marks the first appearance of Rin. Rin’s story is heartbreaking, but Sesshomaru’s revival of her marks a sincere turning point for his character.
It’s now an even more powerful episode considering the premise of Princess Half-Demon.
Season 2 Episode 43: Tetsusaiga Breaks
“Tetsusaiga Breaks” is pretty perfect on every level and finally delivers on many things that the series has only hinted at up until this point. The Tetsusaiga is Inuyasha’s supernatural sword and the idea that it can break has been toyed with, but never actually come to pass. But it happens in this episode as a way to illustrate the raw, brute strength of the demon Goshinki (a reincarnation of Naraku), as he shatters Inuyasha’s legendary blade.
This act is enough to push Inuyasha over the edge and fully become a demon for a brief time. In this form Inuyasha easily defeats Goshinki, but it’s a startling transformation. Between the big events that go down in this episode, Goshinki also eats an entire village of people, which is pretty badass as far as demons go in the series.
Season 2, Episode 51: Inuyasha’s Soul, Devoured
One of the major struggles that consumes Inuyasha’s character is that he’s half-human and half-demon. “Inuyasha’s Soul, Devoured” digs into the possibility that Inuyasha’s demon side will eventually completely take him over and he’ll have no humanity left.
It’s a rare opportunity for InuYasha to tackle some headier material. It also features a particularly awesome moth demon named Gatenmaru that ups the gross factor in the series when Inuyasha and Miroku get trapped in his poisonous cocoon.
Season 3 Episode 82: Gap Between the Ages
“Gap Between the Ages” takes place during an unexpected down time during the dangers of Naraku. Accordingly, both Kagome and Inuyasha return to the modern world and just embrace regular life for a while.
This episode isn’t necessarily important to the story, but it finds such a comfortable groove. It’s a great step forward for Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship and it’s very entertaining to see Inuyasha’s antics in the modern world, whether it’s mundane activities with Kagome or foiling bank robbers and playing firefighter.
Season 4 Episode 107: Inuyasha Shows His Tears For The First Time
As the title of this episode indicates, this one is a particularly emotional installment as opposed to a more action-packed entry. A twisted series of events leads Inuyasha to believe that Kagome and many of his friends have died as a result of poisoning. This isn’t the case, but the close call really opens up Inuyasha’s eyes.
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Inuyasha entertains some dark thoughts during this time and it’s a surprising change of pace. He commits himself more than ever to keeping Kagome safe. It’s a powerful episode, even if it does figure out a way to have its cake and eat it, too.
Season 6 Episode 148: The Tragic Love Song of Destiny (Part 2)
“The Tragic Love Song of Destiny” first aired as a one-hour special, but the second half is really where everything comes together with a tragic elegance. This is where Inuyasha and Kikyo’s sad backstory is finally revealed. This earlier look into a less hardened Inuyasha is so sweet and it’s crushing to see how all of this falls apart and turns into disaster. At the same time, Naraku’s history and obsessive roots are explained and how this all results in Kikyo’s death and Inuyasha’s curse. It’s a satisfying look into the past and there’s even an appreciated glimpse into Kagome’s introduction. 
It’s a small detail, but the musical choices in this episode also make a big difference. The episode’s ending theme even makes use of the show’s first opening song, “Change the World,” in a poignant musical callback.
Season 6 Episode 162: Forever with Lord Sesshomaru
The bond between Rin and Sesshomaru is one of the sweetest things about this series. She helps humanize the demon in extreme ways and really helps balance out his character. “Forever with Lord Sesshomaru” acts as the ultimate affirmation of their bond.
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Rin is briefly kidnapped by a demon along with a bunch of other children, but the incident results in her choosing to leave with Sesshomaru rather than live with humans. Rin choosing to be with demons over her own kind is a huge turn and speaks to the complex nature of characters that InuYasha is so interested in.
Season 6 Episode 166: The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! (Part 1)
Episodes 166 and 167 of InuYasha are a grueling two-parter that works best as a package, but it’s the first half of the story that makes more of an impact. This episode is pure action and features Inuyasha and company taking demon attacks from all angles. There’s a real apocalyptic feeling to the danger in this episode. Naraku proves several times over why he’s actually an intimidating antagonist. Goryomaru, the monk with a demonic arm, is also an extremely interesting addition to all of this mayhem.
The Final Act Episode 18: The Day of Days
Between both InuYasha and the concluding series, InuYasha: The Final Act, there are 193 episodes and “The Day of Days” falls within the final ten entries. At this point most of the series’ major conflicts have been resolved, so this entry works more to bring peace to Inuyasha and Kagome’s character arcs. The plot largely centers around Kagome’s entrance exam, which doesn’t seem like it would be entertaining, but Inuyasha’s support for her over this thing that he doesn’t understand is really sweet. 
Kagome finally gets love and acceptance here and Inuyasha is also able to let himself off the hook for the longstanding guilt that he feels over the loss of Kikyo. It’s a cathartic episode that looks towards the future in an optimistic way that now hits even harder with the announcement of Princess Half-Demon.
The post The Best InuYasha Episodes appeared first on Den of Geek.
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