#otp: you've always been my compass
autumnslance · 10 months
Year of the OTP - June 2023 - Confession
(Time to yeet out a scene I've sat on too long. Altered dialogue from late Shadowbringers 5.0, in Amaurot at the last quest. 1035 words. References a few other previous writings.)
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“Well, this has put everyone in a solemn mood, hasn't it? Honestly, we're not even sure this will be the end of it. But I suppose we should speak our minds when we have the opportunity. You taught me that much in Amh Araeng.”
Thancred took a breath. The air was still and damp. The letters were a weight in his coat, but there was no time, no opportunity for her to read them; he had squandered every chance. “So forgive me this moment of sentiment, Aeryn. By dragging me into this sorry mess, you've given me the chance to think and act as I should have…”
Say it. Tell her.
“...For Ryne's sake.”
True, but not the only truth to be said, bloody fool.
He swallowed. “Words cannot express how much this has changed my life, or how grateful I am for your support…”
He glanced at Ryne, so lost in her own thoughts she didn’t even look up to frown at nor encourage him. He sighed, reaching out and taking Aeryn’s hands in his. Aeryn looked at him, head tilting in her usual quizzical manner.
Gods, she looked brittle. Her white-streaked black hair looked like straw, her skin splotched with pale discoloration and seeming nearly translucent. Her eyes were perhaps the worst; he had always been fascinated by the changeable nature of her gray eyes, how they so expressed her moods even more than her frequent blushing. Now they were nearly colorless—yet still hers, her intellect and compassion still present.
I don’t have the right to say it. To add that pressure when she’s already close to cracking…
“Thancred?” Her voice was still her own, clear and strong.
He could not let those lessons go to waste. There may not be another chance, much as he prayed there would be. “That’s not all I wished to say,” he said quietly. The thick hush of the ghost city around them almost swallowed the words.
“Mayhap your bardic skills have grown rusty,” she teased gently with a strained smile.
He chuckled. “Indeed; I haven’t had much need to be a charmer—not when I would rather be guarding your back, and standing at your side, for as long as you will allow me.” He reached up to carefully cup her cheek, thumb brushing across her skin, wishing he could wipe that dreadful light away. Her eyes widened, darkening with emotion until they almost looked normal again. He smiled. 
“After everything, after all of this, I want—I need you to know, Aeryn, that I am in love with you.”
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She sucked in a sharp breath and went very still.
His pulse pounded in his ears, but he’d said it, by the gods.
“I know my timing could be better,” he said acerbically. “And I haven’t forgotten my promise.” The damnable promise she had asked the day before, as they had left the Ondo to journey across the sea floor. “If anything, it makes it more important that you know—that whatever you need, whatever you ask, I can do naught else.” He paused, seeing the mists gathering in her too-bright eyes. “Our circumstances are wretched, so you needn’t worry about saying aught in return, just—”
“But I love you too,” she blurted, then blinked in the way she did when she surprised herself.
Thancred froze, afraid for a moment that he held her too tight, staring at her, the hammering of his heart loud enough to call attention from the shades around them. He was vaguely aware of Ryne now watching.
“I...am in love with you,” Aeryn repeated, with a little sobbing laugh. “I think I have been for awhile, but I didn’t know how to say it. When to,” she shook her head. “Perhaps you weren’t the only one who needed to learn something in Amh Araeng.”
His heart crinkled. Somewhere up the street Alisaie called back to them, though he couldn’t make out the words. He lifted Aeryn’s hand, brushing his lips over the backs of her fingers. “No promises,” he reminded her. “But we should talk later.”
Please let there be a later.
She made another half-sob, half-laugh sound, and nodded. “We should,” she repeated, voice shaking only a little.
“Meanwhile, even if words fail, I shall express my gratitude and love through action,” Thancred said. “No matter where you decide to go, I will be there, guarding your back.”
Or protecting Ryne and the others from you—as you asked. Gods, please don’t let it come to that.
Aeryn let out a long, shaky breath, and smiled. “That means…everything.”
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He looked over at Ryne, who gave him a wan smile. “Now, I think Ryne needs a word. I’ll mollify Alisaie and Y’shtola’s tempers until you two catch up.”
Thancred hated stepping away, but he did, their fingers reluctantly slipping apart as he walked down the street while Aeryn turned to Ryne.
He’d said it. By the Twelve he had said it, and wondrously, Aeryn had said it in return. Would that he had been able to say it sooner—between everything with Minfilia and Ryne, his own base cowardice, and now, now Aeryn was—
It didn’t matter, he told himself. What mattered was that they had said it. That they knew. Their timing was shite, but the knowledge could not be lost now. Not between them.
“Everything all right?” Alisaie asked as he caught up to the others.
“Fine,” Thancred replied, a bit hoarse. He caught Urianger’s gaze, his raised eyebrow. Thancred smiled and gave a brief nod; his expression must have given away more than he thought, as Urianger visibly relaxed and grinned back. Y’shtola caught it too, brows drawing down together even as the ends of her mouth twitched upward. Had there been time, he would be receiving an earful, he was certain. “We each had our piece to say to our friend—though from Ryne’s expression, perhaps she needs to hear a few herself.”
The twins were peering at him now, stances their own but the gaze the same. They never realized when they did that. Thancred tried very hard to be nonchalant, to pretend all was normal, that his heart was not skipping and singing and screaming and sobbing all at once.
(I keep trying to write the parts around this but in the end...this specific little bit of Thancred's POV is it. Well, there's maybe a bit of Ardbert teasing Aeryn as a bro should, but that part's on Ao3.)
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khoicesbyk · 5 months
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The Royal Romance.
A/N: this is the next chapter in the journey of my OTP. Follow along for the fun.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 5,540 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations 
Chapter 3.) Ties That Bind.
It had been a few days since Shanelle called her father to let him know that his brother had a stroke and was in a coma. It was news Damien took in stride but Her Majesty could tell her father was heartbroken. When the press release went out about the ailing former King some in the kingdom were sad for him but others not so much. None more than Her Majesty. But protocol dictated that she showed some form of compassion even if she didn't want to. 
She met her parents at the residence of the palace. 
“Hi Daddy,” she said as she hugged her father. 
“Hello, my darling,” he replied. 
She was happy to see her parents. She then hugged her mother. 
“It's good to see you butterfly.”
“It's good to see you too, Madam Minister.”
Shantel snickered just as Marquise and the children came around the corner. 
“Grammy! Pop Pop!” Khari said as she ran up to her grandparents. 
Damien opened his arms to her and her brothers. 
“Hello, my sunshine! Hello boys! How are you?” he said as he embraced them. 
“We're good Pop Pop. Mommy told me that your brother is sick.” Khari replied. 
Damien smiled softly. 
“Yes, he is. But his doctors will help to make him better.”
Khari nodded. 
“And we know you are sad. But we're here to cheer you up. Right boys?” Khari asked. 
Being with his grandchildren always made Damien’s heart swell. 
“Thank you my little ones. Your love can heal anything.”
Damien watched as Khari and the boys toddled over to Shantel. 
“My sweet babies! Grammy missed you.” 
Later that evening after spending family time, Damien found himself sharing a drink with his son-in-law. 
“Since it's just us Damien, how are you, really?” Marquise asked. 
Damien took a contemplative sip of his drink. 
“To be honest I'm not even sure. I am sad for my brother but I also know he made a lot of enemies in his time as King. So part of me feels like this may be his karma coming back to get him but still.” Damien replies. 
“He's your brother?” Marquise asks. 
Damien nodded. 
“Yes. I know why you and my daughter can't stand him and I understand that. I understand why you two would never allow him anywhere near the children. But despite all of that he is still family.”
“You've certainly gone to great lengths to stick your neck out for him.”
Damien shook his head. 
“I know. It's part of the promise that I made to my father before he died.”
“What promise was that?” Marquise asked. 
Damien sighed into his drink. 
“I promised my father that I would always be loyal to my brother. That I would always be here to help guide him. Because he would always need me to be by his side.” Damien replies. 
“Even though he's never done the same for you?” Marquise asks. 
“Yes. Even then. Loyalty and family make strange bedfellows. I would think you'd know what it's like to have an older brother on the trajectory to be a King.” Damien replies. 
Marquise nodded. 
“True. The only difference is mine has never turned on me the way yours has always taken every chance to turn on you.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Damien said with a sigh as he finished his drink. “I guess what you could say bothers me the most is that for the first time in years, I'll actually see him looking and being vulnerable. You know as well as anyone that vulnerability is dangerous.”
“This is true. But you have to remember Edward is no longer a King.”
Damien shook his head as he poured himself another drink. 
“That doesn't mean his enemies have forgotten his time as one.” 
“You said this would be the first time that you've seen him be this vulnerable in years. What do you mean by that?” 
Damien took a thoughtful sip of his drink. 
“When we were children, he had to have his tonsils removed.”
“Only his tonsils? You sure they didn't take his spine too?” Marquise asks. 
Damien chuckled softly. 
“Anyway, for the two weeks following that surgery, he was pitiful. Mad that he couldn't eat what he wanted.”
“I'm almost scared to ask this but what was that?” Marquise asked. 
“Our cook at the time, Lemmy, used to make the best brownies in the world. Edward adored them. So I would sneak him a brownie and a glass of warm milk every night before bed.” Damien replied. 
Damien sighed. 
“We weren't always awkwardly estranged, you know. There was a point in our lives when we were brothers and not just King and servant. We used to be inseparable as children. Always doing everything together.”
“What happened?” Marquise asks. 
“He remembered that although we are brothers, he is and was always meant to be the heir. Once he started taking his governance lessons and sitting in on political meetings with my father, he slowly changed. He got a taste of what true power was like and it shifted his mindset. It changed him. And he's never been the same since.” Damien replies. 
Marquise nodded. 
“I see.”
“That was always my fear of Shanelle taking the throne.”
“What? That she’d become power-hungry?” Marquise asked. 
“Yes. I sometimes feared that she'd forget who she really is. You know better than anyone how hard it is to bring peace and to govern. You also know how alluring that power is and how corruptive it can be. She's not a corrupt dictator like my brother and your father turned out to be. She actually cares about the people and their needs as well as the overall well-being of the kingdom. As do you. Yes, she's gotten used to having the absolute finest and most luxurious things in life, but that's because she's earned that life.” Damien replied. 
“That is something I can assure you that you never have to worry about. If there's one thing my wife has never forgotten it's her humanity. She knows who she is and where she came from. And she teaches that to our children every day. She has never forgotten how precarious her position as Queen is.”
Damien nodded. 
“I know. And please don't think that I doubt her abilities as a leader or yours for that matter. I just know what that much power can do to someone.”
Marquise nodded. 
“I understand.”
Damien nodded at him gratefully. 
“I'm glad you understand,” Damien said as he finished his drink, “thank you for the drink son. But I think it's time I get to bed. We are traveling to Cloutier tomorrow.”
“Good luck tomorrow Damien. I know that it won't be easy for you.” Marquise said as he held out his hand. 
“Thank you, son. I appreciate it,” Damien replied as he shook Marquise’s hand. “I'll see you in the morning, Your Majesty.”
“Goodnight Your Highness.”
The two men nodded to each other before going their separate ways for the night. The next morning with the children staying with Marquise, Shanelle and her parents made the trip to the former capital city of South Cordonia. As they rode to Cloutier Shanelle peered over to her father and could tell something was on his mind. 
“Are you okay Daddy?” She asked as she squeezed his left hand. 
That seemed to snap Damien out of his trance. 
“Yes, my darling I’m okay. I guess.” He replies. 
“What’s wrong dear?” Shantel asked her husband. 
Damien sighed heavily. 
“I guess this reminds me of the last time I was truly home,” Damien replies. 
Shantel laid her head on his shoulder. 
“You mean when we came here the day before your parents died?” Shantel asks. 
“Yes.” He replied quietly. 
Damien shook his head sadly before looking at his daughter. 
“You were just a baby when they died. You were just barely older than the boys are now. But the love they had for you was always so strong. Father adored you and mother…God she doted over you when we brought you here for the first time. Whatever you wanted she made sure you had it. I guess that's one of the reasons why Edward has always resented me.”
Shanelle smiled softly. 
“I guess this trip is bringing up feelings I thought were long buried. That's all. I don't want you two to worry about me.” 
“Too late honey. We’ll always worry about you.”
Shanelle smiled at her dad. 
“What mom said.” 
Damien smiled. 
“Thank you both.” 
The three spent the rest of the ride in companionable silence. Gazing out at the countryside. Seeing many getting ready for the upcoming Harvest Ball and Festival. As they rode down into the palace motorway, Damien took a deep breath. 
“Well here we are,” he said quietly. 
“It's okay Daddy. We’ll be right by your side.” Shanelle said reassuringly. 
“Thank you my darling. Having my two favorite girls with me makes this a whole lot easier.” 
The three exited the limo and headed to the entrance where they were greeted by Prince Edwin and someone from Damien’s past. 
“Good morning Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your Grace. Welcome to the palace.” Edwin said in greeting. 
“Good morning cousin. Thank you for welcoming us.” Shanelle replies. 
Edwin nods politely. 
“You're welcome, Your Majesty. Now please let me introduce you to my aunt Countess Alicia Jacquier-Barbaroux, my mother's lead ladies' maid and head of the palace staff here.”
Shanelle nodded politely to the woman. 
“It's good to meet you, Countess.” 
“It's good to meet you as well, Your Majesty.” the Countess replies before turning to Damien, “Your Highness. It's good to see you again.”
“Hello Countess, thank you for having us,” Damien replied, taking Shantel’s arm in his.
“Us?” she asks somewhat perplexed before regaining herself, “Ahh yes. Shantel is it? It's good that you’re here too.”
Shantel forces a smile. 
“Countess, my mother is a Duchess and is to be addressed as Your Grace.” Shanelle corrected her. 
Countess Alicia nodded politely. 
“My apologies, Your Majesty. It's good to have you here…Your Grace.”
“Thank you for having us Countess,” Shantel says coolly. 
Countess nods demurely before Edwin clears his throat. 
“Shall we go inside now?” Edwin asks. 
“Yes. Let's.” Shanelle replies. 
Edwin took his aunt’s arm and led Shanelle and her parents inside. As they walked behind their hosts Shanelle glanced over to her mother and read the tight expression on her face. 
“Mom, are you okay?” Shanelle asks. 
“Yes, baby I'm fine,” Shantel replied tightly. 
Shanelle looked at her father. 
“Daddy?” she asks. 
Damien sighed. 
“Let's just say, Countess Alicia and your mother do NOT get along,” he replies. 
“That's one way to put it,” Shantel muttered. 
“Do I need to have words with this woman?” Shanelle asks. 
“No baby. I'll be fine.” Shantel replied. 
Shanelle cleared her throat, catching her cousin's attention. 
“I'm surprised you’re here Edwin. I thought you weren't speaking to your father.”
Edwin stopped and then sighed heavily, rubbing his brow. 
“I’m not but because I am his eldest child, protocol dictates that I be here in his time of need. Same as you.” 
“And how are you doing? How is Pascal?” she asks. 
“Forgive me, Your Majesty but I'm not sure why you care,” he replied. 
“Because I know for a fact that you two have been together publicly since his divorce from Giana was finalized back in January. And because I actually want to see you be happy.”
Edwin looked at her and nodded slowly. 
“Thank you, Shanelle.”
“Whether you believe me or not, I wish you both the best. And so does my husband.”
“Thank you, cousin. I wasn't sure how you'd react.”
“Just because we've never really gotten along doesn't mean that I hate you. I genuinely want you to be happy.”
“I appreciate that.” he said before pausing momentarily, “If it's not too forward, I would like to extend you and His Majesty an invitation to our wedding next March.”
Shanelle nodded with a small smile. 
“We would be delighted to attend.”
“You would?” he asks. 
“Yes. Again I don't hate you. I would love to be there.” she replies. 
“Thank you. Now because of the divorce, Giana is barring their children from our wedding so I was hoping you'd allow the Princess and Princes to stand in as a flower girl and ring bearers on their behalf.”
“I'm sure my daughter would love that. I don’t know about my boys. I don't think they would understand the concept but I would love to see them walk down the aisle with their sister.” 
“Thank you, Shanelle. It means a lot to me that you and your family would attend and can you ask His Majesty if he wouldn't mind officiating,” he said to her.
“I most certainly can ask him.”
Edwin nodded gratefully before turning to Damien and Shantel, “I would love for you both to attend as well Uncle.”
Damien nodded gratefully. 
“Send us the invitation and your uncle and I will happily be there,” Shantel replies. 
Alicia rolled her eyes and Shantel caught it. 
“Is there something wrong Countess?” Shantel asks. 
“No no. Well…I'm just not sure why Edwin would invite you. I just thought this would be an intimate family affair.”
Damien sighed. 
“Not that you need to be reminded Alicia, but Shantel is my wife and Edwin’s aunt through marriage. She is no different than you.” 
“I was only kidding Damien.”
“Sure you were…” Shantel muttered. 
“Just so you know Countess, disrespecting my mother is the same as disrespecting me. And I will not tolerate being disrespected nor will I tolerate my mother being disrespected.” Shanelle warned the Countess. 
“Very well. I apologize…Duchess.” Countess Alicia said to Shantel. 
“Shall we continue?” Edwin asks before he continues down the main hall. 
Edwin led them to his father’s bed chamber. When they got to the door, they were greeted by two women. 
“Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your Grace, meet my cousins Lady Ariella Barbaroux-Lawrence and Lady Amina Barbaroux-Clauson,” Edwin said as he introduced them, “My ladies, please meet Her Majesty, and my aunt and uncle, Prince Damien and Duchess Shantel.”
Both ladies curtsied before joining their mother’s side giving Shantel the same side eye as their mother that Shanelle noticed. 
“Are you all ready?” Edwin asked. 
“Give us a moment, if you please,” Shanelle replies. 
Edwin nodded. 
“Of course Your Majesty.”
Shanelle pulled her parents into a nearby alcove. 
“Okay, what is going on here?” Shanelle asked her parents. 
Damien sighed. 
“Alicia was the one I was supposed to marry before I met your mother,” Damien replies. 
“Yeah, and the bitch has never let me live it down,” Shantel added. 
Shanelle groaned. 
“What is it with you Cordonians and marrying women you have no business marrying?” Shanelle teased. 
Her parents snickered. 
“The heart wants what it wants,” Damien replied. 
“Are you sure that the Countess won't be a problem?” Shanelle asked.
“Yes, my darling. Alicia has never forgiven me for marrying your mother but as you can clearly see I have never regretted my decision to marry the love of my life.” Damien replies. 
“It's also why Genevieve and I have never gotten along. To her and especially her step-sister, I've never been good enough for your father or his station.” Shantel added. 
“Jesus Christ!” Shanelle groaned. 
“We'll be fine, baby,” Shantel assured her daughter.
“Okay. Let's go see the rusty old windpipe Daddy calls a brother.” 
Damien snickered as he shook his head. Soon they rejoined Edwin outside the former King’s bedchamber door.
“Shall we?” Edwin asked. 
Shanelle nodded while Damien took a deep breath. 
Edwin opened the chamber door to reveal Edward lying in bed hooked up to an IV machine with Genevieve and a nurse by his side. Seeing Edward reminded Damien of what his father looked like in his final moments as he and his family walked in. 
“Father, Mother, you have guests.” Edwin informed his parents. 
When Edward looked up his face instantly soured. 
“What are you doing here in my palace?” he sneered at Shanelle. 
“Believe me I don't want to be here any more than you want me to be here. But since you decided to go off and have a stroke on me, I'm here. Also, you forget this is MY Palace. You stay here because I allow it.” Shanelle snapped at him. 
Edward turned his attention to Damien. 
“And what about you? What the hell are you doing here?” Edward asked Damien. 
Damien closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. 
“Last time I checked this was my home and you are my brother,” Damien replied. 
“Don't you dare get smart with me you simpleton!” Edward snapped at Damien. 
“Watch your mouth, Edward! Unless you want to foot the bill for your care yourself.” Shanelle warned him. 
“You can't do that!” Genevieve said to Shanelle. 
“You're right. I can't but my husband can and I will make sure that he does. I will not tolerate my father being disrespected. Especially by this pompous ass. So I suggest you tell your estranged husband to keep his trap shut.”
Genevieve narrowed her eyes at Shanelle before going back to tending to Edward. 
“Why are you even here Genevieve? I thought you filed for divorce.” Shanelle asked. 
“Yes well, Edward and I have reconciled. We are stronger together than we are apart.”
“You mean your stipend wasn't enough to finance your lifestyle,” Shantel quipped. 
Shanelle snickered. 
“I earned that stipend. Unlike you, Minister.” Genevieve sneered. 
“Minister? What are you talking about sister?” Alicia asked. 
“His Majesty has named her the new Education Minister. Not that someone like her deserves it.” Genevieve replies. 
“She certainly doesn't.”
Shantel rolled her eyes. 
“For the record, my mother has over 30 years of educational experience as an educator, she also has 2 MBAs, one in early childhood education and one in secondary education from NYU, and is working on her doctorate as we speak, as well as being the NYCPS Teachers Union president for nearly 25 years. Most of the nobles who were nominated before her had no prior experience in any form of education. It would do you both good to remember that. Thank you very much.” Shanelle snapped at them. 
Shantel nodded gratefully as Alicia rolled her eyes. 
“Very well. Apologies…Duchess.”
“Careful Alicia. Your envy is starting to show.”  Shantel warned her. 
“Can we do this somewhere else?” Damien asked. 
The two women glared at each other but backed down. That's when Damien finally walked over to his brother's bedside while his wife and daughter stayed close to the door. 
“You never did answer my question, little brother.” 
“What question is that?” Damien asks. 
“What are you doing here?” Edward replied. 
“I'm here because my older brother had a stroke. And whether he wants to hear or not I still care about him.” 
Edward scoffed. 
“I don't need your pity!” 
“And yet you have it anyway.”
“Well now that you've seen me, you and your family can leave.”
“I'm not going anywhere.”
“I said leave! I don't need you! I have never needed you! You were always the weakling that I had to carry for the sake of our parents. If it were up to me you would've been exiled the night they died!” 
That's when Damien snapped. 
“I have heard enough Edward! If you must know I'm here to remind you that you are no longer a King. Nor were you ever a God! You are just a man! You want to know why I'm really here? I'm here because whether you realize it or not, I am the only family that you have left!” Damien’s voice boomed, “Look at what all you've done in and with your life! The only reason Genevieve came back to you is because she's broke! Hell, even your own children want nothing to do with you because they are that ashamed of you! The only reason poor Edwin even is here is because of his duty to his father! The same as me!”
By the time Damien was done, Edward was stunned. It was the first time he had ever yelled at his brother. That's when a slow clap coming from the doorway broke out. 
“Well well well! Would you look at that? The coward finally found his spine. Never mind the fact that it only took you damn near our whole lives to do so.”
When everyone turned to the doorway in walked Shanelle’s Godfather and Damien’s best friend Commander Gaspard Devereaux. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Alicia asked. 
When Gaspard turned to her his face soured. 
“Oh, good Lord! What cesspool did they drag you out of? If you must know, I'm obviously not here looking for you. I'm here as a guest of the Queen.” Gaspard replies. 
“I did not invite you!” Genevieve said. 
“I wasn't talking about you, you bottom-feeding wretch!” 
Shantel snorted. 
“I'm talking about my goddaughter,” Gaspard said, gesturing to Shanelle. 
“How dare you insult my wife?!” Edward exclaimed. 
“How dare you insult my wife?!” Gaspard mocked. “Very easily actually. Especially since I am no longer under your command. That means I can insult her and this cheap two-timing golddigger she calls a step-sister all I want!”
Genevieve seethed. 
“Now speaking of my goddaughter, where is my little beauty? Ahh, there you are! And look at you! You are as beautiful as the day I met you, my dear.”
Shanelle snickered. 
“Thank you, Godfather. It's good to see you.” Shanelle said as she hugged him. 
“It's good to see you too, Your Majesty,” he said with a bow. 
When he looked over at Shantel he had a smirk on his face. 
“Well well! If it isn't the cause of my exile!” he teased. 
“Oh go to hell Gaspard!” Shantel hissed. 
“So prickly! You know you used to have a sense of humor when you were younger.” 
Shantel shook her head with a smile. 
“You're lucky I tolerate you.” Shantel said as she hugged him, “It's good to see you.” 
“It's good to be seen.” 
“How is Amelia?” Shantel asked. 
“Fantastic. Ready for Thanksgiving.” Gaspard replies. 
“Good. I can't wait to see her and everyone.”
When Gaspard got to Damien he had a look of smug pride on his face. 
“Well well, you finally did it, old friend. You finally found your voice after years of being the punching bag of the conniving snake you call a brother. Gone are the days of you having the voice of a meager little church mouse, and here to stay are the days of you having the voice of a bullhorn.” 
Edward gave Gaspard a venomous look. 
“Are you quite finished?” Edward asked. 
That's when Gaspard turned to Edward. 
“Of course not Your former Majesty. I have only just begun. How fitting that the once-great King of South Cordonia has been humbled by a stroke. Tis a shame that it didn't claim your tongue or your life for that matter.” Gaspard replies. 
Edward looked at him indignantly.
“You filthy God awful excuse of—” Edward’s words were cut off by a coughing fit. 
“That's it! I want all of you out! Alicia get them out of here now!” Genevieve demanded. 
“At once Your Majesty,” Alicia replied. 
“If I may Countess, I'd like to have rooms prepared for my wife and I, and the Commander,” Damien said to her. 
“With all due respect Your Highness, you have no jurisdiction here,” Alicia replies. 
“You're right, he doesn't. But as the owner of this palace, I do. And as head of the staff here, you are under my command. With that said, I want rooms prepared here for my parents and Godfather, immediately. Thank you.” Shanelle said to Alicia. 
Alicia stared at Shanelle before clearing her throat nervously.  
“Y-yes, Your Majesty. Right away.” 
“Thank you, Countess.” 
“Do not…make rooms…for these fools!” Edward Said through a coughing fit. 
“Big Brother you are in no position to make any demands. As I said earlier this is my home. The same as yours.”
“This is not your home! Not anymore!” Edward wheezed. 
“No thanks to you! But now that you no longer have any power, you can no longer ban me from my home. And you certainly have no power to keep me from the one thing I treasure most in this world!” Damien snapped at his brother. 
“And dare I ask what that is?” Edward asked. 
“Our parents’ final resting place,” Damien replies.
“You stay the hell away from there!” Edward sneered at Damien. 
“You're no longer a King, Edward. You have no power anymore. Once more you’re no longer my King. Which means you have no power over me!” Damien snapped at his brother, before walking out of Edward’s room. With Shanelle, Shantel, and Gaspard hot on his heels. 
Once outside, Damien walked a few steps to a large picture window overlooking his mother’s garden. The tension in his body left him, and his shoulders slumped as he took a shaky breath. 
“Daddy? Are you okay?” Shanelle asked quietly. 
“I shouldn't have yelled at him like that. Not when he's in such a fragile state.” Damien replied. 
“What?! Are you insane?!” Gaspard asked. 
“Gaspard,” Damien replies. 
“Don't you Gaspard me! You had every right to yell at that no-good bastard! He's done nothing but bully me and especially you our whole lives. In case you've forgotten, I hadn't been able to come home in decades because he exiled me to America! An exile mind you, that your daughter and son-in-law lifted. On top of granting me the death benefits of my father that your brother refused to pay after he died.” 
“I haven't forgotten Gaspard. I could never forget.”
Gaspard scoffed. 
“Gee, I can't tell.”
“Gaspard, that's enough! You’re not the only one he hurt.” Shantel said to him. 
Gaspard sighed. 
“I'm sorry my friend. I wasn't trying to take this out on you.” 
Damien smiled softly at his best friend. 
“I know you aren't.”
The two embraced. 
“It's really good to see you, old friend.”
“Likewise Gaspard.” 
Damien faced out at the garden before looking back at his daughter. 
“Come with me?” he asks her. 
“I would love to,” she replies. 
Shanelle slipped her hand into his before they, her mother and godfather walked out to Damien’s mother’s garden. They took time to walk amongst the rows of Queen Angelique’s favorite flowers. Being able to share this with his daughter, meant the world to Damien. They stopped when they got to a garden chair set that had seen better days. 
“Do you remember this?” Damien asked his daughter. 
She looked at the set trying to recall it. 
“No, I don't. I'm sorry,” she replies. 
“It was where we had high tea with your grandmother. She invited me and Mama to join you and her.” Shantel piped up. 
Shanelle looked back at the garden chair set. 
“I don't remember that.” 
Shantel smiled at the garden set. 
“It was a few days before your coronation. She had all the ladies of her court there. That's when she first introduced you to them.” 
Shanelle closed her eyes and nodded. Damien wrapped her in a loving hug. 
“Your grandmother was so proud and excited to show you off to the ladies of the court. She had found out she had a granddaughter and she was going to make sure the whole world knew about you.” Damien said softly to his daughter. 
Shanelle softly wiped the tears from her eyes. 
“I miss her. And Baba too.” Shanelle said quietly. 
“You are the reason, he became a better King in his final days. That is one thing I am most proud of.”
“But I didn't do anything.” 
Damien kissed his daughter on her forehead.
“You changed his life and his view on his kingdom. Because he knew his kingdom would one day be yours. You made him a better man and King. No one can say they did that but you.” 
Shanelle laid her head on her father’s shoulder and smiled softly. 
Later that night, after making sure her parents and Godfather were safe, comfortable, and situated in their guest rooms at the old Palace, Shanelle was back home in her husband’s arms enjoying a glass of wine. 
“Well, you've had quite the day.”
Shanelle sighed. 
“Tell me about it. I swear if murder wasn't illegal or at least severely frowned upon, I'd bomb that damn palace and everyone in it.” 
Marquise snorted. 
“Ever my charming and beautiful murderess.”
“Those imbeciles deserve it!” 
Marquise refilled his drink. 
“Anyway, tell me more about your cousin’s upcoming wedding.”
Shanelle smiled softly. 
“He invited us and my parents and I couldn't say no. And I meant it when I told him that I am happy for him and Pascal.”
Marquise nodded. 
“Did he say who was officiating?” he asks. 
“Yes. I wanted to know if you'd officiate their wedding,” she replies. 
“You do have the power to officiate weddings, Sir.” 
“True.” he said before taking a sip of his drink, “So I guess I should dust off my Bible and grab my officiating tie. I have yet another wedding.” 
Shanelle rolled her eyes good-naturedly. 
“What else happened?” he asked. 
“We toured my grandmother’s garden and Daddy showed me where she had us have high tea with her,” she replied. 
“Tell me about that.”
Shanelle smiled wistfully. 
“It's beautiful. All of her favorite flowers are there. I felt like she was there with us. I would love to bring Khari. She would love it.”
“I'm sure she would. She loves flowers. She loves taking flowers from the maze and bringing them inside.”
“Part of me is happy we went.”
“You were happy to see your uncle?” 
“No, you dumbass. It was good to be back in the palace because, for the first time, it didn't feel like a dungeon.”
“I mean it is your Palace, my love. You are allowed to come and go there as you please. And the only reason Edward and his family have been able to stay there is because you didn't want to take the only home your cousins had ever known away from them.” 
“And now that your cousins are grown and clearly on their own, you have the power to evict His former Majesty if you choose to.” 
“Did I mention that he and Genevieve have apparently reconciled?”
Marquise made a face. 
“Well, that just ruined the mood.”
“Tell me about it.”
Just then Shanelle’s phone buzzed. 
“You should get that,” Marquise suggested. 
“Hello?” Shanelle answered. 
It was her father who was frantic over the phone. 
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Daddy slow down! What happened?…Mom and Countess Alicia did WHAT?!”
Shanelle listened to her father and tried to calm him down. 
“Okay, Daddy calm down! Where is Mom? Is she okay?…Okay, you need to calm her down and tell Godfather to quit laughing!”
Shanelle listened again before she hung up the phone.
“What is it?” Marquise asked. 
“Do you know who Countess Alicia Jacquier-Barbaroux is?” she replied. 
“Yes. She’s Genevieve’s step-sister. What about her?” he asked. 
“She's also about to be a dead woman,” she replies. 
“What happened?” 
“She got into a fight with my mother. And lost.” 
Marquise let out a breath. 
“Is mom okay?”
“Yeah, she's fine. She's just royally pissed.”
“I don't blame her. Where is the Countess now?”
“All I know is my parents are on one side of the palace and she's on the other.”
Marquise nodded decisively. 
“I’ll have an arrest warrant issued for the Countess in the morning.”
“In the morning? Why not now?”
“Because doing it now would mean that I'd have to get up and walk all the way down the hall to my office. And I don't want to do that now that I'm in a comfortable spot.”
Shanelle rolled her eyes. 
“Fine. I do have a question though.”
“Wouldn't issuing a warrant on my mom’s behalf be considered showing favoritism?”
“Your Mother is an active member of the Royal Family. So no it's not.”
“Why can't you get a judge to do it?”
“Because all the nobles answer to me, not to the judges.”
“Good. The sooner that bitch is arrested the better.” 
“It will be done, my Queen.”
“Good. I'll go back to the palace tomorrow to check up on Mom and make sure she's really okay.”
“Do you want some company?”
“No, not unless you want to hear Genevieve bitching at me at the top of her lungs.”
“Oh, how I thoroughly enjoy making that woman and her God-awful husband suffer.”
“And you have the nerve to call me a murderess.”
“You want to drop a literal bomb on her.”
“No, I don't.”
“Yes, you do. Not that I blame you. Whereas I want to take pleasure in watching her suffer. And thus why we are not the same.”
“Yeah yeah…” she muttered. 
“Don’t worry my love. All will be taken care of by this time tomorrow. You have my word on that.”
“I know. And besides Khari will have your head if it isn't.”
“Ugh! Did you have to remind me?”
Shanelle snickered as she snuggled with her husband. Because he was right. He would make extra sure that this matter is dealt with as swiftly and quietly as possible.
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This is the last one! For this one, tell me more about Baatar Jr!
I'm pretty excited to see what you've got to say about all these characters, and see what about them and LoK caught your attention!
And the last Beifong of the request list, Suyin’s eldest son, Baatar Jr. Don’t worry, Su became more creative with names for the rest of her children. 😆
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Image courtesy of avatarparallels.tumblr.com
1: sexuality headcanon 
Someone had to be the token cis straight and that honor has been bestowed on Baatar.
2: otp 
After the very explosive breakup with Kuvira (I’ll see myself out), I think Junior will find better luck in romance with someone from outside Zaofu. I always picture him with a nice Fire Nation girl because it gives him a chance to be with someone who is not aware of the more notorious parts of his past. If I had to choose a character from the series that could make a good match for him, I would go with Asami, something that I’ve explored in my Kuvira redemption story, and it's for similar reasons why I think she could work with Kuvira. Like Kuvira, he would benefit from having someone smart, caring, strong-willed, with a strong moral compass that won’t take crap from anyone. And let’s be honest: we know Junior has mommy issues, so having Asami as a romantic partner gives him a chance to sort of reenact Baatar Sr and Su's dynamic in his relationship.
3: brotp 
Opal was the person he was closest to while they were growing up due to their shared status as non-benders until Harmonic Convergence happened, and Opal became part of the Air Nation. Although they made amends and was forgiven for his role with the Earth Empire, I believe his confidant post-war to be now his brother Huan. Huan seems to be a good listener and Junior’s house arrest allows for plenty opportunities for them to chat about the new building projects for Zaofu, especially now that Huan has given a voice along with Baatar Sr on the design choices for the city. 
4: notp 
Opal for obvious reasons. 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head 
Despite being Suyin’s oldest son and the one who takes after his father the most both in appearance and talent, the fact that he wasn’t a bender made him feel like sort of an outsider, a feeling he shared with fellow outcast Kuvira.
6: favorite line from this character 
(to Kuvira) “You always had an excellent memory.”
Ruins of the Empire Vol 3
7: one way in which I relate to this character 
I guess in the need to be regarded as an individual.
8: thing that gives me secondhand embarrassment about this character 
The way he confronted his father when he and Kuvira took over Zaofu. Dude, your dad is the gentlest individual in that family. Take it easy.😬
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Not a fave but definitely problematic during Book 4, but his collaboration helping Korra and Team Avatar in Ruins of the Empire earned him some brownie points. 
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bakersfilm · 2 years
ik you've prob been waiting for someone to ask... so baker for the character ask thing?? <3
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD i love you forever anon
favorite thing about him — where do i begin…his personality. his devotion to his family. his kind heart. his sweet soul. his compassion. his down to earth way of life. his insecurities. his strengths and his weaknesses. the way he can make you smile instantly. the way he’s so full of positivity. the way he goes out of his way to make everyone around him the happiest. he’s so easy to love and feel connected to. there is no other like him. strong, determined, loyal, intelligent, kind and sweet. he means the world to me and i love him endlessly. i could honestly go on and on about how much he means to me and how happy he makes me. i love and appreciate you so so so much arthur baker <3
least favorite thing about him — i adore him, i don’t have a least favorite thing about him
favorite line — “another time, another place.”
brotp — him and garraty, their bond was so beautiful, pure and genuine.
otp — i don't really strongly ship him with anyone
notp — i honestly dont have a notp when it comes to the long walk like there are over a dozen possible pairs and i agree to most of them
random headcanon — he has dimples + a constellation of lots and lots and lots of freckles and he always loved them because he got them from his mom
unpopular opinion — i don’t think i have any unpopular opinions about him
song i associate with him — peter gabriel’s cover of heroes, head over heels by tears for fears
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tessaservopoulos · 4 years
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I love you, Harvey. You’re the real thing.
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elcorhamletlive · 2 years
Steve Rogers for the character asks?
favorite thing about them: His uncompromising moral compass and bravery. Steve represents an ideal, and he embodies the kind of person I wish I could be, which is what leads me to admire him so much.
least favorite thing about them: In canon, I don't think there's any? If you asked me a year ago I might say his ending, but I think I've come to terms with that. I guess my least favorite thing about him is the way fandom treats him like a cheerleader for other characters lol but that's not his fault.
favorite line: "I can do this all day". I love many other Steve quotes but this is the one I choose to have written in my body, so I can't choose anything else.
brOTP: SteveNat! One of the loveliest relationships in the entire MCU, imo.
OTP: Stony, of course. Always.
nOTP: Mm... I guess stu///cky because of the way their fandom acted (and still acts) towards Steve, but I don't dislike the ship itself. I don't think there's a major Steve ship I hate on its own, tbh.
random headcanon: He likes to do the crosswords.
unpopular opinion: I don't think the MCU "ruined" him or did anything too wrong with his character at all, and I think people who feel this way missed the point.
song i associate with them: There are a couple, but the most recent one I can't stop listening to is "hoax" by Taylor Swift. It's kind of a Stony song as opposed to just being Steve-centric, but, I mean, come on. "Don't want no other shade of blue but you, no other sadness in the world will do". You've been lurking on my ao3 Taylor, I know you have. lol
favorite picture of them: Does my icon count? lol It's so creepy, it always makes me smile. If not, the screencap of that one shot of him standing alone against Thanos' army.
(send me a character!)
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*coughs* I've been enjoying the side-eye you've been giving to aspects of the 100/it's fandom the past couple of eps so if you'd want to do any/all of 4,6, or 10 on the salty ask list is prob enjoy reading it
Hahaha, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying. I’ve been enjoying ranting about it instead of just holding it all in. I love this show dearly and I love the fandom BUT MAN sometimes I have issues with both.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
I’m pretty sure this has become pretty obvious this season but I have two: Murven and current canon Bellarke
I’m specifying current canon Bellarke, because while I don’t really care much about Bellarke in general anymore, I don’t hate it how it once existed on the show. But currently in canon it is now VERY MUCH a NoTP for me, because I just can’t buy that it’s at all believable anymore or healthy for either of them. (If they just get together to kill people together and don’t actually know each other as PEOPLE, can’t trust each other, and don’t have similar priorities, they just don’t work as a romantic couple.)
And I love Murphy and Raven’s friendship so much, but I am so completely against a romantic relationship between them. Luckily, the show has never once intended to write them romantically.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Nope, so I’m going to answer: Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Yuuuup. Bellarke. Like I said, even though I don’t hate the concept of their earlier dynamic and DID ship them in the first two seasons, the fact that some fans make every single thing on this show out to be about that ship and harass actors who don’t ship it or play an alternate love interest has turned me against it. 
Also just…..it’s exhausting to try and find content about other ships and characters and constantly have to dig through people trying to relate everything back to that ship. I just want to see some Memori content okay!! I don’t want to see you turn it into a Bellarke parallel or tag unrelated stuff with every ship and character.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of Bellarke fans that are great! It’s just some aspects of the fandom are so exhausting.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
To preface, even when I’ve had issues with Octavia as a person (and I’ve had many), I’ve almost always liked her writing. It started to falter in season 3, but in s1/2 she was one of my favorite characters on this show. I also absolutely love her arc this season - so this isn’t just me not liking Octavia’s storylines.
The reason I despise Octavia’s season 4 storyline is that it is pretty abysmal writing, despite how much Jason tried to prop it up like the best arc last season. It could never figure out what direction it wanted to take and every other episode seemed to contradict the one before it. There was no consistent arc. It was not well-structured or paced. You can take out half of Octavia’s episodes last season and they don’t change her story at all, which is not a strong character arc. The only thing they knew where they were going was the end, but they sure could not make up their mind how to get there.
She symbolically throws away her knives (and violence) in a Big Moment, then turns around and kills people (in a pretty over the top violent way) within like 10 minutes of the next episode. There was all this buildup with Illian that did nothing for her character and went nowhere. She goes to his farm with him to live in peace, only to leave it like literally 15 minutes into the next episode. She suddenly becomes some incredible assassin despite never training as one - only to later loose half those skills in the Conclave. She falls off a cliff, only to reveal a little bit later she’s fine - and her brother finds out the next episode, so there was no point. 
They used her killing people as a message that her grief was sending her down a dark path, having other characters try to tell her she’s not a murderer and gave us several symbolic moments of her deciding against violence/killing (not shooting Illian, throwing away her knives) to suggest that was the right thing - but then all of that is forgotten when she wins the Conclave through killing and violence and the show props that up as the reason why she’s a hero.
She learns nothing, because even the lesson that people deserve to be saved she supposedly learns means NOTHING because it was 1) not at all earned as she never acted on it 2) contradicted half of her storyline 3) dropped immediately with how she handled the bunker situation. She also doesn’t hardly change - where she ends the season, aside from the actual position she’s in in society, is hardly different from where she started. There’s no growth really either way from the first few episodes of the season. They just went back and forth a lot and gave us a lot of scenes without really much point to any of them, or anything happening, or any kind of direction or overall arc.
And they also tried to have it both ways with emphasizing her flaws and her unhealthy response to Lincoln’s death and pointing them out as her fall, only to also ultimately tell us she was right and a hero and didn’t need to change. They tried to show us Octavia doing terrible things and tell us she was justified anyway. There was such a disconnect between what Octavia was doing and how the show was framing it, it was ridiculous. 
One of the biggest problems the show has had with Octavia in s3 and s4 is having her do things we don’t actually agree with and are wrong, but still framing her as a moral compass and someone we should agree with. It would have been much easier to take if the show pointed out that like all the characters, she’s flawed, but isn’t completely evil. It’s hard to watch a character do something you disagree with while the show tells you they’re absolutely right in all their actions. And that’s part of what made her arc so unbearable to me last season. I could have handled it so much better if the show stuck with the message that what she was doing was wrong.
Also. Luna should not have died. At all.
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I was thinking, after having done that fic meme that’s going around, about first lines, and I kinda wanted to post the first lines of fics I’m working on now, and see which ones interest people the most?  And/or, just to have a collection of the things I should be working on. (Maybe peer pressure will help? lol)
I would also love to see what other people are working on! @mygalfriday @maplefay @lodessa @coffeeinanebula @themysticalsong @queenriver ???
first lines of in-progress fics (stv, dw, leverage)
janeway x chakotay
1. He’d known when he picked the restaurant that it was Kathryn’s favorite. Known that whenever he glanced at the vaulted ceilings he’d remember her smile as she told him about the original parquets; known he’d think of her hands gesticulating as she explained the layout, the bar and the tables and the courtyard out back; known that whenever he glimpsed the light reflecting off the old, 18th century wood paneling he’d be forced to imagine the way that same light would bring out her eyes. 
2. The ice clinks against the side of the glass, and if he weren’t drunk - not so drunk he doesn’t have his wits or faculties, but drunk enough to numb the restlessness for the moment - he might have awed over it.  Real ice.  A real glass. 
3. The room is white, no furnishings or decorations.  There are no windows, nothing to touch, nothing to do but stand or sit or - in her case - pace the fifteen feet back and forth. No distractions, the Mari had said.  Nothing to deflect from the topic at hand, though she thinks she’s done a decent job ignoring it regardless. 
4. Tom is the only one who catches it.  Her middle finger, tapping against the arm of the chair, barely visible in the static feed. 
5. He’s been here far too many times. 
6. The plasma storm hits two days into their camping trip. 
7. He’s read somewhere the city used to smell like fish in summer, before artificial atmospheres; before they purified the water and raised the ground level; before everything was replicated and sanitized and pristine. 
8. He drops into the seat across from her, his drink spilling a bit over his hand.  His leg nudges the table and her highlighter swerves off the line.  “Sorry,” he says, then, recalling his bravado - and his mission - smiles. 
9. Kathryn shakes her head and scrubs at a dirty patch on the bar.  “Haven’t seen him.”
nate x sophie
1. She falls asleep with her head in Nate’s lap, his fingers carding through her hair, and dreams that he’d never been born. 
2. They’re in Florence the first time he mentions it. 
3. He’s delivering the Christmas Eve sermon the first time he sees her. 
river x doctor
1. Amy slaps the folder down on the table and collapses into her chair, glaring up at her subordinate.  “This is the third time in as many months—” 
“That I’ve closed a case?” River arches an eyebrow, unimpressed by Amy’s display. 
2. Amy secures the last forget-me-not in her hair and pulls back with a smile.  “There,” she says, straightening the strand of pearls around River’s neck.  “Perfect.”
3. The suit touches the lake floor and she claws at the inside of the gloves, fingers tearing at the seams as it takes her down, down; it withstands the pressure from the water but barely.  It’s getting colder and darker and her face is streaked with tears; bright lights and countdowns and everything’s jumbled.  She scratches and screams and the suit sinks and there’s a pounding in her skull, in her bones; she’s eight years old and running away, curled in a ball under the bed, hiding, always hiding, running as fast as she can.  There’s a woman’s face, pale and black-spotted and things she can’t remember and things she can’t forget and she can’t breathe down here. 
4. Charlotte looks up at her, eyes wide and damp but she doesn’t cry, the brave, clever girl.  “But who will make it rain now?”
5. John watches out of the corner of one eye as Rory swings his legs under the bench, sparkly Mary Janes glittering in the bright sunlight.  
6. “Deep breath.”
River glowers, but does as she’s told, breathing in and out slowly. 
“You know you aren’t a real doctor,” she says, her voice still raspy.
7. She sees the headstone before he does, a barely imprinted snapshot in her head: still developing, still chemical.  It’s his name, carved in the timelines as much as the stone and she knows: her eyes jump to the angel, its hand on his back, and where her father goes her mother will follow and he won’t survive that.  
8. The TARDIS jolts.  An angry sound screeches through the halls, a high pitched whine he’s never heard before and never wants to hear again. 
9. Colonel Manton finds them holed up on a backwater planet in the Ellion Nebula and sets fire to the midwife’s inn. Smoke her out, and bring me the child, he says to his Soldiers of God, who bow like wheat-stalk in the chilling wind.  Follow the Higher Command.  
10. She slips into the TARDIS, biting down a grin as she spies him, grumbling to himself at the console.  Cursing, he flips the lever and smacks the scanner.  
“You really ought to fix that.”
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tessaservopoulos · 4 years
Fandom: Suits
Pairing: Donna Paulsen/Harvey Specter
Rating: K
Summary: Opposing counsel is driving a hard bargain, and Harvey's finding his co-counsel isn't exactly backing him up. Post-series fluff.
Notes: This is my first Suits fic and it's just! Mindless family fluff! Set post-series, the only thing I own is Cordelia. Let me know what you think!
Also on ffnet.
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nate and sophieeeee
Drinks all of the coffee
Nate. Sophie thinks it’s gross.  She likes fancy coffee, like lattes and mochas and adores Arabic coffee, but regular coffee is not her thing.  
Brings up adopting a pet
I don’t think it would be brought up.  I think one of them, either one, would just come home one day with a mangy looking dog and that would be that. Nate would probably be under the impression that he’d just clean it up and give it to a shelter (and then later realizes he can’t let go), whereas Sophie would know immediately that the dog is now theirs and it’s already Nate’s turn to get up at 3am to take it outside. 
Kills the bugs
Nate. Sophie hates bugs.  Especially roaches.  Sometimes she hates Eliot, too. 
Cooks the meals
Nate.  Sophie burns things or hits people with frying pans.  But mostly they do take-out.  Or just show up at the Team’s place and wait around for Eliot to cook.
Starts getting into holidays way before they should
Sophie.  Any holiday that has to do with presents, she is all over.  Nate grudgingly accepts that their apartment/house/yurt/whatever will be decorated around a month in advance and that he will be the one dragging the tree out on January 1st.
Initiates the couple selfies
Sophie.  She sends them to the Team, partly for fun, and partly to let them know that they’re doing okay without them having to ask/without saying anything.
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries
Nate.  He gets in trouble constantly.  But the thing is, he actually does remember, a little better than he’d like, so sometimes he forgets on purpose.  And other times, he really just can’t remember what happened in Paris and what happened in Tuscany. 
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping
Sophie.  Americans eat really weird shit and sometimes she just has to know what Cappuccino flavored potato chips taste like. (She usually winds up giving it all to Hardison.)
Nicknames the other
Nate calls her “Soph,” but Sophie is the one who uses terms of endearment/really obnoxious nick-names in public just to irritate him. 
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Sophie and Nate for the shipping meme! Since we haven't had a good flail in awhile.
falls asleep on the couch - Nate, waiting for her to get back from her part of a con. He dozes, but can’t sleep until she’s back safe and while he refuses to tell her that, he thinks she’s figured it out anyway.
makes friends with the neighbors - when they get their first apartment post-team, Sophie tries to make friends but they’re just so NICE and BORING and she finds herself slipping into a persona with them and she hates it. She lies automatically and they don’t quite understand her. Nate, on the other hand, they love, even though he’s awkward and brusque and doesn’t like talking so they move two weeks later. And three months after that. And a week after that.
is the adventurous eater - Nate, sort of, but only if a character calls for it. Sophie enjoys international cuisine, but she also likes to know exactly what it is before she eats it.
hogs the covers at night - Sophie. Which is a problem, because Nate gets cold easily. Eventually he just winds up getting a second blanket, and/or hauling her against him for warmth.
forgets to do the dishes - Sophie. It’s not so much that she forgets, she just hates doing them, so she pretends and waits until Nate gives up and does it for her.
tries to surprise their partner more often - Nate. Sophie is constantly surprising him - especially when she reveals little tidbits about her life, her real life - but when it comes to actual surprises, Nate is the one buying last minute tickets to Greece and shoving theatre tickets under her nose grudgingly.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor - neither. Nate is too much of a neat freak and Sophie’s clothes are too expensive. Unless they’re busy. Really, really busy. With each other.
stays up til 2 AM reading - Nate. He’ll find a story that catches his attention and can’t break from it until the problem is solved.
sings in the shower - Sophie. Show tunes. She’s horrible, but Nate loves it because he knows it’s real.
takes the selfies - neither of them are big on photos, but Sophie is the one who drags Nate back into the Christmas picture with Parker and Eliot and Hardison.
plans date night - both. Sophie likes dancing and expensive restaurants and moonlit sails. Nate likes stargazing and staying in and diners. They compromise. And sometimes they steal stuff. That counts as a date, right?
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I have a three problems in no particular order nate’s sexy voice in the frame up job the number of kisses in the frame up job and nate calling sophie darling in the frame up job I guess my problem is pretty much the frame up job
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I'm trying to work on my Shakespeare take-home final (which is so much harder than I anticipated oh my god save me) and all I can think about is Nate and Sophie.  
Nate and Sophie having a battle of quotes, tossing lines back and forth for the other to identify.  Probably during a briefing.  (Nate gets stuck on Richard III and Hardison declares Sophie the winner.)
Sophie using Antony and Cleopatra as her text for a cypher and Nate figuring it out in like .019393 seconds but doesn't say anything to Sterling 'cause he doesn't really want to catch her but he leaves a copy of it somewhere she can find so she knows he's on to her and she totally finds it sexy.
Nate and Sophie lobbing dirty Shakespearean insults at each other over coms when they're annoyed but all the others hear is "Nate if you ever make me do this again I hope you Act I Scene 3 Line 100 to 102 of The Winter's Tale!" and Nate chuckling all, "1.1.99" and Sophie's all, "Much Ado?" and he's like, "Trolius and Cressida" and then Sophie cursing him about while Eliot yells about getting back to the con while Hardison googles everything and declares them all "nasty."
Sophie conning her way into the lead role in The Taming of the Shrew and Nate secretly going to see her every single night even though she's awful and always sends a bunch of different flowers to her dressing room so she thinks she has more than one fan.
Nate buying Sophie front row tickets to her favorite play (Macbeth) even though he never actually gets to see it because he's too busy watching her mouth all the lines to herself. 
Sophie stealing one of only five first folio editions for Nate for his birthday.
Nate and Sophie just generally being Shakespeare geeks forever
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