lilyanacreates · 8 months
All of my ocs
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vitsa-didicoy · 1 month
sorry if this has been asked before, I only recently found your blog, but I was wondering if you had any resources for learning rromani chib -- asking as someone who was not taught as a child and wanting to reconnect
currently the best resource I know of is Ronald Lee's books Learn Romani and the English - Kalderash Dictionary. you can buy them on Amazon.
Lee's lessons are focused on American Kalderash, so just keep that in mind especially if you have a different vitsa like me (it's still useful to know Kalderash/Vlax tho since it's so widely spoken and you can learn your vitsa's dialect easier if you have the basics down first)
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actualsunflower · 11 months
I'm placing a romani curse* on your inbox to be filled with only postive vibes.
*Not a real thing, but still, love you phral Sunflower.
Positive Vibes Only from now on, I'm going to rinse my inbox out with some nice fresh water
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spaceratprodigy · 9 months
Happy birthday my phral!!!!
Thank you, Bleu!! 💖🎉💖🎉💖🎉
Sending so so much love to you during this time. I hope even the smallest bit of comfort and kindness are able to make their way into your days.
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Na csak sikerült elküldeni azt a szájbakúrt riportot, muro phral na ugye nem volt olyan nehéz csak ki kellett nyitni azt a rohadt gülü szemedet te prikézsiás hogy basszamki azt az ostoba francia anyádat.
Istenem ilyen világ van czigæny létemre dolgozni akartam mikor nem is szabadna na thavesz muraklo szlobodana rampek ennyi lenne mára, dolgozok vagy két órája azt le is teszem a lantot 
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hungee-boy · 1 month
Put your repeat playlist on shuffle 10 times and tag 10 people
I was tagged by @bleumanouche (nais tuke phral i love an excuse to share my music) and anyone is free to do this challenge and tag me
Tourists - Quiet Room
Lake Jons - Breathe Out The Fumes
Modern Pleasure - White Heels
Beauty Sleep - Living Right
ESCAPISTS - Silence (please listen to ESCAPISTS oh my god....)
Joy Downer - Stranger Places
Paper Pilots - Automatic
Dyan - St. James (one of my favorites)
T.O.L.D - Master of the Species
ESCAPISTS - Army of One
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The Unwelcoming Mat!
Unnatural Review Part 2; Uneventful Boogaloo
So if you haven't read part one yet, I highly recommend it. It details a little on Unnatural's magic system and kind of preps you for the mechanical side of things. But now I want to get into what I experienced and witnessed in the sim itself. So the first event was a bit on the spontaneous side as it dealt with a weather event/natural disaster. I'll get into more of those in a later post on why they're overused and just bad/boring in general -- I'm just prefacing here right away that I don't like these for very good reasons. One of them is exactly what happened. When it became clear that there was going to be severe weather in the area of where Ashmore was located, storytellers were quick to jump on it since it was a slow week. Hours later there was a severe thunderstorm and then rushed into a tornado event with only a handful of indicators throughout the Discord. Citizens were told to take shelter where they could. I chose Lazarus, which was a nightclub. People were packed in there like sardines when I finally managed to find it. While it wasn't the most clever usage of natural disasters, it did feel like they were trying to get people together. The problem is that they were getting people together who didn't really seem open to that idea. Especially if you're working an ice queen that's working that particular nightclub. See, my character's sexuality is of no secret. There was a pride bracelet, a necklace -- and he was pretty open about it when he happened on a friend. Yet no matter what I tried to do, this ice queen just seemed more interested in dealing with the pretty damsel-in-distress types rather than anyone else. So it was an awkward couple of hours with people just standing around because the ice was just EVERYWHERE. After the all clear was called, I left quickly as my friend and I started to notice that there was a rather large number of conservatives and it just didn't feel all that welcoming. The next event was a few days later -- a job fair. Given that my character is deep into the magic side of roleplay, I decided to head on over to the Spellbound booth! To my surprise, the person who played the ice queen was working the booth. "Maybe that's just how THAT character was," I thought. "Maybe this character is DIFFERENT?" Yeah, no. After STRUGGLING to get her character to give mine a simple job application, throwing all sorts of bones that he was a Phral -- that dog just wouldn't catch. After another hour of trying to get anything out of them, my character told theirs a story about a crystal ball paperweight catching his homework on fire when he was a kid. Not only did she misconstrue what was said, she attempted to run with it by admonishing the character based on that. This was strike three for me, so my character politely asked rhetorically, "You mean to tell me that you never done anything stupid when YOU were a KID?" She laughed it off and tried to half-ass play nice after that, but I was pretty much done and I made my exit not too long after. Meanwhile, my friend? He was trying to get his character a job with a cop (who's staff, so keep this in mind) and the cop was afk for over 30 minutes while watching an E3 panel. He didn't let my friend know and he was active in the gaming channel of their discord as it was happening. I neglected to mention that this particular staff member also came into Lazarus to give the all clear and would basically just ignore the majority of people and slipped in the back with a female employee of the nightclub. After finding out that there was also conservatives who aren't so friendly to BIPOCs and are obviously anti-LGBTQIA+ in their profiles -- we skipped town. Honestly, I tried to give Unnatural several chances to wow me. Each and every time I was met by the utter disappointment of wasted potential. While I may sound salty, there's literally zero excuses for what we experienced. If you seriously value your time -- Unnatural is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to roleplay sims. If you're looking for quality roleplay? You won't find much there.
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mayor-ghoul · 11 months
🎶 🦸‍♀️🎳 Dealer's choice my phral.
Describe your OC or a character ask game
🎶 - How do they sound? Describe their voice
Elodie has a high pitched voice, not enough to be too annoying though. She's a very exaggerated person overall.
Bart Ender has an elegant voice, a hint of british accent but not too much, he's been there for so long that it's going. If it was real to begin with - He was an actor when the bombs fell.
Cowboy Ghoul (Lets call him Otis) has a deep raspy voice with an accent but unsure which. It's changed too with time, it's something different.
🦸‍♀️ - What would they dress as for Halloween?
Elodie would probably dress as something cliche, like a witch or vampire but sexy.
Bart Ender enjoys dressing up for halloween, it's one of his favourite times of the year so he always makes an effort. Maybe this year he'll dress as a magician.
Otis says he dresses as a zombie cowboy but I think that's an excuse to not dress up.
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they?
I don't think this is really a hobby, but Elodie enjoys travelling. She likes meeting new people and seeing new places.
Honestly a lot of Bart's hobbies probably aren't very pg. Let's just say that he partakes in a lot of bedroom activities.
Otis enjoyed teaching his daughter how to use a gun as she grew up.
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sylliisimz · 1 year
FML: F*** My Luck
After a long evening of reading tomes and catching up on gossip about the Reno Realm's corridors, Steive makes his way through the common area, getting lost for a few more hours.
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Longing for a grilled cheese, Steive made his way into the kitchen of his home in willow creek with his 4 other brothers.
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After a moment of what seemed to be an okay arrangement, the simple order of grilled cheese he was preparing himself, combusted and bursted into flames, his hoodie and pants getting caught in the mix.
The man screams out, Romano words flooding from his brain as he cries out in pain, his skin feeling warm in the clothes that were burning before his eyes.
[S] "BEkE BAXT!!"
The man cries out again, he curses his luck, angry he's in this situation.
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[P] "Cheesto Delaiya!!" How stupid of you, man!
[R] "Heida!!" Come HERE!
The, out of the brothers Ralei & Piete bicker back in forth in their native tongue.
Sahm the most fit of the men, charges in silently.
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Johnnei enters the scene directly after Sahm. Ralei eases up, and Piete pitches in. The men banded together to save their brother.
[J] "Where are you, off to, Phral?"
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[S] "Nais Tuka now LEAVE me ALONE"
[R] "Tsk Tsk Tsk"
Ralei shakes his head as he fans the fire extinguisher residue away from his face, and Piete stares off with Sahm , watching Stieve rush out of the house.
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The remaining four men in the house, step outside for some crisp fresh winter air, as the smoke from the fire was upsetting their lungs.
[R]: "What can we do?"
Ralei says sarcastically.
[P]: "Too many heads."
Piete speaks with a serious monotone voice.
[J] "Meelah, he only wanted a grilled cheese."
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exitiumparit · 6 years
@brightcenter liked for a lairana starter
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“Hello!” She chimes, seeing the little Rodian come in. “I was very happy to hear there was a Jedi Padawan who wanted to hear about coding. It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Lai. What’s your name?”
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lilyanacreates · 8 months
Just my ocs NIGHTWING and his boyfriend phral💖
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kyberled · 6 years
♙ from phral !!
♙: Sharing a bed
It was still so strange, to be able to do such things without having to worry about the Code getting in the way of things. Perhaps, that was one of the only good things about the end of their world. He breathes deeply, exhaling through his nose as he scrunches his eyes shut and paws blindly for her company. His hand finds a scaly shoulder, and he squirmed closer with a groan.
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“You’re not seriously thinking of getting up right now, are you? ‘Rising with the sun’ was never my forte.”
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hungee-boy · 2 months
kostas pavlidis gives the da2 vibe so well in his music
and hes phral and not a zionist like inon zur
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Unnatural is Anything But. (Part 1! MAGIC!)
I didn't want this one to be the first one I reviewed, but that was one of the first ones I visited when I got off of my hiatus from 2021. While it's become the titan of the urban supernatural community, it left me feeling unimpressed overall. Given that it's the largest, this is going to be broken up into parts because there's just a lot to unpack here. If you want a synopsis, feel free to check their website. Anyway, since I tend to roll casters/mages/witches, I started thumbing through the Phral's section of the site and Discord. While the documentation of the different abilities for Inherent and Learned abilities is detailed, but it lacks the proper care when it comes to truly emulating various magical systems -- both in tabletop and in actual IRL practice. However when you mix the two? Nooooot a good idea. Example time! Ofisa is your basic 'seer'/fortune telling paradigm, but the term is loosely associated with Romani fortune telling booths. More than that, they don't really associate the Romani culture with it or the other terms they use (Armaya, Drabarni, etc). In fact, there's times when terms are even used incorrectly. When I seen white women using West African cultural practices, that was when I started looking for other sims. Cultural appropriation isn't okay -- not for players, and certainly not for staff. There was also the issue of just broadly stereotyping correspondences of magical practice right down to the workings of the moon, which unfortunately writes them into a box that chokes creativity. In their lore, full moons tends to beckon the Phral to gather at their spot (Esbats). Yet Doreen Valiente, especially in regards to witches, the full moon is a "frenetic celebration" where covens can draw down the moon or call on lunar goddesses, among some other things. While there's magical workings here, it's not always powerful workings. Many witches leave that to the new moon to get into the darker aspects of witchcraft; things like shadow work, banishing, and sometimes even cursing. The new moon represents things that are "associated with the hidden arts as well as shadow". And this is freely accessible information at your fingertips. Doreen Valiente established the full and new moon esbats, along with others. Which brings me to their terminology on covens. • Circles; local phral (witch) communities • Covens; standard coven group, though they don't give a number • "Sabbats"; a group of people who are 'bound' by a blood ritual that have an oath, etc. for the special connections of 'feeling each other's feelings' and tends to be a detriment to others involved when a bond is broken. Sabbats is used incorrectly here. "My sim, my lore" doesn't work as what they just described is literally how covens are generally ran. "Circles" are generally for those that are hesitant in joining a group, but want to meet and socialize with other practitioners. Sabbats in witchcraft are eight holidays that are all part of the 'annual cycle of seasonal festivals' known as the Wheel of the Year. I get that they're trying to use fancy words and purple prose to entice roleplayers, but it's counter-productive and honestly comes off as insensitive toward people who actually practice. For those that say, "Oh, it's not that bad", did you read the part about the cultural appropriation? If they were willing to do that with cultures, this is utter child's play. While it's not appropriation, it is mildly annoying that this is the best they could come up with. Why not just use the actual terms? Work smarter, not harder.
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solamederis · 7 years
@crdered (barriss....tbh or texx or real smol phral or plo) liked for a padawan!chyla
He’s safe. You still feel him alive. You know he’s safe. But, still, she worried. And she fretted. And she couldn’t sleep. Nerra had gone on a solo mission while she assisted a group of healers on Coruscant to help with a sickness outbreak in the lower levels. His ship had engine failure, and their comms had failed before crashing. There had been a transport sent to see if they’d made it after a near full standard day of no communication---Chyla still hadn’t been told anything.
She’d hidden in the depths of the Archives to cry. Jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments, were always supposed to let grief and death be accepted as part of the ways of the Force. But, this was her master and she was scared and didn’t know what to do and should have been there to help him.
Chyla had just wiped tears from her eyes before looking up to see eyes staring at her. She jumped, curling her knees tighter to her chest.
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“I’m--I’m sorry--I just needed a moment--I’m sorry--”
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