#por lo menos
yes-armageddon-it · 2 years
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latinotiktok · 17 days
Gringos: *se quejan de nuestra musica*
Milonga para Hermana
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quemirabobo · 3 months
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elbiotipo · 5 days
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-No puedo creer que voy a marchar junto a Eduardo Feinmann
-Que tal junto a un amigo?
-Cre-*convulsiona, vomita*
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pikafaawork · 8 months
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El WillHalo es real (?) 😂✨
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achingroses · 2 months
Something that baffles me every single International Women's Day, is how different it seems to be in other countries.
I see joke posts on twitter and here, I see the way a lot of people take it lightly, it amazes me how different things are, how here in Mexico I don't see a single joke. I see angry women, brave women, tired women. I myself am all of those.
I'm so tired of not being able to live a normal life. On top of the everyday violence that occurs, I have to live with the fear of being killed for being a woman, for being femme presenting. I have to deal with men looking at me when I wear skirts or dresses, of men telling me to shut up, of men not trusting my knowledge, of men following me home, cat-calling me on the streets, following me all the way through different trains. I had to live through a manipulative and abusive relationship when I was just 15 years old. I have to live with an eating disorder due to societal expectations. I have to check my mirrors when I'm driving in case someone is following me. I have to tell my friends that I got home safe and I'm always waiting for them to text back. I have to deal with the impotence of being helpess when other women I know are going through similar stuff.
I'm tired of our government and authorities calling us hysterical, whores, telling us that we asked for it, that it was our fault for deciding to live a life. That it was out fault for being born in a country that doesn't have the minimum respect for our lives.
On this International Women's Day I'm angry, I'm furious and overall, I'm here if anyone feels the same way I do, know that I share your feelings and I will try my hardest to understand.
And for my final message, I just want to say:
¡Libertad para todas las morras de México hasta Palestina!
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verdita-toons · 1 year
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sudaca-swag · 20 days
i hate the chancla jokes so much, most of my generation are the children of kids that were severily beaten by their own parents with objects such as belts, shoes, etc and they worked damn hard to break those physical abuse cycles for a usamerican 3rd gen idiot to come and make stupid tweets and tiktoks about savage latines hitting their kids just to become viral
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inest6ables · 8 days
Tengo muchas ganas de mandarte un mensaje y decirte que te hecho de menos
pero tengo miedo
de tu respuesta
o de que no haya ninguna.
— Iv.
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snailgam · 3 months
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acabo de ver este capítulo por milésima vez y me sigue gustando mucho jajdjsjsk
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manaosdeuwu · 5 months
hay tanta gente del interior en twt festejando el aumento de la tarifa del transporte público porque los porteños van a pagar lo que pagan ellos ahora y es tipo. vos te das cuentas que también te van a aumentar? sos consciente de ello?
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00blackbird · 6 months
@kaelkoth un regalito atrasado de cumple 💜
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latinotiktok · 6 months
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querido-eh-dump · 6 months
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elbiotipo · 5 months
Me encanta que para todos los propósitos, vivimos en un futuro cyberpunk pero es todo tan insulso. No hay megaedificios ni neón porque los empresarios de las malvadas megacorporaciones prefieren invertir en cripto, los drones son helicoptéros de juguete glorificado, las IAs hablan como servicio de atención al cliente, y el villano capitalista es Milei. Todo tan trucho, berreta, grasa.
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Nunca sabrás si tu pareja te es fiel o no.
Nunca sabrás si te quiere de verdad o no.
Nunca sabrás si te dice la verdad, aún mirándote a los oјos.
Solo te toca confiar y si algo sale mal... el propio destino será el que te mostrará si esa persona es o no la indicada, pero disfruta el momento quе pueda brindarte.
Sincero o no, por lo menos tú fuiste feliz y no fallaste.
Ya verás que la vida se encarga de poner todo en su lugar
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