stygiovictoria · 6 months
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least heterosexual boss fight in ff history
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mooglecharm · 1 year
short ravnis/fleurentia PWP:
Ignis stirs awake to find Ravus sitting up in bed beside him, staring pensively at his left hand.
No, not his hand: his arm. He's holding out his left arm as if inspecting all of it. Flexing his fingers as if he was seeing them for the first time, wondering why they were part of him.
When Ignis asks, Ravus looks at him bemused, as if peering through the haze of a dream. His eyes look different. Ominous shadows played in the subtle gray.
"My love," Ravus tells him, "I dreamed we lost everything."
When Ignis asks what "everything" meant, Ravus says "Noctis. Lunafreya. Our cities. Everything that ever shaped us."
Ignis recalls that sometimes Ravus dreams about alternate realities - Eos that could be, but never was. Oracle blood does this.
And somewhere in the Lucian Citadel, lying beside her beloved Noctis, Queen Lunafreya must have similar dreams.
Ignis sits up and takes Ravus' left hand, holds the back of it to his chest. He assures his lover: it was just a dream. Noctis and Lunafreya are safe, ruling all of the cities Eos in peace - guided by their two advisors, who are right now in bed and deeply in love and in peace.
Ignis then makes the mistake of asking "In your dream, did we lose each other?"
Ravus says, the shadows in his eyes fading, "My love, we never found each other."
And before any question could be asked, he reaches out with his his right arm, pulls Ignis close to him. Ravus' left arm lies between them, cold, spectral.
Ignis finds himself almost wishing it wasn't there.
[ link to original tweetfic ]
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mirtadraws · 1 year
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“Novi Bokanjac” (check the “razglednice” tag) extras - some speedpaints that didn’t make the cut, but I still like.
1 Kondom/condom - one of many bunkers
2 passion fruit
3 towards Velebit
4 hole with bones (I assume someone threw a dead sheep in the hole)
5 sunburst lichen
6 sheep path
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mirtapersonal · 1 year
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sheep pastures around Zadar and one of the paths that takes the sheep there
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protoindoeuropean · 1 year
Imam zelo neumno primerjalnojezikoslovno vprašanje, na katerega ni treba odgovoriti, ker vem, da je to potem nekako kot delanje domače naloge za nekoga drugega (čeprav ni za domačo nalogo!! samo nočem blekniti neumnosti in se osmešiti pred velikimi in pomembnimi jezikoslovnimi ljudmi :( ). Sta sovpad instrumentala in dativa v stari angleščini ter ablativa in genetiva v slovanskih jezikih sorodna?
(In a je to razlog, da so naše časovne strukture v genetivu ("tistega leta ...") - bi morale drugače biti v ablativu? Bojim se, da se mi je v glavi vse pomešalo!)
Brez slabe vesti lahko tole sporočilo poroma naravnost v koš, čisto razumem!
Se opravičujem, ker motim, in želim karseda lep dan :) !!
Pri sovpadu (oz. sinkretizmu) sklonov gre – ko govorimo o različnih jezikovnih družinah – najpogosteje za paralelne razvoje, torej razvoje, ki so si tipološko enaki, ampak genetsko nepovezani.*
*Ko v primerjalnem jezikoslovju govorimo o sorodnosti, imamo ponavadi v mislih genetsko sorodnost (sorodne stvari v različnih jezikih, ki se jih da direktno izvesti iz neke skupne predstopnje teh jezikov; npr. sinkretizem genitiva in ablativa singulara v slovanščini in baltščini, ki ne le da se v obeh sploh zgodi, ampak tudi v obeh iz istih morfemov in na enak način: v tematski sklanjatvi ablativ zamenja genitiv, v ostalih sklanjatvah pa genitiv nadomesti ablativ – ker se torej tudi oblikovno ujemata, se tak sinkretizem predpostavlja že za prabaltoslovanščino). Po drugi strani pa o tipologiji govorimo, ko gre za istovrsten proces, ki pa ni (nujno) genetsko povezan, torej se lahko pojavlja v različnih časovnih obdobjih na različnih koncih sveta. Laično se tudi za takšne povezave uporablja beseda „sorodnost“, ampak se v jezikoslovju temu izogibamo, ker, kot nakazano zgoraj, lahko implicira povezanost na veliko večji ravni, kot je mišljeno. Torej, razen če se ne da eksplicitno pokazati, da se je sovpad zgodil na neki skupni predstopnji dveh jezikov, gre torej samo za paralelizem, kjer neke direktne povezave ni.
Podoben sinkretizem, kot se je zgodil v stari angleščini, se je zgodil tudi v stari grščini, v keltskih jezikih itd. in je tipološko pogost proces, sploh v jezikih, v katerih se širi raba predlogov oz. predložnih zvez napram brezpredložnim sklonskim oblikam (prim. tudi lokativ in instrumental v slovenščini, ki se obvezno rabita s predlogi), za informacijo o razmerju med besedami pa torej sklonilo ni več tako ključno. Ta proces lahko opazujemo tudi čisto pred domačim pragom, ker se v nekaterih prominentnih narečjih (gorenjščina) trenutno dogaja sovpad dativa in lokativa (pri kom : pri komu; je včasih prav zanimivo brati članke na spletu in ugotavljati, če je avtor gorenjec :P čeprav tudi to prodira širše), ali pa tudi širše v slovanskem svetu (kot se je pošalil nek kolega iz Srbije „na jugu Srbije imaju možda dva padeža – tri u vikendom“).
Kar se tiče „tistega leta“ je pa to izvorno genitivna struktura (genitivus temporis), pa tudi sicer ima genitiv veliko več vlog od ablativa (ki je res večinoma omejen le na izhodiščno mesto).
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norteigr-if · 2 years
Can we have pets? I would really like to have a Raven, and teach it to say phrases like "I understand you" just to freak people out
if you count the dogs and cats roaming free in the town pets, yeah! right now i haven't implemented anything like personal pets, unless you count the horse (that you do get to customize!) geirfinn jarl gifted you after your first few months in town.
i know a wolf would be a great pet for any vikingr in the heat of battle, but midjabó really, really don't like wolves. no one in the northwest do because they're a nuisance for the farms lol. svala does want to change that, so tag along with her and maybe you'll make a friend of sorts, although briefly.
oh and then there's alsyna. she has an entire draft dedicated for her first appearance, so i'll paste that under the cut ;)
a peculiar white raven perches on the bell hung from the wall of the longhouse.
the pure confusion of it makes you halt your step. the black void of its eyes bore into you and it tilts its head, hopping forward. is it... watching you? the eyes hold more wisdom than you thought possible, and it almost makes you uncomfortable how closely its peering at you.
"hello?" hand raised in a wave, your voice still hesitates. it doesn't budge, but clicks its beak once, twice, before ruffling its feathers and stepping further away from you. it's still staring, and you have no idea what you're supposed to do.
it makes the decision for you and caws once before spreading its ivory wings and flying off, a single white feather landing at your feet.
you crouch to pick it up; it feels silken smooth in your hands, like those fabrics in tova's shop you could never afford, or like the cape draped over the jarl's shoulders. you hold it carefully, for you're not certain what else you could do.
"oh, it looks like alsyna has found a favorite!" you jump at broki suddenly appearing next to you. the feather almost falls from your hands and you grip it by the base just as the poet pats your shoulder.
"alsyna?" you ask, glancing first at broki and then the bell. he shrugs. "all-seeing, hvit ravni, the tether of gods, synvigja's eye - she has many names. personally i'd call her an asshole because she keeps throwing pebbles at me."
you follow his gaze to the the skies where the white raven circles, effortlessly graceful. she caws once before disappearing from sight, and you feel the feather in your hand disappear. you lower your eyes just in time for broki to rest it behind your ear.
"you have her blessing; i know many who would grovel for such an honor. just remember; she is smarter than any raven you've ever seen, and an extension of synvigja. never try to tame her for your own vanity, else the gods will anger, and the town will call for your head." he pats your cheek with a smile before pushing past you into the longhouse. a sudden, resounding ping sounds from the bell, drawing your attention.
on the ground next to it, a sizeable pebble.
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illegiblewords · 2 years
I compiled a list of designs in the past to share some favorite Final Fantasy XIV glamours from the Eorzea Collection website. With the Endwalker expansion released, there are quite a few new options available and people have developed even more incredible looks. So I decided it was worth doing a follow-up. I’ll probably do this every expansion or so. As before, this list comes with a disclaimer that it’s personal opinion and purely in the interest of going ‘LOOK HOW COOL  THIS IS’ at people! Anyone could theoretically do the same, I’m not an authority.
This post focuses on spillover, showcasing exemplary designs based on race options.
Season I Spillover
As a special note: Creators who got favorite models in the past are ineligible for favorite models now. Would be kind of silly to keep putting the same character forward in that category, you know?
- Heir of Saladin by Ecclesia Albion
- Empress by Aeditha Beoulve
- A Song of Hope by Wilfreda Vhey
- Climbatize by Paris Wormwood
- Song by Riko La
- The One With The Mask by Kat Leroux
- Warrior of Darkness by Finna Walker
- A Knight from the Sigma by Accoy Liv
- Vintage War Bride by Marilyn Moanhoe
- Queen of rapiers by Mylagan Dhelyssa
- Heir of Saladin by Ecclesia Albion
- Noblebright by Limerica Baskerville
- Hyacinth’s Prayer by Selli Noblesse
- Goddes Of The Golden Land by Noel Haze
- On the Hunt by Svetlana Urusova
- O Mighty Fury by Tebi Uzui
- Northern Nobility by A’ Aracari
- Lethe’s Warrior by Sirdi Diealos
- Wandering Rogue by Kian Carver
- The Sinner by A' Aracari
- Bats by Jesu'ra Nhifso
- Redge Mage by Sehcil Hawrve
- Tiamat’s Vengeance by Tahmeed Okami
- Roguish Ninja by Ry Tempester
- Makai Sage by Haru Vaelar
- Storyteller by Valentyne Louvier
- Wandering Rogue by Kian Carver
- Desert Black Mage by Judge Gorhla
- Makai-Vanguard by Xennon Song
- The Archangel by Revan Specter
- Rapture by Luthien Undomiel
- Crystarium Tutor by Fuego Amber
- Dimachaerus by Rio Natani
- Dark Summoner by Teru Nashira
- The Worm’s Dance by Serafina Vadrel
- My Baroque Valentine by Rio Natani
- Bluebird Bard by Aleesia Lucaryn
- Light Everlasting by Serafina Vadrel
- The Emerald Comet by Eirene Leona
- Gears of WoM by Ravnie Kinjo
- Executioner’s Fury by Sarafina Vadrel
- Imperial Shrike by Rio Natani
- Crystarium Tutor by Fuego Amber
- Rapture by Luthien Undomiel
- The Emerald Comet by Eirene Leona
- Roman Commander by Harry Stormlight
- Hannish Duelist by Sidnan Shaemir
- Olympus divinity by Porho Prince
- Knight Radiant by Hanso Richimoto
- Orion by David Gerussi
- Good Eye Sniper by Samson Oschon
- Nomadic Marauder by Jian Kimura
- Sagolii Sojourner by Krosah Makara
- Byakkomoto, the blue and gold tiger by Hanso Richimoto
- Hydaelyn’s Champion by Jian Kimura
- Samurai Mercernary by Esta Mephistopheles
- Modern Theravada by Angyo Owari
- The God King by Sentient Being
- Ishgard’s Holy Crusader by Syhroeya Lionheardt
- Knight Radiant by Hanso Richimoto
- Warrior of Light by Birbie Baggins
- New Horizons by Luthien Undomiel
- Eorzean Pirate by Jain Asurmen
- The Traders - Nald by Sudenmarja Villilehto
- Sister of The Holy Crimson Flame by Louise Aquitaine
- Steam & Snow by Ariadne Lacroix
- Heaven’s Gate by Ophelia Au'rel
- Skjaldmaer by Minerva Feywood
- Riddle Of Wind by Siren Sokute
- Serpentsworn by Sudenmarja Villilehto
- Classic Gelmorran Teacher by Louise Aquitaine
- Season of The Wolf by Iliete Godriquelain
- Skjaldmaer by Minerva Feywood
- Ishgardian Artiste by Idene Valeriant
- Citrus - Lime by Irlina Natulcen
- The Royal Spear by Lorenzo Trastamara
- Swashbuckling Striker by Zephyr Auroryas
- Tradition & Modernity by Lowen Mkvenner
- Divide by Yannick Ostheimer
- Edenmete Nobleman by Loren Marteau
- Lyrical Prince by Echo Solaris
- Flightdeck Pilot by Myrin Lockhart
- Invader From Beyond by Lorenzo Trastamara
- Foundation's Fury by Sylverin Laurentis
- Renaissance Gentleman by Breandan Ducaille
- Tradition & Modernity by Lowen Mkvenner
- Midnight Gold by Corus Maderna
- Lyrical Prince by Echo Solaris
- The Royal Spear by Lorenzo Trastamara
- Makai Blade by Keiteaux Kisarre
- Bigwest Shortstop by Baby Seagull
- Wright Circus Master by Peij Fei
- Nophica’s Blessing by Peij Fei
- Foils and Feathers by Peij Fei
- darbar reaper by Masya Moonward
- Fakingway by Peji Fei
- 001 by Tu Tu
- It rains in Kugane by Lakira' Kina
- Born from Blood by Peji Fei
- Little Red by Lumei Mo
- Bigwest Shortstop by Baby Seagull
- Mechagnome 2.0 by Vederah Kilmister
- It rains in Kugane by Lakira' Kina
- Desert Sage by Lalatua Ul'tua
- Underworld Witch by Alma Sophia
- The Dark Prince by Takashi Mitsuya
- Sniper Assassin - Lala Style by Dashy Umbra
- New Meets Old by Penny Coldwater 
- Wandering Mage by Ramin Adrina
- The Burger King by Anri Miraios
- Steampunk Sage by Ringo Woodmen
- techwear merc monk by Mushy Mushy
- Surgical Precision by Cuban Pet
- Blue Bozjan Protector by Can’t Disrespect
- Bard of the Seas by Garen Velsh
- Captain -o- Lala by Dashy Umbra
- The Burger King by Anri Miraios
- Frozen Winter by Volux Galain
- Philosopher’s Rule of Thumb by Nonokari Ririkari
- Asphodelos by Yumemi Hime
- Duchess of Hearts by A’mira Chalcedony
- Little Girl, Big City by Tica Foxworth
- Darling on Deck - Pirate by Passion Darling
- Energetic Engineer by Nerril Kuroba
- Sophisticated by Lohia Aihol
- New Adventure by Ihon Nuzhysa
- Rekindle by Plu Patredis
- Yellow Steps by Ihon Nuzhysa
- Sky Pirate Physician by Gwennie Vierra
- Vagabond by Maya Deraya
- Forest watch by Nya Nya
- butterfly princess by Banoffee Coffee
- Aiya by Plu Patredis
- Bejeweled Mystic by Mavari Khatayin
- Tusked Warrior by Ravi Whistlenicker
- Flourish by Helith'ir Emberah
- Oni of the Swallow’s Compass by Zhenshi Xiao
- Lightreaper by Rivayn Vesaldi
- Heaven’s Bow by Lunaeon Sol
- MSZ-XIV Zeta Weapon E-Type by Callum Crossy
- Knight of the North V2 by Wulfenthrad Callothas
- Orthodox Rune Knight by Callum Crossy
- Embers of the Flame by Callum Crossy
- The Fortune Teller by Rauro Gardz
- Dancer Lilac by Ravi Whistlenicker
- Jest a Dance by Jest’a Gutierr
- Of the Fae Courts by Seda'a Luna
- Star Seeker by Mikh'a Maccaleh
- Flourish by Helith'ir Emberah
- Anne of Denmark by Honey Bun
- A Dagger from the Sands by Flash Galathynius
- Black & White Valkyrie by Aveline Oakheart
- Ninja in red by Tranquil Rain
- Dusk Unto Dawn by Usow Dark
- Lightning Fury by Lunora Domistress
- Nomad by Norta Marmannwyn
- Oni Sam by Pink Snail
- Reporting for Duty by Iggy Goldberg
- The Gambler’s Fortune by Soledad Tycanos
- Anne of Denmark by Honey Bun
- Golden Dance by Enyo Ares
- Gray Derby - Inspired by Shirayuki Maru by Norta Marmannwyn
- Wandering Wisewoman by Ratel Felsenbrecherin
- Oni Sam by Pink Snail
- Eastern Bard by Red Boar
- Roman Brawler by Red Boar
- Stoyoroi Teller by Old Ram
- Roegadyn Gladiator by Red Boar
- Old West Reaper by Largest Father
- Paranormal Detective by Nox Cross
- Acumen by Big Siege
- Dreaded Warlord by Michael Kaiser
- Alexwicca by Soleil Seraphinite
- Mad Tapper by Red Boar
- Eastern Bard by Red Boar
- Bozjan Soldier by Braum Osbern
- Paranormal Detective by Nox Cross
- Old West Reaper by Largest Father
- Abalathian Sell-Sword by Destructive Dragon
- [Chesspiece] White Rook by Valkariel Dawnbringer
- Void-touched Blossom by Valkariel Dawnbringer
- Princess of the Kojin by Ko Kiri
- The King’s Thegn by Aillin Kaleis
- Meteion’s Honorguard by Ko Kiri
- Dark caster by Kierane Rose 
- Oathsworn by Valkariel Dawnbringer
- Mad Hatter by Mai Only
- Ratatoskr by Ko Kiri
- Goelia - Nightingale Rose by Glynne Silence
- Primal - Frostsworn by Iori Nin
- Flame Kissed by Khaidai Dalamiq
- Dancing Hurricane. by Lakira’ Kina
- Fairy Princess by Miu Fiore
- Seiryu Serpentsworn by Ko Kiri
- Crucible Paladin by Akile Demon
- Serpent Noire by Rogan Hunter
- Nidhogg’s Bane by Hiei Imada
- Gnashing Fang by Nakrik Valentus
- Chevalier by Kaien Shimazu
- The Firefighter at Amaurot by Doctor Gohan
- Spear of Doma by Fumetsu Ryujin
- Angelic Scythe by Zilcar Fateseeker
- Bard from Omphalos by Deiji Zeimei
- Outrider by Deimos Grey
- STEAMPUNK: Clockwork Cultist Dancer by Steampunksam Sc
- Dravanian Prince by Zen Arvel
- Garde Royale by Rogan Hunter
- Tundra Hunter by Epsilon Saber
- Gnashing Fang by Nakrik Valentus
- Essence by Ciel Whitewind
- Arhat Caster by Erzulie One
- Kugane Scammer by Nunui Nui
- [Liv] - Omega Mastermind by Liviana De’borel
- [Liv] - New Poseidon by Liviana De’borel
- Passionate Mage by Erzulie One
- Vampire Hunter Nun by Babbel Lin
- Undercover Bun by Merry Aress
- Steamdriven Reaping by Melodei Ariamis
- Persephone by Astraea Verndari
- An Angel Descends... by Lilibette Briarwood
- Liquid Arrow by Siddh Brumedecendre
- Once Upon A Dream by Beau Dawnbringer
- Memory of Hades by Ren Snow
- Kugane Scammer by Nunui Nui
- No title by Glynne Silence
- Snow Prince by Levi Gray
- No title by Glynne Silence
- Glynne - Through Snow by Glynne Silence
- Darkness and Light by Eonir Lumi
- ghastly reaper by Stan Daniel
- Emerald prince by Kailial Lyzeh
- Further Afield by Aureli Eliasina
- Newfound Adventurer by Ilium Lavendeer
- Regio Urbanissima by Baby Seagull
- Scurvy Dog by Aringrimr Ymir
- Orenji-Iro by Amaris Palazzo
- Thavnairian Traveler by Val Forsyth
- The Sage Prince by Lind Lecuyer
- Wet Ink by Yuzu Rein’del
- Heartsong by Siegfried Morynn
- Fateful by Shin Okusawa
- Sharlayan Healer by Clarence Mohali
- The Didact by Haereidin Doeszwynsyn
- Paglth’an Mage by Clarence Mohali
- Ornate Gunslinger by Vladimir Shootin’
- Einherjar v2 by Baruk Twinfang
- Showtime Ruler by Shin Okusawa
- Hingan Hroth by Razatko Morasch
- Field Commander (SGE) by Bhrat Burnhardt
- Voidsent Cultist by Baruk Twinfang
- The Sea King by Robin Zlobin
- The Red Hrothgar by Alexander Ercan
- Showtime Ruler by Shin Okusawa
- Jungle Prowler by King Kotal
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Mori me, mori tuga za tobom
u srcu mom si u ravni sa Bogom
kako da, da zaboravim te na čas.
Spremam se ja za život u dvoje
sanjam još, nosiš prezime moje
kako da, da zaboravim te na čas.
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bellecesca · 2 years
Kako zmanjšati stres na delovnem mestu?
Stres je običajen del našega vsakdana. Je naravna posledica prizadevanj za doseganje ciljev in premagovanja ovir. Stres občutimo, ko se soočamo s težavami v službi, šoli, doma ali drugje.
Če se soočate s kroničnim stresom, bi morda želeli razmisliti o ukrepih za zmanjšanje ravni stresa. Lahko se lotite meditacije, joge, tai čija ali kakšne druge oblike sprostitvene vadbe. Če ti ukrepi ne pomagajo, se poskusite pogovoriti z nekom, ki razume, kaj doživljate.
Če pa želite vedeti, kako zmanjšati stres na delovnem mestu, je tukaj nekaj nasvetov, ki vam lahko pomagajo:
1. Vzemite si odmore - ko delate več ur, se zlahka zgodi, da postanete preobremenjeni. Poskusite načrtovati kratke odmore čez dan, ki vam bodo pomagali obdržati stvari pod nadzorom.
2. Pravilna prehrana - Pravilna prehrana pomaga zmanjšati stres. Izberite živila, ki vsebujejo antioksidante, kot sta sadje in zelenjava. Izogibajte se ocvrti ali mastni hrani, saj se boste zaradi nje počutili počasne in utrujene.
3. Redna telesna vadba - Redna telesna vadba zmanjšuje stres. Izboljša vaše razpoloženje in poveča raven energije. Premaknite se!
4. Naučite se tehnik sproščanja - Učenje tehnik, kot so vaje za globoko dihanje in progresivno sproščanje mišic, vam lahko pomaga pri sproščanju. Naučile vas bodo, kako se hitro umiriti, da vas v stresnih situacijah ne bo preveval stres.
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stygiovictoria · 8 months
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"ignis is so regal" they said
"he probably has important business on his mind" they said
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aro-langblr · 2 years
Insight into Bulgarian (bʌlˈɡɛəriən)
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[Image description: A photo of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral lit up at night in Bulgaria. Source: iStock.]
What is the language called in English and the language itself? - It is called Bulgarian in English and български (bǎlgarski) in the language itself. It has 2 main dialect groups -- Western (hard) speech and Eastern (soft) speech -- both with many subgroups. Popular media often uses the Eastern dialect.
Where is the language spoken? - It is spoken in Bulgaria as a national language, and it is a recognized minority language in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Albania, and Romania.
How many people speak the language? - Roughly 8 million people speak Bulgarian.
Which language family does it belong to? What are some of its relative languages? - Bulgarian is classified as Indo-European > Balto-Slavic > Slavic > South Slavic > Eastern South Slavic > Bulgarian. It’s closest relative language is Macedonian.
What writing system does the language use? - Bulgarian mainly uses the Cyrillic script. In 2007, with Bulgaria becoming a part of the EU, it was given a Latin script, as well. In the past, the Glagolitic script was used, but this is now obsolete.  - Cyrillic text borrowed from the “Bulgarian Language” wikipedia page: Bсички хора се раждат свободни и равни по достойнство и права. Tе са надарени с разум и съвест и следва да се отнасят помежду си в дух на братство.  - Latin text borrowed from the “Bulgarian Language” wikipedia page: Vsichki hora se razhdat svobodni i ravni po dostoynstvo i prava. Te sa nadareni s razum i savest i sledva da se otnasyat pomezhdu si v duh na bratstvo.
What kind of grammatical features does the language have? - It is an SVO language; however, the word order is relatively free. Bulgarian also has 3 persons, 2 numbers (singular and plural, but there is also a separate numerical plural), particles, definiteness, and reflexivity. Pronouns of quality are something I found very unique about Bulgarian; pronouns of quality express the ideas of “this sort,” “that sort,” and “no sort”. (See the image below for better clarification.) Bulgarian’s only notable case is the vocative case, but in the past, it had an extensive case system.
How to identify the language? - If the language you are looking at has the letter Ъ but not ë or ï, then you can safely assume it is Bulgarian.
What does the language sound like?
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What do you personally find interesting about the language? - I really like how the language sounds honestly, and I think it is an underappreciated language in the langblr community. The fact that the main difference in dialect is based off of how one (past) letter is pronounced is also kind of facinating in my opinion ^_^
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Today’s team: @/Pande_Roma (Twitter) & @/heypekori (Twitter)
Veni, Vidi, Cecidit in Amore was written for the FFXV Reverse Bang 2022 and can be found on AO3 here.
Rating: Teen & Up
Ravus/Ignis, No Archive Warnings Apply
Description: Despite his lifelong love for baking, a certain professor turned the tides of Ignis's studies. These days, he's hard at work on his thesis while working at the campus library alongside other students. Unfortunately, the dedication to duty nearly spoils a very special night for Ignis.
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mirtadraws · 1 year
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#7 in my “postcards” collection of speedpaints (find the rest under the tag “razglednice”). Novi Bokanjac (New Bokanjac) is a distric of Zadar, located, as you can see, on the edge of the city. So it includes, aside from houses, various fields, pastures, some bunkers and a couple of hundred cows. Each picture was painted in 30min from my photo reference, without colour picking, as an exercise method.
1 View of Ravni kotari (”flat lands” rural part between Zadar and Velebit)
2 Bokanjačko blato - literally “Bokanjac mud”, an area which used to be a lake but got drained for the purposes of agriculture (the water is still there though, but it is subterranean, and it is used as a water supply for the city)
3 hidden bunker
4 a beautiful tree
5 architecture
6 mysterious signs (the rocks are in a deliberate pattern, but why)
7 what in god’s name are these narrow houses? (they’re empty and I can’t stress how very narrow they are)
8 view of Novi Bokanjac
I’m especially happy with the cow one and the lovely tree one.
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torssi · 6 days
V duhu današnjega dne, ko se sprašujemo o vokalnih insertih v tehno glasbi vabimo k poslušanju našega, Clubio podcasta I'm Not a Robot - Epizoda #023 gostiteljice Laylae z posebnim gostom iz Berlina Dj T.A.G na DI.FM. Nico nas je pred časom razveselil z izjemnim setom in prisrčnim odzivom na naše povabilo in z skromnim obiskom v Ljubljani dokazal, kaj pomeni biti odličen DJ in kakšen karakter se išče na svetovni ravni, ki si zasluži naziv dolgoletni rezident večnega sinonima za svetovno svobodo techno kulture, berliskega kluba Tresor, ki je obstajal pred padcem zidu in bo z takimi borci za mikerji užival svetovno podporo tudi v prihodnje. Nas je Nico kot oseba navdušil.
V tem miksu nas zanima kaj si mislite o insertu pri 16:00 minuti? Zanimivo, kajne. Toliko o nemškem kulturnem sporočilu ZDA. Sledi pa še angleško Nemčiji v naslednjem prispevku.
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lucasmelo95 · 2 months
⚠️Keto Light | Keto Light, kako jemati | Keto light dieta | keto light s... ✅ Povezava do uradne spletne strani s 50% popustom danes: https://cutt.ly/BwVhce6f ✅ Povezava do uradne spletne strani s 50% popustom danes: https://cutt.ly/BwVhce6f ⚠️Keto Light | Keto Light, kako jemati | Keto Light  dieta | keto light stranski učinki | Keto Light prevara | Keto Light kje kupiti | keto light cena | Kako pripraviti Keto Light | Keto Light ocene | Keto Light Sestava | Keto Light plus ocene | cena v lekarni Keto Light | Kako dolgo traja Keto Light? | Keto Light ocene | Ocena za Keto Light | Naročite Keto Light | Keto Light Ocene Pogosta vprašanja | Uradna spletna stran Keto Light | Kje kupiti Keto Light | Negativne ocene Keto Light | Pravi Keto Light Ocene | Kako jemati Keto Light | Keto Light Sestavine | Koliko časa traja, da Keto Light začne učinkovati ⚠️ 💊 Odkrijte Keto Light: 🔥 Preoblikujte svoje telo z revolucionarno Keto Light! 🔥 🌟 Iščete popolno keto dieto? Ne iščite več! 🌟 Kmalu boste naredili velik korak k zdravju in izgubi teže. Keto Light je vaš zaupanja vreden partner, ki vam pomaga doseči cilje keto diete hitreje in učinkoviteje kot kdaj koli prej. 🍃 Zakaj izbrati Keto Light? 🍃 ✅Podpora ketozi: Naše edinstveno prehransko dopolnilo je zasnovano tako, da vam pomaga doseči in vzdrževati stanje ketoze, kjer telo kuri maščobo za energijo. ✅Hitro hujšanje: Pospešite izgorevanje maščob in opazujte, kako številke na tehtnici padajo, medtem ko se počutite odlično. ✅Dolgotrajna energija: uživajte v konstantni ravni energije ves dan, brez skokov krvnega sladkorja. ✅ Regulacija apetita: Zmanjša apetit in pretirano lakoto, kar olajša sledenje dieti. ✅Naravna formula: "Keto Light" je narejen iz naravnih in neškodljivih sestavin, pametna izbira. 🌈 Prednosti Keto Light 🌈 🌿 Poveča izgorevanje trdovratne trebušne maščobe. 🌿 Izboljša mentalno jasnost in koncentracijo. 🌿Pomaga uravnavati raven sladkorja v krvi. 🌿Podpira zdravje srčno-žilnega sistema. 🌿Podpira izgradnjo brezmaščobne mase. 🌿 Zagotavlja vidne rezultate v tednih. 💪 Tvoje telo, tvoja pravila! Začnite svojo pot do novega sebe s Keto Light še danes! 💪 🎁 Posebna ponudba: Kupite zdaj in prejmite brezplačen vodnik po keto dieti za največje rezultate! Ne čakajte več! Spremenite svoje življenje s Keto Light in izkusite moč ketogene diete kot še nikoli. Oddajte naročilo zdaj in odkrijte pot do popolnega zdravja in odličnega telesa. 💫 🛒 Kliknite gumb Kupi zdaj in začnite svojo preobrazbo še danes! 🛒 ✅ Povezava do uradne spletne strani s 50% popustom danes: https://cutt.ly/BwVhce6f ✅ Povezava do uradne spletne strani s 50% popustom danes: https://cutt.ly/BwVhce6f 📲 Delite videoposnetek tega tedna: https://youtu.be/piZdC8Hn7L8 00:15 Keto Light 00:30 keto light stranski učinki 00:45 Keto Light kako jemati 01:00 Keto Light dieta 01:15 Keto Light kje kupiti 01:30 Prevara Keto Light 01:45 keto light cena 02:00 Kako pripraviti Keto Light 02:15 Keto Light negativne ocene 02:30 Real Keto Light Reviews 03:00 Keto Light kompozicija #KetoLight #KetoLightsideeffects #KakojematiKetoLight #KetolightKetogenicDiet ____________________ Keto Light, Keto Light kako jemati, Keto Light Diet, keto Light neželeni učinki, Keto Light prevara, Keto Light kje kupiti, keto Light cena, Kako pripraviti Keto Light, Keto Light ocene, Keto Light Sestava, Keto Light plus ocene , cena v lekarni Keto Light, Kako dolgo traja Keto Light?, Keto Light ocene, Ocena za Keto Light, Naroči Keto Light, Keto Light ocene Pogosta vprašanja, Keto Light uradna spletna stran, Kje kupiti Keto Light, Keto Light negativne ocene , Keto Light resnične ocene, Kako jemati Keto Light, Keto Light sestavine, Kako dolgo traja, da Keto Light začne delovati, Keto Light naročilo, Keto Light ocene Pogosta vprašanja, kako uporabljati Keto Light, Keto Light sestavine, koliko časa imate počakati, da Keto Light začne veljati, mnenja zdravnikov o Keto Light, mnenja o Keto Light, cena Keto Light v lekarni, sestava Keto Light, mnenja nutricionistov o Keto Light, Keto Light sestavine, Lažni Keto Light, Ali Keto Light deluje, Ali Keto Light res deluje, Je Keto Light laž, Recenzije foruma Keto Light, Keto Light dieta, Keto Light za hujšanje, Keto Light Forum, Keto Light Proizvajalec, Keto Light, Kako dolgo deluje, Keto Light za hujšanje, ponaredek Keto Light, Keto Light prehransko dopolnilo, Keto Light sestava prehranskega dopolnila, Keto Light zdravilo, Keto Light proizvajalec, Keto Light kontraindikacije, Keto Light nadomestek, kje kupiti Keto Light, Keto Light odmerek, Keto Light popust, Keto Svetloba, kaj je to? , proizvajalec Keto Light, neželeni učinki Keto Light, dodatki za hujšanje Keto Light, sestavina Keto Light, odmerjanje Keto Light, uporaba zdravila Keto Light, Keto Light, kje kupiti Keto Light v lekarnah, prehransko dopolnilo Keto Light, ocene uporabnikov Keto Light, Je Keto Light prevara, Keto Light lastnosti, Keto uporaba, Keto Light pregledi zdravil, Keto Light sestava zdravila, Keto Light pregledi tablet, Keto O, kaj je to zdravilo, Keto Light, dobite ga v lekarni
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vsakodnevno · 3 months
Preobtežena Zemlja
Populacija ljudi na planetu Zemlja že od lanskega leta presega 8 milijard.
Natančneje, v letu 2024 na današnji dan je na Zemlji že 8.084.662.751 ljudi in še kar in kar število narašča ob vseh dejavnikih zmanjševanja števila ljudi na našem planetu Zemlja.
Po našem planetu Zemlja se namreč širijo vojne, prav tako tudi pomanjkanje in lakota, vendar je število Zemljanov v letu 2024 že tudi narasli za več kot 2 milijona in 298 tisoč.
V letu 2024 je umrlo več kot 1 milijon in 899 tisoč ljudi. Rodilo pa se jih že več kot 4 milijone in 197 tisoč po podatkih na worldometru.
Največ prispevajo k povečanju populacije ljudi na Zemlji z največjimi faktorji razmnoževanja na letni ravni ali prirastkom svoje populacije naslednje države: Sirija (+4,98 %), Moldova (+4,98 %), Niger (+3,8 %), DR Kongo (+3,29 %) in Čad (3,13 %). Več kot 3 % letni prirast človeške populacije imajo še Mali, Somalija, Angola in Majote.
Največji deficit prebivalcev pa je zabeležen v Ukrajini (-7,45 %), kjer vojna nikakor ne pojenja in se ne umirjajo migracijski tokovi v druge države in si je Rusija že priključila Krim in tako imenovani Donečki bazen, kjer potekajo najbolj grozoviti boji med vojaki Ruske federacije in Ukrajine.
Ukrajini sledi z deficitom populacije Libanon (-2,47%), Bolgarija (-1,39 %), Litva (-1,15 %) in Sveta Helena (-1,12 %). Poleg teh držav imajo več kot 1 % letni deficit še Latvija in Srbija.
Seveda je eden od kriterijev za ocenitev poseljenosti Zemlje tudi število prebivalcev na kvadratni km posamezne države. Največjo poseljenost imajo Monako, Makao, Singapur, Hong Kong in Gibraltar. Od vseh teh naštetih držav zmanjšuje letni prirastek prebivalcev Monako z -0,47 %.
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