#rodney volunteering for this
void-botanist · 8 months
Heads up seven up
@writernopal tagged me for this a hot minute ago and I left y'all on the tiniest of cliffhangers with my last line tag, so here's sevenish sentences of this scene from Declan's perspective.
Rodney kept looking at him from the driver’s seat while pretending that he wasn’t. For the first two minutes it was ignorable, but even with his arm propped up on the passenger side door and his head leaned into his hand so he could endlessly twist his hair between his fingers, he was still catching Rod’s glances. “What?” he finally said as they passed by the cemetery. Rodney looked at him properly. “Nothing. Just thinking about the trip.” “What about it?” “It’s going to be a long trip. Even if everything went perfectly I don’t think we can make it in under three weeks.” “So why do you keep looking at me?” “I know you said two weeks, but…I don’t know if that’s long enough. We’ve all been on the ship a lot lately, and going from two months to two weeks is kind of intense.”
I'll tag the people who left me tags on the last line (but since I just tagged you lol extra don't feel any pressure): @writinglittlebeasts @sunset-a-story @chayscribbles @kahvilahuhut @vacantgodling
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kingkendrick7 @outpost51
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fuck-customers · 2 months
You had four animal care specialists and three volunteers - ALL WHO ARE VERY FAMILIAR WITH THIS ANIMAL - telling you that this dog does great with other animals and everybody *except* small children. In fact, we told you specifically that since you have two kids under ten, you should definitely look at any of our dozens of other dogs, most of which would fit your lifestyle better than this one particular dog. But you remained unconvinced because you wanted a blue heeler essentially for aesthetics. You could not be swayed away from the dog whose image you liked, despite his behavior being incompatible with your life. You swore up and down that he would be fine and he would behave differently FOR YOU. Now you have a (very mildly but still) injured child and one of our dogs is in trouble. Thanks for that. I'm sure your kid is as thrilled with this outcome as we are.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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the-mushroom-faerie · 3 months
I have been itching to talk about this headcanon for an hour but I've been busy so here you go
Atlantis cleared out one of the bigger labs and filled it with DVDs and CDs and books and magazines and even a couple VHSs. Rodney calls it the cultural database and John calls him "fucking pretentious it's a public library"
it's open 24/7 and doesn't really have a librarian it more runs on the honour system and once a month or so a team of volunteers goes in and puts things back to rights and also has the same rule as the library of Alexandria where any media brought to the city is either copied or donated to the library
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ishipthis · 10 months
Igo all in - A reunion oneshot you never knew you needed.
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“As we go on, we remember all the-“
“Carly, I swear to God if you sing ‘Graduation’ by Vitamin C one more time I’m going to graduate myself right back into the car.” He’s smiling as he says it, the same goofy smile that she’s been looking at for years, though now instead of just being the comforting familiar smile of her partner in crime, it’s the smile that has her knees wanting to buckle and her cheeks turning red. “Besides,” Freddie continues, smile widening as he wiggles his eyebrows at her. “It doesn’t even make sense, we’re not even graduat—“
She ignores him, a taunting smile covering her lips as she chooses to sing louder. “All the time we, had together!” This is her graduation and reunion all rolled into one damn it, and if that means making up for lost time by singing ridiculously nostalgic 2000’s pop, then she’s going to do it.
“I didn’t get to graduate with everyone, remember? You got your big moment, you got to wear the cap and gown and say goodbye to all your friends and I got-“
“Italy?” he cuts her off, smirk planted firmly on his lips.
“Shut up, you know it’s not the same, dummy. If I want to make up for lost time by singing the ultimate farewell to high school song, then I will.”
He laughs, his hand reaching down to take hold of hers, intertwining their fingers as he brings their joint hands up to his lips.
“Fine, go ahead, sing it then, babe. Tonight is your moment, you’ve earned it.”
Except it isn’t. The minute they walk through the double doors it becomes increasingly clear, the night is most definitely not her moment, not even close.
“Freddie! You’re here!” It’s the third person that’s come up to him in all of five minutes and while it’s amazing to see him in his element, it’s also disheartening the way everyone seems to glance past her like she’s just his plus one. She’s icarly, Carly Shay, she has 650 000 followers on Instagram and was the host of Italian QVC, surely she deserves more than a ‘I forgot you went here’, and then vague apathy.
“Hey Man, long time no see!” Freddie responds, greeting his newest long-lost pal with a secret handshake she’s never seen before.
He’s different here. Lapping up the attention in a way she’s never seen before. Still perfect, humble Freddie, but there’s something else there too, a sense of pride and twinkle in his eye she rarely sees aside from when he’s watching Millicent, or… Her. It’s interesting is all. He’s the same boy she’s known all her life; nothing’s changed, walking through those double doors didn’t alter reality, at least she doesn’t think so, but he’s also all together a different one entirely. Confident in a way he never was, electric in a way she’s never seen, and pulling people in as if he has some kind of gravitational pull that she never was informed he had.
It sit’s uncomfortably in her stomach. Discomfort that she has to share him, discomfort that he never shared this with her, and discomfort that at the bottom of all of this mixture of thoughts was a jealously she had no right to have. She was happy he was getting attention; she was happy he was being recognised for all the things she always knew him to be, wasn’t she?
“Wow, that’s some handshake” she volunteers lamely, because she’s not sure what else to say when she feels so out of place. 10 years ago she would have walked in here and been the one people flocked to, it would have been her gym, her friends, her secret handshakes that people looked enviously on. Now here she was an outsider practically hiding behind Freddie, which again, what? -like she no longer had a place in the room at all. It was as if the 11 years she’d spent with these people was all but wiped out when she decided to go to Italy. After the chat with Freddie the other day it just felt like another part of the move that was back to bite her in the ass.
Wait, was Freddie talking to “Rip off Rodney?” The words fall from her mouth before she can suck them back in, and the look on his face in response is again, interesting.
“I just go by Rodney now” He says, giving her a tight smile. “But man am I glad Mr Popular here decided to make an appearance tonight” Again, it’s back to Freddie and she’s fine about that, really she is fine.
Freddie laughs and it’s enough to make her knees wobble, because darn him and his cute little crooked smile. He seems so genuinely proud of himself, and it’s beautiful and guilt inflicting all at the same time. How had it taken her so long to realise how attractive he was? The way he nervously rocked back on his heels when embarrassed, the way he instantly looked to her to see her reaction. Was it always like this? How did she spend all these years seeing it, seeing him, and yet completely missing him all the same time.
“I didn’t know Chris Hemsworth transferred to Ridgeway?” she grins, interjecting herself back in the conversation as she looks around the room comically. “Where is he? If I’d known he was here, I might not have gone to Italy.”
Freddie laughs, his hand finding hers at the same time Rodney speaks. “Hemsworth? Nah, Benson over here had the school eating out of the palm of his hand senior year.”
And there it is, that beam again, that proud look that usually is saved just for her, except now apparently, it’s also held for senior year and whatever that entailed. “Freddie?” She says out loud, because she can’t stop herself and needs to clarify, because what? “This Freddie? Freddie Benson? Be real, how much did he pay you to say that?”
Rodney laughs and she watches as the expression on Freddie's face changes from pride to hurt then pride again as he hears her call him 'Her Freddie'. Has he always been this expressive, she wonders? Is this another thing she missed. Was this what it was like in Italy? He had said that he faked that emergency, and that he'd been heart broken, and yet she'd been there and not even noticed. He had got the text, given her an excuse, and literally run the other way and she had let him, which makes it worse. Surely it must have been obvious, right now she could read his micro expressions a mile away, and yet back then she'd not even known the difference when his smile didn't reach his eyes. What kind of friend was she? Even if at that point she’d be denying her feelings, she’d failed him. He was right.
She snaps back out of her thoughts and into the conversation at the sight of Freddie looking increasingly more uncomfortable by the second, which mean’s she’s clearly missed something. She may not have read the room back then, but right now it’s clear as day that he’s both embarrassed and internally panicking, a far cry from the pride he was showing mere moments ago. "Not a cent! Last dime I got from him was when he bribed me not to tell Principal Franklin he'd snuck out with Zoe, let's just say he wasn’t your Freddie in senior year that's for sure, he was Veronica's and Ashley's and Moni- oww!"
Freddie freezes, his hand reaching down to pick up Carly's again having skilfully socked Rodney in the gut. It's meant to be reassuring she knows, but right now all she can think about is the thought of Freddie with someone else. Veronica or Ashley or Monica-someone's who most definitely are not her. She thinks back. Sam had admitted to her years ago that she and Freddie had hooked up while she was away, but that was it. There was no mention of another girl, let alone three.
She looks at Freddie, her brow furrowing as he uncomfortably scratches the back of his neck with his free hand, a tell he’s both uncomfortable and guilty. Well that’s just great.
"Wow" she mutters, still trying to clear the mental imagine from her mind. "I sure missed a lot here!" And she did, clearly, she missed a lot.
She looks to Freddie, fingers untangling from his as they start to feel clammy. He visibly flinches, worry covering his features as he brings his hand to rest on her back instead. It’s a oh no you don’t, if ever there was one, the don’t run from me unspoken.
"As much as I'm sure Carly is loving this little walk down memory lane, I think I hear someone calling our name, but we'll catch up soon, yeah?" he says not waiting to hear the answer before gently manoeuvring her towards the direction of the wine. "He's exaggerating, I promise. " But she's not so sure. Ever since they walked through those doors it had been the Freddie show, and she’s seen enough movies to know that if someone is quote unquote popular, girls will follow. Besides, you don’t get two ex-wives without being somewhat of a ladies man, right? If she was being honest, she didn’t know what to think. What she did know though, she needed a glass of that wine, stat.
The night isn’t going to get any better. This was evident when she was stuck hearing another story about a Freddie she never got the chance to know from another mystery best friend, and it’s even more evident now as she stands with Rebecca Berkowitz talking about towels. TOWELS. If she knew endorsing a self drying towel would leave her stuck in this stupid conversation, she would have told the endorsement deal where to shove it. A life of post shower chills surely isn’t worth the pain of this conversation.
“So my little sister is obsessed right? So of course she has to have the Carly towel and I tried to explain to her you’re just paid to talk about them, but she just doesn’t understand how us influencers work, it’s -“ her voice becomes completely muffled as Carly zones out again, scanning the room for Freddie while trying not to laugh at the idea of Rebecca being an influencer. The only thing she was influencing right now, was a headache. Where was Freddie?
"I’m actually surprised you came to this thing” Rebecca continues, because clearly she is not getting the hint. “Even more surprised who you came with, but I guess it’s nice you came to support him at his reunion, you guys were always such cute little friends.” Carly shudders. Friends. While it was true, they had always been just friends and only recently started transitioning to more, the way Rebecca says it sounds kind of pathetic. ‘Cute little friends’-it’s pointed as if it’s insignificant and she wonders not for the first time if that’s how she used to make Freddie feel; small and childish. And wait, what did she mean Freddie’s reunion?
She’s about to respond when Rebecca cuts her off again, hip bumping her in the process, which is annoying, because they are not at a hip bumping level of friendship, not even close. “Now tell me, girl to girl, it’s just for the views, right? That set up of the webcam was totally gold, Carly, but I know a good PR move when I see one. I assume it’s only a matter of time before the breakup is going to happen? The big fight on camera for the viewers, the controversy. It’s rating’s gold. I’ll give you that!”
Wait, what? what the hell was any of that supposed to mean.
Carly flinches, her cheeks tinting a nice shade of red as she feels a wave of genuine anger roll over her. 1. This is her freaking reunion, and 2. Nobody talks about her man like that. She had realised the second point was an especially tense one since just a few weeks prior, when Neville targeted her sweet, defenceless man with a deep fake, and- no, just no! She was pretty good at playing nice, but apparently insulting the love of her life is where she draws the line.
“Firstly, girl.” She repeats, a frustrated tone slipping from her mouth. “It’s not a PR move. I’m not sure where you got that idea, but he’s my… Freddie, and there will be no break-up. I adore him, nay, love him, not that any of that is any of your business anyway. And secondly, this is my reunion too. Did you not forget that I went here for from grades K through 11? Seriously, we had classes together, why is that so hard to remember?!” The second point comes out more pointed than the first and she’s not sure why it matters so much that people realise she belongs, but it does, it just does.
She’s missed out on so much, all of the fun senior year experiences, senior ditch day, senior prank day, the parties.. And worst of all, she missed out on Freddie. If she’d been there maybe there wouldn’t have been a Veronica or Ashley or Monica, it would have just been…
“Carly” Rebecca is still there. An annoyed look now etched on her face as she looks Carly up and down, and wow okay, she’s got this mean girl thing down pat. “You’re giving off a lot of negative energy right now, like your aura is not good, but it’s okay, I get it, if I hadn’t graduated because I failed gym, I’d feel a little pathetic being here too”
“I don’t feel pathetic” Carly cuts in before she can register the rest of Rebecca’s words.
“Wait, what did you just say?”
“Oh my gosh, you don’t know, do you?”
It feels like the room is suddenly dead silent, the only noise audible the creak of the gym door swinging open. Of course she graduated gym? She’d gone to a little bit of college, you can’t go to a little bit of college if you haven’t graduated high school, that’s like impossible, right? Right?
“I. Went. To. College” she states, a bite to her tone as she brings her hands to rest on her hips. “So you’re clearly mistaken. Girl.”
“Babe? You good?” She feels the arm wrapping around her waist before she sees him. Freddie. Sweet, beautiful, Freddie. His brow is furrowed, a nervous look etched on his face as he looks between them a few times before resting back on her. ‘You okay?’ he mouths silently, tightening his squeeze on her waist.
“She’s fine, Freddie, I was just telling Carly here about the unfortunate mix up with the office senior year and from the looks of things, I don’t think she’s taking it very well.”
He’s confused. Heck, she’s confused. None of this makes any sense. Did Freddie know something she didn’t?
“Mix up?” he responds, the question evident in his voice. And nope, phew.
“Mmm” she hums, a smirk planted on her lips. “Remember when we all got in trouble for bringing vodka into the pep rally that one time?” He nods. And seriously? Carly thinks, What the heck kind of senior year did they have? And in what world would Freddie sneak alcohol into anything. His mother was obsessive at the best of times, there is no way he could have snuck anything by her.
“Well, it was my second offence or whatever, so they made me do community service for the school” She rolls her eyes “I was stuck helping out in the office, and I just happened to hear that one of the temps signed off on your credits, without actually checking, because like, who fails gym? Anyway, apparently you do.” Rebecca laughs like it’s a funny story, like she’s telling the punchline to a joke and she guesses it is, because from the minute Carly walked through those doors, it’s been evident that the only punchline happening tonight, is at her expense.
“That’s…?” Freddie starts, a confused look reflected on his face before he looks over to her to assess where she’s at. He doesn’t like what he sees, that’s the only explanation for the next words out of his mouth.
“That’s quite a story, Rebecca. If you’ll excuse us, I think it’s time for a refill, but please do say hi to your 25 followers for me. Great seeing you.” Who is this Freddie and why does the sight of him going all grizzly bear on her behalf leave her wanting to drag him out of here and into their own kind of cave?
“So what you’re telling me” Freddie asks, clarifying again for the third time since they’d walked up to principal Franklin “Is that Carly never graduated? Like never?”
“That’s what I said”
“We sent letters, Miss Shay” Principal franklin says addressing her again as he ignores Freddie, who currently is tightening his hand against her waist as if grounding her to the conversation and to him. “We even emailed, but when we got no response, I suppose it just never got followed up?”
“Followed up?” She spits out, anger evident in her voice “My future and my eligibility to viably enter college was just something that you never followed up?” How? How did she never find out? And more importantly, what does that even mean? Did she even graduate any of her classes at college? Was everything for nothing. Was she a high school dropout, oh god she was a high school drop out!
The announcement is made over the speakers and damn if it doesn’t just put the soul-crushing cherry on top of the already rotting cake. This was not supposed to be the night. None of this was supposed to happen. Now, not only was she a high school drop-out, but she was a high school drop-out that would forever be forgotten because her face would never be included in the class photo, nor her name. Okay so maybe she was being a little melodramatic, maybe it wasn’t all that big of a deal to be in a simple photo, but to her it was more than a picture. It meant something. Especially if she was next to him in it. It was like righting a wrong maybe.
“Freddie, we’re having some issues with getting the camera working properly, you think the former captain of the photography club would be happy to come and give us a hand?”
Freddie looks at her, doubt clouding his features as he takes her in. “I’d love to guys but-“
“But nothing” Carly cuts him off. “He’ll be right over.”
It’s not what he wants to hear, she can tell, but this is his night, these are his people and apparently this is his memory to make, so who is she to step in the way of that? “it’s fine, sweety” she says, plastering a smile she knows he can see is lacking as best. “I’ll sort things out here with principal Franklin, and you go do what you do best, the nerdy tech stuff, then when you come back, we’ll take the picture and I’ll give you that dance I owe you after all those years of the friendzone.” She wiggles her eyebrows as a small smile plays on her lips, not quite reaching her eyes. If anything has come from pretending she didn’t have feelings for Freddie for the past few months, it’s the ability to make a jokes in tense situations and evade the truth. “
You sure?” he asks her once again, before finally dropping her side. She nods. “Totally, get out of here.” “You’re the best babe, I’ll be right over there, back before you know it” he kisses her cheek, and she shivers as the familiar feeling of butterflies comes over her. Even when she feels like drowning, he makes her knees want to buckle. But he’s always been saving her, long before she realised it.
“I’m sorry, Carly” Principal Franklin cuts in again, and she’s pulled back instantly into the feeling of chaos. Into swirling feelings and confusion and regret and… Freddie. “If it’s any consolation, you’re a smart and successful girl who’s made something of yourself, I wouldn’t be too concerned over what a piece of paper says.” And she’s not. That’s not the problem, she thinks. The problem is that without that piece of paper, she can’t make it right. She can’t give Freddie back the only thing he ever wanted in highschool, her heart. She’s failed him again.
“I- Thank you” she stutters, a wave of emotion that’s been laying dormant suddenly coming alive inside. “I- I’ve got to excuse myself, I’m sorry.”
“I thought I might find you here.” Freddie says gently as he walks toward her, his brow furrowing as he takes in the sight of her folded figure against the lockers they’d spent the better part of their teens stumbling around, and It’s fitting, she thinks, that they would end up back here again, back at the place where for all intents and purposes, they kind of began. She doesn’t even know how she got here, not really anyway. It’s not like she intentionally chose to run to his old locker, in all honesty it wasn’t a decision at all, more muscle memory, her legs taking her to the one place where she felt like she could breathe. And isn’t that ironic? The one place that feels like freedom, is the one place that reminds her of him? It’s not the first time this evening that she finds herself wondering if it has always been that way. Just another thing she was too blind to see.
“Am I that predictable?” she asks him, voice muffled by the fabric of her shirt as she hugs her knees tighter to her chest.
This was not how the night was supposed to go. The night was supposed to be about her getting to rewrite history, getting to take back the time she lost. They were meant to walk through those double doors hand in hand and she was meant to make the wrong of walking out of that school without him, right. She was meant to give him what he always wanted. Freddie had said at the start of the night that it was hers for the taking, but she had realised as the night went on that it wasn’t, not really, it should have been theirs; and now it felt like just another moment she’d inadvertently stolen from them.
“Only to me” Freddie says with a smile, bending down to sit next to her, his body mirroring hers as he rests his head back against the lockers.
It’s her first real smile of the night, his words wrapping around her heart like a reassuring hug, I know you, they whisper, it’s me and you, always. She’s silent for a few moments when he continues. “Are we spiralling?”
“A bit” she admits, resting her head back against the metal door as she blows out a breath.
“Okay” he nods, like her answer is the most simple thing in the world, and maybe to him it is? There has never been a moment where he hasn’t been there for her, and as he slips his hand under her arm so he can entwine their fingers together, she realises there probably will never be one.
“I shouldn’t have gone to Italy” she blurts out, instant relief at the feeling of finally- finally getting it off her chest. It’s a feeling she’s been renumerating on ever since they found their way together a few weeks ago, and coming here, hearing the stories, seeing him in his element and knowing she missed all that, it just makes the feeling more intense. Living with her dad, getting to spend the time they’d lost was the right choice, it was the only choice back then, but the feeling of regret that came up every time she thought about what she’d missed out on, that made it feel like maybe there had been another one.
“Babe-“ he begins, but she cuts him off as a wave of anxiety rolls over her.
“It’s not fair.”
He squeezes her hand three times, a code they’d created days earlier as a way to say I love you without having to worry about Millicent, Spencer or Harper gagging. I. Love. You.
She squeezes back four times. I. Love. You. More.
“Is this about what Rodney said?” She shakes her head. “No. Well maybe, but no, not only that”
“Because he was exaggerating. I didn’t like-, I wasn’t a sexual deviant or anything. He really did make it sound worse than it was.”
She cracks, a smile spreading across her lips as she dares to look up at him for the first time since they started the conversation. He’s smiling too, a lightness in his eyes that instantly makes her feel safe. “The last thing I would ever think is that you could be a sexual deviant”.
“Hey!” He grins, bringing her hand up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “I might surprise you, I had moves.”
She shakes her head laughing but then the picture of him making ‘moves’ on one of those girls plays in her mind and her smile drops and she looks away.
“Where’d you go” he asks, in tune with her in a way she never realised he could be.
“I’m not mad you kissed them, I know that you had a life outside of me, you had a whole world that I was not part of, that’s never been a problem before.”
“is it now?” She hears the unspoken question in his words. Is my past too much? He’d asked her a similar question a few weeks ago, fearing his baggage was going to scare her off.
“No” she whispers reassuringly. “Never, I’m all in. -I just feel like I missed out. Like maybe if I hadn’t left, It would have been us, these would have been our memories, it wouldn’t feel like my place in your life was erased.”
“Carly, look at me” His voice is sure and steady, reassuring as he coaxes her to really listen.
“You were not erased.” She bites her lip.
“You’re missing the photo, we can do this later, you should go back.”
“Babe.” He says again before emphasing every word. “You. Were. Not. Erased.” She shudders. “If you think there was ever a day where I didn’t miss you, or wish you were by my side, then you’ve got it all wrong. And if you think that I care about a photo, or a reunion, or-“ He lifts her hand again, pulling it over to rest against the cotton of his shirt right over his heart. “-or I can about swapping stories about moments where I was missing a piece of my soul because it was half way across the world in Italy, well then you don’t understand how much this, you, us, means to me. You were the best part of my high school experience, Carly. No one will ever erase that.”
She buckles, or at least she mentally buckles as her body turns to jelly. His words, his reassurance, the look in his eyes, it’s all completely overwhelming and heart stopping in the most wonderful way. He loves me, she thinks, and even though he’s said it before and she’s known it, each time they have these moments where he reassures her, it becomes something she not only knows, but something that she knows. She wants to bring her walls down, she wants to give him all of it, all of the worries and doubts and love, the overwhelming all-encompassing love that she has, that she’s probably always had but never been able to verbalise or understand, not until now.
“I love you” she whispers to him, picking up his hand and bringing it to rest over her heart much the same way he has hers. “I love you so much that it feels like I’m going to burst with it sometimes, and I-“ she takes a breath, choking on a sob she didn’t know was there. “I’ve never felt it in my bones, I never thought I could. It’s new to me… This is new to me.”
He takes a breath swallowing heavily and she feels his hand slightly trembling against her chest. Hers is too, she is sure. “It’s new to me too” He admits, his voice cracking. “I haven’t felt this either. Which is just, yeah”
It’s unspoken the rest of his sentence, but she gets it. She gets the words that he doesn’t speak. Just because you marry someone doesn’t mean you give them your heart, much the same way running from someone doesn’t mean they don’t have yours. It had taken them years, but they were finally here, they finally had it. The 'it' that could not be erased.
She slides her hand from his chest around to the back of his neck threading her fingers through his hair as she pulls him forward, her lips delicately brushing over his. “All in” she whispers.
“All in” he repeats before pulling away from her lips with a grin .”Wait, I’ve got an idea!”
She blushes, unable to wipe the smile off of her face as he reaches into his pocket pulling out his phone.
“We’re not live streaming again are we?”
He smirks. “Not a chance. I just thought maybe we could take a photo of the only moment here I’m going to want to spend the next 10 years reminiscing on.“
“100” she cuts in.
“Yeah. All in, remember?” He grins.
“Okay, the next 100 years looking at.”
He swipes on his phone pulling up the camera app before positioning his hand in a way that the shot captures not only them, but the locker behind them as well. “Full circle” he explains while smiling at the camera and she follows suit, unable to stop herself from beaming.
Before he can stop her, she tilts his chin catching his lips with her own.
“There you are!” Rodney yells from the top of the hallway. “I’ve been looking for you guys for five minutes. Are you coming to take the photo or what?”
“Photo?” Carly says, a confused expression etched on her face.
“Oh, crap” Freddie says sheepishly. “Did I forget to tell you I talked them into signing over your gym credits?”
“You what? How?” And really, how?
“I may have agreed on Spencer’s behalf to make a generous donation to Principal Franklins retirement fund”
“You bribed him?!”
“All in, baby”
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 11 months
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"I'm surprised you're so eager to volunteer for this, Rodney."
"Well, you know me, always eager to help."
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
i know all fandoms are like this but i wish there was any discussion on fob's discography beyond "their new music sucks" (cringe) or "well i love ALL their music" (coward) :| tho of course musical lyrical analyses are much more interesting & productive than arbitrary opinions
ok heres new discourse: youre crashing is one of the best fob songs because it was written by the biracial son of a lawyer and political science major who spent summers in switzerland as a child and who has family in the white house and did shit like set fires as a teen and then ended up in the troubled teen industry and then black nationalist hardcore bands and anyway its about a trial he volunteered on concerning the son of a black panther being framed for arson during the rodney king riots. thats why its one of the best, and pete also said at one point that was the one on infinity on high he was most proud of
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dedkake · 2 months
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i'd do anything | an sga dubcon reclist
a limited selection of the wealth of dubcon fic in the sga fandom
there is a sliding scale of how dubious the consent is in these fic, as well as other warnings, so please read responsibly.
aliens make them do it
Mercy by astolat | e, 1.5k, rodney / john John stared down at his hands, a little numbly, watching Rodney wrap the long leather strap over and under his wrists, binding them together. Operation Think of Atlantis by Liviapenn | e, 3.4k, rodney / john "Hey," John said after a while, "did anything like this ever happen to any of the SGC teams?" Want by velocitygrass | e, 3.7k, rodney / john They'd found him here three hours ago, naked, arms in shackles that were chained to the ceiling. At One's Pleasure by Ladycat | e, 3.8k, ronon / teyla / rodney / john “I will do this,” Teyla says. If anything, she looks interested at the explanation. Boundaries by esteefee | e, 4.2k, rodney / john The Alien High Priest makes them do it. This was for the AMTDI challenge, finished way too late. And the Boxes Came Tumbling Down by FrankTheSnek | e, 7.3k, rodney / john There was an art to hiding your true self, an art John had mastered. Sometimes however, life forced you into situations where hiding was impossible and all your secrets were revealed. Once things are forced into the open, can John pick up the pieces and hide himself away again? Does he want to? What I Meant To Say by Cesare | e, 7.7k, rodney / john AMTDI, bondage, boots, and bottom!John, by request. Warning, AMTDI noncon/dubcon issues apply. Stay, that's what I meant to say, or do something But what I never say is stay this time I really meant to so bad, this time But you can never really tell when somebody Wants something you want too… -- David Bowie, "Stay" Like She Owns Him by trophic | e, 8.6k, sam / john In order to negotiate with an alien society, Sam needs to bring along a sex slave in a harness. John volunteers. A Little Bit More (But Not Too Much) by Green & Ladycat | e, 10.7k, rodney / john John swallowed, because that should not have been sexy. He found himself breathing shallowly, the scent of Rodney -- sweat and grass and a little bit of mint, like aftershave long faded -- oddly overwhelming. "Just because I'm American military doesn't mean I haven't … wondered," he said, struggling to try and sound normal. Decreasing Radii by cathalin | e, 27k, rodney / john An alien device forces John and Rodney to do something they wouldn't do otherwise. The aftermath is not easy. But sometimes, not-easy leads to good things.
power imbalance
Take It Like a Man by sabinelagrande | e, 1.7k, rodney / john John Sheppard, occasional cocksucker. Bound and Waiting by A_Storm_of_Roses | e, 2k, larrin / john “Now, now, there’s no need to struggle so much. You’ll hurt yourself.” John finds himself at Larrin's mercy once again, this time with a much more enjoyable outcome. Passion's a Prison by sharkie335 | e, 2.6k, rodney / john Rodney held up a large hunting knife, repeating, "I don't have to untie you." Wake by Speranza | e, 3.3k, john / rodney, multi John's more than a little buzzed by the time he decides to go through with it. Brownian Motion by 30toseoul | e, 3.6k, ronon / teyla / rodney / john John gets bounced into an alternate reality. Contractual Obligations by velocitygrass | e, 4.4k, rodney / john "Get a condom for Rodney and something to prepare John," he heard the director's voice coming from somewhere. He slowly looked up, and it suddenly dawned on him what that meant. If you want to kiss the sky by siegeofangels | m, 7.8k, multi Warning: John fucks a lot of people, willingly but not necessarily happily. Warning: Kind of meta. helpless plaything by torch | e, 8.2k, ronon / rodney / john So, John Sheppard falls through a quantum mirror and ends up in a universe where Rodney and Ronon are warlords. And hey, they like him. A Fate So Sweet by Telesilla | e, 13.7k, rodney / john, multi Rodney McKay, owner of the exclusive brothel Pegasus House, doesn't usually train new workers. Former airship pilot John Sheppard, however, might just prove the exception to the rule in more ways than one. Theban Bond by tigerlady (shetiger) | e, 15.3k, evan / john, evan / rodney / john When John had been promoted to lieutenant colonel, he'd mostly been in shock that Elizabeth had managed to keep him in Atlantis at all. So in shock, in fact, that he hadn't even remembered the other responsibilities that came along with his new rank until Major Evan Lorne showed up at his door, ready to serve. Term of Service by Resonant | e, 16.2k, rodney / john, multi "You're telling me that you would sell your bodies for curiosity, orbital shielding, and a quarter-charged ZPM?" "Well, yeah. Who wouldn't?" **Warning for noncon also Wrapped in a Red Ribbon by auburn | e, 23k, rodney / john Det. Sheppard and CSI McKay must go undercover to catch a serial killer. **Warning for noncon also Vegas Dirtbag!Lorne AU by Anagrrl & chaos_monkey | e, 35k, evan / john, cam / john Major Evan Lorne looks like the all-American dream guy, the perfect poster boy for the US military, on the surface. The type who'd have your daughter home smiling and maybe a little disappointed by nine pm sharp, even if you'd said ten. Clean cut, easygoing. Good-looking in a way that's completely nonthreatening, even a little bit boring. Safe.
under the influence (drugs and alcohol)
Abandon by Zinnith | e, 2.7k, rodney / john "If you come inside now, I won't be able to help myself." Rodney on alien Viagra. Natural Aptitude by rageprufrock | e, 4.3k, rodney / john "Hey," John said, blinking. "You're kind of a slut, aren't you? Them Other Boys Don't Know How to Act by eleveninches | e, 4.6k, rodney / john Tag for 3x03 Irresistible. Rodney fails at getting his revenge, and Sheppard fails at getting his point across. Synchonicity by amireal & seperis | e, 10k, rodney / john "How long have we been walking?" What Happens in Pegasus, Stays in Pegasus by kisahawklin | e, 11.2k, jennifer / rodney / john Sex at a science convention! What could be better? Advantage by Resonant | e, 14.9k, rodney / john This slave-owner thing was a lot of responsibility.
under the influence (mind whammy)
If You Trust In Me, I Can Be Anything You Need by zoemathemata | e, 3.2k, rodney / john From a prompt on the sga_kinkmeme - John/Rodney, begging, conditioning, d/S, dubcon Months after he was kidnapped, John escapes and returns to Atlantis, but he's miserable. His captors conditioned him as a sexual submissive and to come on command and only on command. Embarrassed and desperate, craving the satisfaction and headspace of those experiences, he turns to Rodney for help. - UNBETAT'D Release Mechanism by Hth | e, 7k, ronon / john “It is temporary,” the old man said. “Activating the release mechanism within a certain period of time negates the– “ “Mine,” Sheppard said, in the slow tones of someone who was working very hard to stay calm, “doesn’t have a release mechanism.” “That’s a problem,” the Avorian said. Heart of Ice by crysothemis | e, 8.6k, rodney / john "That's the problem," Rodney said. "You don't care about anything." We Cannot Live Within by laureltreedaphne | e, 9.6k, rodney / john John grinned. "So McKay's attractive to everyone?" Fix (John's Point of View) by crysothemis | e, 33k, rodney / john John has a problem. Rodney really doesn't want to help.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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Mach 3+ Cowboys
The Blackbird’s survival kit included a very rare aluminum gun!
Yes, you read it right! The gun was made of aluminum to keep it lightweight. My Father, Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield, former SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer (RSO), told my husband, Rodney Miller, about the gun for protection.
Butch carried it in a shoulder holster. If you look closely at the picture of him standing in a very early pressure suit, you can see it. Dad had to go to the shooting range and qualify for carrying the gun.
The men who flew the SR-71 were prepared for anything. Before they could fly the SR-71, they had to go through a grueling survival school. Butch told me about how he was locked in a cell for 24 hours, with the only sound he could hear was the sound of his friend Tom Schmittou screaming! They had to make sure that he could stand the pressure of being tortured by the enemy. Survival school for the A-12 pilots was so intense that I read that Ken Collins started hallucinating during his training.
Former Blackbird’s pilot Richard Graham explains in his book, SR-71 Revealed the Inside History, “the survival kit contained standard Air Force survival items: a one-person life raft, day/night flares, desalinization kit, emergency UHF radio with spare batteries, first aid kit, thermal blanket, fishing gear, survival manual, and maps. Tethered between you and the survival kit was the inflated one-person life raft, ready for a water landing.”
Another item that was carried in the pressure suite (not in the survival kit that was in the ejection seat) was a sealed envelope that the SR-71 crews were supposed to give to anyone who was causing them trouble. My father, Butch Sheffield, gave the sealed envelope to the base commander in South Korea when they were upset about having an SR-71 land on their tiny base. We are not sure what was in that envelope or what it said, but the base commander smiled and then was compatible and willing to do anything to make the crew comfortable. You must remember that the men who flew the SR 71s were volunteers.
I never met an SR 71 crewmember who didn’t love their job flying the SR 71.
Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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conradscrime · 10 months
The Disappearance of Jeffrey Andrew Dupres
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July 6, 2023
On April 24, 1980, a 3 year old boy named Jeffrey Andrew Dupres and his mother, Denise, were outside their home in Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada. Just before 1 pm that day, Jeffrey told his mother he was going to play with his next door neighbour, a 5 year old named Rodney. 
Denise went inside and switched over her laundry, the window was opened. A few minutes later Denise heard Rodney’s dad calling out for him to come inside. At this point Denise looked out the window and did not see Rodney or Jeffrey. Denise believed that Jeffrey had gone inside Rodney’s house with him. 
About 20 minutes went by when Rodney showed up at Denise’s door asking for Jeffrey. Realizing he was missing, Denise immediately called the police at 1:45 pm. The police actually told Denise they were too busy and suggested she continue to look for her son with neighbours. 
At 2:20 pm, Denise called police again. It took them over an hour to get to her house. There were hundreds of volunteers that showed up to look for little Jeffrey, with the news of his disappearance spreading quickly. Jeffrey’s father, who had been working away, Ray, came home and the two parents searched for their son for the rest of the night. 
On April 25, 1980, the search continued. Teachers and 200 students from high school helped searched, and throughout the day many of the same locations had been checked multiple times with no luck. 
The community really came together to search for the little boy, taking it extremely seriously. One man even quit his job supposedly when he was told he would not be allowed to have time off to help search. 
Denise had asked authorities multiple times if they could get the Armed Forces Search and Rescue to come help look for her son, however they ignored her pleas, and the Armed Forces did not show up for almost a week. 
Soon enough, a witness came forward and her and her two kids who also witnessed the abduction were flown into Edmonton and hypnotized. 
Supposedly the woman who kidnapped Jeffrey was an “attractive female in her mid-20′s.” She was about 5′2 feet tall, 110 pounds with shoulder length brown hair. The truck she was riding in was a 1978-1980 custom painted Chevy/GMC short box pickup with chrome bumpers and wheels. The driver of the truck was a male in his early 30′s who was clean shaven, with short reddish-blonde hair. 
Both of Jeffrey’s abductors were described as “relatively small.” Apparently this woman was seen trying to get Jeffrey to go towards the truck. When Jeffrey got close enough she grabbed him and the truck drove off. 
Despite there being a witness who came forward, Denise herself was accused of murdering Jeffrey in the summer of 1980. They asked her to do a lie detector test. 
In 1986, an investigator stated that he had a gut feeling Jeffery was still alive. The same year, the national missing children’s database was developed and Jeffrey’s case was compared to 100 other missing children. There was never any “tell-tale” similarities according to investigators. 
If the woman and the man who abducted Jeffrey were alive today, the woman would be in her 60′s and the man in his 70′s. If Jeffrey was alive today he would be 46 years old. 
It has been over 43 years since Jeffrey Dupres was abducted and there is no further information on his case. 
Tips can be sent to Slave Lake RCMP by calling 780-849-399. An independent tip line has been set up by Recover Agency offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to Jeffrey’s whereabouts.
Source: CanadaUnsolved
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
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Outrage over racial profiling and the killing of African Americans by police officers and vigilantes in recent years helped give rise to the Black Lives Matter movement.
But tensions between the police and black communities are nothing new.
There are many precedents to the Ferguson, Missouri protests that ushered in the Black Lives Matter movement. Those protests erupted in 2014 after a police officer shot unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown; the officer was subsequently not indicted.
The precedents include the Los Angeles riots that broke out after the 1992 acquittal of police officers for beating Rodney King. Those riots happened nearly three decades after the 1965 Watts riots, which began with Marquette Frye, an African American, being pulled over for suspected drunk driving and roughed up by the police for resisting arrest.
I’m a criminal justice researcher who often focuses on issues of race, class and crime. Through my research and from teaching a course on diversity in criminal justice, I have come to see how the roots of racism in American policing – first planted centuries ago – have not yet been fully purged.
Slave Patrols
There are two historical narratives about the origins of American law enforcement.
Policing in southern slave-holding states had roots in slave patrols, squadrons made up of white volunteers empowered to use vigilante tactics to enforce laws related to slavery. They located and returned enslaved people who had escaped, crushed uprisings led by enslaved people and punished enslaved workers found or believed to have violated plantation rules.
The first slave patrols arose in South Carolina in the early 1700s. As University of Georgia social work professor Michael A. Robinson has written, by the time John Adams became the second U.S. president, every state that had not yet abolished slavery had them.
Members of slave patrols could forcefully enter anyone’s home, regardless of their race or ethnicity, based on suspicions that they were sheltering people who had escaped bondage.
The more commonly known precursors to modern law enforcement were centralized municipal police departments that began to form in the early 19th century, beginning in Boston and soon cropping up in New York City, Albany, Chicago, Philadelphia and elsewhere.
The first police forces were overwhelmingly white, male and more focused on responding to disorder than crime.
As Eastern Kentucky University criminologist Gary Potter explains, officers were expected to control a “dangerous underclass” that included African Americans, immigrants and the poor. Through the early 20th century, there were few standards for hiring or training officers.
Police corruption and violence – particularly against vulnerable people – were commonplace during the early 1900s. Additionally, the few African Americans who joined police forces were often assigned to black neighborhoods and faced discrimination on the job. In my opinion, these factors – controlling disorder, lack of adequate police training, lack of nonwhite officers and slave patrol origins – are among the forerunners of modern-day police brutality against African Americans.
Jim Crow Laws
Slave patrols formally dissolved after the Civil War ended. But formerly enslaved people saw little relief from racist government policies as they promptly became subject to Black Codes.
For the next three years, these new laws specified how, when and where African Americans could work and how much they would be paid. They also restricted black voting rights, dictated how and where African Americans could travel and limited where they could live.
The ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868 quickly made the Black Codes illegal by giving formerly enslaved blacks equal protection of laws through the Constitution. But within two decades, Jim Crow laws aimed at subjugating African Americans and denying their civil rights were enacted across southern and some northern states, replacing the Black Codes.
For about 80 years, Jim Crow laws mandated separate public spaces for blacks and whites, such as schools, libraries, water fountains and restaurants – and enforcing them was part of the police’s job. Blacks who broke laws or violated social norms often endured police brutality.
Meanwhile, the authorities didn’t punish the perpetrators when African Americans were lynched. Nor did the judicial system hold the police accountable for failing to intervene when black people were being murdered by mobs.
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Reverberating Today
For the past five decades, the federal government has forbidden the use of racist regulations at the state and local level. Yet people of color are still more likely to be killed by the police than whites.
The Washington Post tracks the number of Americans killed by the police by race, gender and other characteristics. The newspaper’s database indicates that 229 out of 992 of those who died that way in 2018, 23% of the total, were black, even though only about 12% of the country is African American.
Policing’s institutional racism of decades and centuries ago still matters because policing culture has not changed as much as it could. For many African Americans, law enforcement represents a legacy of reinforced inequality in the justice system and resistance to advancement – even under pressure from the civil rights movement and its legacy.
In addition, the police disproportionately target black drivers.
When a Stanford University research team analyzed data collected between 2011 and 2017 from nearly 100 million traffic stops to look for evidence of systemic racial profiling, they found that black drivers were more likely to be pulled over and to have their cars searched than white drivers. They also found that the percentage of black drivers being stopped by police dropped after dark when a driver’s complexion is harder to see from outside the vehicle.
This persistent disparity in policing is disappointing because of progress in other regards.
There is greater understanding within the police that brutality, particularly lethal force, leads to public mistrust, and police forces are becoming more diverse.
What’s more, college students majoring in criminal justice who plan to become future law enforcement officers now frequently take “diversity in criminal justice” courses. This relatively new curriculum is designed to, among other things, make future police professionals more aware of their own biases and those of others. In my view, what these students learn in these classes will make them more attuned to the communities they serve once they enter the workforce.
In addition, law enforcement officers and leaders are being trained to recognize and minimize their own biases in New York City and other places where people of color are disproportionately stopped by the authorities and arrested.
But the persistence of racially biased policing means that unless American policing reckons with its racist roots, it is likely to keep repeating mistakes of the past. This will hinder police from fully protecting and serving the entire public.
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galtx · 7 days
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GALTx eNews: We Are Turning 23!
Twenty-three years ago, a small group of dedicated Greyhound enthusiasts got together at Stoneleigh P in Dallas and Greyhound Adoption League of Texas was born! Please join us to celebrate our birthday and the 4,000 hounds we have helped find forever homes over the years! We will be at the Conner Pavilion at Lake Park (600 Sandy Beach Road, Lewisville, Texas, 75057) on April 28, 2024, from 11:00 to 2:00.
Admission is only $10 per person and children under ten get in free. The state park also charges a $10 per car parking fee. Our birthday party entertainment includes:
Greyhound nail trims for $10, first come, first served;
Reiki by Suzanne Burke, ten minute sessions by appointment for $10;
Animal communicator;
Hound contests;
Vendor shopping, including LePope Designs, Sandy Bohannon, Beth Rodney, and GreytStore staples;
Volunteer recognition;
Caricature paintings of your hounds by Mary Beth Gibson, $35 for one hound or $50 for two hounds in the same painting;
No mess paintings by your hound for $10;
Raffles, $5.00 for 3 tickets (not available via PayPal); and
and a live auction!
With the purchase of a $10 cup, beer is free. We'll provide hummus for humans and cake for the hounds. You can bring your own picnic lunch or pre-order lunch from Mezes and More starting at $10 per person. Admission tickets are available in advance on our website or at the door, but you need to pre-order lunch by noon on Saturday, April 27, 2024. When you order your admission tickets, please also order your beer cups, reiki sessions, nail trims, paintings, and other extras.
As always, our volunteers make our events "greyt" and we need your help. Please click here to sign up to volunteer for the event. We have lots of different opportunities, something for everyone.
If you would like to give a birthday gift to help us welcome more hounds to the GALT family this year and in the years to come, you can give either to our Facebook Birthday Fundraiser or on our website. Thank you and we can't wait to see you there!
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[[ @theresastargirl hit the <3 for a starter from Rodney
"Alright then!" he began, clapping his hands together as he looked around at the raised heads of his team. "It's been suggested that we try out a volunteer-based duty assignment system. So, as idiotic as that is, here it is: I need an extra pair of hands to go down to the water processing center and assess the damage. Who's it going to be?"
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fuck-customers · 8 months
Not a fuck customers, but more of a “wow boomers really don’t get how bad it is out here”- My mom recently left an abusive relationship with my stepdad. He was making $200k a year and controlled her financially, so she hasn’t had a real job since 2005
I’ve been trying to help her get a job. I called in some favors with some friends and got her a volunteer position (so unpaid) in a charity shop until she can find a paying job, and she never showed up for it. I said she needed work experience if she wanted to get hired anywhere. She said something like “If my only work history is working for free then my future employer will assume they can mistreat and underpay me. Besides, I don’t want to work minimum wage. How hard can it be to get a job at a company?”
Without any diplomas or work history or references? Extremely fucking hard, it turns out. Everyday she takes my car out and hand delivers her resume (a single sheet of paper listing a company she worked for in 2005 that doesn’t exist anymore) to offices around town, then goes in person to places she went days before to ask why they haven’t gotten back to her yet.
I tried explaining to her most places don’t even do hiring in person anymore, it’s all done online. I tried explaining they’re definitely not gonna hire her if she harasses them, she says she’s just showing “persistence and can do attitude”. I glanced at her resume the other day, and half the words were misspelled. She said her employers wouldn’t care about typos, just hard work.
I just…. can’t seem to get her to understand how much the world has changed. She’s still claiming I can do better than $13/hr at (Fast Food place), and I try to explain to her $13/hr is high for our area and I’m actually lucky, but she says I’m just lazy and unmotivated. Even though she’s been staying with me and knows I work 6 days a week, sometimes 10-12 hr days, and I always come home sore and exhausted.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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heathersdesk · 21 days
The Youth Fundraiser—Then and Now
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It's that time of year when various congregations are doing their annual youth fundraisers to raise money for their youth camps this summer. The emails went out last week setting the date for our silent auction and asking other members of the ward to volunteer items and services for the youth auction. I've decided to make a crocheted blanket (maybe 2) for it. We did a dessert auction in my last ward and people paid $200 for cake pops that the Young Women made, so I'm imagining some version of that will also happen here.
That was one of the last years girl's camp was a thing before they made a lot of changes to the youth program. From what I see now, the single fundraiser pays for a co-ed overnight trip that all the youth go on to the same place, and have the chance to do the same activities. It's wildly different from what my experience was as a youth, where the Young Women would raise most of the money and the lion's share of it would end up paying for the Young Men to go to Scout Camp because it was more expensive. I went to Church in Delaware when I was in Young Women and there was an enormous discrepancy between Camp Rodney (the expensive and very nice facilities owned by the Boy Scouts) and the cabins we went to, all of which were in poor conditions and didn't have a fraction of the amenities and offerings that Scouting did.
I hope those days are gone for good. I would not wish them back. And now that I know the stuff I donate isn't being allocated in ridiculously gendered ways, I'm happy to support in whatever way I can to give the youth a fun experience in the outdoors together. Especially if it means I don't have to come along because these Idaho people feel the need to climb up vertical surfaces to the tops of things, and I do not enjoy it. If I'm going to pop a lung, I can think of better places to do it than in the middle of nowhere down the dirt roads of Idaho.
All this to say: if you're so inclined, start thinking and planning the goodies you want to offer up for your youth fundraiser.
And if you were in Young Men as a youth, know that more likely than not, the other youth in Young Women you went to church with probably paid (at least in part) for you to go to Scout Camp. Make sure the Young Men and their leaders in your congregations pull their own weight during these fundraisers instead of making the Young Women do all the work and raise all of the money.
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hjcoolartnerd · 26 days
TDC Episode 2: All Aboard part 2
A/N: *This season of TDC all players are adults even the reboot ones. they are 20, PI are 24, ROTI are 25 and the Original cast are 27.*
Previous Episode:
All Aboard part 1
Recap Voice Over:
"Last Time on Total Drama Cruiser! 36 crew member were brought back for an exciting new season, divided in to 4 teams of 9. some liked their teams others not so much. We learned why some people didn't return to the game and we also found out who might be this season's antagonist jajaja. We also found out the way of elimination the plank of shame. who will be the first one to dive into shark infested waters? and who will be setting foot in our economy class? Find out right here on Total! Drama! Cruise!"
Chris and the crew mates were all on the beach of Hawaii a familiar beach for everyone who was a spectator of the World Tour Finally "Today's challenge we will be divided into 3 parts. first part you will decide who will sit out of the second and third part of the challenge." Chris smirked as he pointed to the four cages "That person will sit there on their first half and they have to eat disgusting food prepared by today's surprise guess. World Tour's Winner, Alejandro!" As Chriss announces who would be preparing the disgusting food, a Helicopter drops Alejandro with him Heather. "Al Buddy, I am only needed you. That who I'm paying only 50 dollars. " Chris said "Well, I don't go anywhere with out Alejandro" Heather spoke as she held Alejandro's hand. "So these are the pathetic looser you chose for your new season?" Alejandro sneered as he saw everyone "Oh looked an Eel dipped in Grease." Noah said. "Al" Justin said "Justin" Alejandro replied. Justin glaring at him while Alejandro just smirked.
"I hate that smooth talker! He thinks he is better than me because he could get more people to fall for him! He is nothing compared to me! I'm the original pretty boy! He is just a copy!" Justin's Confessional.
"The Last person to puke their disgusting food would get a 5 min head start in the next part of the challenge." Chris said "Alejandro and Heather will make the grossest food, while each of you choose who is going to eat from your own team." Everyone looked at eachother and they got in circle. Screaming Eagles: "Okay Team, we need someone who isn't grossed out easily and cost us the advantage." Carlos said taking the lead "Blainley can't do it because she cheated during her gross food challenge." Blainley glared at him "Who volunteers? Kyle? Julia? Your season had really disgusting food." Carlos pointed out "Yeah but I wasn't the one to eat a type wyrm that was Julia." Kyle smirked as Julia glared at him "Gross! No I am not Doing it! Why not you big guy?" She points to rodney "You were raised on a farm" Everyone turns to Rodney "Me? I.. Uhhh.. well you see...." Rodney began stuttering before he shrugs. "It might be the best plan, most of us here dont tolerate gross foods" Trent said thinking back to season 1. "And I can't eat anything gross! Not Even Chef's Food!" Anna Maria said. "That's because paying attention to your physical appearance is a cry of help! and you secretly love the fact that you can get to be yourself with daniel." Dawn said as Anne Maria glared t Dawn.
"Carlos and maybe Kyle, Julia and Rodney seem to be the only other strong competitors in our team... Blainley should go out as soon as we get a change and Carlos and Trent agree. But right now I need to focus and don't let my anger take over" Eva's Confessional.
"So Rodney is our pick?" Eva asked. "Seems like it." Kyle said smiling. Julia then pulls Kyle aside "Hey We need to talk" She told him as he pulled him away from the team "Yes Julia?" He asked "You know we are at A voting dis advantage right? If we lose, Eva, Carlos, Trent, Dawn and Anne Maria could team up to vote us off. We are the newbies and despite our differences we have to work together at least until we reach the merge." Julia said as Kyle listened "Yeah but how can i trust you? You aren't exactly trustworthy Julia. I Haven't forgotten what You did to Caleb and Priya." Kyle said with his hands on his hips "True I am not exactly trust worthy. But. If we could work together we could ride the challenges." She said. "Yeah but if we work together our team will avoid most eliminations, Not Counting Blainley and Anne Maria the rest of us are good at challenges." Kyle said "That what we need. Work together and not Kill each other in the prosses." Julia though about it "You are right..." She said.
"Kyle, is smart. and He knows how to play well as a team... which is why he can't stay longer that 25th place. I'll keep him for as long as I can and then Boot him. Like his Cousin Eric he always make it far and I am planning to stop that." Julia's Confessional.
"I don't trust Julia One bit! But if I can help my team work together we could ride off every challenge without going to the poop deck and manage to avoid elimination. With me, Carlos, Julia, Eva, Trent, Dawn and Rodney. we have a fair chance. I'm doing this for Wayner and Rajie.... and Bowie. and to get back into the Hockey team. If i prove that I can be a team player the coach has to let me back right?" Kyle's Confessional.
Killer Hornets: "Okay so which of us has the most Iron stomach?" Daniel asked as all The girls looked away avoiding Daniel's eye. "Great.. None of us have guts." Noah said as he looked at everyone "Yeah, My Great Great Great Great Great Great-" Daniel sighed "For Crying out loud Stacy be useful and shut your damn Mouth for once!" He snapped. "I Vote Staci for the eating part!" Sadie said as she raised her hand. "Me too." Katie said smiling "What?! Why me" Stacy replied. "I'm not against it" Daniel smirked "Sure why not. Nichelle? Sammy? Jane? Beardo?" Noah asked "Fine by me! I don't like disgusting foods" Sammy said. Both Beardo and Jane agreed. "I also agree with that." Nichelle said as they all looked at Stacy who is worried and confused.
"I had to take the leadership role of my team. we are the worst team. Worst than the grips. Maybe I need a new game strategy this season." Daniel's confessional.
"It's strange to see Daniel take a leader ship role. He usually stays in the back hidden. But I don't blame him. Have you seen our team?" Noah's confessional.
"My Great Great great Great great great grandfather created prisons, Before him, people used to walk cuffed all around and even ran away and policeman had to round them up.... And My great Great great great great-" Stacy's Confessional.
"So yeah, this team sucks.... At least my previous teams had good players, but this one?! This one is the worst! The other three teams are better especially the Pidgeon's, They have a mutant! A Mutant! They have the advantage." Jane's Confessional.
Ferocious Pidgeons: "Okay we all have to agree that Dakotazoid will do the first part of the challenge right?" Bryan said as he rounded up the team. "And why should we listen to you man?" Tyler asked as he looked at Bryan "You haven't been the best player in previous seasons and a cheater mind you." Geoff added. "Sam yeah... You are like Alejandro and Heather but Worst" Sam said.
"I am nothing Like Alejandro or Heather! And I learned strategy, My girl back home aka Courtney taught me a few strategies i could use to make it far, And one thing is being a team player. She made me watch every season of total drama, learn from everyone's mistakes." Bryan's Confessional.
"I fine with Bryan's Plan" Dakotazoid said as Bryan smiled "Alright who is against it?" He looked at the others and they stayed silent "Good, with Dakotazoid we might win this first half." He smiled.
Turkeys of Death: "I volunteer myself for the challenge" Ezekiel said "With my toxic saliva i could dissolve the food and when i eat it I wont have must taste." He said as everyone looked at him "But isn't eating Toxines dangerous for you" Millie asked. "Not since i got mutated in Chris' mine." He said nodding. "I like you enthusiasm Zeke, but Ripper is the grossest one here, I bet he can eat without vomiting" Sierra said. "Me? why?!" He asked. "Mmmm I don't know.... Be who do you think should do the challenge?" Brick asked B and B pointed at Ripper. "agreed." Brick added. "I think Zeke should do it if he want's to do it" Justin said smiling
"If Zeke's looses us the advantage guess who the team votes for.... Yeah Mutant Homeschool. This is my season. I need to show them that I'm a better version of my Action self." Justin's confessional.
"What do you think cutie" Justin asked Amy who had been staring at him. "Oh me? Uh I vote Zeke!" She smiled and looks away blushing. "okay that's 3 votes Zeke, 3 votes Ripper. Millie? Topher Ripper?" Sierras asked them "Definitely I vote ripper!" Millie said. "And I vote Zeke I don't want to eat disgusting Foods!"
"Justin is so attractive!" Amy's Confessional.
"I won't eat anything disgusting! I made a deal with Axel's brother that i will refrain from gross things!" Ripper's Confessional.
"I vote for....." Topher began as both Zeke and Ripper waited with anticipation for him to choose. "Zeke. It's the best choice! The toxic Saliva sounds like a good plan!"
The time to choose their prisoner was over as Chris told the selected person to walk forward. Rodney, Stacy, Dakotazoid and Zeke walked forward "Okay! You four step into your cages! Heather and Alejandro are finishing the gross food you four have to stomach." He smirked "The brough from the most disgusting trash they could find. While they finish, I'll give you the rules for the second part of the challenge, 7 members of each team, will create a sacrifice with no pineapple head, off Heather or Alejandro. If you have a female contestant in the cage you will build an Alejandro dummy, if you have a female you build a Heather dummy." Chris said. "Excellent! I wanted some revenge on Al, and now it is time. Even if it's a dummy" Bryan's Confessional.
"After building the dummy from those 7 , 3 will work together to the volcano and throw their sacrifice, after than they will race back down and run towards that side of the beach where depending the order you arrive in with is the order we will have the one on one part of the challenge. the first one to win 3 fights win immunity and get to travel to our next destination in first class. the team that losses 3 fights will get the poop deck and are forced to send someone home." Chris explain the rules, just as Alejandro, Chef, Heather and a red Head Inter. "Izzy?!" Everyone gasped when they saw the familiar crazy "Yep, Izzy Agreed to be my intern in exchange for fix her image, after her out burst on set" Chris smirked "Give the prisoner their, food." Chris said as the four went to each of the person in the cage, Chris press the airhorn signaling for the challenge too start
"This is so entertaining, Watching those loser eat disgusting food , for a million dollars. I Know I wanted the Money but, seeing them squirm is more entertaining. But I still want the Million don't get me wrong." Heather's confessional.
Dakotazoid and Zeke were having an easy time with the challenge, Zeke's saliva making it easy for him to eat, while Dakotazoid's stomach allowed her to eat without vomiting. How every Stacy couldn't eat one spoon full as she tried to eat she couldn't help but vomit. "And Stacy is Out!" Chris said as the Hornets sighed. Rodney wasn't that behind when he vomited. "And Rodney is also Out! Only Dakotazoid and Zeke's left maybe it's time to see some of the most disgusting blunders from total drama history, gotten from Sierra's blog." Chris said as Chef brought Chris' monitor. Izzy notices Al and Heather weren't there so he left into the boat to find them. While the challenge progressed Izzy was looking for Heather and Alejandro around the cruise ship
"If I had to think like those two, They'd be looking for the briefcase with the money in Chris quarters. He hired me as a Inter but I'm more like security. and Maybe explosive will get to Boom Boom!" Izzy's Confessional.
Heather and Alejandro were in the production suite of the production. Alejandro was looking near Chris' room while heather kept look out. "Hurry Up Alejandro! we need the money and then leave out of here." Heather said as she gave Alejandro a side eye as she kept watch. "Don't rush me! McLean's Room is disturbing! he has pictures of himself everywhere in this suite." Alejandro said from the room "And there is no way of knowing where he would hide the case.": he added. "There should be a safe around there." Heather said as he kept watch. "Ugh this is so frustrating!" Alejandro groaned. "That's How I wanted to catch you two jaja" Izzy said as Heather notices her "Oh Crap! Alejandro! IT's the Crazy girl!" Heather shouted at Alejandro. "What?! She was with Chef and Chris!" He said walking out and his eyes widening as he saw Izzy standing there "You two are not supposed to be here." She smirked "Production team and staff only! You two are only here to Demo the challenge.". Heather back away "I got lost Izzy... I was looking for the Confessional." She said trying to get away. "Yeah that's what we were doing" Alejandro said calm. "OH i do not believe that...." She smiled "Prepare to Face the power of Izzy" She began charging towards them, as Heather first instinct was to bolt out of there. "I am Out of here" Heather said running. "Pft I am not scared of You Izzy" Alejandro said
"Alejandro Is Crazy For challenging Izzy like that. I know he is muscular and a force to be reckoned with but Izzy is unpredictable and she can go on a head to head fight with Chef so I know he is risking loosing. But right now I needed to save my ass" Heather's confessional.
"I delt with Izzy during season 3 and she is nothing but a joke. I can easily take her" Alejandro's confessional.
"Heather is a smart cookie for running from the Izzy! But Alejandro will see just how capable this nut case is!" Izzy's confessional.
Izzy and Alejandro began having a hand to hand combat. Their fight were head to head as they fought, an Intense battle for two of the strongest ex competitors. Heather was running off from the Production suite. While they fought for a long time, and it appeared liked Alejandro had the upper hand when Izzy slowly changed the tides, tripping Alejandro and then tasing him "Izzy wins!" She exclaims as she then puts cuffs on Alejandro's wrist "Time to take you to the boats punishment cells" She said as she took Alejandro to the lower parts of the cruise ship where there were cells and she pushed Alejandro towards one of the cells "Now I need to find Heather" She said as she closed Alejandro's cell and left to go find heather.
"Izzy won't find me if I hide in first class right?" Heather's confessional.
Back with the Challenge They were still seeing disgusting scenes of Total Drama of people vomiting and Dakotazoid couldn't take it anymore. She had an Iron Stomach and she couldn't take much more of seeing past people vomiting. "And Zeke wins the advantage for the Turkeys of Death! they won the 5 min advantage in the Sacrifice Building Challenge!" Chris said as the Turkeys of Death celebrated. "Now teams choose who is going to be waiting at the other side of the island for the third part of the challenge.." Chris said as the teams reunited again
Turkeys of Death: The team were together except Ezekiel "Okay Who is the strongest member of our team?" Millie asked "I am!" Both Ripper and Brick spoke at the same time. "What? You are not the strong one I am!" They continued to talk at the same time "No I am!"
"I need to prove I'm the alpha male of the team! and show them I am the strongest here!" Ripper's confessional.
"I have military training, There is no doubt I am the strongest one!" Brick's confessional.
"Ugh, Can we just not Argue!" Amy said crossing her arms "Ripper will take the last part challenge and that's final!" She said as everyone stared at her. "Wow oaky miss bossy pants, Brick is the best choice he has military training!" Sierra said crossing her arms "But if we choose Ripper we could blame him if we loose, and he can be booted off" Justin said "Hey! I am not that bad! My girlfriend's brothers taught me how to be strong so i can keep their sister safe!" Ripper said as everyone exchanged glances at him "Okay Fine!" They all said at the same time. "If that's who is going to take the final challenge, then Me, Brick and B will take the Dummy up to the Volcano." Sierra said smiling.
Ferocious Pigeons: "Okay who will we send to the last challenge?" Bryan asked as everyone exchanged glances. "I could-" Tyler began but Bryan stopped him "Not you Tyler...." Bryan said
"No one here is good for the last challenge.... this is so.... UGh! Maybe.... Axel? I don't know Sam, Tyler, Leonard and Ella are no good for the one on one challenge. Geoff, Axel and Damien seem perfectly fit but Geoff is too much of a nice guy and Damien.... well is Damien... and there is no way they'll beat the eagles if they pick Eva." Bryan's confessional.
"Axel? Will you do it for us?" Damien asked "you are the strongest one of out team" Everyone turned to Axel. "And you could beat the crap out of who ever you are placed against to." Axel looked at Damien and smirked "I accept it!" She smiled. "Great we have our fighter!" Geoff smiled. "Then Me, Tyler and Bryan will take the dummy to the volcano" Geoff added.
Killer Hornets: None of the team spoke up to take the last spot of the challenge. they were all glancing at each other hoping for to volunteer for the last challenge.
"The sacrifices we have to take to lead a team of complete dumb shits. Noah is the only smart one but we don't need brain in the final challenge. Jane is just a flexible girl but not good in fighting challenges and Nichelle.... welll yeah" Daniel's cponfessional.
"Okay, okay. I'll take The final spot!" He sighed "But you guys better be fast and carry the heavy Alejandro Sacrifice." Daniel said. "We will, There is nothing I'd like more than to see Alejandro fall into that volcano even if it's just a dummy." Noah said as Daniel nodded. "As for who will take the dummy, it will be Nichelle, Jane and Beardo" Daniel said "Sure I see no problem with that."
Screaming Eagles: "Eva you want to go to the last Challenge?" Carlos asked her "Yeah, I'd bring our team the win." Eva said with no hesitation. "To have a better chance to arrive first to the volcano and the beach, me, Trent and Kyle will take the Heather dummy up the volcano." Carlos said hoping the team agreed. "I'm fine with that" Julia said as she just looked at her Nails. "Yeah because there is no way my good looking body will get near the heat of that volcano" Anne Maria said. "And I'm not risking letting my body get burned by lava Blainley Said.
Meanwhile Izzy finally found Heather and Heather began running off from Izzy "I almost got you!" She laughed crazily as she ran. "You can run as much as you Can Heather! But you can't hide from the E-scope!" Izzy said as she chased Heather "Come on Izzy! We were friends! Can't you just let this slide?" She asked laughing crazily and Tackling Heather "I got you Now! Wait till Chris Hears this" She smiled as she took Heather toward the cell and locked her up in the cell next to Alejandro's.
"You think Chris, would give me a raise for what i Did?" Izzy's Confessional.
Chris Blew the air horn and the building challenge began. The turkeys of death began their 5 minute head start to build their sacrfice with Dekotazoid's intructions. When the 5 mins were over the other teams following the guidance of their caged teammate began their sacrifices, Sadly the Hornets were getting nothing since, Staci was focused on talking about he great great great great greet. "Yeah! My great great great great great Grandfather, invented Logs! Before him people used to burn trees with out cutting them... and my Great great great great great great great -" Staci continued "Ugh! Tgis is Frustrating!" Jane complained as she covered her ears tired of Staci "Can't we just glue her mouth shut?" She asked as the other shrugs. "Staci! Can you just tell us what to get? We are going to lose if you don't help us." Noah yelled "This is so Humiliating The other team will win!" Sammy said frowning. Beardo nods making a losing tune. as The other teams kept working on their sacrifices slowly the teams finished their their sacrifices and the 3 for each team began taking the sacrifices up. leaving the hornets behind. Chris walks towards the last place team "If you don't put the work your team automatically loose the challenge and head to the poop deck." He laughed at them. They all glared at Stacy. "Okay I Am Done with Mrs Nice Girl!" Jane spat "You will shut you mouth up and tell us what to do or So help me You will be the one going home tonight!" Jane yelled ar her
"It's obvious who is going home if we loose" Jane's confessional
"Honestly.... Why is should we win at this Point. The other 3 teams are ahead by a lot!" Nichelle's confessional.
"Why is she sooo Useless!" Noah's Confessional
"Is she kidding? Who here buys her lies?" Beardo's Confessional
"Not even me and Sadie are that annoying!" Katie's Confessional.
Eventually they managed to build their Alejandro Sacrifice, So that allowed Nichelle, Beardo and Jane to began working together to carry the Alejandro Sacrifice towards the Volcano. Meanwhile the other three teams were far away from them They were basically just finishing throwing their sacrifices. "Trent, Carlos, we Should go Now!" Kyle said as he began running down the volcano the mentioned guys following behind him. Once Tyler, Geoff and Bryan threw their sacrifice they began running behind the first place team, Tyler then tripped and began falling down the volcano. Geoff and Bryan exchanged glances. After Throwing the the sacrifices the three members of Turkeys of Death began running towards the beach. B had offered Carrying Brick and Sierra so they could arrive together. The three teams in the lead were head to head, except Tyler who had fallen from the side of the volcano.
"Chris never said that the whole 3 members should arrive to the beach together so, We should yell at Tyler to run towards the beach. But first...." Bryan's confessional.
Bryan pushed Kyle, and he provoked Kyle to tumble and and make the rest of his teammates fall.
"What is Wrong with Bryan! I know this is a race but he doesn't have to push me!" Kyle's confessional.
"Wow So typical of Bryan tripping the enemy, I better keep an eye on him...." Sierra's Confessional.
"Tyler! Run to the beach! Hurry! IF we cross first Axel will have her 3 fights firs!" Bryan yelled still running down the volcano just in case. Tyler groaned as he got up from the floor and began making his way to the beach. "Oh No he is not arriving First!" Carlos said as He got up first than Kyle and Trent and he began running down as fast as he could. Behind Him followed B carrying Brick and Sierra. Finally reaching the top of the volcano was Jane, Nichelle and Beardo, They threw their sacrifice as Nichelle observed a faster way to climb down the Volcano.
"I need to reach the beach first! we could give Daniel the chance to win the challenge.... But I am Tempted to stay back so we could Vote off Staci" Nichelle's confessional.
"Look Nichelle!" Jane said as Nichelle and Beardo looked at her "You could climb thru there and reach the ground first that B, and Carlos. and Since you will land safely you could beat Tyler to the end." Jane said as Nichelle smiled and Began climbing down the way Jane said. Jane smiled.
"I want to win. Even if I dislike Staci and she made us fall behind.... I still don't want use to lose a teammate, No matter how useless they are" Jane's confessional.
The race was close, Tyler going slowly to the end. B and Carlos running at the same pace as Nichelle had just landed in at the ground and she began running towards the beach. "This I going to be close! Tyler has the lead! but Nichelle just landed first to the ground! and But Carlos and B are both running at an Alarming rate! First class is on the line! first fights will be given to the team who arrives first" Chris said as he watched thru the monitors the 4 four main runners. "chef should we make the fight the way to chose a real looser between 3rd and 4th place?" Chris asked Chef. "Yes! That'd be excellent!" Chef smiled. from where he was Bryan could see that Nichelle was going to beat Tyler.
"Desperate Times calls for desperate Measures!" Bryan's Confessional.
Bryan grabbed a coconut and tossed it towards Brick, The coconut hit him making him fall from B's arm and by pure change he fell on top of Nichelle. Seeing that Provoked Sierra to tackle Bryan and began beating the crap out of him. Carlos too advantage of this and speed up towards the finish line Just as Tyler was about to win Carlos passed By Tyler. "And The Screaming Eagles! Won first place!" Chris said as Carlos crossed. "What!? What about the fights!?" Eva asked. "Well! The fight will still happen but that to choose the ultimate loser between the last two team and It appears that the fight will happen between Daniel and Ripper because the Ferocious Pigeons win second place." Chris said as Tyler finally crossed the line.
"This Is Bryan's fault! It's really un fair that Bryan's team got second Place!" Sierra's Confessional.
As the sun hung low in the sky, casting an orange hue over the arena, Ripper and Daniel stood atop platforms, each armed with jousting sticks, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. Ripper flexed his muscles, a cocky grin spreading across his rugged face. "You ready to taste defeat, Daniel?" Daniel smirked, adjusting his grip on the jousting stick. "I wouldn't be so sure, Ripper. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." With a Air horn from Chris, the duel to avoid elimination ceremony began. The platforms rocked as Ripper and Daniel charged towards each other, their jousting sticks clashing with thunderous force. "Is that all you've got, Daniel?!" Ripper taunted, his voice booming across the arena. Daniel gritted his teeth, his focus unwavering. "You haven't seen anything yet, Ripper!" Back and forth they battled, neither willing to give an inch. The tension in the air was palpable as the spectators held their breath, waiting for the decisive moment. Suddenly, Ripper unleashed a powerful strike, catching Daniel off guard and sending him staggering backward towards the edge of the platform. "You're finished, Daniel!" Ripper roared triumphantly, preparing for the final blow. "Go Ripper Beat His ass!" Amy shouted. "Don't let that Jerk beat you Daniel!" Nichelle shouted. But Daniel wasn't about to go down without a fight. With a swift maneuver, he regained his balance and countered Ripper's attack, sending him reeling. The rest of Daniel's erupted into cheers as the duel reached its climax, the combatants locked in a fierce struggle for dominance. As the dust settled, it seemed as though Daniel had gained the upper hand, poised to send Ripper tumbling into the shark-infested waters below. "Any last words Ripper!" But then, Ripper unleashed his secret weapon. "Ah, what's that smell?!" Daniel exclaimed, his nose wrinkling in disgust. Ripper grinned wickedly, raising his arms to reveal his potent secret. "what you smell is my natural yeast smell." The foul stench emanating from Ripper's pits was enough to make Daniel dizzy, his senses overwhelmed by the noxious fumes With a final shove, Ripper sent Daniel plummeting into the waters below, victorious in the ultimate showdown of strength and strategy. "And Ripper wins it for the Turkeys of Death!" Chris shouted in his mega phone as the team cheered and the Killer Hornets groaned.
"I don't Blame Daniel for loosing.. Ripper stinks like crap" Jane's Confessional.
"Anyone would have lost that fight even Eva... well not Axel.... Some how she can handle his stink" Kyle's Confessiona.
"Well Killer Hornets, You are the first ones to go to the Poop deck to eliminate your first Team mate." Chris laughed as Everyone from the team glanced at eachother.
Soon it was dark and the Killer Hornets were sitting on lounge chairs in the poop deck Chris was Standing Near the Plank of shame as the team looked at him "Welcome to your first elimination Ceremony Killer Hornets. Just like in season 3 You will vote in the confessional by stamping a red X on the passport of the desired crewmate you want to vote off." Chris smirked "Now Chef is going to remind you what you did to be here." He smiled as Chef walked next to chris "Daniel, You let something as simple as Ripper stinky pits to make you lose the jousing fight which caused your team to be sent here." Chef pointed to Daniel "You would have too if You smelled those really stinky Pits!" He said trying not to vomit. "Nichelle you almost reached the finish line but you let Brick fall on top of you and that caused your team to end in 3/4th place." He said pointing to Nichelle. "I couldn't anticipate that Brick would fall on me! Those stinky Pigeons are cheaters" Nichelle growled. "And Lastly, Staci, your excessive lying, caused your team to be left behind in the race. if your team hadn't threatened you you would have automatically lost." Chef said "Well, My great great great great-" Chris interrupted him "Shut it! Nobody cares!" He said "Get to voting Loser!"
"Nichelle could have arrived first if Bryan didn't knock Brick on top of her, Daniel Lost to Rippers stinky pits... but" Jane stamps Staci's passport "Ms Lying got my vote"
"Is it debatable?" Nichelle stamped Staci's passport without saying anything
"Daniel lost the tie breaker... sorry buddy" Noah said stamping Daniel's Passport.
"Yeah Daniel.... I know he is evil" Staci Stamped Daniel's passport.
Daniel aggressively stamped multiple times Staci's passport "Bye Bye girly!"
Sadie and Katie together stamped on Staci's Passport.
"we are all tired of her stories... she seems nice but she should interact instead of lying" Sammy stamped Staci's Passport.
Beardo making sound effects stamped Staci's passport.
Chris was holding a plate of of chocolate made cruise tickets as he stared at the team "The crew mate who doesn't receive their cruise pass, will have to walk the poop deck and jump out on the plank of shame, and you can never come back... Ever!" Chris smirked "Before i give the passes if anyone here wants to use the Hatchet Totem to chose someone else to be booted? If you found it." Chris asked as everyone glanced at each other. "Very well, The pass will go to...Sadie!" He tossed the pass to Sadie "Katie!" He tossed it "Nichelle, Jane!" He tossed two more passed "Noah, Beardo, Sammy" He said as he tossed 3 more passes. Having now only one pass left "We got now 1 pass left and 2 crewmates." he said as Daniel and Staci exchanged glances "The last pass goes to....." Chris said as he extended the tension as Daniel began looking worried for a minute and Staci was almost biting her nails. ".... Daniel!" Chris said as he tossed the pass to Daniel "Yes!" He smiled and then quickly put on his sorry mask "Ooops Sorry Staci...." He said . "First Boot again!" Staci sighed frowning "Plant of Shame that Way stacy." Chris smirked pointing to the dock of shame.
"I can't believe I am being first boot again! I did good this time and shared interesting facts of my relatives with my team... why do they have to be such haters!" Stacy's Last Confessional.
Staci walked towards the Plank as Chris and the rest of the ream followed behind her. "Any last words Staci?" Chris asked. "Yeah!, My Great great great great great-" Chris nods to chef and chef pushed Staci off the plank "Greaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh" She fell and splashed. "What will Bryan do next? Who will be winnign next time and Will Julia backstab Kyle? Find out next time on Total Drama Cruiser!" With that the camera pans away and the camera fades to black.
Next Episode:
A/N: I almost never finished episode 2 of TDC, I was having a hard time to write the challenge the protagonist of this challenge were the killer Hornets. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Stargate-Atlantis S5: E20 Enemy at the Gate
Seriously, Todd and Sheppard are pretty much the best. I love Todd's gruff chuckle.
Sheppard: I find out you're playing us, I'm not waiting for authorization, there won't be any paperwork. I'm just going to kill you.
I love that Woolsey is considerate enough to give Ronon and Teyla an out and that they didn't take it.
The chair was moved to Area 51. Queue the John "you have got to be kidding me" Sheppard face.
Well, you're not asking, I'm volunteering. "
No. He can't do a suicide mission. Not another. Not without his team there.
I love Lorne getting Teyla and Rodney out when Ronon gets killed.
Do me a favor. When Atlantis shows up, tell them I said goodbye.
Rodney and Teyla and Lorne hear him. 😭
And so, on yet another suicide mission, Rodney is there to save his life.
I hate when they tell him Ronon is dead.
Ronon is such a Sheppard, Take 2. The Wraith heals him, and Ronon has a snarky remark all ready. The Wraith starts to torture Ronon, and here comes Sheppard! Man, I love it! And then, when they're prepared to die together to save Earth, they're rescued by Atlantis. She came to save her people.
Sheppard: I'll make sure you get home.
Ronon, shrugs: this is my home.
I love that Sheppard basically elbows his way in between Ronon and Teyla. I love that Rodney has Keller. I love that Woolsey, another outcast, is Atlantis' final leader. I love, I love, I love everything about this show.
There are minor things I wished they'd done differently for the final episode, but overall, it is really good. I've finished my second watch through and feel like I'm leaving my friends behind. This show has been such a great joy to watch. I've laughed, cried, had my life enriched, been fortified, and reminded of how important home and friendship are. Quite a gift.
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