#rollys royce
rainydayscore · 6 months
the butchers shop next to me has an advertising stand outside their front door that claims they have, in their words, "the rolly royce of turkeys"
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sidehugsnsideblogs · 1 year
FCSU #92 Banishment
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One day LeRoyce left with Mother Maggie and returned without her. Farrah was concerned until she got a text from Rachel asking why her son abandoned Maggie on her doorstep. “I have no idea, I think he’s losing it.” Farrah responded. “He lost it long ago.” Her sister responded. “Please stay safe.” Soon after LeRoyce announced that the entire family was going on the run. “Just as the Prophet before me, the townies have been alerted to our presence. We must embark on a great journey.” He announced.
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LeRoyce returned to his room once he'd made his announcement. He said he needed to prepare, whatever that meant. Farrah said she needed a walk to clear her head. She called Rachel as soon as she was out of view. "Please tell me what's going on. Where are you?" She asked. Rachel was quiet for a long time. "I got banished. He found out that Royce was his father." Farrah was stunned. "Don't act surprised! You know how Royce can be." Snapped Rachel. "Then the girls are his sisters..." Farrah groaned. She felt sick to her stomach. "I told him because I thought it would deter him." Rachel explained. "Well, it hasn't." Snapped Farrah before hanging up.
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She hurried back to the cabin in the dark, desperate to share this information. She went through the motions of cleaning after dinner and getting the kids ready for bed, but she could not bring herself to look LeRoyce in the eye. Once everyone was in the cellar, Farrah sought out Evangeline, she had to let her know. "Really?" She looked like she was going to throw up. "Then this more than LeRoyce destroying our religion. This is just plain wrong." They decided to tell the girls as well. Hope accused them of lying and retreated to her sleeping bag. The others seemed to take the news well. It was clear now that no God would ordain the marriages LeRoyce wanted. He was an agent of Satan.
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The following morning LeRoyce turned up in a large, uhaul-style truck. The women were piled inside, only taking what they could carry. Soon they could feel the truck moving. They jostled along for what felt like forever. It was cramped, hot and sweaty. Finally the truck stopped and LeRoyce threw open the door. For a split second his eyes widened seeing the eight girls and women stare knowingly at him. His face contorted into a sneer and he simply tossed a large bowl of salad in at them. "Ooo I don't like that. Do you think he knows we know?" Whispered Farrah. "Who knows?" Responded Vangie.
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Eventually the box grew cooler, meaning it was night. The girls huddled in the front of the container as they slept. There were shelves bolted to the front wall that the smaller girls could sleep on, the others brought sleeping bags. Farrah and Evangeline sat closest to the door. They whispered amongst themselves about what to do, how to escape, and how to get the kids out with them. They drifted into an uneasy sleep. Time didn't seem to exist. It was still cool in the box when birds began chirping and movement could be heard from the cab.
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LeRoyce yanked open the door and handed Evangeline and Farrah two envelopes wordlessly. Farrah opened hers to find a letter. Farrah Prichard, you have been judged and have fallen short of the glory of our servant Prophet. You are no longer part of this family and will never be again. You must leave immediately, and your soul is condemned to hell for all time and eternity. Royce’s signature was at the bottom of the letter. Farrah wondered if he even read it before signing it. Evangeline's wide-eyed expression showed that her letter said something similar.
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She looked up to meet LeRoyce’s gaze, looking for answers, but his only words were “Get Out.” The next few moments were a blur: the children were screaming, LeRoyce forced the two women from the vehicle and sped off down the highway. Farrah and Evangeline looked at each other in shock. Slowly, they became aware that it was pouring rain and they were standing in the middle of the road. Looking around there was nothing but rolling fields. No houses in sight.
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Looking in both directions, Farrah started walking. "Where are you going?" Asked Vangie. Farrah just shrugged. She couldn't bring herself to speak. They walked along the highway in silence until their feet ached and they were soaked to the bone. Farrah processed her feelings as she moved. More than anything, she worried about her daughters. She had to get them back and get them to safety. She was relieved that she'd managed to tell them the truth about about LeRoyce before she got ousted. Maybe that was why he suddenly decided to do so. He isolated Rachel as well.
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"Look." Evangeline broke the silence. "I think there's buildings over there." Farrah looked up, she could just make out the skyline through the fog. They continued until the desolate highway was swallowed up by a pleasant town with lovely brickwork and ornate streetlights. "Maybe we can find a phone!" Said Farrah "Or a shower." Said Vangie. They walked until they found a small park. Farrah scouted out a payphone near the public restrooms. Who should she even call? The police? Her mother? Farrah looked at the keypad, trying to remember a number she hadn't called in years.
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After a brief conversation Farrah turned to face Vangie. "I got the number right! My sister is coming to pick us up." Vangie's eyes grew wide. "Which one?" She hadn't considered seeing old faces again on the outside. She'd been too preoccupied with not freezing to death to really think about it. She was out and free. "Your mother!" Said Farrah, snickering. "What? Allie-Jayne?" "Yes. She says it'll take her till morning to get here, so we should probably find a place to sleep." With no money in an unknown town their options were extremely limited. Eventually they sat on some benches in the park and collapsed with exhaustion. The rain had become a fine mist.
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logi1974 · 2 years
Laird Hasenbär in Schottland - Tag 4 Teil 2
Lairds and Ladies!
Nach weniger als einer Viertelstunde kommen wir in dem kleinen, verträumten Örtchen Blackness an. Ländliche Idylle mit ein paar Häusern, engen Straßen und einer Kneipe, dem “Lobster Inn”. 
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Blackness Castle hat touristisch bisher eher ein Mauerblümchen-Dasein geführt verglichen mit anderen schottische Burgen. 
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Doch wie einst der „Highlander“ die Burg Eilean Donan berühmt machte, sorgte die TV-Serie „Outlander“ bei Blackness Castle für Bekanntheit.
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Das ist auch der Grund, warum sie ein Ort ist, der ganz woanders liegt: Kurzerhand erklärten die Outlander-Macher in den Episoden die Burg zum „Fort William“ des 18. Jahrhunderts. 
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Darin steht Blackness Castle nicht gerade für die schönen Seiten der Highland-Saga, die Helden erleben hier wenig Gutes – gelinde gesagt.
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Bei unserer Ankunft herrscht schon reger Betrieb und ein Dudelsackspieler steht auf dem Rasen und begrüßt die eintreffenden Besucher zünftig und echt schottisch. 
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Kinder tanzen zur Musik den Highland Fling. Das war unser erster Eindruck ...
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... bis wir feststellten, dass es sich um eine Hochzeit handelt und kurz hinter uns ein Rolly Royce Phantom her fährt und das Dudelsackgequieke der eintreffenden Braut gilt.
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Danach bemerken auch wir das festlich geschmückte Grün, rechts neben der Burg und die ebenso festlich heraus geputzten Gäste. An der Mauer am Firth of Forth soll die Trauung statt finden.
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Der Wind ist ganz schön frisch hier oben, trotz des strahlenden Sonnenscheins. Die arme Braut kämpft mit ihrem Seidenkleid und ihrem Schleier, der in alle Richtungen weht und ihr manchmal auch die Sicht raubt.
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Während das Brautpaar seinem weiteren Lebensschicksal entgegen schreitet, machen wir uns auf den Weg in die Burg. 
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Das Innenleben von Blackness Castle präsentiert sich wenig vergnüglich. Grauer Stein sowohl in den Mauern, als auch auf dem Boden des großen Hofs.
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Nackter unebener Fels schaut überall hervor. Eine extrem holperige Angelegenheit und nichts für Fußkranke oder Schuhe mit Absätzen.
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Besonders fällt sofort der scharfe Wind auf, der überraschender Weise in der Burg noch deutlich heftiger, als außerhalb, ausfällt.
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Das muss auch das Brautpaar feststellen. Denn deren Fotograf hatte die blendende Idee den Innenhof als Foto Location zu nutzen - wenn man schon Mal hier ist ...
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Leider hat die Hochzeitsgesellschaft da die Rechnung ohne die unwirtlichen Bedingungen des Castles gemacht. Die Damen stöckeln mit ihren Schuhen über den nackten Fels, die Herren rutschen mit ihren Ledersohlen über den Basalt und der Braut reißt der Wind den Schleier vom Kopf.
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Der Schleier macht sich auf den Weg in Richtung Firth of Forth, kann aber wieder eingefangen werden und mit vereinten Kräften wieder auf dem Kopf der Braut anmontiert werden. Der Schleier wehrt sich aber standhaft und hüllt als nächstes den Fotografen ein, der sieht erst einmal nichts mehr ...
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Wir amüsieren uns prima, das Brautpaar gibt auf und die Hochzeitsgesellschaft tritt den Rückzug an. Merke: Aufgepasst bei der Wahl der Hochzeits Location! Hoffentlich geht diese Ehe gut ...
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Dem heutigen Besucher präsentiert sich die Burg als düster. Dennoch sollte man sich hüten zu denken, dass die Burg immer ein steiniger kalter Ort war.
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Denn an vielen Stellen hatte die Besatzung Schalungen und Holzböden verlegt gehabt. 
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Der große Wohnturm war vermutlich kalkweiß verputzt. 
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Ein Schiff, das nie zur See fuhr – ein Ort, der eigentlich woanders liegt. Das Blackness Castle muss sich viele Vergleiche gefallen lassen. Dabei ist die Geschichte und Architektur an sich schon interessant.
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Der Sinn von Blackness Castle erschließt sich dem Betrachter sofort von See aus. Die Mauern ragen in den Firth of Forth hinein, der auch heute noch ein wichtiger Seeweg ist und den es damals zu bewachen galt.
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Von der Burg erstreckt sich ein langer Steg ins tiefe Wasser. Bis in den ersten Weltkrieg legten hier Schiffe an, um Munition zu lagern. Der Steg ist für Besucher heute eine prima Gelegenheit die Burg von der Seeseite zu sehen.
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Einen Blick zu den Forth Bridges gibt es dabei auch noch, die bei dem heutigen Wetter umso besser zu sehen sind. Aber auch hier bläst einem der Wind stramm ins Gesicht.
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Die andere Gelegenheit Blackness Castle quasi von See aus zu sehen, findet sich am Strand, der sich in der Bucht seitlich der Castle erstreckt. 
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Von hier erkennt der Besucher auch, woher der Spitzname „The ship that never sailed“ kommt. 
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Dann sieht man, dass die Mauern tatsächlich vorne einen Schiffsbug formen, der ins Wasser zeigt – hinten dagegen bilden die Türme ein Heck mit einer Art Kommandobrücke.
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Dass die Burg eine Schiffsform aufweist, ist vielleicht kein Zufall. Denn Erbauer war zirka im Jahre 1440 ein gewisser Sir George Crichton, Admiral of Scotland.
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 Zudem bewacht Blackness Castle auch den Hafen, der schon 1304 in den Kriegen zwischen Edward I. und Robert The Bruce als Stützpunkt für englische Truppen genutzt wurde.
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Der Wohnturm hinten sieht aus wie eine Kommandobrücke und beherbergte tatsächlich die hohen Herren und deren Dienerschaft.
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Als Crichton starb, fiel die Burg der schottischen Krone zu und blieb dort. Zwischen 1537 und 1543 brachte James Hamilton of Finnart Blackness Castle auf den neusten wehrtechnischen Stand. 
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Er verlegte den Eingang von der Seite der Burg nach hinten und schuf dort einen Festungssporn, der Kanonen widerstehen sollte. Zusätzlich kam eine sogenannte Kaponniere dazu. 
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Das Wissen um den Festungsbau brachte Finnart vom Festland mit, wo er sich die modernsten Verteidigungsanlagen angesehen hatte. Blackness war damals also eine sehr moderne Festung.
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Finnart selbst allerdings hatte nur eine schwache Verteidigung, als er wegen Verschwörung gegen den König angeklagt und zum Tode verurteilt wurde.
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Zur gleichen Zeit hielt man im Mast des Schiffes, also dem freistehenden Turm in der Mitte, einen wichtigen Gefangenen fest: Cardinal David Beaton, der sich die Vormundschaft der minderjährigen Mary, Queen of Scots erschleichen wollte, wurde hier eingekerkert. 
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Der Mittelturm zeigt allerdings sehr schön, dass das kein unangenehmes Leben für die hochgestellten Persönlichkeiten war. 
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In dem Turm war Platz für Familie und Dienerschaft, die Gefangenen durften Besteck und Wandteppiche mitbringen und hatten sogar Ausgang bis zu drei Meilen von der Burg weg. Der Gefängnisturm war also eine wichtige Aufgabe von Blackness Castle.
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Zirka ein Jahrhundert später musste sich die Festung ihrer größten Belagerung stellen: Oliver Cromwells New Model Army stand 1651 vor den Toren. Die Beschädigungen der Kanonengefechte sind heute noch auf der Landseite sichtbar (auf dem Bild oben das erste Kanonenloch von rechts ist noch deutlich „unrund“). Und die Belagerung hatte Erfolg, die Besatzung musste aufgeben.
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Nach der Vereinigung von England und Schottland verlor Blackness Castle an Wichtigkeit. Später, ab zirka 1870 wurde sie schließlich als Munitionsdepot genutzt. Dafür wurde der Steg mit der Kranwinde in den Firth of Forth hineingebaut.
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An der Straße zur Burg geht durch ein kleines Tor ein Weg ab, der zum nahen Strand führt. Unterwegs hat man noch die Gelegenheit die Überreste der alten Burgkapelle und des Taubenschlags zu sehen. Beide wurden bei der Belagerung durch Cromwell zerstört.
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Der Strand selbst besteht aus einem Rasen mit Picknick-Tischen. Hier sammeln sich viele Vögel und man hat einen guten Blick auf die Seite der Burg. Natürlich nur, wenn dort nicht gerade eine Hochzeit statt findet.
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Einen guten Platz für Fotos findet man an der Straße zurück zum Ort. Dann kann man die andere Seite der Burg samt dem Anlegesteg fotografieren. 
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An der Zufahrt zur Burg befindet sich ein kleiner Sandstrand, den die Locals bei schönem Wetter gerne nutzen.
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Die Hochzeitsgesellschaft verlässt den Ort, um die weiteren Feierlichkeiten an anderer Stelle fortzusetzen.
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Auch wir machen uns auf den Rückweg, leider nicht ganz so nobel in einem Rolls Royce, sondern nur mit unserem popeligen Leihwagen. Ich fürchte, wir haben wieder einmal am falschen Ende gespart …
Oidhche mhath!
Angie, Micha und Laird Hasenbär
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masons-tours · 2 months
It’s that time of the year where he gets a new car …. Mason get a Bentley or Rollys Royce please 😭😭
I want him to get a Maserati
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dubairentacarluxury · 3 months
Rollys Royce Cullinan | Contact Us To Rent - www.dubairentacarluxury.com
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rainsmediaradio · 10 months
Young Thug - Oh U Went Lyrics
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Young Thug - Oh U Went Lyrics Intro: Young Thug Metro Chorus: Young Thug Ayy, you went flyin' Bentley spur Ayy, you went drivin' 'round the world Ayy, you went brown like a squirrel Ayy, you went Chanel pearls Ayy, you went Rolls Royce car Ayy, you went Rolls Royce truck Oh, you want war with all my hoes Oh, you want to line it all up Ayy, I'ma play it how it is Ayy, I been player for some years Ayy, you tryna steal all the spill Ayy, I'm in the field on a pill Ayy, you wanna spill, then let's spill Ayy, you not real, niggas is Rolls Royce still Uncle Phil Yeah, uh-uh-uh Verse 1: Young Thug Oh, you went top off, oh, you went Flintstones Oh, you took the lil' Rollie off, oh, you went big stones Oh, you made two extra Ms, oh, you went ringtones Oh, you wеnt train on that bitch, oh, you went, "Ding-dong" Oh, you went kingpin, oh, you went wings in Oh, you wеnt hands-on, oh, you ain't seen it? Oh, you went Demon, shootin' out the Demon (Man) Oh, you had came in Now, they were streamin' Chorus: Young Thug Ayy, you went flyin' Bentley spur Ayy, you went drivin' 'round the world Ayy, you went brown like a squirrel Ayy, you went Chanel pearls Ayy, you went Rolls Royce car Ayy, you went Rolls Royce truck Oh, you want war with all my hoes Oh, you want to line it all up Ayy, I'ma play it how it is Ayy, I been player for some years Ayy, you tryna steal all the spill Ayy, I'm in the field on a pill Ayy, you wanna spill, then let's spill Ayy, you not real, niggas is Rolls Royce still Uncle Phil Verse 2: Drake Yeah, look 6 God, he a visionary I'm the definition like the dictionary Baby, turn around, forget the missionary If they pull up on me with some bad intentions You gon' read about it in obituary I got more soldiers than the military I got more stones than a cemetery I got more streams then y'all in February It's gettin' hard to put a price on a show, can't even pick an amount now If a nigga really try to jam me, get jammed first like the countdown I thank God for that flight straight from the 9 side goin' Southbound They say that life's about balance, baby, and the balance is in my account now Okay, she gotta Perc' in her Birk' I got her twerkin' in Turks She probably let both of us hit The way that she smirkin' at Durk She gettin' cake off the picture she take I say, "Girl, if it work then it work" Fuck a wedding dress, I'm tryna merk it and skrrt Chorus: Young Thug Ayy, you went flyin' Bentley spur Ayy, you went drivin' 'round the world Ayy, you went brown like a squirrel Ayy, you went Chanel pearls Ayy, you went Rolls Royce car Ayy, you went Rolls Royce truck Oh, you want war with all my hoes Oh, you want to line it all up Ayy, I'ma play it how it is Ayy, I been player for some years Ayy, you tryna steal all the spill Ayy, I'm in the field on a pill Ayy, you wanna spill, then let's spill Ayy, you not real, niggas is Rolls Royce still Uncle Phil Yeah, uh-uh-uh Read the full article
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skillstopallmedia · 11 months
Rollys-Royce Cullinan Blue Shadow: an ode to space
For this unique creation, Rolls-Royce’s main designers were inspired by the Kármán line, the invisible boundary 100 km above the Earth’s surface, where our planet’s atmosphere ends and the world begins. outer space. In this mystical and ethereal region, the blue of the sky we see on Earth blends into the black of space, creating an intense dark blue area where darkness becomes visible. blue is…
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niiicedave · 1 year
Metro Boomin & Future - "Superhero (Heroes & Villains)" (2022)
[Part I: Superhero]
[Intro: Future] Yeah, yeah, two (Metro) Yeah, yeah Drinking dope turned me to a superhero, yeah, yeah Hit that pill, turned me to a superhero, yeah, yeah (Super) Boominati turned me to a superhero, yeah, yeah (Metro) (If Young Metro don't trust you, I'm gon' shoot you)
[Pre-Chorus: Future] I'm on that dope again, I'm on that flow again Switch up the flow again, yeah, yeah (Switch it) Flyer than a parachute, grippin' that pole again I'm on that oil again, yeah, yeah
[Chorus: Future] Candy in the cup, gotta get paid (What?) King of the streets (Yeah), young nigga made Sprayin' up the crowd, takе it to the grave Ain't having problems, I'm sipping thе Barre Shoutout to Dallas, my bitch is a star Nigga get rich, better take it to war (Yeah) Piss on your casket, shoot at your broad Do you somethin' nasty, roll you in a 'gar Bitch get graphic, fuck me in a car I get you a brand new Rollie tomorrow I put a brand new Rollie on your arm Ain't moving slow but I'm still on oil (Skrrt) Tennis bracelets and they came with the frost (Frost) Cuban links all the way up to your jaw (All the way up) Step up the swag when I step on a broad
[Verse: Future] Two dollar a half, ooh, that's the cheapest one Stacking these hundreds up, like coupons Told you from the begin, upper echelon I get to stacking up, I'm untouchable I get to represent, money multiple I'm at the top of the charts, unapproachable Bread by the loaf, turbo the motor Tic-Tac-Toe, kill another vulture Selling the bowls, bitch do yoga I deserve awards, serving these boulders A hundred grand large when I shop, that's the total Fill up the garage, bitch, I'm a mogul Ain't no facadin', ain't no fugazi I jump it off, I get paid Drop top Royce, I'm going crazy I push off, smoking on haze Not tryna floss, Cartier shades [Chorus: Future] Candy in the cup, gotta get paid (What?) King of the streets (Yeah), young nigga made Sprayin' up the crowd, take it to the grave Ain't having problems, I'm sipping the Barre Shoutout to Dallas, my bitch is a star Nigga get rich, better take it to war (Yeah) Piss on your casket, shoot at your broad Do you somethin' nasty, roll you in a 'gar Bitch get graphic, fuck me in a car I get you a brand new Rollie tomorrow I put a brand new Rollie on your arm Ain't moving slow but I'm still on oil (Skrrt) Tennis bracelets and they came with the frost (Frost) Cuban links all the way up to your jaw (All the way up) Step up the swag when I step on a broad
[Part II: Villain]
[Verse: Chris Brown & JAY-Z] Dark Knight feeling, die and be a hero Or live long enough to see yourself become a villain Soon as you up, these niggas wanna bring you down The weight of the world sit on my shoulders, hold the crown I ain't got a cape so I can't save you now Niggas wanna hate (Yeah), rather see you drown (Yeah) And the world keep spinnin' (And) Like I'm the only one in it (Am I the only one?) Why? They don't wanna see you winnin' (No, no, no, no) So who's really the villain? (Yeah, ooh) Who's the villain? Who's the villain? Live long enough to see yourself become a villain
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fatbikeamerica · 1 year
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I was not expecting to see a panel van next to a Rolls Royce… #fatbikeamerica #panelvan #milktruck #rolly #rollsroyce #rollsroyceworld #oldcars #oldtruck #oldvan #barefootdreams (at Barefoot Dreams) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnsxEK8p3ax/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sagorika · 1 year
Rolls-Royce Spectre
Rolls-Royce Spectre #EV
As per reports, Rolls-Royce Spectre will produce around 430 kW, offer 900 Nm of torque, accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds, and offer a WLTP range of about 520 kilometers or nearly 330 miles. “Spectre is not only a historic moment for Rolls-Royce but also a historic moment for electrification,” concludes Rolly-Royce. In its view, the arrival of its first EV was confirmation “that the…
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greysrank · 2 years
Dreams and nightmares lyrics
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The Dreams And Nightmares song lyrics is written by Maurice Jordan, Jermaine Anthony Preyan, Robert Rihmeek Williams & Anthony Tucker in the year 2012. Had me feeling like that dope boy when he first touched that brick It was something 'bout that Rollie when it first touched my wrist With them bricks they go from 40 ain't no 10 a key, hold upīroke nigga turn rich, love the game like MitchĪnd if I leave you think them pretty hoes gon' still suck my dick? So much money have ya friends turn into enemiesĪnd with these beef I turn my enemies to memories Still on that hood shit, my Rolls Royce on E The same nigga that came up and I had to wait for my spotĪnd these niggas hating on me, hoes waiting on me I'm the same nigga from Berks Street with them nappy braids that lock With that Puma life on my feet, like that little engine I couldīoy I slide down on your block, bike on twelve o'clockĪnd they be throwing deuces on the same nigga they watchĪnd I'm the king of my city 'cause I'm still calling them shotsĪnd these lames talking that bullshit the same niggas that flopped When you touchdown in my hood, no that tour life ain't goodĬatch me down in MIA, at that Heat game on wood If you diss me in yo' raps, I'll get your pussy ass stuck up If you ain't about that murder game then pussy nigga shut up I'm that real nigga what up, real nigga what up This 2-door Maybach, with my seat all reclinin' We young niggas and we mobbin' like Batman and we're Robin They like, my nigga back home that young nigga be wildin' Now I'm hanging out that drop head, I'm riding down on Collins I got young niggas that's rollin' I got niggas throwin' B'sĮvery time I'm in that bitch I get to throwin' 30 G's 'Cause these Philly niggas I brought with me don't fuck around, no jokeĪll I know is murder, when it comes to me You fuck around, you fuck around, you fuck around, get smoked These niggas tryna take my life, they fuck around get killed 'Cause my momma need that bill money and my son need some milk 'Cause these niggas want me dead and I gotta make it back home I'm ridin' around my city with my hands strapped around my toes That Lambo, my new bitch, she'll ride like my Ghost I'm the type to count a million cash then grind like I'm broke When I bought that Aston Martin y'all thought it was rented?įlexin' on these niggas, I'm like Popeye on his spinachĭouble M, yeah that's my team, Rozay the captain, I'm the lieutenant Hold up wait a minute, y'all thought I was finished? Was on my grind and now I got what I deserve fuck nigga Gangstas move in silence, nigga and I don't talk a lot You ain't talkin' 'bout my niggas then what you talkin' bout? Phantom so big, it can't even fit in the parking spot Hater rest in peace, rest in peace to the parking lot Then I bought that new Ferrari, hater rest in peace When I bought the Rolls Royce they thought it was leased Icy as a hockey rink, Philly nigga I'm fly-er Got foreign bitches menaging, fuckin', suckin', and swallowin'Īnything for a dollar, they tell me get 'em, I got 'em No crawling, went straight to walkin' with foreign cars in my garage I go and get it regardless, draw it like I'm an artist They love me when I was stuck and hated when I was departed Of what we started, lil' nigga but I'm lionhearted I'm gettin' cream, never let them hoes get in between Like a nigga sneezed, nigga please before them triggers squeeze Got a shorty, she tryna bless me like I said, Achoo If you want it you gotta see it with a clear-eyed view It was time to marry the game and I said, Yeah, I do See my dreams unfold, nightmares come true In the back of the paddy wagon, cuffs locked on wrists In a matter of time I spent on some locked up shit So I had to grind like that to shine like this I used to pray for times like this, to rhyme like this Song Lyrics Ain't this what they've been waiting for?
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goyardgully · 2 years
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finalbosswinter · 2 years
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crazy-walls · 3 years
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awesomecarmods · 5 years
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Rollys Royce Phantom II Converted Into an Ice Cream Truck [ https://i.redd.it/srgx725y1k431.jpg ]
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simplyinspirenow · 3 years
Some people might say he will use the money for alcohol and drugs, but I’m not here to judge. I wonder what the world would be like if every person did one act …
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