#ruby lucus
grimmswan · 10 months
Once Upon a Time
Neal is a mess, and keeps getting messier. He has an interest in Emma Swan. But Killian Jones has his life put together more than Neal ever would.
Warning!! This is not a story for Neal fans. This is a story for those who like to see Neal being given a hard time.
No one told Neal not to shower for two days. No one told Neal to wear the same clothes three days in a row. And most definitely no one told Neal to ignore his deodorant completely.
But that didn’t stop him from blaming every single one of his house mates for why he made the absolutely worst impression imaginable on the stunning Emma Swan.
The guys of the house all knew about her. She was the best friend of Mary Margaret, who was the girlfriend of David Nolan, their housemate.
 There seemed to never be a chance to talk to her. It was only through David’s and Mary Margaret’s social media that most of the house knew Emma Swan existed.
She was very beautiful. And she liked to be active. She especially seemed to love the beach.
A little scrolling through Mary Margaret’s social media photos showed a girls’ trip where all of the ladies were wearing swimsuits.
Neal was determined to meet Emma. He was sure they would have a lot of fun together.
When David said they all of the housemates were invited to a party hosted by Mary Margaret’s parent’s, one that all of her friends would be attending; Neal thought the perfect opportunity to meet Emma Swan had arrived.
The party was scheduled for Friday starting at seven. So Neal planned on showering and using his favorite scented products a half an hour before they would leave to attend. He even had the clothes he planned to wear already picked out and set up.
But he chose not to shower Wednesday night, at all Thursday, or Friday Morning. And he wore the same clothes he had put on since showering Wednesday morning all through that Friday evening.
And even though he had a brand new stick of deodorant on his dresser, he decided not to open it until after his shower Friday evening.
The rest of the housemates repeatedly, and vehemently begged for him to do something, anything, to reduce the odor that was beginning to emit from him. But Neal didn’t see the point since he would be getting cleaned up before the party.
Friday was a hot sunny summer day. Meaning by noon, Neal could be smelled from several feet away.
The only saving grace was that his greasy hair could have been excused as being damp from sweat.
He needed all of the help he could get when he met with his housemates at their favorite diner for lunch and discovered David had invited his girlfriend, and her two best friends.
“Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise? It’s going to be a more enjoyable lunch with these three beauties dining with us.”
Neal had to clamp his jaw shut to prevent himself from telling Kilian Jones to shut up.
His fancy words and accent were always causing women to blush and giggle.
Ok, maybe the women weren’t giggling, but they were all smiling, And Emma looked like her cheeks had turned a little pink.
Neal got angrier. He had dibs on Emma, and Jones was ruining his chance.
David introduced everyone. “Ruby Lucus, Emma Swan, these are my housemates, August, Graham, Killian, and Neal.”
“Oh, he’s your housemate? I thought he was homeless.” Emma exclaimed in surprise.
All of the guys except for Neal laughed.
“Cassidy is taking a strike against bathing.” August said
The group was seated at a booth. Neal was made to sit on a chair on the outside of the table.
As she was moving past him, Neal noticed Emma’s nose turn up in disgust. He also noticed Killian Jones scoot in right next to her.
Her cheeks turned a darker shade as Killian spoke softly to her. He was just telling her about the best things on the menu, but he had a talent for making anything sound like poetry.
Neal could not hate him more.
Emma’s face was very expressive. Every emotion she felt was right there for all to see.
Every word Killian said, every gesture he made, earned a smile and a look of fascination by Emma.
However, everytime Neal said anything, motioned in any way to get her attention, Emma would actually lean back in her seat, putting as much distance between them as possible. Her polite smile would seem pained. And she would turn her head slightly, usually behind Killian Jones’s shoulder.
Neal wanted to scream that it wasn’t fair. If he had known he was going to be meeting Emma Swan for lunch, he would have cleaned himself up.
But he was stuck in a situation where he looked his worst and his rival looked his best.
“You did that on purpose.” He accused David when they were back at the house, getting ready for the party.
“What are you talking about?”
“You invited the girl’s for lunch just to make sure Emma saw me looking horrible. But you made sure Jones was looking good.”
“Jones always looks like that.” David retorted. “Unlike you, he believes in bathing.”
“And he's always been a stickler for keeping himself presentable. He’s been that way since before he moved in with us.” August added.
In the back of his mind, Neal remembered that Killian believed in always dressing well. Clean clothes every day. Facial hair neatly trimmed. Well groomed.
To Killian, it was important how he presented himself. So he always ensured his appearance was the best it should be for that occasion.
But while it was reasonable to believe that it was just an unfortunate set of circumstances that made his first meeting with Emma Swan to be a disaster, Neal wasn’t in the mood to be reasonable.
Instead, he was going to make them all pay for embarrassing him.
He scrubbed himself nearly raw, trying to get as clean as possible. While showering, he was trying to think of ways of getting Emma Swan’s attention away from Killian Jones.
He insisted on driving his own car to the party, instead of hitching a ride with anyone. And he insisted on not having any passengers. 
He planned that Emma would be leaving the party with him, and he didn’t want anyone else with them in his car.
The others were more than happy to not have to put up with him and his attitude on the way to Mary Margaret’s parent’s house.
It escaped Neal’s notice that both Graham and Killian had left the house early, each in their own cars.
It turned out, Mary Margaret’s parents were wealthy. They lived in a mansion with a large yard, a massive pool, a garden maze, and an outdoor kitchen.
The whole party was being held in the back area with the pool, and all of the food was being served from the outdoor kitchen.
Neal grabbed a plate, loaded it up, got a drink, and found a spot where he could survey everything, keeping an eye out for long blonde hair.
He finally spotted Emma. And nearly cracked the beer bottle in his hand when he saw that Killian had his arm around her.
They were looking at one another adoringly, smiling and popping pieces of food in each other’s mouths.
Neal stomped over. He tried to knock the plate of food Killian was holding out of his hands, but his reflexes were just as good as his hygiene, and he got it out of the way before a mess could be made.
“Watch it, mate.” Killian growled.
The menacing look on his face made Neal take a step back. But he didn’t want to seem weak in front of Emma. So he mustered up all of his courage and growled back at Killian.
“You watch it. You knew I was interested in Emma. But you just had to push your way in.” 
He turned to Emma. “Baby, you and I could be really good together.”
“You have sauce down your shirt. And all over your beard.”
There was a bark of laughter from the crowd of people Neal hadn’t noticed that had gathered.
Neal also hadn’t realized that while he was busy focusing on finding Emma, barbecue sauce had been spilling down his shirt. Adding on to the fact that he hadn’t remembered to wipe his mouth before charging to where Emma and Killian were sitting, Neal once again looked like a complete mess.
The second face to face meeting with Emma Swan in one day, and the second time he was appearing in front of her looking like a complete slob.
“The lady obviously has no interest in you. So I suggest you shove off.”
Neal’s pride would not allow him to simply walk away. Especially knowing Killian would certainly have his hands all over Emma that night.
“A slut like you wouldn’t appreciate a nice guy like me, anyway. You’re obviously a gold digging whore who prefers guys with money.”
He tried to toss the remainder of his beer on Emma, but had his vision blocked by a fist to the face.
He heard the crack of bone breaking, right before he felt a searing shot of pain and fell back on his ass.
“Apologize to the lady.” Killian hovered over him menacingly. At that moment, Neal feared there was a very real possibility of Jones killing him.
Emma went to Killian’s side. First touching his shoulder, then cupping his face to have him look at her.
“Hey, Killian, come one.” She spoke softly, as if addressing a dangerous animal.
Neal half wondered if that’s what Killian was.
“He’s not worth it. He’s not the first guy to get his pride hurt and shoot his mouth. He won’t be the last.”
“No one should talk to you like that, Swan. You’re an amazing woman.”
“What he thinks doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care what he thinks or says about me. I’m not interested in him. I’m interested in you. I care about what you think about me.”
“I think you’re beautiful.” Killian allowed Emma to guide him away.
“Now you’ve got blood running down your shirt.” Ruby shot at Neal as she walked past with Graham by her side, his arm tightly around her.
“If you're thinking about pressing charges against Killian, we’ll all say that you tried to attack Emma and he was just defending her.”
Neal had thought Mary Margaret was all sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. But the way she spoke made him realize that she definitely had a dark side.
“I think it would be a good idea if you started looking for a new place to live.” David added. He and his girlfriend in obvious unity.
Neal got up and left. He was grateful he had brought his own car and didn’t have a passenger to deal with.
He wasn’t leaving with Emma like he had planned. And while that knowledge made him angry, he comforted himself with the belief that she would regret her decision when she saw how much of a womanizer Jones was.
He focused on that thought at the hospital while he was having his nose looked at.
He focused on that thought as he was packing his stuff and moving out.
He focused on that thought three months later when he heard that the rest of the guys had moved out of the house.
David and Mary Margaret were moving in together.
Graham was moving in with Ruby and her girlfriend Belle.
Neal hadn’t realized he should have been jealous of another one of his former housemates till he heard that news.
August was moving into a studio apartment above his new workshop.
And of course Killian was moving with Emma into a place by the water.
Neal tried to tell himself that it wouldn’t last.
He was still trying to tell himself that even a year later when he saw their engagement announcement. Their smiling faces looking out at him. Mocking him.
Angrily, he slammed his phone down on the counter. Then shouted in frustration when he heard the screen crack.
“What a mess.”
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alyaanfp · 1 year
Suatu hari ada anak perempuan yang bernama Karissa. Ia sedang berjalan-jalan santai di sekitar taman. Karissa sudah tidak memiliki orang tua lagi, Ia hanya tinggal bersama paman dan bibinya.
Setelah itu Karissa bertemu dengan seekor kucing yang berwarna abu-abu dan kucing itu juga memakai kalung. Karissa sangat ingin kucing itu, tetapi Karissa tahu bahwa kucing itu sudah ada pemilik nya, karena terdapat kalung di leher kucing tersebut.
Setelah itu Karissa ingin membawa kucing itu pulang. Karissa menyapa kucing itu "Hai kucing, Apa Kabar? Apakah kamu ingin tinggal bersama ku? Aku akan selalu menjaga mu" Kata Karissa. "Meow meow" Lalu kucing itu menjawabnya.
Karissa merasa kalau kucing itu setuju dengannya. Lalu Karissa membawa kucing itu pulang.
Keesokan harinya.... Karissa mengajak kucing itu berjalan- jalan. " Kucing, kau sangat lucu sekali " Kata Karissa. "Meow meow " Lalu kucing itu menjawab dengan mimik menggemaskan.
Oh iya aku akan kasih nama buat kamu, tapi siapa yaa? Hmm.... Ah kan di kalung kamu ada huruf "R" bagaimana kalau nama kamu Ruby, Apakah kamu menyukai nama itu? Karissa menanyakan kepada kucing itu. " Meow meow " Kucing itu menjawab. Lalu mereka berdua lanjut jalan lagi.
Sesampainya dirumah..
" Paman tolong buka pintu nya " Karissa sambil mengetuk pintu nya.
" Akhirnya kamu pulang juga, dari mana saja kamu? Dan siapa kucing itu?.
" Aku habis jalan - jalan aja kok paman, ini kucing aku bertemu di taman, lucu kan paman kucing nya hehehe.
" Yaudah ayo masuk dan bersiaplah untuk makan"
" Baik paman, Oh iya paman aku boleh kan merawat kucing ini? " Karissa bertanya kepada paman nya.
" Emang kucing ini tidak ada pemilik nya? " Paman menjawab nya.
" Tadi aku sudah menunggu lama takut ada pemilik yang mencari Ruby. Setelah lama sekali aku menunggu tetapi tetap tidak ada yang mencarinya, lalu aku memutuskan membawanya untuk pulang , tetapi kucing ini terus mengikuti aku. Jadi boleh kan paman aku merawat nya?" Karissa membujuk paman nya supaya mengizinkan nya merawat Ruby.
iya sudah boleh merawat kucing ini, tetapi kamu harus janji merawatnya dengan sungguh
– sungguh ”
“ Baik terima kasih paman yuk masuk Ruby ”. Sambil memperiksa
“ Yahh , kok cuman ini makanannya , Ruby kan gak suka makanan ini ” kata Karissa
“ Coba dulu kasih makanan ini siapa tau dia suka ” kata bibi
“ Baiklah bi , Ruby ini buat kamu.” Sambil melihat Ruby
Selesai makan …
“ Ruby ayo kita tidur , ini kandang buat kamu ya sambil meletakan Ruby dikandang.
“ Meow meow ” Ruby melompat ke kasur Karissa.
“ Loh kenapa kamu disini, kamu harus tidur dikandang itu sudah aku siapkann” sambil
melihat Ruby.
“ Meow meow. Lalu Ruby kembali naik keatas kasur ”
“ Oke baiklah kalau begitu, kamu aku izinkan tidur dikasur ku ”
Sambil merenung Karissa berpikir, kenapa setiap aku berbicara dengan Ruby aku selalumerasa dia juga berbicara kepadaku. Tadi ketika selesai makan Ruby menghilang lalu aku
mendengar suara orang bergumam ( La la la la ) dari arah dapur. Ketika aku ingin melihat
ada apa di dapur, ada Ruby yang berjalan keluar dari dapur dan anehnya semua piring kotor
sudah bersih padahal piring kotor paman dan bibi aku yang membawa nya ke dapur lalu
aku tinggal sebentar mengambil minum di meja dan paman dan bibi masih ada disana.
“ HUH HERAN ” teriak Karissa.
Keesokan hari ….
“ Ruby kamu dimana ” sambil mengusap mata nya.
Karissa mendengar suara air dari kamar mandi, seperti ada yang sedang mandi.
Setelah itu Karissa membuka pintu toiletnya.
“AAAAAAA kamu siapa? Mengapa kamu ada di kamar ku ” Karissa berteriak
“ Tenang tenang kamu jangan panik ini aku Ruby, ini memang tidak masuk akan tapi ini
kenyataan bahwa aku adalah Ruby kucing mu ”
“ Aku bingung , kamu itu manusia atau kucing sih ” sambil menatap Ruby
“ Ini tidak mungkin. Apakah aku sedang bermimpi ” Karissa mencubit pipinya dan terasa
sakit berarti aku tidak sedang bermimpi tapi bagaimana mungkin huhhhhh Karissa
menghela nafas.
“ aku ini bisa berubah menjadi kucing kembali ” Karissa kaget
“ Bagaimana bisa. Apakah kamu kena kutukan? ”
“ Nanti akan ku jelaskan. Saat ini aku ingin menikmati menjadi hewan peliharaan, disayang,di manja dan tolong bersikap lah seperti biasa bahwa aku ini kucing mu”.
2 minggu kemudian
“ Bibi aku pergi ke luar dulu ya ”
“ iya , tapi pulang nya jangan malam ya ”
“ Iya bibi ”
Sore hari nya…
“ Ruby ayo kita pulang ”
“ Ruby.. sambil memeluk Ruby.”
“ Halo Karissa , terima kasih sudah merawat ku dengan sangat baik dan membantuku
menjadi manusia lagi ”sambil
“ Jadi kamu ini manusia kucing? ”
Eh iya Karissa
‘Bagaimana kamu bisa jadi kucing? Karissa bertanya kepada Ruby.
‘Dulu aku tinggal bersama ibuku lalu ada peperangan di desa. Lalu ibuku meninggalkan
aku sendirian di rumah dan meninggalkan surat untuk ku dan boneka kucing dan kalung.
Setelah itu aku memakai kalung itu , keesokan harinya aku berubah menjadi kucing. Setelah
aku ke kota ini aku menemukan orang yang ingin memeliharaku dengan sangat baik dan
membantuku berubah menjadi manusia lagi , tapi sebenarnya nama asliku Coco tetapi kamu
mengubah namaku menjadi Ruby, tapi terserah kamu mau panggil namaku apa yang
penting aku tinggal bersamamu’.
“ Jadi nama asli kamu itu Coco? ” bertanya kepada Ruby.
1 tahun kemudian…
‘Seharusnya dari awal aku tinggal dengan mu Karissa’ sambil tertawa dengan Karissa.
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allaindoes · 1 month
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Tentu aja kepikiran RUBYs tersayang kita di Serenity Club, dong! Hah too bad we didn't get to talk much, but I'm not lying when I say that I feel comfortable and home around you guys. You're fun but also dependable at the same time, I admire you so much. Kreatif kreatif kreatif, OMG CT idaman Kabupaten Lumajang. Gak berlebihan kalau gue bilang kalian best CT all the time versi Allain Magazine.
Top Right.
As I mentioned before, instead of parties, I think Serenity Club feels like home to me. The guests and RUBYs never fail to make me feel comfy comfy. Joking around, sharing something, talking nonsense, bickering, and doing mundane things feels comfy here. Serene. Serenity Club really lives up to its name, huh?
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Masquerade Party! Oh how I can't thank you enough for hosting this party. It was soo much fun! I got to write a plot (I miss it so much!) together with other guests. The bestest part was that it's not just a regular plot, it was a questionable plot that I will carve in my mind forever. Sekali lagi makasih udah bikin misinya, beneran jadi langsung ngerasa deket sama member lain karena ini!
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Selain plotting masquerade party, ya? Hm, seru banget dulu waktu bikin invitation dan bagi-bagiin ke guests. Obrolannya lucu, editan mereka juga lucu-lucu. Tapi di atas itu semua, paling suka ngobrol biasa sama guests. Nothing special, just ngobrol.
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lesbian-boo-radley · 1 month
tomorrows my birthday and i would love nothing more than a tiny sneak peak into the next fic in bdth 🥺🤍
Happy Birthday!!!! Here are some out of context quotes 😂😂
“Ruby Lucus if you think I won’t fucking tackle you to the ground right here and now you’ve got another thing coming! I’m not above it, I swear! We’re talking about this now!” Regina yelled.
“Yeah, Regina! I know that!” Emma snapped, fully rolling her eyes and looking at her like she was the world’s biggest and dumbest jackass for stating the obvious. Which to be fair, she momentarily was.
Four, all of the nuns started slowly chanting in what sounded like Demonic Latin whilst raising their heads in Perfect unison, revealing expressionless white masks with black eyes that were also splattered with blood.
Hope that was good???
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sonettpoems · 2 months
Bingo for 1998NYC's Last Mission
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Rubys! When I heard this word, I thought about the brilliant stone which costs so high because of its quality. I, myself, think come up with Ruby is a great idea. It's is easy to spell, easy to remember, and beautiful both literally or explanatory.
Serenity Clubs! Just as its name, derived from the word "serene" it is sure giving me serene during my stay there. Unfortunately it will be closed, soon T_____T I thought, the schedule would be so packed but I guess I'm wrong! I can follow easily. The guests and rubys play a big part to make everything feels enjoyable. I really am thankful to be chosen between all the guests that are kind and humble. I really respect Rubys who has brilliant thought of making this club happening. And how Ruby selecting the Guests so that everyone is really easy to approach and fun to mingle with. I'm also happy that Rubys decided to enlarge the contract and did the open batch. We all know, during the open batch enthusiasm of people were CRAZY for Serenity Clubs and I totally understand why 🥺 I'm just wishing that this club could operate longer or even permanent in the future.
Favorite Party!
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Got some clues? Yup! Tea Party.
It was all happy moment cause I enjoy decorating the invitation plus it's the first mission (if i'm not mistaken) and all guests were on fire! Through this, I could get known some of them better and the rest I could get along during games and event.
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I personally really really love the edits too! ⭐__⭐ Kudos to kakak Serena and all Rubys! 💗
Happy Moments with Guests For me, these past one month+ are the most joyous moment in my life cause I could get along with guests, especially during the games at the evening. The participation of guests are high, I love their spirits! Thanks to Rubys too, that are always encouraging us to enliven the schedule. I really enjoy every jokes we shared together, nonsense talks, and everything during the game. Selalu ada hal lucu buat diinget dan dikenang!
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Minjooi (Kiu)
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naufal-portofolio · 3 months
Boleh Ngefans, Asal Damai
MEI 2010
Ngomongin fanatisme emang nggak ada abisnya. Namanya juga remaja. Masih manusia juga kan? So pasti punya perasaan kagum sama orang atau tokoh tertentu. Itu hal wajar kok. Tapi, yang udah nggak wajar kalo udah bikin rusuh, atau udah mengarah ke perbuatan yang anarkis. Wah, nggak bisa dibiarin tuh. Ngefans boleh, sampai fanatik banget juga nggak apa-apa. Asal, damai ya!
Begini, dalam usia kita yang masih tergolong muda, kadang masih suka mencari-cari, tokoh siapa ya yang harus diikutin? Atau orang yang bagaimana ya yang cocok jadi panutan? Biasanya, anak muda berpikiran demikian. Mencari acuan atau sosok yang dapat dicontoh dalam kesehariannya.
Mayoritas, remaja kayak kita lebih banyak ngefans atau mengidolakan para pekerja seni. Ya artis, aktor, band, dan penyanyi. Tapi, banyak juga yang ngefans sama tokoh di bidang lain loh, kayak olahraga, bahkan politik. Malah, ada juga yang ngefans nggak sama tokoh. Tapi, terhadap sesuatu atau hal tertentu. Kayak ada orang yang ngefans abis sama film Harry Potter. Sampe-sampe pake jubah dan tongkat sihir biar kayak di film.
Kalo yang diikutin bener mah no problem. Lah kalo yang yang diidolainnya nggak bener. Jadi berabe kan tuh? Misalnya aja, pertempuran antar Viking dan The Jack. Tindakan rusuh antar supporter Persib Bandung dan Persija Jakarta ini emang didasarkan karena nggak terima timnya kalah. Saking fanatiknya, sampe kayak gitu! So, gimana dengan opini anak muda yang lain mengenai hal ini? Cekidot!
Ana Yustiana Amini, siswa SMAN 1 Kota Serang mengungkapkan, seneng sama idola nggak apa-apa. Tapi, jangan berlebihan. Sampe gaya rambut dan pakaian ditiru banget alias dijiplak. Itu udah nggak wajar. “Kita sebagai fans harus tau batas-batas ngefans. Jangan terlalu memuja. Ambil sisi positifnya dan buang sisi negatifnya,” tutur cewek berjilbab yang ngefans abis sama Super Junior dari Korea ini. Sementara, Diki Baharudin beda lagi. Cowok asal Cilegon ini lebih ngefans sama band-band lawas. Baik dalam negeri, maupun luar negeri. “Dulu waktu kecil, gue emang sering dengerin lagu-lagunya bokap gue. Jadi, ampe sekarang ngefans deh sama Power Metal, Boomerang, Air Supply, sama Scorpion. Lagu-lagunya penuh kenangan. Setiap hari gue dengerin,” ungkap mahasiswa Hubungan Masyarakat Untirta ini.
Tapi, ada juga loh yang ngefans sama penulis buku. Rubyana Noor Ulfah, alumni SMA Islamic Village Tangerang ini bercerita, sebenernya dia ngefans sama seniornya di kampus yang jago maen futsal. Katanya, itu cowok ganteng banget. Tapi, dia lebih ngefans sama Raditya Dika, penulis Kambing Jantan. “Buku-bukunya lucu. Menghibur semua. Tapi, gue juga ngefans loh sama Fedi Nuril dan Kaka, hehehe,” kata Ruby dengan candaan. (naufal/xpresi)
“Menurut gue, fanatisme yang berlebihan itu kurang etis. Contohnya aja kayak suporter bola yang saking cintanya sama klubnya, malah sampai tempur sama suporter lawan karena nggak terima timnya kalah,” [ Adi Adrian, SMKN 1 Panongan Tangerang] (naufal/xpresi) 
“Banyak hal yang lebih penting ketimbang jadi orang yang terlalu fanatik. Nggak penting banget. Mensyukuri ciptaan Tuhan emang harus tapi nggak perlu pake fanatik segala. Toh mereka kan sama-sama manusia kayak kita,” [Gita Sucitra, Agribisnis Untirta] (naufal/xpresi)
“Gue sebagai orang yang fanatik sama Laruku, ya cuma ngelakuin hal-hal yang wajar aja. Kayak beli pernak-pernik, MP3, and foto-foto Laruku. Nggak pernah tuh ngelakuin sesuatu yang di luar kewajaran,” [Budi Roslatirtona, Fakultas Hukum Untirta] (naufal/xpresi)
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bentrulearchived · 2 years
❔ i'm sure we've done this before, but !
trish walker   +   derek hale,      that’s all i’ll say on this at this time.      alternatively...
ruby lucus   +   derek hale,      idk i just want derek to be thrown into crazy worlds and what better match up than red riding hood
quinn james   +   nathan scott,      these two are two beans
davina claire   +   kol mikaelson,      my kol is a bit different than canon regarding davina so this would be fun!
hayley marshall   +   derek hale   /   tyler lockwood,      two traumatized wolves
paige krasikeva   +   derek hale,      okay i’m really forcing derek at you but cmon!!!      these two!!!!!
kira yukimura   +   lydia martin,      two beans once again
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x5red · 3 years
Fantastic heroines, and where to find them (part four)
And so, finally, to the last instalment in our list of unusual superheroine tv shows that can now be seen, for free, on web streaming services. As before, all of these shows are non-English, all of them feature superheroines as a lead or leading character, and all of them are available in their entirety (or their overwhelming majority) to watch for free.
Included in this batch is the infamous Indonesian Supergirl series. Yup, that’s the one that notoriously features a rather familiar costume.
Super Ma’am (Philippines, 2017)
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Super Ma’am starred Marian Rivera as mild mannered school teacher Minerva Henerala, who protected school children from the demons and monsters that lurked in her local community by using a magic whip to transform herself into the superheroine, Super Ma’am. Jackie Lou Blanco played the wealthy and power hungry Greta Segovia, who may be connected with the recent monster appearances. The series mixed humour, romance, and lashings of whip-cracking, to create a family friendly action/adventure show.
Super Ma’am -- all 95 episodes available at the GMA Network YouTube channel.
Supergirl (Indonesia, 2011)
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Supergirl (sometimes referred to online as Supergirl Manohara) starred Manohara Odelia Pinot as Loli, a young woman who discovers a magic costume in a cave while trying to find somewhere to shelter from a rainstorm. The costume (which may look familiar to fans of Marvel comics) gives her the ability to climb walls, glide on air currents, and fire energy blasts from her hands. Half way through its 25 episode run, the lawsuit-baiting red/yellow outfit got replaced by a more sombre blue/black affair. In her Supergirl guise, Loli faced off against a range of foes, but her main enemy was Julia Perez as Melinda, another woman with a magical costume.
Supergirl (Supergirl Manohara) -- most episodes available in fragments at the Lucu Aja Boleh YouTube channel, and via this tag search.
Ruby Princess (Indonesia, 2001)
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Putri Ruby (Ruby Princess) was a supporting superheroine character who guest starred in the latter part of season one of Panji Manusia Millenium, then returns as a regular character in season two. Alongside solid martial arts and acrobatics skills, she has a utility belt full of grenade-style weapons she can deploy during a fight. Her secret identity appears to be Venna, a local business woman, although Venna’s identical twin sister, Vonny, may really be behind the mask.
Panji Manusia Millenium -- most of the 115 episodes are available at MVP Hits YouTube channel, 77 episodes from season one, and 21 of the 38 episodes from season two (although episodes 2 to 5 are mistakenly copies of seasons one episodes, so only 17 in truth.)
More heroines
Part one: Varga (Philippines, 2008), Dragonna (Philippines, 2008), Serpent Girl (India, 2020)
Part two: Krystala (Philippines, 2004), Fire Goddess (Thailand, 2019), Saras (Indonesia, 1998)
Part three: Super Twins (Philippines, 2007), Devi (India, 2015), Supermak (Malaysia, 2011)
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chemyy · 2 years
Your Waifu - Kunikida Hanamaru
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Setelah kemarin selesai membahas keluarga duo Kurosawa, di rubrik kali ini giliran saya untuk membahas si pemilik nama terpanjang di franchise Love Live dan juga si kutu buku yang imut dan juga lucu, siapa lagi kalau bukan Kunikida Hanamaru. Maru adalah siswi kelas 1 di sekolah Uranohoshi, ia adalah sahabat dekat dari Kurosawa Ruby dan mereka sudah berteman sejak masih duduk di sekolah menengah bawah. Maru memiliki panjang rambut sepundak berwarna coklat muda, mata berwarna kuning keemasan, dan sesekali terlihat menggunakan kacamata. 
Saat masih SMP, Maru memiliki sifat yang pendiam, ia lebih suka menghabiskan waktu bersama buku-bukunya, ya hobinya adalah membaca buku, makanya tak heran bila ia menjadi pengurus perpus saat masuk ke Uranohoshi. Terlihat juga saat flashback masa kecilnya, ia sepertinya tak memiliki banyak teman dan tidak terlalu baik dalam aktifitas fisik. Namun walaupun begitu, ia sebenarnya adalah gadis yang mandiri. Setiap pagi, Maru selalu membantu kakek dan juga neneknya membersihkan kuil.
Kira-kira point apa saja yang Maru miliki agar dirinya bisa menjadi gadis yang waifuable?
+ Sosok figur teman yang baik
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Maru sudah berteman dengan Ruby saat mereka masih SMP, dari apa yang diperlihatkan di dalam anime-nya, terlihat bahwa Maru merupakan sosok teman yang baik. Bukan hanya baik tapi juga akan menjadi sosok yang selalu ada di saat kamu membutuhkan sebuah dukungan dan akan menjadi sosok yang selalu membantu menggampai impian sahabatnya. 
Salah satu momen yang terlihat adalah saat Maru yang secara diam-diam berbicara dengan Dia agar Ruby diperbolehkan menjadi school idol. Di scene ini juga terlihat Maru yang menyuruh Ruby untuk tetap berlari menaiki anak tangga saat mereka sedang latihan. Maru tak ingin kekuatan fisiknya yang tak sekuat teman-temannya malah menjadi penghambat untuk Ruby dalam melanjutkan latihannya, yang Maru inginkan tentu saja agar sahabat baiknya itu bisa menjadi school idol yang selama ini ia impikan.
Yang pasti di dalam anime-nya kita bisa melihat banyak friendship moment antara anak kelas satu.
+ Kutu buku
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Maru sudah memiliki hobi membaca buku dari dulu, ini karena Maru tinggal di sebuah kuil yang bahkan sumber listrik saja hanya seadanya, Maru juga tidak pernah menonton TV di rumahnya karena ia tidak memilikinya, dan Maru juga tidak memiliki gadget untuk “berinteraksi” dengan dunia luar. Akhirnya Maru lebih memilih berinteraksi kepada dunia luar melalui buku-buku yang selalu ia baca setiap saat. Yang di mana menurut saya itu bukanlah hal yang buruk, malahan bisa menjadi point plus yang sangat tinggi untuk Maru karena bukan rahasia umum lagi kalau orang yang sering membaca buku pasti lebih cerdas dan memiliki wawasan yang lebih luas ketimbang orang-orang yang jarang membaca buku.
Ruby pernah bercerita kalau dulu Maru sering diledek oleh teman-teman kelasnya karena tidak up to date dengan hal-hal yang sedang nge-trend. Untungnya ia tak pernah mempermasalahkan soal itu, karena bagi Maru, selama masih ada buku dan juga Ruby, hidupnya akan selalu baik-baik saja.
Yang pasti, pergi kencan di perpustakaan dengan Maru bisa jadi ide berkencan yang baik, malahan selain berkencan bersamanya, kamu juga bisa berbicara dan berdiskusi tentang banyak hal kepada dirinya (kecuali soal gadget tentunya). Karena berbicara dengan orang yang wawasan lebih luas dari kita itu tentu adalah salah satu hal yang menyenangkan. 
Mau membuat hati Maru senang? Gampang, tinggal ajak saja dia ke toko buku terdekat dan belikan buku-buku yang ingin ia baca, niscaya ia akan jatuh hati kepadamu. Walaupun kamu bakal tetep jadi nomer dua sih, karena nomer satunya tetep buku 😂
+ She's actually a hard working girl
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Maru dibesarkan dari keluarga yang mengurus kuil, setiap hari ia harus bangun pagi sekali untuk membantu kakek dan neneknya membersihkan kuil, ini selalu ia lakukan sebelum berangkat ke sekolah. 
Selain itu, walaupun bisa dikatakan Maru yang memiliki fisik paling lemah ketimbang teman-temannya ia tetep berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mengikuti latihan yang Kanan berikan. Aktifitas lain yang Maru lakukan selain pergi membaca buku adalah ikut paduan suara, mungkin saja dengan mengikuti paduan suara ini bisa menjadi sarana bagi Maru untuk berlatih vokal. Intinya, walaupun tak terlalu terlihat, nyatanya Maru adalah seorang gadis yang pekerja keras.
Sekarang kita lanjut pada kekurangan Maru, apa sajakah itu?
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Perlu digarisbawahi kalau makan itu penting dan baik, tapi makan berlebihan tentunya tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Bisa dibilang Maru adalah “monster” berjalan yang bisa melahap makanan apapun yang ia temui. Rasanya sudah tak terhitung berapa banyak scene yang memperlihatkan Maru sedang makan di dalam anime-nya. Tapi anehnya sebanyak apapun ia makan, itu tak membuat dirinya menjadi gendut (kecuali bagian ‘itu’nya), mungkin saja perut Maru memang terbuat dari karet, atau ada black hole di dalam perutnya?
Maru sanggup menghabiskan satu porsi makanan dengan cepat dan langsung siap untuk menambah porsi berikutnya. Rasa-rasanya kalau menikah dengan dirinya kita harus siap keluar uang ekstra untuk selalu memenuhi rasa lapar perutnya yang tak pernah kenyang itu. Bisa-bisa jatah beras di rumah hanya Maru seorang yang menghabiskannya. Tapi ya nggak apa-apa juga kalau Maru makan banyak, itu artinya kamu sebagai suaminya sanggup menafkahi pasanganmu.
– Gagap teknologi
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Tinggal di sebuah negara yang memiliki perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat dan maju nyatanya tak menjamin kalau semua warganya juga akan mengikuti perkembangannya. Karena tentu masih ada saja yang gagap soal teknologi, salah satunya ya tentu saja si Maru ini. Seperti yang kita tahu dan sudah saya mention di atasa bahwa Maru tinggal di sebuah kuil yang bahkan akses listrik saja mungkin hanya seadanya. Maru tak memiliki TV di rumah, ia juga tak memiliki smartphone layaknya anak-anak zaman sekarang pada umumnya. 
Inilah yang menyebabkan Maru menjadi gagap teknologi, karena jarang melihat berita atau informasi seputar barang-barang eletronik yang sebenarnya sudah sangat biasa ada, tapi Maru tetap melihatnya sebagai “teknologi dari masa depan” sambil mengucap catchphrase-nya yang khas yaitu “Mi-Mirai zura!!!”.
Di dalam anime-nya sendiri kita juga banyak diperlihatkan reaksi “lucu” dari Maru saat ia sedang (maaf) norak-noraknya. Seperti saat kaget melihat kran air yang bisa menyala sendiri, bermain-main dengan hand dryer di kamar mandi, tak sengaja mematikan laptop You, dll. Bahkan Maru tak tahu kalau manusia bisa saling berkomunikasi jarak jauh menggunakan handphone. Di satu sisi kasihan melihatnya, tapi di satu sisi juga lucu melihatnya. 🤣
Salah satu hal yang harus kamu lakukan ketika ingin menjadikan Maru sebagai waifu-mu adalah kamu harus mengajarinya cara menggunakan smartphone, mengenalkan beberapa barang eletronik yang umum kita lihat tapi Maru belum mengetahuinya, sering-sering juga mengajaknya ke kota agar perlahan ia tidak gagap teknologi lagi.
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Tak pernah terfikirkan olehnya untuk bisa menjadi seorang school idol sebelumnya. Karena Maru sadar kalau hal tersebut sangatlah tidak cocok dengan dirinya. Tetapi untungnya, Ruby datang untuk mengajaknya bergabung bersama Chika dan kawan-kawan. Ruby bercerita kalau gadis yang bernama Hoshizora Rin pun dulunya juga merasa tak cocok untuk menjadi seorang school idol, namun ia memulainya dengan cara menyukainya dan mau mencobanya. Pada akhirnya semua orang bisa saja menjadi apa pun asalkan ia mau mencobanya terlebih dahulu. 
Terlepas dari kekurangan yang saya sebutkan, Maru sebenarnya adalah calon waifu yang pantas untuk dipertimbangkan. Ia pintar, rajin, bisa menjadi sosok figur teman yang baik, dan untuk bonusnya Maru punya three size yang cukup "berisi” untuk ukuran umurnya.
Seperti salah satu quotes yang mengatakan “That’s the thing about book. They let you travel without moving your feet”. Maru pun seperti itu, tak peduli orang lain ingin mengatakan apa tentang dirinya, selama ia masih bisa membaca buku, baginya dunia ini masih akan baik-baik saja. Maru mungkin terlihat sedang duduk tenang di salah satu kursi perpustakaan, tapi percayalah kalau imajinasinya sedang menuntun dirinya ke tempat-tempat yang mungkin belum pernah orang lain bayangkan. 
Sebagai penutup, saya hanya ingin mengucapkan semoga pengisi suara dari Hanamaru yaitu Kinchan bisa cepat kembali beraktifitas seperti biasa. Dan semoga saja ia bisa ikut dalam konser akhir tahun nanti dan juga konser keenam Aqours yang akan diadakan tahun depan. 💮
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Source Pict: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79877250
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the-revenging-angel · 3 years
Part Two
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Hello Everyone
How is everyone today/tonight? Good I'm hoping.
So I did chapter two and I am so thankful for all the support I've been receiving from everyone thank you all so much!!!!!!!.
I'm slowly figuring this out, slowly. But I'm pretty happy with my writing here, I thought people would wanna know about my characters little past so wala.
Feedback is always appreciated and ideas or suggestions about what to do after the Jacob Black series, I would be honoured to listen.
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"How is he?" I ask with a smile looking out the window to the dirt-covered construction site as I see Jacob moving logs out of the way for the machines. "Incredible, I've never had such a strong young man and such a hard worker as well, he's doing great" Lucas laughed when sitting down rubbing a damp cloth over his skin to collect the sweat and cool him.
"That's great" I praise turning my body fully towards him, Kiki walks into the trailer closing the metal door with a loud bang as her shoes are rubbed into the brown mat. "You're not gonna believe what I heard" she practically screamed as Lucus and I share a look for his eldest daughter of three.
"What-" "Bianca proposed to Roy!" She squealed and Lucus stared at her in shock on finding out his second youngest asked a man to marry her. "Your joking" I gasp out, shock covering my features as Lucus slapped his forehead. "Daddy it's not that bad, he said yes" she squealed and I smile, "good for them" I smile and Kiki brings her phone into view to show me the engagement ring that Bianca got for Roy.
"It's lovely" I compliment the silver band, "it's plain but the silver used is from-" I block out the conversation as I turn back to the window, I soon hear Lucus's voice start speaking but ignore it as I watch Jake, his eyebrow knit together in concentration as he looks at the plans before ordering others.
His eyes look away from the planned parchment and up around to see his surroundings before his chocolate brown meet my leafy green and he smiles "lunch?" I mouth, he nods with a small smile, I look away before closing the curtain letting out a small giggle. "What are you giggling about?" Asked Kiki, eyebrow raised as Lucus turns to me.
"I'm treating Jake to lunch," I tell her walking towards my bag, "I'm happy for you" she cooed and my eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?" I ask and she rolls her eyes "have you noticed how he looks at you? It's as if you're the only girl on the entire planet like nobody else exists between you too not to mention you live together and hang together and you check on him all the time, god you're more married that my sister and she proposed"
I roll my eyes "it's just lunch" I pick up my bag and turn to Lucus who laughs "go on, take my best worker" he grumbled and I laugh walking over to kiss his red cheeks before pulling back "thanks Lucus, I promise I'll return him safe and sound with a full belly" he nods and I pull back before opening the metal door and walking down the small wooden steps. Wolf whistles echo around the Site and I roll my eyes "back to work!" I yell having a few snickers before going back to work as I see Jacob glaring at most.
"Here to take me away?" He asked when I got close, I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck as he lifts me off the ground. "Yes, we'll travel far away to where food is warm and old chipped leather seats are many" he laughs before placing me on the ground for a second before lifting me over his shoulder and holding me as he starts to March through the dirt-covered site.
I roll my eyes "Jake" l sigh but he just walks out of the site as people watch as with a brow quirked. "So where is this land of old chipped leather?" He asked, "simply follow the yellow brick road" I tease back before he places me down and I link arms with him as we start down the cement path.
"How's the job? I know it's not the best-" "it's great" I release a breath and look up at him with a smile. "Lucus and Kiki have been my family for a long time," I tell him looking ahead again as we turn a corner. "Can I ask about your parents?" He asked, his hand wraps around the mind to intertwine our fingers.
"Murdered, they were apart of the Seattle massacre, drained of blood on date night," I tell him, his eyes widen "they had business there and we're gone for almost a month before I got a call from the head detective" he squeezes my hand. "That must have been hard" I nod "but Kiki and Lucus with their family are where I belong now" he nods "I'm thankful they were there for you when I wasn't" I elbow him.
"You didn't know me then" we round the corner to see Emerald's diner. "I heard the guys talking about this" he muttered, I nod "Emeralds was destroyed in a fire and because I knew the owner Lucus built it back up again" his eyebrows furrow "knew the owner?" He questioned, I nod "Emerald was a good woman, she died during the fire leaving everything to her daughter Ruby who now runs the diner while also raising her daughter Opal" he laughs.
"Emerald, Ruby and Opal?" I nod before letting go of his hand having his head snap to look at our hands as I pull away before interlocking our fingers again and swinging them as we walk through the busy parking lot of the diner. "I know but it's cute" he smiles. We reach the door and he opens it for me "do you want kids?" He asked I smile at the last behind the counter as she went to grab the menu's "of course, I want a lot of kids" he stares at me.
"Why?" We sit down at a booth across from each other as I tap the table "cause I want one of those big families" he raises a brow "you know those ones were they always have to count the kids to make sure they're all there" I look up to his eyes and his lips part as he stares into mine.
"Could you imagine finding someone who you loved more than anything and they loved you but then creating something that's half of you and half of the person you cherish more than anything in the world and then watching it grow up as it relies on you?" He looks into my eyes before down at the table "Yeah, I could" he muttered.
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"Why does Kiki work at the bar if her dads pretty well off? She could be anything?" I smile softly handing him the bowl as I sit down on the couch beside him turning my body to him as my legs fold in beneath me and as I start to eat. "Kiki's mother and Lucus met at a bar" he nods, scooping into his stew.
"She feels close to her when there" he raises a brow, "why are you working at the bar?" I smile softly into my stew "I'm studying Philosophy and folktales" he raises a brow "I'm surprised your not a doctor or something" I laugh before placing my bowl down on the coffee table and walking to the small desk next to the front door of my apartment, opening the drawer and bringing out the folder.
I tip tow back to the couch and hand the folder to him, he raises a brow before taking it as I take his now-empty bowl and place it down before grabbing mine and starting to scoop the hot meat and vegetables into my mouth. "Are these yours?" He asked bewildered, I smile "I'll try not to take offence" I laugh, he goes through the certificates of majors I've accomplished.
"Psychology, law- is that engineer?" I nod, "why don't you work these jobs?" I look down at the stew "I love knowledge, the knowing and learning of it all, I don't want to be one thing I want to be many things and I want to try and understand the world" he smiles, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss to my knuckles having my cheeks turn red. "You're so-" "limited edition?" I smile, he chuckles.
"I was going to say perfect," I roll my eyes, "don't tell Lucus, he'd brag about me to everyone"
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♔ .⋅} ────── ⊰
What does everyone think? If you are confused or unsure of something please let me know and I will explain it to you.
I was also thinking I should do the layout of Kathy's apartment, what do you guys think?
Your lovely writer
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howtozuzu · 3 years
I wanna ask ya about your troll oc! Can I hear about em?
2 people immediately asked. You fools. You absolute bafoons.
His name is Zrukar. He is a ruby blood and has a pretty emo look on him. He used to go to the military but got kickef out. People found him very weird. There where always crows around him. He said it was due to his lucus being a crow, but noone really believed it. He had medical knowledge and often played emergency medic when their actual medic had no time.
But what was the most odd on him for everyone was that he spend a lot of time around their fallen brethren. He would stare at the corpses a lot, look at their bodies, the possible death cause. He would fiddle around until they where burried or burned.
When he finally got kicked out he was accused of bringing someone back to life. Even though their Sargent didn't really believe in it, he was sick of the entire group losing their shit over him. He left without a protest. He necer denied or confirmed the accusation or rumors.
After he left and rumors spread the topic of the crows came up again. And the sarge revealed that according to his documents his lucus is a mothman.
Now he is back with his lucus, rarely speaking to other trolls. He spends most of his time reanimating animals from the dead. He often keeps them around afterwards as pets. His favorites are mostly cats and crows. He rarely zombifies dead trolls, since they are too much work and stress. Just rarely when he feels like testing his abilities he'll do so and afterwards kill them again.
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netflixajadulu · 3 years
Review Serial: Good Girls, Kisah Tiga Sahabat yang Terjerumus ke Bisnis Pencucian Uang
Jika kamu sedang dalam keadaan finansial yang mendesak, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
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Mungkin dari kalian ada yang memilih untuk menghubungi orang tua, atau menghubungi teman, untuk sekedar mendapatkan bantuan finansial. Namun bagaimana jika kedua pilihan tersebut belum bisa membantumu?
Para wanita tangguh dari serial drama-komedi “Good Girls” memiliki jawaban yang mungkin tak pernah terbesit dalam pikiran baik kalian.
Kisah menarik nan menantang dari tiga bersahabat asal Detroit, Amerika Serikat, Beth (Christina Hendricks), Ruby (Retta), dan Annie (Mae Whitman) dimulai sejak ketiganya mengalami kesulitan finansial yang akhirnya mendesak mereka untuk merampok toko swalayan tempat Annie bekerja.
Setelah kejadian perampokan tersebut, ada dua masalah besar yang menghampiri mereka. Pertama, Boomer (David Hornsby), manajer Annie, mengetahui bahwa toko swalayan yang Ia pimpin tersebut telah dirampok oleh Annie dan dua sahabatnya. Kedua, uang yang dirampok oleh tiga bersahabat itu merupakan hasil pencucian uang palsu, yang mana dimiliki oleh Rio (Manny Montana) dan gengnya. Boomer memeras tiga bersahabat, demi menutup mulut dan tidak melapor ke polisi, dan Rio terus menagih para tiga wanita suburban itu untuk mengembalikan uangnya.
Keadaan finansial yang sangat mencekik, membuat ketiga bersahabat ini akhirnya memutuskan untuk mencemplungkan diri ke lubang bisnis pencucian uang, dengan menjadi mitra Rio dan gengnya.
Gali lubang, tutup lubang
Kalimat tersebut cocok untuk menggambarkan kondisi ketiga wanita asal suburban Detroit ini. Beth, Ruby, dan Annie berusaha keras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya sehari-hari. Setelah bisnis pencucian uangnya menghasilkan keuntungan untuk mereka, masalah baru kembali datang, yang merupakan imbas dari bisnis gelap yang mereka jalani. Keadaan ini membuat niat mereka untuk berhenti sebagai mitra Rio dan gengnya akhirnya pupus.
Kondisi keluarga yang kurang baik
Selain masalah yang datang dari luar, ketiga sahabat ini juga memiliki problematikanya masing-masing yang datang dari keluarganya. Beth memiliki suami yang tukang selingkuh, Ruby mempunyai anak yang berpenyakit kronis dan juga suami seorang polisi, sedangkan Annie sedang berusaha mendapatkan hak asuh anaknya dari mantan pacarnya yang sudah menikah dengan wanita kaya raya. Masalah yang datang dari internal dan eksternal inilah yang membuat mereka tak bisa lepas dari jeratan bisnis gelap bersama Rio dan gengnya.
Keluar dari zona nyaman
Dalam serial yang diproduksi oleh NBC ini, ketiga sahabat belajar untuk berani keluar dari zona nyaman khas ibu rumah tangga suburban mereka. Merampok, menembak orang, bermitra dengan geng yang mengerikan, hingga menyelundupkan uang palsu dari negara tetangga, dilakukan oleh mereka. Sungguh, keberanian para tiga wanita ini perlu diacungi jempol, dan usaha mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga mereka, walau melalui jalan yang tidak baik, juga patut diapresiasi.
Persahabatan yang erat
Beth, Ruby, dan Annie bersahabat sejak mereka masih kecil. Persahabatan ini terjalin sangat erat hingga mereka menikah dan memiliki anak. Terlepas dari masalah yang dihadapi oleh mereka, kita semua pasti ingin memiliki persahabatan yang erat seperti mereka. Definisi ‘always by your side’ benar-benar tercermin dalam kisah persahabatan mereka bertiga. Sebab baik dalam keadaan sulit sekalipun, mereka selalu berusaha mengatasinya bersama-sama dan mendukung satu sama lain. Dialog komedi ketiga sahabat ini juga sukses menjadi pelita dalam kegelapan di keadaan mencekam dalam serial ini.
“Alur cerita yang menantang dan menegangkan, diselingi dengan tingkah lucu para pemain, membuat yang menontonnya akan merasa penasaran, greget, kesal, juga terhibur.” — Netflix aja dulu
Kisah ketiga sahabat ini yang pantang menyerah dalam menghadapi cobaan hidup juga dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi penontonnya, bahwa hidup ini penuh tantangan, dan belum tentu semua orang bisa menghadapinya sendirian. Dari serial “Good Girls” ini, kita dapat belajar untuk menjaga lingkaran pertemanan dekat kita. Sebab sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tentunya tak bisa hidup sendiri. Dan dalam menjalani hidup, kita memang perlu belajar untuk keluar dari zona nyaman, namun dengan satu syarat, yaitu hati-hati dalam memilih pilihan.
Netflix aja dulu memberi nilai 8/10 untuk serial “Good Girls.”
Serial “Good Girls” telah tayang di Netflix hingga season ketiga, dan season keempat yang akan tayang awal tahun 2021 nanti. Serial drama mencekam yang diselingi oleh komedi ini cocok untuk ditonton untuk kalangan di atas 14 tahun. Setiap episode diakhiri dengan adegan yang membuat penonton penasaran akan kelanjutannya. Jadi, siapkan waktu untuk binge-watching serial ini ya!
Supaya kamu tidak ketinggalan review terbaru, follow akun media sosial kami yuk! - Instagram: instagram.com/netflixajadulu - Twitter: twitter.com/netflixajadulu - Facebook Page: web.facebook.com/Netflix-aja-dulu-Review-Netflix-106543214621288/
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renee561 · 4 years
6 & 13?
What character do you have the most fun writing?
Game of Thrones:
My favorite to write is Jaime because he is such a complex character and he can be soft af or a dumbass and I just love him
Good Omens:
Anathema is such a fun character to write; although Crowley is a character that is really fun to explore all that angst.
I think here my favorites to write have been Widow Lucus and Archie. Though Regina would be fun to explore. Ruby has also been fun to write.
Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
I do when I'm finished with a fic and want to post it here or on tumblr; usually both at times.
I have so many unfinished fics and fics that I've finsihed but have no intentions of posting them. Sometimes I just enjoy the process of writing to just write and move on to something else. Though I always try to finish my fics.
Fun Meta Asks
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  The Dark Curse
Chapter 13:  Dealing with the Wolf
He never left the woods with the girl, just used his magic to take them to another glade where the hunters couldn't track them. It was a campfire, a place with logs around it and charred wood, where youth probably liked to come late at night for privacy from their parents or to test who was brave enough to stay out in the same woods as the beast for the longest. But for now there was no threat, not while the monster was silent and human again.
Monster…who would have ever suspected that the monster was a woman. It wasn't outside the realm of possibility, of course, he knew that werewolves could be women just as well as men, but in his mind, he'd never once thought he'd be dealing with a female. Suddenly he wished the spell allowed him to change the color of the cloak spread over her now. A mild green or light blue? Then again, it did match the rosiness of her cheeks and nose. He supposed it suited her. But the girl…
"Oh…" he stepped away as the woman gave a sigh and rolled over as if in sleep. He'd healed the dent in her head, but not to perfection. It was mostly healed, but he'd purposefully left just enough of the injury to give her a headache when she woke up. If he was lucky, she might also feel a bit weak. She'd be fine after a day or so, but the remaining injury was just enough to make sure that she couldn't get up and walk away from him when they needed to talk; or if she'd tried, she'd at least be slower.
While she was out, he took the opportunity to search her clothes. Knowing that she would be asleep until dawn, he looked, seeking out anything that might identify who she was, that would give him a name! A letter, a tax reciept, even a-
He gasped as his fingers brushed her hand and visions flashed before his eyes.
A building with a sign that said "Granny's Diner."
"Widow Lucus," his voice whispered in his own ear.
A woman who bore similar facial features.
Her granddaughter.
Extra pickles.
A brown haired woman sitting across from him. He wasn't focused on her but her hands. He wanted desperately wanted to reach over and touch her again.
"They smell delicious, Granny!"
"They are delicious! Didn't take any Dark Magic either! Oh, and uh, I charge extra for the pickles!"
He avoided the old woman's eyes.
"I have a complicated relationship with her."
He pulled away from the woman as the visions faded. He was overwhelmed by the information he'd received, but rather remarkably, he'd understood some of it. Most of it. Her name was Widow Lucas, or at least it would be one day. She would have a daughter who would have a daughter named…was it Ruby? Red? What he'd seen after that, the images…they were of a world not like this one, though somehow the walls had resembled this forest. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and tried to piece it back together. All he saw were trees on the walls. And Granny…she was Granny.
Though…as he opened his eyes and looked her over…he reckoned she was a teenager but ages could be difficult to pinpoint. Still, she was certainly no more than twenty. Old enough to be a mother, possibly, maybe be newly married, but not enough to have grandchildren! Granny?
And what the hell was a diner and why was it hers?!
Before him, she gave another sigh and continued to sleep, but the noise brought him out of the future and into the present. When she woke, she'd be hungry, all werewolves were, at least that was what the books said. A little bit of his magic shielded them from the hoard, and a little bit more had the fire blazing, and fish cooking close to morning's light. Waiting was no longer an issue for him. Perhaps it had been when Bae had first gone away, but now hours could pass as though they were seconds, and by the time the fish were done cooking, the sun had risen over the horizon and it felt like no time at all. He placed the delicacies on a leaf and pushed the leaf close to the woman's face, then stepped back and watched.
Like a dog, her nose sniffed, sensing something different in the air. Her body jerked and moved, as if suddenly the feeling of cold from the snow had finally overwhelmed her. Then, finally, she opened one bleary eye, opened the other, and gazed at the fish before her…and pounced!
"Oh!" She was quick to dive into what was presented there for her. She was lucky he'd taken out the bones, otherwise she would have easily choked on the things as she shoved it all into her mouth. She ate it faster than he'd ever seen Baelfire eat, and considering the fact that his boy had been well into his adolescence, that said something.
"Careful, Dearie!" he hollered out from the other side of the fire circle. "Wouldn't want to fall prey to poisoned fish now, would you?"
The girl looked up at him and stared. It was a different kind of stare than he'd expected. Usually, when he revealed himself, people were quick to jump up and stay back, startled and frightened. She was startled, her heartbeat revealed that much, but she didn't jump to her feet. She didn't even alter the way she was laying there perched over her food! Instead, she just stared quietly at him from under her eyelashes, suddenly aware she wasn't alone. He watched as she took a deep breath through her nose, subtly smelling what she held before popping the last of it in her mouth.
"The only poison there is that it's overcooked," she challenged as she chewed. After her last bite was devoured, she finally sat up and looked around. She lived in the village, there was no doubt about it. As she looked at the woods around her, he watched as the confusion on her face melted into recognition, and she zeroed in on trees just over her shoulder. The way home, he assumed.
"Who are you?" she asked, turning back to him with suspicious eyes. "How did I get here? And…what am I wearing?!" she exclaimed, suddenly holding her arms out and observing the cloak around her shoulders.
He smiled as he pushed himself off the log he'd been resting on. She was intrigued. That was good. He needed her to be intrigued.
"Call it 'payment in advance'!" he chimed, being purposefully mysterious. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am...Rumpelstiltskin!" he announced, lowering himself into a bow, "also known as The Dark One. And you are…"
He offered his hand to her, and she looked up at it from her spot on the ground before finally turning instead to play with the cloak's clasp.
"Going home!" she responded before pushing her legs under her and trying to stand. Fortunately, he'd thought ahead, and what was left of her injury had her stumbling and reaching out for him to regain her balance.
"Careful, Dearie!" he exclaimed as he helped her sit down on the log behind her. "That was a nasty knock you took to the head last night." Immediately her hand flew to the front of her head, the place where the dent would have been, and he watched as confusion and worry clouded her eyes. She hardly noticed when he took her arm in his hand. "And that is a nasty bite you have there…"
Their eyes met for a moment as they both considered what he was looking at, then she yanked her arm away from him.
"That's none of your concern."
"Oh, on the contrary! 'Tis the concern of every gentleman and woman you threaten in this town!"
"Well, of course! I wonder, how long have you been afflicted by that little mark there?"
"It's nothing!" she yelled, getting to her feet again, though he noted that she was shaking. "A gift…from the creature who killed my father and brothers."
He let himself giggle in amusement because that was the least of what that scar was. It was the point of infection. "A gift from a creature like what you've become…a werewolf!"
Her gaze was maddening. It was something he'd never seen before. Neither fear nor attraction lay in it, only anger. And perhaps a bit of stubbornness. She leaned forward when most people looked for any excuse to move away from him.
"No," she stated clearly through clenched teeth.
He laughed again because though she'd denied it, the truth of it was in her eyes. She knew, she just didn't want to admit it. "Well, surely, you must have figured it out by now!"
"No!" she stated, getting up and moving away from the circle. Her footsteps fell so hard her wobble nearly disappeared.
"Haven't you noticed…the way smells and tastes come to you like they hadn't before?"
"An odd urge to run and jump, an even odder urge to bathe in the moonlight as it flutters through the trees?"
He grabbed her by the arm before she could get too far away. "Yes!"
"Let me go!"
But he didn't! He couldn't. "You have noticed, three days a month, you disappear, wake up somewhere you didn't fall asleep, because you are fighting what you've become!"
Truth. There was nothing but truth in her hard, steely eyes as they watered, but no tears came of it. "What I have become is none of your business," she spat before yanking her arm out of his grasp and turning away. But it was his business, especially while she still wore his cloak.
"None of that, Dearie!" he proclaimed before using his magic to take them farther into the forest, so they stood on the edge of a cliff. There were few places she could go now. And it scared her. Though she had anger and severe tension in her face when she turned back to him, he'd seen the way her shoulders had shaken before she'd turned.
"Who are you?!" she cried. "What do you want?! Why won't you just let me go?! You must have something better to do than harass a woman like me!" Demands. No crying, no begging, no pleading. Just furious, logical questions. It seemed for this one fear only led to more anger.
"Not until you've heard my proposal?"
"Proposal...what 'proposal'?"
He smiled as he stepped closer, sensing her curiosity even through her frustration. "I…can…help you!" he declared with a happy laugh, hoping that if he was excited, she might get excited as well. This girl wasn't the fearful, unhappy being he'd anticipated dealing with, but she was strong enough that she could help him with what he needed, and he'd sensed enough pain in her denial to know that he'd come prepared to make deals. Hell, she was already wearing exactly what he'd have given her to help with her self-loathing problem.
"Behold!" he announced, flinging his arms out toward her, "a cloak of red! Made it myself right down to the last thread! Bit big…but you'll grow into it."
The woman, "Granny", as he was coming to think of her grabbed the edges of the cloak that was still buckled over her shoulders and examined it. After a few moments, she shook her head and let the mantle fall down around her shoulders.
"How does a red cloak help me?" she questioned with irritation. He couldn't tell if she was growing furious with him, or with herself for giving in.
"Because this cloak…" -he stepped up next to her again so he could whisper the secret in her ear- "is magic!" When he moved away he let his mouth hang open, and his eyes go wide with the shock she should be feeling; the shock that she wasn't showing on her face at all. Perhaps she just didn't understand what that magic had done for her last night, and what it could do for her tonight. "Wear this cloak on the nights of the full moon, and you'll find that your mind is your own. Your body won't change. You'll remain just as human as…well…as human as I once was."
She squinted her eyes at him in suspicion, looking him over skeptically before one of those hands reached out to her side to grab the cape once more. She glanced at it again, but only for a few moments before looking back up at him with distrust. A keen one this "Granny" was. Whatever children or grandchildren she managed to have, Ruby Red, would not soon evade her sharp mind.
"Why?" she finally asked, tossing it back over her shoulder as if it was nothing. She was trying to detach herself from it, trying not to get her hopes up. "Why would you do this? Why…why would you help me? Nothing in this world is for free."
He took in a dramatic gasp that made her jump. "At last! Someone who speaks my language!" he exclaimed before putting his fingertips together and beginning to circle. She was tough, but she was still a woman, and they were delicate. She had a fear of being the wolf that she was, which meant she knew what death and murder could do to others. He had to tread very lightly with this one. Perhaps even take his time. But what was time for him? The contract had held no time restrictions; therefore he had quite literally all the time in the world.
"Alas, I find myself with a bit of a pest problem that needs to be taken care of. It's not the job for a woman, but just the right job for a wolf."
She didn't let him circle the way others usually did. Her gaze followed him, turning as he moved around him, her eyes hawk-like, ever vigilant, taking in every detail. It was a shame she'd never become cursed as he was, he had the dreadful feeling she might be just as good at it as he was. A worthy opponent.
"Pest problem? Bugs?"
He let out a giggle. Knowing what Alexandra's husband had done, that wasn't an inaccurate description.
"A bug of sort. A very tricky species. But trust me, the world would be far better off without this particular insect if you agree to help me."
She shook her head and swallowed. "I'm not a fool, Rumpelstiltskin. This is no bug we're talking about. This is a person, a human being, isn't it?!"
He let himself laugh if only because there would be no use at denying it. Ignorance was bliss. If she'd agreed to help, he would have made all the arrangements, and in her blackout, she need never have known exactly what she'd done. Now, there was no denying it.
"Clever girl. It would be easy, a simple agreement. Simply cast away the cloak one night, and I'll bring this pest to you! And from there, what happens…happens!" he shrugged. He watched carefully as her eyes narrowed even more than they already had, and she took a step away from him. That was bad, a very bad sign indeed. The deal was failing, he was losing her, and all over one little detail he'd tried to avoid! "Don't make rash decisions, Dearie!" he inserted before she could disagree. "I'll tell you what…keep the cloak, try it out, wear it for a month. I'll be back at the end of the next full moon. Until then…enjoy!"
With a snap of his fingers, he burst into smoke and vanished from her gaze.
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Frankie’s information
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Full name: Frankie Winter’s
Nicknames or aliases: None
Species: Human
Teigu: Kaiju
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthday: October 3rd
Sexuality: Bisexual
Languages spoken: English
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5’6
Weight: 175
Figure/build: Lean and built
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Black and blue
Preferred style of clothing: You’ll normally find her cargo like pants, with a wife beater, and a sleeveless jacket
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Frequently worn jewellery: Nose ring, and a ring
Scars: A scar of a hoof print with two horns on her hand
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Allergies: None
Personality: Frankie is driven by a fierce desire to protect those around her. Frankie can be a caring, even soft and loyal. Though she usually possess a goofy kind hearted nature she can be serious, stubborn and even short-tempered that can became agitated even hostile when provoked or threatened.
Distinctive habits and/or manoeuvres: Frankie tends to rub her clothes with her thumb, or her neck when nervous.
Likes: Reading, Kids, helping others, sweets, horses, hard work, loyalty, animals, music, food,hunting, training, women, drinking sometimes.
Dislikes: Drugs, smoking(Though she does it when stressed.) killing, liars, she as a distaste for doctors, those trying to Force themselves on someone , pedo’s, rapist, abusers, etc.
Goals: To help rid the empire of evil
Fears: Dying and losing those close to her
Favorite things: A handmade knife her father taught her how to make, a nice book to read on a rainy day.
Least favourite things: Those who try to force themselves on others.
Favorite items: Her handmade knife, her sword(given to her by akame because I’m basic for weapons.)
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Their house and/or home: Formerly the mountains which her village sits, but now she lives within the night raid base.
Weaknesses in combat: Her emotions, sometime that anger can be her down fall and even her friends
Strengths in combat: She trained to be a fighter to defend herself and took down danger beast for a living along side dealing with horses, she is strong don’t let her fool you.
Mother: Alexandra
Father: Lucus
Parents alive or dead: Alive
Relationship with parents: They have a close bond that’s always been inseparable as Frankie was always close to her parents.
Birth order: Frankie, Ruby
Siblings: Ruby
Best friend(s): Leone, Akame, sheele
Other significant friends: Mine, Tatsumi, Bulat, Lubbock
Rivals or enemies: The empire, The general, prime Minister, emperor
Frankie was born up within the mountains to a decently sized village to a father who was a rancher and a mother who worked in a black smith, which wasn’t uncommon for women to do hard work like men, the mountains kept their village safe so as Frankie grew up she hardly knew the dangers of the outside world expect danger beast which she hunted and killed to protect their cattle. When Frankie was 15 her and a friend by the name of kaldr decided to climb the mountains where Frankie found a ring within the mountain side she placed it on only to feel a burning sensation as a hood print and two horns appeared on her hand as the teigu had claimed Frankie as it’s owner. When returning to the village the village chief saw the mark and that’s when Frankie learned of the teigu’s so to hide it she simply wore gloves or would hide the ring, over there next 4 years the danger beast within the teigu yearned to leave to travel she ignored it for a good 4 years until Frankie had enough finally leaving her village to explore the world….it wasn’t pretty she learned of the corruption within a empire, and a war so she decided to put this teigu to good use it started off a little rocky in her journey then she found night raid…it’s kinda history after that.
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adiwisaksonoadi · 3 years
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Salah satu yang menarik adalah kisah Raffi Stephanian, pria yang bekerja dengan mengais di trotoar jalanan kota New York ini.
Sehari-hari Raffi selalu menelusuri jalanan kota NYC dengan bermodalkan pinset kecil dan wadah kecil sebagai alatnya.
Pada awalnya terdengar membingungkan dan lucu, namun dari pekerjaannya itu dia bisa menghasilkan 800-1010 dollar AS, (RP11-14 juta) per minggu.
Jika Anda bertanya-tanya mengapa dengan cara seperti itu bisa mendapatkan uang sebanyak itu, rupanya Raffi sebenarnya adalah penambang emas jalanan.
Dia menggali logam mulia seperti berlian, rubi, emas, platinum yang sebagian besar ternyata tercecer diantara debu yang neympil di trotoran jalanan NYC.
Dia menjelaskan bahwa, "Bahan itu biasanya jatuh dari pakaian mahal, sepatu dan aksesoris lainnya yang memiliki kandungan logam mulia." "Karena orang-orang selalu berlarian dan berjalan cepat, mereka tidak menyadari bahwa benda itu terjatuh, dan mungkin pindah ke tempat lain karena angin dan hujan,"katanya.
Potongan-potongan logam mulia itulah yang membuat Raffi Stephanian menggantungkan hidup dengan mencarinya.
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