#s.m. entertainment
nino-rox · 7 months
Choi Yeonjun x Male Reader | S.M
Warnings: NSFW Gay Sex, Sexual themes (unprotected sex, consensual sex, degradation, rough), FwB Top Yeonjun and Bottom male reader.
Disclaimer : This is a Fan-fiction story written for entertainment purposes only, no part of the story implies or affirms anything regarding real world events or individuals. Please be of the appropriate age ( i.e, Adult as per your country’s stipulations and regulations) before interacting with this post.
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“I don- I don’t think it’ll fi- AAAHhh,” you yelped in pain as you felt Yeonjun shove his entire length inside you without warning. Before you could take a moment to catch your breath, he pulled out almost entirely and thrust himself back into you.
You feel the heat coming from between your legs again, and there is nothing you can do to stop yourself from squirming against him. You whimper and whine as his thick dick fills every inch of your insides. Tears flowed down your eyes as Yeonjun spanked you with every thrust saying, “You like that slut? You like my cock fucking your slut hole?” in a deep voice.
“Ahhhhhh… Yeon… Jun…. Please… It hurts so much. Slow down a bit,” you said as you begged for mercy.
But Yeonjun just laughed at you, saying, “slutty bitch, do you really want me to slow down? Your mouth says slow down, but your hole is saying something else entirely,” He lifted your ass up and slammed his dick into you as hard as he could.
With tears streaming down your face, you gasp loudly as you feel his cock hit your prostate, making you elicit sinful moans of pleasure, but Yeonjun wasn’t finished yet.
He took hold of your arms with one hand while grabbing your hair with the other, forcing you on all fours as he plunged his cock deep inside you over and over again. Each time, it hits your G-spot, causing you to cry out as your body shuddered violently.
Your feet were now resting flat on the ground. At the same time, you hung onto the edge of the bed, crying out each time Yeonjun thrust inside you, your hole being abused by this man, who you barely knew. Still, here you were, letting him do whatever he wanted to you, helpless and at his mercy - and you loved it.
It seemed he couldn’t get enough of you either because he kept pumping harder and faster until he shot his load inside you. Your walls clamped around his cock, squeezing the last drop of cum out of him before you collapsed onto the floor, gasping for air. Only to get grabbed by the hair as he said, “We’re not done till you pass out slut.”
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skippyv20 · 5 months
details in print allude to preempting work coming down the "pipeline". Well wasn't that duh'l lingo used elsewhere on Tumblr and have read that backers and Markle to circulate here? Skippy, you have made mention to have had correspondence to S.M and in accordance with other bloggers there are reports of other YouTubers who have also corresponded to S.M. They were alleged to have encountered damage to property during their reporting on YouTube. The revelation here is an obvious 1-2-3 degrees of separation. Further review of Tumblr Archives indicate speculation of Camp Markle reading these blogs and mutual blogs that extends to other mutuals and further following by "fanatics also described across the internet as "sugars". Given the detail Timeline provided on other bloggers, there is again, a 1-2-3 degree of separation confirming much speculation to indeed not be of coincidence of the rise of the Markle brand, the original source and involve not limited to Soho, Celebrities, Bullying and more. Further review of most recent Interviews confirm these speculations of a bullying hate campaign. This blog and others provide great insight that A) It is a bonafede politically geared agenda and international lines have been abused with documented and calculated timeline to defame the Royals in the name of racism and preying on developing emotional minds of the Public. B) Entertainment distraction to cover up the true reporting of Journalists, sources and consultants that have knowledge and record of the connection to International Human Trafficking and highlight security risks in International Government and Intelligent Communities. Coupled with the new information posted on World Agenda on Tumblr. This is an interpretation from discoveries.
Hmmm…thank you❤️
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kaerimna · 2 months
Meet the Princess;
The name is Yoo Jimin also known by her stage name Karina, born on April, 11st 2000 at Ji-dong, Suwon-si, South Korea. She is a member of the South Korean girl group aespa and the female unit GOT the Beat. She define herself as a aespa's Rocket Puncher. Before debut with aespa Karina was active on Social Media and was a former ulzzang recruited by an SM casting manager and she became an SM trainee in 2016 She was a trainee for 4 years. In addition, before her debut with aespa. She appeared in Taemin's MV with the title 'Want', She also collaborated with Kai from EXO on Hyundai Company's Virtual Showcase. On October 27, 2020, S.M. Entertainment revealed Karina as the second member of aespa. A little TMI about her, she's a leader, main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocalist and also face of the group.
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jlynxxy · 5 months
Мой мир SHINee (2023)
Небольшой отзыв о моём походе на премьеру фильма о SHINee. Дорогие шаволы, если вам попался на глаза данный пост, прошу не судите строго, а случайным читателям, которые скорее всего близко не знакомы с кей-поп музыкой, я сейчас попытаюсь кратко пояснить, что вообще такое "SHINee" и "шаволы".
SHINee (Шайни) - южнокорейский бойбенд, основанный в 2008 году компанией S.M. Entertainment. Изначально в состав группы входили пять человек (Онью, Джонхён, Ки, Минхо и Тэмин). Но, к сожалению, в декабре 2017 года главный вокалист - Джонхён - умер, после чего группа продвигается в составе 4-х человек. Но как говорят сами ребята "Навсегда пять", поэтому, к счастью, Джонхёна никогда не списывают со счетов и никогда не забывают. Шаволы - название фандома (фанатов) группы. Происходит от сочетания слов SHINEE WORLD.
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Итак, я уже подробно рассказывала о своём знакомстве с к-поп в предыдущем посте, поэтому повторять и останавливаться на этом не буду, но снова напомню, что Шайни - одна из первых к-поп групп, о которой я узнала в далёком 2010.
С их дебюта прошло уже 15 лет. Просто невероятный срок для к-поп айдолов, медиа-жизнь которых довольно жёстко ограничена рамками молодости и степенью выносливости как физической, так и ментальной. Шайни были по сути первопроходцами на пути популяризации к-поп не только в Азии, но и во всём мире. Конечно, как я уже упоминала ранее, были Super Junior, BigBang, TVXQ, SNDS и тд. НО именно Шайни, на мой взгляд, закрепились на мировом рынке сильнее всех остальных представителей второго поколения к-поп (они смогли успешно вписаться и в третье, и в четвертое поколение). Определённо, их по праву считают эталонными идолами сцены. Не так давно группа снова воссоединилась на период камбэка и промоушена с их 8-м полноформатным альбомом. Все участники отслужили в армии, поэтому, надеюсь, группа продолжит радовать фанатов новым материалом чуть чаще.
Для меня стало приятным сюрпризом, что в наших кинотеатрах объявили показ фильма в честь 15-летнего юбилея группы. Я за неделю до премьеры мониторила продажу билетов, переживала, что мест не останется, но... На деле ажиотажа не было. То ли рекламная кампания в нашей стране подкачала (среди прокатчиков), то ли просто уже время другое (да и в целом неудачный сезон). Но в прошлые разы на тех же BTS билеты раскупали подчистую, буквально за час с момента открытия продаж весь зал полностью мог быть раскуплен (сама на такое попадала, поэтому приходилось ждать открытия дополнительных сеансов).
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В общем, зал в моём городе во время премьеры был практически пуст. Человек 7-8, не больше. И это меня удивило, потому что значимость Шайни в к-поп культуре довольно огромна. Поэтому нельзя сказать, что группа просто непопулярная и именно из-за этого, о ней мало кто знает. Нет, очень даже наоборот. Я всё же сетую на малую осведомлённость и распиаренность информации в соц.сетях о премьере фильма (потому что, если вы не подписаны на оф.паблики или странички, то скорее всего просто и не увидели бы уведомлений об этом).
Фильм по сути своей оказался качественной сборкой концертных выступлений с их главными хитами и лид-треками начиная с 2008 года вплоть до недавних концертов в 2023 году. Таким образом, зрители могут пройти весь 15-летний путь группы. Воочию лицезреть эволюцию как музыкального звучания, так и визуальной составляющей. Всё же мода 2010-х и нынешняя сильно различается, хотя казалось бы… всего чуть больше 10 лет прошло, а эти узкие цветные джинсы и пышная шевелюра смотрятся уж очень непривычно в реалиях 2023 года.
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Также порадовали коротенькие вставки с разговорами ребят в неформальной обстановке (они сидели в декорациях комнатки девушки-фанатки; рассматривали мерч в виде различных постеров, альбомов, блокнотов и тд, и вспоминали свою юность, предебют, шутили, откровенничали).
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Ки признался, что раньше им запрещено было пользоваться мобильниками, запрещено было заводить друзей, встречаться с кем-либо, что они чувствовали себя запертыми друг с другом и не могли друг от друга отдохнуть в процессе бесконечных тренировок и подготовок к выступлениям. И его честность всегда подкупает. Мне безумно нравится, как Ки не боится говорить прямо о прошлом группы, как не боится говорить прямо о том, что скучает по Джонхёну, как откровенно заявляет о себе и о своей личности из раза в раз. Он так и кричит "вот он я, и если вам что-то не нравится, то это ваши проблемы, а не мои". Да, в 32 года, наконец-то, может себе позволить говорить то, что хочет, между прочим! В общем, Ки - икона, все согласны.
Фильм постепенно, год за годом, показывал развитие группы. Начали, конечно же, с 2008 и их дебютных треков с альбома “Replay”, далее уже перешли в 2009, в период культового “Ring Ding Dong”, потом 2010 и “Lucifer”, где было довольно сложно сдерживать себя, чтобы не начать повторять эти забавные танцевальные движения. Позже 2012 с “Sherlock”, что до сих пор, даже спустя 10 лет, находится в топе лучших песен бойбендов по версии журнала Rolling Stones. Конечно же, период 2013-2016 с экспериментальными “Everybody”, “View”, “1 of 1”. И да, когда слушаешь их живые выступления на концертах, в полной мере осознаёшь, насколько каждый из них прекрасный вокалист со своим особенным и узнаваемым тембром. Всё же СМ не зря славится своими поразительно талантливыми вокалистами (привет всем участникам EXO). Отдельно хочу отметить и даже поблагодарить режиссера фильма, что так деликатно обошёл тему смерти Джонхёна. Они её не замолчали, не упустили и не проигнорировали. Нет, они очень мягко и трогательно показали нам последствия этого момента. По сути об этом ни слова не было сказано, но после того, как закончился блок с 2016 годом, был аккуратно полностью пропущен 2017 год, после чего без каких-либо комментариев зрителям показали 2018 и исполнение песни Our Page. И признаюсь честно, но при приближении к 2017 я начала нервничать, потому что даже спустя несколько лет всё ещё тяжело принять действительность, где Джонхёна больше нет. 
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И да, спасибо переводчикам, что они добавили качественные субтитры к каждой песне, что использовали в фильме. Я, правда, пыталась сидеть спокойно, но на строчках “Я скучаю по тебе” от Тэмина (где он покачал головой и чуть сбился), текст перед глазами начал расплываться, а щёки обожгло слезами. В зале мгновенно стало тише, а незнакомая девушка рядом со мной любезно прошептала “ничего, не сдерживай себя”. 
Позже уже начался блок 2021 года с Don’t Call Me, а после и конечный в этом пятнадцатилетнем путешествии - 2023 год с треками “HARD” и “JUICE”. Видеть парней в свои 30+ всё такими же бодрыми, позитивными и невероятно молодыми как телом, так и душой… просто сильно воодушевляет) Сразу хочется в будущем в свои 30 выглядеть, как вечно юный и милый Тэмин с его мальчишеской непосредственностью и обаятельной улыбкой. 
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Наверное, я не могу назвать себя ярым шаволом, но даже для меня, как для человека, который скорее просто зритель со стороны, что не перестаёт восхищаться стойкостью и профессионализмо�� ребят, этот фильм позволил окунуться в удивительную атмосферу, пропитаться чувством ностальгии, да и в целом оценить и осознать масштаб влияния группы как на жанр, так и на мировую музыкальную индустрию.
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Кстати, кто не знал, но этот легендарный мем появился благодаря Ки, который просто собирался на вечеринку СМ в день Хэллоуина.
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
hey there! Sorry if you've answered this already. I tried searching your blog and didn't see any posts specifically for this:
My cousin is really getting into romances. She's specifically interested in romances where the FMC is in her mid-late 30s or older and/or has time travel shenanigans. She really enjoys outlander and recently read and enjoyed A Stich in Time by Kelley Armstrong. She also told me she likes shifter romances, but she tends to lean more historical from what I have gathered.
Do you have any recs I can pass along to her (or get her for the holidays?)
FWIW she took that quiz you made and got Gentleman in the Streets / Freak in the Sheets, but I think she's flexible with hero archetypes.
thank you!!
Thank you for reaching out! I'm so glad she's getting into romance, it's such a fun genre.
It can be harder to find heroines who are in their thirties or older, unfortunately. However, we are starting to get more. The overlap with time travel can be harder, I think in part because writers feel intimidated with time travel due to Outlander in general, but...
Time Travel Recs:
What the Wind Knows by by Amy Harmon. It's been a whiiile since I read this, and I don't remember it being a FAVE, but it's bordering on women's fiction so it might be a decent "transition" book for newer romance readers, especially those that love Outlander. Not sure about the heroine's age, but I'm pretty sure she's not super young. What I find really interesting about this book is that I believe it focuses on Irish independence and the IRA, which you like, never see in romance.
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. Okay. This is an old school, and I largely recommend it because it's a SUPER influential romance novel (would be shocked if it didn't influence Outlander) and I personally love it. But it is dated, the way and 80s or 90s book can be; the heroine is not in her thirties, and she has some maturing to do (which I think she does). She basically gets ditched by her boyfriend and his daughter (who she does internally fat shame, heads up) and is crying about needing a knight in shining armor when one APPEARS lol. He's actually hilariously dickish and does some growing of his own, before getting catapulted back to his own time. She follows, of course. It's actually a pretty daring book, and I find it so entertaining.
Mid/Late Thirties and Above Heroines:
Joss and The Countess by S.M. LaViolette. A recent love, heroine is 39 and hero is 28, she's his employer and a widow, and basically they end up in this very sexual relationship that is at first cold but then grows into something more emotional and intense. Hero is a former sex worker. There is a lo of discussion of SA, but none on the page.
Waiting for A Scot Like You by Eva Leigh. Heroine is 46-47, hero is about 12 years younger, and he ends up being her bodyguard on a roadtrip to a scandalous party now that she's widowed.
The Countess by Sophie Jordan. Heroine is around 38 and married, and has a horrible husband. Her wants their daughter to marry this rich business man about 5 years the heroine's junior, but--plot twist, the businessman wants the heroine instead. Fun and frothy with some seriousness.
The Dueling Duchess by Minerva Spencer. A fun romp with an adoring hero, the heroine is 35ish I think and he's a few years younger. She's actually a sharpshooter in a traveling circus, but there's a lot of historical detail to this one that's super fun.
The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. I forget how old this heroine is exactly, I'm thinking 33ish, but she starts working as an earl's secretary because she's poor. They develop some tension, she finds out he's visiting an exclusive brothel, and out of annoyance she disguises herself as a sex worker in the brothel and... it's on.
The Lady Who Came in From The Cold by Grace Callaway. This one is super interesting because the hero and heroine have been married 12 years and have three kids. But it kicks off when he finds out she was a spy before they married, aaaand she lied to him about being a virgin, and you know, her entire life. Separation ensues, and she tries desperately to get him back. TW for discussion of past SA, which I didn't love, but the setup and passion and the hero having to realize that he's been a moron is great.
A couple of "not quite mid thirties but she may like them" recs:
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt. A classic historical and all time favorite of mine. The heroine is 32 and a glamorous high society widow who begins tutoring a 26 year old Quaker schoolmaster in etiquette so that he can get patrons for the orphanage he runs. Except whoops, he's a masked vigilante saving kids off the streets at night, and the two of them keep having charged run-ins. So romantic, so hot, so interesting re: class stuff. Heads up, she does struggle with infertility and multiple past miscarriages. No "magic baby" resolution.
The Return of The Duke by Lorraine Heath. I think this heroine is 30 to the hero's 25. She's actually his dead father's former mistress, and he seeks her out because he believes she knows something about why his father was wrongfully (in his mind) convicted and executed, with the hero deprived of his title, for attempting to kill Queen Victoria. A lot of angry charge here.
Pleasure of a Dark Prince--werewolf book, heroine doesn't look mid-thirties but is thousands of years old as she's a valkyrie lol. Favorite of mine, it does have a very aggressive hero who's actually soft inside, and TW: for flashbacks to/discussions of SA. But it's such a romp otherwise. This is a fated mates type book, and if she hasn't tried that yet, she should.
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aspectabundgaze · 5 months
Activism : The Play, Scene II
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Activism has always been around for such a long, long time. However, not a lot of people are aware of how people back in the days used to use their voices or influence in the acts of activism. Which brings up to the question I have in mind, "What was activism like in the days of Ancient Greece?" "Now I know they have protests too, but did they incorporated it into their entertainment? Entertainment has always been a tool to advocate for changes. Right?"
I've always been a huge fan of ancient Greek history, mainly mythology but sometimes, I do dabble into their philosophical and political sides. To answer my own question, I've decided to do a slight dive on Aristophanes.
First thing's first, what is activism? Nolas, S.M., Varvantakis, C. and Aruldoss, V., 2017 defines activism as an act that could be driven by the intentions to challenge social norms, practices that holds back and oppresses, suppresses identities that does not conform to the values of a society. Now activism can happen anywhere and any time, from a playground where both genders can play together without being judged for being a girl or a boy, a dinner table where discussions from studies, work, world issues can happen. Nolas, Varvantakis and Aruldoss, 2017 have also stated in their papers activism can also be a response to changes and events within the society, such as the rise of new social movements and the need to do a dive in onto political participation in the face of unexpected political outcomes. So how does this relate to Aristophanes?
Now according to an article published by Columbia College, Aristophanes was an ancient Greek playwright and comedian who lived in Athens, he was born somewhere around 446 BCE and died around 386 BCE. He was best known for his comedic plays, wrote roughly around 40 plays, where only 11 of his works survived to this very day. The reason why I found that his work is related to activism, particularly political activism is because his plays were known for its satirical and political nature. He incorporated humour, an exaggeration towards contemporary issues, philosophy and social trends into his work, making him known as one of the first people to be a public relations activist. Using political satire was one of the Ancient Greek's way to perform activism and public relations. (Bisbe, M., Molner, E. and Jimenez, M., 2019).
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An example that can be taken from Aristophanes' play called "Lysistrata" written in 411 BCE that depicts the Peloponnesian war between the Athens and the Spartans. As known with his knack for satire and comedy, he wrote this as a portrayal of a fictional attempt by women from Ancient Greek to end the war by withholding sexual privileges with their husbands in order to stop the war until a treaty was signed. Albeit the play talking about a woman's needs with her spouses, the dialogue. talked about how men who focused on the war has been nothing but wasteful of the tax payer's money that women and the society contributed to, going back to Aristophanes' way of addressing the the financial effects of war, showing the frivolous nature of war and also the effects of wat on families.
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Another example would be one of his well known plays "The Clouds". The Clouds was written as a political and philosophical satire on Socrates and his institution, which is also known as "The Clouds" Aristophanes used humour and exaggerated language to caricature Socrates' methods of inquiry and the perceived consequences of philosophical education. For example, here is a small dialogue from the play I read.
Well now! what are you doing? are you reflecting?
Yes, by Posidon!
What about?
Whether the bugs will entirely devour me.
May death seize you, accursed man!
He turns aside again.
The play suggests that the pursuit of abstract knowledge and intellectualism can lead to moral and societal corruption, as The Cloud is about a man named Strepsiades who enrolled himself to Socrates' institution in order to avoid getting caught for his financial debts instead of trying his best to work things out and ethically clear out his debts. And in my opinion, activism doesn't always have to be something we do as a form of protest (physically done with marching), or an online post, or a drawing or photos but it could also be done in a form of writing. A script, a play, a book or a poem.
Nolas, S.M., Varvantakis, C. and Aruldoss, V., 2017. Political activism across the life course. Contemporary Social Science, 12(1-2), pp.1-12, viewed 22 November 2023.
Bisbe, M., Molner, E. and Jimenez, M., 2019. Public intellectuals, political satire and the birth of activist public relations: The case of Attic Comedy. Public Relations Review, 45(5), p.101790, viewed 23 November 2023
Foley, H.P., 1982. The" female intruder" reconsidered: Women in Aristophanes' Lysistrata and Ecclesiazusae. Classical Philology, 77(1), pp.1-21, viewed 19 November 2023
The Internet Classics Archive: The Clouds by aristophanes’, The Internet Classics Archive | The Clouds by Aristophanes, viewed 24 November, 2023, <http://classics.mit.edu/Aristophanes/clouds.html>
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the-creeps-blog · 2 years
[Social Media Headcanons]
Our next handful of headcanon posts are prompts found from the blog @nothingbutprompts​ , just wanted to give credit for the ideas :)) Sorry but you might get a little tag spam from us ;D
DISCLAIMER: Nsfw mentions, so 18+ only please! ageless or minor accounts dni CW: mentions of transphobia/homophobia/misogyny as well. Characters with this content will be flagged with 🤍
Headcanons under the cut - 
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Slender - 
Slender has an account on every social media platform the pastas have JUST to monitor and shi, he doesn't post anything anywhere
Let’s be real, slender wouldn’t even know how to use them
he's one of those people that thinks a comment is a dm so he's commented on a pasta's public post somewhere once scolding them and he didn't know everyone could see it
thats it, still doesn't post or anything LMAO
He’d post on someone’s post like “please delete this photo, I am in the bottom corner and I do not like how I look it in. Thank you -slender man”
He always signs off with “-Slender Man” eventually it shortens to “-S.M.”
As if all of them don’t know that’s his account
He also gets salty if they don’t follow them back
he'd confront them in the mansion like "BEN, pardon my intrusion of your.. videos..game.. but I must ask why you are not on my friends list on this Tik.. tiktok? tiktok place. Are you not part of my family? Do you not wish to be associated with me?”
Laughing Jack - 
LJ doesn’t have anything against the gamepastas or anything, but electronic entertainment just isn’t his thing unless it’s like a live show of a circus on TV or something similar like a movie.
He prefers physical or real life activities like board games, sports, stuff like that so he wouldn’t even have a phone or get on any computers
he would have a tiktok account that BEN made for him but he NEVER uses it cos he, again, doesn’t even have a phone or anything
He DOES like tiktoks tho, the funny fever dream type shit someone will occasionally show him but he couldn’t be bothered to check tiktok himself
Eyeless Jack -
Uses YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit, TikTok, and Twitter
Eyeless Jack posts stuff about surgery, what he does to do it, and has occasionally posted a video of him actually operating on someone
Though it gets taken down on tiktok 24/7 lol he gets mad pressed about it. He hates TikTok for it
He went on a really long 10 minute rant about how Tiktok is dumb for taking it down cuz it’s educational ON tiktok
YouTube and Reddit is where most of his surgery vids go to now, he uses TikTok to talk about surgeries and medical procedures since he can’t show them.
He actually uses clothing and editing to hide every inch of skin and non-human characteristic because he wants to share his surgical and medical knowledge without being called a monster all the time and people ignoring his knowledge
Because of this he actually gets a simp following because “ooh mysterious faceless man with handsome voice” loll
he has an alt account on Reddit under an entirely different alias as his main accounts so they can’t be linked together as the same person. On this alt account he’s entirely open about being a cannibal and how humans organs taste and such.
on a more wholesome note, he likes the sense of humanity his fan base on social media gives him when they talk to him or comment on his posts as if he’s just a normal being. Afterall, he used to be one although he doesn’t remember his human at all except for a small few details. He doesn’t crave to go back to that life, but it’s nice for him to know what it was somewhat like. It gives him a feeling like he knows himself a little better now.
Homicidal Liu - 
Liu would have Reddit, YouTube, Tiktok, Twitter
Liu doesn't have any specific kind of post, he just occasionally posts about whatever mostly just comments and views other people's stuff
Hoodie / Brian - 
Hoodie would have Tiktok, Twitter, Tumblr, and OnlyFans (lmao)
This man, Hoodie would make thirst traps and doesn't even hide the fact that he's Hoodie of course he hides his true identity though, he's gotta have a normal human identity to go get groceries and shi for the pastas
Has Jane cover his tats with makeup so he isn’t recognized in public by his tats
His posts on OnlyFans are literally the same as his tiktoks, they’re not even NSFW, that’s the joke and that’s what’s funny bout it
He has a  hybristophiliac following on TikTok since his fan base clearly knows he is very much the real Hoodie.
Tails Doll - 
TD uses Twitter and TikTok
TD, like Liu, just occasionally posts but his posts are cryptic and meant to be creepy or uncanny, but his accounts' main purposes are to comment and view other people's content
Jane the Killer - 
Jane would probably have like every social media you can think of, at least the main ones
aesthetic monochrome type posts, but retweets/reposts gossip
posts her own pics from neck down in monochrome filter
follows Brian and makes fun of his thirst traps, also makes fun of his following for liking a literal murderer
🤍Masky / Tim - 
Masky/Tim has 4chan and reddit for sure, as well as Twitter of course
bullies tf out of anyone he can on his main acc, bih doesn't even have an alt
misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic posts 
it's a wonder he hasn't gotten his account deleted yet, but he's definitely been cancelled
Glitchy Red - 
Glitchy has twitch, tiktok, instagram, and twitter
streams pokemon nuzlockes, except he occasionally cheats on them
if anyone points out how he could potentially be cheating, his smartass would find a way to dispute it since he’s so tech savvy
he posts clips of his twitch streams on insta, twitter, and tiktok, they’re pretty much just plug platforms for him
but he has an alt pokemon fan acc on insta
Strangled Red - 
Steven also uses twitch, tiktok, and twitter
He streams pokemon nuzlockes as well, except he couldn’t be bothered to put in any effort of cheating so he actually got really popular for his absolute meltdowns over losing or things not going his way
I’m talking screaming so loud into the mic it pops and gets grainy, throwing chairs, the good stuff
He already had a small following because of BEN, he’s definitely the one screaming at BEN for putting his cat on the mic iykyk
plays Osu! and gets a fanbase simping for his hands and he thinks that shit's weird af but funny as hell
a simp made a Master Hand and Crazy Hand joke as reference to smash bros ultimate and he calls the fan base crazy hands because of it
Jeff the Killer - 
Jeff the Killer uses twitter, 4chan, reddit, tiktok, tumblr
likes ranting, and posting opinions and shi on twitter, 4chan, and reddit but also real weird shit on twitter like just what he's done in the day uses tiktok and tumblr not to post, but just to go through JTK simp content to fuel his ego and pride
Bloody Painter - 
Bloody Painter uses insta, twitter, tiktok, deviantart, tumblr, and amino
just art everywhere, the occasional opinion on current topics on twitter, on tiktok he posts timelapse paintings and art challenges
Lost Silver - 
LS also has accounts everywhere for the tea and shi yk yk
Lost Silver has Reddit and 4chan but not under his name
has a single post on insta of an image of his cyndaquil or celebi that's very blurry and a caption of a smiley face :))
Ticci Toby - 
Ticci Toby uses twitter, tiktok, tumblr, instagram
posts funny fever dream like videos on tiktok
Judge Angels - 
Judge Angels uses tumblr, twitter, instagram, tiktok
posts angel and pastel gore aesthetic stuff
doesn't post on tiktok, just watches other people's content
Follows Helen on everything and likes every post
Sonic.exe - 
Sonic.EXE uses reddit, 4chan, twitch, twitter, tiktok
tiktok posts are funny skits occasional cryptic video reddit and 4chan is like sonic fan shit or snuff videos of his victims 
twitch streams sonic games and the EXE mods, definitely boasts about having numerous mods dedicated to himself
BEN DROWNED uses twitter, tiktok, twitch, reddit, 4chan
he's literally the kid who put his cat on the mic LMAO that's the video that got him popular on twitch he's streams LoZ, pretty much any shooter game 
BEN absolutely despises Fortnite because of the fortnite kid jokes and everybody accused him of being one
almost got cancelled for saying tranny but he IS trans
Sally Williams - 
Sally isn't allowed to have social media but she uses tiktok anyways and JUST tiktok
she would accidentally expose herself to the rest of the pastas by quoting a meme off of tiktok
Valerie (OC) - 
Val would 100% be an influencer
Val uses insta primarily, she runs an onlyfans, she also uses twitch, and TT but she rarely posts on it
Iris Meadows (OC) - 
Iris uses tumblr, pinterest, and instagram for aesthetic posts, she uses tiktok just to comment on friends' posts and shi she doesn't post anything on tt herself
Iris 100% is a garden / plant and cottagecore aesthetic blog
Post written by Admin Dina
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Everything written down is agreed by the both of us though, it is our headcanons. <3
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soiree-of-her · 2 years
The Muse.
Chrystal Soo Jung is an American singer and actress currently working in South Korea. Better known by the mononym Krystal, she is one of the most prolific artists in the Korean entertainment industry today. Despite being spotted at only five years of age by her future agency S.M. Entertainment, it wasn’t until 2002 that she began her career as a child model, appearing in television commercials. S.M. Entertainment arranged dance classes for her and in 2009 she debuted as part of the K-pop group f(x), alongside four other girls. The group’s popularity led her to be included in a second group, S.M. The Ballad. In 2010, television came calling. She portrayed a young student in a series of music videos called the Melody Project. Krystal landed her first major role on Korean television in 2014 when she was cast opposite Rain in the musical romance ‘My Lovely Girl’. Considered to be a fashion icon, her elegance and sense of style have garnered her several awards, including the 2016 Celebrity of the Year – Photogenic Award from the Korea Fashion Photographers Association. In 2017, she is set to appear in a major role in a film, a Chinese-Korean joint venture, ‘Unexpected Love’
Also Known As: Chrystal Soo Jung, Jung Soo-Jung
Age: 27 Years, 27 Year Old Females
Siblings: Jessica Jung (Older Sister)
Height: 5'5" (165 cm), 5'5" Females
U.S. State: California
City: San Francisco, California
Notable Alumni: Sungkyunkwan University
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formybelovedd · 16 hours
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Kim Tae Yeon (lahir 9 Maret 1989), lebih dikenal sebagai Taeyeon, adalah penyanyi asal Korea Selatan. Ia debut sebagai anggota dari grup penyanyi perempuan Korea Selatan, Girls' Generation pada tahun 2007 setelah menjalani pelatihan selama 3 tahun. Di proyek S.M. Entertainment, Girls' Generation-TTS, SM The Ballad, Oh!GG dan GOT the Beat. Pada Oktober 2015, ia membuat debutnya sebagai penyanyi solo dengan album mini pertamanya, I.
Salah satu lagu yang kupilih berjudul "Dream." Lagu ini menceritakan tentang impian, harapan, dan tekad untuk menggapai tujuan meskipun menghadapi rintangan dan kesulitan dalam hidup. Liriknya menginspirasi pendengarnya untuk terus berjuang dan tidak pernah kehilangan keyakinan dalam diri sendiri.
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thomasicism · 18 days
── #. 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐒 ; 𝐋&𝐃𝐒
In affiliation with @rafayel-fishie ; please direct any business concerns towards me.
Disclaimer: This is a gimmick / roleplay blog, for entertainment purposes only! I do not own this character, and I am in no way, shape, or form associated with InFold PTE LTD. or the Love and Deepspace franchise.
Asks: open!
OP (operator; the person behind this account) is 21+, so NSFW asks (suggestive/explicit) are allowed and will be tagged appropriately. However, please be careful of the media you consume. If caught engaging in NSFW posts while underage/ageless, you will be blocked!
[to be updated as needed!]
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Roleplays and interactions can be done via asks, reblogs, replies, and/or mentions. These can be prose or dialogue; feel free to interact with this character as you see fit, and I will mirror!
I primarily will reply using she/her pronouns, but if you want to be referred to by other pronouns, please tell me.
This blog is open to shipping (with canon characters/ocs/etc), but is non-exclusive (meaning that multi-shipping is allowed). Current Canon-Verse Relationships: QPR with Rafayel, developing relationship with Jenna.
You can interact as an oc or as canon mc, either works. Just be sure to make it clear in your interaction if you're acting as mc, so I know how to incorporate existing lore/etc!
You may interact with a platonic relationship, established relationship, or developing relationship in mind. HOWEVER, please keep in mind that Thomas is primarily slowburn, if you choose to go down the developing route!
I reserve the right to refuse to answer (and subsequently delete) interactions/asks that I am not comfortable with answering. Please don't take it personally, this is for my personal comfort!
Replies might be slow, but feel free to bump your interactions from time to time if they take too long~
OOC posts begin with "🖌️;" ! OOC tags write as "[ text" !
Note: PLEASE do NOT use any writing on this blog for AI training or other related purposes.
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OOC:                            ꨄ business call incoming... | ooc
Suggestive:    ▶ caution | suggestive
Explicit: ▶ caution | explicit
Asks:                          ꨄ thomas | inbox
Prose:                  ꨄ thomas | prose
Dialogues:                    ꨄ thomas | dialogue
Thoughts:                    ꨄ thomas | musings
Labels:       ��    (emoji/alias) | story unfolding
Taken anons:          🌷 ; 🖋️ ; S.M. ; ❄ ; 🌹
❥of the shimmering sea | rafayel ; ଓof stardust and moonlight | xavier ; ଓof crystalline winters | zayne ; ଓof sunsets in the clouds | caleb ; ★of fortunes and sunshine | tara ; ★of petal showers | jeremiah ; ★of warmth in safety | jenna ; ★of comfort in care | greyson ; × of mystical presence | astra ; x of new beginnings | MC
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send some love over to some of our other gimmick blogs!
Rafayel: @rafayel-fishie 🤍
Xavier: @xavier-starlight
Zayne: @zayne-snowman
Caleb: @caleb-pilot
Tara: @taraandtarot     
Jeremiah: @jeremiahofphilo
Jenna: @unicorns-captain
Nero: @wandererenthusiast1
Dr. Greyson: @drgreysonmd
Yvonne: @yvonnesrespite / @yvonne-aksonurse
Astra: @sasstras-gaze
MC: @aethercodeevol
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imwintem · 1 month
Meet the Rockstar,
The name is Kim Min-Jeong (김민정), born on January 1, 2001 at Nampo-dong, Jung-gu, Busan, South Korea. She defines her abilitiy as an Armamenter of aespa who loves chocolate. She is a member of the South Korean girl group named aespa and the female unit GOT The Beat, her stage name is Winter. On October 26, 2020, S.M. Entertainment revealed Winter as the first member of aespa. On November 4th her Avatar was revealed, æ-WINTER, through the video SYNK, WINTER.
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mr-erik-viking · 5 months
A Reader
Summary: This Italian Journal of Game Studies by Larochelle, A. and Lebel, S, looks into the circumstances surrounding video games transitioning from 2D to 3D and the links thereof. Both Larochelle, A. and Lebel, S, detail the concept of computing power differentials between systems, to the introduction and rapid evolution of polygonal mesh computing in real-time, which is claimed to be the underlying foundation of modern video game development. An example of this is Moore's law, suggesting that processing power doubles bi-yearly. Furthermore, the journal implies the existence of an underlying driving factor in video game development, unintentionally drawing parallels between the 'space race' of early video games from the 1990s to the late 2010s.
Arsenault, D., Coté, P.-M., Larochelle, A. and Lebel, S. (2013). Graphical technologies, innovation and aesthetics in the video game industry: a case study of the shift from 2D to 3D graphics in the 1990s. G|A|M|E Games as Art, Media, Entertainment, [online] 1(2). Available at: https://www.gamejournal.it/graphical-technologies-innovation-and-aesthetics-in-the-video-game-industry-a-case-study-of-the-shift-from-2d-to-3d-graphics-in-the-1990s/.
Summary: Elidamos goes through the evolution of video game genres. How they came to be, and why they transitioned to where they are today. Elidamos further comments on how video games like Halo were claimed to revolutionise video games by the likes of Aki Järvinen and his praised review record of video games prior to Halo. Elidamos suggests that games do not evolve in the same sense as humans, but that video games simply mutate and display new features compared to the old, which refers to the space race of video games from the early 1990s to 2015. More so, Elidamos claims nuance in first-person shooters who evolved from shooting to shooting and a wide set of other actions such as melee.
Arsenault, D. (2009). Video Game Genre, Evolution and Innovation. Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture, 3(2), pp.149–176. doi:https://doi.org/10.7557/23.6003.
Summary: 3D Gaussian Splatting is the new 'in' with a brilliant paper by Bernhard, Georgios, Leimukhler, and Drettakis. In this paper, they explore what 3D Gaussian splitting is, and how it can be used in real-time applications to an effective degree. The paper includes its own algorithm for what is called "radial fields", that the paper then uses to argue for the technology. Throughout the paper, the technical specifics are explained which brings further light on the technology as a whole. The real-time application of the pipeline created by the paper and its authors reaches an astonishing 30 frames-per-second at 'full high quality'. (FHD)
Bernhard Kerbl, Georgios Kopanas, Leimkühler, T. and Drettakis, G. (2023). 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 42(4), pp.1–14. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3592433.
Summary: In this paper by Delamere and Shaw, the subject of gender and politics are explored in modern video games. The paper explores character representation, which unintentionally party covers environmental design choices and aesthetics. Shaw and Delamere argue that the majority of video games cater towards a male audience through overly sexualised female caricatures and design philosophies. The paper covers concepts such as misogyny in 50% of the population. One thing that the paper does not acknowledge outright is that the intended audience through history, which may result in a biased, or at worst an intentionally misleading argument that puts the opposition at an unfair disadvantage.
Delamere, F.M. and Shaw, S.M. (2008). ‘They see it as a guy’s game’: The politics of gender in digital games. Leisure/Loisir, 32(2), pp.279–302. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/14927713.2008.9651411.
Summary: Amy M. Green is herself a fellow "gamer" and in this journal, she talks about digital storytelling and the importance of structural features and immersion in game worlds. Amy suggests that early video games lacked sufficient technological frameworks to convincingly convey complex world-building and story elements that are taken for granted in today's day. Amy inadvertently touches on the aspect of storytelling through interactions with other, real, players facilitated via online/multiplayer modes, suggesting that people have the option to opt in or out of such an experience in modern video games, whereas games from the past lacked the infrastructure to do so.
Green, A.M. (2017). Storytelling in Video Games: The Art of the Digital Narrative. [online] Google Books. McFarland. Available at: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Storytelling_in_Video_Games/eZlBDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Narrative+and+Storytelling+in+video+games&pg=PP1&printsec=frontcover [Accessed 10 Oct. 2023].
Summary: The paper explains the concepts behind storytelling and how to explore a story to its fullest. The methodologies are character writing, along with how to create engaging content to drive a video game forward. For instance, the author suggests that events in a story are single and discrete, whereas the narrative is a sequential composition of happenings. This is in contrast to a story writing method where the story is decided based on the 'chance' that the characters within the story end up at the end. Furthermore, the paper touches on the technical limitations of a video game story, and how the constantly updating technologies of today influence the methods and ways in which a video game story is produced and executed.
Jones, D. (2008). Narrative Reformulated: Storytelling in Videogames. CEA Critic, [online] 70(3), pp.20–34. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44378365?saml_data=eyJzYW1sVG9rZW4iOiIxNDE5YjdhOS03MTljLTQ4MmEtOTlhOS02ZmZmMDYwZWQ4YjMiLCJpbnN0aXR1dGlvbklkcyI6WyI1ZDhlMTQ2My03YWNmLTQ3ZDUtYjAzZC03Yjk0Y2YxODFkMGQiXX0&seq=2 [Accessed 10 Oct. 2023].
Summary: Keo speaks on his experience in the games industry on the complex dynamic between graphic expectation and graphic production. Keo claims the current industry marketing scheme focuses solely on the graphical fidelity of a product by suggesting the first thing people see is the visuals. Furthermore, Keo compares graphical styles such as Overwatch 1 and Battlefield 1 in an effort to draw parallels between the design of the graphics and their similarities, despite clear visual differences. With experience in the industry, Keo details the experience and design philosophy behind creating environments such as hospitals, open fields, prison buikdings and wooded forests.
Keo, M. (2017). Graphical Style in Video Games. [online] Available at: https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/133067/Keo_Mary.pdf.
Summary: In this paper, J. Lebowitz and C. Klug explore interactive storytelling for video games and how it has evolved over time. The authors look at the complexities behind interactivity and in turn, the player's desires in a video game. The hero's journey is built for excitement and engagement in a way that does not interrupt or disturb the game flow, in a way that outright harms the story being told. With this, the important differences between books, movies and video games. The authors also explore the negative outcomes of an interactive video game in comparison to a video game that is restrictive and pushes a pre-determined story first.
Lebowitz, J. and Klug, C. (2011). Interactive Storytelling for Video Games: A Player-centered Approach to Creating Memorable Characters and Stories. [online] Google Books. Taylor & Francis. Available at: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Interactive_Storytelling_for_Video_Games/QUrarEcvaO8C?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Narrative+and+Storytelling+in+video+games&pg=PP2&printsec=frontcover [Accessed 10 Oct. 2023].
Summary: Benjamin Lindquist explores texture blending and relevant texturing techniques used to create engaging environments primarily, with the inclusion of 3D props due to technical overlap. Benjamin talks about Edwin Catmull, inventor of UV-unwrapping and the revolutionary stride in technological streamlining. More so, Benjamin speaks on traditional and modern methods of environment texturing. For example, early games employed a singular texture for an environment, whereas modern workflows separate environments into modular assets which, for the most part, share a single large texture in an effort to achieve unparalleled texel resolution. Moreover, the author explains the difference between methods of texturing, their downsides and their upsides.
Lindquist, B. (2015). Game Environment Texturing: Texture Blending and Other Texturing Techniques. [online] www.theseus.fi. Available at: https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/93856 [Accessed 22 Oct. 2023].
Summary: In this paper, M. Lewis and J. Jacobson discuss what a game engine is what makes up a game engine and its core principles and objectives. The authors go into the specifics about game engines and their purposes and inadvertently suggest that the knowledge of how a game engine works on at least a novice level would suggest that the overall experience and quality of work is increased. In relation to 'why' a game engine is the way it is, they touch on what engine to work with. The 'why' and the 'why not'. How the right game engine can result in the best possible outcome for a product such as a video game.
Lewis, M. and Jacobson, J. eds., (2002). Game engines. [online] cse. Available at: https://www.cse.unr.edu/~sushil/class/gas/papers/GameAIp27-lewis.pdf [Accessed 13 Oct. 2023].
Summary: Lev Manovich delves into post-media aesthetics, where he explores a wide range of concepts pertaining to the digital and non-digital. In this paper, Manovich briefly touches on the "net" culture and its effect on our culture among other things. He argues that computer-oriented media cannot be restricted to just a single "net" genre, and instead how the 'net art' allows computers, and in turn people to interact with a piece of media in real-time. More so, the concept of real-time intractability is brought up to complete the beliefs of Manaovich and his views. With this, mass media in culture, the way of distribution and storage of work has enabled more aesthetically pleasing and thought-provoking creations to be shared and explored.
Manovich, L. (2014). From White Cube to Cellspace: Image-spaces in Modern Culture. [online] Available at: http://manovich.net/content/04-projects/032-post-media-aesthetics/29_article_2001.pdf.
Summary: Mashuch and Röber speak about the graphical fidelity and structure of video game graphics from then to now. The paper speaks on 'how' graphics in video games have progressed and why it has progressed the way it has done. The paper also argues the existence of two types of graphics; photorealism & non-photorealistic, by stating that the alternative graphic pipeline is similar to that of pixel art. (p. 5) Furthermore, the paper goes on to explore the meaning behind realism and non-photorealism rendering techniques by looking into the past, and how the graphics rendering pipeline has evolved; subsequently the obstacles it has encountered and overcome.
Masuch, M. and Röber, N. (n.d.). Game Graphics Beyond Realism: Then, Now, and Tomorrow. [online] Available at: http://www.digra.org/wp-content/uploads/digital-library/05150.48223.pdf.
Summary: In this paper by Mr. Smuts, he explores and attempts to capture what it means to be called an art form with a paper titled 'Are Video Games Art?'. Smuts explains how the definition of art should apply to video games as a technology-based art form. This becomes the case when the unique design aspects of a video game are brought to light such as environment and level design, game design and the artistical interpretation from a wide range of 2D and 3D artists that may work on any given video game. Smuts continues his paper by providing examples of important video games he personally considers 'art'.
Smuts, A. (2016). Are Video Games Art? [online] DigitalCommons@RISD. Available at: https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/liberalarts_contempaesthetics/vol3/iss1/6/.
Summary: In this exciting 644-page research paper, Sorenson and Pasquier delve deep into the technical aspect of video game development from a programmer's perspective with the intention of exploring the automatic and procedural parts of game development. The authors continue to explain the principle with examples from Super Mario Bros, in which a general picture is painted that breaks down and describes variables and concepts used in creating procedural levels and environments. Further into the paper, these concepts are further explained and shown in concepts where simple algorithms can be built upon to produce increasingly more complex worlds.
Sorenson, N. and Pasquier, P. (2010). Towards a Generic Framework for Automated Video Game Level Creation. Applications of Evolutionary Computation, pp.131–140. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12239-2_14.
Summary: In this paper, the authors explain the process of and the functionality behind 4D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time dynamic scene rendering. The authors explain the process of data manipulation they created to achieve real-time 4D splitting, a technique relatively new to the world. The paper inadvertently explains the difference between 3D Gaussian splitting and 4D Gaussian splitting as the ability to produce real-time video playbacks. Through the content provided by the authors, the use of powerful consumer-grade computer graphics units was modified and subsequently used to achieve this technological marvel. From this, the authors continue to explain how their model for real-time playback comes from a mix of voxel and volumetric rendering.
Wu, G., Yi, T., Fang, J., Xie, L., Zhang, X., Wei, W., Liu, W., Tian, Q. and Wang, X. (2023). 4D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Dynamic Scene Rendering. [online] arXiv.org. doi:https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.08528.
0 notes
vivian-bleached · 5 months
Critique Album: Red Velvet – Chill Kill
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Il y a quelques années, Red Velvet sortait un des albums les plus importants de la scène pop coréenne contemporaine continuant dans sa volonté de s’éloigner de la musique d’idole en s’aventurant des terrains plus inspirés par la musique indie de son époque. Ce deuxième essai Perfect Velvet proposait une formule différente, et jamais vue auparavant de leur concept “velvet” en prenant une trajectoire plus référencée et vocale avec des pistes telles que "Look", fortement inspirée des musiques des années 80 ou encore "Bad Boy", une chanson aux refrains inoubliables et au vernis plus brillant et pop-R&B. Il a fallu attendre plus de cinq ans pour avoir une suite à ce formidable essai, qui fut alors acclamé autant par la critique coréenne qu’internationale. Cette fois-ci, le groupe sud-coréen connu pour son éclectisme, a surpris tout le monde avec sa nouvelle direction artistique et ses quelques photos prises par le talentueux Cho Gi-sok.
En effet, Red Velvet a connu bien des changements depuis le départ de Min Hee-jin de la S.M Entertainment en fin d’année 2018, qui fût à la fois un mentor, un directeur artistique et un acteur important de leur carrière particulièrement impliqué dans la création de leur dualité “red” et “velvet” bien plus qu’un concept simpliste opposant leur côté pétillant et “dolly” à leur côté plus glamour. Le concept de Perfect Velvet avait par ailleurs, reçu des critiques élogieuses, car donnant une image de la femme sud-coréenne plus indépendante et moins passive par rapport à ses groupes féminins contemporains qui ne se limitaient qu’à du mignon ou du sexy. Une trajectoire plus que nuancée et intéressante qui m’a toujours séduit. S.M Entertainment a donc dû improviser en confiant la direction artistique de son groupe féminin [à l’époque] fétiche de leur label à Jo Woocheol qui a une approche moins subtile et aiguë de la direction artistique musicale, plus branché fashion et magazine de mode. Elle est plus timide et plus explicite qu’à l’accoutumé, aventurant le groupe dans ce qui peut sembler dorénavant une pentalogie “ReVe Festival” une sorte de concept où les “red” et “velvet” n’existent plus vraiment. Une période très surprenante qui fût perturbante à bien des égards pour les fans des premières heures du groupe mais qui a quand même eu son lot de succès. Avec Chill Kill, c’est le Red Velvet d’antan qui semble renaître de ses cendres. Le groupe nous témoigne d’un désir d’à nouveau affirmer sa dualité de concept en s'aventurant sur un terrain plus sombre, mélangeant des éléments de “red” et de “velvet”. Une idée que l'on retrouve tout au long de l’album. 
De sa courte durée de 30 minutes, le groupe nous fait explorer à nouveau son univers en tentant de mélanger des éléments de R&B, de synthpop et de trap, mettant en évidence sa polyvalence tout en luttant pour essayer de maintenir sa cohésion. Dur de ne pas flairer des troubles internes de la direction actuelle de la S.M dans la production de cet album. En effet, même s'il semble vouloir proposer une cohésion, il est évident qu’il manque de fortes têtes pour en justifier sa position [de troisième album de Red Velvet]. Jusqu’alors dans leurs deux premiers albums, nous pouvions compter sur des compositeurs tels que Daniel Obi Klein, Charli Taft, JINBO the Superfreak, Sumin ou encore DEEZ [Jo Hyun Chul] mais cette fois-ci, nous devons compter sur nombres de compositeurs scandinaves avec notamment Moonshine qui a composé ici deux titres. Le duo scandinave n’a pas les épaules assez hautes pour porter un projet gargantuesque comme l’album majeur d’un groupe comme Red Velvet et a une influence presque anxiogène pour le groupe. Il est vrai qu’ils ont composé de multiples titres pour Red Velvet, mais ils ne composent uniquement de la K-pop, pour multiples groupes. Et sans mentionner les affaires de plagiat qui les entourent ; le fait que le duo ne se renouvelle guère [on se demande même si – hormis les rares exceptions, par exemple celles co-écrites et co-composées par la talentueuse Emily Yeonseo – les chansons composées seraient générées par intelligences artificielles. Moonshine compose uniquement de la chanson K-pop, à outrance. Des chansons sans âme, sur-produites et aux mêmes squelettes. C'est presque mécanique. Il faut que leurs chansons sonnent absolument "K-pop", pas qu’elles soient véritablement authentiques. Et c'est énervant de devoir les supporter pour quelqu'un comme moi, qui a été séduit par Red Velvet pour son originalité dans le paysage K-pop. Les chansons doivent avoir des parties entraînantes, des refrains aiguës, des parties “raps”, un pont [pour faire plaisir aux exécutifs de la S.M Entertainment] et une piste instrumentale sur-produite aux MIDI insupportables. Ils ne sont pas Frank Zappa qu'ils veulent. Il est vrai que “One Kiss” est une piste particulièrement solide nous rappelant en quelque sorte les débuts du groupe [particulièrement The Red] avec un zeste des moments les plus forts de leur dernier mini-album ‘The ReVe Festival’ Birthday, mais leurs compositions me rappellent tout ce que je n’aime pas dans la musique pop-coréenne idole contemporaine et plus particulièrement dans ce que ce duo nous force depuis des années à écouter. "Chill Kill", la piste titre est une chanson maladroite et timide. Elle donne malheureusement le ton d’un album presque inachevé dans sa structure. La piste n'a pas de particularité propre à elle même : l'atmosphère chipie d'un "Peek-A-Boo", l'élégance et la hauteur d'un "Bad Boy", la candeur et l'efficacité d'un "Dumb Dumb". "Chill Kill" s'écoute facilement au mieux et au pire des cas, se fond dans l'oubli dans la discographie du groupe.
“Knock Knock (Who's There?)” a en comparaison beaucoup plus d’identité et fait de mon point de vue, une bien meilleure représentation de la dualité du “red” et “velvet” dans son approche musicale de par sa partie instrumentale très rythmée, couplée aux voix presque hypnotisantes des membres du groupe. “Underwater” est ma piste préférée et figure parmi les chansons les plus sensuelles, en date du groupe. La boucle musicale nous rappelant tantôt une précédente composition de B Ham, mais aussi dans sa dualité presque salvatrice d’un the Dream, d’une Janet Jackson ou encore d’une Aaliyah dans son approche musicale. Les voix des membres qui comme des caresses sont mises en relief par une production léchée et composée avec soin. “Will I Ever See You Again” figure également dans les moments les plus forts et mémorables de l’album. Tant sur le fond que sur la forme, comme sa piste suivante “Nightmare”, cette piste se révèle émotionnellement candide, tant dans sa forme très conventionnelle que dans ses synthés entraînants. “Will I Ever See You Again” c’est ce genre de grandes chansons pop aux refrains grandiloquents. Une sorte d’équivalent sonore d’un feu d’artifice tiré un soir d'été. “Nightmare” avec sa rythmique progressive et tournoyante est une petite valse Tchaïkovskienne sympathique qui aurait pû avoir sa place dans le mini-album Feel My Rhythm.
D’autres pistes arrivent à se démarquer comme “Iced Coffee” ou encore “Wings” qui nous offre une jolie réunion avec de ceux qui ont fait le succès d’antan de The Red, LDN Noise. Une chanson R&B-old school aux accents presque lo-fi. Malgré ses qualités et ses pistes tout à fait sympathiques, on ressent en comparaisons des deux premiers essais du groupe un manque d’ambition et d’expérimentation sonore au sein de l’album. Sans doute dû à la présence générale des producteurs scandinaves aux affinités pop qui donnent une sonorité plus timide et hésitante à l’album en comparaison des deux premiers essais plus équilibrés. L’ambition du projet dans son approche visuelle était évidente mais l’exécution musicale ne parvient pas à recréer la magie et l’expérience cohérente et immersive de The Red et Perfect Velvet. Chill Kill, bien qu’il soit un bon album, est plus imparfait et moins cohérent dans son évolution. Ce qui l’empêche ainsi d’atteindre son plein potentiel. En substance, Chill Kill démontre la volonté de Red Velvet d’explorer de nouveaux territoires sonores, mais l’exécution inégale laisse finalement l’auditeur dans l’attente d’un voyage musical plus concis et raffiné.
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hrz664 · 5 months
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                       𝙰𝙱𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙺 𝙻𝙴𝙴
Mark Lee is also a Canadian member of NCT. He is a rapper as well as a singer. Mark Lee is usually called Mark, and the name Lee is the surname of his family. Mark was born on August 2, 1999 and now he is 20 years old, still young, KLovers. In addition, Mark, who is a member of the boy band from South Korea, NCT, has officially graduated and joined NCT Dream on December 31, 2018.
        Mark has joined S.M. Entertainment through a global audition in Canada. He was introduced as a member of SM Rookies in 2013. In addition, in 2016 Mark was also introduced in several debuts starting from the first sub unit to the third sub unit. Mark also had a chance to collaborate with Henry Lau on a Korean drama soundtrack.
        In 2017 Mark managed to be successful even though he did not become the first number in the High School Rapper hip hop program audition to be precise on January 9th. Until finally in February 2018, Mark became one of the hosts of the Music Core music program that aired on MBC. There are several songs written by Mark, from 2016 to 2019. In addition, Mark also participated in shows on television from 2014 to 2018. Not only that, he also participated in the video clip in 2017 with the song titles Young & Free and Lemonade Love.
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sarkisozumm · 6 months
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coralraelynn2 · 6 months
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All you have to know about Coral's current muse.
Taeyeon Kim Introduction
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Taeyeon (태연) is a South Korean soloist, a leader/member of Girls' Generation (SNSD/TTS/Oh!GG) and a member of Girls on Top (GOT The Beat) under SM Entertainment. She officially debuted as a soloist on October 7, 2015.
Stage Name: Taeyeon (태연)
Birth Name: Kim Tae Yeon (김태연)
Birthday: March 9, 1989
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Nationality: Korean
Taeyeon Kim Official Social Media Account
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Instagram: taeyeon_ss
YouTube: Taenggu-TV TAEYEON Official
Girls’ Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) consists of Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun. Former member Jessica left the group on September 30th, 2014. Tiffany, Sooyoung and Seohyun left S.M. Entertainment on October 9th, 2017 but they have remained in the group. SNSD debuted on August 5th, 2007, under S.M. Entertainment.
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Girls’ Generation-TTS(소녀시대-태티서) also known as TaeTiSeo, is a Girls' Generation's sub-unit, formed by SM Entertainment. It consists of three members, Seohyun,Taeyeon and Tiffany. TTS officially debuted on April 29, 2012.
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Oh!GG is a five-member sub-unit from the girl group Girls’ Generation and consists of Taeyeon, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, and Yoona. The group debuted on September 5, 2018 under S.M. Entertainment.
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