#safe haven games
beautouslysandy · 1 year
Hiii! This is for a matchups !
Description of me: im Latina and I have a little bit over shoulder length curly black hair, dark brown eyes, I’m 5’3 and have sorta a diamond face shape and freckles close to my lips and my hands. I have clear oversized glasses and I wear tight shirts w baggy jeans and a few necklaces and rings. I’m kinda shy with ppl but I open up once I get to know them. And I’d like to say I’m funny and creative + I break out into random accents sometimes and make random confused faces 💀😭 ( idk why I do that or put it 😭 ) but yeah take ur time no rush ! ❤️
we are the same height, that’s funny!! thank you for the submission!! hope you like your match up! enjoy!
OUTSIDERS: okay why can i kinda see you with steve, i just feel like he has a goofy personality and i feel like you would match his energy. he definitely steals your glasses and tries to wear them until he gets an pounding headache. he loves doing random accents with you for sure. he loves that he can mess around and be funny with you, he thinks his humor is one of his best qualities. steve loves that your creative, if you like to make stuff (like a paint and stuff) then he will ask you constantly to make him something. constantly. he will try and wear you rings but they never fit and he gets super upset. he always wants to bring you to the dx and show you something he is passionate about, he loves cars and you…why not have them in the same room. he thinks it’s his best idea yet. he likes how you can be shy, he finds it adorable to be honest. he simply is just in love with every little thing about you.
little drabble/skit
“babe, have you seen my glasses? i think i lost them.” you call out to your boyfriend who is in your living room
you hear a crash and a groan, you rush to the living room and then hear steve say
“found them…on my face.” he says groaning and handing them to you
you put them on and see steve with a cut on his jaw, you start laughing
“it’s not funny!” he say with a frown
“i told you not to put them on, you don’t need them.”
he groans but you laugh again which makes him smile. he kisses you on the lips.
“don’t you have work?” you ask as you pull apart
“not anymore.” he says smirking
you laugh as he steals your glasses….again
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 7 months
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Newt | Peeta
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whaliiwatching · 6 months
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galathes give me hug please 2k24
for @zagdusa-rights of their lovely hades oc
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lilac-gold · 5 months
hey so you know how none of the headspace kids have parents right? and how hero generally fills the guardian role? he makes them food, patches up their injuries, makes decisions about where they go, calms down arguments, etc. they're his kids, it's his job to look after them. how do you think he felt when basil went missing? or when his memories of him started to disappear? he agreed to look all over headspace for basil, where before, he and the others had only ever been level 1 at vast forest. he goes through spiders and deserts, dungeons and oceans, and they don't find basil once. and we know hero's tendency to blame himself for things. single dad hs hero >
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pinkysberg · 1 year
whenever i say i hate dutch more than i do micah ppl r always thrown off by that but it's like. anything micah does, dutch does with this veneer of self righteousness. dutch is just as violent and bigoted but he hides it all under this false bravado.
and it's not even his betrayal to arthur and john, or the gang in general, it's the violent destruction he sews in his wake that he doesn't seem to care about - or even notice - that makes me hate him so much.
of course, he's also wildly more interesting to me than micah is. his rich history with characters i do love and care about (like arthur, john and hosea) and the respect they have for him perplex me. but he's not really any better than micah. he's just a little better at not looking and sounding so overtly evil.
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I think about Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods, a normal amout. :^)
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...okay but seriously, I love finally moving onto a new brainrot (tho I'm still occasionally glancing at all those silly murder sims and their sick shitpost potential, hehe), but for fucks sake this game gives me embarassingly strong adrenaline(?)-shakes.
If I had a proper drawing pad available rn, I woulda badly edited Logarius' crown into a burger king crown and the wheels into Logarius wheels... (...might do so later tho...)
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renegadeknight · 2 months
I love a good modern AU, so I'm gonna ask for "Modern AU: Safe Haven - 01: Working DRAFT," Pretty, please.
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Guess that means this was a good name choice haha.
This one is in very early stages and was born out of a chat with @marceltheshellwithflipflopson (hope you don't mind me running with this idea Steph!) and the idea of Joel running into and helping young new mom Anna and eventually becoming a weird little found family. I was immediately struck by the idea of Joel finding Ellie hiding in the shelves at the grocery store but as with most things, my mind kept fleshing things out and now I have a rough storyline sketched out.
Very rough snip below the cut. Thank you for asking about my WIPs!
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vertigenn · 2 years
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joelsgreys · 6 months
Please the safe haven ch 10 wip I miss peach and baby peach 😭
i miss peach toooo 🥺 i’m planning on posting the actual sneak peek soon (finally) but lemme tell you, it’s a tame chapter for the most part. nothing explosive happens (we had enough explosion in chapter 9) but it’s setting up something that’s going to happen (involving Luke) that’s going to lead to a teeny bit of tension between joel and peach. just a smidge. ish.
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spilledquills · 7 months
Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven Art Dump
Basically everything I drew for ZE:SH (really fun IF btw!). Okay so is November practically over? Yes. Will that stop me from sharing spooky fanart of the gang raiding a costume shop? No.
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Close-ups because any site I post on gives my art an allergy to quality:
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Character sheet of my nurse MC, Kalena, and her being done with her job as leader:
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
hello love , i was the anon who requested the fluff alphabet ❤️ if you could do several letters can you please do c,k and n if you can only do one could you do k 😚
hello! thank you so much for specifying!!!
dallas wisnton fluff alphabet— c,k, and n
C -> Cuddles; how they like to cuddle you.
dallas isn’t the biggest cuddler but if he is either super sleepy or a bit drunk, he is quite cuddly. he prefers spooning (he is obv the big spoon) he just wraps his arms around your waist to pull you in closer. probably kisses you and plays with your hair. other than that he isn’t that big of a cuddler….sadly.
K -> Kiss; their favourite place to kiss you. hmm, this is a tricky one. he loves to kiss you, especially in public. he is a very dominant kisser, don’t actually know if that’s a thing but just roll with it haha, he is definitely a top and likes proving dominance. he loves kissing you on your lips but honestly i think he would love kissing your whole body. i personally think it depends on what mood he is in (i have thought about this a lot…clearly) if he is a bit tired and just wants to cuddle, he just loves staring into your eyes and kissing your lips. if he is jealous he will go for your neck, 100%, he will hickeys and everything. if he mad at you he won’t even look at you and will kiss your thighs. he loves leaving marks on you to show that your his. i think of he is in “the mood” he will kiss just about everywhere and leaves marks practically everywhere. again the dominance thing comes into play. i think that with dallas every body part of yours is his favorite one to kiss.
N -> Nicknames; do they use nicknames for you? he loves to call you doll, you don’t know exactly where it came from. just one day he started calling you it. it comes from how to him you are so perfect in every single way. like a doll you can buy at the store expect you can bought (he has thought about it…i mean it’s dallas come on) but other than doll i think he doesn’t call you anything else. he can’t remember the last time he has called you by your actual name. if he is absolutely pissed at you he will use your actual name but other than that to him your his doll.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
@dire-kumori (this is, uh. This is gonna be a long one 😬)
It's completely fine if you're not up to date on the fnaf books, especially considering I haven't read any of them myself, lmao. I only know the things that the silly fnaf youtubers tell me is important in their theory videos, so. I don't know very much, and what I do know is probably very biased through their theory-crafting lenses.
But I enjoy me a good Evan and Gregory story, so I'd love to rant a little but more about them. I like the idea that Evan is hiding away somewhere in the Night Terrors recreation of his room, too terrified to leave it. He hides away somewhere that only a little kid would think to go/be able to reach, which is exactly why Gregory (who isn't THAT afraid while playing the game, but is a little menace who likes breaking the game's boundaries and trying to see where he can and can't go rather than playing the game normally) is able to find him.
Maybe Evan is terrified of Gregory at first-- after all, the details are hazy, but he clearly remembers how much the Stranger hurt him for so long, and who says this stranger will be any better? But Evan is terrified and alone and he just wants comfort. He thinks about the weird pictures on the wall of the family with blurry faces, how happy and safe they all look, and after a while of Evan being scared and Gregory trying to calm him, Evan can't help but notice that Gregory looks a LOT like one of the small blurry figures he sees in the family photos (ig technically Gregory should be nothing more than a pair of transparent floating arms if they're in a VR game, but I'll do what I want with no regard to the cruel constraints of logic). And Evan wants the happiness and safety he sees in those photos, so wouldn't it make sense to go with Gregory? (though, Gregory insists the kid in those photos isn't him)
Evan is so broken at this point that he doesn't remember his personality or his name. He can't answer any of the questions Gregory asks him about what things he likes or what he does for fun (though, the difference in technology thanks to them being born so far apart may play into that, too). Gregory has to help give Evan a name (Evan shudders for reasons he can't remember when Gregory suggests the name Freddy).
The last thing I'll say about the Gregory ending (such an original name, ik) is I'd like to think the two of them get out of the game eventually. Despite Gregory’s kindness, Evan still thinks he's too broken and the world is too big and scary for him to continue existing... and then the sun rises. At this point, Evan has spent what accounts to years/billions of nights desperate to survive long enough to see the sunrise but always being brutally murdered before he can. And then! Then Evan feels the light and warmth ghosting against his skin for the first time in god knows how long, he sees the brilliant pinks and oranges and reds of the rising sun, and he falls onto his knees with tears in his eyes. "I made it," he whispers. "I finally, really made it."
The happiness is almost enough to make his soul move on right then and there. But... it also fills him with hope that maybe this world and the people in it are worth surviving for after all.
Okay, moving on!
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Oh gosh,, the idea of "Michael" trying to take control of the game in order to turn it into a safe haven for Evan!! It's such a painfully sweet idea... except, I can't help but wonder if Michael would even know what a 'safe haven' for Evan would look like-- let alone if the Fragment would know, since the Fragment has lost everything that makes Michael, Michael and is just the remnant of an instinct to keep Evan safe. I feel like the "safe haven" that the Fragment would make for Evan would end up being empty and hollow, devoid of any real meaning or happiness. It's nothing but an empty paradise filled with false promises of what the Fragment thinks a little kid SHOULD want but is devoid of the love and affection that Evan NEEDS. I'm having trouble coming up with any examples, though. Maybe it's like the Other World in Coraline, but instead of a greedy, hungry monster being in control of an empty world of lies, it's a monster that WANTS to help Evan but doesn't understand how.
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And the idea of Glitchtrap using Evan against the Fragment is positively delicious :3
I'm going to make William and Mike a bit more sentient than you originally intended for a sec, though. I like the idea of a manipulative, silver-tongued William turning Evan against his brother. Maybe William even takes advantage of the fact that Evan (and probably Mike) never found out or knew why he got trapped in the Nightmare in the first place; maybe William frames the whole thing as Michael coming up with another way to torture Ev for fun. I wonder how Evan would respond. Would he listen to his father (whether or not Evan even recognizes this person as his father) telling him Mikey deserves this, take out his frustration on Mikey and hope that he can rest once Mike is gone? Or does Evan break, because as much as Mikey has hurt him, he doesn't want his brother dead?
And wouldn't it be interesting to see how Mike/the Fragment responds to Evan attacking him/it? The Fragment wants nothing more than Evan to be happy, so it must glitch the hell out of it when Evan tries destroying the Fragment. It's just like what you wrote about Mike being torn when Ev begs Mike to stop trying to save him in the Nightmare; the Fragment's entire existence is to keep Evan safe and happy, and it needs to be present so it can do that, but if Evan wants it gone... how is it meant to fulfill both objectives at once?
Though, I'm also curious about how this au could tie back into Security Breach. Maybe the Fragment does end up winning control of the game from Glitchtrap, so Glitchtrap runs to the only place he can: Vanessa. And maybe he drags Evan with him, or perhaps Evan goes *willingly* if it means escaping from the Fragment/Stranger that tortured him for so long. Security Breach still happens, but this time, Glitchtrap has Vanessa AND Evan under his control. Maybe he even uses Evan’s ghost to try tricking and manipulating Gregory as well. And all the while, Michael has to try to figure out how to get out of the VR game and back to protecting the ghost spirit whose name he no longer recalls.
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AND THE FRAGMENT BEING A YOUNGER MIKE IS SO COOL! Maybe it could be the reverse of what I described with Evan and Gregory, where Evan sees another lost and scared kid his age hiding away, just like him, and decides "i am not leaving you to face your horrors alone." Neither Evan nor Mike have any memory of who either of them are, but they're both lost and alone and terrified and cling to each other. They're the only thing that either of them has, and vow to get through this together, sort of the antithesis to how isolated they were in the Nightmare. Very depressing that it takes both of them completely losing all of their memories and will to live for them to trust and rely on each other without constantly hurting each other, but...
Maybe the two of them spend eternity forever without their memories. Or maybe like you said, they slowly find each other's memories in the game's coding, and they have to reconcile the horrible truths they learn about themselves and their pasts with the fact that they're *friends* now and don't want to lose each other
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fili-oeuvre · 8 days
You know how chimpanzees and other apes show their teeth as a sign of aggression, but humans started using it as a way to show that they’re happy.
Well, if a human (from a safe haven) smiles at you, how do you know if they’re really being friendly… or if its them telling you “I see you and I’m going to get you” in a sense that they are going to run you down until you can’t move anymore and devour you or just that “you can’t escape from me and you are mine now”.
Just that predatory glee (/thrill) of seeing your prey in front of you and you know where they are and know to find them and that they can run or fly or hide as much as they like, but you’ll still find them no matter what. So, technically they are happy when they’re smiling at you, but not the kind of “it’s nice to meet you” happy, but a “I found you and I’m going to get you” in a predatory sense kind of happy.
*humans ARE predators, technologically/socially evolved and omnivorous, but predators nonetheless and they are very, very bad views for many species here, and once they get their hands on you, you can be sure that they won’t be letting go anytime soon*
*obviously, not all humans are exactly like the ones in the safe havens since not all of them live there, but that’s something to discuss another time*
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miirshroom · 3 months
Miquella Thoughts
Seems to have been a lot of Elden Ring discussion lately about Miquella as a Griffith reference from Berserk. I have not read Berserk, and rather than make half-formed guesses about that I'd rather tackle the question of Miquella's motives from other perspectives.
I've been reading one of my old favourite fantasy trilogies recently - the Mage Winds by Mercedes Lackey. It occurred to me that this is probably one of the sources of my strong negative feelings towards blood magic. Blood magic appears in at least 3 other storylines in the same setting, in one way or another. But the villain of this trilogy is a blood-path mage named Mornelithe Falconsbane.
Blood sacrifices, violence, enslavement and compulsion are the typical traits of a blood mage - pain and energy from cutting a life short are what fuel this power. And one of the main interests of this particular blood mage is in experimenting with creating twisted creatures to use as weapons - combining animals in unnatural and tormented ways. Also Falconsbane made cosmetic changes to himself to become a sexy cat man. Like a lynx. After testing them on his unwilling and abused daughter. Unanimous agreement among protagonists that he's a beast with no redeeming qualities. 
A twist is that this villain is also a body snatcher. He set a spell a few thousand years ago powered by the energy of his own death that would let him survive in the void until a blood descendant is born with a sufficient level of mage power. Remember how I mentioned that 3 other storylines involve blood magic? Turns out the same guy is responsible for 2 of them. The spell is keyed to activate the first time the mage attempts a basic fire-lighting spell, which is typically the first spell learned by an untrained person. Blood magic spell activates and he takes possession of the body and destroys the original personality. But in this particular case he slipped up and the original person that he stole his current body from has been a prisoner in his own mind for decades. So the nature of the conflict shifts towards the climax of the trilogy. There is an absolute evil monster to be destroyed, but there's also an innocent person worth saving underneath all that. And the stakes are raised because killing one guy won't solve the problem - they need to break the immortality spell so that this ancient evil will never return.
Back to Elden Ring. In general it seems that Radagon's lineage is cursed in a way that involves blood magic. There's a connection hinted between Radagon and the Leonine Misbegotten - which are twisted and tormented manufactured chimera. There's a connection between Radagon and the Thorn Sorcerers who wear red cloth around their heads mimicking flowing red hair (or Messmer, but it's all the same lineage so I see little difference). There are also the cessblooded Omens, who should of course be counted as well because Radagon is Marika.
And there's Miquella who practices blood magic in watering the Haligtree and is capable of feats of craftsmanship beyond his years, as if perhaps he is working from the memories and abilities of something far older than his physical form suggests. The Bewitching Branch seems to pretty explicitly reference a compulsion spell (as well as using the sacramental bud as a component - more blood magic), which in my experience is never a thing used by protagonists in any story. Unless maybe your protagonist is a vampire. So, never used by protagonists who are good people and don't see human beings as sheep for slaughter. As a side note, I recently watched the 3 hour-long ContaPoints video on Twilight and I am...connecting some dots about the roles of Mohg and Varre in the story (I have also never read Twilight).
I dislike trying to make guesses about whatever exactly Miquella is up to. He's associated with dreams, which do not necessarily need to follow the same metaphysical logic as the rest of the Lands Between. But still, there are these vibes that I keep in mind until further information arises. From one perspective I suspect that Miquella thought to enter the Shadowlands and conquer this Land, so that he could manipulate the Lands Between from the shadows. This is the Jungian perspective of animus, which has recently become my favourite pseudo-psychology to dismantle.
From another perspective, it is possible that the Shadowlands is something like the void in that story I mentioned. There is an immortal lich who was fled to lurk in the shadows and waits for a chance to be reborn, and Miquella has chased him here to stop that from happening. This thought also dovetails with some planting that I've noticed that combines the King in Yellow with Koschei the Deathless. It starts back in Demon's Souls, I think - where the yellow monk cloth takes the shape of a tornado when it possesses a victim (The Koschei travels with tornados).
What's also up to interpretation is how literally or symbolically this is all being handled. Like, Mohg emerging from Miquella's blood is a very literal way to depict cursed blood full of demons. And it seems confirmed as of the DLC trailer that Miquella has deliberately left behind his empyrean flesh (same as Ranni, who also has sleep powers and travels in dreams. Coincidentally.).
It was to this land that Miquella departed. Divesting himself of his flesh, his strength, his lineage. Of all things Golden.
As tempting as it is to speculate further on what exactly Miquella has planned for the DLC, all I'd say now is that I am dubious about his former intentions in the "waking world" of the Lands Between - not just of whether they were good intentions, but of whether they were ever realistic to achieve. But regardless of the past, there remains a possibility that the decision to abandon his metamorphosis plan coincided with a change of heart that resulted from the new perspective offered by the Shadowlands.
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I don't know if JimD (author of Zombie exodus safe haven) will keep this scene in for part 4 put it is amazing. Just the wholesome moment of these two people being their for each other and wanting to start a family.
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renegadeknight · 7 days
Ooh what's Safe Haven? <3
Hello! Safe Haven is a modern au that came about from chatting with @marceltheshellwithflipflopson ! it's Joel meets new/young mom Anna and then keeps running into her until they eventually fall into a weird little happy family together.
It started with Joel finding Ellie hiding in the pancake section of the store and then my brain did what it always does and started filling in a whole plot to get them to the happy little family part so I might not have the # of wips that bumble does (affectionate) but the few I do have always explode into longer multi chapter fics 😅
you can find some snips on my pinned post if you like!
the game
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