fishfingersandscarves · 6 months
I was confused to why there is suddenly so many posts about Scavengers Reign all of the sudden. Welcome to the club, fellow watcher and enjoyer!
Haha thank you!
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sadmages · 4 years
What about DrumBot Brian? Pretty pls?
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This meme has lived in my head for ages and now it’s finally real
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Hi, just a curious question: I saw many fanart with Jon being of darker skin tone - is that something that was stated in the podcast or is it just the case of many fans simply agreed/settled to it? Not that every tma characters' design isn't valid 💙 I just tend to miss things 😅
it’s just one of those things that grew into a common fanon over time, we have very little canon on any of the main characters’ appearance
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modlisznik · 4 years
For the 'Have some asks!' post - 8. and 20. 👀
8. If your ashes were pressed into a vinyl, what song would you choose to make it?
If this should work like “what sound would my brain make if turned into a vinyl”, it’ll be sth like this:
but if I get the chose the song myself, it’d probably be “Town of Strangers” by Bokka <3.
20. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?
“Lion King” XD and also “Chernobyl”. Also - if we count it as a movie - videoclip to “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson
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ket-fisto · 6 years
salmadurka mentioned you in a post: Spiders 10th anniversary - day 6...
…is Revenge by @ kadanadaar And this fan-art by…
Aww! Thank you for mentioning my fic @salmadurka!
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drawsshits-inactive · 7 years
Today I received your absolutely amazing card. I've almost did not hope it would come. When I saw it, I literally ran enthusiastically around the room! Thank you soooo much!! And even though it's late, I wish you the best of luck in 2017.
woah that card certainly took its time getting there, I know someone in Korea got it right at like new years :O!!!
Happy new years and I’m so gald you enjoyed my card
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salmadurka · 6 years
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oynon-ds · 4 years
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@malmalsass, @naut-icallychallenged, @salmadurka, @trajektoria & @kilaem​ 
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The Spiders Discord has published the second installment of the non-profit Mars: War Logs & The Technomancer fanzine exploring Martian culture (Noctis and Mutant Valley this time), brought to you by four writers and two artists. 
 What you can find in this book: 
what the horn of Noctian ostrich riders sounds like,
how mutant chiefs solve their disputes, 
how one becomes a sworn merchant of Noctis,
what arrangements allowed mutants to ensure survival of freed slaves,
where mutant names come from,
how a vessel is dedicated into the fleet of Noctis, 
what stories the tiles in Mutant Valley tell, 
and more!
You can download the PDF here.
Many of the stories can also be found on AO3.
Great thanks to @mara061,  @salmadurka, Wahlbuilder, @modlisznik, @urdnot-wrecks and @pineapplentoart!
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smiling-anon · 5 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications ✔ anonymously or not :) let’s get to know the person behind the blog ♥
tagged by @persimmon-child
Alright lets see
I used to be a biology nerd in primary school Had a fear of dentists when i was younger People used to make fun of me by calling me vampire in middle school
Ok so now onto who i should tag: @sirdrell @salmadurka @malmalsass @remo-ooo @modlisznik @the-sociopathic-jacket @veganangel
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gil-estel · 5 years
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@salmadurka lol I haven't drawn the st characters in so long
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allenvooreef · 5 years
salmadurka replied to your post: It has begun.  I have finally, FINALLY, taken some...
Hope you will like it! I still watching campaign 1 myself and I love it! Why did you start by C2?
It was recommended to me! People told me campaign 1 only started airing when the story was already underway, and that campaign 2 had a better production value as well. 
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modlisznik · 4 years
List your 7 comfort movies and tag 7 people.
Tagged by @ladybadasskillington and @salmadurka (:*)
1. My Neighbor Totoro - my all time ultimate comfort movie. Never fails to make me feel soft and warm; it got me through a pretty miserable birthday one year;
2. Spirited Away - a close second. That train ride! A lot of the Ghibli movies make me feel at home, but this one does it especially well;
3. Lord of the Rings - gib me every time. You need someone to watch the extended cuts of all three films with? I'm in!
4. Ogniem i mieczem (With Fire and Sword) - BOHUN 😩 I am looking respectfully;
5. Captain America: Winter Soldier - yes! I agree about the highway part
6. Brotherhood of Wolves - this film is a pure eye candy and 100% my aesthetic. Beautiful costumes and perfect fight scenes. Also Monika Belucci 😩I am looking respectfully;
7. Potop (Deluge) - my Polish friends will understand 😉Kończ waść, wstydu oszczędź!
Tagging - no pressure! - @mara061 @nautseverywhere @west-zephyrs @movvom @doctornika @arysthaeniru @old-world--blues
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bicondiazsean · 5 years
Has Finn/Sean ship any name yet? 🤔 👀
i think people call it sinn? fiaz? diazinn? finnsean? something? honestly sinn is the funniest one out of these
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sadmages · 3 years
I had a dream, where I got home from work, loaded Spotify and blasted Mechanisms on max volume. And singing along. But! The two songs that were playing don't exist! What little I remember of the dream is that there were very Mechs like and very good. ;-;
This just makes me think of those 2 lost mechs songs!!!! Mechs please release them challenge!!!!
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modlisznik · 6 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions.
tagged by @pain-art, thanks!
Relationship Status: ugh...
Favorite Color: red ochre
Top 3 Ships: Zach/Andrew, Reaper 76,
Lipstick or Chapstick:  lipstick? idk what chapstick is
Last Song: Twisted by Missio
Last Movie: Anihilation
Top 3 Shows: Breaking Bad, Legion, Peaky Blinders
Currently Reading: The Last Witnesses: A Hundred of Unchildlike Lullabys, by Svetlana Alexievich (please stop me from reading bout war)
tagging: @ladybadasskillington @sirdrell @salmadurka @polargrizz47 @ohosun @theearlgrey @realitycheckbounced
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