#thx for the tag
tinygarbage · 10 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better 💗
thank u so much to @annasinterests , @joelsversion and @ilovepedro for the tag :)))
last song: ICU by phoebe bridgers… someone needs to rip me away from this album bc it’s getting unhealthy.
favorite color: i love purple, specifically a darker purple and/or lavender
currently watching: succession…i’ve been trying to finish it for like 3 months but i’m unfortunately busy and horrible at keeping focus-
last movie: smokey and the bandit! it’s me and my dad’s favorite movie to watch together so whenever i visit he puts it on :))
currently reading: done and dusted by lyla sage…i just started this but i’m very much enjoying it! it’s so cutesy
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet or savory, i can’t take spicy foods unfortunately:(
relationship status: i have a boyfriend of 2 years! he’s very sweet and he’s moving in with me next week :))
current obsession: pedro pascal, tlou, and red dead 2…my boyfriend got me hooked, but jokes on him bc i’m now in love with arthur morgan
last thing i googled: ‘pizza places near me’ i’m looking for places to take my friends when they come to visit :)))
currently working on: painting my new house and writing!! i’ve been writing something really really special to me and it’s been very fun! i’m too scared to ever share my writing, but it’s very fun to do anyways :)
no pressure tags (a lot of people have been tagged and i’m so bad at this so anyone feel free to participate) @missgurrl , @cool-iguana, @bastardmandennis
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forbelobog · 26 days
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog plz
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name: ayla age: i'm a vampire (30s) pronouns: she/they years of writing: collectively, i've been writing since i was in elementary school, but rp? like...like 15, 16 years.
why did you pick up writing? when i was in elementary school, there was this program thru the library where, if you wrote a certain amount of pages on this little packet they gave you, you could get your book "published." which basically meant getting the pages you wrote and drew on glued between a small hardcover, no bigger than a regular hallmark card. but they let you do this as many times as you wanted and you would even get extra credit for writing 5+ in a grading period. i started writing about anything and everything. a leaf who didn't know how to fly with the wind. a pig who wanted to find a hat. even a turkey who found a family on thanksgiving who loved him and didn't eat him. fastforward to the internet, i would write stories about horses (i am a reformed horse girl, sorry) in blank notepads. i remember my best friend telling me saddle wasn't spelled with t's, but d's. then, i found message boards in sites like neopets and gogaia, and i really kind of let my imagination go. i picked up writing even before i knew why, i kind of always just wanted to. my mom used to read me and my brother the hobbit as a bedtime story and it was very imaginative, i think that's where the whole fantasy/world building curiosity started. i like making and telling stories. when i found out you could do that with other people, it was game over for me.  do you have any writing routines? i used to, back when i rped a lot more frequently and consistently, but not so much anymore. writing has always been something i enjoy doing and rp is just a hobby; as i got older/more "adult" with "adult responsibilities", i realized i never wanted to stress about rp. i write when i feel like it and never before. tho, when i do sit down to write, i tend to do so in silence/with ambient white noise. i can't focus if i have any outside factors. what's your favorite part about writing? invoking emotion. whether it's happy or sad or angry or confused. i like to be able to reach other people with words. i find writing to be theraputic, in a way. for instance i've been writing a nonfiction about my grandmother for awhile, which i started before she passed based around her dementia and sundowners. it was hard to deal with for me but writing became a way to cope in a healthy way.
i. uuuuhhh i guess my scene setting is pretty good? i tend to spend a lot of time with openers making sure there is a reason for why the character is there, what the purpose will be moving forward, and where they are going to currently. i hate it sometimes because i feel like i go on and on about like, a room, but i like to think it helps my partners in the long run. ii. alliteration is my favorite literary tool and i like to think i'm pretty good at it by now. stringing together a good collection of sounds is very fun. iii. idk man this is hard. uuhhhhh i...usually always try to give my partners something to respond to? it's something i had to work on when i first started rping, but not only is your response to whatever the other muse is doing important, but giving THEM something to respond to in a reply is equally important, or else everything kind of falls flat. idk partner feel free to tell me i still suck at it but i have worked on it a lot in the past.
when you find it difficult to write what are some things you might do to help get back into it? if i'm looking to get back in to writing a specific character, i tend to reread old threads regarding that character i've done before, or visit things that make me think of the muse. like a playlist, or watch some cutscenes, or fanart. if i'm just looking to writ something in general but can't find the muse, i put on music that inspires me. john darnielle/the mountain goats is a go-to for me, darnielle is one of, if not my favorite writier, and his songs are so descriptive it makes me jealous. QUESTION: what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them?
tagged by: @dupliciti tagging: @cloudhymn @wingspiked @spadilled @eteing @ofinflorescence @resolutepath and YOU!!! if you steal this from me please tag me i'd love to read.
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drelldreams · 1 year
Share 10 Things About Yourself!
tagged by @sugarandstories thank you 🥰
1. I absolutely love Kinder chocolate (German brand). It tastes godly.
2. I really wish I had a trampoline. I could jump around on a trampoline for a long time..
3. I like wearing those Loom twist bracelets around my arm. I also made a cute necklace with a cat pendant.
4. I‘m just about to start reading The Girl with the Dragon tattoo.
5. I‘m also going to order the first book of the Revelation Space series since it apparently is similar to Mass Effect
6. I love Marina‘s songs
7. I want to try parkour one day
8. I am definitely going on a vacation trip to another country this year. I‘m hoping I‘ll be able to go to Japan, or Finland. I love those countries.
9. I‘m moving into a new apartment soon and I‘m so happy about this.
10. I get really nostalgic about places I often visited as a child, so I love to take walks through my childhood town. I just went on an one hour walk yesterday.
Tagging @frenchspinster @sillyliterature @danifart @kirschewine @uponthenormandy (if you’re up for it) and anyone who wants to participate! 💗
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angelabowermicelli · 1 year
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this is so fun!! I filled out both sheets like a continuous game of bingo :)
tagged by: @starsuncounted
tagging: @noitspronouncedgif @scarlettfailfox @dangerously-human @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer @alienspectator
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kayleighwhatever · 11 months
i was tagged by @taroris
15 questions
1: Are you named after anyone
my second name is the short versions of my grandmother's name
2: when is the last time you cried
yesterday watching a doku about archeology
3: do you have kids?
nope and never will
4: do you use sarcasm?
sometimes but i am shitty at recognising it lmao
5: what is the first thing you notice about people?
their hair
6: what is your eye colour:
7: scary movies or happy endings
happy endings, i am quickly scared lmao even tho i find scary movies fascinating.
8: any special talents?
not really
9: where were you born?
10: what are your hobbies?
a lot lmao. drawing, video games, archery, TTRPGs, jogging and occasionally writing
11: do you have any pets?
sadly no
12: what sports do you have played/are playing
still do: jogging, archery
did: swimming, ballet, kun-tai-ko
13: how tall are you?
1,75 cm
14: fav subject in school?
english and hebrew
15: dream job?
actor or MTRA
i tag @theeinhoernchen @castexpectopatronum no pressure tho UwU
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l0velett1ng · 2 years
tagged by @taxidermied-girl to post six albums I've been listening to daily, i'm tagging @lacry @fyo-door + anyone else who wants to do this <3
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the poison by bullet for my valentine
hounds of love by kate bush
nothing personal by all time low
riot! by paramore
three cheers for sweet revenge by my chemical romance
sempiternal by bring me the horizon
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kalak · 1 year
Tag Game!
I was tagged by @its-kinda-snowy to answer a few questions and then tag 9 other people that you want to know better!
Three Ships: luke skywalker/happiness but mainly maraluke lately - I think I cycle through any ship that makes him happy. Also shakadolin, and uhhh superbat because I've been on a dc kick
First ship: Percabeth
Last Song Listened: zukunft pink by peter fox
Last Movie Watched: the girl who leapt through time
Currently Watching: The good place (I haven't started it actually, but it's on top of my to-watch-next list!)
Currently Reading: fate of the jedi: omen (I've been pingponging between legends novels for a while now, I have no idea what's happening but it sure is fun)
Currently Consuming: water
Currently Craving: you know one of those puff pastries with cream filling - about a dozen of those. Also a good long fanfic to knock me out those are always nice
Tagging @milk336 @spell-cleaver @jaybirdwest @phoenixkaptain @elli-incarnate @theofficialbasti @positivityjediprince no pressure though!
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sapphia · 8 months
autism screening quizzes will be like “do you take things too literally” and then ask fifty of the worst-worded questions ever dreamt up by man
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flonflonflon · 2 months
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I couldn't resist a redraw because he looked so cute in that screenshot........
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extrashortshorts · 6 months
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Had to look really closely to understand that he wasn't laying with his ass up in the air
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tinygarbage · 8 months
a spooky picrew taggg
thx to @daydreamingmiller @bastardmandennis @nostalxgic for tagging meee
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im pretty sure all of my mutuals have been tagged so if y’all haven’t been tagged and want to be feel free to tag me bc I love seeing everyone’s :)))
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sunshinem0ths · 8 months
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playing 999 with my friend currently and this is my understanding of the plot so far
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cocoabell · 3 months
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The snail in my ear whispered something to me and I listened
Just started watching fma:b and I'm having the best and worst time simultaneously
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quiniiby · 10 months
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three girl friend :3
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noctilin · 7 months
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cimm got his first level in wizard earlier this year (thank you vinny for letting me exploit you xo) and I've been wanting to draw something for it so i thought to hit two birds with one stone with his birthday today
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