#samama khalid headcanons
my thoughts on OIAR polycule (gwen, alice, colin, sam and celia)
ft my dreadful handwriting
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sam and celia are dating.
colin has something queerplatonic going on with sam and gwen; sam likes him romantically but colin isn't sure how he feels.
sam considers gwen a friend, gwen can't really tell how close they are.
alice isn't a big fan of celia, but is trying to get over it and be happy for her and sam.
since alice complains to colin about celia and sam dating so much, he has a VERY mild grudge against her. nothing dramatic, though; he's just a bit awkward around her.
alice is the only person at the OIAR that colin talks to outside of work. they send each other tiktoks and gossip and
gwen and alice are in a very repetitive cycle of hating each other and being madly in love with each other. very lonelyeyes esque.
alice doesn't like sam romantically, she's more just grieving the loss of the relationship that meant a lot to her.
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felinecryptid · 5 months
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sam wip??¿?
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stolos · 5 months
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Did y’all know I love TMA too?? I’ve had the Magnus Protocol brainworms since listening to it earlier so here’s my (very subject to change) designs for Alice and Sam until the fandom agrees on something 🫡
Bonus ‘Chester’ and ‘Norris’ doodle in the corner 👁️
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what i think oiar employees listen to at work:
alice - welcome to nightvale
sam - white noise or r&b playlists
gwen - malevolent
colin - death metal
lena - the scp foundation database
celia - the magnus archives
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aediondraws · 2 months
the Magnus Protocol Character Designs
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these are just my current headcanons, as well as some things I've seen from others. idk who came up with the Sam amputee hc but I rlly fwi! These aren't final, so feel free to tell me your hcs in the comments, I'd love to hear about them!!
Colin, Lena & Celia are next, and if i find the time I'll try to work on some others like Bonzo etc.
Some details:
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starstrewnspore · 3 months
jonathan sims never attended parties in uni because he thought they made him look unprofessional and didn't approve of the activities. samama khalid never attended parties in uni because he is epileptic and there was This One Dude who always brought a shitty disco light and put it on the highest surface he could reach
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fox-guardian · 4 months
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[ID: Three digital drawings of Sam, Alice, and Colin on gray backgrounds. The first image is three drawings of Sam from the neck up. Sam is an Arab man with brown skin and short, curly black hair and a mustache and small goatee. He is wearing small black earrings and a cream turtleneck. The left drawing shows him smiling very wide while sweating anxiously. The middle drawing shows him frowning downwards while sweating anxiously. The right drawing is him looking neutral while saying "I could be cleaning toilets" while looking off to the side.
The next drawing is of Alice and Colin. Alice is a tall lanky white woman with fluffy, shoulder-length, light brown hair with faded pink tips, freckles, and stretch marks on her stomach. She is wearing pink cat eye glasses, pink nail polish, three pairs of silver earrings, snakebites, a berry-colored bra, a fully unbuttoned gray and pink flannel, open black hoodie, gray jeans, and multi-colored bracelets. Colin is a skinny white man with blonde hair that's short at the top and long at the back in a ponytail with a receding hairline, a mustache and patchy facial hair, and body hair. He is wearing rectangular glasses with yellow lenses, a tan t-shirt with a yellow graphic, an unbuttoned pale blue button-down, an open tan hoodie, black watch, brown belt, and blue jeans. Alice is standing raising her hands in the "devil horns" gesture while making a yelling expression. Colin is hunched over, clutching a microphone and yelling into it with a dark expression and scratchy music notes around him.
The last image shows Alice wearing a grey tank top with one strap hanging off, grey jeans with ripped knees, and a brown and red flannel tied around her waist. She is in profile sitting with her hands between her knees, with her head tilted back a bit and winking and sticking her tongue out with a little pink star next to her. end ID]
been thinking a lot about Them so have some bits of them <3
feat my headcanon that alice takes colin out for metal karaoke aggretsuko style
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lunacias · 3 months
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001: first shift
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c0l0re · 2 months
Completely baseless but extremely funny TMAGP headcanon of mine:
Gwen 100% had Tumblr as a teenager but doesn't anymore and will deny it until the day she dies
Alice is on Tumblr a lot and one day she references some old Tumblr meme or fandom, Gwen laughs before she can stop herself, and Alice then makes it her mission to figure out a way to make Gwen admit to having used Tumblr
Sam and Colin are talking bets on who will break and give up first
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gaycicada · 4 months
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The gangs all here you guys
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silly-tma-headcanons · 2 months
Technically not TMA but TMA adjacent: whenever Sam Khalid from TMAGP plays music, Alice yells, “DJ Khalid, WE THE BEST MUSIC!”
COMPLETELY missed this oh my goodness !!!!! tmagp headcanons are very welcome, by the way, love protocol lol
but yes. this is canon. if they're not together in person, alice watches the airbuds app (which I imagine she forced him to get) and says the same thing through a voice message or text
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Sam cannot sing for the life of him but he does so anyway, often just to himself, while doing little jobs. If he's not singing, he's humming or whistling
Sub-headcanon: he's a freakishly good whistler. Like, unnervingly so.
They're all autistic. Every single one of them. Just in slightly different ways.
Alice got her daith pierced to help with migraines.
Gwen's hair is actually naturally curly but she straightens it every single day and refuses to let it just be curly in peace.
Lena does Lego in her spare time, doesn't matter what kind of set, she'll take anything. She just has one room full of Lego. She would die before she told anyone this.
Celia listens to white noise while she works.
Colin was ginger as a kid but his hair got darker as he got older and now it's a muted sort of brown-ish colour.
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monsterfuckermartin · 28 days
samama khalid 🤝 jonathan sims
undiagnosed autistic brown men
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just realizing that the way i currently envision the oiar gang is like
beautiful fluffy baby cow with the most gorgeous dark eyes taken human form
hot girl at the punk concert that you briefly fall in love with after she helps you up when you fall over in the moshpit
aww, look! the judgy blonde rich girl from every single high school movie's all grown up!
quiet metalhead uncle that you get along with really well, even though the only conversations you ever have are like "hi" "hey"
me. literally just how i look in real life. except maybe the slightest bit more femme. i'm truly confused because we sound and act nothing alike. but somehow i know celia has brown hair and round glasses.
low-energy dark-haired lesbian that gets adopted into a friendgroup of 40 year old dads at a the mountain goats concert because she expressed the right opinions on alcoholic beverages
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iintervallum · 2 months
if i had the time i would make a dumb Alice in bonzoland joke drawing because the idea of Alice and Sam investigating the defunct remains of whatever they were constructing for bonzoland won't really leave my head
i feel like Alice would absolutely have random bonzo memorabilia, she seems like exactly the kind of person to have a very creepy plush on her bedside table
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wwpbviiid · 3 months
ARG people, don’t we have the results of the psychological tests the magnus institute did on Gerry and Sam? What were they?
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