#samuel tallmadge
musicboxmemories · 2 years
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Benjamin & Samuel Tallmadge (Fancast)
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unyieldingvalxr · 11 months
(nightmare) "Ben?! HELP ME!" Samuel rasps. The young Captain’s voice is nearly swallowed by the sea that would engulf him. His thin hands reach out for the mercy of his elder brother's rescue. His eyes are sunken, hollow-in and nearly grey with lifelessness. He is naught more than a skeleton. He is no match for the waves and just as quickly as he had appeared he vanishes beneath the icy water.
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avictimofthejazz · 1 year
good aim, right? (Samuel to anyone)
@unyieldingvalxr (For Sammy)
Street eyes the perforated target at the end of the lane before grinning. “Real good. I’m jealous, I’ll admit it.” Street is by no means a bad shot, but he will be the first to admit that, compared to the other guys on the team, he is not the best. He figures that honor goes to TJ or Hondo. This new guy though, Samuel Tallmadge, he is a really good shot. Street does not know why a law enforcement agency on Long Island would be so quick to give Tallmadge up, but he cannot say he is complaining that the talented officer has come to Los Angeles. Whether it is a permanent transfer to the SWAT team, or a temporary one to learn about Hondo’s system and take it back with him, no one is sure yet. Samuel though, has quickly been accepted into the fold, and the three younger guys all agree that they like him.
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“Where did you learn to shoot like that?” With no one else firing on the range, Street reaches up to lift the protection away from his ears for a minute so he can hear Samuel’s answer. “You shoot like you’ve been doing it your whole life.”
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gen-washington · 2 years
“ you didn't force me, sir. i volunteered to be here, remember? “ Samuel gently reminds his commanding officer. "I would gladly serve. No matter the hour, no matter how dangerous the task." (samuel tallmadge ~ Unyieldingvalxr)
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A thousand tiny lights, like stardust, shine in Washington's eyes. The pride he feels can only be described as that of a father's towards his son, who has grown up into a fine man. Samuel is in that moment no less a son to him than any of his adoptive children are his family. It is a gift to work with brave and loyal men like Samuel Tallmadge. But fatherly feelings can be a curse in war, for the pain of losing a battle is much harder when you are also losing your sons.
"I have never doubted your valour, Captain," a smile shines like the morning sun on Washington's face, but in his eyes the clouds are rolling in. "I simply do not wish you to march on blindly. This mission will take you close to enemy lines, and I cannot allow you to bring more than a handful of men. Do you feel ready for the task?"
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zowiemortem · 2 months
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Some TURN scribbles
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mollafer · 9 months
Alright, guys! I got another awesome discovery to post (courtesy of my cousin...again)!
My cousin stayed at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook. We actually drove past it in 2017 when I visited Setauket, but I never went inside. So my cousin just recently was staying there and sent me pics...the cottages are all named after members of the Culper Spy Ring!!!
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She made sure to send me a pic of the Tallmadge cottages sign XD
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But anyway, I thought this was too cute NOT to share. I want to stay here so badly! The pictures on Google of the place are beautiful! Have any of you fine Tumblr folk stayed here before?
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queerquaintrelle · 3 months
Happy Birthday to Benjamin Tallmadge (February 25, 1754) and John Graves Simcoe (February 25, 1752)!
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Mount Vernon!!! 😍😮. I am fangirling too much. This whole research thesis has me giggling.
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annastrxng · 2 years
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honorhearted · 2 years
[Prompt: [AU] After A.merica's t.ragic l.oss, Benjamin Tallmadge reflects on the past seven years while awaiting his e.xecution. ]
Also featured on AO3, so you can avoid all the periods I have to put in my writing to avoid the c.e.nsors on this s.ite: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42691497
At the very start of this w.ar, Ben always knew there was a chance he wouldn’t survive. It had made him more studious, more diligent, more obsessive about leaving behind a mark on this ever-changing world. Though it was still beautiful. It was always so beautiful.
For every s.cream and b.loodied heap, there was the reversal somewhere on earth – a wailing mother giving b.irth while a d.ying s.oldier breathed his last; a kind neighbor sharing remnants of their harvest while b.andits p.illaged a pantry. And for Ben, he could only hope that he was remembered for his achievements rather than his failures.
I tried, Samuel. I tried – for you, for Father – for the life you should have had.
Leaning against the dingy wall of his cell, Ben anxiously rubbed a hand over his chest, willing the breath to return to his lungs. He had already witnessed his c.ommander h.ang – it was a p.unishment, a mockery for all he believed in. How could anything be worse? How could d.eath not seem like a small mercy?
The only thing he truly feared was what would become of his father – Nathaniel, his strong beacon of hope, who stood sturdy as an oak in all his times of need. Through the d.eaths of Ben’s mother and Samuel both, Nathaniel stood silent, but firm in his grief, allowing Ben to lean on him and give off the illusion that he, too, was able to stand tall. No matter how much his knees wobbled nor his heart faltered, he always had someone to fall back on. 
But now who would serve the same for Nathaniel? Would his b.ody even be delivered home? Would his b.ones be granted the peace of entwinement with the long, gnarled roots of the trees that he, Caleb and Abraham had played in during their youth? Or would he be cast aside like Samuel in some nameless, unfeeling g.rave, treated as lowly as refuse for f.ighting in a cause he believed in?
Shivering, Ben fought to ignore the damp chill as the sound of heavy boots slapped against flooring. He looked up, only to grimace once a guard – a man named Higgins – peered in at him through the bars. 
“Last chance, Tallmadge,” he said. “Names and ranks – that’s all we want.”
Ben wordlessly shook his head, defiant. The ring would be taken with him to the g.rave. If Providence was kind, the n.oose would never find his friends. With the failure of everything else, he prayed that this was one endeavor that ended favorably.
Higgins sneered. “Suit yourself.” Taking out an iron key, he slid it into the lock and twisted. “You’re about to get one mighty bad case of hempen fever.”
Ben said nothing in reply.
Over the past several years, Ben had witnessed many e.xecutions. And now that it was his own, he could no longer muster a scrap of grief for the soon-to-be-lost life. It was quite fitting, he thought. The ring started because of the disaster of Hale’s h.anging, and now it would end with his own. It was what he deserved. Although a part of him had always felt strung up with each new v.ictim, this had never depleted the grief, the guilt. Even now, it laid twisting and coiling beneath his skin like a restless snake.
With the tap-tap-tap of the snare drums, Ben allowed himself to be led to the crudely erected g.allows. Each heavy step reminded him that he was narrowing the gap between his final breaths. Even with his acceptance, he knew there was still so much he hadn’t touched, felt, experienced.
He’d once dreamed of being a husband, a father, but he could see now how farcical that was. Sarah hadn’t wanted him. No woman had ever wanted him beyond a coy, flirtatious exchange, and now it seemed that the very world didn’t want him, either. He would never know the warmth of a wife’s loving touch; he would never experience the joys of holding his firstborn in the crook of his elbow, beaming with fatherly pride at the tiny, impossibly perfect reflection of himself in his arms. If there was any remaining kindness in this world, his father and friends would live on – Ben would miss their birthdays, their achievements, and their losses...he would fail to be there when they needed him most, just as he’d failed them here in the land of the living.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered under his breath. God above, he was so sorry!
The n.oose was lowered over his head and then tightened, yet Ben didn’t react. From up on the scaffolding, he could see the horizon – the same dawn that was presently touching S.etauket. If he narrowed his eyes enough, if he squinted, he could almost pretend he was home again, hiding out amongst the wooded area with a book and parchment for taking notes. He had always been so curious and full of wonder. In many ways, there was wonder in this too: in how a certain force, angle and height would lead to a swift and immediate break in the spine. Miscalculate that, and the v.ictim would dangle, s.uffocate, and endure a long and p.ainful end.
Finally, the snare drums stopped. With his hands bound behind his back, Ben tilted his chin towards the sun and closed his eyes, listening while a gruff, no-nonsense officer opened a scroll and started shouting his sentence above the eerie silence. “If the condemned has any last words, let him speak them now, lest he carry that burden with him to the g.rave!”
For the first time since the c.olonies’ loss, a faint smile touched the corner of Ben’s mouth. And then he opened his eyes, met everyone’s gaze head-on and loudly proclaimed, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country!”
A flurry of startled voices arose then, and a sense of embittered satisfaction took root within Ben’s chest. The d.eath of his dear friend had made Hale a folk hero of sorts – scorned by l.oyalists and m.artyred by p.atriots, alike – and now here Ben was, honoring him in the only remaining way he knew how. Finally, some purpose could be brought to these horrific h.angings.
The e.xecutioner took Ben by the shoulders and shoved him fiercely, though he felt nothing but numb serenity as he plummeted toward the ground. The rope caught his fall in a harsh, taut swing – bright lights danced behind his eyes as he pitched and wavered, and from the corner of his eye, he swore he saw Hale and Samuel, smiling at him with the pride he’d always yearned for in his efforts.
I want to come home...
For a long moment there was pain, sharp and stark, and as Ben twitched and thrashed in his final attempts at reclaiming his life, something in him gave up the f.ight. He realized then that Samuel was standing directly before him. 
It’s okay to let go. You have been f.ighting for so, so long. 
Ben found himself relaxing. In his mind’s eye, he could picture his younger self sitting on Nathaniel’s knee, reading along while his father recited: Come unto me, all ye that l.abor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Rest... Ben was just so tired.
Samuel’s presence was more persistent now. Let go, brother.
A lone tear of exertion trickled from the corner of Ben’s eye and he drew in one sharp, spastic breath...
And then nothing.
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page-47 · 2 years
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Turn Week 2022 -- Day 1: Loyalist or Patriot
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culperscomet · 2 months
A little while ago I did this semester-long project focusing on the culper ring which had me trying to find primary sources that would be useful. One of the sources that I found was a letter from Charles Scott to George Washington and it's actually the funniest thing I found during the entire research part.
In the letter, Scott says that he forwarded a letter to Washington from a man named John Bolton, who was recommended to him by Benjamin Tallmadge… I’m sure you can see the irony here.
National Archives (where I found it) goes on to say that Scott more than likely meant to use the name Samuel Culper, but it’s actually way more funny he used Tallmadge’s alias instead. Just imagine Tallmadge indirectly hyping himself up to Scott like “this guy’s so smart you can totally trust him” as he’s just referring to himself.
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unyieldingvalxr · 9 months
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
Only if you want! 💚 :' ) And if so, whichever verse speaks to you!
Imagine You and Me || -
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Beth cannot remember a time where Ben wasn't in her life. As she grew older she realised how unusual that was, because everything about them should have made them enemies; Ben is dyed in the wool Protestant, the Rileys have been Catholic from almost from the time of Raghllaigh, Prince of Breffney in the Year of the Lord 981. The Rileys enjoy a privileged life of wealth, position, and titles where as the Tallmadges were more modest. But their fathers were fast friends, enjoying debate and arts and philosophy, so it was natural that their children would also be friends. Ben and Andy certainly were meeting when Beth was still in swaddling. For years the small group of children, Beth chased them through hill and dale, merely content to be included by the older ones though Ben reserved a special place in her world, as beloved as her brother Andrew was and remained. Ben was the only person who could ever call her Lizzie. And when the family moved from Setauket to Boston, then Boston to Philadelphia, leaving land and property thriving, Beth became inconsolable. A furious wave of letters written and sent eventually dwindled, and Beth carried on with her life and education, though she never forgot Ben. She always believed they would find each other again, she simply hadn't expected it to be a war with England that would do it. The second the murmurs made their circles, of course Andy threw his hat into the Continental ring. If Beth had had the luxury of being a second son, she would have followed soon after. From his letters home, Andy was pleased to report meeting back up with Ben and Brewster, Samuel and a fair few others. Having the responsibility of the household, Beth began to send funds and supplies as she could while maintaining the facade of neutrality important to Society.   When Andrew goes missing in battle, Ben took it upon himself to personally inform the family, to offer his condolences in person because he knows better than most that Andy is likely no longer in the world. Beth is devastated by the news, but equally shocked to realise three things; that Ben has grown into a fine man of some standing, that her feelings for him have only changed from their tender kinship to a fire burning in her chest, and that she won't let this chance slip away from her. Elizabeth Riley loves Ben Tallmadge, and she is serving two causes; freedom for her nation, and capturing the Major's affections. Her Straw Haired Soldier, her Good Reverend Oat. {{I am not gonna lie... I didn't see this one coming, but from the first sets of posts I absolutely fell in love with this ship, and am constantly amazed and delighted by how it's unfolding, and the plans we are making for them. I love how you write Ben, and I think he's absolutely darling under your care! 20/10, I will give them up when I am dead}}
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Earl Grollman tells us: "Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve." They don't meet conventionally, as one doesn't take a grief counselling meeting to be a place where one typically picks up a date, but they do find each other, and reach out. They make each other laugh and have such amazing chemistry from the get go. It's funny and it's awkward, and they are both holding back so much of their real lives and real selves. Maybe they want the other to see them as the people they wished they'd grown into. Maybe the baggage of everything they've experienced is too heavy and this is a fresh start. Regardless, it strikes me as both poignant and heart warming. There will be upset in the future of the story when the little lies told unravel and they become exposed to one another's truths, but I look forward to that, too. One of the things I find fascinating in this modern twist is that Ben has lost his younger brother, whom he was so very protective over, and "Ellie" has lost her older brother, who was so protective over here. The pieces left behind in the wake of their tragic too-young passings meet up in the ones who survive them, and they have perspectives and parts of themselves to offer that match up almost seamlessly. I love Ben's dark sort of humour, and I love how they have a lot in common despite leading very different lives. They will grow, they will change, they will leave a mark on each other and hopefully come out the better for having each other in their lives, and I don't really make a prediction of the future here, except I think it will be one of those lasting bonds. I love that they seem to have it it off like a match tossed into a pile of kerosene soaked rags. I love how Ben is and can be soft, can be open, can be a lot of things that go against stereotype, without missing a beat and without coming across as out of place, despite being sort of 'old fashioned'. Once again, you've hit one out of the park on this.
{{20/10, your honour, I love them. These are some of the sweetest, dearest ships in my heart}}
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Most annoying historical inconsistency in Turn is that they make it look like Ben only had one brother? Man's had four. Three of them (Samuel, William, and John) were around his age, but he also had a baby brother born in '62. Ladies and gentlemen but mostly ladies, we were robbed of funny stories about the Tallmadge brothers and Ben being a big brother. Also, Samuel didn't die during the war on the Jersey. William (the oldest) did. I wonder why they chose to switch them.
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ask-chubby-hamilton · 2 months
My favorite characters in Turn: Washington's spies, as the end of season 3, which was a rollercoaster.
⚠️ spoilers!
1. Major Hewlett (I don't care if he's a snitch, he's my star boy and i love him, he's so adorable)
2. John Andre (His story in the show is so sad. I hate that he died, he just wanted his love :[)
3. Benjamin Tallmadge ( he's so Ahhh- 🥰🥰🥰)
4. Peggy Shippen (Love her so much, oml. It's sad that she had to watch Andre die 😭)
6. Hamilton (He knew what Washington was thinking just by LOOKING AT HIM, i love him and I've only seen him once)
7. Washington (He's the best)
8. Anna strong (I don't care if she's a h*e, i love her too much. Anna x Hewlett is so my otp, i don't care if it didn't sail.)
9. Mary Woodhull (Shes such a good wife, just like Eliza Hamilton)
10. Samuel Townsend (i like him, plus he punched Caleb which i think was a W move)
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