#saving money like a boss
post-s11 Tami definitely gets tired of Lip and leaves him.
yes, I do like them as a couple, I think it is an interesting dynamic and that Tami is good for him honestly, even though they lived completely different lives and crash so many times because of it throughout the last seasons.
fact is Lip won't ever change and will keep making the same kind of mistakes and she will get fed up with it eventually. they'll go different ways, maybe keep a somewhat friendly relationship, and she will get a new partner and Lip will have a Sean kind of relationship with Fred: that kid is the most important thing in his whole life and he's constantly hunted by the fear of drinking again and hurting Fred.
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silvergyus · 3 months
ari employed era 🥳
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beansnpeets · 3 months
Sometimes I see someone that's an official photographer for a thing and looking at their work makes me so MAD because a lot of people edit things so poorly and I KNOW I could do it better and it drives me up a wall that someone with such meh skills gets to do shit like that and I'm stuck here unable to do anything cool like that :( like good for them, I am happy they are getting to shoot such a big and important event, but like damn. Guess I'm just jealous and mean about it. I just wish I could be doing photography instead of the bullshit I have to do instead.
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meownotgood · 9 months
I decided to take a break from under the influence to rest my brain, for now I'll work on some smaller things and a few of the requests I've been sent
but... these days... I want to write so badly.... but I can't.... I'm working so much............ I hate it
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comixandco · 2 years
imagine if the credits for majora’s mask were tied to the actions you did in your last cycle
like instead of that everybody is happy celebrating the festival, if they were a specific set of cutscenes that each play depending on whether you did it before fighting majora or not
so like, if you didn’t defeat each temple boss you would see cutscenes from that region still in trouble like the deku with the monkey over the fire or the gorons all frozen, but if you did kill all the bosses in the last cycle you can see the regions happy like in the actual credits
and the same for important quests as well, grog could either be with his chicks or with grown cuccoos, pamela might be with her dad or she’d be on her own, you can only see anju and kafei’s wedding if you complete their quests then fight majora, if you don’t help romani defend the ranch she isn’t playing with her sister in the credits she’s just sat there
idk i just think it would be really neat if you finished the game and were suddenly hit by the realisation that that’s it, the cycles are over and your choices in that final go-through are how the characters will live the rest of their lives
and it would make you want to go back and play through again if you saw your favourite characters not having the happy ending they deserved
#majora’s mask#legend of zelda#loz#loz mm#this post sponsored by the final three days gang#do as many quests as you can and defeat the four bosses you monsters#there was a post i saw like last week about time cycles in video games and how you get complacent with violence and tragedy because it isn’#t permanent and it got me thinking bc it analysed time loops from a kill-heavy assassins style game whereas mm is much more of a help peopl#e game. and yet. you can’t do everything in one loop even after you’re able to skip through the temples to the boss room#and going through the game you know that. if you’re completing the great bay this cycle you don’t have time to go heal kotake or save the#monkey or unfreeze the goron’s on the mountain. and you can’t always remember/sacrifice those 3 hours to help romani#and you rationalise it as well they won’t matter when i play the song of time anyway. but wouldn’t it be a kick in the face if after you’ve#gotten into that mentality and you’ve collected all the masks but only once and you go defeat majora#and realise in the credits that romani was abducted by aliens. cremia has no money because her cows were stolen/milk was stolen by bandits.#the old lady won’t remember you saving her from the robbery on the first night and koume and kotake never met you. lulu won’t remember her#eggs being saved or the seahorses that you reunited them. you don’t have the top score on any of the carnival games.#link will remember because he lived through it but nobody in termina will remember his name aside from whoever you did help on your final#cycle. and idk i just think about that a lot
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phantomchick · 1 year
Looking back on Batman (2022)
Enough time has passed now that my initial adrenaline rush )and then later afterglow) over Batman 2022 has resolved itself at least enough that I can look back on the film a bit more critically.
I enjoyed this movie, I enjoyed this Batman, but and this is a big but, this movie did not like Batman.
The thing about Batman is that he's a grim dark fantasy where a hero who's in pain can use that pain as a motivation to help people, to change things, to strive for a better Gotham because he just can't fucking accept the Gotham that allowed his parents to get killed while coming home from the movies, that kills so many other parents and children and sucks the people that remain into a mire of corruption and austerity. This is not that Batman, this is a Batman that's utterly oblivious to the problems with wealth inequality until the movie rubs in his face and even then has his inaction in his role of Bruce Wayne while letting his Batman role monopolise his every waking thought presented as his main problem. This is not a Batman that announces to a dinner party, “Ladies. Gentlemen. You have eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on...none of you are safe.”. That attacks violent crime on two fronts by giving legitimate jobs to ex cons by day and solving kidnapping or murder cases by night.
And most crucially this isn't a Batman that ... succeeds. By that I mean yes he solves the grand mystery, yes he saves people in the flood, but the classic Batman would have saved that man he interrupts the bomb disposal squad to answer Riddler's phone call for. The classic Batman would have saved Falcone, evil doer that he is, not because he deserved to live but because Batman is a hyper competent hero who's comic gimmick was that he was quick witted enough to stay ahead of the crooks and always save the person in front of him as a result, perhaps it's only natural for that to be subverted with the Riddler as his enemy (a character invented with the intent of putting the detective hero to the test when it came to his cerebral limits) but because this is a stand alone film, which as the name says has this Batman stand alone with the contents as the only basis to judge him with it has the effect of making his presence as a hero less warranted. After all, does Batman's presence in this film really save anyone besides the flood victims and Selina?
Yes the only victims who really get killed are all bad people but... that's not the point of Batman, the point is that he saves everyone he can.
The film also does the whole 'batman creates his own villains and actively makes the city worse because he espouses vengeance and violence' thing which egh, slightly more palatable with the transition from vengeance to hope, but I really don't fucking like it all the same. And besides that I dislike the idea that vengeance can't be hopeful, that a man who lost everything in one terrifying night, who got no justice, whose loved ones and personal loss and whose innocence remain unavenged saying to himself "I am justice, I am vengeance, I am the night!" as a way of reclaiming everything that's happened to him and everything he wants to be for the people of Gotham whose cries go unanswered by corrupt law enforcement and an even more corrupt bureaucracy, is presented as invalid, as somehow immature. When Batman was always crafted as a mature hero in the mold of the Scarlet Pimpernel and Zorro and James Bond, of Sherlock Holmes! That was part of his central appeal! He's the cool mature down to earth, detective hero.
Here he is reduced to a naive rich boy who's so ignorant his main approach to crime is to inefficiently beat the shit out of whatever hoodlums he encounters and who literally doesn't have the idea of using his money to fix the poverty or corruption fuelling the crime until Riddler highlights what his parents wanted to do for the city by denigrating it + the politician lady who repeatedly points it out. It's a movie that loves Batman but also passionately declares the stupidity of Batman. Perhaps that's also inevitable because solving crime by beating it up while dressed as a Bat is well, silly, when you approach it with real world cynicism instead of the wish fulfillment, the fantasy of being rich and powerful and smart enough to actually do something about an entire city that's drowning in crime, that has been drowning, suffocating, for decades, and have a hope of succeeding. There is no fun of acting like an airhead so the other rich people and crooks will underestimate and look down on you like they look down on everyone in the city as you use your access to learn things people outside that circle of rich opportunists can't and then use it to reveal their crimes as a vigilante whose identity no one suspects. Instead we have a traumatised Bruce Wayne openly beg Don Falcone for information who indulges him because he owes his father that favour and Bruce Wayne isn't a threat, is it interesting pathos? Definitely! Is it dramatic and fun! Also yes! Is it traditional Batman/Bruce Wayne secret identity shenanigans? Well kind of in that it gets him the extra information but genuinely not so much because it's not really an act. Does it have to be traditional Batman? I really don't know. We can't ever create something refreshing like this movie was if we don't try to deviate from the norm and in that regard I think it deserves respect. And yet. There's a but.
This movie doesn't let Batman succeed at anything but the bare minimum as a vigilante but it does let him try his best, always and it lets him care, deeply. Which is enough that it pulls through as a good batman film. However for all the budget and clever characterisation I don't think it's a great Batman film. After all Batman is a superhero fantasy and in those, the good guys are allowed to save the day.
#and yet#batman 2022#bruce wayne#meta#thoughts#personal#batman 2022 meta#batman#something about how he doesn't prevent the flood but does save some people in it could be a great metaphor#for how batman in the comics can't ever fix gotham (because then the comic would end) but he can save people who live there#but i don't actually think that's what they meant to do here#my main problem is the movie clearly doesn't approve of vigilantism and like that's fine but it's a movie about a superhero#and it never lets us really suspend our disbelief because it's too busy being cynical about the whole concept#and like maybe that too is refreshing in its way? the whole this is a stupid way to deal with crimes thing is true#but it also fails to acknowledge that#what other recourse is there? with a police force that's literally in the pocket of the mob#when you look at it like that batman becomes a much more understandable alternative course of action#and a vehicle of narrative catharsis for people who know the law isn't protecting them but still desire justice#desire that the criminals be they the rich defrauding them of what little money they have or the mob bosses actually will see consequences#the whole concept of vengeance is too readily dismissed as toxic and as diametric to hope imo#like yeah i'm all in on a redemptive justice system that actually helps people reform but the idea#that bad powerful people shouldnt be made to face consequences by batman if no one else (because cops and lawyers and politicians won't)#is dismissed soooooo readily to the point where bruce's initial stance on justice as vengeance is presented as two dimensional#something about that bothers me#and i think also gets to the core of batman as a character and to the core of why I can't fully vibe with this presentation of him#for all its many boons
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: March 19
"Let Me Drown" by Orville Peck
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sarahsoph · 4 months
Thinking about how AI taking over the simpler calls at my last workplace was part of the reason why the job started to suck (the calls left are the more difficult/want to yell at you people, less staff on in general etc) and led to me quitting in a mental health/burnout breakdown.
But it's not art, it's one of the sucky things people say they DO want AI to replace without actually thinking about what that means for people.
And it's happening to more and more customer service jobs, so there's less of them out there, and the ones that are suck more etc.
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maburito · 4 months
Man....I hate having a job.
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stevie-baby · 4 months
its princess diaries rewatch o’clock
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ok just had my dr appt and am feeling a lot better.
we’re going to increase my dosage of the meds + do a diagnostic test on friday to see if my fallopian tubes are blocked (and i guess the test itself can improve conception rates after because of the type of dye they use?). the cost of the test is within the range i felt i could afford so that’s good too. most importantly she was really reassuring about the “if you have 3 failed cycles IUI won’t work for you” advice that is allllll over the internet. her take is that the research focuses mostly on heterosexual couples who likely had difficulties conceiving naturally for a year or more before seeking fertility care... meaning they’ve typically gone through 15-16 unsuccessful cycles (12 of trying to conceive naturally + 3-4 with IUI). in that case there’s likely some other reason things aren’t working and so it makes sense, timing wise and financially, to move on to the highest-tech option (ie IVF). but for single women and/or lesbians who are trying to conceive, those 3-4 IUI cycles are their first and only attempts. and if the medical history looks good and the person is responding well to the medication, then it might just be a timing and luck thing. so she says if everything looks good on the test we’re doing friday, she recommends that i try six cycles before we reassess. and if i can balance the costs and don’t want to do IVF, she says there’s no reason why i couldn’t follow the regular guidance for couples trying non-medicated cycles ie a full year of trying (although at that point i might decide the financial / emotional cost isn’t worth it). 
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oasisr · 1 year
I feel like I'm autistic, and people like to single me out for being alittledifferent™.
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toiletwipes · 1 year
biggest ick? someone I know, he says there's never a reason to lie for anything
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novellafalls · 2 years
reblog with some of the most out of pocket shit that’s happened in your saves i’m bored
tagging @autismtrait bc he’s witnessed like half of these <3
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
[shaking my brain around in a jar] WHY ARE YOU UPSET? WHY ARE YOU SAD? EVERYTHING IS FINE
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tariah23 · 1 year
My upcoming check is so pitiful wtf
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