#scout learned this the hard way cause he literally can’t walk into a room if both pyro and sniper are in it
tf2-appreciator · 1 year
Most of the mercs know better than to tell Pyro jack diddily squat about their relationships cause if Pyro ever spots two people that they know are crushing on each other enter the same room they’ll start giggling and twiddling their thumbs and swaying their hips a little bit like a schoolgirl watching their fellow schoolgirl talk to their crush.
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ps-i-dont-even-know · 3 years
Devil may cry parent headcanons
He probably is a fun dad but at the same time don't leave your kids with him, it would be a disaster
Will wake up to crying at 12 am and try to put the kid back to sleep, ends up with both of them watching tv instead
This man will do anything with your kid, they want to go to the park, sure he'll have to keep an eye on them. They want to see the movies, sure has to be below pg or he will never hear the end of it from the nightmares his kids have. Want to go to the zoo, sure he just needs to make sure they don't go into the exhibit.
He will play dress up and tea time with them. He will put on a dress and have them do his makeup just so he can go to tea time, and might start some beef with Mr teddy for stealing his cupcakes, but he will do it proudly.
He will try to do their hair in the morning for school, again he is not the best at it and will probably give them crooked pigtails, he's trying he really is.
Can't cook for shit, I'm sorry if you think he could cook please take a look at all the pizza box stored around his shop. Like he will take cooking lessons or watch cooking shows but dear god how do you set fire to milk.
He will always be there for his kid to vent even if he doesn't know how to respond he will sit and let them rant about stuff, also trying to cheer them up because he doesn't want to see them sad
If they brought their homework to him he would be confused he can barely pay his bills i don't think he knows how to do math, but drama he will rock that stuff his acting skills are on point even if it's cheesy
Will waste all his money on the kid, toys, clothes, video games, you name it he will buy it and give to the kid
Remember how I said not to leave your kid alone with Dante yeah, he may or may noteave his weapons/devilarms around for the kids to grab them, like halfway of Dante walking into the main room and he sees ebony in his kids mouth he tricksters all the way to them and quickly grab ebony before anything bad happens, but the kid will start crying and he has to find something for them to mess with or he'll get a headache
He accidently devil triggered in front of his kid now depending on which one he get two responses and he's expecting screaming for both, but if its regular dt like humanish looking one, "woah, dad grew scales and wings, are you a lizard king?" Now its his Sin Dt he would get "Oo, daddys a gaint dragon" for both case they will proceed to touch his scales? And will be all over him trying to climb him to the point he literally has to switch out of dt so they don't get hurt. Also he's a heat source for winter if the heating doesn't get paid for.
If his kid comes out as any of the lgbtq+ he would be supportive and loves them for who they are, I also see him being apart of it too.(I know a few people see him as asexual I do too, as well as bisexual)
Look this guy probably has no clue what he's doing, even if we wish he could've taken care of Nero (at least I do) he didn't and now he has another kid to take care
Please help him hold the baby, he can't properly do it at all, he's just holding them by their chest and staring at them with confusion as the child cry, "why won't they stop screaming?"
He will get the hang of taking care of the kid, but please don't leave him alone with them for long he still has no clue what he's doing half the time
"Hey can I hang out with (insert name) at the mall?", "Do I know their mom?", "Uh, no", "Do I know their dad?", "No" Then that settles it, you can't go", "But-", "No buts, if I don't know their parents you can't go, and that's finale"
Can he cook, probably but he's been in hell for most of his life and doesn't know what he's doing half the time. Thank god for cooking shows and book he at least tries a learn how to cook, and doesn't burn anything unlike someone else
He will read the kids William Blake or other bed time stories before bed time, and will do activities where they try to make up poems he has to thank Nero for the idea
Speak of Nero, if Vergil has a mission he will leave his kids with him, he's not trusting Dante at all. Nero absolutely loves his step siblings even if their like a few years younger than him, they will either play with the other kids at the orphanages or play Nero which consist of Video games, sometimes sword fights if they beg long enough, or just talk about the stuff their dad and uncle does that are stupid and make fun of them for it.
Also that one dad to try and help with math homework but makes the kid cry because they don't understand the problem and he's yelling at them "What's 2 x 2?" Its traumatizing please someone tell him to cool it or his kid is going to have problems when it comes to yelling and math, also complains how he didn't learn it that way as a kid, I promise you he was homeschooled.
Now his kids can vent to him but he has no clue what to do nor have much good advice but he will give what he knows even if it's not the best.
This can go many ways, this man know his kid is getting bullied he will go down to the school with the Yamato and threaten someone's life, give his kid the sword for them to deal with it instead, or use some brain cells and deal with it like civil people and we hope he chooses the last one
Now he's a little careful with his devil trigger and doesn't want to scare his kids, but its by accident really and he expects screaming, just like Dante he gets two responses. Regular dt and I'm going off of 4 because I don't think he has one in dmc5, "Dad, why didn't you tell me/us your secretly a bug, don't worry well keep you away from shoes." If its Sin Dt, "Wow, your a dragon this whole time, does this mean I'm also a dragon, where do you keep your stashed gold?", I feel like for his regular dt they will sometimes smack him with a fyswatter and he has to turn out of his sin dt quickly because they want to mess with the fire coming out of him.
If his kids come out as lgbtq+ he will be supportive and a little confused because he has no clue what it is. They have to explain what it means and what their sexuality means, he'll still be supportive and loves his kids no matter what they are
Out of Vergil and Dante, he's probably the one who knows more about taking care of kids since he grew up with them in an orphanage and takes care of them
I feel he's like a mix between Dante and Vergil, Fun dad but will put his foot down on somethings
If its a girl you bet he will go out to a store at whatever time it is and buy then pad/tampon when their monthly comes no questions asked he just knows. If its a dude he will give the talk, not just protection but what not to do, like when a girl tells him to stop he needs to stop, no advancing on or anything like that (I feel like the no advancing will also go for the girl)
Doesn't do favoritism, he hates that stuff since he technically dealt with it as a kid, if one kid ask why he loves the other more than them he will shut that down quickly and tell them he loves them equally and will move moons for them to both be happy
Best cook hands down, and will let his kids help if they want to but keeps them away from sharp objects. He will also take them out to dinner if he doesn't want to cook
He's decent with homework, and goes about it in a fun learning experience for the both of them, if they get an answer right they get a point that they can trade for something special later kne, if they get it wrong they will go over it again, but still get a point because no favoritism. He also help make a volcano, but also put a little extra pizzazz to it, and might have caused the whole kitchen to be a different color now.
His kids can vent to him, he will understand and try to help give advice for some issues, also takes them out of the house to do something they want to do to cheer them up
He will encourage his kids to follow what they want to do, play a sport? He will show up to every game, even if that means giving Dante his mission he will. A club? He will make sure they have everything they need for that club and be on time for it, be it art, book, yearbook, student council, etc. They want to do boy scout/girl scout, he will make sure he gets them a vest and help put pins on as well. He will be the number one supportive dad
As soon as his kid comes to him crying about how some other kid is bullying them he will be mad, he'll reassuring his kid that they are amazing first, then go to the school, if they don't do anything he will go straight to the parent and make sure that their kid doesn't mess with his anymore.
Will watch anime with them, if they agree that is don't want your dad into your stuff. But like he's absolutely into it, he seems like the person to like Bleach (this was not intentional I complete forgot that the voice actor for Nero also did Ichigo) or Cowboy Bebop. Maybe sailor moon but you won't hear him say it
Look he's really new to the devil trigger business, the only thing close he had was that ghost creature, so keeping this thing in check and not popping up randomly is hard. His kids reaction are, "You hair is longer, are you like rapunzel, oh wait you have wings and a crown your an angel. Oh can I braid your hair please," of course he will let them braide his hair he can't say no to a pouting face, they also will poke his wings to see if their real.
He will definitely support his kid if their aprat of the lgbtq+, will buy them flags, merch, you name it. He want his kid to feel safe and loved
Lady and Trish
Look I can't separate these two, when I first saw them I thought they were girlfriends, and I can't let that go. But these two would definitely be the fun and protective mom
So considering Trish and Lady are both females they definitely have to adopt of course, now Lady may not know if its half demon or full, but Trish does and she probably would help the kid when they get older since she knows about the demon body considering she has one, if its human Lady knows the most about the stuff going on when they get older and has I already planned out.
Now Lady has to be the protective mom because the shit happen with her dad she definitely doesn't want anything bad to happen to their kid, and Trish is like you do you kid if you get hurt you learn from it "its the demon way of raising" she says. Though she still will watch over them and make sure they don't get themselves severely hurt
They will buy their kid anything, and take them out shopping. It's like a spin the wheel of pay to see if they will pay for the stuff or put it under Dante's name for shits and giggles
Lady has to like keep her weapons locked up somewhere safe, unlike Dante, she's more careful with her weapons
If their kid is mad or something Trish will take them to some deserted area with some random stuff she found that isn't in use and have their kid throw it in the air so she can blow it up with her lighting, you know to blow steam off
Trish or Lady tell their kid the stupidest thing Dante has done or said, if they visit Dante please note one will scream if Dante says something about a soul, "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with Light" and get the voice crack right too, he will look so embarrassed
Now Trish might not know anything about homework she'll support the best she can but Lady knows most of the stuff and will help.
Trish will tell their king everything about Hell, who's in charge, what creatures are there, the history of it all. Its a great learning experience until you tell them that the female demons kill the male after finishing mating
If they are out in public and some guy is hitting on their kid and their tell him no, protective mom mode is on. Mostly Lady has to stop Trish from frying thr guy, but Lady will give the man a price of her mind saying if he tries to do this shit again with her kid he will be going home with a foot straight up his ass. So now no man tries to hit on her
Definitely let the kids go venting to them, they give the best cuddled, some good advice, and shopping if they say someone's bullying them they will see that the parent deals with their kid.
They knew their kid was apart of lgbtq+, of course their supportive of who they are, they are dating of course. They will take them to a pride march in June
Look, LOOK, she is an amazing mom, so caring but also will put her foot down on somethings
Besides Nero she is a good cook and baker, while she doesn't want kids in the kitchen while she's cooking will will have them help with baking sweet
Reads bedtime stories and tucks her kids in and kiss goodnight (ugh my heart hurts I love this)
She will play video games with her kids mostly on the wii, she still the champion on Mario Kart and Just Dance no one has taken their spot yet, even Nero tries
Packs lunch for her kids and puts a note in it telling them that she loves them and hope they have the best day
She does worry about them from time to time when they go over a friends house, only because of what happened to her brother and then Nero she doesn't want anything to happen to her kids
Tells them not to climb the tree in their backyard, what does one of them do, they climb it and accidently falls down. She goes to them saying "You know I told you not to do it, and you did it anyways, you need to be more careful and listen to me. I'm not doing this because I'm being uptight I'm doing this for your safety I want you to be able to do the things you want in the future"
I feel like she's the same way with friends like Vergil, if she doesn't know the parents then you can't go out or over their house
She is really a good listener and help with advice, so venting to her is a really great idea also will ask about your feelings and how your doing someday, like she knows your in a sad mood
She also good with homework, I feel like she wanted to become a teacher as well as study for it, but instead stuck with taking care of orphans, so she probably homeschools her kids too
She also makes the kids clothes time to time, they have little sweaters or shirts that are soft and comfortable
She is so supportive of her kids if they come out lgbtq+, she doesn't care as long as their happy thats all that matters.
Now I love Nico amazing and pretty girl but don't leave a child with her, just like Dante it will be a disaster, but she probably would try to be a better parent than her since he technically wa this weird freaky man who experimented on demons or was weird.
Let's start with teaching the kid every swear word she knows and tells them to go up to Nero call him one of those names, she will hear her name being screamed and find an angry Nero going over to her as she burst into fits of laughter
Will be extra pair of arms when getting a tool they need for fixing the van, when Nero does understand what a Dohicky is
I think Nico can cook, its decent not bad or good, she did nearly burn the van down from trying to cook turkey.
She will try and cut back on smoking or at least not doing it when the kid is around because its bad for them, Nero scoffs because she nags him when he tells her to stop, but not her kids
Now her kids could bring homework to her, like he's good in math, engineering, and probably biology, but she'll act as if she never even seen the stuff in her life, because she wants to get her learn it and not her just giving them the answer. But if their kid is in a science fair I bet she will help make something totally child friendly(its not really), it kind of gets her and her kid ban from doing anymore science fairs.
She will teach then everything she knows about Demon, mostly the biology of it, and when Nero brings a demon part for his breakers, she goes in explain how she turns them into those.
Will tease her kids if they talk about their crush, she's a huge teaser so saying something about someone they really like or anything its a mistake, she will embarrass them in front of their crush, but she means well
If they try to change the channel of the radio she swats their hand saying the driver picks the music and the passenger has to sit and listen.
If she's busy with something she will let Nero and Kyrie babysit her kids, she trust them and the kids love Nero and Kyrie.
Tries to teach her kids how to drive when their of age to learn, but Nero and Kyrie won't let her considering how she drives and that the instructor is more legal to do it.
No but she will tease her kid a bit if they come out lgbtq+ too, of course she supportive I kind of see her being apart of lgbtq+ as well
*Bonus because it seemed reasonable to just put this one here like this*
Nero, Dante, Vergil, Lady, Trish, Nico
They will teach their kid self defense, and how to use a weapon. While they rather their kids have a normal life instead of a demon hunter for many reasons, they at least want their kid to take care of themselves if they find themselves in a situation where their life is on the line
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losolvidad0s · 3 years
Culebra, A. Reyes
Summary: When you learn of EZ’s DEA deal, your relationship with Angel is put on the line. 
warnings: swearing, a n g s t 😩 
word count: 1.7K
a/n: hi everyone! I am slowing jumping back into the writing groove so here is an angsty Angel Reyes fic that made my heart crack right down the middle, wahhh. Love my emo baby Angel. Enjoy! Thank you for +350 followers!
taglist: @cind-in-real-life  @kchavez666  @dearsamcrobae  @courtrae89 @cocotheclown  @brattyfics  @gemini0410  @angelreyesgirl  @jasmine10128  @briana-mishell24   @starrynite7114 @est1887  @joannasteez​  @amorestevens​  @bidenbussy​  @empireroyals​ (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
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(gif belongs to @haydenpanettieres ✨)
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“Please, EZ, tell me this is some kind of sick joke.”
EZ looks at you with soft eyes, a defeated expression painted over his face as he remains stoic. If there was a chance this was a prank then you’d just wait til the boyish grin forms on his lips but that never comes. He brings his hands to hold the front of his kutte, a defense mechanism of his. 
A heaviness settles in your chest and the pit of your stomach as his words begin to replay in your mind. He tries to give you an apologetic look as you process everything. After a few moments, the worry turns into frustration then quickly to anger.
“I made a deal with the Drug Enforcement Administration that got my sentence reduced to half by becoming a part of the Mayans MC to get Intel on the Galindo Cartel.”
Your hands push against EZ’s chest, which he wasn’t expecting, causing him to stumble back. The shoves keep coming the angrier you get. “Y/N, stop.” He tries to get ahold on your wrist to stop you but the adrenaline fuels you to be quicker than him for a brief moment.
Eventually, he is able to grasp and hold your wrist steady between the two of you and as you try to break free, you cry out. “How could you? How could you do that to him? Why, EZ?!” The break in your voice when you scream his name makes him let go and step back. Your face now wet with tears, voice well on its way to becoming hoarse. 
“I had to, it was the only way. If I didn’t then..”
You scoff, “Then what? You’d have to finish your sentence? You choose to hurt your brother rather than finishing YOUR sentence that you got YOURSELF into? How selfish of you. You disgust me!” Your shoulder harshly collides with his as you walk off.
When EZ had asked to grab dinner, you didn’t expect it to end this way. After getting a bite to eat at a favorite food truck, he took a different route back to Angel’s apartment, saying he needed a friend. You thought it could be him needing to talk about how things have been hectic in the MC. Being a prospect and all.
“Y/N.” He calls out to you as you walk away from him in the darkness, you don’t go very far though. You feel defeated knowing all of this is only going to end one way, Angel’s heart being broken. You slowly turn back, “He’s gonna hate me.” Your voice barely above a whisper.  
This relationship with Angel has been a rocky one. It’s been on and off for the past year but when EZ was released from prison and began prospecting for the MC it somehow helped Angel to establish a foundation with you, opening his eyes in some way. He saw how loyal you were to him and that you were the only constant. But with this, that could jeopardize it all.
EZ watches you as a million thoughts run through your mind. He can see that you’ve been holding your breath for sometime now, “You can’t tell him.” You couldn’t believe you were saying it. Whose side are you on anyways? Would this be considered fraternizing with the enemy by asking him to keep quiet? 
His brows crease as he steps forward, “Whaddaya mean, Y/N? I have to, eventually. The DEA, they need intel and I don’t know how much longer I can keep this under the radar without risking someone getting caught under the bus. Me or them.”
“EZ, this will break him beyond repair. I can’t lose him to this. I worked very hard to get him to want me the way he does now. And the second he realizes I knew, I’m dirt to him. I can’t have that. So no, don’t tell him. You can figure out a way to keep this under water while still holding up your end of the bargain.” You plead to him, having moved closer. He searches your eyes and gently nods. A small smile appears on your lips as a rugged breath breaks through. EZ wraps his arms around you as you cry.
For a while, you thought this could all work out. It was going so well that you almost forgot about all of it. Then came the night where Angel mentioned something unexpected came up with the MC and that he’d be off the radar til the next day. It didn’t come off as worrisome with you as you’ve gotten used to these kinds of things. But then came the following morning. 
You were making your way to Angel’s apartment, surprising him with breakfast. As you go to knock the door opens and a visibly angry Angel is standing there, a pile of your clothes bundled in his arms. “Angel?”
“Ah. perfect timing, here.” He drops it at your feet with force and disappears into the apartment. You stand through shocked for a moment before stumbling over the clothes to follow him. You call out his name as you set down the bag and two coffees.  
He appears once again, more clothes and your bathroom bag. He flies it towards you, you trying to catch it but failing to. You have no idea what’s going on. But he mumbles something under his breath. Culebra. As if the air in the room suddenly begins to run out, barely any left to breath it hits you all at once. Angel continues to drop things at your feet.
“Angel…” You begin but he stops in front of you, his towering figure making you peer up at him. He starts to move towards you, an instinct of yours to keep out of harm's way and in this instant harm seems to be Angel. “Baby, talk to me.”
He bites his bottom lip, letting out a low chuckle, “I got nothing to say to you. In fact, it’s almost like when you had nothing to say to me. Boy scout and pops, I could see that coming. But you? Keeping a secret like that from me. For 2 fucking weeks?”
The venom is dripping off his tongue with hurt gleaming in his eyes.
You attempt to reach out and touch him, you being a physical lover rather than a verbal kind, but he pushes it away, “I trusted you, I opened my life to you despite being sketched out to do but I fucking did but you! You’re the one who can’t even be honest with me. It was always ‘It’s Angel’s fault, you dig yourself in these holes, Angel. Be real with me, Angel.’ But look, my own fucking girlfriend.”
The heat is literally radiating off him. But what excuse do you have? You shared his frustrations when EZ first told you but you became selfish and decided to keep quiet about it. You wanted the good times to keep rolling and because of the selfishness, it’s all crashing. 
Angel steps away from you, “I wanted to tell you. I did!”
“But you fucking didn’t. You choose him over me, you did that knowing it meant Ezekiel over Angel! No hesitation.’ He screams at you, pointing his fingers.
A sob falls from your lips as you see him breaking like a tide taking away a sandcastle. It hurts more than you imagined it would. The outcome of telling him would’ve been immensely better than this one. Why did you think it could all go away and never come to light?
“That’s not true! Of course I thought about it.. I was upset that he would do something like that to you, I truly was but,” You nearly stutter trying to get your words out. 
There were many occasions that you’ve seen Angel mad. Countless arguments, disagreements, petty acts but never like this. “But what? Hm? What, Y/N?!” He strides back over to you, getting in your face as you flinch back on instinct. 
You’re quiet, averting your eyes from him. “But then I’d lose you. That’s what I was scared of.”
Angel tilts his head, “That doesn’t even make any sense, Y/N. You think I would be angry at you because of what my brother did? I’m pissed because you knew and decided not to tell me. You walked around acting like you didn’t know. I have every right to be mad! And besides that, how fucking selfish of you, thinking of you and not how it would hurt me.”
“I was scared because your brother betrayed you, because by EZ doing this it would remind you of the hurt you felt growing up. It would make you feel like you used to… which means you would lose yourself, I would lose you right in front me. And I want all of you, good and bad, but w-we had just gotten to a good place. We weren't arguing as much a-and I had been slowly leaving more and more things here.” You look down at the articles of clothes scattered at your feet. 
Angel inhales a deep breath and lets it out forcibly. He looks to you then scratches his eyebrow, not knowing how to carry on the conversation. As your emotional distress begins to be felt physically, Angel takes your hand and holds it against his cheek.
This is something you both began to do when neither of you could speak. When the words wouldn’t form, couldn’t explain how you felt, the touch of  hand could do it. As he holds it against his cheek, you cry more. This meant that Angel understood.
As he brings your hand back down, you leap up to wrap your arms around his neck. He does the same around your waist, breathing in your scent. He closes his eyes as he sinks into you.
You won’t ever know what this moment meant for Angel. Despite feeling completely wrecked to learn what EZ had done, along with you keeping it in the dark, Angel feels wanted for the first time in a long time. Though true you wanted to protect yourself, you wanted to protect him more. To him, that’s enough to look past the wrong you did. He knows in this moment, you are truly the one for him.
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theseerasures · 4 years
It’s probably the chilliness of the pre-dawn air that wakes her, but once she realizes that Kristoff’s not in bed anymore getting up seems to be inevitable.
original fic here.
The window is open again.
Kristoff sighs dramatically as he walks through the office door. “Seriously? It’s three in the morning.”
Anna’s head darts up. For some reason she has a pen clenched between her teeth. “Kristoff!” she says, the pen clattering back onto her desk, “Hi. Sorry. Did I wake you? Again?”
“You didn’t wake me,” he clarifies as he slides the window shut, “I did that on my own. But I would have gone right back to sleep if I hadn’t looked to the side and thought, hey, someone’s missing–who could it be? It can’t be Anna. I mean, she’s already tried to get up twice tonight, doing it again would just be–”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Anna interrupts, eyes roaming over the papers strewn all across the room, “I just–I wanted to make absolutely sure that I know my lines.”
“You don’t have any lines tomorrow,” Kristoff points out, “The priest guy does all the talking, and then we cheer your name. You don’t say anything during the ceremony.”
“Well, that’s what’s tripping me up!” Anna cries, thrusting a fistful of itinerary at his face, “I mean, all I have are these uber-complicated directions about where to walk and stand. If I said something I’d probably remember how to do that stuff better.”
“I’ll make a note of that the next time you’re crowned Queen of Arendelle.” He plants himself down on her chair. Looks over at Anna, bent over a file cabinet now. Little hair strands are starting to break free from her loose bun. The collar of his nightshirt–comically oversized on her body–slips down a little as she straightens up, revealing a trail of freckles running down her shoulder, still darkened from the recent summer sun.
He loves her like this.
Anna frowns at him, breaking his reverie. “Have you seen my–”
Kristoff’s holding out her broach before she even finishes that sentence, but whips it out of the way again when she reaches for it. “Hold onto it for me so I don’t lose it, don’t give it back to me until tomorrow, even if I ask, because I’ll lose it or drop it into the fjord–your words, not mine.”
“Aw, come on,” she pouts, “Past-me’s no fun at all.”
“Past-you wasn’t three cups past her coffee-per-day limit,” Kristoff replies, holding fast, “I’m gonna defer to her.”
The manic look in Anna’s eyes slips, just a little. “Sorry. I know I’m–I know I’m acting like a crazy person right now. I’m just…”
She looks away, chewing generously on her bottom lip. Kristoff tangles his fingers with hers, gives them a little bounce, before pointedly moving away and reseating himself on the sofa. Forget Anna–the paper tornado on the desk is making his head spin. “You’re nervous.”
“Well, duh.” Anna blows an errant wisp of hair out of her mouth before joining him on the couch–but not before absently throwing the window open again.
Kristoff swallows another sigh as gooseflesh starts erupting all over his bare chest. “About anything in particular?” he asks, motioning for her to turn to the side.
“You mean besides literally everything?” she scoffs, but does what he asks, shifting so her back is facing him. “I still hate my shoes. What if I trip? And my cape–what if it gets caught on something as I’m walking and I break my neck? What if–”
“I do mean besides literally everything,” he interrupts her firmly. He’s learned a lot through three years and two nail-biting field trips, but this might be one of the first things he ever figured out: Anna’s anxieties have anxieties. He’s not going to be able to stop the rushing torrent of her thoughts head-on, so the best he can do is try to trim down on some of the tributaries, cut straight to the heart of the issue.
Somewhere in the castle, Elsa’s probably giving him a Look. Rivers aren’t hedges, Kristoff. They don’t have hearts either.
Whatever. He starts undoing Anna’s bun; her hair’s the worst of both worlds right now–caught somewhere between “everyday bed-hair” and “emergency all-nighter.”
Anna makes an exasperated noise. “Then I don’t know! Maybe? I don’t know. It just feels like…I don’t want it to end, you know?”
His fingers start combing through the tangles. “It?”
“Yeah, it. I don’t know what it is, but it’s…ending.”
Kristoff follows her gaze as it flickers toward the open window. Living in the castle for so long means he’s come up against every possible discussion a guy can have about doors, right down to the one about whether it changes Everything that a door is just kinda ajar instead of wide open (it doesn’t, is his steadfast stance), but this window thing–that’s new. New since they came back from the Forest. New since Elsa’s abdication.
He thinks he’s starting to understand. “Did I ever tell you why I went back to ice harvesting after the Trolls took me in?”
“No? I always kind of figured it was because nothing could keep your love for ice down.” She fidgets slightly. “Is this a distract-Anna-story or a help-Anna-story? Because–”
“It’s both. And–yeah, kinda, but there’s more to it than that. Right after they adopted me, I didn’t leave the Valley for a few years–not until I was…maybe sixteen? Bulda pulled me aside one day, and she told me that she loves me, they all love me, but I should go.”
Anna draws in a sharp breath. “Just like that?”
“That’s pretty much what I thought, too. She must have seen the look on my face, because she hugged me right away and told me that obviously they weren’t kicking me out, it was just…well, there are things about being human that they’ll never be able to teach me. And she said, for them…”
He pauses to think hard, here; this feels like the important part. “For them, they don’t really do anything except stay in the same place forever. They don’t really even get what it means to say goodbye, but they want to learn that, with me. For me. She said that I should leave, because they want to know how it feels to miss me. How it feels to want to talk to me, but then to remember that I’m not around. And then–how it feels when I come back. How happy they’d feel, when that happens.”
The tangles in her hair are gone; he starts working on the left braid.
“I’m not sure I understand,” Anna says, passing him the hair ties around her wrist, “Or maybe–I do get it, but I don’t get why you’re telling me now? I told Elsa she should stay in the Forest. That whole hurry-up-and-go-hurry-up-and-come-back thing, I get it.”
“That’s not what I’m trying to say. What I’m trying to say is–you’re not a troll. You’re like me.”
“Um.” He has to stop her head from craning around to stare at him so the braid doesn’t get messed up. “Yeah. I know that, Kristoff.”
“No, I mean–” So much for lordly wisdom. It’s fine. He’ll try again. “Why do you keep opening the windows?”
Anna shrugs. “I dunno. ‘Cause I get warm? And a breeze is nice?”
“Sure,” he agrees easily. Waits.
After a few seconds of silence she sighs. “I guess I’m…waiting. Just in case.”
In case anyone comes flying home. The first time Elsa had done that–just got Gale to carry her right through–he’d fallen right off this very couch. “Elsa’s already here,” he reminds her, “She got here this morning for the coronation. She even came in on a non-magical horse, like a normal person.”
“I know that!” He can exactly picture the stubborn, irritated face she’s making. “I was there. But I…I don’t know. It’s like a habit now. What if it’s not Elsa? Gale can bring anyone in here. What if Bruni just misses me and wants to say hi? What if something happens at the Ice Palace with the snowgies? What if the Northuldra get in trouble? What if someone–anyone–needs me? Arendelle needs to be ready. It needs to be better than it was before–it has to be home for everyone, so I…“
“So you’ll do that?” Kristoff asks as finishes with the left braid and moves onto the right, “Whoever comes? Whatever happens? You’ll take them in?”
“Of course I will,” Anna replies, “That’s what being Queen should mean, right? And I’m part of the bridge, so–that’s gotta be included in the package.”
Her eye is on the whole world, through the window. “I love that about you,” he says, simply.
Anna’s flush goes all the way past her shoulders. “Kristoff–”
“But you don’t have to be stuck here to do all that, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean–you don’t have to wait here all the time keeping the windows open. You don’t have to wait for someone to come to you. You should get to go out there! Just because you’ll be crowned Queen tomorrow, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be…”
Anna shivers suddenly. She doesn’t say anything.
“It doesn’t mean that you’ll be trapped here,” he finishes gently. “And it doesn’t mean you have to do all this by yourself, either.”
She stays still and silent for so long that he’s done with the right braid and is nervously scouting for something else to do–maybe start over, try an updo? It’s not like any of this is staying in place once he coaxes her back to bed anyway–by the time she finally turns back around to hold his hand. “I guess I have been thinking about it like that. All depressing, and–” Her face screws up. “I haven’t exactly had the best role models, when it comes to…monarch-ing.”
He just nods, lets her trace her finger idly across his palm.
“Mother and Father…well, you know. The only time I really remember them setting foot outside the castle was the time they didn’t come back. And Elsa was–Elsa was so much better after the Thaw, but then she just…left.”
“She didn’t just leave,” she amends immediately, “She talked to the council and drew up all the paperwork and asked me if I was sure seventy times and told me she believed in me like five hundred times, but…she did leave. And she should have! She’s allowed.”
“She is,” Kristoff agrees. He lifts her fingers up to kiss them. “But that doesn’t mean all you can do is stay.”
Anna blows out a shuddery breath, and then throws her arms around him. “I love you. You know that, right?”
“I have an inkling, yeah,” Kristoff replies, bending down.
Kissing Anna always reminds him of the feeling you get after a long, hard climb; lying flat in the snow, breathless, watching the stars appear in the endless sky above you, thinking wow.
Three years on, he’s still kinda stuck on wow.
“Kristoff,” Anna moans into his mouth after a few minutes, “Kristoff, we have to close the window.”
“What?” he mutters, distracted by the feel of her against him, the thrum of her heartbeat, the rush of his own blood…
“Someone might see,” Anna’s insisting even as he kisses down her jawline.
“We’re three stories up.”
“Gale might see,” she says weakly, not at all trying to move away.
“Gale doesn’t have eyes.”
“She can still–” She lets out a shaky gasp as Kristoff pulls the collar of her shirt (his shirt) further down and starts making his way down her sternum. “Kristoff. Let me at least–the curtains–”
“I have a better idea,” he announces, lifting her up as he stands. She lets out a surprised squeal even as her legs automatically wrap around his torso for better leverage. “Let’s finish this in the privacy of our own room, Your Majesty.”
Anna doesn’t even try to muffle her giddy laughter as it echoes off the walls.
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Heartbreaker ~ Bellamy Blake (part 3)
A/n: So I don't know if you've noticed but each of these parts is one episode from the show. Cool, right?
Warnings: Um, death. murder. Emotions.
Word Count: 4390
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The moaning. It was bad on its own. Jasper's groans had a way of burrowing into your bone marrow and making you feel his pain. On top of that, said moans were keeping everyone awake and between the irritability that was causing and the shouts of irritation through the night - threats, dark wishes, grumbled complaints, and some creative insults that made me shiver in my spot on the ground - I was just about losing it. Everyone was.
I didn't blame it on Jasper... but everyone else did.
And the nightmares. God, the nightmares. You could hear people whimpering and whining in their sleep- a whole different bad than Jasper.
There was no getting better from here. I was scared it was only going to get worse. To confirm it, Octavia came suddenly blazing in my tent, ready to murder. At first, I thought her razor eyes were for me but then she explained what had happened with Atom and that she suspected Bellamy. I knew what she needed. "I'll come with you."
That seemed to relax her a bit. She led me to the tent Bellamy was in, stomping in with purpose as I stayed back by the entrance. "What did you do to Atom?" she demanded.
Sighing silently, he stood, moving around the table to face her without a barrier. "I didn't do anything."
She scoffed. "Then why did he just blow me off?"
"Maybe he's not interested," Bellamy shot back.
I rolled my eyes, remembering the way he had looked at her before. Talked to her. Touched her. The way she described the Butterfly Field and their shared kiss. Bellamy was spewing straight bullshit. "You can't keep everyone away from me," Octavia pointed out. "Y/n would be gone too if you had your way!"
She motioned to me and I stood tall. Bellamy didn't even look at me. "Atom has to learn," he said instead. "You disobey me, you pat the price. He paid the price, we're good." I recoiled. Who WAS this? This wasn't the same Bellamy who asked his father every day if Octavia could come out when we were kids. The same guy who learned how to braid my hair when we were teenagers. The same guy who pulled me close at night and whispered jokes in my ear when I was upset. The same guy who hated the Ark because they repressed and hurt us- forcing us to give up living in exchange for surviving. I didn't know this Bellamy.
Octavia spat, "Now I'm paying the price." She paused, her head dipping slightly as she looked at him challengingly. "So next time you decide to take a power trip, leave me out of it."
Bellamy looked at his sister. "So I have to keep you out of my battles, but you can drag Y/n into yours?" All eyes turned to me and I froze in the doorway. There was something in his eyes. Something foreign and new- in a bad way. So much had changed over the last year and a half...
A tortured scream cut brought the camp and I gasped, knocked back into the present. My eyes met Octavia's a second before we were both running. Jasper. We raced into the room to see a bloody, messy scene and I croaked, trying to speak but not even knowing where to begin or what to say. When had I become so silent? "Stop it!" Octavia yelled for me. "You're killing him!"
"She's trying to save his life," Finn counteracted.
"She can't." I turned to see Bellamy, who apparently followed after us.
Wells stood. "Back off," he sighed.
"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die," Clarke snapped.
Bellamy wasn't giving it. "Kid's a goner." It was a simple statement and I stared at the back of his head, trying to see any trace of the Bellamy I knew what seemed a hundred lifetimes ago now. "If you can’t see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy!"
Clarke looked up and her anger filled the room, fueling everyone who was behind her. Everyone else in the room except Bellamy. "Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Every life matters." She looked at me and I smiled. That seemed to encourage her a bit.
"Take a look at him." Bellamy paused and my chest constricted. What the hell was his DEAL? "He's a lost cause." Silence. A long silence. I stepped forward.
Unable to take it anymore, I spat, "And you'd know, right?" Eyes turned to me again. Bellamy went to speak but I stood straight and the words seemed to die in his mouth. "You, with your, what? Your experience with sick people? Your classes you took? The people you've healed. Clarke actually has seen stuff like-" I motioned to Jasper. "Like that. Maybe not like that specifically, but she has more experience than you do. Stop running your mouth and making decisions about someone's life just because you fancy yourself the leader." Bellamy's jack tightened. "You're talking about killing him like you're building the wall. Like it's a mark you have to hit on your checklist. Holy fuck Bellamy listen to yourself!" I scoffed, shaking my head. "What if it was Octavia?"
Another long silence. Bell and I just looked at each other. I was open and vulnerable and genuinely hurt by the person he had become in this world that had made him something ugly. He was cold and impossible to read- different than the open book he used to be. He was never easy going or calm but he used to be hopeful. Where did his spark go? His gentleness? His mercy? His... love?
Clarke finally spoke and I looked over, my face twisted with angry pain. "Octavia, I've seen my mom fix people up before- I saw her do it for years." The two girls looked at each other and I saw how genuine Octavia's concern was. It softened me. "If I say there's hope, there's hope."
"This isn't about hope, it's about guts," Bellamy interjected. Suddenly I was cold again. Robotic. Turned off. Inhuman. Unfeeling. Except the world was crystal clear and bright and alive and I was painfully aware of it. It was me that was empty. Me that was saturated. A gray smudge on a neon red and yellow canvas. "You don't have the guts to make the hard choices- I do." Every few words was another inch the invisible blade sunk into my gut. "He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow... I'll kill himself myself." He looked at me and then at Wells and then turned and left, heading to the ladder. "Octavia, let's go."
"I'm staying here." Bellamy took only a split second to consider her response, an almost-emotion nearly showing in his face. His eyes landed on me and he seemed to ask silently without wanting to or meaning to. I looked away. He left.
Monty glared after him. "Power hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself." Monty looked at Octavia who looked away. "No offense." She shook her head to dismiss it.
"Yeah. Bellamy is all that... But he also happens to be right." We all looked at Finn as a tension settled in the air that set us on edge and hurt every nerve ending in our bodies. Jasper was going to die. My comfort for Octavia, letting her know that of all the things Bellamy was struggling with and being a dick about, he still very much loved her... it died in my throat.
I was sick. I believed Clarke with every fiber in my being, but hearing Finn say it instead of Bellamy... it felt so real.
Earth sucks, can I just say that? Jasper's sitting her dying and then a yellow fog that was deadly and toxic- literally burning and poisonous. As if we didn't already have enough to deal with?
When Charlotte approached me, I was surprised. "Where's Clarke?"
I faced her, my expression softening. "She's gone. What do you need? I'm her friend."
The girl looked at me a second. "The- the boy. I can't- the screaming-"
Placing my hand on her shoulder to comfort her, I offered a weak smile. "Do you want to take a walk?" She nodded. I knew she was going to ask or suggest it and I had no right to stop her. Only memorize our path so we wouldn't get lost and bring a weapon or two so we wouldn't get killed. I stopped by the weapons tent to grab an ax for me and a dagger for her and we were off. At first, we were just walking and I thought it was meaningless. But then we ran into Bellamy and the other hunting party and Charlotte stepped on a stick and almost got an ax through her head. "Who are-" Bellamy began, jogging up. But then his eyes landed on me. "Y/n?"
"Jasper was b-bothering her," I explained, choking on the word I used to express her emotion. "We both needed a walk. Figured she'd do better with a guide. And a weapon."
Atom stepped up. I glared at him but he didn't see, too busy purposefully avoiding my eyes. "There are Grounders out here, it's too dangerous for a little girl."
"I'm not little," Charlotte insisted, glaring softly. I smiled down at her, proud. There was a pause and I looked up. To my surprise, Bellamy's eyes were trained on me. He blinked, panic crossing his face for a half a beat before he looked away- as if caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Okay then," he told Charlotte, smiling. He looked so familiar with that smile. It made me feel normal. Calm. Real. Just for a second, everything was okay. Then he was serious again. "Have you ever killed something before?" Charlotte shook her head and I tried not to feel sick about it. She was a kid, sure. But... we were all kids. And we all had to do our share. Who was I to decide what her share was? "Who knows, you might be good at it." I thought of Jasper right then and when I looked back at her, my heart grew sad. We were all kids. Just a bunch of kids. What did we do to deserve THIS?
The fog came soon after. After someone far closer to it collapsed, screaming and steaming as it searing into his skin, we knew it was time to run. I kept Charlotte head of me and Bellamy stayed ahead of her, trying to scout somewhere to hide before the fog caught up to us all. Atom was right behind me... until he wasn't. "There's a cave!" Bell told us.
Just as Atom hollered, "BELLAMY! BELLAMY! Y/N!"
I turned as the fog hit me straight on. Atom called my name again. And again. "Atom!" I called back.
"Y/n no!" A hand was on my shoulder and I was pulled back against my will. I was choking on clean air, skin already red and eyes watering. I hissed and gasped and then I was crying because GOD it hurt. Arms wrapped around me and I was pressed into a chest. Familiar and firm. Warm. "Hey, calm down. Breathe and calm down."
"He's dead," I squeaked.
"I know," Bellamy whispered back. He hugged me tighter but I wondered if he did it to comfort me or hold me back from running after Atom to my death. "There's nothing we can do about it. Cole further into the cave. Come on." And I did. I followed him. He guided me to where Charlotte was and I sat down. She scooted next to me. She didn't hug me or cuddle me like Octavia would have- like she had, many times, especially when we were younger- but she did touch my leg with hers, letting me know she was there. The second she did so Bellamy was stepping away from me, distancing himself as much as he could. He wouldn't look at me, his hands curled into such tight fists that his knuckles were white.
We didn't talk again for a long time.
In fact, it wasn't until Charlotte fell asleep and then began screaming that we talked again at all. I pulled her up, whispering her name, and Bellamy moved close, his concern for the young girl overriding his distaste for being close to me. "Charlotte, wake up," Bellamy coaxed.
The girl sat up and I ran my hand along the side of her face, pushing her hair away. Bellamy has fallen asleep but I hadn't even nodded off yet. Now we were all wide awake. "I'm sorry," she whispered.
Bellamy looked at her as she leaned into my hand. "Does that happen often?" Charlotte sighed. "What are you scared of?" he asked, firm. It was the firmness he used to comfort me and ease Octavia though. Charlotte brought that soft side out of him that I knew so well. The softness that belonged to MY Bellamy. "You know what?" He spoke up again after she stayed silent, dragging an awkward quiet out for a few seconds. "It doesn't matter." She looked at him. So did I. "The only thing that matters is what you do about it."
"But..." she mumbled. "I'm asleep."
He shrugged. "Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be able to get you when you're asleep." It was a phrase he had told me often and I was shocked to hear it come from him again. This new Bellamy saying things that I had carried with me from a past I longed for.
"Yeah," Charlotte piped up, drawing my eyes back to her bad my mind out of its hole. "But, how?"
"You can't afford to be weak." I looked at him sharply. "Down here, weakness is death- Fear is death." A pause. "Let me see that night I gave you." She silently handed it over. I watched, unsure what to think of him and his tactics. "Now when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife, and you say, 'Screw you, I'm not afraid.'"
He gave it back to her and she looked at it, her tiny fingers holding tight to it. "Screw you," she echoed firmly. "I'm not afraid. I actually smiled. Charlotte repeated the phrase.
Bellamy pats her leg. "Slay your demons kid. Then you'll be able to sleep."
I placed my hand on her shoulder. "That's not the only way to go you know." She looked at me. "He's right about a lot of it. Forget your fear, don't let it control you. Face your demons, take them down. But... fear isn't weakness. No emotion is a weakness, if you know how to USE it. Take that fear and let it drive you. Let it become the weapon you use to stay alive. Don't shrink from it, don't hate it. 'The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make it your friend.' Read that in a book somewhere once." She smiled along with me. "Get some sleep okay?" She nodded. "If you need, you can lay with me."
For a second I thought she was going to turn me down. But then she didn't. "Yeah, I would like that."
She fell asleep pretty quickly and I admired her ability. I thought I was the only one awake before I heard Bellamy whisper, "I don't understand you." I stayed silent. "You betray us and get my sister locked up and then she acts like you saved her life? Keeps claiming I don't know the whole story. And you're just like I remember you, just... quieter. Tormented. I don't know. What the hell aren't you telling me Y/n?"
I looked over at him to see his eyes wide and his expression open and honest. My heart fell into my stomach. "What's the point?" I whispered. "You hate me. No amount of telling you anything is going to change that. In fact, it might send you for a loop and make things really complicated and honestly, you're dealing with enough right now. And I- I don't want to talk about that night. The night I left."
"You don't have to protect me from whatever you're trying to protect me from! I'm a big boy, I'm sure I can handle it," he scoffed at me.
My eyes bore into his. "But I can't." He paused. "Okay? I can't see- this is all so- there's too much! Clarke is my friend and it's easier if you hate me. Then I can hate you for wanting to kill Jasper and pretend you're wrong and it's just easier."
He looked away.
I don't know if either of us fell completely asleep but when morning came, I felt as if the half-awake daze I'd been in did more damage than pulling an all-nighter. He checked outside to see if it was safe and then when it deemed it to be, called me and Charlotte after him. We found his other friends. "Where did you go?" Bellamy asked the guy he was talking to. Jones, he said.
"We made it to a cave down there," Jones replied.
Bellamy nodded. "Where's Atom?" Jones shrugged. Charlotte's scream cut the exchange off. We'd all started to look around, began drifting in different directions. The second she screamed, Bellamy and I were taking off after her. We both froze at her side when we came up on Atom, messed up and gasping painfully as he barely held onto life. His skin was deep red, some spots almost brown- blistered raised little bumps all over his body. And his eyes... "Son of a bitch," Bellamy hissed under his breath. He pressed forward and I turned Charlotte away, burying her face in my side. "Atom?" Bellamy leaned close as Atom whispered something I was nowhere near close enough to hear.
Charlotte pulled away after calming down, moving to Bellamy's side. Her hand found mine, dragging me along with her. Seeing him up close was even worse. She reached into her pocket, tugging out the dagger I'd given her the day before. The one Bellamy had told her to clutch if she was scared. She placed it in his open, loose palm. He looked over. "Don't be afraid," she encouraged him. I frowned.
"Go back to camp," Bellamy called to the others. They left immediately. Charlotte didn't move. "Charlotte, Y/n, you too." She turned, following after the others. I didn't move. He looked at me.
I shook my head decisively. "I'm not leaving you here alone."
"I don't need you here," he grumbled.
"I don't care," I snapped back in response. Atom groaned on the ground and we both looked back. "Come on Bellamy, stop wasting time." He turned back to Atom, kneeling down slowly. Atom offered his neck, begging Bellamy to do him mercy. My face scrunched up in pain. Octavia... Atom begged and begged but Bellamy couldn't move. I thought back to all the smack talk he'd delivered about killing Jasper and Clarke not being able to make the hard choice.
Movement caught my eye and I looked over. Speak of the Devil... Clarke walked up, pain in her face. She kneeled on the other side of Atom, across from Bellamy. "I heard screams," she managed after a second."
"Charlotte found him," Bellamy told her, his voice almost hoarse. "I sent her back to camp."
Clarke looked him up and down and then looked back to Bellamy. She gave a decisive shake of her head- lost cause. My hands curled into fists at my side. Bellamy looked away. Clarke looked back to Atom. "Okay," she whispered, forcing a smile, her voice weak and breathless. "I'm gonna help you, alright?" She leaned over him, one hand going to stroke the side of his face. She started humming soothingly. Her other hand reached for the blade in Bellamy's hand. Still humming, she pushed the blade into his throat and then pulled it out. Bellamy watched her, transfixed. Awed. The only thing I could think was that Clarke was the perfect leader. Merciful, resourceful, driven, and smart. She could do hard things. She could be serious. Bellamy could be a perfect second in command though. Form her stuff ideas and strict need for the rules to make a balance between need and want. If they would just work together...
The walk back to camp was silent, but it was seeing Octavia are Atom, dead and messed up, that was the worst part. She stormed off, even blowing me off. When I went to go after her, Bellamy stopped me. "Give her some space." I nodded, stepping away. He was right. She needed space to grieve. He turned to Murphy, barely keeping it together. "Did we lose anyone here?"
"No," he huffed. "Jasper's still breathing. Unfortunately." I tensed, my eyes boring into him. "I tried to end him but your psycho little sister-"
I would have been on top of him but Bellamy got to him first. One of his hands gripped Murphy by the collar, keeping him close as he screamed. "MY WHAT? MY WHAT?" I felt his anger, shaking in my rage as I forced myself to sit still. I'd never seen Murphy look at shaken as he did.
"Your little sister," Murphy corrected, shoving Bellamy away. I stepped forward, right at Bellamy's shoulder.
Bellamy calmed. Just a little. "Yeah that's right," he eased. “My little sister. Got anything else you wanna say about her?"
Murphy looked between us a few times before replying, "Nothing. Sorry." His voice cracked but I didn't get anything from it.
It didn't make me feels complicated or angry or even regretful. I just felt angry. I hated John Murphy. Hated him with every fiber in my being. Bellamy stepped away from him, pausing. "Get him out of here." He motioned to Atom as he turned away, stalking into the woods.
I turned to go as well, but I didn't go after Octavia or Bellamy. I went after Wells. We were digging Atom's grave went Clarke came. "I'll leave you two alone," I whispered, already feeling the tension. Clarke and Wells both gave me a grateful smile and I nodded before walking. I didn't want to go back to camp because I needed some space, so I just walked.
That seemed to be a really great way to find the one person I was trying to avoid because as I walked, I stumbled upon a pacing Bellamy. I tripped in surprise and he looked over. I immediately turned to book it but he raced to me. "Wait." He closed the distance easily, his fingers wrapping around my wrist. We stood there a second. "You were right. Clarke too. I was trying to do what I thought was right, but... I ended up messing it all up." He paused, taking a painful breath in. "I'm sorry. I should have treated Jasper that way." I didn't move. "Y/n..." My face twisted as I tried to resist him and the power he still had over me. "Y/n..." I looked at him. God, he was beautiful. Besides that, though, he was also home. "What happened? That day? What REALLY happened? When you disappeared." I shook my head and he stepped closer. "How did you get stuck in this stupid situation?"
Finally, I broke. "You and your dad were- were gone. Your mom was asleep, downstairs. Then- they came for her." I couldn't look at him. "Some of the neighbored said they saw a second girl in the house. A girl who looked to be apart of the family. Said they heard your dad say 'watch your sister' one day. They came for her and I..." I closed my eyes. "They dragged your mom away. And- and she was so scared." I pulled away from him.
He only stepped closer. "Y/n, please."
"I told her to stay silent and I went out. Said I was your sister. Before I left- I told her to lie to you. Tell you- anything. So you wouldn't come looking for me. So you wouldn't find out. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to be guilty and hate yourself. But I couldn't let her get caught Bell, I couldn't-"
Instantly he pulled me closer. "Y/n, I..." He held me as I cried.
"Bell, I love Octavia with all my heart. I gave my life for her and she got lined up to die anyway. But I still meant well. If I knew... I don't know, I wouldn't have had her lie to you. Maybe. I don't know! I'm sorry- I'm s- I-"
He leaned back. "Breathe, Y/n, breathe." But I couldn't. I closed my eyes as tears fell down my face as I shook as my body refused to let me take in air. "Panic attack," he realized. I'd had them before. When I got too stressed- like now, when everything was happening too fast - my body became dysfunctional as I went into overdrive.
In a moment of such purpose I couldn't even question it when I looked back later, he leaned close and did the only thing he knew how to do when I was shutting down like this.
He kissed me.
Just as always, his touch and the way his hair tickled my forehead and the feel of his lips on mine as his hands brushed my waist or my neck or my cheek soothed me. He calmed the raging ocean and I was still. Broken and hurt and messy, but calm.
Somewhere else in the woods, Wells and Charlotte sat next to each other. Talking, for now. But as I kissed the man I loved for the first time in a year a half, the full truth out and in the air, Charlotte sunk a dagger into his neck. She took our advice, slaying her demons... in far too literal a sense. As my world finally seemed to be coming together, Well's world ended. And that marked the beginning of the end for the rest of us, too.
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fountainpenguin · 5 years
What do you think of TUFF Puppy? I see a lot of people give it flack for one reason or another, but do YOU think that’s warranted? Would you recommend the show at all? Hopefully that’s not a loaded questions. Thanks!
I was able to watch the show with my free 1-month trial on Hulu (as opposed to buying the episodes on Amazon or something), so that’s always nice, and it was a good way to keep entertained during my study breaks this semester.
I previously wrote out my general thoughts about “T.U.F.F.” in THIS post just after I finished my binge-watchif you’d like to read that too. I can expand on some thoughts in more detail more below the cut.
“T.U.F.F. Puppy” isn’t the first show that pops into my head as a recommendation for its genre (“WordGirl” is the superior crime-fighting cartoon in my mind). When it comes to secret agents, I do enjoy a good “Bruno the Kid” for its wit, slow burn character development, and the fact that some of its villains legitimately die. And when it comes to cartoons that really explore animal behavior and what it would be like to live in an anthro animal world, I’d point first to “My Gym Partner’s a Monkey.”
But for what it’s worth, “T.U.F.F. Puppy” was enjoyable. It didn’t feel like a repetitive Monster of the Week show and it had its share of fun and engaging plots. There were some worldbuilding elements I really enjoyed (such as laws protecting endangered species - including villains - and the aquarium doubling as prison for aquatic criminals). There were some fun animal behaviors that I enjoyed seeing anthropormorphized, such as Kitty bringing people dead mice to express affection and the Chief (who is a flea) sneaking drinks of Keswick’s blood when he gets hungry. Many of the jokes were creative and worked for me- for example, a background character ended up committing crimes solo for a day because his usual partners in crime were on jury duty.
It is a show aimed at 7-year-olds, so it has its share of simplistic characterizations, crude humor, and a preference for action over long-term character development. And blood. There will be blood.There are a few continuity issues as well, but they’re pretty minor details. If you’ve enjoyed the other Hartman shows and are itching for something to watch this summer, it’s a fun choice if you can find it for free. I will say that now that I’ve watched it, it’s fair game for headcanons and ‘fic allusions.
I’ve been re-watching the series with my little brother (skipping around to see my favorites instead of going chronologically this time) and it’s been enjoyable. He’s gotten really into it and we like quoting random lines at each other (There’s an entire song about how to defuse a nuclear bomb that we’re particularly fond of).
The way I see it, if you go into it with an open mind, you’ll enjoy it, and if you go into it looking for reasons to dislike it, you’ll find them. I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks now and I think that “T.U.F.F.” might actually be my second favorite of the Hartman shows. I’m more biology-minded than tech-minded and worldbuilding-oriented than action-oriented. I could never get interested in much about “Danny Phantom” except Youngblood psychology, and as much as I adore Mikey being a manipulative narcissist, the rest of “Bunsen Is a Beast” is a little hit or miss for me. 
I enjoyed how “T.U.F.F.” really drew me into the world. If you watch the show starting from Episode 1, you learn everyone’s names extremely quickly. That means every major character at T.U.F.F., every single villain, and every henchman every villain has. I believe the exteriors (and some interior rooms) of every major character’s home were seen within the first half of Season 1, except Keswick’s which was seen in Season 2. We even learned the streets of several major locations. Details like that helped strengthen my belief in the world and follow along without getting lost. Villains were often defeated through clever plots rather than just punching them into submission, which was nice too, and they were a nice blend of being goofy and legitimately threatening.
Feel free to skip anything containing the Caped Cod, though, because he’s a piece of work and you’re not missing much.
Character-wise, I would have liked to see more female characters, and more villains too. One of the awesome things about “WordGirl” is that is has a truly massive pool of villains to draw from, and they’re all fleshed out in lovely shades of moral gray. In “T.U.F.F.” you will get the same few villains over and over again, so you’d better learn to like them. Some of the villains didn’t appeal to me, while others are fascinating from a psychology / writing perspective.
I wasn’t very interested in Snaptrap (the show’s main antagonist) during my first watch. He’s your typical evil megalomaniac, but he’s also dumber than bricks and doesn’t have a lot of redeeming qualities to choose from. During my second watch, however, he’s grown on me. I’ve realized that I like him more when I listen to what he says instead of overthinking what he does. He’s probably the funniest character in the entire show, and has a whole slew of quirky lines like “If I’m so dumb, why have I been getting away with slowly poisoning you?” and “I love our new crib! It was an impulse buy. (Gasp!) We should steal a baby to put in it!” One of his quirks is that ambiguity trips him up, so he’s easily confused and has a lot of quasi-insightful thoughts about mundane things… it’s hilarious.
Snaptrap’s not that bright, but he’s incredibly impulsive with a knack for building destructive weapons and promptly losing them. He also has a streak of affection for kids and is a surprisingly good parent when put in that position (He’s absolutely the type who would encourage his kids to follow their dreams and would support them every step of the way, which is an interesting quality for a villain). Literally the first thing he did when he realized he’d accidentally cloned himself was send his clone into the world to live the happy life he didn’t get to have. He grows on me more and more each day. He’s fun.
I like the Chameleon (the second main antagonist of the show) a lot. I favor neutral characters, and the Chameleon tends to base his loyalties on the kindness others show him. Sadly for him, both the good guys and the bad guys find him clingy and annoying, so he ends up ping-ponging back and forth between whichever side he believes will cause him the least amount of pain (When he knows he’s upset powerful enemies, he’ll try to hide in either jail or witness protection to avoid facing consequences).
His motives for most crimes are hilariously petty. He’ll target vacation spots where he had a bad experience or attempt to burn the whole city because he thinks the heating company takes advantage of him for being cold-blooded. He’s the type of villain who commits international crimes purely to earn the “international criminal” bragging rights, but he’s also the type of villain who will drive random strangers to the airport mid-crime attempt despite it being out of his way. He’s described himself as someone who “doesn’t always make the best choices, but you just can’t help rooting for anyway.”
The Chameleon is arguably the smartest of the main villain trio, but his weakness is that he’ll let his “friends” walk all over him in a desperate attempt to maintain one-sided friendships. In Season 2 he got himself tangled in a terribly abusive relationship with his girlfriend and is completely in denial that she’s only interested in him for his money. He’s exactly the type of quirky villain I’m interested in. I’d love to tap inside his head for a ‘fic or two.
The third main villain, Bird Brain, isn’t one of my favorites. I did enjoy a lot of the minor villains, such as the members of F.L.O.P.P. (the Fiendish League of Potential Perpetrators) who think they’re way more evil than they really are. Meerkat is particularly interesting. He’s obviously in the criminal business for fame rather than fortune, but planning isn’t his strong suit. He can organize a get-together, put together an evil lair, scout for useful weapons, he’s great at pep talks, he has connections- he can do EVERYTHING on the spectrum to put a criminal organization in motion, except actually think up ambitious plans. He works so hard, but he’s his own worst enemy.
He’s like an evil secretary.He really needs a boss to design plans for him and keep him on track and pat him on the head and tell him he’s doing a good job. If Snaptrap ever took him into D.O.O.M. (and listened to him), he’d have organization and Meerkat would have muscle. Seeing ‘kat run with the big kids for a day would be interesting, I think.
Anyway, there’s a nice handful of engaging characters in the show and some fun episode plots as well. The worldbuilding is decent, though there’s still room for headcanons to expound upon. I’d recommend it to anyone who thinks they might like it, because if you have a good attitude, you’ll see it as a good show. It has its ups and downs, but it’s cute and clever overall. There are three seasons worth of episodes (Seasons 1 and 2 have 50 individual episodes each) so if you watch it, you’re sure to find something in there you enjoy!
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garecc · 6 years
The Hidden Oracle+1
Chapter 9
This is not okay. / 'Pollo suddenly collapsed. / I'm begging, send help.
Apollo sighed as we walked, I spared a glance in his direction. He was shivering, I grimaced. “My coat isn't as wet as yours, and you're clearly shivering. Lets trade.”
“No.” He said immediately.
“No? Apollo your cold. I don't mind-”
“Artemis. Keep your coat. I don't need it, your cold too. Don't deny it, I can tell when your lying.”
“Okay.. Okay fine…”
“It should be easy to get to camp right..?” Apollo asked walking towards the border.
“I doubt it. Seems like a straight path ahead, but woods are easy to get lost in. It’ll be anything but easy ‘pollo”
“Hmm... Say, Meg,” He turned to our young master.
“I didn't get a chance to ask. It your name short for Margaret or Meghan?”
“Margaret McCaffery, but don't call me Margaret” Meg stated.
“Alright, then Meg.” He turns to me “Artie, did she agree to be a hunter?” Apollo asked.
“What..? Apollo, I can't accept hunters as a mortal.." I frowned. Could I? Its unlikely but maybe I could.. "probably cant. I didn't ask, and I'm going to wait until this is all over”
“Wait, hold up. You're telling me you didn't ask the homeless maiden to join your girl's club?” He asked incredulously.
“Slow down. Join your girl's club? What are you talking about?” Meg inquired.
“My hunters. I explained them earlier did I not?”
“Yeah but… I didn't know I could join.”
“You can't. Not right now anyway.” Meg pouted.
“Anyway,” Apollo cut in. “We can see camp from here.”
I glanced up, expecting to see the vague outlines of the buildings, but the sight in front of us was breathtaking. The camp was about 3 square miles in size, full of meadows, woods and strawberry fields. On one edge it boarded long island, and the other borders were rolling hills. Below us was a dense woods.
I always forget the beauty of this place. Beyond the woods, you could see the buildings, the cluster of twenty cabins. (You could see Apollo’s shining from here. I always ask myself why the entire building had to be gold. Yeah, it's pretty, but hard to look at sometimes) The Hearth glowed warmly from this distance. The amphitheater, The arena, the dining pavilion, and even the canoe lake were visible from here. It looked beautiful. With seeing the camp came a dull sense of comfort. We were so close to safety. The big house loomed in the distance, Chiron would be in there. We were so close, yet so far.
In the far distance, my sister's statue glistened in its full glory. The Athena Parthenos. After thousands of years it was finally where it belonged. Athena had always been my favorite sister, the hours we spent debating the best strategy for hunting certain monsters are some of my fondest memories with any of my sisters, I could feel the power from the statue from here.
Apollo probably wished the statue was of himself, but he’s like that. I looked at him again, my eyes lingering on the red marks around his nose and mouth. I caused those. I hurt him. He noticed that I was staring. “Artie. I'm fine ” He insisted. He really was shivering a lot.
“I hurt you,” I said miserably.
He looked up at me, frowning. “You protected me.” He countered, he sounded completely sure of himself. I envy his confidence sometimes.
“Not well enough!” I took a step back, If I had protected him we should have never been in that situation in the first place. If I had protected him we would still be gods on Olympus and none of this would have happened. Nothing he said would change that.
“But you did protect me. I would have breathed in that smog and died if not for you. Alright? You did fine”
Before I could argue, Meg spoke. “How come I’ve never heard about this place? Do you need tickets?”
“It's a secret haven for demigods” I responded, forcing my voice to stay steady. Apollo glanced at me sideways. Our conversation certainly wasn't over yet. “The magical borders keep mortals and monsters out. It's safe here. Humans would only see farmland, and if they come in they will find themselves wondering out-”
“I ordered a pizza one time!” Apollo blurted out. I stared at him for a long moment before I found myself laughing. Actually laughing. I had forgotten how pleasent laughing is.
“Did you now brother? Tell us the story of the time you ordered a Pizza.”
Apollo stared at me before he smiled brightly. The first actual smile I had seen from him all day. It was good to know he was still capable of it in these dire circumstances.
“Well, it was… what? 8 years ago? I was at the camp, I had gotten quite the offering to heal this girl. And after I had finished, these two Hermes kids, looked like they might be twins but they certainly weren't, they asked what would happen if they ordered a pizza. And as it turns out, no one ever tried that before. So bam! I take out my phone and dial for pizza. They seem a bit iffy about sending the guy all this way, but I'm a god, I convinced them. So then this mortal guy, ends up so lost, appearing randomly on edges of camp, He kept trying to get in but the wards didn't know how to handle it, so it was hilarious. Anyway, yeah. I could probably go into more detail but that's the jist of it.” As he spoke his voice gained back some enthusiasm. I smiled.
Before anyone could speak, Peaches took a mouthful of dirt. Then spit it back up. Yes, peach demon. Dirt tastes bad. How surprising.
“He doesn’t like the taste of this place,” Meg said.
“No kidding. It's dirt.” I stated pointedly stepping around the prechewed soil. Apollo snickered.
“Maybe at camp, we can get him some plant fertilizer to eat. I’ll try to convince the demigods to allow him in, They let in a hellhound dog, what's the difference between that and a dirt munching peach toddler? but it would be helpful if he doesn’t bite their heads off” Apollo studied Peaches, the fruit being clung to Meg as it muttered something about peaches.
“Something doesn’t feel right.” Meg started chewing her nails. A bad habit. “Those woods…Percy said they were wild and enchanted and stuff.”
“No kidding.” I deadpanned. “My hunters complained about it.” Trying to get them into camp was a nightmare. But, in all honesty, being in the forest felt more natural than the city. “Come on, the woods aren't that bad!” I was already beginning to recognize where animals had recently been. Apollo looked apprehensive, I smiled at him. He has always felt out of place- No… that's too strong of a statement. Uneasy? Yeah, I’ll go with that. Apollo has always felt uneasy in forests, being surrounded by trees brings back some painful memories for him. Painful memories that shouldn't be poked at.
He stumbled over roots and plants. I laughed under my breath. This is what I lived to do. Make my way through dense forests, hunting with my maidens, living life in the wilderness. I hardly struggled with making my way forward. But Meg and Apollo? My young master and brother could hardly make their way forward through the greenery.
“Artie! How do you walk through this.. This mess so easily? It's like walking through spaghetti!”
“Do you want to know how?” Both nodded, eager to learn my secrets.
“Practice. Hundreds of years of practice.” Apollo groaned and Meg looked annoyed.
Apollo was looking around like he expected the Dryads to lunge out of the trees and strangle him. He got this pained look in his eyes and I knew what he was thinking about. I slowed down to match my pace with his.
He looked at me, I smiled weakly, wanting to reach out and just pull away the thoughts of Daphne. Gods... I still want to strangle Eros for what he did to my brother. Daphne’s death absolutely destroyed him. For hundreds of years, he seemed like he was always on the edge of tears. Then came Hyacinthus and he was happy and then Zepheros came and killed him.
I would have torn him limb from limb if not for the fact he was under Eros’s protection. I couldn't have him hurting Apollo any more than he already has.
It took years for him to even become a semblance of happy again. And here we were, nearly 3000 years later and he still nearly breaks into tears whenever they are mentioned.
I attempted to meet his gaze but he shifted his eyes away “You okay?” I asked quietly, hoping he would respond.
He stared at the ground, stumble walking over roots and brush. “I’ll be fine Artie..” He murmured, still not looking up.
“Okay. Just.. tell me if you want to rest a bit okay?” Code for: If being surrounded by dryads gets top overwhelming we can take a break.
Meg watched out whole exchange wordlessly.
We hiked for what felt like hours, and my mortal body was starting to get hungry. Normally, Apollo could navigate by the sun and me the moon, but the canopy was so thick we couldn't see the sky.
I realized we had passed the same boulder 3 times. Not even I can hike flawlessly it seems.
“Don't you have any hiking skills? Reading Tracks-”
“Yes. Yes, that is literally what I do. But this forest is enchanted… And as it seems, not even I can navigate it flawlessly.”
“Maybe Peaches can help.” Yes. What a wonderful idea. Ask the demon peach baby for directions. Meg turned to her karpos. “Hey, can you find us a way out of the woods?”
For the past few miles, Peches had gotten quite nervous. Muttering peachy warnings under his breath. His face flushed bright green. He made a scared barking squawk sound, then dissolved in a swirl of leaves.
Meg shot to her feet. “Where’d he go?”
It was nowhere in sight. Megs summon must have only had so much time. Or He’d sensed danger and abandoned us. The latter was more likely. Though meg had grown attached to the peach demon, I didn't want to hurt her. (But we god's got attached to humans, so I had no room to judge.)
“Perhaps he went scouting,” Apollo suggested. “Perhaps we should—”
My brother's hands flew to his forehead and he stumbled back, his eyes widening. He looked like someone had slapped him,
“Apollo?” I stepped forward uncertainty. “What's wrong?” He made a gasping sound, he whimpered stumbling over to me.  
“Assist me, sister, we cannot remain here.” My eyes just about bugged out from my head. He only reverted to old English when something was seriously wrong. Or when he was trying to be sophisticated or really angry. But I doubted the two latter
“What's going on?” I demanded.
“Just- let's go!” He grabbed my wrist, dragging me forward. We fled blindly until we reached a significantly clear stream over a bed gravel.
“Apollo, we can't go through the water, we’ll freeze-” That fact did not deter him. He waded shin-deep into the ice cold stream before he fell to his knees. A pitiful yell bubbling through his lips.
I didn't have much of a choice now did I? I ran in after him, the water was so cold it felt like needles biting into my skin. Meg was not far behind. “Brother, you need to get up-”
“You didn't…? You didn't hear it..?” I felt my stomach drop to my feet, hear what?
This eerily reminded of a memory I still had from thousands of years ago. When Apollo first became the god of prophecy, the first prophecies he delivered made him physically sick, he didn't know how to channel them into tangible ideas and words. But of course, that was thousands of years ago. But it did remind me of that.
“Hear what!” Meg asked.
Apollo didn’t respond. Instead, he cried out in pain and collapsed face first into the stream.
So it looks like I'm carrying him. “Help me lift him.” Meg and I pulled him from the stream and I stumble-dragged him across the water. We set him on the ground. Apollo was shivering violently. I pulled his sodden coat off and threw mine over him. Good thing we didnt swap earlier.
“What did you hear. Don't go crazy on us.” My voice was serious. He laughed hysterically, I felt my own heartbeat start to pick up as goosebumps crawled up my arms. Why was this happening? He was fine! A few broken ribs, but this isn't warranted! I felt my blood run cold as I came to a shocking realization. What if the Nosoi had poisoned him? That was the only answer I could think of.
“I.. I heard..”
Before he could finish his face screwed up in pain, a violent shudder running through him. He audibly whimpered. Steam started rising from his clothes and I wanted to scream and cry and curse at Zeus. If the Nosoi DID poison him, there was a good chance he would get worse very quickly. His eyes glazed over and his mouth hung ajar.
All I could hear was the blood screaming in my ears. I found myself shaking him awake, telling him to get up. I couldn't lose him. I need him. I can’t do this alone.
I was blind to my panic.
I wouldn't watch him die.
I wouldn't watch my baby brother die.
Meg shoved me and slapped him. Hard. “GET UP!” She yelled. That seemed to break through his trance, he sat up, and immediately started retching. He vomited, I dragged him to his feet after a moment. He made a weak sound of protest. “Meg, help me carry him.” She rushed to his other side. He murmured something under his breath. I didn't catch what. He was pale, and his shivering only grew more violent as we stumbled along. He suddenly started giggling, it sounded wrong. Unnatural even.
“Keep it together brother. Please. We’ll get to camp soon, okay?” He didn't respond, instead, his head lolled to the side as he passed in and out of consciousness. My palms were sweaty, my steps misplaced, and I was terrified we were too far to get him to camp quick enough.
“We need to get him to camp, right now,” I told Meg. From the steam rising from his clothes and the heat burning through his clothes, I assumed he was running a high fever of 106 or so. Dangerously high. He only woke up to laugh hysterically, as we stumbled forward he finally went completely limp in our arms, his eyes rolling back into his head. My heartbeat steadily rose, but I had to stay calm. I had to get him to safety.
As we were running, my foot got caught in a dip in the ground, I stumbled forward, my ankle twisting, pain shot up my leg for a moment, It took a lot to ignore it, but we had to get him to safety. I bore most of his weight. Finally, finally we reached the edge of camp. We exited the woods by a campfire where a group of teens were making smores, as soon as they saw us they went for there weapons. “DEMIGODS!” I screamed, not even bothering to mask the panic in my voice. “I AM ARTEMIS. WE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF ASSISTANCE”
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Whatever You Need Me To Be
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What Ever You Need Me To Be [Maturity is coming to terms with waiting│BullyDaBastard]
It was well in the middle of the night when you finally made it back to the studio. You’d been out of town for the weekend for work meetings and you knew you didn’t have any salvageable food left in your fridge, so a pit stop at the convenience store was necessary.
Juggling your keys in your free hand you attempted to unlock your door without spilling your whole shopping trip down the staircase.
Once inside you froze, looking around your studio. There was no way you were gone for three days and left the light on. It just wasn’t like you. Setting your groceries down by the door, you inched inside. You could definitely feel someone’s presence there. Tightening your small fist you rounded the corner, hearing movement.
Now or never.
That fight or flight thing kicked in. As someone turned the corner you acted immediately, letting out a loud battle cry, giving their stomach a swift punch and flipping them over your shoulder.
“Ah! Noona!” ByeongHo groaned, rolling onto his side in a strained voice. The wind clearly knocked out of him.
“Yah- What are you doing here?” you kneeled down beside him. Leaning close to him and cupping his face. “I could have killed you are you crazy!?”
“I just wanted to get in some practice.” he winced, sitting up and scratching the back of his head.
“I’m so sorry, are you ok?” you gave him once over, looking at his head. Brushing his bangs out of his face you sigh. “You’re gonna need some ice… ah… Byeongho I’m so sorry I’m-”
He leaned closer to you. “I’m fine. You’ve been harder on me in class.” he coughed, trying to catch his breath. It was really hard to play it off and look cool when he could literally feel his side bruising.
You huffed and stood up, brushing off your clothes. “Who told you to break into my studio?” Grabbing the grocery bags, you walked into the kitchen, rolling your eyes. “Why are my students such a pain in the ass?” You spotted his backpack by the corner and sighed. “You not going home again?”
He shrugged. “Home is overrated.” Truth is the day you left town he moved right in. He was already used to going to the studio out of habit, and he needed some place to practice in.
“Yah!” you grabbed him by his ear and sighed. “I told you to get your ass back in school and start going back home. Your parents are probably worried sick.” You remembered the worried phone calls his mother would make to you on a daily basis. Most parents had an angry and frustrated tone as they searched for their missing kids and demand you just send them on their way. But his mother would always sound so relieved when she would hear that he was just at the studio practicing instead of being out in the streets. She would just release a relieved sigh and told you to make sure he ate.
“They’re fine.” he rolled his eyes, unpacking your grocery bags.
“You just roll your eyes? You sassing me? You trying to get 100 push ups as a punishment?” you crossed your arms and quirked a brow.
“That all? I could take whatever you dish at me Noona”
“Cocky little bastard.” you mumbled.
“I’m not 12 anymore” he chuckled. “Guess I’m just not afraid of you. Losing your touch?”
“You trying to get flipped again?” you nudged his side roughly before helping him put the groceries away.
“Maybe I am” he smirked and winked at you.
You’d known Byeongho for four years. He’d been at your studio since the beginning. He used to be just a scrawny jr high kid. He had that look that you’d see many times. The look of someone that didn’t want to be afraid anymore. Someone that wanted to fight back. And you gladly took him under your wing. You’d competed in a lot of tournaments into your early twenties but sought to do something more. Something that was a little less straining on your body. You had one too many headshots and your parents encouraged you to open a studio since telling you to walk away from it all was a lost cause.
It was almost like fate that your first student would be the one who needed you most.
Before you knew it he’d grown into quite the young man. He’d shot past you in high, and surpassed your expectations in how quickly he’d progressed. He’d become quite the co-teacher as you garnered more students.
“So what’s for dinner tonight?”
“You could go home and bother your mother for a home cooked meal”
“Then who’d keep you company huh?” he ruffled your hair. “If it was up to you it’d just be instant ramen and meat.”
“That’s not true…” you huffed and looked down trying to tuck the instant ramen back inside the grocery bag.
“Besides.” he leaned on his hand and gave you a charming grin. “I know you missed my face.”
“You’re a pain in the ass.”
“And yet you’re still smiling” he bit his lower lip.
You rolled your eyes, trying to come up with a comeback but he pulled you into a hug. “I did miss you Noona.” he rested his chin on top of your hair.
“I was only gone for a few days.” you grumbled against his shirt, basking in the warmth. As much as you thought he was overreacting, it was nice coming home to someone, feeling missed, feeling wanted.
“So? It was still too long.” he rubbed your back softly with his thumb. “Next time take me with you.”
As you peeked up at him from his chest he sighed and smoothed down your hair.  “Now... go rest while I cook.”
“What? But-”
“You’re tired right? It was a long train ride back to Seoul and you have a morning class tomorrow so just let me cook. I got this.” he guided you out by the small of your back into the living room. “Take a shower and then I’ll be done by the time you are”
“But-I-fine” you pouted.
Byeongho sighed watching you leave as he grabbed up the ingredients. You were the only person that ever called him out on his shit. Maybe it was because you’d known the old him. But what was it going to take for you to take him seriously as a man? What did he need to do? He wanted to show you that he could take care of you.
He took care of the dojo while you were gone, cooked, clean. Everything he could do he did. Yeah, there was an age difference but it was the one thing he couldn’t change.
And it wasn’t like this was some little crush anymore. Sure when he was a kid he admitted that. You were the coolest person he knew. Four championship wins all before you were twenty. Then you opened a studio downtown. It was like heroes envy. You taught him how to defend himself, how to be stronger, how to be confident. He was forever indebted to you.
The better he got the faster other studios took noticed and tried to scout him. But he wasn’t going anywhere. His loyalty was with you.
But boy did he remember how pissed you were when you found out he was beating up his old bullies.
There was something about having someone drag him off campus by his ear for about three blocks that made him lose his street cred.
He kneeled looking down in the middle of your studio while you lectured him. In the whole time he’d been your student he’d never seen you so angry.
“Have you lost your fucking mind!? I taught you how to fight to defend yourself not to become the bully!”
“They’re the bully! They’re just getting exactly what they deserve. Always picking on the weak and shit”
“Now they’re the weak ones. You have an advantage over them and I didn’t teach you this so you can go around acting out some revenge plot! I just don’t want you to get bullied again. I want you to be able to stand up for kids that were like you and didn’t have the resources or strength to become stronger.”
“Well I sure showed them”
“Aish! You’re actually proud of yourself!” you smacked his shoulder “Do you know what people like that do to when they can’t bully people like you anymore? They go even harder on weaker people.”
“But you fight!”
“In a sanctioned ring! There’s refs, time limits, and it’s not out of hate or revenge it’s out of sportsmanship. Listen here you hot headed little brat. You wanna fight, then I’ll get you a match. But you’re not gonna drag my studios name in the mud by beating up some kids. If you wanna fight for me it’s with honor and respect. MMA fighters get enough heat by not being respected by traditional styles...I’ll be damned if you ever dishonor my studio again. I’m not harboring a bully. If you can’t handle that then maybe you should find a different place.”
That was all it took for him to question his ways. The thought of losing this new found home made him want to hold on to it tighter. Whatever you needed of him he was willing to be it. He was your most loyal student, friend, and confidant.
His whole life he had people telling him what to do. His parents, teachers, class presidents, etc. It was like the whole world thought they were better than him. Then he met you and you were the one person that he listened to. 
You never demanded it. You were older, you were his instructor, and yet you never demanded respect. You treated him respectfully and he followed suit. You listened to him and he to you. 
By the time he realized he’d fallen he was too far gone.
You may not have seen him as a man yet, but he was willing to wait. Until then he’ll be what you needed. 
If you’d gotten this far I’d like to thank you.
I felt like I needed a disclaimed for this scenario. I know it’s against my own rule to write for him and honestly, I’ve been sitting on this scenario for about half a year and I just really liked it. I kept it age appropriate being that Byeongho is a minor. But I felt inspired. I couldn’t make this scenario about anyone else, it was literally built around him and I just went for it. 
I don’t think I’m going to make it a habit of writing for him, nor am I willing to take on any minors. But I learned that a huge part of why I didn’t update as frequently is because I hit a creative wall. I didn’t feel confident to upload things that I actually did work on so I’m trying to overcome that. Hopefully you guys like this. <3 thank you for your support and love.
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caramell0w · 7 years
Jump, Jive, and Wail
Parings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve seeks you out at a swing dance club.
A/N: I figure Steve probably likes to dance and how cool would it be if there was a speakeasy around that was a swing club?  I don’t know about you, but I would want to go to that.  
Warnings: None, just fluff
Word Count: 1,829
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“Come on Steve, just come out with us for once,” Sam grumbled.  “I know you are almost 100, but you still have the face of someone who is young. Live a little will ya.  Plus, you can’t leave me with this dude again,” he huffed pointing his thumb in the direction of Bucky.
“Yeah, come on Rogers; hang out with an old man like me tonight.  We can go to that club down on 34th and try to impress the ladies with our dance skills,” Bucky said placing his hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“Not sure who you are going to impress; they are gonna take one look at you and run for the hills metal man,” Sam snickered.
Steve turned away from the computer and said “I can’t tonight; I have a lot of paperwork to get done. You and Sam have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“So basically don’t have any fun tonight.  Why bother going then,” Sam joked.
“Come on, let’s leave Steve to it,” Bucky replied tugging Sam out of the room with him.
After waiting 30 minutes to make sure they were gone, Steve went down to his room and changed into a pair of navy slacks, a white button down shirt, a cherry red tie, a navy vest and a pair of oxford shoes. He smiled at the reflection in the mirror as he studied his outfit.  It wasn’t quite the same as the 1940’s; but it was close enough.  He grabbed his keys and left his apartment.
The Hand Jive was a speakeasy located a few blocks from Stark Tower and it had a loyal following. In order to gain access to the club, you were given a phase to utter to the usher and the phase changed monthly.  It was special for Steve because they only played music from the 1930’s and 1940’s; and there was a strict dress code to get in.  Men had to wear slacks and a button down shirt and women had to wear tasteful skirts or dresses.  It reminded him of being home in Brooklyn and he looked forward to coming once a month.
Steve walked down the side alley towards the entrance of the club and knocked three times.  A peephole opened and Steve said, “Are there any rug cutters here tonight?” The man behind the door replied with, “I don’t know, why don’t you check out the joint?” as he opened the door and stepped aside, allowing Steve access.
“Good to see you Jack,” Steve said smiling wide.  “Is she here yet?”
“She arrived a few minutes ago Captain.  Is tonight the night?”
“I hope so,” Steve patted Jack on the back as he walked into the club.
The lights were about halfway up, allowing Steve to get a look around as he searched for a particular face in the crowd.  Straight ahead there was a small stage with a band playing music and the dance floor in front was full of people dancing. Steve closed his eyes and pictured being home in the 1940’s.  The music, the laughter, the smells; his memory was being flooded. He then picked up the faint scent of your perfume.  He opened his eyes and turned in the direction the scent was coming from.  He saw you leaning against a wall with a drink in your hand smiling as you talked to a girlfriend.
You always looked striking and he couldn’t help but smile.  Tonight you wore a navy blue fit and flare knee length dress with short sleeves and 1 inch heels nude color mary jane heels.  Your hair was pulled away from your face and you added some vintage curls to the front.  Steve couldn’t help but rake his eyes over your body.  You looked so perfect standing there.  After a moment’s hesitation longer he made his way over to you.
You watched him move towards you from across the room and you couldn’t help but blush.  This had become routine. Once a month the two of you would meet at the club, dance the night away and then go home separately; waiting for the next month when you would meet again.  You knew he wanted more; but you were the one who kept stopping things from progressing. You knew if you were to start something with him there would be no turning back.
The first time you met, he swept you off your feet, literally.  You two danced all night and you couldn’t stop smiling.  He was charming, handsome and boy could he dance.  He picked you up and swung you from right hip to left hip as you moved to the beat.  He moved you around his body like you weighed nothing, and it was exhilarating.  There was no one else like him, and that is when you realized who you were dancing with.  He didn’t even have to tell you him name; you knew you had seen him in pictures. The beautiful blue eyes, muscular physique and chiseled face gave him away.  You spent your night dancing with Captain America; and you loved every minute of it.
You held your breath as he drew closer to you, his eyes fixed on yours.  Your heartbeat picked up and it was thumping as loudly as the drums were on the song that just started.  His smile was so electric it added to the dizzy sensation you were starting to feel just by looking at him.
“Hey Doll face, you come here often?” He asked just like every month past, extending his hand to take yours.
“Hey yourself, stranger,” you smiled, placing your drink down on a nearby table.
“Fancy a dance?”
“I would love to,” you said taking his hand as he gave you a light twirl.  You gasped as you momentarily lost your footing causing him to put his hand on the small of your back and pulled you closer to help steady you.
“Careful doll,” he whispered close to your ear.
You shivered at the close proximity and murmured, “Thanks”.
Steve walked you onto the dance floor as the song was ending and the band started to play, a slow jazz song.  He pulled you close to his body, and placed his right hand yours as he wrapped his left arm around your waist.  You learned your head on his shoulder as you both swayed to the music.  You listened to his heartbeat slow and steady and it was such a comfort.  You closed your eyes momentarily as you were lost in the feel of his touch.
“Why won’t you tell me your name?” He asked, pulling you from your daze.  You tiled your head back and smiled, “I’m enjoying the cat and mouse game we play.” He pushed you out, twirled you, and pulled you back in so your back was against his chest as you continued to sway to the music.
“I am going crazy not knowing who you are.  Whenever we meet up, it reminds me of how perfect you are for me and I want to be able to show you off.  It makes it kind of hard when I know nothing about you.”
“I’ll tell you what Steve, show me the time of my life tonight and I will tell you my name.”
You heard a slight gasp slip from his lips and you widened your eyes, realizing you just said his name out loud.  He turned you around to face him again, the surprise still evident on his face, his lips were slightly parted and his eyes were swimming with questions.  “H-How do you know my name?”
“I have known since the first day we met and you twirled me around the dance floor.  There was something about you that was different- special, right from the start. It helps that your picture appears on the news and papers almost every week too.  Even with the mask on, I would be able to tell it was you by those baby blues.”  You blushed as you finished and turned your eyes towards the ground to look at your feet.
Steve put his index finger under your chin to tilt your head up so you could look at him.  “Now you have to tell me yours doll, it is only fair,” he smiled.
“Show me the time of my life tonight and I promise you will get my name by the nights end. Scouts honor,” you said holding three fingers up in the Girl Scout salute.
The song ended and the next one began.  Steve was true to his word and song after song he kept you swinging on the floor.  Finally after dancing non-stop for about an hour you had to take a few minutes and get something to drink.  
Steve went to the bar and ordered you both a drink as you found a corner table to sit at.  You were suddenly very nervous knowing you were going to tell Steve your name. It seems so silly, it is just a name; but it is the one piece of information that was keeping anything from progressing.  After this, even if you didn’t tell him any more information, he could get it.  He was an Avenger, and he works with Tony Stark who can figure out anything on anyone.
Steve returned with the drinks and sat down in the chair next to yours, smiling.
“So, have I knocked your socks off yet?” Steve twirled the straw in his drink smiling, waiting for a reply.
“I would say, this is one of the best nights so far,” you smirked, taking a sip of your drink.
“So doll, do I get to know your name now?”
“Yes, under one condition.  You tell me what will happen if I give it to you.”
Clearly confused, Steve furrowed his brows in thought.  “I want to be able to able to ask you on a real date and hopefully be able to see you more than once a month.  I want to be able to tell my friends about you and I want to be able to ask you,” he hesitated, “if I can kiss you.”
You shut your eyes briefly and took a deep breath trying to slow your heart rate from Steve’s confession about wanting to kiss you.  Opening your eyes you said, “Y/N, my name is Y/N”.    
“Well Y/N, would it be alright if I kiss you?”  
You could do nothing by nod your head yes.  Steve smiled and leaned closer to you and placed his soft lips upon yours, stealing you breath.  The kiss was not long, and it was over much to your disappointment; but it caused butterflies to dance in your stomach.
“Y/N, can I offer you a coffee and a chance to get to know one another?”
“Yes, I would love that Steve,” you smiled as he extended his hand to help you stand.
“Then what are we waiting for?  Let’s get out of here.”
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notaluregag · 7 years
Chapter 9- Estorra
(aaaaah yes. this.... disgrace of a fanfic HAS RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fdgkldfgk i am so burnt out i can barely writefkgldfkgkdmfhlkmdfl)
Estorra had felt bad the rest of the day. The three had made it to Jay’s house after sneaking around The Brrrgh, trying to avoid the authorities of Toontown. When they had gotten to Jay’s house, later than expected, they didn’t talk very much to prevent an argument. Cherry had watched Estorra and Jay with great curiosity, examining their body language. The rabbit felt terrible for the dog. She knew she would cause trouble. She convinced herself that she had beaten up those cogs to get things done faster, but she knew the truth. It was all a cheap tactic for attention. Estorra was sick to her stomach that night. Cherry stayed overnight at Jay’s, not risking being caught by the cops. She slept on the couch, Estorra on the floor beside her. Now, the sun had risen, and the three were now sitting on the sofa watching a poorly animated cartoon.
“Why won’t that cat just help the mouse?” Cherry argued, “It’d speed this show up by a million hours!”
“If the cat helps the mouse, the mouse shall become more powerful and destroy the cat’s possessions, ultimately leaving the cat without a living area.” Jay observed.
“Jay, this is Tom and Jerry.” Estorra laughed.
Before Jay could respond, the three were interrupted by a knocking on the door. Estorra cautiously got up and tiptoed to the door. She looked through the eyepiece, but it was blocked from the other side. Nervous, she opened the door quietly. In front of her stood a tall, mint green bear, an HQ Officer that Estorra and Jay knew for quite some time.
“Ah! Officer Ethan! Long time no see!” Estorra smiled.
Officer Ethan blinked slowly, “Yep. Though I am not pleased to see you under such circumstances, Estorra.”
Estorra gulped and tried to laugh off her anxiety, failing.
“May I come in? I’d assume Jay is inside as well.” Officer Ethan asked.
“Oh, er, of course!” Estorra stepped to the side to let the bear bass through. He glanced around the room cautiously, his eyes stopping on the sofa where Cherry and Jay sat.
“Hello Jay,” greeted the officer, “And who might you be?”
Cherry was absolutely petrified. She stared at the officer, her mouth open, barely managing to mumble out a few words.
“Uh, C-Cherry.”
Officer Ethan smiled and nodded, trying not to scare the dog any more.
“Alright. Well, I know you three are aware of why I’m here.”
“Toon Scout cookies?” Estorra joked.
“Very funny, but I’m afraid I’m not a scout. As you know, I’m an officer, and I’m here to discuss what happened inside the building on Polar Place,” Officer Ethan looked at Estorra, “Jay, Estorra, you two have been through this before. It’s time you faced the consequences for your actions. First, I need more details about what happened.”
Estorra explained everything that happened. She made sure to emphasize it was her own fault, that Jay and Cherry were stuck into the mess, but weren’t apart of the crime.
“I’m sorry I did this, Officer Ethan, I truly am.”
Officer Ethan grabbed a pair of handcuffs and with a click they were locked on Estorra’s wrists.
“Very well. Alright, come on to the ca-”
“Wait!” Jay interrupted Officer Ethan, standing up, “May we evaluate what circumstances makes this action illegal?”
The bear turned around and sighed.
“I suppose.”
“Thank you. I would like you to think what you would do in Estorra’s position- A low laff toon, only getting lower, with gags that miss every time they are used. Might I add that she was duoing a five story building with another low laff toon. What other options would she have? Leave, with all of her hard work to waste? You know Estorra as well as I do, Officer Ethan, she is competitive and wants to complete things entirely. So, she decided to take matters into her own hands, most literally. I do not see how that is illegal.” Jay proved.
“It’s illegal because it’s reckless, destructive. To keep the safety of our town, it has been decided that destroying cogs by hand is dangerous. When you attack a cog with gags, you lose laff points. When you attack a cog with any other method, it’s not about laff. It’s about life or death, you can’t just go sad. Do you see how that can affect the wellbeing of Toontown?” Officer Ethan yanked Estorra closer to assure she wouldn’t try to escape.
“The wellbeing of Toontown? Do you see how selfish that is? If toons decide to fight the cogs their own way, that is their personal choice. Our entire town is trying to be taken over by cogs, I do not see how we could be any more unsafe. We have used gags to destroy cogs forever, and they have not learned any lessons. They come back. Their HQ’s stand strong. If we are to believe that gags are doing us a favor, I am afraid to say that we are all incorrect.”
Officer Ethan huffed, “I see your point, Jay, but that doesn’t mean I can just change a law right here, right now.”
“Well, you could let me go, y’know.” Estorra chimed in, looking over at Cherry, who was still horrified on the sofa.
“Let you go? We’ve done that since the start!” The bear grumbled.
“Have we not proved our point? Do you not agree with what we have stated?” Jay questioned.
“I can assure I agree, Jay.”
“What’s the verdict, then?” Estorra asked.
The officer hesitated.
“Fine. I will let you go, but one more time and you will be punished. No matter the excuse.”
Estorra sighed with relief as Officer Ethan unlocked the handcuffs.
“Don’t think this is a free pass. You’ll be doing service tasks along with your regular tasks. Consider this a final warning, Estorra. Jay, Cherry, you two will keep watch on Estorra. From what I see you two were not apart of this.”
“Thank you for understanding, Officer Ethan.” Jay replied.
“Yeah, thank you!” Estorra said, grateful.
“I will be contacting the mayor about your absence in prison. Don’t be surprised if you’re more… Er, ‘well-known’, perhaps.”
“Wait, wha-”
“Anyways, I’ll be heading out. Goodbye. Please, stay good.” Officer Ethan said before Estorra could question him.
Estorra opened the door for him and he glanced at her as he took a step outside.
“It was good seeing you again. Take care, ok? Don’t do anything stupid again.” Officer Ethan lowered his voice.
“Thank you, again. I hope we can talk like normal people one day. After all, it has been awhile!” Estorra smiled.
“It has, and I hope so as well,” the bear replied, “But for now I must go. This situation will keep me busy for a while.”
“Alright, see you later.” Estorra waved goodbye as the officer began walking back to his car.
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