zhansww · 16 days
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smiley Yibo feat. the necklaces™ | for @yibo-best
04.15. — wishing you a very happy birthday today ♥
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yibo-wang · 2 years
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hip-hop 5 final @UNIQ-王一博 The captain's big show stage full record 📺.
Freedom and enthusiasm are in full bloom, and pure love spreads infinitely.
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yibo-best · 2 years
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Credit: 限時狂想丨0805x1005
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anglaoshi · 1 year
SDC fan's guide to Algger- Part 1
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Sadly, Algger didn’t make it to the SDC finals. I’m sure his performance would have been bizarre and overproduced, since the finals always are, but I still would have liked to see it. As befitting his stature, he battled valiantly to the end, delivering one last surprise (krump???). I respect Algger’s indomitable spirit. Considering the SDC trajectories of his close collaborators and Hello Dance comrades, Derek and ZIV, this was as foreseeable as it is regrettable. 
SDC is a notoriously uncharitable venue for both choreographers and jazz dancers, so I’m proud of Algger for making it as far as he did! I’m so glad his talents will be shared with a wider audience because of his participation on the program. I am a bit disappointed that we never got to see the full force of Algger’s choreographic skills– perhaps his introduction dance ‘I am AngAng’ was the closest we have– but there were several very beautiful, entertaining, and successful pieces presented nonetheless. It was a delight to see Algger interact creatively with a new set of dancers, choreographers, and aesthetic sensibilities. 
The show didn’t properly appreciate Algger’s allure. But you do, don’t you, dear reader? If you liked Algger on SDC, I have compiled this handy guide to some of his other incredible choreographies. 
Slow Down → Worth It
If you loved the first group piece Algger performed alongside his Hello Dance and O-Dog comrades: You have excellent taste. This technique of matching his characteristically madcap choreography with a slower tempo of song is something that Algger has kept coming back to over the course of his career, usually to excellent effect. Most recent was his surprisingly thrilling Worth It choreography, which is all the more exciting against the languid backdrop of the music.
2022 has been such a year of revival for Algger, he’s really coming into his potential. Lucky for us! I will write thousands of words about Worth It someday, but for now, I’ll just mention that it’s a top 5 all-time best Algger piece. Everyone should see it, repeatedly, but especially if you liked his Slow Down choreography, in which he plays with some similar ideas, including elements of animation and contemporary dance. 
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Close viewers will also notice several moves that appeared in Lonely Warrior, though interpreted differently, which is lovely and fascinating to watch.
Dong was also incredible in this performance. He’s really great, and he deserved much more screentime on SDC! He features in Hello Dance’s most popular video on Youtube, with Jen.
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Dong has an entrancingly silky, tactile texture to his dance, which contrasts beautifully with Algger’s molten and untouchable style when they perform together. You should watch this handsome Dong choreography (featuring Algger, ZIV, and Derek!) to really experience his majesty.
I am AngAng → Remix (2019)
This introductory choreography is full of quintessential Algger features: fast tempo, thick with sound effects, lip sync, threat, and campy flirtation. If this iconic performance drew you in, you have to see Algger’s other most famous choreography, an edgy homage to his influences and collaborators, the dance/pop group Tokyo Gegegay.
There are several similar moves between the two choreographies, though the Tokyo Gegegay remix is much older, so one can also appreciate Algger’s evolution as a choreographer and dancer.
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There are clawed hand details, animation-style movements, extraordinarily fast musicality, and just a touch of that bizarre sexiness that makes Yibo’s face go:
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The face of a man who's feeling very heterosexual, probably
For completionists, you should really also watch this iteration of the same “I am AngAng” choreography, which is the stronger version, I think. It has more power, it’s cleaner, and the vibe overall is just better. 
Dans la maison (Thème) -> 不屑完美
I always love an Algger-ZIV joint. The two of them have such perfectly complementary aesthetic sensibilities. Horny pansexual imp + gothic gender mystery is a top-tier combination wherever it arises, and these two do it well. Of course, this performance was a bit toned down for the SDC audience and production sensibility. It was ZIV who delivered my favorite moment of the trio with Algger, ZIV, and Siwen: I love his fluttery arm wave, so delicate and light.
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One of the best moments of the season, really! If you liked this collab but were hoping for a bit more charge, watch this trio dance with Algger, ZIV, and Derek. It’s sillier, bigger, more conceptually varied, and, of course, gayer. The interweaving of Algger’s ineffable details with ZIV’s long, languid power is very good in this performance. There’s also a charming group design that takes some of the same ideas of the SDC piece in a different direction.
Legend of the Demon Cat -> Black Cat
If this was your favorite of Algger’s performances on SDC: Why? Seriously, this choreography was such a heartbreak to watch. Kyoka and Algger are two of the most impressive dancers alive right now, but this collaboration was ass. Maybe you just want to see Algger dance like a cat some more? In that case, here’s a cute little cat dance.
Bonus: my favorite Kyoka battle, with her partner Maika. She’s so cool.
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Les Twins are extraordinary here as well– it’s just a great battle all around.
That's where I'll leave it for part 1! Stay tuned for recs based on the rest of Algger's SDC performances, or whichever ones I feel like, in the future! I do take requests, also. :)
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wyeobo · 2 years
3 back-to-back years of the brightest, most passionate summers of the coolest, most handsome YIBOWANGZHA team Captain Wang Yibo getting scared on Street Dance Of China 👼🍼
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faery-snow · 2 years
The "cool girl" Liu Yuxin
I emerged from a haze of doctors' appointments (seeing medical specialists every 5.3 days for the last 2 months and yes I looked at my calendar and then used a calculator to figure that out STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT)--to watch the first episode of SDC season 5!
I'm using the method of watching the non-subbed full episode and the subbed talking-only bits simultaneously, switching back and forth between them on my computer. Which sucks, yes, but the Youku app didn't work for me. The talking-only portion isn't actually all of the talking, which sucks further. I'll rewatch when the full subbed episode is available.
I cracked up when Liu Yuxin talked about being apparently "cold" and unreactive.
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Just like Yibo has been accused of in the past, lol! A bland smile, or no expression at all, that's her default. She's very calm and level about things. I like that about her a lot.
Of course, being told you're not emotive lands very differently for a woman* than for a man. Luckily, they don't make a big/gendered deal of it, just some light ribbing from the interviewer/editing team--no different than we've seen Yibo get for his same lack of effusion.
*I'm using woman and she/her for her because that's what she goes by in entertainment circles. In her personal life, she may be an androgynous woman or she may identify as nonbinary, I don't know. But that's the thing: I don't know. I don't want to make assumptions of queerness (although maybe we ought, since we make assumptions of straightness and cisness all the time).
Just like Yibo, of course, she has her moments of surprising emotion. When she sees a particularly awesome move, for example. She's very cool and I'm a little in love with her.
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I'm so glad Yuxin is here, and a captain, and accepted as herself. I love that there's finally a non-male captain, and I really love that it's her, someone who doesn't fit the usual bounds of femininity.
My nonbinary heart is rooting for Team Xin Liu and there aren't even teams yet...
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nik3gaku · 1 year
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significanceofmoths · 2 years
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Yes!!! https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-b-s.w4011-23943277102.114.70474a46QdwIMX&id=673327262847&rn=650b46c5548461aa7c5cab218ff7d18b&abbucket=13&skuId=4876110764625
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loveandpeace59 · 1 year
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This picture belongs to 2022, it‘s a memory of Street Dance of China 5, SDOC5, although I‘ve only now managed to finish it.
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xcziel · 2 years
Street Dance of China season 5 episode 1 intro
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zhansww · 1 year
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yibo-wang · 2 years
yibo suddenly calling out bouboo and kyoka to battle zyko and dykens.
bouboo: 🤨😪 me? really?
yibo: bouboo no?
bouboo: okay okay I'll go 😪 bouboo is 'tool man' for battle. *begrudgingly* why is it always me?
yibo: *extremely proud* 😄😀
hdjfjkf I love them 😂 that's what happens when your yibo's fav
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rainbowsky · 1 year
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yibo-best · 1 year
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anglaoshi · 2 years
Stand By Me - Algger - SDC (with Lucas)
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To begin, I should talk about Algger’s most recent popular dance performance: his duet with Lucas on Street Dance of China.
It is beautiful and imaginative, yet barely scratches the surface of Algger’s potential as a choreographer and dancer. The theme of the challenge was “parallel world” and Algger made a clever interpretation that meshes the mundane with the speculative. Instead of an alternate universe or other paranormal phenomenon, the dance depicts a person’s relationship with their shadow. At the highest conceptual level, the work is a paean to individuals' relationship with their own physical shadows, and the spiritual properties of shadow as companion. 
Perhaps there is an interpretation of this dance in which the shadow is not the physical 2D photonic structure (or its archetypal companion role), but the psychoanalytic concept of the abjected self, with its base drives and repressed needs. No, surely that interpretation would be just my own projection of unfulfilled desire when it comes to this dance. Something that is missing from this dance, for me, is the heft and depth that usually typify Algger’s choreography. When I watch Algger dance, I want to feel my heart race in fear. I want to feel the dangerous atmosphere he creates so gracefully. Of course, it’s perfectly understandable to take a lighter approach instead here, given the broadcasting considerations for SDC. But I don’t have to like it! Still, I think it will draw more fans toward Algger and grow our community, so I can’t be too harsh. 
The elusive, fleeting companionship between a person and their shadow is represented physically through the narrative of the dance. In the story, a person enters the two-dimensional world of the shadow and finds both a splendid environment and a delightful friend. Algger’s explanation of being inspired by perceptual barriers between physical dimensions is reminiscent of the the chapter describing the manufacture of sophons in the novel Three Body by Liu Cixin, which similarly explores the relationship between physical dimensionality and experiential complexity. 
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The initial tableau is a genius design. It is visually striking and contains multiple layers of connotation. The backdrop suggests a cityscape, while lights projecting onto the stage form the illusion of a crosswalk. Foreshadowing the themes of the dance, the crosswalk floor– the foundation upon which the dancers play– is brought into existence only by the placement of shadows. As Algger walks on one plane, Lucas mirrors his movements, walking against gravity. The dancers’ roles here are clearly depicted. Algger, who plays the 2D shadow character, casts a strong shadow from sharp key light, while Lucas casts none. The positioning creates an optical illusion, or perceptual shift, where a viewer can, by turns, see two different orientations of a single real moment. Is Algger upright, or is Lucas? It’s a matter of perception, a visceral illustration of the subjectivity, mutability, and distortion that form the barriers between physical planes. Altogether, the image pivots around a dizzying number of physical and conceptual axes. The ideas interact and turn in an elaborate system, like the arcs and globes of an orrery.
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In just a few measures, the dance builds to its first peak: a lift. As a matter of technique, the smoothness of this move really is a credit to Lucas, since it’s his momentum and velocity control that brings such a beautiful fluidity to the lift as it twists and rolls. 
Next, as the shadow, Algger gets the idea to flatten Lucas and unfurl him within the 2D world. The flattening move is cute and well timed. The unfurling move, in which Lucas, upside down, is orchestrated by Algger to rotate and swivel in many directions, is visually fascinating, fluent, and clean. 
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Regarding the various breaking moves, what I will say is that Algger has earned every right to be fearless. Lucas, of course, is exceptional. They both have immense versatility that expands the potential that their collaboration holds. The main scene of the story, where Lucas and his shadow play together in 2D, depicts a caring friendship. There is a delightful sequence showing how their relationship progresses. First, there is a split screen effect with Algger voguing downstage and Lucas breaking upstage. Here, the shapes of the two dancers’ bodies reverberate, but don’t quite mimic each other. The shapes of the dancers’ bodies is a metaphor for the way a shadow can alter and warp the shape into which it’s cast, which is in turn a metaphor for unfamiliarity, the archetypal experience of starting to make a new friend. Lucas spins his body: Algger rolls his hands. 
Then, the two smile at each other and begin to dance the same steps. Their synchronization is good here, especially for two dancers who do not have much experience as a duo. This is the time, which occurs in any friendship, when the two people discover how much they have in common and what they like to do together. It is a cute, giddy sequence.
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Finally, the logic of the dance is drawn neither by refraction nor by synchronization. They now dance synergistically, heightening the exuberant energy. These are two characters who have learned to grow, as themselves, together. Each exerts pressure and provides support, helping their friend to reach new heights. It is a complete and well executed narrative arc. My favorite part is when Lucas somersaults over Algger’s leg, extended in vivacious arabesque.
Interspersed in this storyline is imagery about exciting new experiences, crossing boundaries of perception and dimensionality. Lucas is dazzled by the sights of the parallel 2D world and a ground move suggests a panoramic rotation, as if to bring the 3D experience of a sphere to the 2D world. As they turn, Algger and Lucas look almost flat, like cardboard cutouts. 
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Familiarity and fantasticality mingle as the denouement approaches. In a shoulder stand, Algger uses his feet to again mimic and distort the movements of Lucas’s shoulders. This time, the pairing suggests reflection– a kind of loyal, inverted recreation that the shadow makes of the one who casts it. Lucas swivels at the waist: Algger twirls his legs as the knee. 
At the climax, Lucas catches air vaulting over Alggger’s back, flowing into an exuberant freeze. The friends say farewell, and Lucas steps back into his native dimension. The final image is of the two walking in the city together again, bathed in blue light, as if to suggest an entire day has passed in joyful companionship. Now we see that first image from the other perspective, with the dancers’ positions literally switched to illustrate the paradigm shift. Notice, Lucas’s body doesn’t cast a shadow, unlike Algger at the beginning. Because his shadow, his eternal friend and companion, is embodied by Algger. 
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Here I have described the main themes and connotations contained in the dance. Overall, it is a complex and heartfelt story told in a charming, guileless mood. As a choreographer, Algger’s aesthetic is often dark, with a luscious density, but this choreography is sprightly, dazzling. The story beats go quickly, and a boyish gentleness replaces Algger’s typical aggression and bravado. It is an ebullient, carefree dance, while also being developed and complete. Algger challenged himself to create a minimalistic and soft piece. As a dance routine in general, or on SDC, this one is easily a 10/10. From the excellent baseline of Algger himself, though, it scores an 8/10 for me. I loved the mood, the artistry with regards to elements of production like costume and lighting, and the complex connotations. But I am someone who came to adore Algger for his succulent, edgy choreography as part of Hello Dance, so it felt sluggish and generic at times. Still, an incredibly enjoyable watch and a virtuosic work in its own right. 
Yibo’s face captured my reaction well, so here’s one for the girlies: 
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Next installment: Lonely Warrior, maybe? I’ve also been obsessed with Worth It lately. Chime in if you have a request!
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