#sergio grieco
666frames · 5 months
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Beast With A Gun (1977)
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gatutor · 8 months
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Chelo Alonso-Jacques Sernas "La reina de los bárbaros" (La regina dei tartari) 1960, de Sergio Grieco.
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hibiscusbabyboy · 1 year
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1960s and 1990s movies watched on February 2023:
♡ What Happened to Bobby Earl?/Murder in a College Town (1997, dir. Bradley Wigor)
♡ A Violation of Trust (1991, dir. Charles Correll)
♡ The Wrong Girl (1999, dir. David Jackson)
♡ Obsessed (1992, dir. Jonathan Sanger)
♡ Special Mission Lady Chaplin (1966, dir. Sergio Grieco & Alberto De Martino)
♡ Pretty Poison (1968, dir. Noel Black)
♡ Secret Ceremony (1968, dir. Joseph Losey)
♡ The Servant (1963, dir. Joseph Losey)
♡ Eko Eko Azarak: Wizard of Darkness (1995, dir. Shimako Sato)
♡ Eko Eko Azarak II: Birth of The Wizard (1996, dir. Shimako Sato)
♡ Eko Eko Azarak III: Misa the Dark Angel (1998, dir. Katsuhito Ueno)
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giallofever2 · 2 years
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tina-aumont · 2 months
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Tina Aumont interview 8
Was it too long for you?
No, because I went to Tunis during the weekends, or I came to Paris, but we were isolated from the world with thousands of extras. I had the main role. It's the story of a guy who falls in love with a girl in a harem. In the first scene, I catch fire and he jumps the walls to save me. We are going to make the revolution in the Rif valley, in Morocco, but the location was transposed to Tunisia. It was filmed as a comedy-drama. In the film, I give birth in the middle of the desert. For the record, the air conditioning did not always work well in Sergio Grieco's caravan. It wasn't always obvious. Initially, I guess the production didn't want to spend too much money. Peter Straus thought he was working with Visconti. I believe he never returned to Italy. During filming, he was often ill, which delayed the film crew each time.
All the time the filming lasted, it had no favorable consequences on your salary.
Yes, although I was never paid very well. Anyway, I never worked for the fees, otherwise I would be rich today. (laugh)
Do you have American nationality?
Yes, I was born in Hollywood itself. My mum and dad filmed there.
What do you think of their films? For example Atlantis?
I regularly go to Santo Domingo, and there is a gentleman there that I met, who has all of my mum's films. Which means I saw quite a bit.
Tina interviewed by Antoine Cervero in 2001. Published in January/June 2002 Cine Zine Zone number 134.
Very special thanks to @74paris for sharing this gem.
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60sgroove · 2 years
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Marisa Mell as Lulu Belle in Where the Bullets Fly (1972) dir. Sergio Grieco
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mudwerks · 2 years
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Daniela Bianchi in Missione speciale Lady Chaplin (1966)
Romanian postcard by Casa Filmului Acin. Photo: Daniela Bianchi in Missione speciale Lady Chaplin/Operation Lady Chaplin (Alberto De Martino, Sergio Grieco, 1966).
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orbiscomunication · 5 months
Giornata Mondiale Vittime della Strada, familiari in Piazza San Pietro. Il papa: “Impegniamoci a prevenire incidenti”
ROMA. Fede e ricordo delle vittime della Strada. Nella mattinata di domenica 19 novembre, l’Associazione Mamme Coraggio e Vittime della Strada Odv e l’associazione “Insieme per Fabrizio” sono state presenti a Roma in occasione della Giornata nazionale nel ricordo delle Vittime della Strada. 
IL VIDEO - https://www.facebook.com/100080468301963/videos/692232049547031
Alle ore 11:00 si è tenuta la Santa Messa, recitata da Padre Oreste presso la Parrocchia Santuario di Santa Maria in Traspontina, cui erano presenti in prima linea: Elena Ronzullo, madre della vittima Luigi Ciaramella e presidente “A.M.C.V.S. Odv”; Rosa Di Bernardo, madre della vittima Mario Grieco e vice presidente “A.M.C.V.S. Odv”; Cinzia Desiati, madre della vittima Fabrizio Di Bitetto e presidente associazione “Insieme per Fabrizio”; Sabrina Tomizioli, madre della vittima Mattia Caci; Flora Spanò, madre della vittima Antonio Parisi; Biagio Ciaramella, vicepresidente delle associazioni partecipanti, ed Angelo Caci, responsabile Veneto per conto delle associazioni partecipanti, in qualità organizzatori della trasferta nella capitale per le associazioni, col patrocinio del presidente dell’Associazione Unitaria Familiari e Vittime della Strada Odv, Alberto Pallotti (pochi giorni prima presente in audizione alla IX Commissione trasporti della Camera dei Deputati). Prima del rito liturgico, tutti i familiari e vittime della strada hanno consegnato una copia del libro “Strada Assassina – Sette Storie Vere”, scritto da Dino Frambati, pubblicato dalla “NeroSuBianco Edizioni” e promosso dall’ Associazione Mamme Coraggio e Vittime della Strada Odv. 
Le famiglie delle vittime della strada sono state autorizzate a lasciare, da padre Oreste, la chiesa prima della fine della messa, per presenziare al cospetto di Papa Francesco, in occasione dell’Angelus, precisamente alle ore 12:00. Ciò è stato possibile grazie alla collaborazione con le forze dell’ordine.  I familiari delle vittime, in rappresentanza di tutte le famiglie delle vittime della strada che sui propri territori si sono fatte promotrici di eventi nel ricordo di chi non c’è più, sono stati inquadrati nel momento clou dell’omelia, in cui papa Francesco ha recitato le seguenti parole: “Ricordiamo anche le vittime della strada, preghiamo per loro e impegniamoci a prevenire incidenti”. 
“Sono anni che sui territori nazionali promuoviamo il ricordo delle vittime della Strada con le associazioni A.M.CV.S. Odv, A.U.F.V. Odv e A.I.F.V.S Odv – afferma Biagio Ciaramella -. Abbiamo combattuto annientare l’indifferenza delle istituzioni. In questo modo, tutte le vittime della Strada stanno ottenendo sempre maggior attenzione, per delle perdite che Sergio Mattarella ha definito inaccettabili. Siamo d’accordo col capo dello Stato sull’importanza prioritaria della problematica e l’apertura Governativa, avvenuta per il secondo anno di fila, dimostra quanto si voglia dire no alla rassegnazione. A Mattarella va il nostro appello affinché si continui su questa linea”. 
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Le mamme delle vittime della strada hanno ringraziato Papa Francesco per “l’invito a non arrenderci, a combattere come facciamo da anni. Vogliamo che la nostra presenza a Roma in questa data si ripeta di anno in anno, con un numero sempre crescente di familiari. Ci auguriamo, tuttavia, che tale tematica venga affrontata dalla Santa Sede tutto l’anno.  12 morti al giorno sono un numero spaventoso e devono far riflettere tutti, istituzioni e Chiesa”.
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GRIECO Sergio. Superman le diabolique. 1967.
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horrororman · 2 years
Released March 26, 1974(Italy).
#TheSinfulNunsofSaintValentine (Le scomunicate di San Valentino).
#Horror #Nunsploitation
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trashvideofinland · 4 years
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Dödens agent / Password: Kill Agent Gordon (1966) Video Klubben https://www.videospace.fi/release/dodens_agent_vhs_video_klubben_sweden
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gatutor · 1 year
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Abbe Lane-Gordon Mitchell "Julio César contra los piratas" (Giulio Cesare contro I pirati) 1962, de Sergio Grieco.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 6 years
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Argoman the Fantastic Superman (1967)
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giallofever2 · 2 years
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tina-aumont · 2 months
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Tina Aumont interview 7
And the actor who played Casanova, Leonard Whiting?
I haven't seen him since. He had shot a Zeffirelli before, I think. He was initially a stage actor, like many English people. I guess he's still playing. Comencini's film sometimes resembles Watteau's paintings.
Yes, although he often hesitates between humor, tenderness and sordidness.
Of course. You remember the episode of the surgery which was fatal to his father. Surgery which the good bourgeois attend like a show. The miracles of science.
70 is also the time when I filmed in “Corbari” by Valentino Orsini. This is the story of a resistance fighter in Cologne. A true story. I myself play the role of a resistance fighter. We are all shot. I would love to see it again. I can't say anything special about Corbari other than the fact that I have good memories of both the film and Giuliano Gemma. Coming back to fantasy, do you know that Dario Argento asked me to play in Suspiria? Unfortunately, I was not free.
Following that, you played in Necropilis by Franco Brocani.
Yes, it's a thriller where I play the role of a witch. There are plenty of references in this film to Bava, for example. It's pretty much the only thriller film I've made. Ah, there is "Lifespan" also in 75. But in 71, I play the fortune teller in "Arcana" by Giulio Questi. Again, a film that I am proud of. There is also "Bianco, Rosso e..." by Alberto Lattuada. It's a parody starring Sophia Loren. The story of a star who, following a car accident, finds herself in a suburban hospital, and she asks for her pedicurist, her astrologer... In it, Sophia Loren is a nun and Adriano Celentano is a patient. Me, the victim of my car accident, all plastered in my bed, someone gives me a slap to calm me down. It was very funny to play the role of a pain in the ass. It's a story inspired by Gina Lollobrigida's car accident. The same year, I filmed in “Il Sergente Klems” by Sergio Grieco with Peter Straus who had just filmed in “Soldat Bleu”. It was a shoot that lasted months and months, deep in the desert in Tunisia.
Tina interviewed by Antoine Cervero in 2001. Published in January/June 2002 Cine Zine Zone number 134.
Very special thanks to @74paris for sharing this gem.
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grindhousecellar · 6 years
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