#sezzie friends
xsezzie · 4 months
I visited @otomiyaa island and I think I’ll have to call animal control because some of these villagers are saying sus things and there’s a um… suspicious cemetery 🤨
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As for the cute pictures…
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hoaxghost · 10 months
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Happy to have posted that cause I can go into more depth about certain other demon-lore tidbits and the like! To expand upon the familial aspect:
Split demons often have complex relations when thinking about their Roots, this is strongest in 1st degree Splits while 3rd or 4th have a much more detached point of view. When Splits refer to their counterparts, they'll often use the term brother or sister but it's usually not intended in any gendered aspect.
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nataliedrawz · 1 year
You know I feel like since I am shorter than Dessie I should be baby height number 1
No, I called @italeean baby height before you, so you're baby height 2 <3
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Re: 💌
Finally getting to respond to those who were so kind to me in messages, comments, and reblogs in the past week! @otomiya-tickles was a blog with mainly tickle fics, but you guys definitely made it feel like there was more to it :)
I piled all my answers into one big post and will treasure them for as long as Tumblr decides to keep me online this time 🤭
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@lovelymessybubbly: Ahhh I remember sending that ask long ago and always wondered if you received it. I still think the timing (of my leave and your return) is ridiculous hehehe, but I'm also glad to stick around and to see you back! I hope the hiatus has been good^^
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@dokidoki-muffin: absolutely honored to have inspired you and not only that, I think you're a great friend and I love our chats and our recent collab had me filled with joy^^ !! 🧁
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@fluffandgiggles: I love your blog, the fics you write and the fandoms you choose and your kind personality, I'm glad you got to go from anon to your own blog and hope you can have fun with it for as long as you like to!
@skayleay: Sending love back to you, thank youu*w*
@beth-bethar00: Thank you 🥺
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@tiredleekaz: Your message made me giggle hehe thank you for the support for the x amount of years, I also realized how easy it is to lose count when I think of all my different 'tumblr eras' 😂
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@lilliee0: Sorry you had to find out this way hehe, and thank you! My account is in a good place *dramatic music plays* (no it's actually not lmao)
@rachi-roo: The Real OG 😳 I'm not sure I can accept that compliment but I thank you for it!! :3
@blobbirobbi: Sending love right back, also your tickle stories are always welcome hohoho
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Anon #1: Heheh right! I know I"ve once said that even if I would quit my blog, I would never deactivate voluntarily (and definitely not without announcement) so it would have to be Tumblr to take care of that. To think that actually happened :). Hope you have a lovely day too!
Anon #2: Ahh I'm glad I could help introducing you to the tk community! Thank you for enjoying my fics, all the best to you too!^^
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@infrequent-creator: Don't miss me yet, I won't be gone entirely :) I'll be here, and I'll be loud. Just my fic production will come to an indefinite stop, or break. Who knows.
@yourgigglebugmaya: Ahhh that flatters me! Thank you so much^^
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@shyanon01: Thank you for the sweet message!
@hakurei-k: Hahaha! Well I'm still here too and ready to adore Solomon together.
@dirtpie39: I had to google that lololol ('sike'). Thank you for re-following^^
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@sunstone-smiles: T-T thank you a lot!!
@moongeonight: 4 years ago!! ahhh I'm happy to hear it and hope you're still having fun! :D
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@shy-lee-chu: Love you sweetie, I won't write many new fics so hope you won't be bored by me ;)
@eliankrios: Elian, I'm definitely okay thank you! I'll be mainly here to eat up the content you post ^^
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@flames-tstuff: I DON'T DESERVE YOU! ❤️❤️ Hehe answering all these messages to me feels like an entire ceremony already 🙈 And thank youuu, those 13k posts and 7k followers were from a total of 7 years of active fic writing on Tumblr though for a ton of various fandoms, I don't deserve too much credit for it ^^
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@kusuguricafe: Thank you for staying with me too 😘
@crazy-as-a-jaybird: *hug* thank youuuu T-T
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@ticklystuff: Thank you so much, will do!! I am reviving my animal crossing island (inspired by you and sezzie🤭)
@fantasizes-tickles-daily: I read about so many heartattacks and feel so sorry hehe, thank you for finding me again and for supporting my new one!^^ I can't believe I even considered not making a new blog. Your blog alone gives me the serotonin I need.
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@intheticklecloset: Thank you for the kind words and support!! T-T I look forward to enjoying the community from the sideline hehe:)
@ppystkposts: All these from anon to blogger stories make me kick my feet in delight! It's a chain reaction, I'm sure you will inspire others to start their blog as well. Your art and kindness most surely will do that^^ thank you for the support!
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@giggly-squiggily: waaa that's so sweet, thank youuuu!*0* I'll remember it!^^
@fanfic-chan: Ahhhh thank youu:D I used to call my blog my happy place and am more than happy to turn this one into that as well. Thank you for your message!
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@tickle-panile, @kiwithelee, @ticklish-sidekick, @mai-mei thank you for your concern*w*!
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Special thanks to @lovelynim and @wertzunge for their instant share of my update, to @ticklygiggles for dealing with the questions about my absence, even the nasty ones. Sigh, I don't like they were rude to you! ah and also, it was Mia's message I woke up to when my blog was gone x) Never forget.
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....and also ofc special speciaaaaal thanks to everyone else who reached out in DMs (I hope I answered you by now but will check soon), and to my dear friends on discord 😘
even though tumblr makes it look like my blog never existed, my evil spirit will live on and I'll keep being annoying 🤣
If I forgot anyone's message I deeply apologize ToT !!!!
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ticklish-n-stuff · 7 months
Profile Tag Game
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Hello: I'm Sakura! No offense, but umm... why do you want to talk to me? Haha! That was awkward... but jokes aside, let's strive to have a pleasant chat!~
Chat: Tickling - Do I like tickling? Well... yeah. It's been one of my "special" interests for as long as I can remember. W-why are you looking at me like that...?
Chat: Psychology - I don't get passionate about many things, but this, this is something I'm sure of.
Chat: Music - When my emotions can't get put into words, listening to music helps gather my thoughts.
When it Rains: I never understood how nature sounds can be relaxing. I just automatically tune out the noise.
After the Rain: Ugh, it's gonna get real cold tonight. Make sure to bundle up well, don't want our joints hurting now, haha!
When Thunder Strikes: *gasp* S-sorry, I get easily startled...
When it Snows: Snow...? I've never seen it myself. Although, I doubt my body could handle it.
When the Sun is Out: Hngh... my eyes are weak to such intense light...
When the Wind is Blowing: Even when I cut my hair shorter, it still brushes against my ears and neck! It tickles so bad... Don't laugh at me, haha!
Good Morning: Morning already...? Ugh... How do I get out of bed?
Good Afternoon: Can I nap already, pleaseeeee? I promise I'll do my work later.
Good Evening: It's evening, y'know what that means... Time to suddenly feel somewhat energetic and cram everything I didn't do during my day!
Good Night: Every night without fail, I'll daydream about my interests until I fall asleep.
About Sakura: Physical affection - I'm not the most touchy person out there, but that doesn't mean I'm against receiving it!
About Sakura: Relationships - I recently learned that I value my friendships more over romantic relationships, although I'm still a sucker for crappy romcoms.
About Sakura: Perception - It always baffles me when people describe me diferently as to how I view myself. It probably comes off as attention seeking, but I genuinly don't get it.
Something to Share: Language - My main language is actually spanish! Although I prefer to speak english, much easier hehe.
Interesting things: Growing up - Growing up is much less scarier than what other people make it out to be. Could've saved me the extra anxiety, haha!
Sakura's Hobbies: I don't open up about my hobbies much because of past judgement. But essentially, I like to play videogames and write. Sometimes I'll read or watch shows if I'm not too tired.
Sakura's Troubles: What troubles me...? Haha! Hahahaha! Where do I even begin?
Favorite Food: I could eat pasta every day of my life and die happy.
Least Favorite Food: I'm not really sure. I tend to dislike most foods based on texture more than taste.
About @xsezzie : Sezzie is such a sweet and caring person, I'm so glad I get to call her my friend. I wouldn't trade all those talks about MEN for anything, hehe~
About @nervousswitch : At first, I wasn't too fond of being viewed as a big sister, but Ariy has made me enjoy it, not gonna lie.
About @kairoscler : It's kinda crazy to think that Kairo showed up randomly one day in my ask box talking about lee Rui, and now we have such a strong bond.
About @lovinglyroses : Lucy is my platonic soulmate!~ But in all seriousness, I'm so glad to be friends with such a ray of sunshine.
About @practickles : Those thoughtful conversations I've had with Catet will forever reign in my heart.
About @jackytickles : With Jack, there's never a dull moment. He's one of the few people I'd go out of my way to hug.
About @azureyemberzz : Being friends with Amber is a rollercoaster of emotions. I don't like rollercoasters, but reaching the end makes it all worth it.
Ty Sezzie for tagging me, this was fun to do (^○^)💖
Tagging: @kittyfluffies @jackytickles @duckymcdoorknob @kaerichan-yatta @kairoscler @lovinglyroses @practickles @azureyemberzz and anyone who wants to do it!
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ticklystuff · 2 years
Not sure if you still doing that ask game? But I’ve been playing with a different team so thought I’d give you something that doesn’t include what everyone else has 😂
Heizou, Xingqiu, Xiangling and Benny 😌
not accepting anymore, thanks!
hewwo ms sezzie i appreciate you sending an ask and your team is really cute uwu
who’s the most ticklish character
Heizou, but they're all really ticklish and practically the same, so pick your fave lol
who’s the character that most people would assume isn’t ticklish, but actually is
I like to think that Benny thought he was cursed with being being super ticklish, until he met this team and realized he is not alone lol
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
Gang tickles happen a lot because this team is fun and everyone is on the receiving end. Heizou and Xingqiu because they're both smug bastards, Xiangling because she's the squirmiest and most likely to freak out, and Benny when he's sulking because of his bad luck
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Okay, so I don't think Xingqiu would know everyone's tickle spots, but he's pretty good at guessing and keeps them in his back pocket for times that are necessary Heizou doesn't know either, but he's the type of person that will pin down his lee and go over each spot and rank them outloud for everyone to hear
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
I feel like they'd all know each other pretty well to have everyone's spots down. Xingqiu and Xiangling were friends before joining the team, so maybe Xingqiu knows that Xiangling has ticklish hands? Like, I think she would have burned herself enough while cooking, but only the undersides, so she kinda killed her nerve endings there, but the tops of her hands are still fair game
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
This one was hard because I feel like they'd all be evenly matched, but it's a toss-up because they're both skilled in some form of martial arts. I think I'm going to give this to Heizou because he gives me the vibe that he has endless energy and doesn't like giving up
which character has a kink for tickling
None of them!
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
None of them! Xingqiu was tickled by Chongyun and his brother all the time, Benny was tickled by his dads and the adventurer guild, Xiangling was tickled by Xinyan and Yun Jin, and I like to think Itto caught up to Heizou at the end of that one ending of his hangout and wrecked him
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Heizou and Xingqiu! They're both very smug and are constantly trying to outsass each other and Xingqiu is always able to one-up Heizou and it frustrates him to no end, so whenever he loses, he usually resorts to tackling Xingqiu and tickling him. I see a friendly rivalry going on here Heizou and Benny! Heizou is the type of person to pull pranks on Benny all the time. He'd be like, "Bennett, can you help me reach the thing on the top shelf? :)" and Benny would be like "ya sure" and it just slips his mind that Heizou is an anemo user and can just jump to grab whatever until it's too late and realizes he was bamboozled again when he feels fingers tickling his ribs
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avoecs · 3 years
Thanks foe the follow back. Two things you should be aware of. One, you're a curvy goddess and this thirsty b could drown of you. Two, you seem like a neat person who should be one of my girl Friends. Stay sezzy and strong, lady.
Thank you lol 💗
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dissidiawol · 4 years
hey sexy you should do nightwing for that ask meme damn why the fuck am i on this account lol
hi handsome ok whatever u say mr big penis
hubba hubba ya kno what im sayin 😏😏😏
me bitch. all signs pointing to yours truly. also sometimes i think abt him with booster cuz its funny and also thats still me 😎
just say brotp DAMN. wally :) i only know wally as his best friend so whenever i see him im like damn yeah thats your friend fuck yeah. no offence to the ppl who ship them youre right too but hes, ykno, just not me
the red costume kinda sezzy
get fucked by a dude (NOT A JOKE)
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wars-of-the-roses · 5 years
keykendall88 A grocer and a taxidermy girl walk onto a beach... sounds like the beginning of an awfully cheesy joke but who would have known it was actually the beginning of something quite lovely. Joe, the world is a heck of a lot funnier with you in my life. We argue like 5 year olds but love like teenagers. Either way, we really bring out the immaturity in each other (see 3rd pic for a wrestling match over a spray bottle) You are so much in so many different ways and I love every bit of you. I mean, how did all that sexiness fit into one man?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEZZY PANTS ✨You’re my BEST friend Joe!!!❤️😘
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lord-overlips · 6 years
I was tagged by: @the-smol-bot​
Rules: Answer the questions (which you can change if you don’t feel like answering certain questions) then tag 20 followers you want to get to know better!
I. Nickname?
Sare-Bear. Or bear. Sometimes Sezzie. (my name is Sarah)
II. Gender?
female human
III. Star sign?
IV. Height?
5′6 / 166cm
V. Favorite feature?
I’m a redhead and I’ve always gotten lots of compliments so.... the hair.
VI. Favorite color?
Eh... whatever.
VII. Favorite animal?
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
IX. Dogs or cats?
cats! I mean.... I’m allergic to both but cats are easier to manage.
X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
I mean.... a doona / quilt is plenty? Australia is warm. : l
XI. What’s your dream trip?
Japannnnnn. I’m gonna play pachinko and drink sake while I fondle all the transformers I buy there.
XIV. How many followers do you have?
Many lovely people!
XV. How many pets do you have?
None. I’m allergic and I’m also lazy.... so most pets are out. Plus the cost... most rentals don’t allow pets. One day I hope to have a smol cat friend with not too much hair.
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or country?
Beach. :  l I guess. (very unexcited. There’s just... so much sand.)
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies and cream I guess
XVIII. How often do you read?
Not much... I kinda feel bad for this. But I keep misplacing my e-reader and don’t know what to read.
XIX. Favorite study locations?
HAh! (one day)
XX. Favorite book series?
I mean I really enjoyed the Farseer Trilogy but...it’s not the greatest. The main character is just a whipping boy for no damned reason.
Now tag your followers!
I tag....uh.... uh..... help me. Whoever loves me! (I get nervous calling out names)
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travel-hopefully · 6 years
@missmendelsohn did this and it seemed fun so i had a go...
1. What is your nickname? Sez, Sezzy, Sezla etc…
2. How old are you? 22
3. What is your birth month? January
4. What is your zodiac sign? Capricorn
5. What is your favorite color? All colours are beaut! My faves would have to be green and purple though.
6. What’s your lucky number? 2
7. Do you have any pets? Yes- An energetic whimsical blue roan cocker spaniel called Monty, a cute and sleepy CavaPooTzu called Rory, and a pretty sassy tortie cat named Jazz.
8. Where are you from?  England
9. How tall are you? 5′2 (actually 5’1 ¾)
10. What shoe size are you? 5.5-6 usually
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Too many! I think about… 18?
12. Are you random? Very very random… and weird!
13. Last person you texted? On text, my dad. On Whatsapp, my boyfriend.
14. Are you psychic in any way? I really don’t think so, definitely have never successfully predicted the future, apart from one-off coincidences.
15. Last TV show watched? The Handmaid’s Tale
16. Favorite movie? The Harry Potter series, and out of them, Prisoner of Azkaben.
17. Favorite show from your childhood? Scooby Doo! I was obsessed!
18. Do you want children? Yes I think so.
19. Do you want a church wedding? No not really… maybe something in the countryside or on a beach.
20. What is your religion? None.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Once, when I had a tendon problem in my right foot from Gymnastics.
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? Nooopee!
23. How is life? Improving, but my anxiety is causing me a lot of hassle from time to time.
24. Baths or showers? It depends on my mood. If I’m feeling lazy and want to unwind I’ll go for a bath. If I want to get on with my day and wake myself up I’ll choose a shower.
25. What colour socks are you wearing? None!
26. Have you ever been famous? Lol… no.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? No I want to have freedom to go places and not be recognised.
28. What type of music do you like? A blend of Indie, Pop, Rock and Television soundtracks!
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No but it could be fun.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? I have 5 because it’s a double bed… including 1 cute hedgehog cushion.
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side.
32. How big is your house? It’s a flat… quite roomy but not too big,
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal- normally chocolate hoops with milk, and a piece of fruit- either banana or kiwi fruit.
34. Have you ever left the country? Yes quite a lot of times.
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes it was really cool! I’d love to try it again.
36. Do you like anyone? I like many people :) 
37. Favorite swear word? Erm…bloody hell… is that a swear word? I say it a lot anyway!
38. When do you fall asleep? Between 11 and 12.
39. Do you have any scars? One on each knee and a few mini ones on my right hand (Clumsy!)
40. Sexual orientation? Straight 
41. Are you a good liar? I can tell a good white lie but not big lies.
42. What languages would you like to learn? Spanish, German, Mandarin.
43. Top 10 songs? This is soooo hard! 1. Laura Palmer (Bastille) 2. Scare Away The Dark (Passenger) 3. Send Them Off! (Bastille) 4. Arsonist’s Lullaby (Hozier) 5. Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) 6. Lies (McFly) 7. Cough Syrup (Young The Giant) 8. Life’s For The Living (Passenger) 9. Any Tenth Doctor theme variations inc. The Doctor Forever & Vale Decem (Murray Gold) 10. This is Gallifrey (Murray Gold).
And that’s in no particular order :)
44. Do you like your country? Yeah its cool.
45. Do you have friends on the web? Yes a few :)
46. What is your personality type? INFJ (The Advocate)
47. Hogwarts house? Gryffindor
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yes I can!
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to
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50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? I’m petrified… sometimes I almost stop breathing if one comes near me!
52. Favorite food? Chocolate!!
53. Favorite foreign food? Greek is nice… especially Moussaka
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I like things to be clean but most of the time I procrastinate and leave things in a state  
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Probably something I shouldn’t say lol
56. What colour underwear? Black
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? About 45 mins to 1 hour
58. Do you have much of an ego? No not at all tbh
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Definitely suck :P
60. Do you talk to yourself? I do a lot!
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yes, often.
62. Are you a good singer? Nopppeeee, may people tell me I am tone deaf!
63. Biggest fears? Fear of death and losing loved ones.
64. Are you a gossip? I can be sometimes, but I can keep a secret when necessary.
65. Are you a grammar Nazi? I can be, but mostly I don’t care about that much
66. Do you have long or short hair? Mid-length – up to my shoulders, and very unruly
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? No chance!
68. Favorite school subject? Science – Biology and Chemistry; and Art!
69. Extrovert or introvert? Introvert with some extroverted traits
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No but that’d be so cool!
71. What makes you nervous? I have anxiety so any anxious thoughts I have really. Also big social situations.
72. Are you scared of the dark? No, the dark is fine.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? If it is necessary yes; I wouldn’t do it all the time cause it would be annoying.
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, especially on my feet.
75. Have you ever started a rumour? No not that sort of person.
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? Yes on a few holidays in Europe
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yes but it was always with my parents permission :P
78. Have you ever done drugs? No!
79. What do you fantasize about? Being free from anxiety.
80. How many piercings do you have? My ear lobes, and one helix piercing,
81. Can you roll your R’s? No I don’t.
82. How fast can you type? Quite fast.
83. How fast can you run? I used to run very fast but then I injured my foot so not so much anymore.
84. What color is your hair? Brown with gingery tones.
85. What color are your eyes? Bluey- grey
86. What are you allergic to? Not much, some medications, lotions and plasters
87. Do you keep a journal? Yes, and I should write in it more often tbh
88. Are you depressed about anything? Yes, having anxiety makes me sad quite a lot.
89. Do you like your age? Yeah I suppose so, but things were better in my late teens,
90. What makes you angry? Myself and my negative thoughts
91. Do you like your own name? Yeah it’s okay
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? No, thankfully.
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? One of each would be nice!
94. What talents do you have? Gymnastics- I do a great handstand!
95. Sun or moon? I appreciate both :P
96. How did you get your name? My mum and dad chose it…. They didn’t want anything too girly and wanted it traditional
97. Are you religious? No not really
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? Yes a few, I have a counsellor at the moment too.
99. Colour of your bedspread? At the moment- brown and white
100. Colour of your room? Purple
Anyone who wants to do this too, feel free!
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xsezzie · 8 months
Stinky old lady account🤢/j
What is this slander against your elders huh!? 😤
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hoaxghost · 6 months
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Sezzi catching up with a friend over a game
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nataliedrawz · 1 year
I think you smell
Smell nice? Thank you!!
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otomiyaa · 4 months
Fortnite has been so bad for so long but all of a sudden it started popping off 😭
Hahahaha tbh I only ever heard about the name and vaguely knew it had some collabs like BNHA (though I just thought they were mods), and that was all I knew. Then my friend introduced me to it this month and I learned that it's free, and it's fun.
Can't stop laughing at @xsezzie sama, seeing me log in and judging me for playing this all night RIGHT SEZZIE SAMA POS POS ❤️❤️❤️
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Claptone – Clapcast 307 Tracklist
Be a part of the journey and allow Claptone to transport you to a place of sonic delights, with a mix designed to enchant outside of the club. Follow our golden masked friend and be the first to hear the new editions of the CLAPCAST tale…
01. Boys Noize featuring Jake Shears – All I Want (Purple Disco Machine Extended Remix) [Defected] 02. Flight Facilities ft. Channel Tres – Lights Up (Extended Mix) [Glassnote] 03. Clive From Accounts – Gravitate (Original Mix) [Dirt Crew] 04. In Deep We Trust – Ba:sen (Tensnake Remix) [FFRR] 05. R Plus – Love Will Tear Us Apart (Hacienda Mix) [Armada] 06. Juliet Sikora – Diva Disco (Original Mix) [Kittball] 07. Demuir – Feels So Good (Original Mix) [Sola] 08. Ferreck Dawn & GUZ – Knock Me Out (Redondo & MALARKEY Remix) [Club Sweat] 09. Dompe – Loopy Loop (Soul Speech Edit) [Snatch! Records] 10. Kisch feat. Syon – Rock With Me (Low Steppa Remix) [Armada] 11. Will Taylor (UK) – Paloma (Original Mix) [Saved] 12. VLTRA (IT) – 905 (Alvaro Smart Remix) [Nasty Funk] 13. Josh Samuel – Sezzy Lock (Original Mix) [Realm]
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