#she asked to be taken home
goodobservationshirley · 11 months
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Emotions can guide you where memories can't. [...] It's something that forgetting can't take from you. Love.
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malinaa · 7 months
if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
#imagine you're a boy who's going to die. you're in love with the girl you've been watching from afar. you know your fate.#you just want to help her‚ but then there's the announcement and she's here in front of you‚ kissing you‚ risking her life for you and you#think‚ i could live and i could love. you think she loves you when she hands you the berries‚ when she puts them in her mouth.#then you both survive and you go back home and nothing is real anymore. you have nothing. no family. no friends. no love. just an empty#house. a drunk for a neighbor. the love of your life walking into somebody else's arms. you think‚ i survived the games. i could survive#this. and you also think‚ i should've bit down on those berries‚ should've felt the juice burst before i died.#and then the third quarter quell announcement rings in your ears and you think‚ she will live and i will die as i should have in the first#place. the girl you love kisses you on the beach and somewhere you heart stirs and your mind revolts and you savor every touch she has ever#given to you‚ in front of the cameras and off. because you are a tribute and you are always being watched and snow's presence looms and#you think‚ i know she cares. but you get taken. you get drugged. you get tortured‚ your mind altered. the girl is a mutt‚ a murderer. she's#everything you despise‚ your mind stirs. your heart revolts. you gain more awareness but cannot distinguish reality from fiction and you#have never known katniss' love. the war ends. you heal. you come home. you plant primrose for her. years down the line‚ you grow in love#more than you thought possible. but some days‚ you cannot tell fiction from reality so you ask the love of your life‚ you love me.#real or not real? and she says‚ real‚ and kisses you.#and you sigh and kiss her back and revel in this. a home. a life. a love.#lit#the hunger games#everlark#otp: real or not real?#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#text#tais toi lys#thgpost
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todayisafridaynight · 19 days
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wantbytaemin · 26 days
it’s 1.18 am and i can’t sleep bc there’s a thunderstorm and i’m scared of them like a big loser so. don’t hold me accountable for my thoughts and feelings but
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I really need people to understand that they didn’t not listen to Cassandra because she was a woman she was quite literally cursed. Like Apollo got all pissy over something (varies from version to version yknow mythology stuff) like the gods tend to do and cursed her so that she could tell the future but no one would believe her. It was not because she was a woman like I’m begging you if you’re talking about people not listening to women talk about anybody else-
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oifaaa · 2 years
I'll never understand why out of all robins Tim is the one made into a victim the most in fandom. People really think that being rich is the worst thing that can happen to you?? "Oh no my parents didn't hug me enough" it's always the same bullshit. Dick saw his parents being murdered right in front of him, Damian was raised in an assassin cult, made into a killer, never actually had a normal childhood and Jason... *checks notes* right, Jason's mother died from drug overdose, he lived on the streets, got nothing to eat and no roof over his head, then he was tortured and killed by Joker, then his father figure beat him to a pulp and people still think Tim deserves pity the most??? Not to mention Dick and Damian are minority and poc, romani and arabian respectively. I just want to throw my phone out of the window when I'm reading a fic and batfam has to once again comfort this rich white privileged little shit bc his life was sooo horrible. Jesus christ.
Here's the thing bc I've asked about this multiple times before and the answer I keep getting back is "I can't relate to being raised by assassins or a drug addict mum but I can relate to Tim" which if true is totally valid Tim's parents loved him but they weren't the best parents which is a pretty common experience for a lot of people bc parenting is hard, but then some people will turn around in the same breath and villainise Tim's parents to a cartoonish extent making out like his parents were the worst people alive never loved him and didn't care about him in the slightest and like you said act like he had the absolute worst childhood with Cassandra Cain standing right there with her actual childhood of her mother abandoning her her father only seeing her as a weapon not even bothering to teach her how to speak and being forced to kill someone when she was 8 and after living on her own with no one to look after her but sure Tim's parents left him at a boarding school bc they had jobs to do so he's definitely the worst off poor Tim
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dandelion-wings · 5 months
rosaria and barbara roleswap
in which rosaria is basically natasha and barbara is the one kidnapped by treasure hoarders when she was a child
Okay, I don't know who Natasha is (I assumed an NPC, but when I googled got nothing but Star Rail, and if that's who you meant I don't play that), but that would be a fascinating roleswap! Though Rosaria in particular seems like she would be so different, as so much of her personality was shaped by her bandit experiences, that I'm not sure I can really get a grasp on what she might be like without them. XD;; Presumably she grew up in her village here, and... who knows where she might have gone from there, without knowing more about her family and parents. Though I suppose there's the possibility that the roleswap is that they were all killed as in canon but she was rescued instead of kidnapped, which would mean she grew up in the Church but with that trauma of watching them die, which... okay, I can see where Rosaria might go from there, and I feel like she'd be a less hardened person in the way she treats others, but probably have this core, given her strength of conviction in canon, of wanting to grow up to make sure that never happens to another child. Which is to say, Knight!Rosaria, probably.
Barbara does seem more emotionally fragile overall than Rosaria, and while some of that was probably her family situation, we know from her character stories that she struggled more even as a child, so honestly, being kidnapped by bandits would probably make her even more timid. TBH I have an easier time imagining her dying in the rough-survival situation Rosaria's lore implies, especially if she struggled with the 'training' Rosaria went through the way she struggled with her mother's, but we're assuming she survives here, so. Maybe the false-father bandit Rosaria killed in canon develops a soft spot for Barbara, too, and protects her, and she eventually ends up the group's mascot. Possibly she starts learning rough wilderness healing skills, which would help--the person who can keep you alive if a fight went bad is worth feeding and protecting--but I still can't imagine her ever becoming the kind of killer Rosaria is. Just much more calculating, aware of the skills she lacks without being ashamed of them as in canon, but rather equally aware of the skills she possesses and determined not to devalue them in any trade for those skills she doesn't have.
...and then Sir Rosaria is with Varka's party when they clear out the bandit camp, desperate for revenge because these were the bandits who killed her family. But she's injured in the fight, and Barbara, cornered by Rosaria as the surviving bandits are being chased down and slaughtered, offers those exact skills to help her in exchange for her own life. Yeah, okay, I'm into that. XD
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nobodieshero-main · 9 months
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playing around with one of the final scenes, not because i'm anywhere close to it but bc i enjoy exploring the idea of Keika not just losing a bit of himself, but actively giving it up just because Atlas asked it of him.
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I cant actually believe that anyone can interpret hits different to be about a man, I was trying to explain it to a friend of mine who's not entirely convinced about gaylor and wow! How can it not be about a girl!??! Even if we look away from the fact argumentative antithetical dream girl only really makes sense to be about the person the song is written about in a grammatical, how could that line be about Taylor when the rest of the song describes how broken down and severely depressed about the situation she is. Does 'I cried over a hat', 'asshole outlaw', and 'my sadness is contagious' sound like someone describing themselves as someone's dream girl???? Because I certainly wouldnt say so.
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
One day I’m going to write an Ochako character piece where she gets sick of standing in Deku’s shadow and breaks off their relationship in order to find herself - only for the media to begin constantly linking her to other Hero’s in the hopes of causing/unearthing drama.
She loses herself, succumbs to the idea that she’ll only ever be as good as the males she’s attached to and sinks…
It’s funny, she thinks, for someone who can control gravity - she sure does feel heavy.
#I want her to make a badly timed pass at Bakugo - The media have already labelled her a home wrecker;#she might as well prove them right at this point.#She’s drunk and sinking and obviously in pain; but Bakugo let’s her down gently…#There’s a rough sympathy in his voice when he says:#‘The fuck you playing at Cheeks? I’m taken. The fuck do you want me for?’#She hiccups; tears already beading her lashes: ‘You’re the number two.’#‘The fucks that got to do with anything? You’re in the top fucking ten.’#‘Doesn’t matter…’ She sighs. ‘Only matters who I’m fucking; doesn’t it.’#‘Who the fuck put that kinda idea in your head? You’re an incredible Hero in your own right; anyone who can’t see that is fucking stupid.’#She dissolved into tears then; blubbering about the media and womanhood and skin tight fucking suits…#By the time she’s done she’s dog tired and Bakugo swings her over his shoulders before taking her home -#- and tucking her into the bed in your spare room.#Of course you wake up when he slinks into bed; a hand scrubbing down his face as he relays the night.#‘It’s bullshit.’ He tells you. ‘She’s one of the strongest people I know.’#‘I know.’ You nod and take his hand. ‘I think she just needs a friend right now…’#She eats breakfast with you in the morning and apologises through mouthfuls of toast. You wave her off; ask if she’d like to get lunch -#you know a place. You say.#(There’s something here about women uplifting women and female bonds; but I’m too dumb to put it into words right now…#I just think she deserves more - as both a character and how she’s often treated within the fandom.#Idk. I love the women of MHA 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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thegreatestheaver · 9 days
traveling and also having ocd is not a good combo 0/10 I don’t recommend
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Where do Boreas and Zephyr end up in the off the string Ancients au after getting off the string?
well, assuming that Euros and Sparrows manage to find Boreas before he fucks off on the journey to Zeph alone or Desaevio Houses manage to catch him, the three would make the journey to her together and with Sparrows bein the only one with a place to go, she'd suggest coming over to her home at least until they figure out smth better
fuckin... Euros tryin to rope the other two into the joys of baby sitting.. Boreas constantly smacks his head on doorways. Inferno gives Boreas a fucking shotgun n starts teaching him how to use it while Sparrows, very conscious of the religious importance of Iterators, is just lookin behind them like 👀💦 Inkling would get along with Zephyr WONDERFULLYYYYYY,, would try to teach her how work around the house despite her disabilities so she would Finally get to do smth else than just sit and cling on to survival. Boreas n granda glaring at each other from the other sides of a room as if one of them isn't alive strictly because of spite
they lose Brook and everybody is trying so hard to find her and at the end it turns out that she somehow managed to hide under Boreas' chlamys and has been clinging on to his back for a solid hour now. no he did not know about this
at the end of it all Sparrows family would get together and probably renovate some house from beyond the retaining walls of Euros' facilities where the Gen 1s could hide away, because ultimately Zeph n B need to stay a secret more than Euros himself. about Euros people already know! and at least he's still within his own walls. but Zeph is supposed to be a secret and B is so damnably important as a bearer of the capital city, that if they were found out the family would get into a lot of trouble
so the aged humidifiers get to have a lil dwelling in the forests nearby, seems like! <3
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disengaged · 21 days
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toronto ….. (again)
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xiaofiaan · 28 days
my mom telling me how she's been so supportive and how dare i try and assume otherwise as if i don't explicitly remember her throwing stuff and dragging my best friend into a full blown fight when i came out to her at the ripe age of 12 years old
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cyncerity · 1 year
Hi, I absolutely love your store shifter au and it gave me so much brainrot!! I’m borrowing a friend’s account for the moment because I can’t have a tumblr. Anyhow, I just wanted you to say that even if I can’t interact, I absolutely love all your ideas!!! If I understood the lore right, I would assume George is Sapnap’s younger brother and whatever traumatizing experience caused Sapnap to shift also took George away from Dream when they were young. Will Dream and George ever meet in person and if they met as tinies, would George realize it was Dream and what would he think of Dream having the pendant/braid? How would Tommy learn Dream was a shifter, and if one of them was tiny when that happened how would they deal with/would there be a language barrier? And how does Dream learn to shift back? This is much longer than intended, sorry. Feel free to answer parts of it or none of it, I just wanted you to know you’re wonderful!! And if this ask isn’t long enough, then here’s some writing prompts -a friendly admirer
“I can’t believe it.”
“My clothes. They just look so, so…”
“Yeah. Hard to believe we even fit that size, right?”
“It’s crazy.”
"Nothing... I'm just not used to
seeing you from this angle.”
"Yeah, I guess it's usually the
other way around.”
This is literally one of the most personal asks I’ve ever gotten solely for the fact that how you described being on tumblr is exactly how I was
I wasn’t allowed on tumblr, so i’d wait till everyone in my house was asleep and then pull out my middle school ipod as a burner device, look at g/t posts for an hour or so, then delete the google tabs i’d pulled them up on and fully shut down the ipod and hide it.
I lurked in this specific community for about a year, then lurked with an account so i could send asks for about another half year until i caved and got the app without parental permission lol (my dad had seen how tumblr was before the bad bots started to get banned so he honest to god thought this was one of those kinda sites but hes chill now)
suffice to say i completely know where you’re coming from and I love you for it 💖
Even if you can’t like my posts or have an account, just coming on here and saying you like my content is so awesome and it absolutely means the world to me 💕✨💖
As for you’re thoughts on the lore (and thank you for sending so many questions I love when this happens):
You’re getting close >:)
Sapnap doesn’t have any siblings, but as I’ve mentioned before (i think), Quackity does! And the event that sparked Sapnap’s shifting was similar to what got George taken in the first place (which could definitely be a reason that it was distressing enough to cause him to shift 👀), just on a larger scale and at different times. George was gone well before Sapnap became a shifter.
As for more on George, i’ll limit myself to what I can say cause there’s so much I want to write for him. At some point it’s my goal to write a story for him as a sort of interlude of the “dream shifted for the first time” story (there will be more parts! I’m working on them! Ngl this ask kinda made me realize how much I wanted to finish the second part of that) and have him fully explained there.
But I can tell you that Dream and George will meet in person! I can’t tell you if Dream will be tiny when they meet, cause you don’t even know for sure what species George is yet, but i promise the boys will meet! Will George know it’s Dream when they meet and vice versa? Who knows! That’s for me to know and you all to find out later >:)
Tommy won’t learn Dream is a shifter for a while, since Dream is stuck at the store. It also takes a bit of time for a new shifter to shift back to their normal size, since they’ve been repressing their capabilities for so long, their body has to stay at the opposite size to get used to it initially. Dream will be able to shift back at some point, but not without some help :)
And now that you mention it, there definitely could be a language barrier, and that could make things really interesting 👀 (im imagining Tommy seeing Dream tiny for the first time at a loss for words and Dream frantically trying to explain what he is but obviously Tommy already knows, so Tommy starts talking about being a shifter himself and he can’t hear Dream’s absolute shock and confusion at this information and can answer none of his questions)
And the writing prompts, YES, i am IN LOVE WITH THEM
If i don’t write specific things for them, they will be put into the next few stories for this au because they are such good ideas oh my word
and as a treat because i loved answering your questions and it made me really happy to get an ask that hit so close to my own experience here’s some miscellaneous Store Shifter drawings from my chorus class, just for you bestie 💖
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i have so many of these for so many aus you don’t even know the half of it
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mattyknees · 6 months
Why is Joey's ankle sprain the worst case scenario? Week to week is good I thought
typically, w/ athletes that require a lot of ankle movement (basketball is where i saw most of my ankle injuries) week to week is a good sign. and if we can trust what leafs pr staff are saying (which, if you know me... I Do Not), then his sprain isn't worse than a grade two.
skates are designed the way they're designed for a reason. ankle support is a necessity so you can skate safely. that's why if you watch this video, OP is getting their shit rocked in the comments for wrapping their laces around their ankle - it creates the illusion of stability while actually destroying the integrity of the boot & setting them up for injury.
i have concerns that ayotte and bean and theodoropolous are going to either sign off on him getting back to on-ice activities too early - not even playing just fucking practice - or that woller himself will push too hard the second he's cleared out of a misplaced sense of obligation and he's going to resprain and it will be worse.
if you don't know, high ankle sprains are much worse than your average "i stepped down off the curb and fucked my foot up". high ankle sprains have an at minimum six to eight week heal time, often with the demand of no weight and zero movement for the first two. it can cause a rotational or shearing fracture at the end of the tibia/fibula where the ligaments insert, which was why he got the MRI yesterday. they had to know what they were working with to make sure he wasn't out for the season vs just out "week to week" (it's going to end up being at least a month. prepare for two.) they also sometimes require surgery and plating if there is a fracture involved, mostly because of where the break is. they have to make sure the bones of your leg stay where they're supposed to be.
because there isn't a lot of blood supply to ligament tissue, it's really hard for ligaments to heal. and because i don't have access to woller's mri results or ayotte's/bean's/theodoropolous' brains, i have no idea what they're planning on doing for a rest and rehab plan, if there's an incomplete tear, if it's grade one or grade two. i could keep going.
back to the ankle support skates thing - woller isn't skating miles every single night, but much of his job relies on his flexibility, ability to change direction quickly, ability to quite literally fold in on himself at a moment's notice. his ankles have to be stable AND flexible. that is not possible with any amount of leftover inflammation or injury.
woller is the entire leafs team. as much as i love willy and mo and mitch and everyone else. woller is the entire leafs team. keefe knows this. keefe is not a doctor. keefe has pushed them to the point of exhaustion a couple times this season. the only reason practice was cancelled after mo's 35+ minute game was because he literally could not get out of bed the next day. i don't know if i trust keefe's judgement when woller does come back. i just... i don't have a good feeling about it.
once you fuck up a joint, especially the ankle, especially where woller hurt his, it's fucked up for the rest of your life. he is very likely to do this again at least twice. maybe not during his career. maybe when he's retired. maybe during an offseason. but again - you guys see the shit he does in the net. he acts like he doesn't have any fucking bones. he runs around like he's a puppet on strings. like he's a fucking video game character. he does not treat his body kindly when he plays. i don't know what he does to cool down or warm up or whatever, but he treats his body poorly during games. this was inevitable. and i am scared for what happens during his recovery.
i do not give a fuck if we end this season 32 in the league. i do not care if we use marlies goalies for the rest of the season. all i need is leafs staff to listen to me when i tell them to let joseph woll recover at home for as long as he needs for his ankle to be at 100%, because if they don't, it will not be good for him.
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