#she has regarded me with the heinous shits EVER since i was a kid but the bad one is always me when i talk back to her đŸ«„
kelin-is-writing · 14 days
Everyone, remind me to not trust my dad’s relatives with food and parties because they can’t do even that much the right way. The peoples are so questionable 💀
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
kaylor oomfs avert your eyes 😞
i get asked from time to time “why don’t you like kaylor, why don’t you like karlie, why do you think kaylor isn’t together? why aren’t you and ttb married yet?” and i think it’s high time i centralize my thoughts and receipts on all of that in a little timeline of shady things karlie has done to taylor that have made me wary of kaylor/karlie/that whole situation.  don’t read if you stan kaylor this isn’t for you (unless you know you’re interested in the truth.)
first things first, i do think something romantic happened between kaylor go read @swiftiesleuth‘s realistic kay timeline for what i (generally) think happened between them.
but long story short - i think joshlie is real, i think they weren’t all that serious at the beginning, she famously didn’t meet his family for years, he didn’t take her to work events for a long time, so there’s room for her to have a fling with taylor even though we ended up with a real joshlie endgame.
taylor’s music and art supports this theory - in the wd mv she paints herself as the other woman, on rep she sings of secret sexy sex with her best friend that drives her crazy, in cruel summer she sings of a miserable, secret, and toxic situation with a person who rejects her love, in illicit affairs and august again she is the other woman - the art matches up.  she also sings about her sunshine being gone on lover, and eclipsed on folklore. we have good clues in taylor’s artistic expression.
taylor’s given interviews about some of these karlie songs - she said cruel summer was about the start to a “doomed” relationship and look at what she said about august:
“It kind of explores the idea of the undefined relationship. As humans, we're all encouraged to just be cool and just let it happen, and don't ask what the relationship is — Are we exclusive? But if you are chill about it, especially when you're young, you learn the very hard lesson that if you don't define something, oftentimes they can gaslight you into thinking it was nothing at all, and that it never happened. And how do you mourn the loss of something once it ends, if you're being made to believe that it never happened at all?”
if joshlie is real which i think they are that 100% sounds like taylor having to process being gaslit by karlie while she cheats on josh with her.
so why do i think joshlie is real?
-  josh has no credible gay rumors that didn’t originate on gaylor tumblr: he has old ex gfs that came before karlie, harvard message boards gossiped about him and didn’t like him but never said that he was gay, in fact one of the complaints josh’s schoolmates had about him was that he got special treatment for her girlfriend at parties.
-  as stated before taylor’s art suggests she’s been the other woman with someone in her life recently.  if josh and karlie are beards then what is the affair? why is taylor the other woman so often all of a sudden?
-  i’ve spoken to someone with a mutual friend with the kushners - grain of salt of course, i know you can only trust stuff you hear from me with no proof so much, but i do absolutely trust this person and they say - no way in hell is joshlie fake, no way in hell is josh gay, no way in hell is karlie having taylor’s baby.  also karlie absolutely has moved down to miami with josh.  i’m sure we’ll see her in nyc and la from time to time but she is living in miami now.
-  vicky ward, who is a real investigative journalist not some unhinged person on tumblr, wrote a tell all about the kushners.  she uncovered gay rumors about josh’s father and josh’s brother but not josh.  she had actual sources and was legitimately digging up tons of dirt on these people and not a word about josh being gay or joshlie being fake.
-  yes karlie did convert to judaism.  it’s really offensive to suggest she didn’t.  of course she always could have done it for personal reasons but occam’s razor dictates she did it for josh i don’t know what else to tell you đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
-  also just vibes.  karlie writes him love notes and leaves them with his breakfast.  they make playlists for one another.  if the kushners weren’t so heinous they’d be cute.
so in the joshlie is real world view i inhabit, i don’t stan kaylor the same way i do swiftgron because i don’t think kaylor was ever a committed monogamous relationship.  important and impactful on taylor’s life? absolutely.  inspired some amazing music? 100%. but was is true and tragic love that drives me insane and makes me feral?  no.  i don’t believe so.  is it still an interesting and iconic ship? yes!  but i don’t stan because it wasn’t like...true love or gay shit like that.
so let’s talk about karlie’s screwups that 1. assure me kaylor is not together and 2. make me have no desire to stan karlie/kaylor.
1.  after the kimye drama (something that deeply traumatized taylor we now know thanks to miss americana) karlie said she was sure kim was a lovely person 😭 now i know she walked it back and tweeted she and taylor had one another’s backs. i know karlie was just trying to be diplomatic.  but come on...if someone did what kim did to taylor to my lover or hell even just my friend i would say “fuck that clout chasing fame whore” bottom line.  c’mon guys.  have higher standards for your otp.
karlie also has vibed with kim on IG about her adidasas line.  recently!  yes i know she’s just promoting her brand but c’mon.  taylor still hates kim, their drama got rehashed in march 2020 and just 6 months later kim n karlie are bestie-ing around on ig.
2.  ALL the fucking masters drama and scooter fucking braun
-  not long at all after the masters heist karlie was palling around with scooter on a yacht like come on the only other thing taylor is equally as traumatized over as the kimye drama is the master’s heist.  why is karlie hanging out with him and partying with him at this time?
-  karlie liked a tweet completely incinerating taylor (in a gross and unfair/inaccurate way) regarding the masters heist.  she unliked it but still.  why was she even looking at that shit.
-  and yeah we gotta talk about perez.  so perez hilton (who is a scumbag and gross but sometimes does have legitimate tea) posted a video saying that karlie and taylor were no longer friends because karlie betrayed taylor to scooter.  now if that were all there was to it, it’d be dumb gossip.  but a taylor fan account posted the video to twitter ashley avignone and claire winter both liked the tweet.  ashley liked two tweets about it.  perez proceeded to tweet that since two of taylor’s oldest and truest friends liked the tweets it must mean he was correct and neither of the girls unliked the tweets.  ashley and claire are low key people, not celebs, not pawns in a “fued narrative”, just long time and loyal friends of taylor’s.  they liked the tweet, imo, because there’s some truth to it.
-  that brings me to spencer pratt.  spencer is a reality star and super swiftie/huge fan of taylor’s.  he despises karlie.  he’s tweeted negatively about her and he also had perez onto his podcast to talk about the drama between karlie and taylor.  taylor herself sent him a cardigan.  do you really think taylor is going to allow a cardigan to go out to the guy who’s dragging her girlfriend or bestie? i don’t think so.  receipts on perez and spencer here.
3.  karlie posted for hailey fucking beiber’s bday instead of taylor’s and hailey hates taylor đŸ€ąđŸ€ąđŸ€ą
4.  karlie married into a fascist family that is associated with the trumps.  like how can you expect me to stan?  trump is a fucking criminal evil piece of shit.  i know karlie isn’t like him (probably) but it’s still awful.  kimby even goes around liking ivanka’s ig posts like give me a fucking break 😭.
in summation, you can disagree w me all you like, you can ship kaylor all you like, but if you’re of sound mind i don’t think you can look at the facts in this post and think i’m misguided for not being a kaylor/karlie stan.  and you can’t blame me for thinking if you spend a lot of time obsessing over that ship you may not really be that big a fan of taylor’s.  and if you’re spending a lot of time leading lgbt kids on to think they’re going to get a kaylor end game when all the objective facts of the case suggest that that’s never going to happen you might need to reevaluate but at the very least you certainly can’t press me for not doing all that.
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
Because I fell in love with the previous prompt/oneshot I wrote about an OC falling into the DC universe (specifically Gotham) and wants to avoid the Vigilantes/Wayne and Co but fucking fails at it (or succeeds, who knows).
This one shot is about—
The Reluctant Executive Assistant To Lex Luthor, Who Also Is A Supervillian
Masterlist | Pervious Post Regarding This Oneshot
Warnings! Strong language, mentions of disassociation, mentions of body dysphoria, non-graphic description of violence, probably OOC Lex Luthor, shitty spelling and grammar oh my!ïżŒ
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LIA WONDERED WHAT SHE DID TO ANGER THE UNIVERSE, what she did so heinous, so deplorable, so bastardly to be punished in this way. She reclined into her plush sofa, her eyed glazed over, as they seemingly stared beyond the cream colored walls of her small Metropolis apartment. On her coffee table, laid a stack of papers. Papers that were at least a couple inches thick, filled with long winded explanations, language that could confuse anyone, and an agreement to become Lex Luthors god damn Executive Assistant.
I’m basically going to be a glorified SecretaryïżŒ, for one of the most powerful men in the world... Whose also a raging fucking Supervillain too. Lia thought with a groan, rubbing her face. Her mind whirled with various thoughts, plans and so, oh so much more. The fact that she’s been offered such a prestigious job, at the tender age of 23 years old. A job as the right hand to a fucking Supervillain, Jesus Christ...
Ever since Lia woke up in her doppelgĂ€nger’s body, all those years ago, she made a decision that she would never involve herself with the various vigilantes of this world. But, considering she lived in Gotham before this, she had to cope with the fact that her city had various Vigilantes running around, doing whatever they were doing. But, Lia had the upper hand you see: the world she came from, all the Vigilantes and hero’s were fictional characters! Thus, she knew all their origin stories, secret identities and the like. In her pervious world, every kid knew that Superman was unassuming reporter Clark Kent of the Daily Planet. Who also happened to be Lia’s next door neighbor. You know what, I’m not even going to go down that rabbit hole. Nope. Nah. I’m good.
But, adjusting to life in her new body wasn’t a simple walk in the park. She had to adjust to a whole new city (perviously Lia lived in New York, which was the inspiration for Gotham but still). A whole new environment that became desensitized to the causal, practically fanatasical acts of violence ranging from man made super blizzards, the occasional alien invasion and etc. Not to mention, Lia had to cope with the fact she, in essence, lived in an entirely different body. The first two years of living in this world, Lia struggled with dissociation and body dyshoria at the fact that one: she now lived in a completely different world compared to her pervious world, and two: she inhabited a body that, yes is her, but, at the same time, wasn’t her.ïżŒïżŒ
Thank goodness mom realized what was happening and shipped my ass off to the few non-supervillain therapist in Gotham. Lia thought with a huff like laughter.
Her eyes then soon trailed too the stack of papers Lex Luthor gave, ones that detailed her contract of becoming his Executive Assistant. One, that would make her one of the most powerful women in the US by being the right hand of Lex Luthor. Who also is a fucking supervillain, god damn it.
Lia vowed to herself to never involve herself with the various superheroes, vigilantes, or villains of her new world. She wanted to live a normal as possible life, not wanting to have such a heavy responsibility of being a hero on her alreayd aching shoulders. She did not want to get involved in the drama that often plagued those who entered that life. She did not want to endanger her family (or herself) because she has connections with people who are vigilantes. Specifically, when she was a student at Gotham U, she avoided anything surrounding the Wayne’s (considering they are the infamous Bats and Birds that protect Gotham and her people). Likely, the only times she ever saw said infamous Vigilantes were the few unlucky times she was in a hostage situation and when she was about to be mugged those couple of times.
As far as interactions outside of their vigilante identities, she’s bumped into Bruce Wayne shopping with Damian, Stephanie, Cassandra and Tim. And oh boy, oh boy, did Lia pray to any deities out their to make sure this was the first and last time she ever met them. Her only words to Bruce Wayne (also fucking Batman) was a high pitched apology and the wish to be smited by God that very second. She’s also bumped in Dick Grayson the one time she visited some friends in BlĂŒdhaven in a coffee shop. They struck up conversation, and it wasn’t till the end of the conversation did she realize who it was. After that, she always went out with headphones in her ears as they are the universal symbol of Don’t Talk To Me. And as for Jason, she’s seen Red Hood when she was out late at a 24/7 7/11, picking up some food. Frankly, Lia was to strung up on zero sleep and pure caffeine and spite to honestly give a single shit. Lia vaguely remembered wanting a specific thing, and Red Hood also reaching for it. She snatched said snack with a word, ignoring Red Hoods existence completely. The cashier looked like they saw a ghost but, as always, Lia was tired to give a single flying shit.
However, Lia’s paranoia didn’t simmer down. So much so, that she applied for an internship at LexCorp, her excuse being she wanted to have a change of scenery. While working at LexCorp, she gained considerable amount of knowledge and experience, but compromised with her mom that, after her internship finished up in LexCorp, she’s go to WE and work there. Lia had deep seeded concerns about working at WE, but after going back and forth in her head, she decided that, fuck it. It’s a gigantic ass company. There’s such a low percentage of me ever crossing paths with one of the Waynes and Co. Plus, mom drives a hard bargain. And damn, do I honestly miss Gotham. It’s so damn bright here. And it’s called fucking Metroplis of all things.
Before Lia could further brood about what her life had become, the sound of her doorbell flooded Lia’s ears. Lia’s eyebrows scrunched together, did I order something? But, she shrugged to herself, springing to her feet. Better find out then, I guess.
When Lia opened the door, she expected, say, a delivery person, or, a neighbor asking to borrow something. What she did not expect was her 5’3” mother, standing next to a 6-something, rather muscular, but familiar figure of—HOLY SHIT IT’S SUPERMAN, WHAT THE FUCK—
Next to her mothers petite figure, was the gargantuan stature of one Clark Kent, AKA, Superman. Lia could feel her blood pressure rise.
“Mom! Mr. Kent! What a nice surprise.” Lia said, through a tight lipped smile. Her mother simply smiled, laughing lightly.
“Habibi, it’s been such a long time—and, wait did you loose weight?” Her mother’s once smiling face turned sour, her eyebrows pinched together in worry. Her warm brown eyes trailing up and down Lia’s figure. Lia’s face immediately warmed up a few degrees, then her mother took hold of her face, examining it closer. Lia let out a indignant squawk, “Mom!ïżŒ Not infront of the neighbor please!”
Clark simply laughed, “No, it’s alright. I can understand a mother’s worry as my own Ma does the same thing whenever she visits.”
Her mother nodded, “See! He doesn’t mind, habibi. Now, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Mr. Kent, if you would be a dead, could help me set the food on the table?”
Clark smiles, his teeth a little too white and dazzling. “Of course! But please, call me Clark.”
Her mother laughed, while nodding. “Of course, Clark. Now, come in, come in.” Her mother said, inviting Lia’s neighbor into her apartment. She let out a sigh, moving out of the way.
Before long, Clark, Lia and her mother were setting up dinner. Somehow, someway, Lia’s mother convinced Clark to stay for dinner, while sending meaningful glances towards Lia. Lia wanted to jump out of her window. Knowing that her mother would always be her wingwomen, was, strangely nice, but this time? Trying to set her up with fucking Superman? Nope. Nah. No happening mom, no matter how hot Clark looks. Not. Happening.
Her mother, soon strikes up conversation with Clark about work. He talks about the Daily Planet, and being a reporter. Soon, the topic veers to Lia, whose honestly forgotten that Clark was Superman for a couple minutes.
“...on the topic of internships, my Lia currently interns at LexCorp, if I’m not wrong.” Her mother says, sending a pointed look to Lia.
“Uh. Yeah. I’m currently working at LexCorp as an intern.” Lia says, watching for Clark’s reaction at the fact that she works for his biggest nemesis. She can see it, the infantasmal flinch, before he relaxes again.
“Oh, is that so? From what your mother said, didn’t you live in Gotham before coming to Metropolis?” He inquires, setting down some plates on Lia’s dining table. Lia freezes up, since, she can’t just say: Well, you see, I know the identities of Gotham’s infamous vigilantes, who happen to also run and own WE.
“Well, I wanted a change of scenery really.” Lia added smoothly, taking out all the food and sorting them. She kept her face and tone neutral, watching Clark’s every move and reaction.
His face had a knowing look, as he gave a small nod. “I can understand that. Gotham and Metropolis are two very different cities and wanting a change of scenery is a fine reason for moving.”
Lia hums noncommittally, while her mother sighs. “I still wished you would’ve stayed in Gotham, you know. It’s closer and I worry for you, Habibi.”
Lia buffs through her nose. “Mom. I’m 24 and very much so capable of protecting myself, considering you were the one who taught me how to knock a man thrice my size out in a single punch since I was 7.”
Clark makes a sort strangled noise and covers it up with a cough. Lia’s mother simple sighs, her face showing her true age. “Of course your capable of defending yourself. Why would I let my daughter out and about in Gotham of all places with being able to defend herself? I just worry, ya habibi. This is a whole new city and you also live by yourself.”
“I’ve been living by myself since I was 18, mom.” Lia interjected but her mother gives her a look.
“Yes, you have been living by yourself since you were 18 but at least you were nearby. I worry, regardless of the fact.”
Lia sighs. They’ve had this talk numerous times, before Lia moved to Metropolis and before she even uttered her concerns about wanting to move. “I know.” She says softly.
The conversation dies out, as everything soon is set. However, before they could start eating, Lia’s mother spots the stack of papers.
“Lia, what with the stack of papers?” She inquired, her head gesturing to the coffee table.
“The stack of what?” Lia yelled out, as she was in the kitchen getting a jug of water. Her mother, whose curiosity guided her, got up from her seat and took ahold of the papers.
“The papers on your coffee table. What are they for?” She asked again, when she heard Lia set the jug of water down.
Lia, whose brain was preoccupied with a million other thoughts, carelessly said the phrase: “Oh, my contract to become Executive Assistant to Lex Luthor.”
Clark almost dropped what he was holding, before discreetly catching it with his super speed. Lia’s mother stilled, her eyes wide as saucers, her lips slightly parted.
“Your what to whom?” Her mother asked, her tone beyond incredulous.
Lia short circuited. She realized what she just said. In front of fucking Superman. In front of her mother. Fuck. Why does the universe hate me?
Before Clark could say anything else on the matter, his phone buzzed. The mother daughter pair snapped their gaze at Clark, whose face grew even more surprised.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I have to go. Something urgent just came up.” He said, shoving his phone back into his pant pocket. The mother-daughter pair simply nodded, as they watched a slightly frantic Clark Kent shuffle out of Lia’s small apartment.
When they heard Lia’s apartment door shut closed, her mother’s head whipped towards Lia’s. Her face went rigid, the past surprise at the new was scrubbed away, being replaced with a cold, calculative look. She gestured to Lia to sit down, at the dining table.
Lia, who simply stared at her for a while, sighed, before taking the opposite seat across from her mother. She knew this conversation will be a long one, thus, she started to pile on the food her mother brought.
“The contract in your hands, is a contract between me and Lex Luthor. It’s about me becoming his Executive Assistant.”
Her mother hummed, while also taking some food. “So, you’re going to be his right hand, essentially?”
Lia nodded. Well, sure. I’m technically a glorified secretary with a lot of power now. But sure, right hand is a lot more appealing. But she didn’t voice those thoughts, simply taking a bite of her food.
“Well, this took a turn I did not expect it too.” Her mother said with a sigh.
“You and me both, mom.”
Lia never would’ve imagined, not in a million Earths, would she become Lex-fucking-Luthors Executive Assistant. She honestly thought she would finish her internship without much fanfare and move back to Gotham to apply for a position at the WE.
“So,” her mother began, setting her fork down. “How the hell did you catch Luthors eye?”
“Well, it’s a bit of a long story but...”
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A COUPLE DAYS AGO, the department in which Lia was interning suddenly lost a handful of employees who quit for whatever reason. Not to mention, an important meeting was scheduled and was now completely fucked due to these employees leaving. Plus, some other important event was also going on with some higher level execs and that was also in jeopardy. Lia, who was witnessing this utter shit storm in real time, realized, oh fuck. This is bad. Really bad. And decided to do something about it. Lia, at the time, was known in her department as someone who can manage a schedule like no ones business, convince people to do things her way like it was as easy as drinking water. She had a reputation and the department head was a chicken whose head was cut off, trying to put out the proverbial fires one by one, rather ineffectively. Lia, who made friends with various other interns in other departments (who worked with other high level employees), and who had various connections in Metropolis, was able to salvage most of the day (and subsequent week). She was able to fill in those positions rather quickly (the department head was more then happy to oblige), re-schedule the various important meetings and events that were scheduled that in under three hours after some (what Lia called) “aggressive ïżŒpersuasionïżŒâ€. Somehow, someway, the story of some intern with godly management abilities, persuasion skills made its way up to the big man himself: Lex Luthor.
When Lex Luthor heard of this, he became intrigued. Thus, he called Lia up, all the way to his office. Lia, who when was told that fucking Lex Luthor himself wanted to see her, was understandably shitting bricks. Her mind immediately went to the fact that somehow, someway, he figured out that Lia knew the identities of various vigilantes. Lia, who was reasonably terrified at the thought, began to draw up counter arguments and contingencies.
The entire way to Lex Luthor’s office Lia went through the seven stages of grief (the extra two are Denial 2 and astral projection). She thanked those she loved, and made her not peace with God. When Lia finally arrived to Luthors office, she immediately compartmentalized all her feelings, slapped on her most convincing cooperate smile, and knocked on his door, saying in the most polite and calm tone she could muster: “Mr. Luthor? You called for me, Lia al-Abadi?”
The moment she heard the muffled “come in.” Lia sent one more prayer to whatever deity out their, and strode into Luthors office.
Now, Lia has seen pictures and clips of Luthors office. But, it was one thing too see it and another to be in it. Lia, when entering the large office, with Luthor facing the window out looking Metropolis, felt her heart drop all the way to the earths core.
Her hands were discreetly balled up in her sides, her nails digging crescent shaped moons into the palm of her hand. The shirt underneath her blazer was definitely soaked through, but, thankfully, Lia wore a black blazer today, so it wasn’t that noticeable. Probably. Hopefully.
Lia took in a deep breath, trying to calm her hammering heart. “Mr. Luthor?” She called out, her voice surprisingly even. Her heart hammered against her chest, so hard, it seemed it would burst through any moment. God, what the fuck is my life anymore.
Luthor, being the dramatic ass Supervillian that he is, spun around, his hands clasped together as he faced Lia, sitting in a typical, large, black, swivel chair. The only thing he was missing was the white cat in his lap. ïżŒ
Lia could feel herself die a little when she made direct eye contact with the man, the legend, the Asshole, himself: Lex god damn Luthor.
“Ah, Ms. al-Abadi, please, do sit down.” He said, his voice uncharacteristically bright and inviting. But, LiaïżŒ knows better then to trust the fox when it was simling. She could see the calculative glint in his eyes. Carefully, she walked towards Luthor, who kept his picture prefect smile. The only thing that filled Lia in for the eternally long, yet short walk towards Luthor was the clicks of her heel, and her heart hammering against her eardrums.
Her hand, which she forced to keep steady, took ahold of the chair, dragging it away from the desk. The ugly screeches of the chair legs against the marble floor still reasonated through Lia’s ears. But, at least she saw the slightly—almost invisible—eye twitch that gave away his annoyance.
Lia, who kept her face devoid of any emotions, slowly sat down. Her eyes still focused on Luthors stupid smiling face.
When she sat down (finally, Jesus Christ that was a lot more anxiety inducing then I thought) she kept her back straight, shoulder squared and her hands on her lap. She could still feel her heart beating hard against her rib cage, and the million thoughts of Luthor somehow finding out about Lia and her knowledge of the identities of the various vigilantes. Her hands became clammy, her entire being screamed, I AM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! but, Lia was stuck in between the proverbial rockïżŒ and a hard place (rock: chair, hard place: Luthor’s office).
Her lips stretched into her patented cooperate smile, “You had called for me, Mr. Luthor, sir?”. Fuck my life. Lia thought, still smiling while she slowly died on the inside.
Luthor bared his teeth, lips stretched into a smile. “Please, call me Lex, Ms. al-Abadi.”
Lia, with ever cell in her very being, absolutely rebelled at the prospect of calling Lex Luthor just Lex. For one, he’s her boss, and Lia was raised to be polite. Second, Lia only ever referred to Lex Luthor either as Luthor or Lex Luthor, never just Lex. Third, Lex Luthor is a goddamn Supervillain, no fucking way am I calling him by his first name.
Lia’s fave stretched out into a tight lipped smile. “I’m afraid cannot do that, Mr. Luthor.” She said through gritted teeth, face still stretched out into a tight lipped smile.
Luthor cocked his eyebrow. “Oh? And why is that?”
For one, your Supervillain. Second, me saying your first name, and just your first name, tiggers my flight or fight response. Lia, of course, did not response to Lex Luthor’s question with that reply. Instead she said, “For one, Mr. Luthor, you are my boss and I am your employee. Employees don’t generally refer to their boss by their first names. Secondly, me referring to you by your first name implies that I am in some way, shape or form, close to you. Considering this is my first time ever meeting you personally, I can’t—” Won’t “—refer to you by your first name.”
A beat of silence. Lia, who continued to smile at Luthor as he stared at her for a good few moments, before lightly chuckling.
“Well, when you put it like that, Ms. al-Abadi, I cannot disagree. However, I do hope in the near future you would be more comfortable calling me Lex rather then Mr. Luthor.” He said, his face all smiles.
For a moment, Lia was confused. She was simply a temporary intern that would leave in about two months, how would she hypothetically warm up to Luthor enough so to call him Lex? Plus, what he said also implied that Lia would stay in LexCorp long enough to warm up to Luthor.
Then a thought crossed Lia’s mind. Wait, does he want to be my sugar daddy?? Which Lia immediately shot down, as, this is Lex Luthor, why the fuck would he be interested in being my sugar daddy? Even though I am fucking beautiful, thats for sure. But still. Lia shuddered at the thought before getting back on the topic at hand.
“Mr. Luthor, I am just a simple intern that will be leaving in about two months. I don’t understand how I would be able to get close to you enough so that I refer to you by your first name,” Lia said.
Then another thought crossed her mind, “Unless, you’re planning on making me a full time employee?” There was a slight tilt in Lia’s voice, her eyebrows slightly pinched together. Lia, however, racks her brain for any reason why Lex Luthor of all people would personally call her to his office just to say he’s going to hire her as a full time employee.
Luthor nodded, “Precisely, Ms. al-Abadi. But, I don’t just want to make you any full time employee, that would simply be a waste of your talent and potential.” He said, reaching for one of his drawers, pulling out a stack of papers.
A wave of confusion wash over Lia. Talent? Potential? The fuck did I do to catch Luthors attention of all people? “I’m not sure what you mean by my ‘talent and potential’, Mr. Luthor.” She said, while shaking her head. She honestly didn’t think of anything note worthy enough to catch a awfully busy man like Luthor.
A flash of confusion flickered through Luthors face before being plastered with another smile. “Ms. al-Abadi, I’m sure you know your reputation among the other interns, right?”
Lia’s eyes narrowed, as she ïżŒhesitantly nodded. She was infamous for managing a clusterfuck of a schedule into an actual, mangable schedule. Lia was also known for her “aggressive persuasion” tactics and the like.
“Not to mention, the situation in which many employees from the department you interned in, quit. Resulting in many important events and meetings to be up in the air. Not to mention some other notable things that happened that day.” Luthor said, matter of factly.
And, he wasn’t wrong. But the fact that Luthor knew of that utter shitstorm raised more then a few alarms in Lia’s head. The situation that occurred that day was promptly swept under the rug and Lia only complained about the situation to a couple intern friends and her brother. Then, the face of Ana—an intern from the PR Department—flashed through Lia’s eyes. Lia wanted to strangle herself. Of course she told fucking loose lipped Ana about situation that never should’ve reached Luthor’s ears, god fucking damn it. No matter how much Lia wanted to groan and fight God, she kept her composure.
Lia gulped down, rubbing her hands as another smile made its way onto her lips. “Well, I simply did what had to.” I had pull so many fucking favors, and most of my god damn grey hairs are from that day, Jesus Christ. Whenever Lia remembered that day, her face (internally) soured, and the need for her to curse out God, the universe, whoever, was so great she had to bite her tongue (literally) to force herself not to go on a 20 minute rant about the entire situation. Still, even with her bubbling feelings of pure, unbridled rage, Lia kept her composure. This is a professional environment. I’m infront of my boss. Whose one of the most powerful man in the US. Whose also a raging Supervillain. I have to stay professional. Professional...
“Nonsense, Ms. al-Abadi. From what I heard, you had a situation presented to you, a situation that was falling at the seems no less—and somehow salavaged it. In under three hours, you were able to salvage the situation, reorder them schedule and was able to avert a scandal as well.”
Lia, for whatever reason, felt her face grow hot at the praise. She, of course, knew how shitty the situation became—did what she always did—complained a bit, and moved on. Planning, reorganizing, improvising plans on the go, and her “aggressive persuasion” ïżŒis something Lia always did. She didn’t find such things awfully notable, as she’s been doing this sort of thing since the ninth grade.
“T-That’s—” Lia cleared her throat. “That’s quit a bit of praise, Mr. Luthor, considering I didn’t do much aside from reorganize and persuased a few people. Nothing that I consider rather notable, enough so to earn your attention.” Unnecessary attention, was left unsaid.
Luthor simply smiled, his teeth too white and straight for Lia’s eyes. “You might consider it unnotable, but I beg to differ.”
Then beg—Lia almost retorted, but she caught the phrase before it could ever leave. Fucking siblings.
Luthor pushes the stack on papers closer Lia. “Which is why—I want you, Ms. Lia al-Abadi, to become my Executive Assistant.”
Lia, when she heard the words Executive Assistant concluded that the universe hates her and that she will make preparations to fight God.
Safe to say, Lia was just offered a prestigious position, next to Lex Luthor, to be his Executive Assistant. The same Lex Luthor who is actively fighting against Superman—the Justice League at large—and it an overall Supervillain. One of Superman’s most noteworthy Supervillian. A Supervillian, who can potentially kill Superman because he has access to a grow, green rock. A Supervillian who made a clone of Superman—combing his and Superman’s DNA—to do so. The same Supervillain, who essentially was asking: “Do you want to be my right hand?”
“You want me to be your what?” Lia asked in an incredulous tone. She looked at the stack of papers and Luthor several times, while pointing to herself. “Me? A 23 year old, with barely any experience in the cooperate world, work as your Executive Assistant?”
Luthor, surprisingly, nodded, his face not showing a hint of annoyance. “Yes, I am. Of course, you should take your time to think over my offer. It is Friday, and I’ll be expecting your answer next Monday. Come to my office at 3 PM, next Monday, and we’ll talk some more, Ms. al-Abadi. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have another meeting to get too.”
Next thing Lia knew, she was holding onto a stack of papers, in an elevator, going down back to her original office. When she came back, several people commented on how dazed and pale she looked. One of her supervisors even asked if she wanted the rest of the day off (as there wasn’t much left to do, either way). Lia, who was still reeling from the events that had just transpired, graciously accepted.
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Lia’s mother, who kept on listening to the entire ordeal, from start to finish simply commented. “Well, damn.”
Lia groaned, her hands rubbing her face. “‘Well, damn’? That’s all you have to say on the fact that one of the most powerful man in America offering me a position as his god damn Executive Assistant?”
“Hey! It’s a lot for me to take in, and, it must a lot for you to take in.” Her mother said, reaching out, taking a hold of Lia’s hand. She gave a comforting squeeze.
“Yeah, it was...” Lia mumbled. She sighed, her eyes on the stack of papers detailing what Lia’s responsibilities were, and some other key information. The stack of papers that could change her life with a single stroke of a pen.
“So, what are you going to do? Accept Luthors offer, or...?”
“It’d be dumb for me not to accept it.”
“Damn right it would be!”
Lia shoot her mother a look, before continuing, “It’s just... I’m only 23 and me getting this job is just... There’s a lot to consider. Sure, I’m good at managing schedules, persuading people and—” Her mother snorted, waving her hand.
“Hey! I am good at all those things, you know.” Lia exclaimed, crossing her arms.
Her mother raised both her hands, shaking her head. “Never said you were bad at them, Habibi. Your a damn genius when it comes to organizing events and persuading people. Not good, not great, but a god damn genius.” Her mother voice clearly showing how proud she was of Lia.
The tips of Lia’s ears were painted bright red, as her face spilt into a grin. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I am. But, the matter at hand is that, I don’t have much experience in the cooperate world. And, I just graduated a couple months ago. Not to mention, if I accept the position, there’s going to be a lot of talk on how, I, a 23 year old, rather attractive women, who just recently graduated from Gotham U, who was just a regular intern, managed to get the position of Executive Assistant to Lex Luthor.”
Her mother sighed. “True, there definitely will be rumors regarding how earned such a position without much prior experience.”
Lia sagged in her seat, her mind a tornado of thoughts. Should she accept? Should she decline? Should she msyteriously disappear off the face of the Earth, never to be seen again? Decisions, decision, so many decisions with so many consequences and variables at play that made Lia’s head ache. She had time, but not enough. It was late in the evening on Friday, and Luthor wanted an answer by Monday afternoon. Great. Just a couple dozen hours till D-Day. Fan-fucking-tastic.
“What about a trial basis?” Her mother blurted out. Lia cocked her eyebrow, gesturing for her to continue.
“Like, what if, you were his Executive Assistant for a couple of months, on a trial basis. Just to dip your toes in and get a feel for the job. That sort of thing.” She said with a shrug.
Lia’s eyes widen, as if a light bulb went off her head. “Oh my god. Why didn’t I think of that? That’s prefect! Not only would it allow me ample time to see if I’m ready for such a position, but also invaluable experience if I were too not take the position or Luthor deemed me unworthy of it.”
With a sort of plan set in mind, Lia continued to eat, all with a smile on her face. Even if after the trial basis, Luthor deems me unfit, I still get away with a couple months worth of pay that would pay off my student loans, not to mention invaluable experience. I win regardless of the fact if I get the job or I don’t!
With the sun setting, and Lia eating her fill, while catching up with her mother on other past events, Lia can’t seem to stop smiling. Even if she’s going to become the (Reculant) Executive Assistant to Lex Luthor, who also is a Supervillian.
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That’s it folks! I had a lot of fun writing this in all honesty, even though it’s not that good. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Till next time.
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weirdochick56 · 6 years
Love You Too Darlin’ - Jax Teller One Shot
Jax Teller x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. A kissing scene. 
Disclaimers: I don’t own any SoA characters/plots mentioned.
Word Count: 3,634 words (WOAH. Went a little overboard today!)
Summary: In which the reader is Jax’s best friend and of course, in love with him. Only problem? Tara and Jax are back together. This breaks little Y/n’s heart. That is until Chibs offers the perfect solution. Y/n gets a boyfriend and presents him to the MC in hopes of gaining Jax’s attention. Let’s just say; things don’t go as planned.
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You sigh, not being able to tear your eyes away from the heinous scene unfolding before you. Tara Knowles, you’re fucking nightmare incarnate, was seemingly making it a point to show off her and Jax’s new relationship.
Jax is talking to some of the sons and Tara is all but clinging onto his arm. You burn holes into her head. And almost as if she could sense your gaze (but then again, how could she not?) she turns to look at you. You refuse to back down, so you just raise a brow at her, as if to say ‘do I owe you something?’ and she shrugs, her eyes still on you as she pecks Jax's lips. That bitch. 
You press the dirty rag of the counter you were wiping more harshly than necessary. “Biggest mistake that boy’s ever made was choosing Tara over you.” You jump at the voice, taking your eyes away from the bain of your existence. 
“What?” You blush, acting stupid when regarding Chibs’s remark. 
He grins a little, his eyes trained on the couple across the room. “You heard me, Y/n. You deserve him way more than her.”
You gulp thickly, switching your gaze to rest on the table you’d been wiping. “I’m not so sure that’s true Chibs. And even if it was, what makes you think Jax would even turn to look at me as anything other than his best friend?” your voice is significantly lower than your usual, confident, tone. 
Chibs hums thoughtfully. “Y/n, you’re a beautiful and smart lass. Any man would be fucking lucky to have you. Which isn’t exactly ideal for any of us because you’ve been pining after him since you two were really young, everyone knows that. He’s the only idiot that refuses to see what’s right in front of him.” Chibs nudges you lightly. 
You chuckle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “You got that right.” Then your tone turns serious. “But no matter. Seems Tara ‘snake’ Knowles has already found a way and slithered her way back into his life.” 
Chibs chuckles then sighs. “Then you should yank that serpent right out.” 
Snorting, you pick up empty beer bottles. It wasn’t an ideal situation to be in whatsoever. The love of your life, the only man you’d ever loved, didn’t love you back. And to top it all off, Tara, who’d broken his heart previously (leaving you to pick up the broken pieces by the way) has sauntered her stupid little doctor ass back into Charming and somehow swooped Jax right off his feet. 
You were having none of it. Could he not see the fucking master manipulator he was fucking and sleeping next to at night? Bullshit. That was what she was full with. And you weren’t going to stand around while Jax gets his heart broken again. 
You raise a brow at Chibs, hands on hips. “What do you suggest I do to accomplish that?”
Chibs smirks. “That’s the spirit, love!”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but Jax gets mighty jealous when he sees you around any potential conquest.”
You scoff then frown. “What? That’s impossible.”
Chibs’s smirk widens. “Ya’ think? Have you ever tried to look his way when you’re flirting with someone else?”
You ponder on that. Well, no actually. You flirted with other guys in order to get over Jax in the first place, it would make much sense to look at the person you’re trying to forget while doing it. 
You’re not buying it. “He’s probably looking at something else.”
Chibs huffs. “And you say he’s oblivious. Y/n, he literally glares holes into your head. And he starts grumbling under his breath, thinking the rest of us can’t hear him. Tough luck.”
You try to brush it off. “Fine then, maybe he is jealous. Friendly love.” Jax had never given you any signs he wanted anything but a friendship with you, so why would you believe anything Chibs was saying? Friends don’t get jealous over eachother. 
Chibs huffs shakes his head and mumbles something about ‘oblivious youngsters’ before looking back at you. “Just...give it a try.”
You inhale deeply, stranger’s hand in your own. This is by far the most nerve-racking thing you’d ever decided to do. In part because you’d never actually presented a boy to the club (thanks to Jax), and they were your family.
And in major part because of Jax’s reaction. Would he really react like Chibs had promised or would he be fine with this? In truth, the latter wasn’t the reaction you were looking for. 
The boy toy you’d randomly met as some bar was relatively handsome. He had nothing Jax, sure, but he’d have to do. 
You step into the MC, boy toy in tow, the loud rock music, smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and motor oil hitting you in the face almost immediately. You inhale deeply. It smelt like home. 
Almost immediately, you spot Jax, hanging out in the corner of the clubhouse, unaware of your presence. No Tara this time. Good. Strange but good. You ignore him and slip your arm into Liam’s. 
Tig slides over to you with a big smile. “Y/n! You’re here, with...” his smile fades in the slightest and his gaze flickers over to your hooked arms and then Liam. The man cowers a bit back at the son’s scrutinizing gaze and you hold back the urge to roll your eyes. What a wimp.
“Tig, this is Liam. My boyfriend.” You force a smile. 
Tig clearly can’t hold back his shock as his eyes widen. “You...have a boyfriend?”
You brush off his remark and smirk at him. “Yes, Tig. I have a boyfriend. Ya’ know, it’s a guy you’re together with. In a relationship, and you-”
Tig waves his hand in your face. “Yeah, yeah. I get it. I’m sorry, I just,” his gaze goes back to Liam. “He’s so...not biker material.”
Liam shifts uncomfortably beside you. You tilt your head to the side as a response. “Who said I could only date bikers? Jax is dating a doctor and none of you bitch to him about it.” Your voice comes out angrier than you’d like it to be, but you can’t help being attacked by it. And saying ‘who said I could only date bikers?’ you really meant ‘who said I could only be in love with Jax?’ because you knew that’s what he meant.
Tig opens and closes his mouth repeatedly, trying to find an excuse to offer you. “Whatever. C’mon Liam.” You scoff and brush past him, tugging your fake boyfriend along with you to some stools. 
You sigh plopping down. “Hi Gemma,” you offer the older woman a smile. She returns a weary one, her eyes on Liam.  
“Hi, Y/n. And who might this handsome feller be?” She sips on her drink. 
“Oh, this is Liam. My boyfriend.” Gemma chokes on her drink, her eyes wide with alarm. You lean over the table, tapping her back lightly. “Gemma? You okay?” 
When she stops coughing, she looks at you with disappointment. Oh no, you knew this was a bad idea. You shouldn’t have faked a relationship, it was becoming too real. You were breaking Gemma’s heart, you could see it in her face. She didn’t like Tara and had been trying to set you and Jax up for the longest time. 
“But he isn’t even a part of an MC! Y/n, honey, you-”
Here we go again. “Why the hell is everyone so intent on me being with a fucking biker? It’s not like it’s a goddamn requirement!” You’re livid, turning around to face the club. “Fuck this shit. If Jax can have a non-biker girlfriend why can’t I?” you’re mumbling to yourself at this point. 
This had become something more than just making Jax jealous, who hadn’t really noticed your presence, and more about you being jealous of him and Tara and trying to make yourself feel better about it by bringing the male version of Tara and rubbing it in his face. 
‘Hey look! If you can completely disregard my feelings, I can too!’ Was your mentality.
“Hey, guys! Can I get everyone’s attention?!” You stand up on the stool, waving your hands wildly and in an attempt to gain everyone’s attention. “Gemma pats your leg urgently. “What the hell do you think you’re doin’ Y/n?” she yells in a whisper. 
You glance back at her with a small smirk. “Letting everyone know that I’m not still hung up on your son.” You shrug, jumping off the stool and looking at everybody. You catch Jax’s bewildered gaze, which then shifts to Liam. His face hardens and he glances back at you with a small frown. 
You disregard his steely gaze, turning your attention instead to the rest of the club. “Thanks, guys. Just let you know that you might be seeing a lot of Liam around here.” You motion loosely to your quivering boyfriend. 
Opie crosses his arms over his chest, raising a brow and looking Liam up and down. “Yeah? And why’s that?”
You smile innocently at him. “ ‘Cause Liam here,” you reach for his hand blindly and interlock your fingers awkwardly. “is my boyfriend.” 
Loud mumbles immediately erupt amongst the sons at your words and you tune into some of them. ‘That ninnyhammer? For our little Y/n?’ and ‘Is she kidding? We all know they won’t last a week. Y/n’s too much of a woman for that little guy’ amongst the many protests. 
“Guys,” you growl, gaining their attention again. “This isn’t up for discussion. Liam is my partner, whether you like it or not.” 
Jax pushes his way to the front. “This asshole isn’t the man enough for you Y/n.” His jaw is clenched and you almost feel sorry for the glass bottle gripped way too tightly in his hand. 
Liam opens his mouth to protest, but you grip his arm, ignoring Jax’s degrading scoff at the man.
You chuckle humorlessly, folding your arms over your chest. “Oh, bite me, Jax. That isn’t your choice to make.” 
Jax releases a small breath, gripping the bottle even tighter and clearly struggling in his attempt to remain calm. “I’m your best friend. I think I should have some say in who you date as such, darlin’.” 
You look at him incredulously. “Are you out of your fucking mind Jax? Being my best friend does not constitute as having any in regards to who I date.”
Jax steps closer to you, his nostrils flared. He completely disregards Liam, but you find yourself uncaring as his crystalline blue eyes look into your own y/e/c ones. 
“Fine, then. As president of this club, I hereby ban him from so much as stepping foot anywhere near the clubhouse or teller morrow.” He looks into your eyes challengingly. “As a matter of fact, if he doesn’t want me to put a bullet in his head, he won’t come anywhere near you.” 
“What the fu- “ Liam attempts to protest again, but you put your finger on his lips, shushing him. 
“Why?” You snap. 
Jax smirks sarcastically, looking Liam over with disgust then turning his attention back to you. “Because he’s a threat to SAMCRO. We don’t need his normal-looking ass to bring attention from other clubs.” 
That little jerk. He knew exactly what he was doing. As president of the club, he had the right to declare anything or anyone a ‘threat’ to the club and can, therefore, make any decision he saw fit on it.   
You gape at him, anger making your stomach churn painfully. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me, Jackson! That is bullshit and you fucking know it,” you ball one of your hands into a fist and poke his chest with the other. 
The sons have by now left you to your business, dispersing into their own little activities with quiet grumbles. 
Jax softly swats your hand away. “I think we should take this outside sweetheart.”
You push aside how good his big warm hand felt against your hand and yank it away from his touch, tucking away it away into your jean pockets.  “Good for you Jackson. But I think I’ll just stay in here, with Liam.” You spit with a fake smile, patting Liam’s arm. 
Jax sucks on his teeth, laughing humorlessly. “Y/n, I think we should take this outside.” 
You raise your brows. “You act like repeating your earlier statement will somehow change my mind.”
Jackson sighs exasperatedly. “Fine darlin’, just remember you were the one who asked for this.” He shrugs and next thing you know, you’re being thrown carelessly over Jackson’s broad shoulders. You gasp, the wind being knocked out of you.
“What the fuck Jax?! Let me go!” You wiggle harshly, trying to get him to let you go and hurting your stomach in the process. 
Jackson tightens his grip on your knees. “Stop moving or I’ll drop you, Y/n,” he warns, making his way towards the outside. 
You don’t listen pounding on his back as you passed by amused sons. “Let me go Jackson or so God help me-”
Jackson ignores your loud protests, stepping out into the cold night. 
The sons glance at eachother with amused grins. “You think they’ll finally do it?” Juice inquires, glancing at the door you and Jax had just walked through.
Gemma sighs. “I sure hope they do.”
Chibs clicks his tongue. “Meh, it was a long time comin’ too.”
Liam stands up, blushing. “I think it’s best if I go. it was, uh, nice meeting you all.” he waves awkwardly then clambers out the back door.
The sound of skin against skin is the only sound that echoes throughout the relatively empty night. Jax’s face snaps to the side and your hand stings. 
“You’re a dick Teller. I hate you,” you push through the tears obscuring your vision and bite the words out through clenched teeth. 
Jax flexes his jaw, gripping his cheek. Then he slowly turns to look at you, his eyes fiery with rage. “That’s not fucking true and we both know it, babe.”
You step away from him. “Don’t call me that.” your voice, aimed to be sharp as a whip, breaks and you curse it mentally.
He returns the gesture, stepping forward. “Why’s that Y/n? Does it bother you?”
You clench your teeth, not being able to find the strength within you to fight him off any longer. “Stop Jax,” you warn him, stepping back again.
Why were you even trying to fight him off? Because although you wished Tara’s death, she was still with him.
He raises a brow, repeating his earlier action. “Stop what, Y/n? Hm? This?” he motions to the minimal space between you. “Sorry, but I can’t.” The air had turned tense, so much so you could cut it with a knife. But it wasn’t the type of tense that made you uncomfortable. Not really. 
You were suddenly made more aware of Jax’s presence. I mean, obviously, you knew he was there. you meant more in terms of him in general. Jax Teller had and you were sure would always be a part of your world. But you also took notice of the small things. Of his body, lean and able to hold you effortlessly in the air. And his face, which held your favorite things to stare at in the whole world. Jax’s lips and eyes. If you could trace every crease and crevice that lined lips, you would. If you could simply swim in the beautiful blue pools of his eyes, you would. There was nothing you wouldn’t do for Jax Teller. The thought in itself both scared and excited you endlessly.
When your back makes contact with a hard surface you curse under your breath, averting your gaze from his face. “Shit.” You gulp, finding no way to escape. “Yes, you can Jackson. You have Tara. And I-”
“I don’t love her.”
 “What?” you breathe shakily.
He purses his lips. “I don’t love Tara, Y/n. I-I love you.”
You bring your hand onto his face again the sting from earlier suddenly becoming ten times more present. “How dare you, Jackson? What the fuck makes you think you can play with me like that?”
He growls. “I’m not fucking playing with you Y/n, I-” he sighs, his gaze softening. “I love you.”
You can’t help it. You raise your arm to slap him again but he catches it just before it makes contact with his face. Tears silently slip down your face. “Don’t fucking do this Jax,” you whisper, your heart racing at the sincerity in your eyes. “Don’t give me false hope.”
He yanks you closer to him, bringing you to rest chest to chest with eachother. Forcefully, he pulls your hand, sneaking it under his clothes and placing it on the smooth skin of his chest.
Your heart skips a beat at the skin to skin contact and the fact that you could also feel his heart wasn’t helping. It was beating at a strangely erratic pace. “Jax what-”
“You feel this Y/n?” he presses his palm on yours. “That’s my heart. And that is what you do it anytime you’re near.” He looks in your eyes, his voice dropping several octaves. “Darlin’, I swear on my dead father, I am not lying to you.”
Your breath hitches and your heart races even faster. You’re running out of excuses. “I’m with Liam now Jax. It’s too late.” Welp, that was a lie.
Jax’s face falls as he releases your hand. He presses his lips together, running both of his hands through his hair. “That dick, Y/n? You can’t really choose him. He- he’s a fucking brick wall! Boring and bland.”
You laugh. “Same could be said for Tara. Yet here you are, choosing her over me.”
His shoulders droop. “But I’m not anymore! It was a mistake to choose her over you, but, damn it,” he runs his fingers through his hair again. “I thought it was the right choice, letting you go.” He shakes his head, leaning against the wall beside him. 
Silently, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes, and places one between his lips, lighting it up. “I thought that letting you run into some other guy’s arms by acting oblivious and going out with Tara would give you a better shot at a normal life. I’m a dumbass. Shoulda’ known you weren’t a ‘normal life chick’ and that seeing your with someone who wasn’t me would end me.” He inhales deeply.
You gasp. “So you knew that I-”
He looks at you, opening his mouth and releasing the smoke with a small smirk. “Oh darlin’, everyone knew.” 
You huh, leaning against the wall next to him. After a few moments of staring out into the night and Jax smoking in complete silence, you scoff. “You’re an asshole Jackson, you know that? Did you ever even stop to think of me and my feelings during the entirety of this genius plan you  concocted?” Although your words are harsh, your voice is soft, weak. 
Jax laughs. “Babe, you and your feelings are the reason I even concocted this plan in the first place.” 
“That’s extremely hard to believe from my standpoint. Do you know how many times I held back on ripping that bitch’s hair right off her scalp? Now you’re telling me I could’ve actually done that?” you joke, trying to steer the conversation of you and Jax's unspoken feelings (or more like, your unspoken feelings. You hadn’t really responded to his confession.)
Jax caught on. Of course, he did.
He presses his lips together, trying to hold back a grin. “Woah, no! That is not what I’m saying at all. Truth is,” he sighs, facing you. “I didn’t only do it to push you away, I tried to forget you using Tara. As shitty as that is from my part,” he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, looking into your eyes.
You refuse to meet his gaze, sure that it would mean your ultimate demise. “That is pretty shitty Jackson. Truth is, Liam isn’t,” you chuckle. 
“He isn’t really the person I want to be with. He’s just some random dude I met at a bar and brought back to the MC because-”
“Y/n.” He tries to gain your attention, throwing his cigarette bud on the ground, stepping on it and standing in front of you. 
You continue to talk, ignoring his hands as they snake their way slowly up your neck and cup your cheeks. “Because I needed to get back at you and Tara. God, Jax, I was so jeal-”
Jax interrupts your mindless babbling, crashing his lips against yours.
You suck in a sharp breath, taking in the feeling of his lips against yours. Soft and rough all at once, just like Jax. You fight it at first, try to push him off. he doesn’t budge, so you decide to give in, tilting your head and sinking your fingers into his soft hair. You deepen the kiss, slightly parting your lips and allowing his tongue to slip in. 
He tastes like beer, mint, and smoke. It’s intoxicating and works effortlessly in leaving you a dazed mess.
Jax bites your lip teasingly and sigh, tugging at the strands of hair harshly. Jax growls into your mouth, moving his hand to rest on your hip. His thumb lifts your shirt up in the slightest and caresses your bare skin lightly. You shiver at his touch, placing your own hands on his chest.
He breaks away from you panting, his lips red and his hair a mess. You don’t think you’re much better either. He places his forehead on yours, his labored breathing fanning your face. “Sorry, you were talking too much.” 
You pause for a moment, wanting to catch your breath. “You’re breaking up with Tara.” It wasn’t a question or a request, it was a demand.
Jax clicks his tongue, running his hands through your hair. “You’re breaking up with Liam too then.”
You smirk at his possessive tone. “Deal.”  You last a minute enjoying each other's presence in a serene silence until you finally decide to break it. 
“Yes, babe?”
“I love you.”
He smiles goofily, “Love you too darlin’.”
I...I don’t even know what this is, so don’t ask me. It’s such a fucking mess!! But, I kept erasing and rewriting it so... I finally got tired and this came out. 
Anywho, reply with ANY feedback you may have (please do), send me asks with any question and comments you have and messages if you’d prefer something a little more private. Do whatever fits you best my loves!!!!
A Special Thanks to:
@jessikared97, @sherlockedtash88, and @lilypalmer1987 my beautiful forevers!
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